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Young People and Social Policy in Europe
by Lorenza Antonucci Myra Hamilton Steven RobertsThis edited collection provides the first in-depth analysis of social policies and the risks faced by young people. The book explores the effects of both the economic crisis and austerity policies on the lives of young Europeans, examining both the precarity of youth transitions, and the function of welfare state policies.
Young People and the Aesthetics of Health Promotion: Beyond Reason, Rationality and Risk (Youth, Young Adulthood and Society)
by Kerry Montero Peter KellyHealth promotion with young people has largely been framed by theories of behaviour change to target ‘unsafe’, ‘unhealthy’ and/or ‘risky’ behaviours. These theories and models seek to encourage the development in young people of reasoned, rational and risk-aware personal strategies. This book presents an innovative and critical perspective on young people and health promotion. It explores the limits and possibilities of traditional health behaviour change models with their focus on reason, risk and rationality by examining the embodied dimensions of meaning-making in health promotion programs. Drawing on an array of critical social theories and approaches to knowledge production the authors identify and engage the aesthetic and affective dimensions of young people’s engagement with issues such as road safety, sexualities, alcohol and drug use, and physical and mental health and well-being. The book will appeal to researchers and practitioners in the fields of health promotion and health education, public health, education, the sociology of health and illness, youth studies and youth work.
Young People and the Diversity of (Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies #8)
by Elisabeth Arweck Heather ShipleyThis volume brings together current research on young people, (non)religion, and diversity, documenting the forms young people’s stances may take and the social or spatial contexts in which these may be formed. The social contexts studied include the family, school, and faith communities. The spatial contexts include (sub)urban and rural geographies and places of worship and pilgrimage.Youth and (non)religion are an area of academic interest that has been gaining increasing attention, especially as it pertains to youthful expressions of (non)religion and identities. As research on religion and young people spans and expands across academic disciplines and across geographic areas, comparative approaches and perspectives, such as presented in this volume, offer important spaces for reflecting about the experience of religiosity among young people and the ways they are learning about, and developing, (non)religious identities. Building bridges geographically and methodologically, this volume provides an international perspective on religion and nonreligion among young people, offering a diversity of religious and nonreligious perspectives.
Young People and the Far Right (Alternatives and Futures: Cultures, Practices, Activism and Utopias)
by Pam NilanThis book looks at how young people get attracted to the Far Right, especially young white men. We may never know why a young individual ends up there, yet two things are obvious. First, Far Right propaganda appeals to the fantasy imagination and to the emotions. Second, supporting the Far Right is a decision often made by digitally-networked 15-25 year olds looking for answers and wanting to express their anger. However, many later become aware of a yawning gulf between the ideal future they envisioned, and what happens in the here and now. Accounts of the Far Right often focus on terrorist events, plots or extreme acts of violence. However, the emphasis here is on rather ordinary young people and how they get involved in a social movement that promises adventure and belonging. The aim is to better understand how their hate practices are framed and channeled by the persuasive discourse of the Far Right.
Young People and the Smartphone: Everyday Life on the Small Screen
by Michela Drusian Paolo Magaudda Cosimo Marco ScarcelliIn recent years, smartphones and digital platforms have become essential to our lives and are now inextricably interwoven into the everyday practices of millions, especially young people. Focusing on smartphone practices and experiences of youth today, this volume is the result of empirical research based on focus groups and in-depth interviews with young people aged 18-30. Grounded in media theory and analyzed through a blended lens of media and science and technology studies, the book offers detailed and fascinating insights into the everyday use of smartphones. Topics covered include the role of the smartphone as material technology, its use in interpersonal relationships, photographic practices, music and consumer practices, along with the deconstruction of the notion of smartphone ‘addiction’.
