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You Can Make a Difference!: A Creative Workbook and Journal for Young Activists

by Sherry Paris

Packed with fun activities for self-reflection and development, this creative workbook is the ultimate toolkit for all young activists looking to make a difference and create change. Each chapter includes voices from inspiring young game changers to encourage readers to channel their passion for social justice into positive action. Focusing on identity, discrimination and oppression, it offers the space to explore new ideas, self-reflect and expand awareness of the systems underpinning injustice. Chapters engage with a range of social justice and identity issues, including race, gender, sexual orientation and disability, providing the tools needed to facilitate and encourage personal growth. Through creative art activities, journal prompts, interviews and more, this workbook will inspire, engage and empower you to realize your own social justice project and put it into action.

You Can Start All Over: A Guide For The Widow And Divorcee

by Marjorie H. Roulston Marjorie Hillis

Seminal early self-help book from renowned author Marjorie H. Roulston, who had a varied life from minister’s daughter to fashion journalist to millionaire’s wife to widow.“THE TITLE of this book, You Can Start All Over, isn’t something dreamed up to sugar-coat an easy, overoptimistic confidence. It is the expression of a strong conviction. I believe that when life brings a devastating change, leaving one alone and desolate, one can start all over. For I have done just that, three different times, two of them for bitterly unhappy reasons.Some people never have to. I frequently meet women, and not always very young ones, who state that they are living in the same houses in which they were born and married. Not long ago, I had occasion to send flowers to the funeral of a woman in her eighties who had never lost her husband or child, had lived along at about the same financial level from the cradle to the grave, and many of whose girlhood friends were sitting right there in the front pews. Nobody seemed to think it remarkable. Nobody, that is, but me.”

"You Can Tell Just By Looking": And 20 Other Myths about LGBT Life and People (Myths Made in America #9)

by Michael Bronski Ann Pellegrini Michael Amico

Breaks down the most commonly held misconceptions about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their lives In "You Can Tell Just by Looking" three scholars and activists come together to unpack enduring, popular, and deeply held myths about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, culture, and life in America. Myths, such as "All Religions Condemn Homosexuality" and "Transgender People Are Mentally Ill," have been used to justify discrimination and oppression of LGBT people. Others, such as "Homosexuals Are Born That Way," have been embraced by LGBT communities and their allies. In discussing and dispelling these myths--including gay-positive ones--the authors challenge readers to question their own beliefs and to grapple with the complexities of what it means to be queer in the broadest social, political, and cultural sense.From the Trade Paperback edition.

You Can't Know It All: Leading in the Age of Deep Expertise

by Wanda T. Wallace

Today’s organizations are packed full of experts in every area from marketing to risk to sales to IT. Many of these people are also leaders, heading teams or large departments. They are followed because they know more than the rest of their group. They are followed because of their credibility as experts. The toughest transition in business comes when expert leaders are asked to move beyond their expertise and lead a less homogenous group. Suddenly, experts face a new set of problems. They struggle to gain basic competence in dozens of areas without having to become the expert in every aspect. In Wanda Wallace’s experience, this move—from expert leader to a broader kind of authority—requires a new mindset about how to lead.Wallace explains what few people understand—how to add value as a leader when you’re dealing with an ever growing set of responsibilities over which you have little detailed knowledge. The work you do and the way you interact with people must also change. Managing now requires a light touch and a different approach to delegation. Above all, managing is about recognizing that while you may not do all the work of your team, you must enable the team to do the work. In this world, trust becomes essential.In You Can’t Know It All, Wallace presents the coaching model she has developed to address the challenges of this transition. She offers strategies for individuals to navigate their new roles and learn to combine their expertise with their leadership responsibilities. She gives essential advice on the fundamental change in mind-set that this requires. This invaluable handbook offers novice and experienced managers alike insights into their own careers, explains why their star performers may suddenly be floundering, and provides essential tools for guiding development.

