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Victory. Stand!: Raising My Fist For Justice
by Derrick Barnes Tommie Smith Dawud AnyabwileLonglisted for the 2022 National Book Award for Young People's Literature A groundbreaking and timely graphic memoir from one of the most iconic figures in American sports—and a tribute to his fight for civil rights. On October 16, 1968, during the medal ceremony at the Mexico City Olympics, Tommie Smith, the gold medal winner in the 200-meter sprint, and John Carlos, the bronze medal winner, stood on the podium in black socks and raised their black-gloved fists to protest racial injustice inflicted upon African Americans. Both men were forced to leave the Olympics, received death threats, and faced ostracism and continuing economic hardships. In his first-ever memoir for young readers, Tommie Smith looks back on his childhood growing up in rural Texas through to his stellar athletic career, culminating in his historic victory and Olympic podium protest. Cowritten with Newbery Honor and Coretta Scott King Author Honor recipient Derrick Barnes and illustrated with bold and muscular artwork from Emmy Award–winning illustrator Dawud Anyabwile, Victory. Stand! paints a stirring portrait of an iconic moment in Olympic history that still resonates today.
La vida es un juego: Estrategia para Mario y Blanca
by Carlos MatallanasCarlos Matallanas, exdeportista y querido periodista deportivo afectado por la ELA, nos trae un breve y emocionante ensayo, estructurado a modo de manual de fútbol, sobre la importancia de tener una pasión. LAS REGLAS DE LA VIDA SON COMO LAS REGLAS DEL JUEGO: SE APRENDEN CON LA PRÁCTICA Y FORJAN EL CARÁCTER «Voy a hablaros de lo único que sé de verdad, la única disciplina que me llevó al eureka, donde encontré alguna respuesta crucial, que me hizo ser consciente de que algo, mucho o poco, había comprendido de este tinglado absurdo que llamamos vida». Carlos Matallanas, exdeportista y querido periodista deportivo, nos trae un breve y emocionante ensayo, estructurado a modo de manual de fútbol, sobre la importancia de tener una pasión. Nos habla de la vida como juego y del fútbol como metáfora de la existencia. Desde sus páginas, el autor transmite su amor por el deporte, pero utilizándolo como excusa para filosofar sobre temas como la perseverancia, la empatía, el respeto, la solidaridad o la resiliencia. El fútbol ha dado sentido a su vida, incluso para enfrentarse a su enfermedad, la ELA, que lo tiene inmovilizado en una cama desde la que escribe estas líneas a modo de ensayo para sus sobrinos y para todo aquel que lo quiera leer, «porque siempre habrá un niño mirándote y al que le debes dar el mejor de los testigos: tu ejemplo».
La vida mola
by Raúl Gómez«La vida mola es, sin querer, un manual para ser un poco más feliz.»Dani Rovira La vida mola es el grito de guerra de Raúl Gómez, viajero, aventurero, y runner. Recorre el mundo a golpe de zapatilla en busca de historias inspiradoras de personas excepcionales con las que comparte carreras únicas en Maraton Man, el programa de Movistar+. Su objetivo nunca es llegar el primero sino disfrutar de la emoción del camino. Este libro es un canto a la vida, una colección de momentos emocionantes en lugares más remotos del planeta. «Como en una maratón, la vida está llena de momentos maravillosos, inolvidables, felices, pero también de otros en los que sufrimos, lloramos y nos topamos con nuestro propio muro, que aparece sin avisar y para el que no existe entrenamiento previo. Este libro habla de mi historia, de todas las historias que me he encontrado en esta aventura; hablo de personas valientes, solidarias, optimistas, luchadoras; hablo de desigualdades, de injusticias, de otras realidades, de superhéroes sin capa que nunca tiran la toalla y trabajan duro por cumplir sueños. También hablo de amor, de buscar aquello que nos hace felices y del poder de la risa, que es terapéutica. En mi aventura he descubierto millones de motivos para correr y sobretodo, motivos para vivir porque la vida, mola.»Raúl Gómez Reseñas:«Raúl rebosa endorfinas y tiene una disposición genética a la bondad. Es uno de los hombres más luminosos que conozco. La televisión lo sabe y los que lo conocen también.»Andreu Buenafuente «Formamos parte de una sociedad muy exigente donde a veces se nos olvida cómo vivir. Y la clave está en estar dispuesto a ser feliz, como refleja este maravilloso libro lleno de emociones.»Jesús Calleja «Hay muy pocas personas que te alegren, así, nada más verlas. Ese es el Gran Raúl. Leyendo este libro casi me han dado ganas de salir a correr.»Florentino Fernández «Uno puede pensar que su vida mola, pero creedme, mola mucho más cuando la compartes con amigos como Raúl. En estas páginas descubrirás quién es la persona que esconde este fantástico loco.»Roberto Leal
