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The Victorian Novelist: Social Problems and Change (Routledge Library Editions: The Nineteenth-Century Novel #14)
by Kate FlintFirst published in 1987. Many Victorian novels that considered social problems made extensive use of contemporary source material for their descriptions. This book aims to provide a greater acquaintance with this non-literary material — illustrating and exemplifying issues that the authors treated imaginatively. The material is divided into parts dealing with: the industrial north of England, London and the agricultural poor. Extracts from writings that bear directly on the fiction of writers like Dickens and Gaskell are featured, as are Government Blue Books and newspaper reports and articles. This volume also contains articles by Dickens and others, from his magazine, Household Words.
Victorian Values: Secularism and the Size of Families (Routledge Revivals)
by J A BanksFirst published in 1981, Victorian Values is an investigation into the social causes behind the decline of the birth rate and the size of families in Britain in the second half of the nineteenth century. The author looks at the interplay of the rising standard of living, the emancipation of women, the attitude to children and education and the effects of the meritocratic ideal, and their interaction with religious ideas of sexual morality. He considers the pioneers of birth control, but other factors are considered which might contribute to the retreat from the very large families of an earlier period. The book is a brilliant example of how the sociologist can illuminate the problems of the social and economic historian, and at the same time contribute to developing ideas about future social policy.
Victoria’s Madmen
by Clive Bloom'Victoria's Madmen' is about those marginal 19th century voices which became the cacophony of the 20th century - the noise of revolutions shaking both the stability of society and the meaning of self. It tells the stories of figures including Oscar Wilde and Karl Marx, the outcasts and non-conformists of the Victorian age.
Victory at Bear Cove
by Elsa PedersonThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
La vida sigue
by Jorge BaficoEste libro es un recorrido y un homenaje. Una invitación a conocer las zonas más complejas de la psique humana, a través de diferentes historias de pacientes. También es un homenaje a la figura de Dagoberto Puppo, un gran médico que ha sido maestro, ejemplo y amigo del autor. El psicoanalista Jorge Bafico y el psiquiatra Dagoberto Puppo recorrieron un largo camino juntos. Un sólido vínculo afectivo y profesional los arropó mientras trabajaron con muchos pacientes. Tras el fallecimiento de Dagoberto en abril de 2009, Jorge supo que tenía que escribir este libro. Recorriendo sus páginas, el lector se encontrará con casos clínicos que tocan la locura, y que al mismo tiempo se convierten en cercanos. Bafico nos acerca a la patología en su versión más cotidiana, desde el respeto y una profunda sensibilidad. Un encuentro con la clínica desde dentro, moldeada a través del vínculo con Dagoberto. Este libro es también un homenaje a un gran médico que ha sido maestro, ejemplo y amigo del autor. Cómo él mismo dice: #Hay hombres que son excepcionales. Dagoberto lo fue y yo tuve la suerte de conocerlo#. Con un lenguaje directo y luminoso, Jorge Bafico nos invita a conocer esta historia de aprendizajes, gratitud y esperanza, pero también de angustia y dolor. Fiel a su estilo, cada texto está acompañado por citas musicales que complementan y amplifican el sentido de cada capítulo.
Video Gamers
by Garry CrawfordVideo gaming is economically, educationally, culturally, socially and theoretically important, and has, in a relatively short period of time, firmly cemented its place within contemporary life. It is fair to say, however, that the majority of research to date has focused most specifically on either the video games themselves, or the direct engagement of gamers with a specific piece of game technology. In contrast, Video Gamers is the first book to explicitly and comprehensively address how digital games are engaged with and experienced in the everyday lives, social networks and consumer patterns of those who play them. In doing so, the book provides a key introduction to the study of gamers and the games they play, whilst also reflecting on the current debates and literatures surrounding gaming practices.