Young People as Agents of Sustainable Society: Reclaiming the Future (Youth, Young Adulthood and Society)
by Päivi Honkatukia Tiina RättiläThis book analyses young people’s societal participation as a central dimension of their well-being and as vitally important to secure the sustainable future of humankind and the whole eco-social system. It develops a theoretical framework for analysing youth participation holistically, embedded in its everyday context, and as a relational phenomenon, underpinned by universal human needs. It introduces innovative methodological approaches to study youth engagements in society. This book will appeal to scholars and students of youth studies, sociology, sustainable development, youth participation and education. It also offers new knowledge and theoretical readings for policy experts on youth and sustainable development, as well as for NGOs working with youth. The Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
Young People At Risk: Is Prevention Possible?
by Eli GinzbergThis book focuses on ineffective adolescent behavior and evaluates prevention programs. In addition, the purpose is to assess the current efforts to reduce adolescent behavior such as drunk driving, teenage pregnancy, and dropping out of school. Also considered is whether prevention programs are effective in reducing the individual and social costs of disability and death resulting from such destructive behavior. It is noted that race and income are not determining factors in accounting for drunk driving among adolescents and young adults. However, race, poverty, and single-parent households go far to account for the vast majority of adolescents who become pregnant, use drugs, or drop out of school. A chapter is devoted to statistics, prevention, and deterrent strategies of adolescent drunk driving. Another explores teenage pregnancy, the programmatic approaches, and services. Drug use is discussed in another chapter, with prevention methods emphasized. The final issue focused upon is the intervention of students dropping out of school. The last chapter discusses possible prevention measures for each of the above issues.
Young People, Employment and Work Psychology: Interventions and Solutions
by Angela J CarterYouth unemployment and underemployment is a serious issue in most developed countries in the world. Having few young people in the workplace has serious and lasting consequences for generations of young people, their families, businesses and society as a whole. Dr Carter explores these important issues from multiple (and international) perspectives, offering research evidence and guiding frameworks from social and work psychology, to get more young people into good work. Young People, Employment and Work Psychology brings together educators, researchers, occupational psychologists, and government agencies responding to young people struggling to gain and sustain employment. Theoretically based and evidence-driven, this book explores the consequences of unemployment, suggests ways in which businesses can enable young people's first steps into employment and gives practical advice to young people and employers to prepare for and gain entry-level roles and develop more diverse workplaces. From the reasons why organizations are often reluctant to employ young people, to issues of motivation and confidence which often affect young people’s perspective in looking for work, the book covers several interventions within both the public and private sector. This book is an invaluable resource for employers, policy makers and professionals working with young people, as well as students and researchers in work and organizational psychology, HRM, business management and social policy.
Young People in Digital Society: Control Shift (Studies in Childhood and Youth)
by Amanda Third Philippa Collin Lucas Walsh Rosalyn BlackThis book adopts a critical youth studies approach and theorizes the digital as a key feature of the everyday to analyse how ideas about youth and cyber-safety, digital inclusion and citizenship are mobilized. Despite a growing interest in the benefits and opportunities for young people online, both ‘young people’ and ‘the digital’ continue to be constructed primarily as sites of social and cultural anxiety requiring containment and control. Juxtaposing public policy, popular educational and parental framings of young people’s digital practices with the insights from fieldwork conducted with young Australians aged 12–25, the book highlights the generative possibilities of attending to intergenerational tensions. In doing so, the authors show how a shift beyond the paradigm of control opens up towards a deeper understanding of the capacities that are generated in and through digital life for young and old alike. Young People in Digital Society will be of interest to scholars and students in youth studies, cultural studies, sociology, education, and media and communications.
