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Sport, War and the British: 1850 to the Present (Routledge Research in Sports History)

by Peter Donaldson

Spanning the colonial campaigns of the Victorian age to the War on Terror after 9/11, this study explores the role sport was perceived to have played in the lives and work of military personnel, and examines how sporting language and imagery were deployed to shape and reconfigure civilian society’s understanding of conflict. From 1850 onwards war reportage – complemented and reinforced by a glut of campaign histories, memoirs, novels and films – helped create an imagined community in which sporting attributes and qualities were employed to give meaning and order to the chaos and misery of warfare. This work explores the evolution of the Victorian notion that playing-field and battlefield were connected and then moves on to investigate the challenges this belief faced in the twentieth century, as combat became, initially, industrialised in the age of total warfare and, subsequently, professionalised in the post-nuclear world. Such a longitudinal study allows, for the first time, new light to be shed on the continuities and shifts in the way the ‘reality’ of war was captured in the British popular imagination. Drawing together the disparate fields of sport and warfare, this book serves as a vital point of reference for anyone with an interest in the cultural, social or military history of modern Britain.

Sport, Welfare and Social Policy in the European Union (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Stefano Martelli Alberto Testa Nicola R. Porro

Sport is often seen as an indicator of the civic maturity of a community, an aspect of the rights of citizens to health, education and social integration. This book examines the relationships between participation in sport and physical activity, and welfare policies across Europe. It argues that the success of campaigns for the promotion of sport depend on the existence of dedicated welfare policies promoted by the European states and explores variations in cultural models and structures of governance across Europe. Addressing the function of supranational institutions such as the EU as well as voluntary networks, the book illuminates key issues in European societies such as migration, financial austerity and Brexit as they relate to sport policy. This is important reading for scholars and students in the fields of European sport and physical activity, sociology, political science and organisational analysis, as well as operators and managers of the sport systems involved in advanced training programmes.

Sportengagements türkisch-muslimischer Migrantinnen

by Ursula Zender

Ursula Zender untersucht, weshalb türkisch-muslimische Migrantinnen im organisierten Sport in Deutschland so stark unterrepräsentiert sind. Sie geht der Frage nach, welche Faktoren den Zugang zum Sport im Allgemeinen und zum Sportverein im Besonderen bestimmen und fokussiert dabei Kultur, Religion, traditionelle Geschlechterrollen, die Herkunftsfamilie und die Offenheit der Sportvereine. Ihre Arbeit ist sozialisationstheoretisch ausgerichtet und beleuchtet mithilfe der Dokumentarischen Methode die Bedeutung von Sportengagements im Lebenslauf türkisch-muslimischer Migrantinnen.

Sportfishing Around Miami (Images of America)

by Ed Pritchard Timothy P. O'Brien

Today, it is hard to conceive that at the turn of the 20th century Miami, Florida, was a sleepy town of 500 inhabitants. Over the years, many influences have shaped Miami into the cultural, educational, tourism, and commercial center that it is now. One of the primary reasons for the city's growth was the development of sportfishing. It all began in the 1920s, and by the beginning of World War II an entire industry was born. This is a pictorial of those days.

Sportgeographie: Ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Perspektiven

