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Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2015

by Antoine Duval Antonio Rigozzi

The Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration is the first academic publication aiming to offer comprehensive coverage, on a yearly basis, of the most recent and salient developments regarding international sports arbitration, through a combination of general articles and case notes. The present volume covers decisions rendered by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and national courts in 2015. It is a must-have for sports lawyers and arbitrators, as well as researchers engaged in this field. It provides in-depth articles on burning issues raised by international sports arbitration, and independent commentaries by esteemed academics and seasoned practitioners on the most important decisions of the CAS (e. g. the Dutee Chand case) and national courts (e. g. the Pechstein and Wilhelmshaven decision rendered by the OLG M#65533;nchen and OLG Bremen in Germany). Dr. Antoine Duval is Senior Researcher for International and European Sports Law at the T. M. C. Asser Instituut in The Hague. He holds a Ph. D. on the interaction between Lex Sportiva and EU Law from the European University Institute in Florence. Prof. Antonio Rigozzi teaches international arbitration and sports law at the University of Neuch#65533;tel, Switzerland, and is the partner in charge of the sports arbitration practice at L#65533;vy Kaufmann-Kohler, a Geneva-based law firm specializing in international arbitration.

Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2017 (Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration)

by Antoine Duval Antonio Rigozzi

The Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration is the first academic publication aiming to offer comprehensive coverage, on a yearly basis, of the most recent and salient developments regarding international sports arbitration, through a combination of general articles and case notes. The present volume covers decisions rendered by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and national courts in 2017. It is a must have for sports lawyers and arbitrators, as well as researchers engaged in this field. It provides in-depth articles on current issues raised by international sports arbitration, and commentaries by esteemed academics and experienced practitioners on the most important decisions of the year by the CAS and national courts.Dr. Antoine Duval is Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague and heads the Asser International Sports Law Centre. Prof. Antonio Rigozzi teaches international arbitration and sports law at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and is the partner in charge of the sports arbitration practice at Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, a Geneva-based law firm specializing in international arbitration.

Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2018–2020 (Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration)

by Antoine Duval Antonio Rigozzi

The Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration is the first academic publication aiming to offer comprehensive coverage, on a yearly basis, of the most recent and salient developments regarding international sports arbitration, through a combination of general articles and case notes. The present volume covers decisions rendered by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), and national courts significant international and domestic between 2018-2020. It is a must-have for sports lawyers, arbitrators, and researchers engaged in this field. From the ECtHR's landmark ruling in the Mutu & Pechstein case, through the Russian doping scandal, to the first Sun Yang award, it features in-depth articles on important issues raised by international sports arbitration, as well as independent commentaries by academics and practitioners on the most significant international and domestic decisions rendered in the period under review. Dr. Antoine Duval is Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague and heads the Asser International Sports Law Centre. Prof. Antonio Rigozzi teaches international arbitration and sports law at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and is the partner in charge of the sports arbitration practice at Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, a Geneva-based law firm specializing in international arbitration.


by Peter Cossins

* WINNER OF THE 2020 TELEGRAPH SPORTS BOOK AWARDS CYCLING BOOK OF THE YEAR*Discover this 100-year anniversary celebration of the hardest-earned and most sacred prize in sport, the Tour de France's Yellow Jersey. In 2019, the cycling world will celebrate the 100th anniversary of sport's most iconic and distinguished prize: the Yellow Jersey. Beautifully produced and packed full of interviews with riders such as Chris Froome, Thomas Voeckler and the oldest living wearer of the Yellow Jersey at 94, Antonin Rolland, The Yellow Jersey is a fitting celebration of the 'maillot jaune'. In 1919 the leading rider was first instructed to wear the Yellow Jersey, following a campaign from fans and journalists who were struggling to identify the winning rider. 100 years on, the jersey has passed into almost sacred status. You'll never see an amateur rider wearing yellow - it is reserved purely for those who have sacrificed themselves in the world's greatest race. Cossins will take the reader on a journey to the origins of the jersey and its early winners. He'll explore the effect of wearing yellow as a motivator and occasionally as a curse. Beautifully produced with original photography, The Yellow Jersey is an exquisite tribute to the greatest trophy in sport.'Without doubt the most beautiful book to land on our desk this year... we can't recommend this book enough' Cycling Weekly