Young People in Forensic Mental Health Settings: Psychological Thinking and Practice
by Joel Harvey Andrew Rogers Heather LawYouth crime and youth violence blights our communities and shapes the lives of many, whether they are victims, perpetrators or family members. This book examines the application of psychological thinking and practice when working with young people who display high risk behaviours across a broad range of forensic mental health settings in the UK. It provides an up-to-date account of current thinking and practice in the field and the challenges of applying effective psychological approaches within forensic settings for young people. The contributors to Young People in Forensic Mental Health Settings are drawn from a range of environments including universities, youth offending services, secure in-patient settings, young offender institutions, Community Forensic Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (F-CAMHS), and secure children's homes. This volume serves as an important platform for debate and as a forum for discussing the future delivery of psychologically informed services, intervention and mental health provision with young people who display high-risk behaviours.
Young People in Risk Society: The Restructuring of Youth Identities and Transitions in Late Modernity (Routledge Revivals)
by Mark Cieslik Gary PollockThis title was first published in 2002: Loosely divided into two sections, this book's first part includes chapters which explore young people's identities and youth cultures in relation to issues such as drug use, education and dance music. In various ways, the authors examine whether there is a need to rethink the existing theories and concepts which have informed the study of youth cultures and identities. The second part to the volume is concerned with how young people experience "transtitions", in relation to such topics as employment, sexuality, and household formation. The chapters also raise theoretical questions on the usefulness of the transition concept in late modernity, illustrating how the reshaping of key institutions in late modernity has had a profound effect on the sorts of transitions young people make today. In addressing such issues the authors examine the potential contribution that concepts around risk and risk society and new Third Way social policy initiatives can have to contemporary youth studies.
Young People in Rural Areas of Europe (Perspectives on Rural Policy and Planning)
by Birgit JentschDespite an EU-wide commitment to rural development, research has rarely focused on the lives of young people in rural areas, their experiences in education and employment, their perceptions of policies relevant to them, and their possibilities of participation. Based on a two-year European research project on policies and young people in rural development, this edited volume examines these issues and considers young people's experiences of rural life in Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Portugal and Scotland. The volume is organized thematically with each chapter addressing a specific topic in one or more countries. These topics comprise: the attractiveness of rural areas to young people; the impact of programmes under the European Employment Guidelines; rural youth in local community development and partnerships; rural development programmes and their impact on youth integration; the role of social networks; and the transition from education to employment. A number of implications for policy and practice are drawn out in conclusion. This book will be of interest to anyone concerned with the future of rural areas and with those who live in the European countryside.
Young People in the Labour Market: Past, Present, Future (Youth, Young Adulthood and Society)
by Andy Furlong John Goodwin Henrietta O'Connor Sarah Hadfield Stuart Hall Kevin Lowden Réka PlugorLevels of suffering among young people have always been much higher than governments suggest. Indeed, policies aimed at young workers have often been framed in ways that help secure conformity to a new employment landscape in which traditional securities have been progressively removed. Increasingly punitive welfare regimes have resulted in new hardships, especially among young women and those living in depressed labour markets. Framed by the ideas of Norbert Elias, Young People in the Labour Market challenges the idea that changing economic landscapes have given birth to a ‘Precariat’ and argues that labour insecurity is more deep-rooted and complex than others have suggested. Focusing on young people and the ways in which their working lives have changed between the 1980s recession and the Great Recession of 2008/2009 and its immediate aftermath, the book begins by drawing attention to trends already emerging in the preceding two decades. Drawing on data originally collected during the 1980s recession and comparing it to contemporary data drawn from the UK Household Longitudinal Study, the book explores the ways in which young people have adjusted to the changes, arguing that life satisfaction and optimism are linked to labour market conditions. A timely volume, this book will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as postdoctoral researchers who are interested in fields such as Sociology, Social Policy, Management and Youth Studies.
