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Wage and Well-being: Toward Sustainable Livelihood

by Stuart C. Carr

This book examines the links between work wage and wellbeing, drawing on the new specialism of Humanitarian Work Psychology and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Humanitarian work psychology foregrounds people before profit, not wages before people. It resonates with the SDGs through the Decent Work Agenda, a policy program that stresses a number of humanitarian concerns: standards and rights at work, employment creation and enterprise development, social protection and social dialogue. These standards and forms of dialogue, from the living wage standard to new diplomacies for inclusive policy dialogue, appear and re-appear throughout the following chapters and sections in the book. The book synthesizes job characteristics models and psychology of working approaches with job evaluation techniques, poverty trap theory, diminishing marginal returns, work justice theory, the social psychology of equality and inequality, and a range of literatures on wellbeing that crisscross the social sciences.

Wage Distribution Fairness in Post-Socialist Countries: Situation and Socialization (Studies in European Sociology)

by Zsófia Ignácz

Fairness of wage distribution – or the perception of such – is a phenomenon crucial for the stability of new democracies. While theories exist about how change of the political system trickles down to the attitudinal level, the systematic analysis of the effect of economic transition on public attitudes has been neglected to a large extent. Wage Distribution Fairness in Post-Socialist Countries proposes a conceptual framework to measure the fairness of wage distribution. Indeed, looking particularly at wage distribution fairness in three post-socialist societies (Hungary, East Germany, Czech Republic) since the transition in 1989, this challenging monograph also aims to understand if, and to what extent, the experience of a socialist regime motivates individuals to consider wage distribution as fair. Contributing to our understanding of the relevance of socialization and other situational factors influencing economic legitimacy, Wage Distribution Fairness in Post-Socialist Countries will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as postdoctoral researchers, interested in fields including: Sociology, Eastern European Studies and Political Economics.

Wage Inequality in Africa

by Shirley Johnson-Lans

This Palgrave Pivot features original research studies of wage inequality in African countries including South Africa, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda. The contributors examine gender and racial wage differentials, as well as the effects of urbanization and globalization on inequality in wages and earnings. They also examine the extent to which human capital factors such as education and experience contribute to the significant wage differentials that exist in African countries.

Wage Labour in Developing Agriculture: Risk, Effort and Economic Development (Routledge Revivals)

by Sunil Kanwar

Published in 1998, this books is an examination of farm decision-making, incorporating the elements of risk in both production and off-farm or casual wage labour. Farm household decision-making is studied, and issues of wage determination, pricing, commodity price stabilization and producer income and output are also explored.

Wages and Employment in Africa (Routledge Revivals)

by Dipak Mazumdar Ata Mazaheri

This title was first published in 2002: Analyzing labour market trends in sub-Saharan Africa since 1970, this volume employs data collected from the International Labor Organization (ILO), United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and World Bank (the RPED surveys). It examines the economics of the labour market against the presistent decline in real wages over some 20 years in some of these countries. Setting the African story against the background of wage-employment trends in other regions of the world, the author proceeds to examine the impact of this decline on the rural-urban earnings gap. The consequences of the declining wage levels on the lifetime earnings of workers and on trends in labour productivity are then discussed, followed by an analysis of the employment and wage structure in African manufacturing firms.

Wages of Empire: Neoliberal Policies, Repression, and Women's Poverty

by Amalia L. Cabezas Ellen Reese Marguerite Waller

Corporate globalization has intensified in recent years, taking a terrible toll on the lives of ordinary women in the global North and South. This book investigates the related processes of neoliberal economic restructuring and increased militarization, tracking policy and its enforcement to its impact on low-income women. This interdisciplinary volume provides rich analyses of the oppressive working and living conditions of urban and rural women, rightward shifts in public policies, and women's resistance to these developments.