Yellowstone and Grand Teton’s Best Nature Walks: 29 Easy Ways to Explore the Parks' Ecology

by Roddy Scheer

Plan out your trip on some of America's most beautiful natural wonders with this indispensable guide to the flora, fauna, geology, and hiking trails of Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. Step out of your car and right into nature! Yellowstone and Grand Teton&’s Best Nature Walks by Roddy Scheer guides you through simple hikes that feature the best of the park&’s rich ecology. Each entry starts with the brief description of the hike's level of difficulty—all are gentle to moderate and cover no more than two miles. Entries also include directions and clear descriptions of the flora, fauna, and geology you are likely to encounter along the way. Yellowstone and Grand Teton&’s Best Nature Walks is a must-have guide for outdoor enthusiasts, hikers, and tourists.

Yes: My Improbable Journey to the Main Event of WrestleMania

by Daniel Bryan Craig Tello

The New York Times bestselling autobiography from WWE's Daniel Bryan, who has come out of retirement to get back in the ring.One of WWE's most unlikely champions of all time and also one of its most popular, Bryan has proved to the world and to all of WWE that looks can be deceiving. Just ask anyone who's ever underestimated him . . . right before he went out and whipped the WWE universe into a frenzy.This is Bryan's behind-the-scenes story told for the first time ever by the "YES!" Man himself---from his beginnings as a child wanting to wrestle to his ten years circling the globe on the independent circuit and his remarkable climb to the upper ranks of WWE.As the biggest week of his life unfolds, Aberdeen, Washington's bearded son reflects in full detail on his incredible path to the top and gives his take on the events that have shaped him. With his Bryan-ized blend of modesty and surprising candor, Daniel pulls no punches (or martial arts kicks) as he reveals his true thoughts on his evolution as a performer, his various roles in WWE versus the independent years, life on the road, at home, and much more.And of course, get the untold story surrounding the "YES!" chant that evolved to full-fledged movement, skyrocketing his career. This book chronicles all the hard work, values, influences, unique life choices, and more, leading to his watershed week at WrestleMania 30. You won't want to miss it. Yes! We're sure about this.

Yes, It's Hot in Here: Adventures in the Weird, Woolly World of Sports Mascots

by Aj Mass

Yes, It's Hot in Here explores the entertaining history of the mascot from its jester roots in Renaissance society to the slapstick pantomime of the Clown Prince of Baseball, Max Patkin, all the way up to the mascots of the slam-dunk, rock-and-roll, Jumbotron culture of today. Along the way, author AJ Mass of (a former Mr. Met himself) talks to the pioneers among modern-day mascots like Dave Raymond (Phillie Phanatic), Dan Meers (K. C. Wolf), and Glenn Street (Harvey the Hound) and finds out what it is about being a mascot that simply won't leave the performer.Mass examines what motivates high school and college students to compete for the chance to wear a sweaty animal suit and possibly face the ridicule of their peers in the process, as well as women who have proudly served as mascots for teams in both the pro and amateur ranks. In the book's final chapter, Mass climbs inside a mascot costume one more time to describe what it feels like and, perhaps, rediscover a bit of magic.

Yes, She Can!

by Glenn Stout

Not very long ago, many people said girls and women were too weak and delicate to play sports. Fortunately, a lot of girls didn't listen. Trude Ederle, Louise Stokes, Tidye Pickett, Julie Krone and Danica Patrick sure didn't. Trude Ederle swam the English Channel, Louise Stokes and Tidye Pickett made it into the Olympics running track, Julie Krone became jockey, and Danica Patrick decided to drive Indie cars. Yes, She Can! tells the inspiring stories of these pioneers in sports. Thanks to them, everyone knows now that girls can do anything they want. Perfect for young athletes, ages 9-12.

