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Youth Urban Worlds: Aesthetic Political Action in Montreal (IJURR Studies in Urban and Social Change Book Series)

by Julie-Anne Boudreau Joelle Rondeau

Both theoretically informed and empirically rich, Youth Urban Worlds explores how urban cultures affect political action amongst youth. Argues that urban cultures challenge the very meaning and contours of the political process Includes ethnographies, delving into the perspectives and knowledges of racialized youth, urban farmers, and “voluntary risk takers,” like dumpster divers, building climbers, and student protestors Theorizes that aesthetics are an increasingly crucial form of political action in the contemporary urban setting and explains the impact of aesthetics on the political Examines the centrality of fun, warmth, aesthetics, and embodiment to these youth’s experience of being in the world Explains how youth are able to practically and concretely impact the political process through the performance of risky and disruptive behavior

Youth Voices, Public Spaces, and Civic Engagement (Routledge Research in Education #159)

by Stuart Greene Kevin J. Burke Maria K. McKenna

This collection of original research explores ways that educators can create participatory spaces that foster civic engagement, critical thinking, and authentic literacy practices for adolescent youth in urban contexts. Casting youth as vital social actors, contributors shed light on the ways in which urban youth develop a clearer sense of agency within the structural forces of racial segregation and economic development that would otherwise marginalize and silence their voices and begin to see familiar spaces with reimagined possibilities for socially just educational practices.

Youth Without Family to Lean On: Global Challenges and Local Interventions

by Shula Mozes Moshe Israelashvili

Youth Without Family to Lean On draws together interdisciplinary, global perspectives to provide a comprehensive review of the characteristics, dynamics, and development of youth (aged 15–25) who have no family to lean on, either practically or psychologically.In this timely volume, Mozes and Israelashvili bring together leading international experts to present updated knowledge, information on existing interventions, and unanswered questions in relation to youth without family to lean on, in pursuit of fostering these youth’s positive development. The various chapters in this book include discussions on different topics such as social support, developing a sense of belonging, parental involvement, and internalized vs. externalized problems; on populations, including homeless youth, residential care-leavers, refugees, asylum-seekers, young women coming from vulnerable families, and school dropouts; and interventions to promote these youths' mentoring relationships, labor market attainment, out-of-home living placements, use of IT communication, and participation in community-based programs. Additionally, various problems and challenges are presented and elaborated on, such as: Who needs support? Who is qualified to provide support? How should related interventions be developed? The book takes a preventive approach and aims to emphasize steps that can be taken in order to promote young people’s positive development in spite of the absence of a family to rely on in their life and examines the best practices in this context, as well as the international lessons that deserve further dissemination and exploration. This book is essential reading for those in psychology, sociology, public health, social work, law, criminology, public policy, economics, and education and is highly enriching for scholars and practitioners, as well as higher education students, who wish to understand and help the gradually increasing number of youth who are forced, too early, to manage their life alone.

Youth Work

by Naomi Nichols

Combining institutional ethnography and community-based research, Youth Work is a sophisticated examination of the troubling experiences of young people living outside the care of parents or guardians, as well as of the difficulties of the frontline workers who take responsibility for assisting them. Drawing from more than a year of on-site research at an Ontario youth emergency shelter, Naomi Nichols exposes the complicated institutional practices that govern both the lives of young people living in shelters and the workers who try to help them.A troubling account of how a managerial focus on principles like "accountability" and "risk management" has failed to successfully coordinate and deliver services to vulnerable members of society, Youth Work shows how competitive funding processes, institutional mandates, and inter-organizational conflicts complicate the lives of the young people that they are supposed to help. Nichols's book is essential reading for those involved in education, social services, mental health, and the justice system, as well as anyone with an interest in social justice.