by Paul Gans Michael Horn Christian Zemann

Vom Lauf im Park bis zu Olympischen Spielen – Sport hat viele Facetten und die Wirkungen auf Umwelt, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft sind immens. Sport braucht dabei immer Räume: Stadien, Sportplätze und Schwimmhallen, Berge und Wälder, Parks, Straßen oder Industriebrachen. Individualisierung und Lifestyle differenzieren den Sport mit neuen Anforderungen an die Nutzung des Raumes.Ökologisch wirkt Sport im Spannungsfeld Natursport und Naturschutz oder wenn Großveranstaltungen neue Infrastrukturen benötigen und zehntausende Menschen anziehen. Ökonomische und soziale Effekte können erheblich sein, sind oft aber nur von kurzer Dauer. Dies führt zur Frage der Nachhaltigkeit. Was bewirkt Skibetrieb in Zeiten des Klimawandels? Was kosten sportliche Großereignisse, welche Effekte entstehen auf Einkommen und Arbeitsmarkt? Was trägt Sport zu Integration, Empowerment, Image und Identität bei? Und wie können Kommunen und Regionen dies in die Planung von Sportstätten und in die Sport- und Stadtentwicklung integrieren? Das erste Buch, das Sport und Geographie aus Perspektiven der Nachhaltigkeit umfassend vereint, behandelt Wirkungen und deren Ursachen systematisch, bietet Definitionen wichtiger Konzepte und bezieht Breitensport, Trendsport und Natursport ebenso ein wie Spitzensport. Basierend auf langjähriger Forschung beleuchten die Autorinnen und Autoren aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen die Entwicklungen sportlicher Aktivitäten und ihre Raumansprüche. Als Lehrbuch bietet dieser Band einen linearen Einstieg und Überblick. Im Sinne eines Sammelbands kann jedes Kapitel für sich gelesen werden. Die Erkenntnisse sind gleichermaßen nützlich für Forschende und Studierende der Fächer Geographie, Sportwissenschaft, Sozialwissenschaft und Wirtschaftswissenschaften sowie der Raum-, Regional- und Stadtplanung.


by Kerstin Witte

Das Buch schlägt Lösungskonzepte zur Entwicklung und Optimierung von Sportgeräten und Sportausrüstungen vor. Dabei werden die besonderen physikalischen und biomechanischen Aspekte dieser Produkte berücksichtigt. Auch wird auf die unterschiedlichen Benutzergruppen eingegangen. Durch zahlreiche praktische Beispiele und die Erläuterung des methodischen Vorgehens erhält der Leser Anregungen für neue Produktentwicklungen als auch deren Evaluation im Bereich der Sportartikel. So wird es ihm möglich sein, Lösungen für sein konkretes Problem zu finden.

Sportgeschichte in Deutschland - Sport History in Germany: Herausforderungen und internationale Perspektiven – Challenges and International Perspectives (Bildung und Sport #22)

by Michael Krüger Annette R. Hofmann

Der Band enthält deutsch- und englischsprachige Beiträge zu aktuellen Themen der sporthistorischen Forschung, die aus dem Internationalen Kongress für Sportgeschichte 2018 in Münster hervorgegangen sind. Das Themenspektrum reicht von deutschen und europäischen Aspekten der internationalen Sportgeschichtsforschung bis zu Beiträgen von japanischen, koreanischen und chinesischen Autorinnen und Autoren.

Sportgroßveranstaltungen: Kritik der neoliberal geprägten Stadt

by Jürgen Schwark

​Insofern sich Städte als „Unternehmen“ begreifen (sollen), werden Sportgroßveranstaltungen als „Standortfaktor“ benutzt, so dass die Förderung des Sports und seiner kulturellen Potentiale in den Hintergrund gedrängt werden. Dadurch ist aber die Zustimmung zu den großen Veranstaltungen des Sports nicht mehr ungeteilt. Zusätzlich besteht die Problematik, wie viel sich Städte die von ihnen (mit)ausgerichteten Sportgroßveranstaltungen etwas kosten lassen wollen, bzw. überhaupt noch können. Mit einer interdisziplinären und kritischen Herangehensweise richtet der Band seinen Blick auf die Felder der Verwaltung, der Ökonomie und Politik sowie auf den Sport als kulturelle Praxis. Aus dieser Perspektive zeigt das Buch sport- und wirtschaftspolitische Orientierungen für einen angemessenen und konzeptionellen Umgang mit Sportgroßveranstaltungen auf.Der AutorJürgen Schwark, Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Dipl. Soz.Wiss., lehrt hauptberuflich BWL/Tourismus an der Westfälischen Hochschule, Campus Bocholt und ist Dozent am Institut für Europäische Sportentwicklung und Freizeitforschung der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln.