Wages of Rebellion

by Chris Hedges

In the face of modern conditions, revolution is inevitable. The rampant inequality that exists between the political and corporate elites and the struggling masses; the destruction wreaked upon our environment by faceless, careless corporations; the steady stripping away of our civil liberties and the creation of a monstrous surveillance system--all of these have combined to spark a profound revolutionary moment. Corporate capitalists, dismissive of the popular will, do not see the fires they are igniting. In Wages of Rebellion, Chris Hedges--a renowned chronicler of the malaise and sickness of a society in terminal moral decline--investigates what social and psychological factors cause revolution and resistance. Focusing on the stories of radicals and dissenters from around the world and throughout history, and drawing on an ambitious overview of prominent philosophers, historians, and novelists, Hedges explores what it takes to be a rebel in modern times. Hedges, using a term coined by the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, cites "sublime madness” as the essential force that guides the actions of rebels--the state of passion that causes the rebel to engage in an unwavering fight against overwhelmingly powerful and oppressive forces. From South African activists who dedicated their lives to ending apartheid, to contemporary anti-fracking protestors in Canada, to whistleblowers in pursuit of transparency, Wages of Rebellion shows the cost of a life committed to speaking truth to power and demanding justice. This is a fight that requires us to find in acts of rebellion the sparks of life, an intrinsic meaning that lies beyond the possibility of success. For Hedges, resistance is not finally defined by what we achieve, but by what we become.

The Wages of War: When America's Soldiers Came Home: From Valley Forge to Vietnam (Forbidden Bookshelf #20)

by Mark Crispin Miller Richard Severo Lewis Milford Charles Sheehan-Miles

A disturbing chronicle of the US government's mistreatment of American soldiers and veterans throughout history, with a new introduction by Charles Sheehan-Miles Time and time again, the sacrifices made by veterans and their families have been repaid with scorn, discrimination, lack of health services, scant financial compensation, and other indignities. This injustice dates back as far as the American Revolution, when troops came home penniless and without prospects for work, yet had to wait decades before the government paid them the wages they were owed. When soldiers returned from the Cuban campaign after the Spanish-American War, they were riddled with malaria, typhoid, yellow fever, and dysentery--but the government refused to acknowledge their illnesses, and finally dumped them in a makeshift tent city on Long Island, where they were left to starve and die. Perhaps the most infamous case of disgraceful behavior toward veterans happened after the Vietnam War, when soldiers were forced to battle bureaucrats and lawyers, and suffer media slander, because they asked the government and chemical industry to help them cope with the toxic aftereffects of Agent Orange. In The Wages of War, authors Richard Severo and Lewis Milford not only uncover new information about the controversial use of this defoliant in Vietnam and the subsequent class action suit brought against its manufacturers, but also present fresh information on every war in US history. The result is exhaustive proof that--save for the treatment of soldiers in the aftermath of World War II--the government's behavior towards American servicemen has been more like that of "a slippery insurance company than a policy rooted in the idea of justice and fair reward."

Wagner, Nietzsche und die deutsche Rechte 1871–1933

by Stefan Breuer

Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der Wirkung Richard Wagners und Friedrich Nietzsches auf die Ideologien der radikalen Rechten, die in der einen oder anderen Form Eingang in die Sammlungsbewegung des Nationalsozialismus gefunden haben. Es konzentriert sich also auf die Rezeption durch die intellektuelle Rechte des Kaiserreichs und der Weimarer Republik, die zur Analyse des Nationalsozialismus wie der neuen Rechten durch die Erhellung der Vorgeschichte der Ideologien beiträgt. Zwei Kapitel widmen sich dem theoretischen Werk Wagners und dem Werk Nietzsches und den Beziehungen der beiden Leitfiguren des späten 19. Jahrhunderts untereinander.

