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Showing 49,251 through 49,275 of 49,317 results

Zeitlose Elemente der Führung: Psychologisch sicher führen im Wandel (essentials)

by Claudia Gerhardt

Beim „zeitlosen Führen“ geht es um weit mehr als Führung in flachen Hierarchien, die nur ein Merkmal aktueller Organisationsformen sind. Claudia Gerhardt erörtert in diesem essential aus dem Blickwinkel der Wirtschaftspsychologie die Frage, wie Führung in instabilen, unsicheren und womöglich fragilen Umfeldern – in der VUKA-Welt (Volatilität, Unsicherheit, Komplexität, Ambiguität) – gestaltet werden kann. Hierzu gibt die Autorin in der gebotenen Prägnanz Antwort und möchte zugleich zum Denken und Reflektieren über die führungsbezogenen Aufgaben anregen, die diese schnelllebige Zeit mit sich bringt.

Zeitmanagement für Führungskräfte: Wie arbeite ich als Führungskraft effektiv und effizient? (essentials)

by Alexander Häfner Sophie Hofmann

Mehr als 300 E-Mails im Posteingang, Teammitglieder, die auf dringendes Feedback warten, und wichtige Aufgaben, die seit Wochen liegen bleiben. So kann der Alltag von Führungskräften aussehen. Ohne einen effektiven und effizienten Umgang mit der eigenen Arbeitszeit wird Führung nicht gelingen. Das Buch gibt wissenschaftlich fundiert konkrete Anregungen für die tägliche Praxis.

Zeitpsychologie: Der Einfluss der Zeit auf das menschliche Erleben und Handeln

by Antje Flade

Die Psychologie der Zeit befasst sich mit einem Phänomen, auf das aus wahrgenommenen Veränderungen geschlossen wird. Zeit gibt es nur, wenn sich etwas verändert. Weil Veränderungen immer irgendwo stattfinden, hängen das Wann und das Wo untrennbar miteinander zusammen, was sich in den Begriffen Zeitraum und Raumzeit widerspiegelt. Ein Buch über Zeitpsychologie soll sensibilisieren, indem die Bedeutung der „vierten Dimension“ im alltäglichen Erleben und Handeln bewusst wird, die sich im Unterschied zum dreidimensionalen Raum der unmittelbaren Wahrnehmung entzieht. So werden manche Verhaltensweisen erst verstehbar, wenn man den Zeitfaktor einbezieht. Es geht um Fragen der Zeitverwendung und Zeiteinsparung, um das Zusammenpassen unterschiedlicher Zeitstrukturen in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen und um die Zeitperspektive, die sich aus dem gegenwärtigen Moment, der erinnerten Vergangenheit und der vorgestellten Zukunft zusammensetzt. Es ist die Vergangenheit, die den Menschen zu dem gemacht hat, was er gegenwärtig ist. Ohne eine Zukunftsperspektive gäbe es keine Motivation und kein Planen. Die Zeitperspektiventherapie ist darauf gerichtet, eine Balance zwischen den drei Abschnitten herzustellen sowie Depressionen und psychische Erkrankungen zu heilen, die auf einer fehlenden Zukunftsperspektive oder auf traumatischen Erfahrungen beruhen. Es gibt keine Zeitlosigkeit, denn Veränderungen finden fortwährend statt. Indem er kulturelle Umwelten und gebaute Umwelten schafft, trägt der Mensch aktiv dazu bei. Nicht nur die Umwelt ändert sich, sei es durch natürliche Vorgänge oder durch menschliches Handeln, sondern auch der Mensch selbst, indem er heranwächst und altert. Ein Ziel des Buches ist in Analogie zum Umweltbewusstsein das Zeitbewusstsein zu stärken.