Yo Soy Duran: Mi Autobiografia

by Roberto Duran

Lo llamaban «Manos de Piedra» y fue uno de los mejores boxeadores de todos los tiempos. Ahora, por primera vez, Roberto Durán cuenta su increíble historia: desde las calles de Panamá a ser coronado como uno de los «cuatro reyes» junto con Hearns, Leonard y Hagler, a medida que fue abriéndose camino en la era dorada del boxeo. Nacido en la pobreza extrema y casi incapaz de leer o escribir, muy pronto Durán se dio cuenta de que sus puños podían protegerlo en las calles y ayudarlo a poner comida en la mesa. Su reputación se estableció el día que, por una apuesta, derribó un caballo con un solo golpe. A los veintiún años ganó su primer título mundial contra Ken Buchanan en el Madison Square Garden. En ese momento nació la leyenda de Manos de Piedra, pero su momento más glorioso aún estaba por venir.En 1980 Durán protagonizó una de las grandes sorpresas de la historia del boxeo al derrotar al previamente imbatible Sugar Ray Leonard. Pero mayor fama trajo mayores distracciones y el andar de fiesta constantemente tuvo su efecto antes de que las dos superestrellas se volvieran a encontrar. Esta vez, y por primera vez en su vida, enfrentó a la debacle de la revancha que entró a formar parte del folclore deportivo y la verdad detrás del momento en el que se le escuchó pronunciar dos palabras infames: «No más».Las explosivas actuaciones de Durán fueron de la mano con su volatilidad fuera del ring. Pasó de vivir como la realeza a caer en bancarrota y, después de haber sido desestimado por el mundo del boxeo, tuvo un retorno sangriento y legendario que marcó el final de su carrera y le trajo por fin la redención tan anhelada. Vino de la nada y cambió el mundo. Yo soy Durán es la autobiografía de una de las leyendas más emblemáticas del boxeo. From the Trade Paperback edition.

Yo Wants to Know: Who Invited the Ants to Our Picnic?

by Lea Daniel

Yo and Jennifer are having a cookie picnic when some uninvited guests show up – ants! Yo and Jennifer learn more about their new ant friends, like what they eat and where they live.

Yo Wants to Know: How Do Forest Fires Start?

by Lea Daniel Alan Daniel

Yo learns an important rule about using a campfire when she goes camping with her mother and father.Yo notices land destroyed by a forest fire. Campfires can start just from a small spark hidden in the coals of a campfire and a little wind! Yo discovers how forest fires can start and how to prevent them. What does Yo learn about being safe with campfires? How would you put out a fire?

Yoga ab 55 für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Larry Payne

Von Yoga kann man in jedem Alter profitieren! Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen Übungen, die Sie auch dann machen können, wenn sich ab 55 erste Wehwehchen zeigen: Übungen für einen gesunden Rücken, für den Beckenboden oder bei Knieproblemen oder Arthrose. Das Buch stellt nicht nur die einzelnen Übungen Schritt für Schritt vor, sondern enthält auch kurze Übungsprogramme, die Sie in 5, 15 oder 20 Minuten durchführen können und die sich einfach in den Alltag integrieren lassen, so dass es eigentlich keine Ausrede dafür gibt, nicht ein paar Minuten etwas für sich und seinen Körper zu tun.

Yoga Adjustments: Philosophy, Principles, and Techniques

by Mark Stephens Shiva Rea

The quintessential guide to yoga assisting and hands-on teaching, Yoga Adjustments introduces the art and practice of providing yoga assists to yoga students. Addressing one of the most important topics in the yoga field, expert yoga instructor and best-selling author Mark Stephens covers the philosophy of yoga practice, the sensibilities of touch in teaching yoga and improving alignment, the seven principles of hands-on yoga teaching, and the twenty-five most effective methods of tactile cueing. An invaluable resource for all yoga teachers, teacher trainers, and serious yoga students, this book includes a foreword by yoga star Shiva Rea as well as over 850 unique instructional photos and explanatory captions demonstrating precise ways of guiding a variety of flowing sequences.Opening with an in-depth discussion of the philosophy of yoga assisting, Part I--Foundations describes the methods and techniques of giving yoga assistance, with detailed discussions of all of the elements of yoga assisting including communicating with students, qualities of touch, the five basic steps of providing hands-on cues, hands-on positioning and stance. Part II--Applications demonstrates how to assist students in each of over 100 postures in the seven families of asanas (poses). Each chapter begins with background on an asana family and close consideration of its foundation asana. Each asana is presented in a two-page spread with photos that show how to give students effective guidance and support. Part III--Evolution offers thoughts on the further development of yoga in the twenty-first century.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Yoga auf dem Stuhl für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Larry Payne Don Henry

Alles, was Sie für Yoga brauchen, ist ein Stuhl. Larry Payne und Don Henry zeigen Ihnen in diesem Buch, wie Sie dank der Stabilität und Sicherheit, die Ihnen ein Stuhl bietet, Yoga praktizieren können - auch, wenn Sie in Ihrer Mobilität eingeschränkt sind. Das Buch enthält viele Illustrationen und Beschreibungen traditioneller Yoga-Übungen, die Sie auch im Sitzen ausführen können. So kann jeder von der entspannenden und stresslindernden Wirkung von Yoga profitieren, sei es nach einer Verletzung, im fortgeschrittenen Alter, in der Schwangerschaft und vieles mehr. Stellen Sie mit diesem Buch Ihren eigenen Übungsplan für zu Hause, unterwegs oder im Büro zusammen. So bleiben Sie auch im Sitzen aktiv!