Sportinformatik: Modellbildung, Simulation, Datenanalyse und Visualisierung von sportbezogenen Daten

by Daniel Memmert

In den letzten Jahren ist die Sportinformatik extrem gewachsen, vor allem weil immer mehr und neuere Daten verfügbar wurden. Sportinformatische Tools – sei es im Training zur Gegnervorbereitung, im Wettkampf oder in der Wissenschaft – sind im Sport heute auf unterschiedlichen Expertise-Ebenen unverzichtbar. Durch den Einsatz in den vier großen Anwendungsfeldern Vereine und Verbände, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft sowie Medien ist ein völlig neuer Markt entstanden, der innerhalb der universitären Forschungs- und Lehraktivitäten zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt.Dieses Lehrbuch möchte der mittlerweile breiten Vielfalt der Sportinformatik gerecht werden, indem mehr als 30 Autorinnen und Autoren aus ihrem Spezialgebiet berichten und neueste Erkenntnisse prägnant zusammenfassen. Das Werk gliedert sich in vier Hauptabschnitte: Datensätze, Modellbildung, Simulation sowie Datenanalyse. Neben Hintergründen zu Programmiersprachen und zur Visualisierung wird es von der Historie und einem Ausblick eingerahmt. Studierende mit Bezug zur Sportwissenschaft erhalten einen umfassenden Einblick in die Sportinformatik, unterstützt durch ein didaktisch ausgefeiltes Konzept, das eine einfache Vermittlung der Lerninhalte ermöglicht. Zahlreiche digitale Übungsfragen untermauern den Lerneffekt und gewährleisten eine optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung. Für Fortgeschrittene bietet die vertiefende Diskussion von Zeitreihen Data Mining, künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerken, Convolution Kernel, Transfer Learning und Random Forests einen zusätzlichen Mehrwert.

Sporting Blackness: Race, Embodiment, and Critical Muscle Memory on Screen

by Samantha N. Sheppard

Sporting Blackness examines issues of race and representation in sports films, exploring what it means to embody, perform, play out, and contest blackness by representations of Black athletes on screen. By presenting new critical terms, Sheppard analyzes not only "skin in the game," or how racial representation shapes the genre’s imagery, but also "skin in the genre," or the formal consequences of blackness on the sport film genre’s modes, codes, and conventions. Through a rich interdisciplinary approach, Sheppard argues that representations of Black sporting bodies contain "critical muscle memories": embodied, kinesthetic, and cinematic histories that go beyond a film’s plot to index, circulate, and reproduce broader narratives about Black sporting and non-sporting experiences in American society.

Sporting Capital: Transforming Sports Development Policy and Practice (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Nicholas F. Rowe

In a world of competing public policy priorities, economic challenges and political uncertainty, sports development organisations and initiatives need to adapt to survive. This book makes the case for 'Sporting Capital' as a new conceptual model of sports participation with the potential to transform public policy and practice in sports development. The central argument presented is that a model of Sporting Capital - with its three domains of physiological, social and psychological attributes - provides a missing framework, creating a new impetus for sustained growth in community sport by joining up the levels at which sports development is planned and implemented. Touching on important issues such as youth sport, public health, volunteering, disability, ethnicity and social inequality, it examines patterns of sports participation in relation to age, gender and social class and offers recommendations for strategic policy improvements that can be implemented by practitioners working on the frontline of community sport. Sporting Capital: Transforming Sports Development Policy and Practice provides valuable insights for all those interested in sports development, youth sport, community sport, or sport and social policy.

A Sporting Chance: How Ludwig Guttmann Created the Paralympic Games

by Lori Alexander

Telling the inspiring human story behind the creation of the Paralympics, this young readers biography artfully combines archival photos, full-color illustrations, and a riveting narrative to honor the life of Ludwig Guttmann, whose work profoundly changed so many lives. <P><P>Dedicating his life to helping patients labeled “incurables,” Ludwig Guttmann fought for the rights of paraplegics to live a full life. The young doctor believed—and eventually proved—that physical movement is key to healing, a discovery that led him to create the first Paralympic Games. <P><P>Told with moving text and lively illustrations, and featuring the life stories of athletes from the Paralympic Games Ludwig helped create, this story of the man who saved lives through sports will inspire readers of all backgrounds.