Zemiology: Reconnecting Crime And Social Harm (Critical Criminological Perspectives )

by Avi Boukli Justin Kotzé

Enhances and develops the critical, harms-based approach within criminology<P><P> Analyses structural change and its social consequences to bring zemiology into dialogue with contemporary debates about capitalism.<P> Brings together international scholars from around the globe to cover a wide range of harms-based crimes.<P> This book challenges the given dichotomies between crime and harm, and criminology and zemiology. The main aim of the volume is to highlight the inexorable interconnectedness between systemically induced social harm and the corrosive flows of everyday crime both perpetrated and endured by those victimised by the capitalist system and its hegemonic vicissitudes. Drawing attention not only to various structurally imbedded harms, the chapters also outline the wider consequences of such harms, as they extend beyond immediate victims and contribute towards the further perpetuation of criminogenic and zemiogenic conditions. <P> Comprising two parts, the first explores the relationship between crime and harm and criminology and zemiology, and the second explores the intersections of crime and harm through various lenses, including those trained on probation; global mobility; sexuality and gender; war and gendered violence; fashion counterfeiting; and the harms of the service economy. An exciting and wide-reaching volume written by world-renowned scholars, this collection is a must-read for students, academics, and policy makers in the fields of law, criminology, sociology, social policy, criminal justice, and social justice.

Zen Your Work: Create Your Ideal Work Experience Through Mindful Self-Mastery

by Karlyn Borysenko

Use mindfulness techniques to handle toxic stress in the workplace and to create your ideal professional experience from the inside out.While working in a particularly toxic environment, Karlyn Borysenko came to this liberating realization: she couldn't control other people, but she could control herself, her perspective, and her actions. Now an organizational psychologist, consultant, and executive coach, Borysenko shows us how to bridge the gap between where we are now and what will bring us the most professional success and happiness. We must achieve self-mastery--by accepting responsibility for our actions, understanding our innate work style, and discerning when and how to push outside our comfort zone. In Zen Your Work, Borysenko shows us how to set personal goals that allow us to focus our energy and create measures of success that aren't affected by the cynicism, competitiveness, or narcissism of others. Borysenko teaches us to apply mindfulness techniques in a highly practical way to achieve professional success, create game-changing relationships (even with the most negative people in the office), decrease stress, and enjoy a better work/life balance.

Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture (Kultur- Und Medientheorie Ser.)

by Geert Lovink

In Zero Comments, internationally renowned media theorist and 'net critic' Geert Lovink revitalizes worn out concepts about the Internet and interrogates the latest hype surrounding blogs and social network sites. In this third volume of his studies into critical Internet culture, following the influential Dark Fiber and My First Recession, Lovink develops a 'general theory of blogging.' He unpacks the ways that blogs exhibit a 'nihilist impulse' to empty out established meaning structures. Blogs, Lovink argues, are bringing about the decay of traditional broadcast media, and they are driven by an in-crowd dynamic in which social ranking is a primary concern. The lowest rung of the new Internet hierarchy are those blogs and sites that receive no user feedback or 'zero comments'. Zero Comments also explores other important changes to Internet culture, as well, including the silent globalization of the Net in which the West is no longer the main influence behind new media culture, as countries like India, China and Brazil expand their influence and looks forward to speculate on the Net impact of organized networks, free cooperation and distributed aesthetics.

Zero Hours and On-call Work in Anglo-Saxon Countries (Work, Organization, and Employment)

by Michelle O’Sullivan Jonathan Lavelle Juliet McMahon Lorraine Ryan Caroline Murphy Thomas Turner Patrick Gunnigle

This book focuses on zero hours and on-call work as an extreme form of casual and precarious employment. It includes country studies of the USA, Canada, Australia, the UK, New Zealand and Ireland, where there has been increasing concern about the prevalence of such work, and working time uncertainty, as well as varying levels of public policy debate on regulation. The book incorporates a comparative review of zero hours work based on the findings of the country studies. This pays particular attention to state regulatory responses to zero hours work, and incorporates the sociological concepts of accumulation and legitimation functions of the state.Exploring the regulation of zero hours work beyond individual countries, the book includes an analysis of external regulation of zero hours work at the supranational level, namely the European Union and ILO.Further, it assesses the implications of zero hours for workers in new sectors of economic activity, particularly the impact of the platform or ‘gig’ economy on the fundamental nature of the employment relationship. It also considers the societal implications of zero hours work and the ethical responsibilities of employers and governments towards workers as citizens.

Zero Tolerance: Quality of Life and the New Police Brutality in New York City

by Tanya Erzen Andrea Mcardle

Amadou Diallo, Abner Louima, Anthony Baez, Patrick Dorismond. New York City has been rocked in recent years by the fate of these four men at the hands of the police. But police brutality in New York City is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that refers not only to the hyperviolent response of white male police officers as in these cases, but to an entire set of practices that target homeless people, vendors, and sexual minorities. The complexity of the problem requires a commensurate response, which Zero Tolerance fulfills with a range of scholarship and activism. Offering perspectives from law and society, women's studies, urban and cultural studies, labor history, and the visual arts, the essays assembled here complement, and provide a counterpoint, to the work of police scholars on this subject. Framed as both a response and a challenge to official claims that intensified law enforcement has produced New York City's declining crime rates, Zero Tolerance instead posits a definition of police brutality more encompassing than the use of excessive physical force. Further, it develops the connections between the most visible and familiar forms of police brutality that have sparked a new era of grassroots community activism, and the day-to-day violence that accompanies the city's campaign to police the "quality of life." Contributors include: Heather Barr, Paul G. Chevigny, Derrick Bell, Tanya Erzen, Dayo F. Gore, Amy S. Green, Paul Hoffman, Andrew Hsiao, Tamara Jones, Joo-Hyun Kang, Andrea McArdle, Bradley McCallum, Andrew Ross, Eric Tang, Jacqueline Tarry, Sasha Torres, and Jennifer R. Wynn.

Zertifizierte Politikberatung: Die Arbeit des Nationalen und des Deutschen Ethikrates in medizinethischer und zeitgeschichtlicher Perspektive

by Theresa Fischer

Seit den 1980er Jahren haben sich in zahlreichen Staaten innerhalb wie außerhalb Europas beratende Ethikgremien auf nationaler Ebene gebildet. In Deutschland geschah dies erstmals 2001 aufgrund der in dieser Zeit aufkommenden Debatte über embryonale Stammzellforschung, Stammzellimporte, Präimplantationsdiagnostik und Forschungsklonen. Durch die Gründung des Nationalen Ethikrates im Jahr 2001 erhielt Deutschland ein nationales Gremium zur ethischen Politikberatung. Dieses Gremium, wie auch sein Nachfolger, der Deutsche Ethikrat, übernahmen keine geringere Aufgabe, als die deutschen Staatsorgane bezüglich des Hinterfragens der normativen Grenzen des menschlichen Lebens durch wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt zu beraten. Die vorliegende Studie fragt: Was für eine Art Gremium ist dieser Ethikrat, der solche grundlegenden Themen untersucht? Weshalb wurde er gegründet, und warum wurde der Nationale Ethikrat im Jahre 2008 durch den Deutschen Ethikrat ersetzt? Welche Struktur, welche Arbeitsweise und Arbeitsergebnisse weist er auf? Wie definiert der Rat sein Selbstverständnis? Welche Rolle spielt er für die Politik – etwa die der zertifizierenden Politikberatung? Welche Bedeutung hat der Rat für die deutsche Gesellschaft, und in welchem Verhältnis steht er zu den in ihm vertretenen Wissenschaften?

Zielführende Kommunikation zwischen Agentur und Kunde: Erfolgreiche und effiziente Zusammenarbeit im Team