Youth, Work and the Post-Fordist Self

by David Farrugia

In the past, youth has been seen as a transition into the labour market, but today young people’s identities are increasingly wrapped up in their value as workers. In this book, young people describe the meaning of work in their own words. Drawing on these narratives, the author reveals how their identities are intertwined with the dynamics of labour and value in post-Fordist capitalism and how social inequalities are manifested through the practices and ethics that young people draw upon to cultivate an economically productive self. Illuminating the rapidly changing social conditions that mould youth identities, this book represents a paradigm shift in our understanding of youth and work.

Youth Work Policies in England 2019-2023: Can Open Youth Work Survive?

by Bernard Davies

This book updates the policy and practice developments affecting youth services since the publication in 2019 of Austerity, Youth Policy and the Deconstruction of the Youth Service in England. It focuses on ‘open youth work’ settings such as youth centres and detached and outreach projects within the wider ideological, political and financial UK policy contexts. It pays detailed attention to the pandemic and cost-of-living impacts on young people, including on their mental health, examining how wider youth-focused state and voluntary provision and the National Youth Agency are responding. It also examines established and new routes to training and qualifying for work with young people. The book offers a distinctive source of evidence on, and analysis of, important areas of youth provision and practice and the policy priorities shaping these, which since 2018 have continued to have limited academic attention.

YouthNation: Building Remarkable Brands in a Youth-Driven Culture

by Matt Britton

Youth is no longer an age—it's a commodity YouthNation is an indispensable brand roadmap to the youth-driven economy. Exploring the idea that youth is no longer an age—it's a commodity that's available to everyone—this book shows what it takes to stay connected, agile, authentic, and relevant in today's marketplace. Readers will learn the ins and outs of the new consumer, and the tools, methods, and techniques that ensure brand survival in the age of perpetual youth. Coverage includes marketing in a post-demographic world, crafting the story of the brand, building engaged communities, creating experiences that inspire loyalty and evangelism, and the cutting-edge tricks that help businesses large and small harness the enormous power of youth. The old marketing models are over, and the status quo is dead. Businesses today have to embody the ideals of youth culture in order to succeed, by tapping the new and rapidly evolving resources n business and in life. When everything is changing at the pace of a teenager's attention span, how do businesses future-fit for long-term success? This book provides a plan, and the thoughts, strategies, and brass tacks advice for putting it into action. Use New-Gen psychographics to target markets Build stronger evangelism with a compelling brand narrative Create loyal communities with immersive and engaging experiences Navigate the radically-changed landscape of the future marketplace In today's hyper-socialized, Facebook fanatic, selfie-obsessed world, youth is the primary driver of business and culture. Smart companies are looking to tap into the fountain of youth, and the others are sinking fast. YouthNation is a roadmap to brand relevancy in the new economy, giving businesses turn-by-turn direction to their market destination.

Youthquake 2017: The Rise of Young Cosmopolitans in Britain (Palgrave Studies in Young People and Politics)

by James Sloam Matt Henn

This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.This book investigates the reasons behind the 2017 youthquake – which saw the highest rate of youth turnout in a quarter of a century, and an unprecedented gap in youth support for Labour over the Conservative Party – from both a comparative and a theoretical perspective. It compares youth turnout and party allegiance over time and traces changes in youth political participation in the UK since the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis – from austerity, to the 2016 EU referendum, to the rise of Corbyn – up until the June 2017 General Election. The book identifies the rise of cosmopolitan values and left-leaning attitudes amongst Young Millennials, particularly students and young women. The situation in the UK is also contrasted with developments in youth participation in other established democracies, including the youthquakes inspired by Obama in the US (2008) and Trudeau in Canada (2015).

Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is about Help Not Hype

by Jay Baer

The difference between helping and selling is just two letters If you're wondering how to make your products seem more exciting online, you're asking the wrong question. <P><P>You're not competing for attention only against other similar products. You're competing against your customers' friends and family and viral videos and cute puppies. To win attention these days you must ask a different question: "How can we help?" Jay Baer's Youtility offers a new approach that cuts through the clut­ter: marketing that is truly, inherently useful. If you sell something, you make a customer today, but if you genuinely help someone, you create a customer for life.