La vida por el fútbol: Marcelo Bielsa, el último romántico
by Román IuchtBielsa desde todos los ángulos posibles, que es lo mismo quedecir que lo retrata desde el único flanco que realmente lo desvive: la locura por el fútbol. Nunca se puede abandonar una competencia de esta magnitud sin tristeza, frustración o decepción. Es muy difícil asumir que esto ya no nos pertenece. Las palabras las pronunció cuando Chile se quedó afuera del Mundial Sudáfrica 2010, pero sirven para demostrar cómo es de complejo y de frontal Marcelo Bielsa. Un tipo que vive, juega y habla de la misma manera, generosa y tajante, defendiendo un sistema apoyado en ideas, y cosechando por ello admiradores y detractores. Como seleccionador argentino logró dos proezas: que un equipo mayor fuera eliminado en primera ronda de un Mundial y ganar un oro olímpico. Luego llevó a Chile a Sudáfrica y consiguió para la roja la mejor performance en décadas.Desde anécdotas de la infancia hasta la actualidad, pasando por sus exitosas campañas en Newell´s y Vélez, sus maratones por la Argentina en busca de jugadores, su tensión permanente con los poderes que rigen el fútbol y su sinfonía agridulce al frente de la Selección argentina, el que aparece, siempre, es ese mismo loco Bielsa que tiene al respeto como mandamiento y el amor a la tarea como principio.
by Roman Iucht#Nunca se puede abandonar una competencia de esta magnitud sin tristeza, frustración o decepción. Es muy difícil asumir que esto ya no nos pertenece.# Las palabras las pronunció cuando Chile se quedó afuera del Mundial Sudáfrica 2010, pero sirven para demostrar cómo es de complejo y de frontal Marcelo Bielsa. Un tipo que vive, juega y habla de la misma manera, generosa y tajante, defendiendo un sistema apoyado en ideas, y cosechando por ello admiradores y detractores. Como seleccionador argentino logró dos proezas: que un equipo mayor fuera eliminado en primera ronda de un Mundial y ganar un oro olímpico. Luego llevó a Chile a Sudáfrica y consiguió para la roja la mejor performance en décadas. Este libro apasionado, al que Román Iucht ha dedicado años de trabajo, muestra a Bielsa desde todos los ángulos posibles, que es lo mismo que decir que lo retrata desde el único flanco que realmente lo desvive: la locura por el fútbol. Desde anécdotas de la infancia hasta la actualidad, pasando por sus exitosas campañas en Newell#s y Vélez, sus maratones por la Argentina en busca de jugadores, su tensión permanente con los poderes que rigen el fútbol y su sinfonía agridulce al frente de la Selección argentina, el que aparece, siempre, es ese mismo #loco# Bielsa que tiene al respeto como mandamiento y el amor a la tarea como principio.
Vida Total: Mi Historia Increíble
by Arnold SchwarzeneggerLA MEJOR HISTORIA DE INMIGRACIÓN DE NUESTROS TIEMPOSSu historia es única, divertida, y en estas páginas la cuenta de manera brillante. Nació durante un año de hambruna en un pequeño pueblo de Austria, hijo de un jefe de policía muy austero. Soñaba con mudarse a los Estados Unidos para convertirse en campeón del fisiculturismo y estrella de cine. A los veintiún años vivía en Los Ángeles y ya había sido coronado como Mr. Universo. Cinco años más tarde había aprendido a hablar inglés y se había convertido en el mejor fisiculturista del mundo. Diez años más tarde había completado su título universitario y se había vuelto millonario gracias a sus empresas comerciales en el sector inmobiliario, el paisajismo y el fisiculturismo. También había ganado un Golden Globe por su debut como actor dramático en Stay Hungry. Veinte años más tarde era la estrella de cine más famosa del mundo, estaba casado con Maria Shriver y era un líder republicano emergente que formaba parte de la familia Kennedy. Treinta y seis años después de haber llegado a los Estados Unidos, el hombre que alguna vez fue conocido entre sus compañeros fisiculturistas como el "roble austriaco" fue elegido como gobernador de California, la séptima economía más grande del mundo. Gobernó el estado a lo largo de una crisis presupuestaria, desastres naturales y disturbios políticos, trabajando con ambos lados del espectro político para crear un mejor ambiente, reformas electorales y soluciones bipartidistas. Con Maria Shriver crió a cuatro hijos fantásticos. En medio del escándalo que él mismo creó, intentó mantener a su familia unida. Hasta ahora nunca ha contado la historia completa de su vida, en su propia voz. Éste es Arnold. Ésta es su vida total.