Yoga bei Angsterkrankungen: Ein Programm für Betroffene und Anleitende

by Andreas Ströhle Anna Dania Esch Maike Schmidt Mara Oldenburg

Viele Menschen kämpfen jeden Tag mit Ängsten und fühlen sich damit oft alleingelassen. Yoga gibt uns die Möglichkeit, selbst aktiv zu werden. Es hilft dabei, Vertrauen in den Körper zurückzugewinnen und zu lernen, achtsam mit Gefühlen und Körperreaktionen umzugehen.Dieses Buch bietet ein Yogaprogramm, welches an der Berliner Charité für Menschen mit Angsterkrankungen entwickelt wurde. Praktische Beispiele, Übungssequenzen und videounterstützte Anleitungen können sowohl selbstständig zu Hause als auch in der Therapie genutzt werden.Yogalehrer und Bewegungstherapeuten finden hier ein ausführliches Manual mit begleitenden Downloadmaterialien für ein 8-wöchiges körperorientiertes Yogaprogramm, das auf die Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit Angsterkrankungen zugeschnitten ist. Zudem wird fundamentales Wissen über Ängste und einhergehende physiologische und psychologische Prozesse vermittelt und in Zusammenhang mit den Wirkmechanismen von Yoga gestellt. Das Buch richtet sich an Personen mit gesteigerten Ängsten und Angststörungen sowie Anleitende, die somit umfassend auf eine angstsensible Yogapraxis vorbereitet werden.

Yoga Bunny

by Brian Russo

Even bunnies do yoga!It's a perfect day for yoga, and Bunny is practicing his poses and wishes his friends would do yoga with him! But Lizard is too tired, Fox is in a rush, and Bird has the hiccups. Will Bunny ever be able to get his friends to slow down and realize that yoga just might be the solution to their problems?Akin to I Am Yoga by Susan Verde, Yoga Bunny helps readers relax and unwind as they learn beginning yoga poses, from downward dog to tree pose. Debut author-illustrator Brian Russo shows readers just how relaxing yoga can be.

El Yoga del Billar: Cómo convertirse en un Campeón en el Billar y en la Vida

by Paul Rodney Turner

EL YOGA DEL POOL - Cómo llegar a ser un Campeón en Billar y en la Vida. Es un libro fascinante para cualquier persona atraída por el Pool, sea ésta un Profesional o un Aficionado. Para el Profesional del billar el libro brinda una sabia aunque práctica guía de introspección para construír o fortalecer la concentración, el control mental, la voluntad y la materialización de propósitos como vía para potenciar las facultades de ejcución. Para el Aficionado brinda estas mismas herramientas, claro está, además de una guía sencilla e ilustrada para ponerte en posesión de la técnica del juego del pool. El sistema de puntería de Tres Cortes, invento patentado del Autor Paul Rodney Turner, y las enseñanzas del libro hacen del novato un Maestro con sólo un poco de práctica.

