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Corrective Exercise: A Practical Approach

by Kesh Patel Naomi Wilkinson

Corrective and functional exercise is a rapidly advancing field. Exercise is an essential factor in all injury recovery, conditioning and performance, and if used correctly can play a preventative role in injury management. In the injured athlete, gym user or armchair athlete, corrective exercise can help to restore range of motion, re-build strength, endurance and power, re-establish neuromuscular control and balance, and provide positive progress for a specific sport or a healthier lifestyle.Written by an experienced specialist in the field of rehabilitative and performance exercise, this book provides an essential practical guide to corrective and functional exercise for every sports therapist and fitness trainer, particularly those taking diplomas or NVQs at level 3. Packed with photos and illustrations, and full of accessible step-by-step explanations of the latest rehabilitative methods, every corrective and functional technique is covered in detail, from initial consultation to whole body exercises.

El corredor que llevamos dentro: Correr como una filosofía de vida

by Jason R. Karp

¿Por qué cada vez hay más personas interesadas en correr? ¿Por qué correr es una de las actividades físicas más comunes? ¿Qué hay en este ejercicio que empodera a tanta gente? ