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Zack: A Cold Fury Hockey Novel (Carolina Cold Fury Hockey #3)

by Sawyer Bennett

New York Times bestselling author Sawyer Bennett goes for a hat trick with the latest romance in a sexy series about cool-as-ice hockey players and the women heating up their lives. Warning: The following contains spoilers from a cliffhanger in Garrett. Rising star Zack Grantham has been stuck in a downward spiral of grief that has put his career on hold. Back on the road with the Carolina Cold Fury, still crippled by emotional baggage, and now a single dad, he's in need of some serious help with his son. But while the nerdy new nanny wins his son's heart, Zack isn't sure he's ready for a woman's touch--even after getting a glimpse of the killer curves she's hiding under those baggy clothes. Kate Francis usually keeps men like Zack at a distance. Though his athlete's body is honed to perfection, he refuses to move on with his life--and besides, he's her boss. Still, the sparks between them are undeniable, tempting Kate to turn their professional relationship into a personal one. But before she makes a power play for Zack's wounded heart, Kate will have to open him up again and show him that love is worth the fight.

Zack Files 12: Now You See Me....Now You Don't

by Dan Greenburg

A hypnotist's show turns out to be way more than Zack bargains for when he is pulled out of the audience, put into a trance, and his body is "taken over" by the spirit of someone from the past. And that's only the beginning, because the stubborn spirit won't go away when the show's over! It's hard enough having just one self to worry about. What will Zack do with two?

Zac's Game Plan

by Ewan Fowles

This book dives into the challenges young people may have with disabilities. No matter what you face in life or the challenges it brings you, stay strong and never give up on your dreams. Some people are born with disabilities and other times it can come later on in life, either way, it should never stop you from chasing what you believe in. This book also focus’s on the effects of bullying and showing you the benefits of not letting bullies bring you down. Zac is a strong willed young man who loves football and dreams to play for the AFL but not without some struggles along the way

Zahngesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit: Ein Ratgeber für Ärzte, chronisch Kranke und Spitzensportler

by Meinhard Vintler

Unser Gebiss kann bei schlechter Versorgung schnell zur Mülldeponie im Körper werden. Fremdmaterialien, beherdete Zähne und problematische zahnmedizinische und kieferorthopädische Behandlungen setzen dem Körper zu und sind mitverantwortlich für die Entstehung von chronischen Erkrankungen und Leistungsschwächen. Das Buch setzt sich fundiert mit dem Zusammenhang von Zahngesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit auseinander und erläutert auch für Laien verständlich, wie die neueste labor- und systemmedizinische Forschung zu einer Verbesserung in der Diagnose und Behandlung sowohl von chronischen als auch von Sport-Erkrankungen beiträgt. Beide Patientengruppen verbindet das gleiche Problem: Bislang unentdeckte Stressoren, die sich zwar individuell unterscheiden, aber in ihren Auswirkungen sehr ähnlich sind, blockieren die Regenerationsprozesse im Körper. Die neuen Therapieansätze sind für Profisportler von großem Interesse, da sich Leistungssteigerungen erzielen lassen, die bereits im Promillebereich entscheidend sein können. Chronisch Kranke erfahren durch eine systemische Behandlung, die die Zähne wesentlich einbezieht, eine ungeahnte Besserung ihrer Beschwerden.Wie tiefgreifend die jüngsten Erkenntnisse die medizinische Praxis verändern können, soll dieses Buch deutlich machen. Es richtet sich an Mediziner aus allen Fachbereichen, die ihr Bewusstsein für Zusammenhänge im Organismus erweitern wollen. Aber auch Sportler und deren Betreuende in Training, Management und Physiotherapie werden ebenso wie Eltern von Sporttalenten angesprochen und nicht zuletzt alle, die an einer chronischen Erkrankung leiden und für die alternativmedizinische Ansätze oft der einzige Hoffnungsschimmer sind.


by Chris Van Allsburg

On the last page of the Caldecott Medal-winning book Jumanji, young Danny Budwing is seen running home with a game tucked under his arm. Now, after twenty years, Chris Van Allsburg is ready to reveal what happens when Danny and his brother roll the dice. This time the name of the game is Zathura and Walter and Danny Budwing are in for the ride of their lives. Only the mind and hand of Chris Van Allsburg could create such a fantastic world where shifts in time and space and perspective take the reader on an extraordinary journey.

Zen and the Art of Running: The Path to Making Peace with Your Pace

by Larry Shapiro

All that I am, I am because of my mind. --Paavo Nurmi, Olympic runner with nine gold medals in track & fieldAll runners strive to get in the "zone," but here they'll learn to enter the ZEN "zone"! By adopting Buddha's mindful approach, you will discover you can run longer, faster, and harder. This book shows how to align body and mind for success on - and off - the track! Iron Man triathlete and philosophy professor Larry Shapiro coaches you to:Walk the talk: Get out and runPractice mindfulness: Train harderVisualize success: Race the Zen wayAccept and let go: Cope peacefully with injuries and agingComplete with case studies, testimonials, and training techniques, this guide inspires seasoned runners and first timers alike to pound the path to enlightenment—one stride at a time!

Zen Golf: Mastering the Mental Game

by Joseph Parent

The best players know that golf is a game of confidence, and most important, concentration-the ability to focus and block out distraction. The goal of achieving clear thought is also at the heart of Buddhist teachings. In his highly original and groundbreaking book, noted PGA coach and Buddhist instructor, Dr. Joseph Parent, draws on this natural connection and teaches golfers how to clear their minds, achieve ultimate focus, and play in the moment for each shot.Zen Golf presents a simple system for building "mental game mastery." Dr Parent's unique PAR Approach (focusing on Preparation, Action, and Response to Results) guides golfers with specific techniques for each aspect of their games. In chapters such as "How to Get From the Practice Tee to the First Tee", "You Produce What You Fear", and "How to Enjoy a Bad Round of Golf", the author shares a personal teaching regimen that has helped improve the games of professionals and amateurs alike. By combining classic insights and stories from Zen tradition, Zen Golf helps eliminate the mental distractions that routinely cause poor shots and loss of concentration, allowing golfers to feel in "the zone" that professionals have learned to master.Clear, concise, and enlightening, Zen Golf shows golfers how to prepare for, execute, and equally important, respond the results of any golf shot. A different approach to golf instruction, this book shapes ancient philosophies into new teachings.From the Hardcover edition.

Zen in the Art of Archery

by Eugen Herrigel

Since its original publication in 1953, Zen in the Art of Archery has become one of the classic works on Eastern philosophy, the first book to delve deeply into the role of Zen in philosophy, development, and practice of Eastern martial arts. Wise, deeply personal, and frequently charming, it is the story of one man's penetration of the theory and practice of Zen Buddhism. Eugen Herrigel, a German professor who taught philosophy in Tokyo, took up the study of archery as a step toward the understanding of Zen. Zen in the Art of Archery is the account of the six years he spent as the student of one of Japan's great Zen masters, and the process by which he overcame his initial inhibitions and began to look toward new ways of seeing and understanding. As one of the first Westerners to delve deeply into Zen Buddhism, Herrigel was a key figure in the popularization of Eastern thought in the West, as well as being a captivating and illuminating writer.

Zen Kobudo

by Mark Bishop

Kobudo, the famous armed Okinawan fighting art that utilizes common farming implements in combat, and Te, the ancient Okinawan art of armed and unarmed combat, are two of the world's most widely practiced yet least-understood martial arts. This book studies the individual Kobudo and Te systems as they are practiced in Okinawa today and discusses their various histories and the lives of the masters who have most influenced them. Spiritualism in the Okinawan arts is also covered in detail, as the author masterfully describes the mix of Zen and native beliefs that are vital to these arts, yet a component that has been all but ignored by previous researchers. In addition, this is the first work to discuss anthropological theories on Okinawa and the development of fighting arts there from the Stone Age. This complete and wide-ranging study of Okinawan weaponry, history, and training is the ultimate guide to these important fighting arts.

