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Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

by Mike White

The southern High Sierra, including Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks and the surrounding John Muir, Jennie Lakes, and Monarch Wildernesses, is one of the most magnificent natural areas in the world. Blessed with the largest trees on earth (giant sequoias), one of the deepest canyons in North America (Kings Canyon), and the highest mountain in the continental U.S. (Mt. Whitney), the greater Sequoia-Kings Canyon region offers unparalleled mountain majesty. Along with such superlatives, hundreds of miles of trail provides access to a boundless number of high mountain lakes, wildflower-covered meadows, cascading streams, deep forests, and craggy peaks. Mike White's guide is the only comprehensive guide to this portion of John Muir's Range of Light.

Ser de River. En las buenas y en las malas: Agonía, descenso y resurrección desde la tribuna

by Andrés Burgo

«Es hora de la B. Fue toda una experiencia vivir con miedo. Ser esclavo.Ver algo que no creía que fuera posible. Ver el dolor en cientos deojos. Seguir a River en treinta y ocho partidos de los cuarenta de latemporada en que descendió fue un aprendizaje. Me dolió horrores, pero acosta del mejor premio: quiero a River más que nunca». Andrés Burgo El autor de este libro es periodista deportivo e hincha de River.Hincha-hincha, de los que van a la cancha, de los que sufren, de los queven que el mundo se va por el inodoro cada vez que su equipo pierde. Enla temporada 2010-2011 se propuso estar más cerca de River que nunca,porque sintió que ambos (él y el equipo) lo necesitaban. Así lo hizo, yde ese fuego purificador de la temporada en la que River descendió,Andrés Burgo regresa con un libro que combina como pocos brillo yemoción, información dura y análisis sobre las causas que llevaron alclub al descenso (la pelea Passarella-Grondona y las administraciones deAguilar e Israel), con pensamientos y sentimientos acerca de sucondición de hincha irredento, devoto y sentimental, que se siente másgallina que antes. Al igual que los millones que siguieron alentandopese aldesastre.

Ser del Barça és...: La llarga història d'un gran èxit

by Eduard Gonzalo

El joc del Barça ha obtingut els darrers anys l’admiració i el reconeixement del món sencer. La premsa internacional s’ha tret el barret davant el seu joc i ha proclamat les virtuts dels jugadors i l’entrenador. Franklin Roer, editor de la prestigiosa The New Republic, afirmà: «El lema del FC Barcelona és “més que un club”. I he de confessar que hi estic d’acord. El Barça és un dels grans regals de Déu al temps d’oci». Què hi ha darrere d’aquest gran èxit? Què amaga aquesta idea centenària que el Barça és «més que un club»? Buscant l’essència que ens fa diferents, aquest llibre recull el testimoni de molts barcelonistes, des de Pep Guardiola fins a Leo Messi, passant per Cesc Fàbregas, Carles Puyol o Guillermo Amor; culers de pedra picada com Josep Carreras, el director d’orquestra Antoni Ros-Marbà o el doctor Cugat, i també Josep Maria Minguella o el president Sandro Rosell; recupera les dones implicades en la història i la gestió del club, com Anna Maria Martínez Sagi —la primera directiva— i identifica els grans pioners del planter, com Josep Boter, Oriol Tort o Miquel Gual. Ser del Barça és... ret tribut a les grans estrelles al camp o a la banqueta, com Samitier, Ladislau Kubala, Helenio Herrera, Johan Cruyff o Ronaldinho, i també jugadors com César, Ferran Olivella, Josep Fusté, Carles Rexach o Xavi Hernández, entre molts d’altres que han estat capitans emblemàtics i ambaixadors del que el Barça simbolitza.