You Don't Look Like Anyone I Know

by Heather Sellers

An unusual and uncommonly moving family memoir, with a twist that give new meaning to hindsight, insight, and forgiveness. Heather Sellers is face-blind-that is, she has prosopagnosia, a rare neurological condition that prevents her from reliably recognizing people's faces. Growing up, unaware of the reason for her perpetual confusion and anxiety, she took what cues she could from speech, hairstyle, and gait. But she sometimes kissed a stranger, thinking he was her boyfriend, or failed to recognize even her own father and mother. She feared she must be crazy. Yet it was her mother who nailed windows shut and covered them with blankets, made her daughter walk on her knees to spare the carpeting, had her practice secret words to use in the likely event of abduction. Her father went on weeklong "fishing trips" (aka benders), took in drifters, wore panty hose and bras under his regular clothes. Heather clung to a barely coherent story of a "normal" childhood in order to survive the one she had. That fairy tale unraveled two decades later when Heather took the man she would marry home to meet her parents and began to discover the truth about her family and about herself. As she came at last to trust her own perceptions, she learned the gift of perspective: that embracing the past as it is allows us to let it go. And she illuminated a deeper truth-that even in the most flawed circumstances, love may be seen and felt. Watch a Video .

You Don't Say: Modern American Inhibitions (Classics In Communication And Mass Culture Ser.)

by Benjamin DeMott

In this era of political correctness, it is often impossible to say things as one would like. Indeed, certain ways of feeling and talking that were once acceptable are now, in effect, forbidden. Of course, taboos extend further than speech. Social and sexual inhibitions are also evident. Benjamin DeMott argues that the very least a society should do is to try to understand the meaning of its own inhibitions. As he writes in this new edition of You Don't Say, "a supple awareness of the effective censorship of the day can toughen resistance to clich and stereotype, and is absolutely indispensable to the survival of sharp minds." At the center of You Don't Say is the proposition that the present age of personal liberation has created as many inhibitions as it has abolished. Some of our new-found freedoms could be employed with a sharper sense of tact. And some freedoms we have lost are worth remembering-or even recovering. In the essays that comprise You Don't Say DeMott reflects on the use of language, how modern man has claimed to be free of repression though the opposite is true, and how people who object to certain types of language and prefer verbal ambiguity do so possibly to assert their moral dignity and intelligence. The book is full of sharp observations, witty commentary, and empathetic description of the contemporary social and cultural scene. In an essay entitled "The Anatomy of Playboy," DeMott correlates the magazine's popularity with its reductionist tendencies: the world becomes reduced to the realities of sexual need and deprivation. In "The Passionate Mutes," the author reflects on the changing language of the greeting card throughout the years. "Dirty Words?" is a meditation on language itself, and on how mastery of the word was at one time a key to power. And in "Oyiemu-O?" DeMott considers the writing of "native" African and Indian authors in an age during which the colonialist viewpoint was considered authoritative. The author's new introduction discusses the essays in their historical context and how they are relevant to the present day, and describes how the book came into being. "[A] book distinguished by its beauty as by its wisdom for-although we may feel the pressure of inhibition against admitting it-intellectual courage can be as beautiful as bodies swayed to music. The intelligence of hope can be as passionate as sexual hunger."-New York Times Book Review Benjamin DeMott is an essayist, novelist, and journalist. He was professor of English at Amherst College, and a consultant and writer for National Education Television. He is the author of The Body's Cage, Hells & Benefits, a collection of essays, and Killer Woman Blues: Why Americans Can't Think Straight About Gender and Power.

You Found Me: New Research on How Unchurched Nones, Millennials, and Irreligious Are Surprisingly Open to Christian Faith

by Rick Richardson

Many bemoan the decline of the church. We hear a steady stream of reports about how droves of people, especially younger generations, are abandoning Christianity. But new research shows that unchurched Americans are surprisingly more receptive and open to the Christian faith than is commonly assumed. Researcher and practitioner Rick Richardson unveils the findings of the Billy Graham Center Institute's groundbreaking studies on the unchurched. A study of 2000 unchurched people across the country reveals that the unchurched are still remarkably open to faith conversations and the church. Even unchurched "nones" and millennials are quite receptive if they are approached in particular ways. In this book you will also find best practices from further research into the top ten percent of churches that most effectively reach the unchurched. People who were previously unchurched share what actually moved them to faith and Christian commitment. And the research shows that churches and organizations can be transformed to become places where conversion growth becomes the new normal. If people tell you "the sky is falling," don't believe them. In today's troubled world, unchurched and unbelieving people are newly receptive to hearing good news. You can lead the change that will help your church reach people—who then reach others.