The Wagon and Other Stories from the City

by Martin Preib

Martin Preib is an officer in the Chicago Police Department--a beat cop whose first assignment as a rookie policeman was working on the wagon that picks up the dead. Over the course of countless hours driving the wagon through the city streets, claiming corpses and taking them to the morgue, arresting drunks and criminals and hauling them to jail, Preib took pen to paper to record his experiences. Inspired by Preib's daily life as a policeman, The Wagon and Other Stories from the City chronicles the outer and inner lives of both a Chicago cop and the city itself. The book follows Preib as he transports body bags, forges an unlikely connection with his female partner, trains a younger officer, and finds himself among people long forgotten--or rendered invisible--by the rest of society. Preib recounts how he navigates the tenuous labyrinths of race and class in the urban metropolis, such as a domestic disturbance call involving a gang member and his abused girlfriend or a run-in with a group of drunk yuppies. As he encounters the real and imagined geographies of Chicago, the city reveals itself to be not just a backdrop, but a central force in his narrative of life and death. Preib's accounts, all told in his breathtaking prose, range from noir-like reports of police work to streetwise meditations on life and darkly humorous accounts of other jobs in the city's service industry. Here, Preib's universe of police officers, criminals, and victims--and everyone in between--comes alive in ways that readers will long remember.

Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2021

by Harald Schoen Bernhard Weßels

Der Band bündelt Analysen führender Wahlforscherinnen und Wahlforscher sowie Politikwissenschaftlerinnen und Politikwissenschaftler aus Deutschland zur Bundestagswahl 2021. Der Band ist die Fortsetzung der sogenannten „Blauen Bände“, die seit ihrem Beginn 1980 umfassend und systematisch Analysen zu allen Bundestagswahlen und zu international relevanten Ergebnissen der Wahlforschung zusammenfasst.

Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017

by Bernhard Weßels Harald Schoen

​Der Band bündelt Analysen führender Wahlforscherinnen und Wahlforscher sowie Politikwissenschaftlerinnen und Politikwissenschaftler aus Deutschland zur Bundestagswahl 2017 und bietet somit ein wichtiges Nachschlagewerk für Studierende und Lehrende aus den Fachgebieten der Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie für Parteienforscherinnen und Parteienforscher. Der Band ist die Fortsetzung der sogenannten „Blauen Bände“, die seit ihrem Start 1980 umfassend und systematisch Analysen zu allen Bundestagswahlen und zu international relevanten Ergebnissen der Wahlforschung präsentieren.

Wahlrecht – auch für Kinder? (#philosophieorientiert)

by Johannes Giesinger

Ein Mensch, eine Stimme: Das Wahlrecht ist die Grundlage der Demokratie. Jedes politische System, das nicht allen dieses Recht zugesteht, erscheint als undemokratisch. Folgt man dieser Auffassung, so ist es nicht hinnehmbar, eine große Bevölkerungsgruppe – Personen unter 18 Jahren – vom Wahlrecht auszuschließen. Das Bemühen um ein Wahlrecht für Kinder und Jugendliche hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Johannes Giesinger argumentiert gegen ein Kinderwahlrecht, zeigt aber auf, dass die Frage des politischen Status von Kindern philosophisch neu diskutiert werden muss. Die Forderung nach einem politischen Mitbestimmungsrecht für jüngere Personen wirft ein Schlaglicht auf ungelöste Probleme heutiger Demokratien: Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass die Interessen Heranwachsender im demokratischen Prozess angemessen repräsentiert werden? Wie ist es zu rechtfertigen, dass gewisse Personen staatlichem Zwang unterworfen sind, ohne die Möglichkeit zu haben, mit demokratischen Mitteln dagegen vorzugehen? Wie kann verhindert werden, dass Personen, die politisch nichts zu sagen haben, gesellschaftlich ausgegrenzt werden?

Wahrheit und Fake im postfaktisch-digitalen Zeitalter: Distinktionen in den Geistes- und IT-Wissenschaften (ars digitalis)