Ser o no ser: Biografía deportiva, sentimental y política de Carlos Alberto Reutemann

by Gabriel Pandolfo

Esta biografía descubre con agudeza los secretos de un hombre solitario,un piloto con talento y candidato por inconveniencia. Un jurado de notables del automovilismo lo definió con una exactitud quetrasciende las pistas: era un piloto con talento, pero inconsistente.Condenado a ser el segundo de todas las escuderías, perdió el campeonatode 1981 por un punto, boicoteado por su propio equipo. ¿Problemasemocionales? ¿Carácter huraño? ¿Poco confiable? ¿Incapacidad paratrabajar en equipo? Preguntas que se han hecho los expertos de laFórmula 1 y que luego también se harían diversos referentes del mundopolítico ante sus vacilaciones hamletianas.Ser o no ser, candidato a presidente. Esa fue, es y será la cuestión.Con su ex mujer, Mimicha Bobbio, tuvo una relación tumultuosa; con laactual, Verónica Ghío, intenta tejer un improbable entramado políticoque le otorgue seguridad absoluta. Fue uno de los primeros enapoyar a Carlos Menem en su carrera por desguazar al Estado y ponerlo enmanos privadas. Más tarde, el arco antikirchnerista se lo disputaba:Duhalde, Carrió, Solá,Macri, Cobos...

Serena Williams: Legends in Sports

by Matt Christopher

Discover the amazing achievements of sports legend Serena Williams--on and off the tennis court--in this exciting new biography.Serena Williams has been ranked number one in the world for tennis singles, won twenty-two Grand Slam singles titles, and won four Olympic gold medals. She is a powerful player and a fierce competitor. Learn more about the record-breaking athlete in this comprehensive and action-packed biography, complete with stats and photographs.

Serena Williams (Amazing Athletes Ser.)

by Jon M Fishman

Tennis superstar Serena Williams won the Wimbledon singles title in 2015. It was her fourth Grand Slam tournament victory in a row, a feat she had also reached earlier in her career. Fans called it the Serena Slam. She had begun her tennis career in the shadow of her older sister Venus. But after completing the Serena Slam for the second time, Serena no longer stood in anyone's shadow. Learn all about one of the greatest tennis players of all time.

Série Explorando os Estados Unidos Alasca - Diário de Viagem por Estado: do Óbvio ao Inusitado

by Amber Richards Débora Gastal

Nesta série, vamos explorar um estado americano de cada vez. Neste ebook, você irá conhecer o lindo estado do Alasca. Seja você residente no Alasca ou alguém que planeja visitá-lo, nós vamos lhe mostrar lugares legais para se visitar e coisas interessantes para se fazer. Algumas destas sugestões serão sobre opções já conhecidas e populares, enquanto outras serão sobre lugares inusitados e fora do circuito turístico habitual. Este guia foi escrito com a colaboração de uma pessoa residente no Alasca, para oferecer uma perspectiva local. Muitas vezes, isso nos permite oferecer uma visão completamente diferente da região, diversa daquela trazida pelos guias de viagem. O enfoque desta série não é tanto em onde se hospedar e comer (a menos que isso ofereça uma experiência verdadeiramente única da região), mas nas cidades, na vida local, na natureza e na paisagem, em um pouco de história e também em coisas para se fazer enquanto você estiver no Alasca. Há também capítulos sobre cidades fantasma, feiras e festivais populares e passeios legais para famílias.

The Series: What I Remember, What It Felt Like, What It Feels Like Now

by Ken Dryden

A new book by Hall of Fame goalie and bestselling author Ken Dryden celebrates the 50th anniversary of the 1972 Summit Series SEPTEMBER 2, 1972, MONTREAL FORUM, GAME ONE: The best against the best for the first time. Canada, the country that had created the game; the Soviet Union, having taken it up only twenty-six years earlier. On the line: more than the players, more than the fans, more than Canadians and Russians knew. So began an entirely improbable, near-month-long series of games that became more and more riveting, until, for the eighth, and final, and deciding game—on a weekday, during work and school hours all across the country—the nation stopped. Of Canada&’s 22 million people, 16 million watched. Three thousand more were there, in Moscow, behind the Iron Curtain, singing—Da da, Ka-na-da, nyet, nyet, So-vi-yet! It is a story long told, often told. But never like this. Ken Dryden, a goalie in the series, a lifetime observer, later a writer, tells the story in &“you are there&” style, as if he is living it for the first time. As if you, the reader, are too. The series, as it turned out, is the most important moment in hockey history, changing the game, on the ice and off, everywhere in the world. As it turned out, it is one of the most significant events in all of Canada&’s history. Through Ken Dryden&’s words, we understand why.