Video Games: A Popular Culture Phenomenon
by Arthur Asa BergerFrom their inception, video games quickly became a major new arena of popular entertainment. Beginning with very primitive games, they quickly evolved into interactive animated works, many of which now approach film in terms of their visual excitement. But there are important differences, as Arthur Asa Berger makes clear in this important new work. Films are purely to be viewed, but video involves the player, moving from empathy to immersion, from being spectators to being actively involved in texts. Berger, a renowned scholar of popular culture, explores the cultural significance of the expanding popularity and sophistication of video games and considers the biological and psychoanalytic aspects of this phenomenon.Berger begins by tracing the evolution of video games from simple games like Pong to new, powerfully involving and complex ones like Myst and Half-Life. He notes how this evolution has built the video industry, which includes the hardware (game-playing consoles) and the software (the games themselves), to revenues comparable to the American film industry.
Video Games and Social Competence (Routledge Advances in Game Studies)
by Rachel KowertDespite their popularity, online video games have been met with suspicion by the popular media and academic community. In particular, there is a growing concern that online video game play may be associated with deficits in social functioning. Due to a lack of empirical consistency, the debate surrounding the potential impact of online video game play on a user’s sociability remains an active one. This book contributes to this debate by exploring the potential impact of online video game involvement on social competence outcomes, theoretically and empirically. Through empirical research, Kowert examines the relationships between online video game involvement, social goals, and social skills and discusses the underlying mechanisms of these effects.
Video Games as Culture: Considering the Role and Importance of Video Games in Contemporary Society (Routledge Advances in Sociology)
by Daniel Muriel Garry CrawfordVideo games are becoming culturally dominant. But what does their popularity say about our contemporary society? This book explores video game culture, but in doing so, utilizes video games as a lens through which to understand contemporary social life. Video games are becoming an increasingly central part of our cultural lives, impacting on various aspects of everyday life such as our consumption, communities, and identity formation. Drawing on new and original empirical data – including interviews with gamers, as well as key representatives from the video game industry, media, education, and cultural sector – Video Games as Culture not only considers contemporary video game culture, but also explores how video games provide important insights into the modern nature of digital and participatory culture, patterns of consumption and identity formation, late modernity, and contemporary political rationalities. This book will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as postdoctoral researchers, interested in fields such Video Games, Sociology, and Media and Cultural Studies. It will also be useful for those interested in the wider role of culture, technology, and consumption in the transformation of society, identities, and communities.
Video-interactiebegeleiding (Methodisch werken)
by A.I.T., OCK Het Spalier J.M. Dekker J. den DekkerDit basisboek gaat over video interactiebegeleiding (VIB), een methode die gebruik maakt van videobeelden en de principes van basiscommunicatie om de begeleiding van cliënten en professionals vorm te geven. De methode is breed inzetbaar en kan worden toegepast in jeugdhulpverlening, thuiszorg, gehandicaptenzorg, jeugdgezondheidszorg, maatschappelijk werk enzovoort.De auteurs belichten video interactiebegeleiding in al haar facetten en behandelen de uitgangspunten en de wijze waarop de videobeelden van interacties met behulp van basiscommunicatie worden geanalyseerd.De illustratieve praktijkverhalen in Video interactiebegeleiding maken duidelijk hoe VIB-ers de uitgangspunten van de VIB-theorie toepassen. Ter verduidelijking van de tekst zijn foto's opgenomen.Op de bij het boek behorende website wordt video-interactiebegeleiding in de praktijk zichtbaar maakt. Drie ouders en enkele pedagogische medewerkers laten zien dat - door gebruik van videobeelden bij de begeleiding - een betere afstemming tussen de gezinssituatie en de groepssituatie tot stand komt.
Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion (Routledge Advances in Research Methods #10)
by Charlotte BatesThis interdisciplinary collection provides a set of innovative and inventive approaches to the use of video as a research method. Building on the development of visual methods across the social sciences, it highlights a range of possibilities for making and working with video data. The collection showcases different video methods, including video diaries, video go-alongs, time-lapse video, mobile devices, multi-angle video recording, video ethnography, and ethnographic documentary. Each method is presented through a case study, showing how it can be used in practice. The authors offer pragmatic advice and discuss practical issues, including equipment, techniques and skills, analysis, and presentation. They also show how video methods can be used in a range of different contexts – at train stations, on bicycles, in schools, outdoors, and in museums – to investigate worlds that are visible, audible, tangible, and in motion. In doing so, they illuminate the theoretical possibilities that video methods offer for researching the body, identity, everyday life, affect, time, and space.
Video Surveillance and Social Control in a Comparative Perspective (Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society #19)
by Fredrika Björklund Ola SvenoniusThis edited collection reports the results of a comparative study of video surveillance/CCTV in Germany, Poland, and Sweden. It investigates how video surveillance as technologically mediated social control is affected by national characteristics, with a specific concern for recent political history. The book is motivated by asking what makes video surveillance "tick" in three very different cultural settings, two of which (Poland and Sweden) are virtually unexplored in the literature on surveillance. The selection of countries is motivated by an interest in societies with recent experiences of authoritarianism, and how they respond to the global trend towards intensified technical means of control. With thorough empirical studies, the book constitutes an important contribution to security studies, surveillance studies, and post-communist area studies.
Videobasierte Kompetenzmessung in der universitären Lehrkräfteausbildung: Evidenz aus Literaturreviews und empirischen Untersuchungen (Perspektiven der Mathematikdidaktik)
by Jonas WeyersInnerhalb der Forschung zur professionellen Kompetenz von Lehrkräften kommen vermehrt videobasierte Kompetenzmessungen zum Einsatz. Durch die Kombination von Videomaterial unterrichtlicher Praxis mit spezifischen Testfragen sollen Rückschlüsse auf handlungsnahe Kompetenzen bzw. sogenannte situationsspezifische Fähigkeiten von Lehrkräften ermöglicht werden. Auf Basis von zwei Literaturreviews untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit die Konzeption und Erfassung situationsspezifischer Fähigkeiten am Beispiel des Konstrukts "Teacher Noticing", welches in der mathematikdidaktischen Forschung besonders verbreitet ist, und gibt einen umfassenden Überblick zu vorliegenden Testinstrumenten, die auf dieses Konstrukt abzielen. Insbesondere wird diskutiert, inwieweit unterschiedliche Messansätze zu vergleichbaren Ergebnissen führen und welche Konsequenzen sich aus der Heterogenität der Messansätze für den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs ergeben. Anhand zweier empirischer Arbeiten wird weiterführend geprüft, inwieweit anspruchsvolle videobasierte Kompetenzmessungen bereits mit Lehramtsstudierenden einsetzbar sind und Rückschlüsse auf deren Kompetenzentwicklung zulassen. Die Ergebnisse stützen dabei grundsätzlich die Einsetzbarkeit in der universitären Phase der Lehrkräfteausbildung, wobei sich nur geringe Zusammenhänge zu den Lerngelegenheiten innerhalb dieses Ausbildungsabschnitts zeigen.
Videolised Society
by Jian Meng Hui ZhaoThis book traces the development of video (especially short video, duan shipin) in China over the past few years, exploring how these videos engaged with China’s rapidly changing society, how they enriched existed theories of society, media and communication, and new theories to be extracted. The book offers a new, critical model for understanding the relationship between video, video theory, video industry and the State. This book sheds light on the overall description and explanation of the current socio-political, economic and cultural environment concerning the development of video (especially short video). It interprets the emergence of the “Social Videolization” through the subjects of media psychology, communication studies and cultural criticism, media industrial studies, sociology and anthropology.
Viele Wege führen zum Glück: Experten stellen vor
by Andrea Fischer Christin PrizeliusVerschiedene Wege führen zum Glück – finden Sie Ihren!Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle Menschen, die sich mit dem Thema Glück für sich und andere beschäftigen, und zeigt, dass das Glück oft näher und greifbarer ist als gedacht. Für jeden bedeutet Glück etwas anderes und jeder Mensch darf dabei selbst herausfinden, was ihn glücklich macht. Wissenschaftlich fundiert und praxisnah bieten die Autoren vielseitige Inspirationen zum Thema. Sowohl aktuelle Forschungsfelder als auch individuelle Projekte werden verständlich und konkret dargestellt. Dabei wird der Leser eingeladen zu reflektieren und eigene Impulse zu setzen. Ziel ist mehr Lebensfreude, eine ganzheitliche positive Ausrichtung und Einstellung, sowohl für den Einzelnen als auch die Gesellschaft und damit eine bessere Gesundheit und mehr Wohlbefinden. Entdecken Sie Ihren Weg zum Glück und gestalten Sie ihn selbst aktiv mit!