by Peter Klimczak Thomas Zoglauer

Die Zunahme von Fake News, die stärker werdende Beeinflussung von Wahlen, zunehmende Falschmeldungen und gezielte Desinformationskampagnen sind nicht zuletzt eine Folge der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung. Um diesen Fehlentwicklungen Einhalt zu gebieten, ist die Informationstechnik gefragt. Mit intelligenten Algorithmen und einer verfeinerten Datenanalyse müssen zukünftig Fakes schneller erkannt und deren Verbreitung verhindert werden. Um jedoch Fakes mittels künstlicher Intelligenz sinnvoll zu erkennen und zu filtern, muss es möglich sein, Fakes von Fakten, Fakten von Fiktionen und Fiktionen von Fakes zu unterscheiden.In diesem Buch werden daher auch Fragen nach den Distinktionen von Fake, Faktizität und Fiktionalität gestellt. Es wird auf die dahinter liegenden Wahrheitstheorien eingegangen und es werden praktisch-technische Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, um Wahrheit von Falschheit zu differenzieren. Mit der Berücksichtigung des Fiktionalen sowie der Annahme, dass informationstechnische Weiterentwicklung von geisteswissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen profitieren kann, hoffen die Autorinnen und Autoren, dass inhaltliche, technische und methodische Herausforderungen der Gegenwart und Zukunft bewältigt werden können.

Wahrnehmen als soziale Praxis: Künste und Sinne im Zusammenspiel (Kunst und Gesellschaft)

by Christiane Schürkmann Nina Tessa Zahner

Kunst wird gesehen, gehört, geschmeckt, gerochen und gespürt. Sie wird im Zusammenspiel mit den Sinnen empfunden, erfahren und erlebt. Wie Kunst von wem wahrgenommen wird, ist – so die soziologische These – stets eingebettet in praktisches, inkorporiertes und theoretisches Wissen, das durch kognitive, sinnliche, leibliche und ästhetische Begegnungen mit Kunst zugleich irritiert, nach seinen Grenzen und – noch grundsätzlicher – nach den Grenzen bestehender Gewissheiten befragt werden kann. Wahrnehmen von, durch und mit Kunst wird so auch als soziale Praxis relevant. Mit diesemZugang gehen Fragen danach einher, wie das Sehen, Hören, Schmecken, Riechen, Fühlen, dessen Eindrücken wir uns kaum entziehen können, sozialen Prägungen unterworfen und durch Machtverhältnisse geformt ist, wie aber auch durch das Soziale Interaktionen ermöglicht und Praktiken organisiert werden. Im vorliegenden Band kommen eine Bandbreite an soziologischen, philosophischen, geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Beiträgen zu Wort, die sich explizit den sozialen Aspekten des Wahrnehmens von Kunst in facettenreichen Dimensionen und Aspekten widmen. Der Band eruiert so, wie das Zusammenspiel von Künsten und Sinnen als soziale Praxis aus ganz unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und Schwerpunktsetzungen in den Blick geraten kann: Er fragt, wie sich das Wahrnehmen von Materialien und Dingen, Oberflächen und Räumen, Tönen und Atmosphären durch verschiedene Akteure empirisch wie theoretisch als soziale Praxis in den Blick nehmen lässt.

Wahrnehmung, Gedächtnis, Sprache, Denken: Allgemeine Psychologie I – das Wichtigste, prägnant und anwendungsorientiert (Angewandte Psychologie Kompakt)

by Peter Michael Bak

Dieses prägnante Lehrbuch enthält die wichtigsten psychologischen Theorien und Konzepte aus den Bereichen Wahrnehmung, Aufmerksamkeit, Gedächtnis, Sprache und Denken. Es ist speziell für Studierende konzipiert, die sich einen starken Praxisbezug wünschen. Die sorgfältige Didaktik, Klausurfragen, digitale Zusatzmaterialien und Zusammenfassungen stellen eine optimale Grundlage für das Verstehen des Lehrstoffes und die Prüfungsvorbereitung im Bereich der Allgemeinen Psychologie I dar. Durch zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele, eingebundene Audioclips und Online-Zusatzmaterialien ist es in einzigartiger Weise anwendungsorientiert und weckt dadurch Lust, das Gelernte gedanklich weiterzuentwickeln und in verschiedensten Kontexten umzusetzen. Zusätzlich sind Fragen und Antworten zum Selbsttest über die SN Flashcards Lern-App inkludiert. Der Zugangscode befindet sich im gedruckten Buch.