by John McEnroe

John McEnroe enjoyed tremendous success at all levels of tennis, and he owns 77 career singles titles, including 7 Grand Slams. He joined the circuit in 1978 and it took him only three years to attain the No. 1 ranking. The 1980 Wimbledon final, between McEnroe and Bjorn Borg, is considered by many tennis experts to be the best match ever, a five-set thriller which McEnroe avenged the following year for his first Wimbledon title.In doubles, McEnroe is recognised as the best player of all time. He was ranked No. 1 for a record 257 weeks and captured a total of 74 titles, including 8 Grand Slams. Still an active player, McEnroe is now an outstanding tennis commentator and broadcaster for the BBC and other national networks. This autobiography, his first, covers an awesome tennis career, marriage to movie star Tatum O'Neal and where arguably the greatest tennis player of all time goes from here.This is SERIOUS.

Serious Games für die Gesundheit: Anwendung in der Prävention und Rehabilitation im Überblick (essentials)

by Josef Wiemeyer

Josef Wiemeyer bietet in diesem essential einen Überblick über die Arten und Anwendungsbereiche von Serious Games im Gesundheitsbereich und behandelt Spielinhalte, Wirkungsmechanismen, Wirkungsnachweise und Anwendungssettings. Die vorgestellten Einsatzbeispiele in Prävention und Rehabilitation belegen eindrucksvoll die Stärken von Serious Games – die kritische Analyse zeigt aber auch, dass Serious Games kein Allheilmittel sind, sondern eine interessante und attraktive Ergänzung bisheriger Interventionsmethoden bieten.

Serious Leisure: A Perspective for Our Time (Leisure Studies In A Global Era Ser.)

by Robert A. Stebbins

Serious Leisure offers a comprehensive view and analysis of the current state of the sociology of leisure. Defining and differentiating the way people use their free time, Stebbins divides such activity into categories of serious, casual, and project-based leisure that he further separates into a variety of types and subtypes. Together they comprise what he calls serious leisure.In this perspective, serious leisure constitutes systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer activity sufficiently substantial and interesting in nature and requiring special skills, knowledge, and experience. Casual leisure, though immediately, intrinsically rewarding, is by contrast a relatively short-lived pleasurable activity, requiring little or no special training to enjoy it. Project-based leisure is a short-term, reasonably complicated, occasional creative undertaking carried out in free time. Stebbins sets out the basic concepts and propositions that make up the three forms, focusing on their essential elements. He takes stock of the serious leisure literature as well as that for casual and project-based leisure.Stebbins sees serious leisure realized by way of a set of foundational concepts--organization, community, history, lifestyle, and culture--and several of their component areas. He reviews the history and background of the concept of serious leisure and then adds historical commentary on, first, casual leisure and, then, project-based leisure. Finally, he examines the future and the importance of the serious leisure perspective in a globalizing world, and some of its critical links with other fields of knowledge and practice, notably the nonprofit sector and preventive medicine.Together with its original insights, Serious Leisure offers a single, handy, coherent, comprehensive resource. It will be of interest to sociologists, labor studies specialists, and economists.

The Serious Leisure Perspective: An Introduction

by Sam Elkington Robert A. Stebbins

The "Serious Leisure Perspective" (SLP) is a theoretical framework that can help us understand the complexities of modern leisure as both an activity and an experience. Bringing together the study of serious leisure, casual leisure and project-based leisure, it is an essential component of the Leisure Studies curriculum and an invaluable tool for exploring the significance of leisure in contemporary society. This book is the first of offer a comprehensive introduction to the Serious Leisure Perspective, from fundamental principles and key concepts to in-depth and wide-ranging case studies of serious leisure pursuits. The book introduces the history of the SLP and its position alongside other social theories that attempt to explain the nature and function of leisure. It explores important themes such as consumption, gender relations, social capital and quality of life, and delves deeply into the leisure of amateurs, hobbyists, career volunteers and occupational devotees. Every chapter includes a range of useful pedagogical features, such as review questions and group exercises, to help the student to grasp the importance of understanding leisure as a way of understanding contemporary social life and society. Combining cutting-edge theory and method with an engaging and practical interface, this is an essential text for all Leisure Studies courses and illuminating reading for any student working in Tourism, Events, Sport, Recreation, Sociology or Cultural Studies.

