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Zygmunt Bauman (Key Sociologists)
by Tony BlackshawThis timely book provides the definitive concise introduction to the phenomenon of Zygmunt Bauman. After introducing the man, his major influences and his special way of 'thinking sociologically', author Blackshaw traces the development of Bauman's project by identifying and explaining the major shifts of emphasis in his work – the break with Marxism and the postmodern 'turn', and the subsequent refocusing on 'liquid' modernity – as well as offering a clear and accessible guide to the key conceptual hinges which move the reader on. This book, the only concise introduction to Bauman's work on the market, goes on to explain the importance of the full range of persistent themes concerning Bauman, dealing specifically with individualization, freedom, identity, community, social control, consumption and waste, building a penetrating understanding of why these issues matter for this Key Sociologist. Bauman's ideas have impacted beyond sociology into criminology, political theory, cultural studies, leisure studies and so forth, and have also now penetrated outside the walls of the academy into social policy, welfare reform, social work and politics. Making use of pedagogical features such as boxed sections, chapter summaries, an annotated bibliography and links to further reading, this well-written text assumes no prior familiarity with Bauman's work and will appeal to anyone in any of these fields wishing to get acquainted with the ideas of one of the world's most wide-ranging thinkers.
Zygmunt Bauman and the Theory of Culture
by Dariusz BrzezińskiOne of the most influential intellectuals of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, sociologist and philosopher Zygmunt Bauman (1925–2017) made reflection on culture a fundamental part of his academic work. He published a substantial number of papers on the topic, and many of his concepts would go on to significantly influence the social sciences and humanities. Bauman began his theoretical studies on culture when working at the University of Warsaw and continued them all his life. Inspired by the many intellectual currents he encountered over his more than six decades of work, Bauman wrote on culture in the contexts of such issues as Marxism and socialism, modernity and the Holocaust, postmodernity and liquid modernity, and contemporary nostalgia. In Zygmunt Bauman and the Theory of Culture Dariusz Brzeziński uses the evolution of Bauman’s theory of culture as a prism through which to offer a comparative analysis, putting Bauman’s work in conversation with the writings of other contemporary intellectuals.In this first comprehensive and critical assessment of Bauman’s lifelong work on culture, Brzeziński includes Bauman’s Polish-language papers and books, as well as his works discovered only posthumously, presenting them to an international audience.
Zygmunt Bauman and the West: A Sociology of Intellectual Exile
by Jack PalmerZygmunt Bauman was both an outsider of Western modernity and one of its foremost interpreters. He was an exemplary figure in twentieth-century intellectual work on exile who experienced both Nazi and Soviet forms of totalitarianism.The first work to draw extensively on Bauman’s personal archive, Zygmunt Bauman and the West argues that the distinctive social thought that sprang from Bauman’s lived experiences of exile amounts to a sustained, sophisticated, and hitherto unappreciated problematization of Eurocentrism and the West. Through an overview of the intellectual’s thought and his contribution to sociology, Jack Palmer explores Bauman’s experience and interpretation of the West and seeks to understand his work in a broader context, outside of the Eurocentric environment from which it was born. Intervening in a resurgent sociology of intellectuals, Zygmunt Bauman and the West re-evaluates the place of the West in social and political thought.
Zyklos 6: Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie (Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie)
by Martin Endreß Stephan MoebiusDas Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie trägt dem Umstand Rechnung, dass die Soziologie eine Wissenschaft ist, die es mit einem sich historisch wandelnden Gegenstand zu tun hat, also eine Wissenschaft ist, die sich stets von Neuem selbst reflektieren muss, und widmet sich der engen Verbindung von soziologischer Theorie- und Disziplingeschichte sowie allgemein der Reflexionsgeschichte der Gesellschaft und ihren verschiedenen Selbstbeschreibungen. Neben Aufsätzen zur Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie enthalten die einzelnen Bände dieses Jahrbuches auch Nachrichten aus der soziologiegeschichtlichen Forschung, Inedita aus den verschiedenen einschlägigen Archiven, Interviews mit Zeitzeugen sowie Besprechungen einschlägiger Buchpublikationen zu diesem Thema.
Zyklos 7: Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie (Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie)
by Martin Endreß Stephan MoebiusDas Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie trägt dem Umstand Rechnung, dass die Soziologie es mit einem sich historisch wandelnden Gegenstand zu tun hat; sie also eine Wissenschaft ist, die sich stets von Neuem selbst reflektieren muss. Entsprechend widmet Zyklos sich der engen Verbindung von soziologischer Theorie- und Disziplingeschichte sowie allgemein der Reflexionsgeschichte von Vergesellschaftungen und ihren verschiedenen Selbstbeschreibungen. Neben Aufsätzen zur Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie enthalten die einzelnen Bände dieses Jahrbuches auch Nachrichten aus der soziologiegeschichtlichen Forschung, Inedita aus den verschiedenen einschlägigen Archiven, Interviews mit Zeitzeugen sowie Besprechungen einschlägiger Buchpublikationen zu diesem Thema.