Waikiki Dreams: How California Appropriated Hawaiian Beach Culture (Sport and Society)

by Patrick Moser

Despite a genuine admiration for Native Hawaiian culture, white Californians of the 1930s ignored authentic relationships with Native Hawaiians. Surfing became a central part of what emerged instead: a beach culture of dressing, dancing, and acting like an Indigenous people whites idealized. Patrick Moser uses surfing to open a door on the cultural appropriation practiced by Depression-era Californians against a backdrop of settler colonialism and white nationalism. Recreating the imagined leisure and romance of life in Waikīkī attracted people buffeted by economic crisis and dislocation. California-manufactured objects like surfboards became a physical manifestation of a dream that, for all its charms, emerged from a white impulse to both remove and replace Indigenous peoples. Moser traces the rise of beach culture through the lives of trendsetters Tom Blake, John “Doc” Ball, Preston “Pete” Peterson, Mary Ann Hawkins, and Lorrin “Whitey” Harrison while also delving into California’s control over images of Native Hawaiians via movies, tourism, and the surfboard industry. Compelling and innovative, Waikīkī Dreams opens up the origins of a defining California subculture.

Wait: The Art and Science of Delay

by Frank Partnoy

What do these scenarios have in common: a professional tennis player returning a serve, a woman evaluating a first date across the table, a naval officer assessing a threat to his ship, and a comedian about to reveal a punch line? In this counterintuitive and insightful work, author Frank Partnoy weaves together findings from hundreds of scientific studies and interviews with wide-ranging experts to craft a picture of effective decision-making that runs counter to our brutally fast-paced world. Even as technology exerts new pressures to speed up our lives, it turns out that the choices we make--unconsciously and consciously, in time frames varying from milliseconds to years--benefit profoundly from delay. As this winning and provocative book reveals, taking control of time and slowing down our responses yields better results in almost every arena of life ... even when time seems to be of the essence. The procrastinator in all of us will delight in Partnoy's accounts of celebrity "delay specialists," from Warren Buffett to Chris Evert to Steve Kroft, underscoring the myriad ways in which delaying our reactions to everyday choices--large and small--can improve the quality of our lives.

Waithood: Gender, Education, and Global Delays in Marriage and Childbearing (Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives #47)

by Marcia C. Inhorn Nancy J. Smith-Hefner

The concept of “Waithood” was developed by political scientist Diane Singerman to describe the expanding period of time between adolescence and full adulthood as young people wait to secure steady employment and marry. The contributors to this volume employ the waithood concept as a frame for richly detailed ethnographic studies of “youth in waiting” from a variety of world areas, including the Middle East Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the U.S, revealing that whether voluntary or involuntary, the phenomenon of youth waithood necessitates a recognition of new gender and family roles.

Waiting for José: The Minutemen's Pursuit of America

by Harel Shapira

They live in the suburbs of Tennessee and Indiana. They fought in Vietnam and Desert Storm. They speak about an older, better America, an America that once was, and is no more. And for the past decade, they have come to the U.S. / Mexico border to hunt for illegal immigrants. Who are the Minutemen? Patriots? Racists? Vigilantes? Harel Shapira lived with the Minutemen and patrolled the border with them, seeking neither to condemn nor praise them, but to understand who they are and what they do. Challenging simplistic depictions of these men as right-wing fanatics with loose triggers, Shapira discovers a group of men who long for community and embrace the principles of civic engagement. Yet these desires and convictions have led them to a troubling place. Shapira takes you to that place--a stretch of desert in southern Arizona, where he reveals that what draws these men to the border is not simply racism or anti-immigrant sentiments, but a chance to relive a sense of meaning and purpose rooted in an older life of soldiering. They come to the border not only in search of illegal immigrants, but of lost identities and experiences. Now with a new afterword by the author, Waiting for José brings understanding to a group of people in search of lost identities and experiences.