Young People Making It Work: Continuity and Change in Rural Places
by Hernan Cuervo Johanna WynYoung People Making it Work examines a generation's lives in rural Australia over the last two decades. Against a backdrop of dramatic social, economic and environmental change, the book tells the story of how a generation of young people have strived to remain connected to the people and places that matter to them. It transcends the assumption that rural places are one of deficit and disadvantage to focus on the ways in which powerful narratives of belonging are conceptualised. Now aged in their late thirties, these are participants in the Youth Research Centre's Life Patterns longitudinal study who left school in the early 1990s. They are members of generation X, and like their peers in urban places, they have used education to achieve their goals. Their stories reveal the powerful influence of both family and place on the decisions they have made since leaving secondary school. Cuervo and Wyn draw on contemporary theory from sociology, cultural geography and youth studies to provide new insights about youth transitions and young adulthood that are relevant not only to the rural context but to all young people.
Young People, Media and Politics in the Digital Age (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)
by Vera Slavtcheva-PetkovaThe book explores the relationship among young people, politics and the media. It presents a novel multidimensional analytical framework – The Circle Line Media Model, which accounts for the importance of a range of processes, actors and social structures in the political socialisation process. By defining political socialisation as a lifelong interactive process that develops civic cultures, collective identities and citizenship, underpinned by social structures, nationality and generational order, the author draws attention to its manifestation in acts of political participation and interactions with authoritative actors such as school/teachers, family, the media and friends/peers. The volume’s longitudinal study on young people, Europe and the media spanning 13 years of research in two very different countries also makes recommendations for more effectively engaging young people with politics and political media based on Generation Z’s own views about current deficiencies in their relationship with news media. Shedding new light on the changing nature of young people’s engagement with politics, this book will be of interest to researchers, lecturers/professors and upper level undergraduate and postgraduate students in the fields of media studies, communication and journalism studies as well as politics and sociology.
Young People, Physical Activity and the Everyday (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport)
by Jan WrightDespite society’s current preoccupation with interrelated issues such as obesity, increasingly sedentary lifestyles and children’s health, there has until now been little published research that directly addresses the place and meaning of physical activity in young people’s lives. In this important new collection, leading international scholars address that deficit by exploring the differences in young people’s experiences and meanings of physical activity as these are related to their social, cultural and geographical locations, to their abilities and their social and personal biographies. The book places young people’s everyday lives at the centre of the study, arguing that it this 'everydayness' (school, work, friendships, ethnicity, family routines, interests, finances, location) that is key to shaping the engagement of young people in physical activity. By allowing the voices of young people to be heard through these pages, the book helps the reader to make sense of how young people see physical activity in their lives. Drawing on a breadth of theoretical frameworks, and challenging the orthodox assumptions that underpin contemporary physical activity policy, interventions and curricula, this book powerfully refutes the argument that young people are 'the problem' and instead demonstrates the complex social constructions of physical activity in the lives of young people. Young People, Physical Activity and the Everyday is essential reading for both students and researchers with a particular interest physical activity, physical education, health, youth work and social policy.
Young People Re-Generating Politics in Times of Crises
by Sarah Pickard Judith BessantThis book provides insight into the diverse ways young people from around the world are regenerating politics in innovative and multifaceted ways. The authors, who include academics and activists, challenge claims that young people are apolitical, apathetic and living up to the ‘me generation’ stereotype. Contributions cover a rich body of case examples of traditional and new forms of youth politics in response to situated injustices and political and socio-economic crises. Significant and optimistic, the collection presents strong evidence from across the globe that these developments are not isolated incidences, but are in fact part of a systemic, large-scale transformation leading to a regeneration of the political landscape by young people. The book is aimed at students and scholars in the fields of politics, sociology, policy studies and youth and childhood studies.