Youtility for Accountants

by Jay Baer Darren Root

Youtility fundamentally changes how accountants and accounting firms think about marketing and their business. Jay Baer defines "Youtility" as information and resources given away for free to build awareness and trust. Youtility creates awareness, customers, and loyalty over the long-term. Due to enormous shifts in technology and consumer behavior, customers want a new approach that cuts through the clut­ter: marketing that is truly, inherently useful. The difference between helping and selling is just two letters, but embracing the former makes the latter much, much easier. Meticulously researched, and filled with examples of accountants and accounting firms that have accelerated their business enormously by embracing the principle of Youtility marketing, this special ebook from best selling authors Jay Baer and Darren Root provides a groundbreaking plan for using information and helpfulness to transform the relationship between companies and customers. Based on the New York Times best seller Youtility, this is the playbook for modern marketing effectiveness in the accounting industry.

Youtility for Real Estate

by Jay Baer Erica Campbell Byrum

How real estate professionals can build trust and dominate their competition by creating truly useful marketing. Youtility, as defined by bestselling author Jay Baer, is marketing that people cherish instead of marketing they simply tolerate. Due to enormous shifts in technology and consumer behavior, customers want a new approach that cuts through the clutter: marketing that is truly, inherently useful. Smart real estate professionals are applying the concepts of Youtility, giving away information and resources for free, to differentiate and dominate by providing real value to clients and prospective clients. The difference between helping and selling is just two letters, but embracing the former makes the latter much, much easier. Meticulously researched and filled with examples of residential and multifamily real estate professionals who have accelerated their businesses enormously by embracing the principles of Youtility marketing, this special e-book provides a groundbreaking plan for using information and helpfulness to transform the relationship between real estate pros and their customers. Based on the New York Times bestseller Youtility, this pithy e-book is a must for marketers in the real estate industry.

YouTube: An Insider's Guide To Climbing The Charts

by Alan Lastufka Michael W. Dean

Want to make a splash on YouTube? Even go viral? You've come to the right place. This book is written by two veteran 'Tubers who live their art and know what they're talking about -- especially Alan Lastufka, a.k.a. "fallofautumndistro," who has over 13,000 YouTube subscribers and over 4 million views. Alan and co-author Michael W. Dean show you how to make a quality video, and how to optimize, encode, upload, and promote it. This book can't promise you'll be rich and famous, but it can tell you how to make great video art, and what you need to do to get your work seen. You'll learn about:Storytelling and directingShooting, editing, and renderingCreating your very own channelBroadcasting user-generated contentRe-broadcasting commercial contentCultivating a devoted audienceFitting into the YouTube communityBecoming a success storyJoin Alan, who makes part of his living from YouTube, and Michael, a successful filmmaker, author, and D.I.Y. art pioneer. They'll take you from the basics of gear to making it big on YouTube, with a focus on networking and interaction. You'll also sit in on informative interviews with YouTube stars LisaNova, Hank Green (vlogbrothers), WhatTheBuckShow, nalts, and liamkylesullivan. Alan and Michael understand viral marketing -- and they know what it takes to get your work on everyone's YouTube radar. And, once you read this book, so will you.

Yārsān of Iran, Socio-Political Changes and Migration

by S. Behnaz Hosseini

This book examines how socio-political surroundings have affected the evolution of Yārsāni religious thought and why the Yārsāni religious belief, despite its fundamental disagreement with Islamic tenets, has been affiliated with Islam. It also considers the historical context and socio-religious milieu in which the Yārsāni belief appropriates religious forces to survive, how Yārsānis experience their religion in Islamic society, and what differences are significant in their lived experiences. The author explores how the experience of worship influences real life for the Yārsānis from the perspectives of sociology, behaviorism, content analysis, cultural studies and ethnography in Iran and diaspora with focus on Sweden. Yārsāni followers became known as those who “don’t tell secrets,” primarily because they were not allowed to promote and advertise their religion in public, but recently have started to reveal their religion, especially in social media. This book discovers the transformation of this religion, and in particular in which context an individual can change the content of religion, and bring about new ideas regarding religion and belief.