Waiting for Reform under Putin and Medvedev

by Lena Jonson Stephen White

In September 2009 Russia's Dmitrii Medvedev unveiled the term that was to become the defining objective of his presidency: 'modernization. ' Leaving office in the spring of 2012 it was apparent that no serious changes of this kind had taken place, and popular resistance was mounting. Why so? And why has resistance to reform been so significant in postcommunist Russia, not just in this but in other cases as well? The various contributors to this book, drawn from a group of intellectuals who have shaped the discussion in Russia itself as well as leading scholars from other countries, focus on the contested nature of the concept of modernization and the obstacles that arose in attempting to carry it into practical effect obstacles that leave a challenging agenda for a new Russian presidency in the years to come. "

Waiting for the Big One: Risk, Science, Experience, and Culture in Disaster Preparedness

by Charlotte Mazel-Cabasse

This book helps understand how the future Big One (a large-scale and often-predicted earthquake) is understood, defined, and mitigated by experts, scientists, and residents in the San Francisco Bay Area. Following the idea that earthquake risk is multiple and hard to grasp, the book explores the earthquake’s “mode of existence,” guiding the reader through different epistemic moments of the earthquake-risk definition. Through in-depth interviews, the book provides a rarely seen anthropology of risk from the perspective of experts, scientists, and concerned residents for whom the possibility of partial or complete destruction of their living environment is a constant companion of their everyday lives. It argues that the characterization of the threats and the measures taken to limit its impacts constitute an integrated part of both their residential experiences and their professional practices.

Waiting on God (Routledge Revivals)

by Simone Weil

A work first published in English in 1951, Waiting on God forms the best possible introduction to the work of Simone Weil, for it brings us into direct contact with this amazing personality, at once so pure, so ardent, so utterly sincere, yet normally so reserved that only her closest friends guessed the secrets of her inner life. The first part of the book concerns her letters written to the Reverend Father Perrin, O.P., who befriended her at Marseilles and, the only priest she knew, became her intimate friend. The second part of the book concerns essays and reflections on such subjects as education, human affliction and the love of God, prayer, and forms of the implicit love of God.

Waiting on Retirement: Aging and Economic Insecurity in Low-Wage Work (Studies in Social Inequality)

by Mary Gatta

America is witnessing a retirement crisis. As the labor market shifts to the gig economy and new strains restrict social security, the American Dream of secure retirement becomes further out of reach for up to half of the population. In Waiting on Retirement, Mary Gatta takes the case of restaurant workers to examine the experiences of low-wage workers who are middle-aged, aging, and past retirement age. She deftly explores the many factors shaping what it means to grow old in economic insecurity as her subjects face race- and gender-based inequities, health hazards associated with their work, and the bitter reality that the older they get the fewer professional opportunities are available to them. More importantly, Gatta demonstrates that these problems are pervasive, as more industries adopt the worst workplace practices of service work. In light of these trends, we must consider the devastating effects on already vulnerable Americans because, as Gatta contends, this crisis does not need to be inevitable. Taking as a model the small percentage of "good" restaurant jobs that exist, she ultimately offers incisive commentary on what can be done to stave off this bleak future.

Wake Up, This Is Joburg (Theory in Forms)

by Tanya Zack Mark Lewis

A single image taken from a high-rise building in inner-city Johannesburg uncovers layers of history—from its premise and promise of gold to its current improvisations. It reveals the city as carcass and as crucible, where informal agents and processes spearhead its rapid reshaping and transformation. In Wake Up, This Is Joburg, writer Tanya Zack and photographer Mark Lewis offer a stunning portrait of Johannesburg and personal stories of some of the city’s ordinary, odd, and outrageous residents. Their photos and essays take readers into meat markets where butchers chop cow heads; the eclectic home of an outsider artist that features turrets and full of manikins; long-abandoned gold pits beneath the city, where people continue to mine informally; and lively markets, taxi depots, and residential high-rises. Sharing people’s private and work lives and the extraordinary spaces of the metropolis, Zack and Lewis show that Johannesburg’s urban transformation occurs not in a series of dramatic, wide-scale changes but in the everyday lives, actions, and dreams of individuals.

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