Zen Kobudo

by Mark Bishop

Kobudo, the famous armed Okinawan fighting art that utilizes common farming implements in combat, and Te, the ancient Okinawan art of armed and unarmed combat, are two of the world's most widely practiced yet least-understood martial arts. This book studies the individual Kobudo and Te systems as they are practiced in Okinawa today and discusses their various histories and the lives of the masters who have most influenced them. Spiritualism in the Okinawan arts is also covered in detail, as the author masterfully describes the mix of Zen and native beliefs that are vital to these arts, yet a component that has been all but ignored by previous researchers. In addition, this is the first work to discuss anthropological theories on Okinawa and the development of fighting arts there from the Stone Age. This complete and wide-ranging study of Okinawan weaponry, history, and training is the ultimate guide to these important fighting arts.

Zen Mind, Zen Horse: The Science and Spirituality of Working with Horses

by Allan J. Hamilton

“Far more than a book about how to care for a horse, though it stands out as one of the best on the subject . . . beautiful” (Susan Richards, author of Chosen by a Horse). This unique guide to horsemanship incorporates Eastern philosophy to describe how horses understand and respond to the flow of vital energy around them, and how they use this energy, called chi, to communicate with their herd, express dominance, and sense predators. Written by the award-winning author of The Scalpel and the Soul, and including forewords by Monty Roberts and Dr. Robert Miller, Zen Mind, Zen Horse shares safe, simple techniques to make you more receptive to your animal’s chi, so you can develop a calm and effective training style that will not only help your horse follow commands, but strengthen the spiritual bond between horse and rider.

The Zen of Home Water: True Tales of Adventure, Travel, and Fly Fishing

by Jerry Hamza

A Collection of Fishing Stories from Across the Globe, by a Master Storyteller. To the uninitiated, it might be somewhat surprising to discover that fly fishermen tend to be rather contemplative sorts. During those dark nights and long seasons when fishing is not a promising endeavor, we settle down to the next best thing, reading our vast libraries of ancient fishing lore, interspersed with the odd philosophical tome. And when we do, we usually don&’t want to read proverbial stories about &“landing the big one,&” or lengthy how-to expositions on how to catch the aforementioned big one. Rather, we tend to prefer stories that place our beloved piscatorial pastime within the larger context of life and nature. Stories that, as Hamza describes, &“…sparks a light. A light that is both familiar and comforting.&” Such is The Zen of Home Water, the latest angling book by Jerry Hamza. Hamza is a John Volker for the new millennium. His book is interspersed with stories about monster brook trout, beautiful North woods streams and lakes, quirky backwoods guides, and legendary fly hatches. Through it all, he shows us one of the most profound truths of life, that &“It takes the acquisition of wisdom to understand that a happy life is actually a mosaic of small and insignificant events…we string together moments in life—like pearls becoming a beautiful necklace.&” The iridescent pearls that Hamza strings together are many and include the importance of &“freestyling&”, that uncontrollable escape impulse that implores us to drop whatever we are doing and head to the stream, any stream, with fly rod in hand. Another recurring theme is the need to unplug from the modern, electronic world. He instructs us how to trespass (with bartered permission) and fish those waters that look so inviting yet so out of reach to the (usually) law abiding. His recipe for squirrel stew is not jealously guarded but freely shared. And his stories of catching giant brook trout in the Maine North Woods allow the reader, who usually can&’t participate in such acts of angling greatness, to at least know that they are occurring to someone, somewhere. Hamza is a member of that peculiar subset of anglers, the bamboo rod aficionado. While acknowledging the cold, hard fact that bamboo rods are nothing more than conglomerations of &“expensive blades of grass,&” he also realizes that these handmade treasures passed down to us from previous generations will hopefully outlive us (and our car doors) and that we are merely their caretakers for a time. Although the dreaded &“g&” word (i.e., graphite) does make a brief appearance, Hamza is definitely one of those anglers who would rather hold an aged, organic creation of the bamboo rod maker&’s art than the latest admittedly efficient chemical concoction straight from the laboratory. This puts him squarely in the tradition of John Gierach, although Hamza&’s writing is better and his stories more entertaining. Hamza&’s own home waters are dual--Maine&’s Grand Lake Stream area and the southern shore of the Lake Ontario region. There are echoes of Thoreau&’s Maine Woods in his stories of remote lakes and plentiful trout. And while he takes us all around the country when relating his angling exploits (Kerouac&’s On the Road is a particular favorite of his), it is evident that the concept of &“home water&” carries a lot of weight with him. His beloved &“Zen Lake&”, with its less than perfect history and many small fish, could be the home water of any of us.