by Klaus Pawlowski Peter Pawlowski

Erfolgreiche Kampagnen und mehr Umsatz durch effektive Kommunikation zwischen allen Beteiligten.<P><P> Alles in einem Buch: theoretische Fundierung und praktische Umsetzung von Kommunikationsmodellen.<P> Leicht nachvollziehbarer Aufbau durch fortlaufendes Beispiel.<P> In diesem Buch erfahren Agenturen und ihre Auftraggeber, wie sie in allen Stufen der Zusammenarbeit effizient, zielführend und vor allem gemeinsam als Team erfolgreich sein können. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg: eine lückenlose, klare und authentische Kommunikation aller Beteiligten. Beginnend beim Kennenlerngespräch, über das weichenstellende Briefing bis hin zu Vertragsverhandlungen und Konfliktgesprächen – die Autoren erläutern, wie man unnötigen Reibungsverlusten aus dem Weg geht, Missverständnissen vorbeugt und Frustration sowie Fehleinschätzungen verhindert.Ein Buch, gleichermaßen theoretisch fundiert wie auch direkt im Arbeitsalltag anwendbar: mit den wichtigsten Modellen zu Kommunikation und Gesprächsführung, zahlreichen Beispielen, Beispieldialogen und Inspirationen, die die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Partnern in neuem Licht erscheinen lässt.

Zigzagger (Latino Voices Ser.)

by Manuel Munoz

Set mainly in California's Central Valley, Manuel Muñoz's first collection of stories goes beyond the traditional family myths and narratives of Chicano literature and explores, instead, the constant struggle of characters against their physical and personal surroundings. Usually depicted as the lush and green world of rural quiet and tranquility, the Valley becomes the backdrop for the difficulties these characters confront as they try to maintain hope and independence in the face of isolation. <P><P> In the title story, a teenage boy learns the consequences of succumbing to the lure of a town outsider; in "Campo," a young farm worker frantically attempts to hide his supervision of a huddle of children from the town police, only to have another young man come to his unexpected rescue; in "The Unimportant Lila Parr," a father must expose his own secrets after his son is found murdered in a highway motel. From conflicts of family and sexuality to the pain of loss and memory, the characters in Zigzagger seek to reconcile themselves with the rural towns of their upbringing—a place that, by nature, is bordered by loneliness.

The Zimbabwe Council of Churches and Development in Zimbabwe

by Ezra Chitando

There is a growing realization that religion plays a major role in development, particularly in the Global South. Whereas theories of secularization assumed that religion would disappear, the reality is that religion has demonstrated its tenacity. In the specific case of Zimbabwe, religion has remained a positive social force and has made a significant contribution to development, particularly through the Zimbabwe Council of Churches. This has been through political activism, contribution to health, education, women’s emancipation, and ethical reconstruction. This volume analyzes the contribution of the Zimbabwe Council of Churches to development in the country.

Zimmer Men: The Trials and Tribulations of the Ageing Cricketer

by Marcus Berkmann

Ten years after his classic Rain Men - 'cricket's answer to Fever Pitch,' said the Daily Telegraph - Marcus Berkmann returns to the strange and wondrous world of village cricket, where players sledge their team-mates, umpires struggle to count up to six, the bails aren't on straight and the team that fields after a hefty tea invariably loses. This time he's on the trail of the Ageing Cricketer, having suddenly realised that he is one himself and playing in a team with ten others every weekend. In their minds they run around the field as fast as ever; it's only their legs that let them down. ZIMMER MEN asks all the important questions of middle-aged cricketers. Why is that boundary rope suddenly so far away? Are you doomed to getting worse as a cricketer, or could you get better? How many pairs of trousers will your girth destroy in one summer? Chronicling the 2004 season, with its many humiliating defeats and random injuries, this coruscatingly funny new book laughs in the face of middle age, and starts thinking seriously about buying a convertible.

Zimmer Men: The Trials and Tribulations of the Ageing Cricketer

by Marcus Berkmann

Ten years after his classic Rain Men - 'cricket's answer to Fever Pitch,' said the Daily Telegraph - Marcus Berkmann returns to the strange and wondrous world of village cricket, where players sledge their team-mates, umpires struggle to count up to six, the bails aren't on straight and the team that fields after a hefty tea invariably loses. This time he's on the trail of the Ageing Cricketer, having suddenly realised that he is one himself and playing in a team with ten others every weekend. In their minds they run around the field as fast as ever; it's only their legs that let them down. ZIMMER MEN asks all the important questions of middle-aged cricketers. Why is that boundary rope suddenly so far away? Are you doomed to getting worse as a cricketer, or could you get better? How many pairs of trousers will your girth destroy in one summer? Chronicling the 2004 season, with its many humiliating defeats and random injuries, this coruscatingly funny new book laughs in the face of middle age, and starts thinking seriously about buying a convertible.