Young People Shaping Democratic Politics: Interrogating Inclusion, Mobilising Education
by Ian Rivers C. Laura LovinAt a time when political mobilisation is a symptom of social dissatisfaction, young people’s participation in political decision-making, practice and ideological change, make foregrounding and investigating their political practices a necessity. The title of this book, Young People Shaping Democratic Politics: Interrogating Inclusion, Mobilising Education clearly announces its intention, subject, and mission. This collection has been inspired by topical youth mobilisations that aim to address injustices and inequalities which are rooted in poverty, austerity, violence, increased surveillance, climate change, dislocation, xenophobia, the rise of authoritarian regimes, and a global turn to the political right. Whereas young people are politicised in moments of conflict and become symbolic conduits for the future of their nation, they represent a category most often relegated to the apolitical sphere before and after such moments of crisis. This edited collection seeks to expand our engagement with inclusion beyond educational institutions by situating young people at the centre of our inquiry, as agents of political processes that promote, problematise and re-imagine inclusive societies. The chapters engage in contemporary case-studies, which are mapped across a wide range of countries from Europe (Serbia, Spain and United Kingdom), North Africa (Egypt), South Africa, North America (United States), South-Asia (Bangladesh), and West Asia (Lebanon).
Young People, Social Media and Health (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport)
by Victoria Goodyear Kathleen ArmourThe Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.tandfebooks.com/doi/view/10.4324/9781351026987, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license The pervasiveness of social media in young people’s lives is widely acknowledged, yet there is little evidence-based understanding of the impacts of social media on young people’s health and wellbeing. Young People, Social Media and Health draws on novel research to understand, explain, and illustrate young people’s experiences of engagement with health-related social media; as well as the impacts they report on their health, wellbeing, and physical activity. Using empirical case studies, digital representations, and evidence from multi-sector and interdisciplinary stakeholders and academics, this volume identifies the opportunities and risk-related impacts of social media. Offering new theoretical insights and practical guidelines for educators, practitioners, parents/guardians, and policy makers; Young People, Social Media and Health will also appeal to students and researchers interested in fields such as Sociology of Sport, Youth Sports Development, Secondary Physical Education, and Media Effects.
Young People Using Family Violence: International Perspectives on Research, Responses and Reforms
by Kate Fitz-Gibbon Heather Douglas JaneMaree MaherThis book examines the use of violence by children and young people in family settings and proposes specialised and age-appropriate responses to these children and young people It interrogates the adequacy and effectiveness of current service and justice system responses, including analysis of police, court and specialist service responses. It proposes new approaches to children and young people who use violence that are evidence based, non-punitive, and informed by an understanding of the complexity of needs and the importance of age appropriate service responses.Bringing together a range of Australian and International experts, it sheds new light on questions such as: How can we best understand and respond to the use of family violence by young people? To what extent do traditional family violence responses address the experiences of adolescents who use violence in family settings? What barriers to help seeking exist for parental and sibling victims of adolescent family violence? To what degree do existing support and justice services provide adequate responses to those using adolescent family violence and their families? In what circumstances do children kill their biological and adopted parents?The explicit focus on child and adolescent family violence produces new knowledge in the area of family violence, which will be of relevance to academics, policy makers and family violence practitioners in Australia and internationally.
Young People’s Career Development and Wellbeing: An Enquiry across National Education Systems Based on Longitudinal Data (International Study of City Youth Education #5)
by Elizabeth Knight Belgin Okay-SomervilleThis book explores how career development experiences during education are relevant for wellbeing in youth career transitions from an interdisciplinary lens, using longitudinal data from different national educational contexts. Seven empirical chapters culminate in a conceptual model and recommendations for careers and wellbeing-oriented prevention and intervention programs to assist young people as they transition into the world of work. Following a foreword by Professor Stephen Lamb (the Springer International Study of City Youth series editor) and introduction by the editors, the book consists of empirical chapters based in six national and educational contexts, focusing specifically on schooling, higher education and transitions between compulsory schooling and young adulthood. Each national context chapter generates insights based on a longitudinal cohort study with at least two data points concerning information on young people’s career development and wellbeing. The empirical chapters are followed by discussion and conclusion chapters by the editors. The editors reflect on the evidence generated in this book and question what we know about the relevance of career development experiences on young people’s wellbeing during education-to-work transitions. Implications of these empirical findings on career interventions and policy making across the educational systems are discussed. The contributions in this book show that career development experiences while in education matters, not only for employment outcomes, but also for our subjective wellbeing in early careers. Key conclusions point towards a need for theoretically integrating: (i) the sensemaking role of time; (ii) resource-based approaches to careers; as well as (iii) the efficacy of career development experiences to overcome structural inequalities. Methodologically, this book shows the value of nationally representative longitudinal datasets that focus on young people’s educational and labour market experiences.