A Sporting Chance: Achievements of African-Canadian Athletes

by William Humber Spider Jones

Over the years, Canadians have smugly asserted their country’s more tolerant culture in race relations. Yet as this story of African-Canadian participation in sports demonstrates, the record is far more troubling. In reality, Canada’s record in matters of race was a disturbing blend of occasional good intentions and ugly practices. The study of the Black athletic experience in Canada is not only a revealing portrait into our past, but also one more demonstration of some time-honoured truths about human achievement and the necessity of the public will to provide open and fair forums for equal access to participation. Presented in a chronological sequence, individual sports are presented along with the leading athletes who brought grace and a determination to achieve. Included are George Dixon, Sam Langford, Reuben Mayes, Ray Lewis, Sam Richardson, Dr. Phil Edwards, Jackie Robinson, Harry Jerome, Earl Walls, Donovan Bailey, Sylvia Sweeney, Molly Killingbeck, Herb Carnegie, Jamaal Magliore, Perdita Felicien and Jarome Iginla, to name but a few of the fine athletes who form a part of Canada’s sports heritage. "As Canada’s foremost baseball historian, Bill Humber has chronicled another fascinating chapter from Canada’s rich sports history. This is an excellent read – entertaining, educational and expertly researched. As my pal Don Cherry might say: ’Two thumbs up, Bill.’"– Brian McFarlane, Sports Family Ltd.

Sporting Cultures: Hispanic Perspectives on Sport, Text and the Body (Sport in the Global Society)

by J. A. Mangan Boria Majumdar Mark Dyerson

The essays that comprise this book mark new territory in the study of sport in the Hispanic world, a key site of cultural experience for the populations of Latin America, the United States and the Iberian Peninsula. The scope of the volume is the exploration of the representation and interaction of sport / text / body in a variety of cultural forms in Latin America, Spain and the chicano population of the USA. As such, it opens a path for further study of an area that is experiencing significant growth in the international academic community. The book consists of 11 chapters by different authors, and an introduction, totalling c.85,000 words. The essays deal with the key sporting practices of the Hispanic world, including boxing, baseball, athletics, Olympic movements and football, approaching them as physical manifestations in their own right and as cultural representations (via media images, poetry, narrative fiction, murals) through the research methodologies of the humanities and social sciences. This book was previously published as a special issue of the International Journal of the History of Sport

Sporting Cultures, 1650–1850

by Daniel O'Quinn Alexis Tadie

In the eighteenth century sport as we know it emerged as a definable social activity. Hunting and other country sports became the source of significant innovations in visual art; racing and boxing generated important subcultures; and sport’s impact on good health permeated medical, historical, and philosophical writings. Sporting Cultures, 1650–1850 is a collection of essays that charts important developments in the study of sport in the eighteenth century. Editors Daniel O’Quinn and Alexis Tadié have gathered together an array of European and North American scholars to critically examine the educational, political, and medical contexts that separated sports from other physical activities. The volume reveals how the mediation of sporting activities, through match reports, pictures, and players, transcended the field of aristocratic patronage and gave rise to the social and economic forces we now associate with sports. In Sporting Cultures, 1650–1850 , O’Quinn and Tadié successfully lay the groundwork for future research on the complex intersection of power, pleasure, and representation in sports culture.

Sporting Dog and Retriever Training: Raising a Gentleman's Gundog for Home and Field

by Mike Stewart Paul Fersen

A comprehensive guide to transforming your dog into a valuable wing-shooting companion in the field and at home. Created by Mike Stewart of Wildrose Kennels, the Wildrose Way is a unique, low-force, positive training method that is field-proven for upland and waterfowl gundogs. The training prepares dogs for versatility—any game, any terrain, any destination—and makes them desirable companions for any situation. Now, for the first time, Stewart’s methods are compiled in one indispensable reference book, fully illustrated with photographs and diagrams. Containing chapters on establishing essential behaviors, the core skills of the hunting retriever, and waterdog finishing work, as well as sidebars on such topics as breed selection and effective canine leadership, this step-by-step book is designed specifically for wing-shooters who want to transform their pup into a gentleman’s gundog.