Serious Sport: J.A. Mangan's Contribution to the History of Sport (Sport in the Global Society)

by Scott A.G.M.Crawford

Trial-blazer and mentor, Professor J.A. Mangan is a distinguished scholar in the fields of sports history whose work has inspired a generation of historians and social scientists across the globe. His seminal book on athleticism and imperialism commanded attention and applause from a broad range of historians and social scientists across the globe. His seminal work on athleticism and imperialism commanded attention and applause from a broad range of historians. It opened new horizons of inquiry providing the field with a richly perceptive study of hegemony and patronage, of cultural assimilation and adaptation, and of the ways that power elites used sport for socialization, acculturation and social control. His later works continued to pose critical, sometimes controversial questions, providing new and provocative insights into the complex social issues involved in the development and diffusion of sporting activity. The geographical horizons of his work now span the globe.This volume is a fitting tribute to the scholarship and lasting accomplishments of a pioneer who has mentored - and continues to mentor - numerous young scholars internationally, simultaneously developing and maintaining high quality channels through which to disseminate sport history research. In appraising his scholarship the contributors to this collection demonstrate their debt to his vision and achievements.This volume was previously published as a special issue of The International Journal of the History of Sport

Seriousness and Women's Roller Derby: Gender, Organization, and Ambivalence (Leisure Studies in a Global Era)

by Maddie Breeze

This book explores seriousness in practice in the unique sports context of contemporary women's flat track roller derby. The author presents a stimulating argument for a sociology of seriousness as a productive contribution to understandings of gender, organization and the mid-ranges of agency between dichotomies of voluntarism and determinism.

Seriousness and Women's Roller Derby: Gender, Organization, and Ambivalence (Leisure Studies in a Global Era)

by Maddie Breeze

This book explores seriousness in practice in the unique sports context of contemporary women's flat track roller derby. The author presents a stimulating argument for a sociology of seriousness as a productive contribution to understandings of gender, organization and the mid-ranges of agency between dichotomies of voluntarism and determinism.

Serve to Win

by Novak Djokovic William Davis

In 2011, Novak Djokovic had what sportswriters called the greatest single season ever by a professional tennis player: He won ten titles, three Grand Slams, and forty-three consecutive matches. Remarkably, less than two years earlier, this champion could barely complete a tournament. How did a player once plagued by aches, breathing difficulties, and injuries on the court suddenly become the #1 ranked tennis player in the world? The answer is astonishing: He changed what he ate. In Serve to Win, Djokovic recounts how he survived the bombing of Belgrade, Serbia, rising from a war-torn childhood to the top tier of his sport. Then he reveals the diet that transformed his health and pushed him to the pinnacle. While Djokovic loved and craved bread and pasta, and especially the pizza at his family's restaurant, his body simply couldn't process wheat. Eliminating gluten--the protein found in wheat--made him feel instantly better, lighter, clearer, and quicker. As he continued to research and refine his diet, his health issues disappeared, extra pounds dropped away, and his improved physical health and mental focus allowed him to achieve his two childhood dreams: to win Wimbledon, and to become the #1 ranked tennis player in the world. Now Djokovic has created a blueprint for remaking your body and your life in just fourteen days. With weekly menus, mindful eating tips for optimal digestion, and delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes, you'll be well on your way to shedding extra weight and finding your way to a better you. Djokovic also offers tips for eliminating stress and simple exercises to get you revved up and moving, the very same ones he does before each match. You don't need to be a superstar athlete to start living and feeling better. With Serve to Win, a trimmer, stronger, healthier you is just two weeks away.From the Hardcover edition.hysical and mental performance."--Maria SharapovaFrom the Hardcover edition.