Video Game Victors (Jake Maddox Graphic Novels)
by Jake MaddoxValentina loves playing video games, and she’s really good at them. When a local esports team asks her to join them for an upcoming tournament, she’s thrilled. There’s just one problem—Valentina has great skills in first-person action games, but winning Kings and Castles relies on teamwork and strategy. During her practice matches, Valentina keeps trying to win the game on her own. But she’s quickly overwhelmed and defeated each time. If she wants to win, she can’t try to be the hero and take out all of the enemies herself. Will Valentina learn to hold back and work together with her teammates to achieve ultimate victory?
Videobasierte Lehrveranstaltungen zur Förderung Professioneller Unterrichtswahrnehmung: Ein Seminarkonzept zur gleichberechtigten Teilhabe im Sportunterricht (Bildung und Sport #30)
by Markus JürgensIn diesem Buch entwickelt Markus Jürgens ein videobasiertes Seminar zur Förderung der Professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung im inklusiven Sportunterricht. Das in der Arbeit ausdifferenzierte Wahrnehmungskonzept der gleichberechtigen Teilhabe an Spielen im Sportunterricht kann in der Sportlehrerbildung gezielt zur Wahrnehmung von Unterrichtssituationen eingesetzt werden. Für die Evaluation des Seminars konzipiert der Autor ein sportspezifisches Instrument zur Erhebung der Professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung, das auf einer videobasierten Fallanalyse mit offenem Antwortformat aufbaut. Das Instrument wird in einer seminarbegleitenden Studie in Rahmen eines Prä-Post-Kontrollgruppendesigns eingesetzt.
Un viejo que se pone de pie
by Eduardo SacheriCelebrada edición de los cuentos de Sacheri. Los cuentos de Eduardo Sacheri se dieron a conocer a través de la radio y enseguida conquistaron a la audiencia con su extraordinaria pintura de sucesos cotidianos que emocionan y entretienen. Ya en forma de libro, encontraron una acogida multiplicada entre los numerosos lectores que tuvieron así el placer de leer y releer estas historias notables. Con humor, emoción y un gran conocimiento de los sentimientos y las reacciones humanas, Sacheri plasma en sus cuentos conflictos vitales de hombres y mujeres de nuestro tiempo enfrentados a situaciones que transcurren en el barrio, en la calle o en la cancha, a través de las cuales nos habla de la amistad y el amor, la gratitud y la venganza, la lealtad y la traición, las pérdidas y la esperanza.
Viento: La travesía de mi vida
by Nicolás Cassese Santiago LangeSantiago Lange, uno de los más grandes regatistas mundiales, recorre en detalle su vida; desde su infancia en San Isidro, donde dio sus primeros pasos como navegante, hasta los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro, en los que ganó su primera medalla de oro luego de haberse sometido a una operación de cáncer de pulmón. La medalla de oro de Río representa la conquista de un sueño que perseguí durante mucho tiempo. Ese podio olímpico no solo marca el punto más alto de mi carrera, sino que está ligado a las elecciones más importantes de mi vida. Sin que lo advirtiera, la línea que dividía mis días en el agua y mis días en tierra se fue borrando. Por eso, cuando me colgaron la medalla sentí que toda mi historia confluía en ese momento. Este libro cuenta la vida de uno de los más grandes regatistas, una leyenda deportiva mundial. Y cuenta también qué hay detrás de su glorioso regreso tras superar un cáncer de pulmón nueve meses antes de los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016. La de Santiago Lange es una historia de resiliencia y tenacidad; la de un hombre que enfrentó las adversidades para seguir persiguiendo sus sueños.