Young People's Civic Identity in the Digital Age (Palgrave Studies in Young People and Politics)
by Julianne K. ViolaThis book explores young people’s civic experiences in contemporary American society, and how they navigate the political world in an era defined by digital media. Drawing on the experiences of young people before they have reached voting age, the book provides vital perspectives on citizenship and civic engagement of a part of the population that is often overlooked. The author engages with the tensions young people encounter in their everyday personal and civic lives, particularly in their understanding and experience of civic identity in ways that are shaped by society’s (mis)perceptions of youth. The book introduces a new framework of civic identity that has been directly informed by the lived civic experiences of young people themselves. The findings will be of great interest to researchers and students working in political science, sociology, youth studies, education studies, and media studies, as well as policy-makers, practitioners, and parents of young people.
Young People’s Daily Mobilities in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Mac Mashiri Elsbeth Robson Alister Munthali Albert Abane Kate Hampshire Gina PorterThis book explores the daily mobilities and immobilities of children and young people in sub-Saharan Africa. The authors draw on findings from rural and urban field research extending over many years, culminating in a 24-site study across three African countries: Ghana, Malawi, and South Africa. Wider reflections on gender, relationality, the politics of mobility, and field methodology frame the study. By bringing together diverse strands of a complex daily mobilities picture-from journeys for education, work, play/leisure and health, to associated experiences of different transport modes, road safety, and the virtual mobility now afforded by mobile phones-the book helps fill a knowledge gap with crucial significance for development policy and practice.
Young People’s Development and the Great Recession: Uncertain Transitions and Precarious Futures
by Ingrid Schoon John BynnerThe 2007–8 financial crisis and subsequent 'Great Recession' particularly affected young people trying to make their way from education into the labour market at a time of economic uncertainty and upheaval. This is the first volume to examine the impact of the Great Recession on the developmental stage of young adulthood, a critical phase of the life course that has great significance in the foundations of adult identity. Using evidence from longitudinal data sets spanning three major OECD countries, these essays examine the recession's effects on education and employment outcomes and consider the wider psycho-social consequences, including living arrangements, family relations, political engagement, and health and well-being. While the recession intensified the impact of pre-existing trends towards a prolonged dependence on parents and, for many, the precaritisation of life chances, the findings also point to manifestations of resilience, where young people countered adversity by forging positive expectations of the future. Recasts the concept of youth transitions within a contemporary life course perspective, taking into account micro and macro influences Provides a more holistic understanding of recession effects, and offers pointers where new policy regarding, for example, education and training is urgently needed; Draws on data collected for a number of large-scale, national representative and longitudinal data sets; Illustrates the role of social policy in buffering the effects of the recession, and how these vary across countries.
Young People’s Educational Careers in England and Germany
by Judith GlaesserThrough a comparative study of young people's educational careers in England and Germany, this book explores the range of influences which shape educational careers such as the individual talents and interests of young people, their social class and background, as well as school and country characteristics. Methodologically, the book develops a mixed methods approach that utilises Charles Ragin's increasingly popular Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to examine cross-case analyses of secondary survey data alongside within-case process-tracing analyses of interview data to establish causal understanding of educational careers. International comparison adds another dimension, exploiting the significant differences between the two countries' school and university systems. The book therefore offers both a contemporary account of young people's educational careers and decision-making as well as a practical contribution to ongoing debates concerning the establishment of causal andexplanatory knowledge in the non-experimental social sciences.