The Zen of Naka: The Journey of a Japanese Genius

by Martin Greig

Since his move to Celtic in the summer of 2005, Shunsuke Nakamura has become a cult hero in both Scotland and the Far East. From the wonderful goal in his Champions League debut against Manchester United in 2006 to the strike against Kilmarnock that secured Celtic's league win in 2006-07, Nakamura has firmly established himself as a Celtic legend. Nakamura's ability to confront and overcome adversity has been the key to his success. From his rejection as a youngster by home-town club Yokohama Marinos to his omission from the 2002 World Cup squad by Philippe Troussier and his struggle to adapt to the defensive nature of Italian football, Nakamura has bounced back stronger every time. The Zen of Naka is a comprehensive, revealing account of Nakamura's career to date. It explores his development from the early stages of his footballing journey to his time with Celtic at present, and looks ahead at what the future may hold for the star.

The Zen of Zim: Baseball, Beanballs, and Bosses

by Don Zimmer Bill Madden

Don Zimmer is baseball. His first book, Zim-A Baseball Life, was a New York Times bestseller and one of the best baseball memoirs ever published. Now, in The Zen of Zim, one of baseball's most beloved figures offers readers an insightful look into the baseball of yesterday and today. Baseball fans will love hearing Zim's positions on such things as pitching inside, managing, bosses, and more.With more than fifty-six years in baseball, Don Zimmer had seen it all, or so he thought before he ran into George Steinbrenner. Here Zimmer provides a revealing account of his eight years as Joe Torre's right-hand man-and the jealousy, vindictiveness, and pettiness that ultimately destroyed a twenty-five-year friendship with Steinbrenner.Zim will also discuss the circumstances that led to his charging onto the field at Fenway Park and throwing a haymaker at Boston Red Sox pitcher Pedro Martinez. He'll share with readers what it was like to work for other baseball owners; shed new light on general managers like Branch Rickey and Dan Duquette; and critique the managing styles of some of the most famous and notorious skippers of the twentieth century, from Casey Stengel and Earl Weaver to Gene Mauch and Billy Martin.In a chapter called "What Have They Done to My Game?," Zim will offer a crash course in baseball anthropology, describing how the game and its players have changed over the past fifty years and showing how big money and free agency have destroyed clubhouse camaraderie and turned a team sport into a transient game. In contrast, he celebrates his close-knit teammates on the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers team and the lifelong friendships that were made.Zim has seen it all, and here readers learn even more of his life and dreams and of baseball through a half century of experience. It is a story jam-packed with laughs and anecdotes, with excitement and comedy. And it is superbly told.

Zen on the Trail: Hiking as Pilgrimage

by Christopher Ives

Discover how hiking can be a kind of spiritual pilgrimage—calming our minds, enhancing our sense of wonder, and deepening our connection to nature.Evoking the writings of Gary Snyder, Bill Bryson, and Cheryl Strayed, Zen on the Trail explores the broad question of how to be outside in a meditative way. By directing our attention to how we hike as opposed to where we’re headed, Ives invites us to shift from ego-driven doing to spirit-filled being, and to explore the vast interconnection of ourselves and the natural world. Through this approach, we can wake up in the woods on nature’s own terms. In erudite and elegant prose, Ives takes us on a journey we will not soon forget. This book features a new prose poem by Gary Snyder.