A View from a Tall Hill: Robert Ruark in Africa
by Terry Wielandafrica; hunting; short stories; sporting Robert Ruark was perhaps the most renowned safari writer of the twentieth century. As a respected columnist and author during his lifetime, his writings have influenced thousands of hunters to travel to Africa to see the places that Ruark immortalized in his writings. Despite his impact, Ruark only wrote for a period of fifteen years, but it was a time where he lived his life to its fullest potential. He travelled all across the world in order to see and do everything he could dream of, but it was in East Africa that he came to find a spiritual home. As the area became increasingly independent of colonial rule, Ruark predicted the economic, social, and political ruin that has since been the daily reality of the region. In this detailed account of Ruark&’s life, Terry Wieland has written a definitive book on Ruark, the restless traveler, and the times in which he lived, as well as his lifelong fascination with Africa.
View From Rat Lake (John Gierach's Fly-fishing Library)
by John GierachBrilliant, witty, perceptive essays about fly-fishing, the natural world, and life in general by the acknowledged master of fishing writers.“In the world of fishing there are magic phrases that are guaranteed to summon the demon. Among them are: ‘remote trout lake,’ ‘fish up to 13 pounds,’ ‘the place the guides fish on their days off,’” writes John Gierach in this wonderful collection of thirteen essays inspired by a fishing trip to Rat Lake, a remote body of water in Montana. Once again John Gierach does what he does best—explain the peculiarities of the fishing life in a way that will amuse novices and seasoned fly fishers alike. The View from Rat Lake deftly examines man in nature and nature in man, the pleasures of fishing the high country, and the high and low comedy that occasionally overcomes even the best-planned fishing trip. Some typically sage observations from The View from Rat Lake: “One of the things we truly fish for [is] an occasion for self-congratulation.”“In every catch-and-release fisherman’s past there is an old black frying pan.”“We . . . believe that a 12-inch trout caught on a dry fly is four inches longer than a 12-inch trout caught on a nymph or streamer.”
The View from the Dugout: The Journals of Red Rolfe
by William M. Anderson"Somewhere, if they haven't been destroyed, there are hundreds of pages of typewritten notes about American League players of that era, notes which I would love to get my hands on." -Bill James, in The New Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract, on the journals of Red Rolfe. "Red Rolfe's journal for his years as manager of the Detroit Tigers is the kind of precious source researchers yearn for. In combination with William M. Anderson's well-done text, The View from the Dugout will be of great interest to general readers and of immense value to students of baseball history." -Charles C. Alexander, author of Breaking the Slump: Baseball in the Depression Era. "Red Rolfe was one of baseball's most astute observers. This is 'inside' baseball from the inside." -Donald Honig, author of Baseball America, Baseball When the Grass Was Real, and other books in the Donald Honig Best Players of All Time series. "In his lucid journals Red Rolfe has provided an inside look at how an intelligent baseball manager thinks and prepares." -Ray Robinson, Yankee historian and author of Iron Horse: Lou Gehrig in His Time. Baseball players as a rule aren't known for documenting their experiences on the diamond. Red Rolfe, however, during his time as manager of the Detroit Tigers from 1949 to 1952, recorded daily accounts of each game, including candid observations about his team's performance. He used these observations to coach his players and to gain an advantage by recording strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies of opposing players and managers. Rolfe's journals carry added value considering his own career as an All-Star Yankee third baseman on numerous world champion teams, where he was a teammate of Lou Gehrig and Joe DiMaggio. Today, in the era of televised broadcasts, networks often wire a manager so that viewers can listen to his spontaneous comments throughout the game. Red Rolfe's journals offer an opportunity to find out what a manager is thinking when no one is around to hear. William M. Anderson is Director of the Department of History, Arts and Libraries for the State of Michigan. His books include The Detroit Tigers: A Pictorial Celebration of the Greatest Players and Moments in Tigers' History.