Yoga for Athletes: 10-Minute Yoga Workouts to Make You Better at Your Sport

by Dean Pohlman

For runners, weight lifters, Crossfitters, triathletes, cyclists, and any fitness enthusiast who loves an intense workout: learn exactly how yoga will benefit your performance.You've heard yoga can improve your fitness pursuits, but all you can find is vague information on starting a "beginner's vinyasa practice." And who really has the time for a 60 minute yoga class when all you want to do is lift weights? The good news is a yoga practice really can make you better at your sport; and specific tips, postures, and yoga workouts do exist to help you. This book is absolutely everything you need, and absolutely nothing you don't, to be a better athlete.Dean Pohlman, founder of Man Flow Yoga and author of DK's best-selling book Yoga Fitness for Men, is your no-nonsense guide for integrating yoga with your existing resistance and endurance training. He's a respected athlete, fitness enthusiast, and functional yoga expert who actually knows how to speak to your fitness discipline. In partnership with other professional athletes in your field, Yoga For Athletes has all of the credible and effective information you need.Choose your primary discipline: resistance training or endurance training (or both!). Then use the targeted assessment to identify your areas of opportunity. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be guided to select from a variety of 10-minute yoga workouts you can easily merge with existing fitness plans. Yoga for Athletes offers:• 30+ yoga workouts designed with the athlete's goals in mind. Most workouts require just 10 minutes of your time and are easily slid into your existing workout program.• 30+ yoga postures in this detailed step-by-step guide for improved mobility, strength, and balance.• Beat your pain points and perfect your fitness with a systematic evaluation of your training program. Discover how to fix muscle weaknesses, overtraining, common injuries, stiffness, and more. "Dean has taken what is essential to our bodies, brains, and minds, and created a model based on the principles of a yogic practice. You can drop this excellent book into whatever sport, practice, class, or activity you love, and it will make you better."-Dr. Kelly Starrett

Yoga For Kids: Simple First Steps in Yoga and Mindfulness (Mindfulness for Kids)

by Susannah Hoffman

Teach your kids about yoga and mindfulness with this mindful yoga activity book. Yoga activities are a great way to teach children about relaxation, meditation, and peace--while having fun at the same time.This book is packed with yoga activities for kids and mindful games. Kids can stretch into tree pose, bend into butterfly pose, learn how to make a mindfulness jar, and find out why and how we should stretch through a series of fun yoga poses and sequences.With more than 50 poses and activities, Yoga for Kids has everything you need to know about yoga for children. Children are guided through each pose, to make sure they achieve maximum fun and mindfulness in their yoga practice. Parents are given notes on each pose, to let them know what benefits it brings and how to stay safe.Yoga for kids shows that supporting a child's positive mental health doesn't need to be expensive, time-consuming, or difficult. Poses and activities help children to de-stress, focus, and get moving while having fun.

Yoga for Life

by Susan K. Reed Colleen Saidman Yee Rodney Yee

From a rebellious young woman with a dangerous heroin habit to a globe-trotting fashion model to "First Lady of Yoga" (The New York Times), Colleen Saidman Yee tells the remarkable story of how she found herself through the healing power of yoga--and then inspired others to do the same.I've learned how to extract the beauty of an ordinary day. I've learned that the best high exists in the joy--or the sadness--of the present moment. Yoga allows me to surf the ripples and sit with the mud, while catching glimpses of the clarity of my home at the bottom of the lake: my true self. The very first time Saidman Yee took a yoga class, she left feeling inexplicably different--something inside had shifted. She felt alive--so alive that yoga became the center of her life, helping her come to terms with her insecurities and find her true identity and voice. From learning to cope with a frightening seizure disorder to navigating marriages and divorces to becoming a mother, finding the right life partner, and grieving a beloved parent, Saidman Yee has been through it all--and has found that yoga holds the answers to life's greatest challenges. Approachable, sympathetic, funny, and candid, Saidman Yee shares personal anecdotes along with her compassionate insights and practical instructions for applying yoga to everyday issues and anxieties. Specific yoga sequences accompany each chapter and address everything from hormonal mood swings to detoxing, depression, stress, and increased confidence and energy. Step-by-step instructions and photographs demonstrate her signature flow of poses so you can follow them effortlessly. Yoga for Life offers techniques to bring awareness to every part of your physical and spiritual being, allowing you to feel truly alive and to embody the peace of the present moment.

Yoga in the Black Community: Healing Practices and Principles

by Charlene Marie Muhammad Marilyn Peppers-Citizen

As the practice of yoga continues to flourish within Western Black and Brown communities, this transformative, Black culturally centered toolkit highlights the barriers that hinder access to yoga. It takes core aspects of yoga philosophy and contextualizes it within Black cultural norms, religious taboos, and historical healing practices, and teaches readers how to foster a safe haven for their clients and communities.Based on decades' worth of experience and expertise, this dynamic author duo discusses important topics such as health disparities, complementary healthcare, and the rich heritage and resilience of Black communities. This is an invaluable and practical resource that offers practices and actionable guidance and supports practitioners to explore a Black culturally centered approach to yoga whilst facilitating better health and wellbeing for Black people.