You Have Seen Their Faces

by Erskine Caldwell Margaret Bourke-White

During the Great Depression, Author and Margaret Bourke-White traveled across the back roads of the Deep South to document the living conditions of the sharecropper. They captured their subjects in the shacks where they lived, the depleted fields where they plowed, and the churches where they worshiped.

You Make the Difference

by Eric Butterworth

You Make the Difference speaks directly to those of us who find ourselves preoccupied with the sheer effort of coping with life's many demands and who long for real answers, inner security, and self-fulfillment. Eric Butterworth's wise and inspiring book provides us with guidance for living life to the fullest and achieving that most elusive state: happiness. In this book, he reveals how we carry within ourselves the capacity to transform our lives, and provides a road map to getting to know yourself which, Butterworth says, is the "key to happiness."

You May Also Like

by Tom Vanderbilt

From the bestselling author of Traffic, a brilliant and entertaining exploration of our personal tastes--why we like the things we like, and what it says about us.Everyone knows his or her favourite colour, the foods we most enjoy, and which season of The Sopranos deserves the most stars on Netflix. But what does it really mean when we like something? How do we decide what's good? Is it something biological? What is the role of our personal experiences in shaping our tastes? And how do businesses make use of this information to develop and sell their products? In You May Also Like, Tom Vanderbilt dives deep into this complex and fascinating world. He explores the physiology of eating to reveal how our taste buds, which can only recognize five tastes, interact with our olfactory systems and our memories to create an astounding array of flavours. He shows how difficult it is, even for experts, to pinpoint exactly what makes something good or enjoyable, and how companies like Netflix can make or lose millions based on their ability to predict what we will enjoy. Like his bestselling book Traffic, Vanderbilt's new book takes us on a stimulating and surprising intellectual journey that helps us better understand our world and ourselves, and the things we so often take for granted.From the Hardcover edition.

You May Ask Yourself: An Introduction to Thinking Like a Sociologist,Fourth Edition

by Dalton Conley

You May Ask Yourself gives instructors an alternative to the typical textbook by emphasizing the big ideas of the discipline and encouraging students to ask meaningful questions. This “non-textbook” strategy explains complex concepts through personal examples and storytelling, integrates coverage of social inequality throughout the textbook, and offers the largest collection of instructor resources for a book in its price range.

You May Ask Yourself: An Introduction To Thinking Like A Sociologist

by Dalton Conley

You May Ask Yourself gives instructors an alternative to the typical textbook by emphasizing the big ideas of the discipline. Dalton Conley's "non-textbook" strategy explains complex concepts through personal examples and storytelling, integrates coverage of social inequality throughout the textbook, and provides the largest collection of instructor resources for a book in its price range. The Fifth Edition now comes with an ebook, which gives students access to everything they need in one place.

You May Ask Yourself: An Introduction To Thinking Like A Sociologist

by Dalton Conley

Dalton Conley’s unconventional narrative uses personal anecdotes and current examples to help students understand big ideas. Chapter opening Paradoxes stimulate sociological thinking. And NEW Practice activities―in text and online―invite readers to “make the familiar strange.” Scholarship and examples have been refreshed throughout, especially in a revamped Gender chapter. A wide array of multimedia and assessment tools include award winning InQuizitive activities for students’ pre lecture prep and NEW online activities for post lecture practice.

You May Ask Yourself: An Introduction To Thinking Like A Sociologist

by Dalton Conley

You May Ask Yourself gives instructors an alternative to the typical textbook by emphasizing the big ideas of the discipline, and encouraging students to ask meaningful questions. Conley employs a non-textbook strategy of explaining complex concepts through personal examples and storytelling, and integrates coverage of social inequality throughout the text.