Setting the Pace (Pine Hollow #15)

by Bonnie Bryant

The Pine Hollow girls ring in the New Year with unexpected beginnings—and endings It&’s been an eventful year—and the excitement is not winding down just because it&’s New Year&’s Eve. Carole never dreamed that falling in love could happen so fast—but Cam is speeding things along, and Carole&’s doing her best to keep up. While Stevie helps a friend confront his past, Lisa has lots of decisions to make about her future. What will the New Year bring? And do the girls have the courage to face it?

Setting the Pace (High Hurdles #3)

by Lauraine Snelling

HIGH HURDLES. When Lindy Randall announces her engagement to Robert Crowder, DJ is floored. How can her mother even consider taking on a husband and twin boys when she is only now beginning to get along with the family she has? DJ turns to her training at Briones Riding Academy to forget her troubles, but life at the Academy has acquired an ugly edge--no thanks to Tony Andrada. The academy newcomer has singled out DJ's friend Hilary as the target for his cruel racist remarks, and it's gotten so bad, Hilary is ready to call it quits. Desperate, DJ resolves to find a way to end her problems at home and the Academy for good--but will her plans have a disastrous effect on her performance in the showering? Is DJ ready to face the challenges before her?

Settle the Score: Saving The Team; Sabotage Season; Win Or Lose; Hat Trick; Shaken Up; Settle The Score (The Kicks)

by Alex Morgan

From soccer star, Olympic gold medalist, and bestselling author Alex Morgan comes the sixth book in an empowering and fun-filled middle grade series about believing in yourself and working as a team.Devin is finally catching her stride with the winter soccer league, and as the championships approach, Devin and Jessi's team has a real shot at coming out on top! Only, Zoe's team does too, and suddenly things get awkward between the Kicks. Devin tries to keep her head, but she's torn--she wants her friend to be happy, but she wants to win, too! And Zoe's too busy strategizing with her new teammates to make time for the Kicks. As the finals get closer, tensions rise until even Frida and Emma don't know who to root for. Maybe this time the Kicks can't stand up under the weight of competition.

The Setup Man

by T. T. Monday

"A throwback Southern California mystery in modern pinstripes . . . A treat for readers of mystery or baseball novels." --KIRKUS REVIEWSJohnny Adcock is an aging Major League pitcher with the perfect retirement plan--he moonlights as a private investigator. Major League Baseball, as it turns out, is a prime source of employment for a philosophically inclined, discreet detective who has both the brains and the brawn to handle the unique problems of professional athletes. Those infamous baseball salaries attract gangsters, hustlers, and predators of every persuasion who prey on the outsized egos of primetime stars. When players, coaches, agents, or wives have a problem they can't make public, they call Johnny Adcock. On the team bus after a game, teammate Frankie Herrera confides in Adcock that he has a "problem with his wife." What sounds like the standard story of a pro athlete's marriage gone sour quickly turns into the most dangerous case of Adcock's second career when Frankie is killed in a car accident, leaving far too many questions unanswered. The investigation takes Adcock into uncharted territory, drawing him into a deadly ring of murder, porn, Mexican cartels, and a conspiracy that threatens to become the biggest scandal to hit baseball since HGH and steroids. A new heavy hitter on the thriller scene, T. T. Monday takes readers inside a rich and highly entertaining world where crime and baseball intersect and delivers a debut that moves like a 96-mile-an-hour fastball.From the Hardcover edition.

Seve: A Biography of Severiano Ballesteros

by Alistair Tait

Seve is the most extrovert player Europe has ever produced. Playboy good looks along with a magnetism that attracted non-golfers to the game made him the biggest drawing card Europe has ever had. He emerged on the world scene with typical élan, hitting one of the most outrageous shots ever seen at the 1976 Open Championship. Three years later he became the youngest Open Champion of the modern era when he won the first of his five major championships. Ballesteros started Europe's domination of the Majors throughout the 80s and 90s, paving the way for Nick Faldo, Bernhard Langer, Ian Woosnam, Sandy Lyle and Jose Maria Olazabal. His play in the Ryder Cup, fuelled by an intense dislike for Americans, helped restore Europe's pride in the event. Driven byBasque pride and with a fiery Latin temperament, Seve has often let his heartrule his head.Seve is the remarkable story of one of the game's most fascinating characters.