Yoga Sequencing

by Mark Stephens

Yoga Sequencing: Designing Transformative Yoga Classes presents the essential principles and methods for planning and sequencing yoga classes. Addressing one of the most popular topics in the yoga profession, this book offers sixty-seven model sequences of yoga poses (asanas) that cover the broad range of yoga student experience, including multiple sequences for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students; yoga for kids, teens, women across the life cycle, and seniors; classes to relieve depression and anxiety; and sequences for each of the major chakras and ayurvedic constitutions. Each sequence provides guidance for teaching the different breathing (pranayama) and meditation techniques that give yoga its transformative power. Enhanced with over 2,000 instructional photos and an elaborate guide to the constituent elements of over 150 yoga asanas, the book draws equally from ancient yoga philosophy and contemporary insights into functional anatomy, biomechanics, and kinesiology. The nuanced interrelationships among asanas within and between the seven asana families are explored and the anatomy of opening and stabilizing each pose is explained for sequences designed around specific needs and intentions. A comprehensive appendix includes a glossary of yoga-related terms, an alphabetical asana index with thumbnail photographs of each asana, a class planning worksheet, representative sequences from several popular styles of hatha yoga, and a list of resources for further exploring sequencing and the larger practice of teaching yoga.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The YogaFit Athlete: Up Your Game with Sport-Specific Poses to Build Strength, Flexibility, and Balance

by Beth Shaw

Bring the strength and breathing power of yoga to the sports you love--and seriously up your game!Yoga routines designed specifically for swimming, running, cycling, golf, tennis, baseball, football, volleyball, basketball, skiing, snowboarding, weight lifting, kickboxing, boxing, CrossFit, and more! "Your body can either help you achieve your goals or get in the way of you living your best life. By practicing yoga and meditation, you can make your body work with you, not against you."--Beth Shaw Whether you're a professional athlete, a weekend warrior, or a pick-up game enthusiast, yoga can dramatically affect your athletic performance and improve your alignment, balance, core stability, strength, flexibility, agility, endurance, lung capacity, and mobility. In this motivating and practical guide, celebrated fitness expert Beth Shaw provides short, sport-specific yoga routines designed to help counter tight muscles, overuse injuries, and musculature imbalances. By adding a quick yoga routine to any workout, you will increase your overall strength and health, and achieve your personal best. Inside you'll find * fully illustrated, sport-specific yoga routines that engage the core, enhance your play, and reduce the risk of injury * essential warm-up and cool-down movements to complement any athletic endeavor * simple breathing exercises to steady your breath and calm your nerves during competition * meditation techniques to help clear your mind and bring laser focus to your goals * guided imagery and visualization exercises to improve performance * strategies for coaching yourself and othersFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Yogi: It Ain't Over ...

by Yogi Berra Tom Horton

Today, Yogi Berra is known for what he said. During his Hall of Fame career, he was also known for what he did--which was to play stellar baseball. Here, the three-time MVP tells readers all about himself and his roller-coaster times in major league baseball.

Yogi: A Life Behind the Mask

by Jon Pessah

The definitive biography of Yogi Berra, the New York Yankees icon, winner of 10 World Series championships, and the most-quoted player in baseball historyLawrence "Yogi" Berra was never supposed to become a major league ballplayer. That's what his immigrant father told him. That's what Branch Rickey told him, too-right to Berra's face, in fact. Even the lowly St. Louis Browns of his youth said he'd never make it in the big leagues. Yet baseball was his lifeblood. It was the only thing he ever cared about. Heck, it was the only thing he ever thought about. Berra couldn't allow a constant stream of ridicule about his appearance, taunts about his speech, and scorn about his perceived lack of intelligence to keep him from becoming one of the best to ever play the game-at a position requiring the very skills he was told he did not have.Drawing on more than one hundred interviews and four years of reporting, Jon Pessah delivers a transformational portrait of how Berra handled his hard-earned success-on and off the playing field-as well as his failures; how the man who insisted "I really didn't say everything I said!" nonetheless shaped decades of America's culture; and how Berra's humility and grace redefined what it truly means to be a star. Overshadowed on the field by Joe DiMaggio early in his career and later by a youthful Mickey Mantle, Berra emerges as not only the best loved Yankee but one of the most appealingly simple, innately complex, and universally admired men in all of America.

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