Yugoslav Economists on Problems of a Socialist Economy

by Radmila Stojanovic

This title was first published in 1964

Yugoslavia: Socialism, Development and Debt (Routledge Revivals)

by David Dyker

This book, first published in 1990, analyses contemporary Yugoslavian development strategy in its historical and political context, assessing how corruption, negligence, and an emphasis on industry to the detriment of agriculture and trade, have all played a part in bringing Yugoslavia close to financial and political chaos. The book concludes by considering the contemporary prospects for a more integrated policy approach in the midst of the country's political crisis.

Yugoslavia in the Shadow of War

by John Paul Newman

The Yugoslav state of the interwar period was a child of the Great European War. Its borders were superimposed onto a topography of conflict and killing, for it housed many war veterans who had served or fought in opposing armies (those of the Central Powers and the Entente) during the war. These veterans had been adversaries but after 1918 became fellow subjects of a single state, yet in many cases they carried into peace the divisions of the war years. John Paul Newman tells their story, showing how the South Slav state was unable to escape out of the shadow cast by the First World War. Newman reveals how the deep fracture left by war cut across the fragile states of 'New Europe' in the interwar period, worsening their many political and social problems and bringing the region into a new conflict at the end of the interwar period.

Z.B.A.: Zen of Business Administration

by Marc Lesser

Entrepreneur Marc Lesser built his company, Brush Dance, from a tiny recycled-paper venture operated out of his garage into a multimillion-dollar publisher of greeting cards and calendars. Armed with an MBA, this founder and CEO grappled with the usual challenges of running a company: meeting payroll and balancing cashflow, hiring and firing employees, and maintaining relationships with vendors and customers. Informing every decision was Lesser’s commitment to Zen practice. As an ordained Zen priest, he has practiced and studied Zen for thirty years. In Z.B.A. he follows the great spiritual tradition of teaching stories to beautifully describe the delicate path of living a working life as a spiritual practice.

Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen: Zwischen Marktprinzipien und Kommunikation

by Kristin Nicolaus

Kristin Nicolaus erarbeitet in diesem Buch eine diskursdemokratische Perspektive auf Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen (PES). Sie rückt die Kommunikationen und Möglichkeiten der Partizipation in den Mittelpunkt und analysiert – mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse – 18 Entstehungsprozesse von PES in Deutschland und Großbritannien. Aus der empirischen Untersuchung ergeben sich Erkenntnisse, die bisher kaum Beachtung fanden und Aussagen darüber treffen, wie vielfältig PES zustande kommen und welchen Einfluss die jeweiligen Kontexte darauf nehmen. Die gewonnenen Einsichten setzen sich von bisher vorherrschenden Funktionslogiken ab und erweitern so das Bild von Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen.

Zapotec Women: Gender, Class, and Ethnicity in Globalized Oaxaca

by Lynn Stephen

In this extensively revised and updated second edition of her classic ethnography, Lynn Stephen explores the intersection of gender, class, and indigenous ethnicity in southern Mexico. She provides a detailed study of how the lives of women weavers and merchants in the Zapotec-speaking town of Teotitln del Valle, Oaxaca, have changed in response to the international demand for Oaxacan textiles. Based on Stephen's research in Teotitln during the mid-1980s, in 1990, and between 2001 and 2004, this volume provides a unique view of a Zapotec community balancing a rapidly advancing future in export production with an entrenched past anchored in indigenous culture. Stephen presents new information about the weaving cooperatives women have formed over the last two decades in an attempt to gain political and cultural rights within their community and standing as independent artisans within the global market. She also addresses the place of Zapotec weaving within Mexican folk art and the significance of increased migration out of Teotitln. The women weavers and merchants collaborated with Stephen on the research for this book, and their perspectives are key to her analysis of how gender relations have changed within rituals, weaving production and marketing, local politics, and family life. Drawing on the experiences of women in Teotitln, Stephen considers the prospects for the political, economic, and cultural participation of other indigenous women in Mexico under the policies of economic neoliberalism which have prevailed since the 1990s.

Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business—and What to Do About It

by Jason R. Dorsey Denise Villa

The most complete and authoritative guide to Gen Z, describing how leaders must adapt their employment, sales and marketing, product, and growth strategies to attract and keep this important new generation of customers, employees and trendsetters.Gen Z changes everything. Today’s businesses are not built to sell and market the way Gen Z shops and buys, or to recruit and employ Gen Z the way they find and keep jobs. Leaders need answers now as gen Z is the fastest growing generation of employees and the most important group of consumer trendsetters. The companies that quickly and comprehensively adapt to Gen Z thinking will be the winners for the next twenty years. Those that don’t will be the losers or become extinct. Zconomy is the comprehensive survival guide on how leaders must understand and embrace Generation Z. Researched and written by Dr. Denise Villa and Jason Dorsey from The Center for Generational Kinetics, the insights in Zconomy are based on their extensive research, they’ve led more than 60 generational studies, and their work with more than 500 companies around the world.In Zconomy, Dr. Villa and Dorsey answer: Who is Gen Z? What do employers, marketers, and sales leaders need to know? And, most importantly, what should leaders do now?This is the critical moment for leaders to understand and adapt to Gen Z or become irrelevant. Gen Z is already reshaping the world of business and this change is only going to accelerate. Zconomy is the definitive manual that will prepare any executive, manager, entrepreneur, HR or marketing professional to successfully unlock the powerful potential of this emerging generation at this pivotal time.


by Greg Donaldson

Eight years in the making, this edgy, in-depth account follows a black felon’s attempt to find a new life for himself with a white woman in a small-town neighborhood where—as the book’s title implies—such relationships are common. A remarkably intense read, Zebratown reveals a rhythm of life spiked with violence, betrayal, sex, and the emotional dangers created by passionate love. Greg Donaldson’s Zebratown follows the life of Kevin Davis, an ex-con from Brownsville, Brooklyn, who, after his release from prison, moves to Elmira, New York, and takes up with Karen, a young woman with a six-year-old daughter. Kevin is seemingly the embodiment of hip-hop gangsterism—a heavily muscled, feared thug who has beaten a murder rap. And yet, as Donaldson’s stunning reportage reveals, Kevin has survived on the streets and in prison with a sharp intelligence and a rigid code of practical morality and physical fitness while yearning to make a better life for himself and be a better man. Month by month and year by year, Donaldson follows Kevin and Karen’s attempt to make a home together, a quest made harder by Kevin’s difficulty finding legal employment. The dangerous lures of the street remain for him, both in New York City and in Zebratown, and he is not always successful at avoiding them. Meanwhile, as Kevin and Karen struggle, the reader comes to care for them, even as they act in ways that society may not condone. Theirs is a complex story with many moments of drama, suffering, desire, and revelation—a story that is frequently astonishing and unforgettable to the end. Like Adrian Nicole LeBlanc in Random Family, Donaldson explores a largely hidden world; such immersion journalism is difficult to achieve but uniquely powerful to read. In addition to spending long periods with Kevin and Karen, Donaldson interviews policemen, judges, family members, and others in Kevin and Karen’s orbit, providing a remarkably panoramic account of their lives. Relationships between white women and black men have long been a hot issue in American culture. Even years after the 2008 presidential election, when society has in some ways seemingly moved on to a "postracial" perspective, people still have a lot to say about interracial relationships. Zebratown takes us into the heart of one and offers the paradoxical truth that while race is rarely not an issue in such relationships, in the end, what transpires between a couple is intensely individual. Meanwhile, the difficulty that ex-cons have successfully reentering society is an ongoing problem—for them, their families, and the communities where they live. Zebratown makes this struggle real, as Kevin Davis confronts not only his criminal record and his poor formal education but the cruelties of the postindustrial economy. Both his and Karen’s stories resonate powerfully with twenty-first-century American reality, and in telling them, Greg Donaldson confirms his position as one of the most intrepid journalists at work today.