Zen Putting

by Joseph Parent

The bestselling author of Zen Golf (more than 100,000 copies sold) presents a new book of profound wisdom and proven techniques for achieving the confidence in putting that all golfers know is the key to peak performance on the greens. Blending Buddhist wisdom, modern psychology, and practical golf instruction, Dr. Joe Parent's 2002 book Zen Golf broke out to become the top instructional book in golf, and continues to be a steady bestseller. Now, in the eagerly awaited follow-up, Dr. Parent provides readers with a new approach to the aspect of golf in which mental skills have the most impact: putting. Zen Putting takes a thinking-outside-the-box approach based on the idea that by tuning into the process of putting rather than worrying about the result, golfers can get out of their own way and maximize performance. Key principles include using mindful awareness to recognize and clear away distractions and negativity, and that confidence increases when golfers take the attitude that there is something fundamentally, essentially right with them rather than focusing on what's broken or flawed. In succinct, informative chapters, Dr. Parent applies this Zen ideal to a variety of subjects for any putting situation. Chapters include: * "Unconquerable Confidence": brimming with strategies to cultivate confidence and turn frustration into enjoyment. * "Get Out of Your Own Way": exploring the obstacles we create for ourselves in putting, and how to recognize and overcome them to get the most out of our abilities. * "How to Make Every Putt": on reading greens; visualization; putting routine; the key components of a putt--path, pace, and roll; and taking the ideal attitude before putting. Unlike rigid how-to books on putting or fad coaching techniques, Zen Putting stirs each reader to cultivate their own unique style for synchronizing body and mind to achieve peak performance.

Zen Shaolin Karate

by Nathan Johnson

In Zen Shaolin Karate, Johnson explains and illustrates in precise detail every subtle movement of two of karate's most common kata, and provides historical testimony for his explanations by integrating his findings with Zen philosophy. The author's unique interpretations of the Nai Fuan Chin and Saam Chin kata will destroy the barriers separating karate, kung fu, and aikido, and will revolutionize how kata are applied in all karate styles.

Zen Shaolin Karate

by Nathan Johnson

In Zen Shaolin Karate, Johnson explains and illustrates in precise detail every subtle movement of two of karate's most common kata, and provides historical testimony for his explanations by integrating his findings with Zen philosophy. The author's unique interpretations of the Nai Fuan Chin and Saam Chin kata will destroy the barriers separating karate, kung fu, and aikido, and will revolutionize how kata are applied in all karate styles.

Zero in conduct

by Marco Edoardo Sanfelici

The book collects the best report cards of Marco Edoardo Sanfelici. The judgments which, after every Juventus match, photograph the performance of the Bianconeri eleven are sentences without appeal. From the brilliant and passionate mind of a fan commentator, here are the hilarious evaluations that testify better than any VAR image the behavior on the field of your greatest idols.

Zero Regrets

by Apolo Ohno

"Zero regrets. It's a philosophy not just about sport but about life. School, business, academics, love--anything and everything. It's complicated and yet not. You have to figure out who it is you want to be. Not what you want to be--who. There has to be a vision, a dream, a plan. Then you chase that with everything you've got." Over three consecutive Olympic games, Apolo Ohno has come to symbolize the very best of the competitive spirit--remaining equally gracious in victory and defeat, always striving to improve his performance, and appreciating the value of the hard work of training as much as any reward it might bring. In Zero Regrets, Apolo shares the inspiring personal story behind his remarkable success, as well as the hard-won truths and strategies he has discovered in good times and bad. Raised by his single father, an immigrant from Japan who often worked twelve-hour days, the young Apolo found it difficult to balance his enormous natural gifts as an athlete with an admittedly wild, rebellious streak. After making a name for himself as a promising young speed skater, his career was almost over before it began when his lack of preparation caused him to finish last at the U.S. Olympic trials in 1998. A life-changing week of solitary soul-searching at the age of fifteen led him to recommit himself to his training, and at the 1999 world junior championships he won first place overall--one of the most remarkable turnarounds in sports history. From that moment on, the world of speed skating had a new champion and Apolo was on his way to legendary status. Much more than an account of races won and lost, Zero Regrets is a compelling portrait of a father-and-son relationship that deepened over time and was based on respect, love, and unshakable faith in each other. For the first time, Apolo reveals what he knows about his long-absent mother; he makes us feel what it is like to face the best competitors on the planet with the eyes of millions of fans upon you; and he shares his secrets for achieving total focus and mental toughness, secrets that can be applied in situations well beyond sports. We learn the details of the unbelievably intense workout and diet that he endured while training for the 2010 Winter Olympics, a regime that literally reshaped his body and led to some of his most thrilling victories. In this deeply personal and entertaining book, Apolo shows how we can all come closer to living with zero regrets. While Apolo's own journey may be unique, the insights he has gleaned along the way have the power to help us all feel like champions every day. *** Nine days after dropping me off, Dad came to pick me up. In that call from the pay phone, I hadn't said anything to him about what decision I had made. On the car ride back home, I told him. "I want to try this," I said. "Are you willing," he asked, "to really put forth a true effort? From the bone?" I told my father: "I want to skate." With clarity of purpose, everything suddenly seemed different. I didn't just want to skate--I loved it. I realized, too, that while I had to want to buy into the training, the discipline, the self-sacrifice, I needed direction and guidance, too. You truly can't get there by yourself. I needed not only to truly and profoundly depend upon Dad for help but also to welcome those--coaches, trainers, others--who could help me along the way. . . . I was also making promises to myself and writing them in my journal: I'm not going to mess it up this time. When I go home, I really am going to be the different person I decided in Iron Springs I would be. I know what I want to do. I want to be the best in the world. I didn't know quite yet how I would get there. But I was clear, and I had no doubt-- that's what I was after. --From Zero Regrets