Sporting Equality: Title IX Thirty Years Later

by Rita J. Simon

As part of its Education Amendments, the United States Congress passed Title IX in 1972 to ensure that no person should be discriminated against in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. In the decades since, Title IX has had, among other effects, a marked increase on school athletic programs for women and girls at both the high school and college level. Despite this, a range of questions have been raised about the effectiveness of the federal government's enforcement, and also the impact on male athletics. The government can enact legislation, but how it works remains the domain of administrators at one end and thousands of athletes at the other. Sporting Equality reviews the impact of Title IX thirty years after its passage, and suggests future areas of contention.This new title includes the major findings and recommendations of the Secretary of Education's Commission on Opportunities in Athletics established in 2002, as well as the commission's minority report. These contributions are followed by seven chapters that analyze and assess the strength and weakness of Title IX and offer recommendations for strengthening or changing its goals and objectives. These include: Kimberly A. Yuracko, ""Title IX and the Problem of Gender Equality in Athletics""; Eric C. Dudley, Jr. and George Rutherglen, ""A Comment on the Report of the Commission to Review Title IX""; Barbara Murray, ""How to Evaluate the Implementation of Title IX at Colleges and Universities and Attitudes and Interest of Students Regarding Athletics""; John J. Cheslock and Deborah Anderson, ""Lessons From Research on Title IX and Intercollegiate Athletics""; Valerie M. Bonnette, ""The Little Fusses Over Title IX.""The book concludes with two controversial chapters. The first, by Leo Kocher, argues that Title IX has been detrimental to male athletics, especially gymnastics, swimming, wrestling, and track, while the second by Ellen J. Staurowsky claims that T

Sporting Females: Critical Issues in the History and Sociology of Women's Sport

by Jennifer Hargreaves

1994 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Annual Book AwardAn outstanding contribution to feminist analysis of sport from the nineteenth century to the present day. Jennifer Hargreaves views sport as a battle for control of the physical body and an important area for feminist intervention. Placing women at the centre of discussion, no other book is as comprehensive.

Sporting Firearms of Today in Use: A Look Back at the Guns and Attitudes of the 1920s?and Why They Still Matter

by Paul A. Curtis Jr.

The world of sporting firearms is a constantly changing one, but it’s always important to remember the past of the sport. Sporting Firearms of Today in Use is a vintage text written by the shooting editor of Field and Stream during that time. Full of incredible insights, Sporting Firearms of Today in Use covers such topics as: * Choosing a rifle * The killing power of the shotgun * English vs. American shooting * The use of a compass * Bird dogs and hounds * Field etiquette * And much more! Now almost a hundred years after its first publication, Sporting Firearms of Today in Use remains a valuable source of information on sporting firearms from the 1920’s.

Sporting Gentlemen: Men's Tennis from the Age of Honor to the Cult of the Superstar

by E. Digby Baltzell

Tennis is a high-stakes game, played by prodigies identified early and coached by professionals in hopes of high rankings and endorsements. This commercial world is far removed from the origins of the sport. Before 1968—when Wimbledon invited professional players to compete for the first time—tennis was part of a sportsmanship tradition that emphasized character over money. It produced well-rounded gentlemen who expressed a code of honor, not commerce.In this authoritative and affectionate history of men's tennis, distinguished sociologist E. Digby Baltzell recovers the glory of the age. From its aristocratic origins in the late ninteenth century, to the Tilden years, and through a succession of newcomers, the amateur era and its virtues survived a century of democratization and conflict. Sporting Gentlemen examines the greatest players and matches in the history of tennis. Baltzell explores the tennis code of honor and its roots in the cricket code of the late-nineteenth-century Anglo-American upper class.This code of honor remained in spite of the later democratization of tennis. Thus, the court manners of the Renshaw twins and Doherty brothers at the Old Wimbledon were upheld to the letter by Don Budge and Jack Kramer as well as Rod Laver, John Newcombe, and Arthur Ashe. Baltzell's final chapter on the Open Era is a blistering attack on the decline of honor and the obliteration of class distinctions, leaving only those based on money. For all who love the game of tennis, Sporting Gentlemen is both fascinating history and a badly needed analysis of what has made the sport great.