Zirkulares Grundeinkommen und Nullzinspolitik: Eine Lösung für zwei Probleme (essentials)

by Eduard Lukschandl

Die Einführung eines Zirkularen Grundeinkommens wird die beiden Hauptziele eines Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens erreichen: Allen Menschen wird die Möglichkeit gegeben, in Würde leben zu können, und die Ärmsten und Armutsgefährdeten können ein erträgliches Leben führen. Das Zirkulare Grundeinkommen stellt zugleich die Lösung für das Problem der EZB dar, mit einer zeitlich befristeten Geldmengenerhöhung das Inflationsziel von zwei Prozent zu erreichen, um die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln. Eduard Lukschandl zeigt in dem Band, warum die Einführung einer Komplementärwährung der Nullzinspolitik überlegen ist.

Zivil - Gesellschaft - Staat

by Thomas Bibisidis Jaana Eichhorn Ansgar Klein Christa Perabo Susanne Rindt

Der Band thematisiert die Bedeutung der Freiwilligendienste hinsichtlich ihrer Potenziale und Wirkungen für die Zivilgesellschaft, ihre Handlungsfelder und Rahmenbedingungen und nimmt die beteiligten Akteure in den Blick. Dabei geht es um Entwicklungslinien, Profildiskussionen und aktuelle Debatten, u. a. zu Fragen der Qualitätssicherung, zum Bildungsbegriff, der politischen Indienstnahme von Freiwilligendiensten, zur Arbeitsmarktneutralität und zum Trägerprinzip als konstitutivem Merkmal der Freiwilligendienste.

Zivilgesellschaftliche Performanz von religiösen und säkularen Migrantenselbstorganisationen: Eine Studie in Nordrhein-Westfalen

by Anna Wiebke Klie

Das vorliegende Open-Access-Buch trägt in theoretischer und empirischer Hinsicht zu einem besseren Verständnis der Eigenschaften und zivilgesellschaftlichen Verortung von religiösen und säkularen Migrantenselbstorganisationen (MSO) bei. MSO werden unter migrations-, religions- sowie organisationssoziologischen Blickwinkeln betrachtet, in politische Felder und Diskurse eingeordnet und die jeweiligen Positionen mit den Ergebnissen einer (nicht-repräsentativen) Befragung von MSO in neun Großstädten Nordrhein-Westfalens ins Verhältnis gesetzt. Bei der Erhebung wurden organisationsspezifische Merkmale, Ressourcenausstattungen und zivilgesellschaftliche Eigenschaften in den Blick genommen, die wiederum Aktivitäten, Ziele, Selbstverständnisse, das Kooperationsspektrum sowie die Umweltbeziehungen der MSO umfassen. Insgesamt unterstreichen die Ergebnisse für die beiden unterschiedenen Organisationstypen viele Gemeinsamkeiten, zugleich aber auch spezifische Binnen- und Außenverhältnisse. Eine Reduzierung ausschließlich auf religiöse oder säkulare Merkmale wird ihrer Charakterisierung also nicht gerecht – vielmehr ist von einer Vermischung von Handlungslogiken auszugehen.

Zivilgesellschaftliches Wirtschaften: Ein konzeptioneller Vorschlag (essentials)

by Philipp Degens Lukas Lapschieß

Gegenstand dieses essentials ist die Erarbeitung und theoretische Auskleidung einer eigenständigen Konzeption zivilgesellschaftlichen Wirtschaftens. Dazu bietet es eine Einführung in die Begriffe des Wirtschaftens und des Gemeinwohls und diskutiert verschiedene Perspektiven auf Zivilgesellschaft als eigenständige Sphäre bzw. Dritter Sektor, als spezifische, zivile Handlungsweise und als utopisches Projekt. Es werden Kernmerkmale, Prinzipien und normative Gehalte der Zivilgesellschaft identifiziert und auf wirtschaftliches Handeln und wirtschaftliche Organisationen übertragen. Hier zeigt sich, dass zivilgesellschaftliches Wirtschaften im weiten Sinne als notwendigerweise gemeinwohlorientiert verstanden werden kann und im engen Sinne ausschließlich demokratisch verfasstes Wirtschaften für das Gemeinwohl bezeichnet. Der Band hat damit einführenden Charakter und legt darüber hinaus auch eine eigene Positionierung vor.

Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo

by Zlata Filipovic Christina Pribichevich-Zoric

This journal entry represents Zlata's insightful writing and the translators skill: "Thursday, October 14, 1993 Dear Mimmy, Those lunatics up in the hills must have read what I wrote about the shooting yesterday. They want to show me that they're still around. They went SHOOTING today. Shells fell around the market-place, and we don't know how Grandma and Grand-dad are. Poor things. These lunatics haven't just stolen from us our childhood, they've stolen from my grandparents and other old people a peaceful old age. They're not letting them live out the rest of their lives in peace. They had to ruin that too. I didn't have classes or music school today. They sent us home, so I'll spend the whole day at home reading, playing the piano, spending some time with Nejra and Haris. I was supposed to go to Mirna's today, but they spoiled that for me. I didn't tell you, Mimmy, that you're about to go out into the world. You're going to be published abroad. I allowed it, so you could tell the world what I wrote to you. I wrote to you about the war, about myself and Sarajevo in the war, and the world wants to know about it. I wrote what I felt, saw and heard, and now people outside of Sarajevo are going to know it. Have a good journey into the world. Your Zlata" A fine book for a book report. Teens sensitive to cruelty will want to share this diary with parents. This was a horrific piece of history.

Zombies (Shortcuts)

by Jennifer Rutherford

Not so long ago zombies rarely shuffled out of B-grade horror movies and cult comic books, but today they are everywhere. Zombies are proliferating, demonstrating an extraordinary capacity to transport fluidly from genre to genre, from the apocalyptic future to the already survived past, and in and out of fictional form. Today they can be found in just about any genre or discourse and as they move sinuously across the cultural landscape they keep morphing; taking on ever new and ever more bizarre associations. Zombies would appear to be unthinkable, the ultimate nightmare of a world devoured by the dead, and yet more and more often this horror-scape provides a form of figurative capture for the way things are. This book explores why. Zombies explores the recent transformation of zombie from cult genre to a figure that pervades western culture. Rutherford examines the zombie as a powerful metaphor for a constellation of social forces that define contemporary reality. This is an ideal introduction to all that is social about zombies, for students and general readers alike.Extracts from Zombies, were recently published in Australian newspapers, The Age, The Canberra Times and the Sydney Morning Herald. Available now to read online:

Zonas Peligrosas: The Challenge of Creating Safe Neighborhoods in Central America (Polis)

by Tom Hare

Out of Order: The Challenge of Creating Safe Cities in Central America examines indicators of orderliness and security in El Salvador, shows how policies and programs based on disorganization theory have been used, and why they might not make Salvadoran urban dwellers safer. In Latin America, these prescriptions form the basis for what has become known as “citizen security” policy. Just as in disorganization theory, citizen security emphasizes strong social cohesion and expectations for action on the part of neighbors and civil society. Mimicking the methodology of disorganization theorists from the Chicago School, Tom Hare conducted four neighborhood studies in the San Salvador metropolitan area. Mixed methods, including two hundred original survey-interviews, were used to create a rich description of each case. The cases were selected in order to compare and contrast the social order in neighborhoods with varying levels of security and physical and demographic makeup.