Zehou Li and the Aesthetics of Educational Maturity: A Transcultural Reading (New Directions in the Philosophy of Education)

by Flora Liuying Wei

This book articulates a unique conception of aesthetic educational philosophy and its relation to the Chinese world, drawing on the works of the prominent contemporary Chinese philosopher Zehou Li. The book outlines an aesthetics approach to educational maturity that recognises both the contributions of Western Enlightenment ideals and Chinese traditions, paving the way for an inclusive and post-comparative philosophy. It offers a nuanced discussion of Zehou Li’s thought and how his work can be framed at the border between traditional and modern China, between China and the West. The book combines a discussion of aesthetics with educational theory and considers their combined implications for educational practice (in particular in the first-person perspectives of students, parents, and teachers), in both local and global contexts. Providing a way of doing philosophy of education that carefully considers interactions and overlaps between Western and Chinese civilisation, the book will be of great interest to researchers, academics and postgraduate students in the fields of educational philosophy, educational theory, Chinese and cross-cultural philosophy.

Zeig mir mehr Biostatistik!: Mehr Ideen und neues Material für einen guten Biometrie-Unterricht

by Reinhard Vonthein Iris Burkholder Rainer Muche Geraldine Rauch

Wie schon in "Zeig mir Biostatistik!" werden wieder viele Ideen für einzelne Übungen, Unterrichtseinheiten, Prüfungen oder ganze Kurse vorgestellt. Alle benötigten Materialien sind für den Nutzer online frei verfügbar, um dem Leser die Anwendung zu vereinfachen. Die Herausgeber unterrichten Biometrie als Haupt- oder Nebenfach an verschiedenen Universitäten bzw. Hochschulen und im Rahmen unterschiedlicher Studiengänge, u.a. dem Studiengang Humanmedizin. Daraus entstand das gemeinsame Ziel, den Austausch von Ideen und ausgereiftem Unterrichtsmaterial zu fördern. Alle Beiträge dieses Buches wurden für den Preis für das beste Lehrmaterial im Fach Biometrie 2016 eingereicht, der von der Arbeitsgruppe Lehre und Didaktik der Biometrie der Deutschen Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft ausgeschrieben wurde. So entstand ein breiter Querschnitt an Beiträgen für eine lebendige Lehre der Biostatistik.

Zeit des Wandels und der Initiative: Änderungen unterstützen - Gewohnheiten stabilisieren

by Klaus Konrad

Dieses Buch betrachtet Veränderung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven und unterstützt in seinen Erläuterungen Menschen, die im beratenden sowie pädagogischen Kontext arbeiten. Im Zentrum stehen Theorien, Anwendungen und Beispiele rund um Veränderungen und Neu-Anfänge. Wir fangen immer wieder neu an. Wandeln, verwandeln, modellieren, modernisieren, ersetzen, variieren, fluktuieren sind Synonyme dafür, die uns im Alltag immer wieder begegnen. Sich wandeln und dynamisch zeigen liegt im Trend. Dazu passt das weithin sichtbare Bestreben nach Selbstoptimierung. Ungeachtet von Lebensalter und Ausbildung versuchen viele Menschen jederzeit ein neues Bild von sich zu entwerfen, und sei es auch nur virtuell.

Zeit- und Selbstmanagement

by Isabell Braumandl Birgit Dirscherl Silke Weisweiler

Termin- und Zeitdruck, Informationsüberflutung und Multitasking sind zum Massenphänomen geworden. Die Folge: Auch hoch motivierte Leistungsträger geraten an die Grenzen ihrer psychischen und physischen Belastbarkeit. Dieses Fachbuch für Weiterbildungsanbieter und Personalabteilungen bietet ein komplettes Trainingsprogramm: Hintergrundwissen zu Zeit- und Selbstkompetenz sowie pädagogischen Ansätzen, vollständige Moderationsanleitungen, Foliensätze und Arbeitsmaterialien. Ein Methodenbaukasten, der auch im individuellen Coaching einsetzbar ist.

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