The View from the O-Line: Football According to NFL Offensive Linemen and an Uncommon Coach
by Howard Mudd Richard Lister Dan Fouts Andy ReidThe View from the O-Line is an NFL narrative that has yet to be told, about men who game-in and game-out take grueling physical punishment without the expectation of fame and media attention. These are the men who make up the offensive line.Howard Mudd spent more than forty years in the NFL, first as a player and later as a coach. His narrative anchors this work while more than twenty contributors: current and former NFL players-including Nick Mangold, Jeff Saturday, Frank Winters, and Jackie Slater-executives, and officials, add their richly told stories that chronicle the biases faced and overcome by those in this intricate and underestimated position, weaving together an admirable new image of the men playing the sport for reasons beyond simple glory. Clever in craft and modest in spirit, these unheralded players wield the power to make or break a game.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Sports Publishing imprint, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in sports-books about baseball, pro football, college football, pro and college basketball, hockey, or soccer, we have a book about your sport or your team.Whether you are a New York Yankees fan or hail from Red Sox nation; whether you are a die-hard Green Bay Packers or Dallas Cowboys fan; whether you root for the Kentucky Wildcats, Louisville Cardinals, UCLA Bruins, or Kansas Jayhawks; whether you route for the Boston Bruins, Toronto Maple Leafs, Montreal Canadiens, or Los Angeles Kings; we have a book for you. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
A View from the West Upper: A Reflective Account Through the Eyes of One Fan
by James HarrisonThis book will take Arsenal and football fans through a magical journey from spring 1995 right through to spring 2017. It describes the level of change in society whilst supporting a 21st-century football club and business. It highlights how people interact and how we look at change, but also demonstrates how important security can be too. We explore the club's adventure on and off the field through ambition, hope, risk and success, all cross-referenced to our daily real-life journey. This account will make you think back to those early days of change whilst making you laugh and appreciate how fortunate we are to support this great club and business. Regardless of how long you have been supporting Arsenal, this book will be a hugely entertaining read.
A View from Two Benches: Bob Thomas in Football and the Law
by Doug FeldmannWhether in football or in the law, Illinois Supreme Court Justice Robert Thomas has always had the "best view from the bench."Bob Thomas got his start in football at the University of Notre Dame, kicking for the famed "Fighting Irish" in the early 1970s. Claimed off waivers by the Chicago Bears in 1975, Thomas helped to take the franchise from their darkest days to their brightest. Yet, on the cusp of the team's greatest moment, he was struck with a shocking blow that challenged his fortitude.In this dramatic retelling of Bob Thomas's fascinating life, renowned sports writer Doug Feldmann shows how neither football nor the law was part of Thomas's dreams while growing up the son of Italian immigrants in Rochester, New York, in the 1960s. Chasing excellence on both the gridiron and in the courtroom, however, would require resilience in ways he could not have imagined.As A View from Two Benches shows us, Bob Thomas reached the top of two separate and distinct professions, guided by a bedrock of faith that has impacted his decisions and actions as both a football player and a judge, helping him navigate the peaks and valleys of life. As Doug Feldmann reveals, Bob Thomas has always stayed true to the values he learned in his earliest days.Doug Feldmann's rich biography of an accomplished kicker and a proud justice of the law shows us that determination and resilience go a long way to a successful and impactful life.
The Vikings Reader
by Armand PetersonArmand Peterson's The Vikings Reader is the fascinating, yard-by-yard chronicle of fifty years of Vikings football from the perspective of the sportswriters and other commentators who were there as the stories unfolded. Through a wide range of regional articles, national columns, and book excerpts-all framed by Peterson's own insightful narrative-this impressionistic history invites readers to relive such defining moments.
The Villain: The Life of Don Whillans
by Jim PerrinDon Whillans has an iconic significance for generations of climbers. His epoch-making first ascent of Annapurna's South Face, achieved with Dougal Haston in 1970, remains one of the most impressive climbs ever made - but behind this and all his other formidable achievements lies a tough, recalcitrant reality: the character of the man himself.Whillans carried within himself a sense of personal invincibility, forceful, direct and uncompromising. It gave him sporting superstar status - the flawed heroism of a Best, a McEnroe, an Ali. In his own circle, his image was the working-class hero on the rock-face, laconic and bellicose, ready to go to war with the elements or with any human who crossed his path on a bad day.
Vince Lombardi
by John WukovitsBiography of American football legend and coach Vince Lombardi that also features thrilling accounts of crucial games and statistics.