The Zone: An Alternative History of Paris

by Justinien Tribillon

AN OUTSIDER&’S GUIDE TO MODERN PARISIn The Zone, Justinien Tribillon takes the reader on a tour of an eponymous Parisian hinterland. The site of dreams and nightmares, from Van Gogh&’s paintings to the cinematic violence of La Haine, the Zone, so often misun- derstood, is the key to understanding today&’s Paris, and even France itself.Originally the site of defensive walls, alongside which mushroomed makeshift housing, allotments, and dancehalls in the nineteenth century, the Zone has performed many functions and been a place of contention for two centuries. Dismantled in the 1920s, the fortifications were first replaced with gardens, stadia and homes. After the war came the Boulevard Périphérique, a ring road promising seamless travel in a futuristic car-centric Paris. With the ring road came new dreams of modernity in reinvented suburbs: new towns, high-rise architecture and social housing built at record speed. Yesterday&’s Paris made way for tomorrow&’s banlieue.But the metropolitan dream was never realised. The Zone became a symbol of division: between inner and outer cities; between the bourgeois centre and the working-class immigrant outskirts; between &‘us&’ and &‘them&’. The Zone, both a physical space and a powerful myth, came to crystallise the social, spatial and ethno-racial differences between Paris and the banlieue.The Zone is a brilliant anatomy of the true heart of Paris. An essential book for urbanists and historians.

Zoned Out!: Race, Displacement, and City Planning in New York City, Revised Edition

by Tom Angotti and Sylvia Morse

Gentrification and displacement of low-income communities of color are major issues in New York City and the city’s zoning policies are a major cause. Race matters but the city ignores it when shaping land use and housing policies. The city promises “affordable housing” that is not truly affordable. Zoned Out! shows how this has played in Williamsburg, Harlem and Chinatown, neighborhoods facing massive displacement of people of color. It looks at ways the city can address inequalities, promote authentic community-based planning and develop housing in the public domain. Tom Angotti frames the revised edition of this seminal work with a tribute to the late urbanist and architect Michael Sorkin and his progressive and revolutionary approaches to cities as well as a new preface about changes in city policy since Mayor Bill de Blasio left office and what rights citizens need to defend. The book includes a foreword by the late, distinguished urban planning educator Peter Marcuse and individual chapters by community activist Philip DePaola, housing policy analyst Samuel Stein, and both the editors.

Zoo Renewal

by Lisa Uddin

Why do we feel bad at the zoo? In a fascinating counterhistory of American zoos in the 1960s and 1970s, Lisa Uddin revisits the familiar narrative of zoo reform, from naked cages to more naturalistic enclosures. She argues that reform belongs to the story of cities and feelings toward many of their human inhabitants. In Zoo Renewal, Uddin demonstrates how efforts to make the zoo more natural and a haven for particular species reflected white fears about the American city--and, pointedly, how the shame many visitors felt in observing confined animals drew on broader anxieties about race and urban life. Examining the campaign against cages, renovations at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. and the San Diego Zoo, and the cases of a rare female white Bengal tiger and a collection of southern white rhinoceroses, Uddin unpacks episodes that challenge assumptions that zoos are about other worlds and other creatures and expand the history of U.S. urbanism. Uddin shows how the drive to protect endangered species and to ensure larger, safer zoos was shaped by struggles over urban decay, suburban growth, and the dilemmas of postwar American whiteness. In so doing, Zoo Renewal ultimately reveals how feeling bad, or good, at the zoo is connected to our feelings about American cities and their residents.

Zoos and Aquariums in the Public Mind (Psychology and Our Planet)

by John Fraser Joe E. Heimlich Kelly Riedinger

This book summarizes a range of psychological research into how zoos and aquariums operate in the minds of visitors and the broader public. Bringing together core findings from emerging international research, the book provides data-based summaries that situate the content in the larger context of how cultural institutions shape public understanding. The focus of this book is to bring into a single resource, the major strains of research that have explored how zoos and aquariums are situated in public consciousness, to ground the discourses around what zoos and aquariums do in the empirical data and evidence, and to find opportunities to summarize well-established fact to support future research expanding on the known. Among the topics discussed:History of zoo and aquarium developmentThe role of zoos and aquariums in environmental literacyEmpathy development at zoosApplying behavior change theories to the zoo visitor’s experienceSocial radiation of ideas from cultural institutionsProfessional practitioners, zoo industry professionals, and business leaders will find this book an invaluable guide to the psychological literature surrounding the zoo industry.

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