You May Ask Yourself (Core Eighth Edition)

by Dalton Conley

Make the familiar strange In You May Ask Yourself, Dalton Conley helps readers question what most others take for granted about society. He serves as an expert guide through the discipline, making pivotal stops along the way to point out key concepts and theories, share empirical gold nuggets, or chat with top researchers in the field. Accompanying online learning tools, including InQuizitive and the new Norton Illumine Ebook, reinforce core concepts in a supportive, low-stakes environment that furthers the book’s emphasis on critical thinking, current social science research, and real-life applications. This purchase offers access to the digital ebook only.

You May Ask Yourself (Core Seventh Edition): An Introduction To Sociology

by Dalton Conley

The bestselling “untextbook” that makes the familiar strange The market leader for introductory sociology courses and a welcome alternative to traditional textbooks, You May Ask Yourself engages students with an irreverent narrative style. It questions what is often taken for granted and helps students apply sociological ways of thinking to their own experiences. The Seventh Edition features new coverage of pressing social issues related to aging, health, and inequality. This purchase offers access to the digital ebook only.

You May Ask Yourself (Eighth Edition)

by Dalton Conley

Make the familiar strange In You May Ask Yourself, Dalton Conley helps readers question what most others take for granted about society. He serves as an expert guide through the discipline, making pivotal stops along the way to point out key concepts and theories, share empirical gold nuggets, or chat with top researchers in the field. Accompanying online learning tools, including InQuizitive and the new Norton Illumine Ebook, reinforce core concepts in a supportive, low-stakes environment that furthers the book’s emphasis on critical thinking, current social science research, and real-life applications. This purchase offers access to the digital ebook only.

You May Ask Yourself (Seventh Edition): An Introduction To Sociology

by Dalton Conley

The bestselling “untextbook” that makes the familiar strange The market leader for introductory sociology courses and a welcome alternative to traditional textbooks, You May Ask Yourself engages students with an irreverent narrative style. It questions what is often taken for granted and helps students apply sociological ways of thinking to their own experiences. The Seventh Edition features new coverage of pressing social issues related to aging, health, and inequality. This purchase offers access to the digital ebook only.

You Must Like Cricket?: Memoirs of an Indian Cricket Fan

by Soumya Bhattacharya

The great C L R James once asked: 'What do they know of cricket who only cricket know?' For some of us answering that can keep you awake at night.Soumya Bhattacharya knows this: he has a steady job, a loving wife, a daughter he dotes on. But most of all he has cricket. Or perhaps more accurately: cricket has him. Ever since he can remember, he's loved the game. From his first knockabouts on the living-room carpet - with his mother's paper bats and balls - he progressed to Test Match Special on short-wave, then to the whole panoply of obsession: one-dayers, Test matches, TV highlights, re-runs of TV highlights, always following one team - India. When you come from a country where the game is more than a religion, you must like cricket, right?In this sparkling memoir of a lifetime spent in the company of eleven men, a green field and a billion other worshippers, Soumya Bhattacharya gives us a guided tour of the soul of a cricket obsessive. Part reportage, part travelogue, part cultural politics, You Must Like Cricket? takes us from his home in Kolkata to Lord's and back again as Bhattacharya explores the joys and the lows (mostly the lows) of a thirty-year love affair, how one game has become so closely tied to a nation's identity, and the troubling hold cricket has over him. But if your home ground was called Eden Gardens, where else would you rather be?

You Say You Want a Revolution?: Radical Idealism and Its Tragic Consequences

by Daniel Chirot

Why most modern revolutions have ended in bloodshed and failure—and what lessons they hold for today's world of growing extremismWhy have so many of the iconic revolutions of modern times ended in bloody tragedies? And what lessons can be drawn from these failures today, in a world where political extremism is on the rise and rational reform based on moderation and compromise often seems impossible to achieve? In You Say You Want a Revolution?, Daniel Chirot examines a wide range of right- and left-wing revolutions around the world—from the late eighteenth century to today—to provide important new answers to these critical questions.From the French Revolution of the eighteenth century to the Mexican, Russian, German, Chinese, anticolonial, and Iranian revolutions of the twentieth, Chirot finds that moderate solutions to serious social, economic, and political problems were overwhelmed by radical ideologies that promised simpler, drastic remedies. But not all revolutions had this outcome. The American Revolution didn't, although its failure to resolve the problem of slavery eventually led to the Civil War, and the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe was relatively peaceful, except in Yugoslavia. From Japan, North Korea, Vietnam, and Cambodia to Algeria, Angola, Haiti, and Romania, You Say You Want a Revolution? explains why violent radicalism, corruption, and the betrayal of ideals won in so many crucial cases, why it didn't in some others—and what the long-term prospects for major social change are if liberals can't deliver needed reforms.A powerful account of the unintended consequences of revolutionary change, You Say You Want a Revolution? is filled with critically important lessons for today's liberal democracies struggling with new forms of extremism.