Seven Days

by Cristina Bruni

During a golf tournament in Virginia, American golfer Reggie Weston meets Russell Lee, the British former world champion in the sport. The two men hit it off when Russell takes Reggie under his wing, teaching him the tricks of the game.As their friendship deepens, Reggie finds himself falling in love with the Englishman, though he knows Russell doesn’t feel the same. He’s painfully aware of the fact that Russell isn’t gay.But there’s more to Russell than meets the eye. He’s a troubled soul, plagued by monsters in his head telling him who he should be. He’s spent most of his life hiding his sexuality from the world so he won’t disappoint his homophobic mother.Is seven days enough time for Russell to break through the years of hurt and accept the new direction fate has in store for him and Reggie?

Seven Deadly Sins: My Pursuit of Lance Armstrong

by David Walsh

When Lance Armstrong fought back from life-threatening cancer to win the 1999 Tour de France - the so-called 'Tour of Renewal' - it seemed almost too good to be true. It was. Sunday Timesjournalist David Walsh was one of a small group who was prepared to raise awkward questions about Armstrong's seemingly superhuman feats. And so began a 13-year battle to reveal the truth that finally ended in October 2012 when the cyclist was stripped of his seven Tour victories and banned from the sport for life. Walsh's gripping and moving personal account of his struggles is a revealing insight into the murkier end of professional cycling - a place where having the right doctor can make all the difference and where there existed a conspiracy of silence. As he shows, it never was about the bike. However, spurred on by a few brave people who were prepared to speak out in the hope of saving the sport they loved, Walsh continued to probe, and eventually he was vindicated when Armstrong's reputation was ruined. In this updated edition, covering Armstrong's confession to Oprah, Seven Deadly Sinstakes the reader into a world of doping and lies, but shows that there is always hope for a better future.

Seven Deadly Sins: My Pursuit of Lance Armstrong

by David Walsh

When Lance Armstrong fought back from life-threatening cancer to win the 1999 Tour de France - the so-called 'Tour of Renewal' - it seemed almost too good to be true. It was. Sunday Timesjournalist David Walsh was one of a small group who was prepared to raise awkward questions about Armstrong's seemingly superhuman feats. And so began a 13-year battle to reveal the truth that finally ended in October 2012 when the cyclist was stripped of his seven Tour victories and banned from the sport for life. Walsh's gripping and moving personal account of his struggles is a revealing insight into the murkier end of professional cycling - a place where having the right doctor can make all the difference and where there existed a conspiracy of silence. As he shows, it never was about the bike. However, spurred on by a few brave people who were prepared to speak out in the hope of saving the sport they loved, Walsh continued to probe, and eventually he was vindicated when Armstrong's reputation was ruined. In this updated edition, covering Armstrong's confession to Oprah, Seven Deadly Sinstakes the reader into a world of doping and lies, but shows that there is always hope for a better future.

Seven Deadly Sins: My Pursuit of Lance Armstrong

by David Walsh

The basis for the upcoming major motion picture The Program directed by Stephen Frears (High Fidelity, The Queen, Philomena), starring Chris O'Dowd as journalist David Walsh and Ben Foster as Lance Armstrong.When Lance Armstrong won his first Tour de France in 1999, the sports world had found a charismatic new idol. Journalist David Walsh was among a small group covering the tour who suspected Armstrong's win wasn't the feel-good story it seemed to be. From that first moment of doubt, the next thirteen years of Walsh's life would be focused on seeking the answers to a series of hard questions about Armstrong's astonishing success. As Walsh delved ever deeper into the shadow world of performance-enhancing drugs in professional athletics, he accumulated a mounting pile of evidence that led a furious Armstrong to take legal action against him. But he could not make Walsh--or the story--go away, and in the autumn of 2012, Walsh was vindicated when the cyclist was stripped of his seven Tour de France titles. With this remarkable book, Walsh has produced both the definitive account of the Armstrong scandal, and a testament to the importance of journalists who are willing to report a difficult truth over a popular fantasy.

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