Sporting Greats: The Wit and Wisdom of Top-Class Legends

by Richard Benson

Sport is the stuff of high drama, big personalities and some very memorable quips. Many players and coaches have captured exactly what it means to win, how it feels to lose and why we keep watching. This collection of funny and thoughtful words from across the sporting spectrum is at the top of its game, and the perfect gift for every fan.

Sporting Greats: The Wit and Wisdom of Top-Class Legends

by Richard Benson

Sport is the stuff of high drama, big personalities and some very memorable quips. Many players and coaches have captured exactly what it means to win, how it feels to lose and why we keep watching. This collection of funny and thoughtful words from across the sporting spectrum is at the top of its game, and the perfect gift for every fan.

Sporting Heroes (Black Stories Matter)

by J.P. Miller

A celebration of the lives and achievements of inspirational black people through history who made a differenceSporting Heroes hails the huge contribution of black sportspeople and athletes to the world of sports. From Jesse Owens to Nicola Adams, they have sprinted, kicked, fought and shot their way to glory, breaking down barriers and defeating prejudices along the way with their sheer talent and resilience. Black Stories Matter is a powerful illustrated collection of stories of inspiring black personalities through history. Perfect for readers aged 9 and above.Contents: Main biographiesNicola AdamsUsain BoltCathy FreemanPeléAde AdepitanSimone BilesJesse OwensSerena WilliamsMo FarahMuhammad AliMini biographiesAlia AtkinsonArthur AsheJackie Joyner KerseeMichael JordanCharlie SiffordBrian LaraIsabelle SambouSheryl Swoopes

The Sporting Life: Horses, Boxers, Rivers, and a Russian Ballclub (Lyons Press Ser.)

by Bill Barich

Bill Barich’s widely praised work is at its peak in these intimate glimpses into the stories behind the stories, the real people behind the public façade of the athletic realm. In this collection, Barich takes readers behind the scenes of both participatory and spectator sports, whose wide variety include:Three different types of horse racing: down-and-dirty bush racing in Cajun country; an elegant steeplechase at Ascot, England; and a big-time Santa Anita thoroughbred heading for the Kentucky Derby.Two boxers from radically different ends of the spectrum: Pat Lawlor struggling to make it in San Francisco, and Mike Tyson battling his emotions.Two fly-fishing adventures on legendary California rivers.And a ride with the Moscow Red Devils, the world’s strangest baseball club, as they barnstorm the United States with Soviet trinkets for sale, and with technical skills equal to that of a good American high school team.Every chapter shines with Barich’s distinctive voice, one that skillfully pairs both passion and intelligence with an ample dose of humor. The result is the very best kind of sports writing-from one of the most elegant prose stylists of our time.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Sports Publishing imprint, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in sports-books about baseball, pro football, college football, pro and college basketball, hockey, or soccer, we have a book about your sport or your team.Whether you are a New York Yankees fan or hail from Red Sox nation; whether you are a die-hard Green Bay Packers or Dallas Cowboys fan; whether you root for the Kentucky Wildcats, Louisville Cardinals, UCLA Bruins, or Kansas Jayhawks; whether you route for the Boston Bruins, Toronto Maple Leafs, Montreal Canadiens, or Los Angeles Kings; we have a book for you. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Sporting Nationalisms: Identity, Ethnicity, Immigration and Assimilation (Sport in the Global Society #No. 6)

by Mike Cronin David Mayall

This volume examines the ways in which sport shapes the experiences of various immigrant and minority groups and, in particular, looks at the relationship between sport, ethnic identity and ethnic relations. The articles in this volume are concerned primarily with British, American and Australian sporting traditions and the themes covered include the consolidation of ethnic identity in host societies through participation immigrant sports and exclusive sporting organizations, assimilation into host' societies through participation in indigenous, national sports, and the construction by outsiders of separate ethnic identities according to sporting criteria.

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