You Should Smile More: How to Dismantle Gender Bias in the Workplace

by Dawn Hudson Cie Nicholson Mitzi Short Katie Lacey Lori Tauber Marcus Krembs Bellmer Krembs

You Should Smile More: How to Dismantle Gender Bias in the Workplace empowers women and men to unlock a culture of greatness in the workforce—one little thing at a time. Written by six C-suite women with a collective resume covering 29 industries, the book offers a completely new lens through which to talk about and tackle the stubborn remnants of gender bias at work.&“In the business world, barriers to inclusion are barriers to success,&” states a line from the book&’s Introduction. &“Diversity breeds better solutions faster if people feel comfortable in their environment.&” But from small indignities to unconscious slights, women experience situations at work every day that may seem small or unimportant but that effectively differentiate and exclude them. These are not #MeToo moments - they are micro-offenses; the small, awkward, or uncomfortable moments that slow-build until the unwelcome environment takes hold and women disengage. Situations the authors address range from things like use of the term &“girl&” versus &“woman,&” watching male colleagues leave work for a social event where women colleagues were left off the invite list or hearing that a qualified woman shouldn&’t be offered an assignment because she has small children at home. You Should Smile More shows witnesses, allies, supervisors, and women at every level in their careers how to dismantle everyday gender bias, based upon the latest research, personal accounts, and interviews with dozens of professionals, both women and men. Widely known as a meme, the title itself is now a call-to-action against the very advice women so frequently hear from male colleagues or bosses. The authors spotlight these all-too-familiar moments, offering realistic strategies every witness can use to confront and productively address them. The information within the book finally advances women in the corporate workplace as equals and advances organizations on the path to creating cultures of true inclusion. The authors call themselves &“The Band of Sisters&” and have collectively seen it all, from the bottom rung to the boardroom. They know firsthand how hard it is to navigate these gendered situations in the moment. Now they share their experience with a forward-looking eye -- often with humor, and in a way that recognizes the realities of the workplace. With this book as a guide, The Band of Sisters are ready to: + Help anyone to recognize and effectively respond to these micro-moments rooted in gender bias. + Pave the way for their ultimate elimination, through shared participation. + Allow organizations to build high-performance cultures that truly value and include diverse perspectives and experiences. Gender bias has been part of our workplaces for too long. We are at the point now where all of us who are in the workplace, around conference tables, water coolers and in Zoom meetings, must make the next push for real change.