Viele Welten des Alterns
by Andreas Motel-Klingebiel Peter Schimany Helen Baykara-KrummeIn der Alternsforschung wurden Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund bisher weitgehend ausgeblendet und in der Migrationsforschung fanden ältere Menschen kaum Beachtung. Angesichts des zunehmenden Anteils Älterer in der Migrantenbevölkerung wird eine Verknüpfung der beiden Forschungszweige aber immer wichtiger. Das vorliegende Buch widmet sich der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Altern unter Migrationsbedingungen und der Lebensqualität älterer Migrantinnen und Migranten. Auf der Basis theoretischer Reflexionen, empirischer Befunde und politischer Überlegungen bietet der vorliegende Band erstmals einen fundierten Überblick über den aktuellen Kenntnis- und Diskussionsstand im Schnittfeld der beiden Forschungsgebiete.
Vielfalt und Einheit der Kritischen Theorie – Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven
by Oliver KozlarekDie in diesem Buch versammelten Arbeiten gehen der Frage nach, ob die Tradition der Kritischen Theorie mit ihrer multifokalen und vor allem interdisziplinären kritischen Sozialforschung dem Anspruch einer übergreifenden politischen wie wissenschaftlichen Praxis der Kritik für unsere aktuellen Gesellschaften gerecht wird. Es geht somit auch um eine „Aktualisierung“ der Kritischen Theorie. Diese soll aber gerade nicht durch das Herausarbeiten eines neuen Begriffsinstrumentariums diagnostischer und/oder normativer Art geschehen, sondern dadurch, dass ganz im Sinne des interdisziplinären Forschungsansatzes der Kritischen Theorie unsere hochkomplexen spätmodernen Gesellschaften als Räume transparent werden, in denen sich unterschiedliche Erfahrungslinien kreuzen.
Vienna: Still a Just City? (Built Environment City Studies)
by Yuri KazepovThis book explores and debates the urban transformations that have taken place in Vienna over the past 30 years and their consequences in policy fields such as labour and housing, political and social participation and the environment. Historically, European cities have been characterised by a strong association between social cohesion, quality of life, economic ambition and a robust State. Vienna is an excellent example for that. In more recent years, however, cities were pressured to change policy principles and mechanisms in the context of demographic shifts, post-industrial transformations and welfare recalibration which have led to worsened social conditions in many cities. Each chapter in this volume discusses Vienna’s responses to these pressures in key policy arenas, looking at outcomes from the context-specific local arrangements. Against a theoretical framework debating the European city as a model of inclusion and social justice, authors explore the local capacity to innovate urban policies and to address new social risks, while paying attention to potential trade-offs. The book questions and assesses the city’s resilience using time series and an institutional analysis of four key dimensions that characterise the European city model within the context of post-industrial transition: redistribution, recognition, representation and sustainability. It offers a multiscalar perspective of urban governance through labour, housing, participatory and environmental policies, bringing together different levels and public policy types. Vienna: Still a Just City? is aimed at academics, researchers and policy-makers in urban studies, including urban sociology, ecology, geography and welfare.