Zero Regrets: Be Greater Than Yesterday

by Apolo Anton Ohno

Gold medal-winning Olympic speed-skater Apolo Ohno, the most decorated American Winter Olympic athlete of all time, shares his inspiring personal story and life lessons learned through training and competition.


by Fonda Lee

A rising star in the weightless combat sport of zeroboxing, Carr “the Raptor” Luka dreams of winning the championship title. Recognizing his talent, the Zero Gravity Fighting Association assigns Risha, an ambitious and beautiful Martian colonist, to be his brandhelm––a personal marketing strategist. It isn’t long before she’s made Carr into a popular celebrity and stolen his heart along the way.

Zero’s Slider: A Peach Street Mudders Story

by Matthew F Christopher Molly Delaney

While trying to ask Uncle Pete to coach for the Peach Street Mudders, Zero discovers that he can throw a slider when there's a big bandage on his injured thumb.


by Patrick Fort Jean Philippe

Get inside the mind of football's most enigmatic icon‘Zidane is the master’ PeleOne of modern football’s most brilliant players - and one of its most iconic and mysterious figures - Zinedine Zidane’s football career is the stuff of legend. A World Cup-winner with France, he became the world's most expensive player in 2001 when he moved from Juventus to Real Madrid for £46million, where his exceptional talent earned him a reputation as one of the greatest players of all-time. His playing career concluded explosively when he retired after being sent off for head-butting Marco Materazzi in the 2006 World Cup final. But his football career was far from over. After a spell coaching in Spain, he was appointed manager of Real Madrid in 2015 and immediately demonstrated that his skill as a manager matched his talent on the pitch, leading the team to successive Champions League victories and establishing him as one of the new managerial greats.Rarely speaking to the press, Zidane is known as a man who ‘speaks only with the ball’. In this definitive biography, Patrick Fort and Jean Philippe take us behind the scenes of his exceptional career, revealing the man behind the legend.

Zimmer Men: The Trials and Tribulations of the Ageing Cricketer

by Marcus Berkmann

Ten years after his classic Rain Men - 'cricket's answer to Fever Pitch,' said the Daily Telegraph - Marcus Berkmann returns to the strange and wondrous world of village cricket, where players sledge their team-mates, umpires struggle to count up to six, the bails aren't on straight and the team that fields after a hefty tea invariably loses. This time he's on the trail of the Ageing Cricketer, having suddenly realised that he is one himself and playing in a team with ten others every weekend. In their minds they run around the field as fast as ever; it's only their legs that let them down. ZIMMER MEN asks all the important questions of middle-aged cricketers. Why is that boundary rope suddenly so far away? Are you doomed to getting worse as a cricketer, or could you get better? How many pairs of trousers will your girth destroy in one summer? Chronicling the 2004 season, with its many humiliating defeats and random injuries, this coruscatingly funny new book laughs in the face of middle age, and starts thinking seriously about buying a convertible.

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