You Throw Like a Girl: The Blind Spot of Masculinity

by Don McPherson

Former NFL quarterback McPherson examines the roots of masculinity gone awry and how it promotes violence against women."An essential exploration of what’s holding men and sports back--and how to overcome it."--Washington Post"A crucial read for anyone interested in learning more about how sports culture informs limited definitions of masculinity, and how such definitions are destructive for boys and men, and dangerous to girls and women. Don McPherson, a former NFL and college quarterback, urges readers to think critically about the unfair expectations society sets based on gender, and how to upend them."--The Undefeated, one of The Undefeated's Can't Miss Books of 2019"You Throw Like a Girl: The Blind Spot of Masculinity by former NFL quarterback Don McPherson is an examination of society's traditional definition of masculinity and how this narrow focus creates blind spots that hinder the healthy development of men. Using examples from his own life, McPherson dissects the strict beliefs and unspoken rules that define our views of manhood, the behaviors of masculinity we instill in growing boys, and how the resulting lack of emotional wholeness can lead to violence against women. He passionately advocates against the dangers of viewing such violence as strictly a 'women's issue.' Instead, he argues that the toxicity of the traditional views of masculinity are ultimately culpable."--The Advocate"McPherson does not malign masculinity. Moreover, he does not seed guilt and shame unto boys. Thankfully, there is no blind hagiography of women and wanton vilification of men. Masculinity is natural, healthy, and undeniable...Soundly and clearly articulated, McPherson has emerged as a measured voice in an oftentimes kinetic and unsettling narrative...Highly recommended."--Jamaica Gleaner"The Central New York community knows Don McPherson as the Hall-Of-Fame quarterback who led the 1987 SU football team to an undefeated season. But for the past 27 years, he's also been working on publishing a book that tackles the tough issue of how boys are traditionally raised with macho stereotypes that impacts sexual and domestic violence."--Bridge Street (WYSR 9, Syracuse, NY)"Former SU Quarterback Don McPherson isn't fighting for yards or touchdowns, he's in the fight to reduce violence against women. He just published a book, You Throw Like a Girl: The Blind Spot of Masculinity."--WAER (Syracuse University 88.3 FM, Syracuse, NY)"[McPherson] is also out with a new book entitled You Throw Like a Girl: The Blind Spot of Masculinity. In it, McPherson examines his own life experiences and how they impacted his perception of what it was to be a man."--CNY Central (NBC3 Syracuse, NY)In You Throw Like a Girl, former Syracuse University quarterback and NFL veteran Don McPherson examines how the narrow definition of masculinity adversely impacts women and creates many "blind spots" that hinder the healthy development of men. Dissecting the strict set of beliefs and behaviors that underpin our understanding of masculinity, he contends that we don't raise boys to be men, we raise them not to be women.Using examples from his own life, including his storied football career, McPherson passionately argues that viewing violence against women as a "women's issue" not just ignores men's culpability but conflates the toxicity of men's violence with being male. In You Throw Like a Girl, McPherson leads us beyond the blind spots and toward solutions, analyzing how we can engage men in a sustained dialogue, with a new set of terms that are aspirational and more accurately representative of the emotional wholeness of men.

You Too?

by Janet Gurtler

A timely and heartfelt collection of essays inspired by the #MeToo movement, edited by acclaimed author Janet Gurtler. Featuring Beth Revis, Mackenzi Lee, Ellen Hopkins, Saundra Mitchell, Jennifer Brown, Cheryl Rainfield and many more.When #MeToo went viral, Janet Gurtler was among the millions of people who began to reflect on her past experiences. Things she had reluctantly accepted—male classmates groping her at recess, harassment at work—came back to her in startling clarity. She needed teens to know what she had not: that no young person should be subject to sexual assault, or made to feel unsafe, less than or degraded.You Too? was born out of that need. By turns thoughtful and explosive, these personal stories encompass a wide range of experiences and serve as a reminder to readers that they, too, have a voice worthy of being heard—and that only by listening and working together can we create change.

You, Too, Can Be Prosperous: Studies In Prosperity

by Robert Russell

Robert A. Russell of the Church of the Epiphany in Denver was an Episcopal minister who taught what would now be recognized as new thought philosophy. Chapters on: The Prosperity Idea, What is Prosperity?, The Source of Wealth, The Magic Box, God Loves a Prosperous Man, Tuning Out Tuning In, Mind Models, Meditations on prosperity.-Print ed.

You Want Me to Work with Who?: Eleven Keys to a Stress-Free, Satisfying, and Successful Work Life . . . No Matter Who You Work With

by Julie Jansen

In I Don’t Know What I Want . . . But I Know It’s Not This, career consultant Julie Jansen won over readers with the same comforting, clear headed approach that she brings to her many Fortune 500 clients. Now she tackles a problem that affects every working person, regardless of occupation: difficult people. Whether the problem is an "abusive" boss, "toxic" coworker, or "difficult" assistant, Jansen shows how to master the eleven keys to getting along with even the most dysfunctional colleagues. Featuring self-assessment exercises designed to identify the root causes of problem behavior and smart, viable solutions and tips for managing different kinds of difficult people—from subordinates to superiors—this invaluable resource is a savvy, humane guide to reducing stress, establishing workplace harmony, and making sure that no one stands in the way of your career goals. .

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