Vindicated: Big Names, Big Liars, and the Battle to Save Baseball
by Jose CansecoIn 2005, Jose Canseco blew the lid off Major League Baseball's steroid scandal -- and no one believed him. His New York Times bestselling memoir Juiced met a firestorm of criticism and outrage from the media, coaches, clubs, and players, many of whom Canseco had personally introduced to steroids -- with a needle in the ass. Baseball's former golden boy, Rookie of the Year, onetime Most Valuable Player, and owner of two World Series rings was called a liar. Now, steroids are back in the headlines. Record-breaking athletes are falling from grace, and the infamous Mitchell Report confirmed the names of major leaguers who have indeed used steroids while others remain under investigation. The answer is clear: Jose Canseco told the truth. And why wouldn't he? He started it all. Finally, in Vindicated, Canseco picks up where Juiced left off, revealing details even more shocking than in his controversial first book. He spills never-before-implicated names -- arguably the biggest in the game of baseball -- and explores the mystery of one celebrated player about whom key information was suddenly excised from Juiced at the last minute. He talks candidly about what the Mitchell Report did -- and didn't -- get right, why steroid use became so rampant, and how his life has changed since he tore the lid off Pandora's box. Lest there be any doubt about theveracity of his claims, Canseco subjected himself to three lie detector tests, one of which was conducted by a former FBI special agent and top polygraph examiner who investigated the Unabomber, Whitewater, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. Transcripts of those taped interviews are also included in this straight-talking examination of the current state of baseball. This time, he's not just out to clear his name. He's out to clean up the game.
Vinicius Jr Rules (Football Superstars #29)
by Simon MugfordIs Vinicius Jr your ultimate football hero? The Brazil winger and Real Madrid star has become a household name since scoring the winning goal in the 2022 UEFA Champions League final and partnering up with Jude Bellingham in 2023 to create the ultimate strike force. Read the amazing story of how Vini Jr honed his skills as a boy and caught the eyes of major scouts and has since followed in the footsteps of Pele, Ronaldo and Neymar Jr, primed to become a hero at the World Cup in 2026. Filled with lots of facts and stats, the inspiring narrative features fun cartoons, a simple narrative style and a cast of characters chipping in with quotes, jokes and comments.
Vintage Camper Trailer Rallies
by Paul Lacitinola Caroline LacitinolaA celebration of vintage midcentury trailers and the people that love them. This follow-up to the authors&’ Vintage Camper Trailers focuses on trailer rallies, events where hundreds of vintage trailers aficionados come together to show off their trailers and share their love of the hobby. It features hundreds of new photos of trailerites and their trailers, along with the fun and festivities that occur at the rallies. Also included are a history of camper trailers, along with information on the major trailer hobby groups, such as Tin Can Tourists, the Wally Byam Airstream Club, and Sisters on the Fly, and tips on how to plan and organize your own rallies and events, based on the authors&’ own first-hand experience.
Vintage Skiing: Nostalgic Images from the Golden Age of Skiing
by Rick Schafer Ray AtkesonRevisit the glory days of skiing with one of the most famous ski photographers of the era: Ray Atkeson!
Violated: Exposing Rape at Baylor University amid College Football's Sexual Assault Crisis
by Mark Schlabach Paula LavigneIn VIOLATED, two ESPN investigative reporters provide readers with a shocking narrative of sexual crimes committed against women and a university's culture that kept them quiet. <p><p> Throughout its history, Baylor University has presented itself as something special: As the world's largest Baptist university, it was unabashedly Christian. It condemned any sex outside of marriage, and drinking alcohol was grounds for dismissal. Students weren't even allowed to dance on campus until 1996. During the last several years, however, Baylor officials were hiding a dark secret: Female students were being sexually assaulted at an alarming rate. Baylor administrators did very little to help victims, and their assailants rarely faced discipline for their abhorrent behavior. <p><p>Finally, after a pair of high-profile criminal cases involving football players, an independent examination of Baylor's handling of allegations of sexual assault led to sweeping changes, including the unprecedented ouster of its president, athletics director, and popular, highly successful football coach. <p><p>For several years, campuses and sports teams across the country have been plagued with accusations of sexual violence, and they've been criticized for how they responded to the students involved. But Baylor stands out. A culture reigned in which people believed that any type of sex, especially violent non-consensual sex, simply "doesn't happen here." Yet it was happening. Many people within Baylor's leadership knew about it. And they chose not to act. Paula Lavigne and Mark Schlabach weave together the complex - and at times contradictory - narrative of how a university and football program ascending in national prominence came crashing down amidst the stories of woman after woman coming forward describing their assaults, and a university system they found indifferent to their pain.
Violence in Southern Sport and Culture
by Eric Bain-SelboThis book discusses violence and its connection with religion, sport and popular culture. It highlights the religious dimensions of violence and the role of violence in the religion and culture of the American South. Extending into popular culture, it then makes the case that sport--particularly American football--is a cultural phenomenon in the South with close ties with religion and violence, and that American football has come to play a central role in the civil religion of the South, fueled in part by its violent nature. The book concludes by drawing important lessons from this case study--lessons that help us to see both religion and sport in a new light.