Vietnam at the Vanguard: New Perspectives Across Time, Space, and Community (Asia in Transition #15)
by Le Ha Phan Jamie Gillen Liam C. KelleyThis transdisciplinary edited book explores new developments and perspectives on global Vietnam, touching on aspects of history, identity, transnational mobilities, heritage, belonging, civil society, linguistics, education, ethnicity, and worship practices. Derived from the Engaging With Vietnam: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue conference series, this cutting-edge collection presents new scholarship and also represents new ways of knowing global Vietnam. Over the past 10 years, knowledge production about Vietnam has diversified in various ways as globalization, the internationalization of higher education, and the digital revolution have transformed the world, as well as Vietnam. Whereas as late as a decade ago, knowledge about Vietnam was still largely the preserve of scholars in Vietnam and a coterie of related experts outside of the country at a select few universities, today we find scholars working on Vietnam in myriad contexts. This transformation has introduced new voices and new perspectives, which this book champions. A critical text engaging a range of historical and contemporary debates about Vietnam, this book is an indispensable volume for the Southeast Asian Studies student and scholar in the humanities and social sciences.
Vietnamese Americans: Patterns Of Resettlement And Socioeconomic Adaptation In The United States
by Darrel MonteroAs of November 1978, more than 170,000 Indochinese refugees had come to the United States after a traumatic flight from their native land, arriving with little preparation for the changes they would face. This book documents and analyzes this unique migration and, employing data from a national sample, reports on the changing socioeconomic status of the Vietnamese refugees. Dr. Montero presents and analyzes data on the refugees' employment, education, income, receipt of federal assistance, and proficiency in the English language; his model of Spontaneous International Migration (SIM) places the Vietnamese immigration experience in a broader sociohistorical context. He has found that, despite the myriad of problems the newcomers have faced, they have been adapting successfully to life in the United States, and in only three years have made remarkable social and economic progress.
The View From the Corner Shop: The Diary of a Yorkshire Shop Assistant in Wartime
by Kathleen HeyKathleen Hey spent the war years helping her sister and brother-in-law run a grocery shop in the Yorkshire town of Dewsbury. From July 1941 to July 1946 she kept a diary for the Mass-Observation project, recording the thoughts and concerns of the people who used the shop. What makes Kathleen's account such a vivid and compelling read is the immediacy of her writing. People were pulling together on the surface ('Bert has painted the V-sign on the shop door…', she writes) but there are plenty of tensions underneath. The shortage of food and the extreme difficulty of obtaining it is a constant thread, which dominates conversation in the town, more so even than the danger of bombardment and the war itself. Sometimes events take a comic turn. A lack of onions provokes outrage among her customers, and Kathleen writes, 'I believe they think we have secret onion orgies at night and use them all up. ' The Brooke Bond tea rep complains that tea need not be rationed at all if supply ships were not filled with 'useless goods' such as Corn Flakes, and there is a long-running saga about the non-arrival of Smedley's peas. Among the chorus of voices she brings us, Kathleen herself shines through as a strong and engaging woman who refuses to give in to doubts or misery and who maintains her keen sense of humour even under the most trying conditions. A vibrant addition to our records of the Second World War, the power of her diary lies in its juxtaposition of the everyday and the extraordinary, the homely and the universal, small town life and the wartime upheavals of a nation.
The View From The Studio Door
by Ted OrlandIn the perennial best-seller Art & Fear, Ted Orland (with David Bayles) examined the obstacles that artists encounter each time they enter their studio and stand before a new blank canvas. Now, in The View From The Studio Door, Orland turns his attention to broader issues that stand to either side of that artistic moment of truth.In a text marked by grace, brevity and humor, Orland argues that when it comes to art making, theory and practice are always intertwined. There are timeless philosophical questions (How do we make sense of the world?) that address the very nature of art making, as well as gritty real-world questions (Is there art after graduation?) that artists encounter the moment they're off the starting blocks and producing work on a regular basis.Simply put, this is a book of practical philosophy. As a teacher and working artist himself, Orland brings authentic insight and encouragement to all those who face the challenge of making art in an uncertain world. The breadth of material covered is reflected in chapters that include Making Sense of the World, Art & Society, The Education of the Artist, Surviving Graduation, Making Art That Matters, The Artistic Community, and more.The View From The Studio Door is the perfect companion piece to Art & Fear, and will appeal to a similar (and already-established) audience of students, working artists, teachers and professionals. For students' benefit, The View is also modestly priced, with wide page margins for easy note-taking and annotation.
The View From The Train
by Patrick Keiller"Robinson believed that, if he looked at it hard enough, he could cause the surface of the city to reveal to him the molecular basis of historical events, and in this way he hoped to see into the future." In his sequence of films, Patrick Keiller retraces the hidden story of the places where we live, the cities and landscapes of our everyday lives. Now, in this brilliant collection of essays, he offers a new perspective on how Britain works and sees itself. He discusses the background to his work and its development - from surrealism to post-2008 economic catastrophe - and expands on what the films reveal. Referencing writers including Benjamin and Lefebvre, the essays follow his career since the late 1970s, exploring themes including the surrealist perception of the city; the relationship of architecture and film; how cities change over time, and how films represent this; as well as accounts of cross-country journeys involving historical figures, unexpected ideas and an urgent portrait of post-crash Britain.From the Hardcover edition.
The View from the Vysotka
by Anne Nivat Frances E. ForteCompleted shortly before Joseph Stalin's death in 1953, the vysotkii, or "sky houses," still dominate the Moscow skyline today. Seven in all, they were the Soviet answer to the American skyscraper, transforming the Soviet capital from a feudal backwater into the city of the future. With their soaring towers and gothic architectural details, the vysotkas were intended to be enduring monuments to the workers state and to the glories of Communism--though they were built on the backs of slave laborers and, initially, the prerogative only of the Soviet elite. Now these imposing giants lie on the fault line between a world that has vanished and one still emerging from its ruins.When she moved to Moscow several years ago, journalist and Russia expert Anne Nivat settled into one of the vysotkas, the one that happens to overlook the Kremlin. She became fascinated by the building and learned everything she could about its history. As she got to know her neighbors and fellow tenants, Nivat discovered that they included some of the building's original inhabitants or their descendants, hand-chosen by Stalin and his henchman Lavrenti Beria (arrested and executed for high treason shortly after Stalin's death)--KGB operatives, Bolshoi ballerinas, and artists of Soviet agitprop. Living side by side with them were representatives of the "new Russia"--entrepreneurs, foreign investors, and oligarchs; as any Moscow real estate agent will tell you, Stalin-era buildings in today's market are some of the most coveted addresses in the city.By means of this decaying but still elegant Soviet icon, Nivat gives us a way of grasping the complexities of a country struggling to come to terms with its past and define its future. She allows the tenants of her vysotka to speak for themselves, to offer their perspectives on where Russia has been and where it is going. Some are keenly nostalgic for the days when the State dictated life. Others have prospered in the confusion that has reigned since the Evil Empire's fall and look to a market-driven economy to guide Russia to the Promised Land. Still others fall some place between the two, anxious but hopeful, longing for yet also fearful of change. Taken together, the portraits of the vysotka's inhabitants provide a panorama of Russia today. The View from the Vysotka shows us life from the inside, evoking both the forces that have swept through this vast and fascinating nation over the course of the last half-century, as well as a building that has managed to endure them.
Viewing Pleasure and Being a Showgirl: How Do I Look? (Sexualities in Society)
by Alison J. CarrDrawing on interviews with a breadth of different showgirls, from shows in Paris, Las Vegas, Berlin, and Los Angeles, as well as her own artworks and those by other contemporary and historical artists, this book examines the experiences of showgirls and those who watch them, to challenge the narrowness of representations and discussions around what has been termed ‘sexualisation’ and ‘the gaze’. An account of the experience of being ‘looked at’, the book raises questions of how the showgirl is represented, the nature of the pleasure that she elicits and the suspicion that surrounds it, and what this means for feminism and the act of looking. An embodied articulation of a new politics of looking, Viewing Pleasure and Being a Showgirl engages with the idea (reinforced by feminist critique) that images of women are linked to selling and that women’s bodies have been commodified in capitalist culture, raising the question of whether this enables particular bodies – those of glamorous women on display – to become scapegoats for our deeper anxieties about consumerism.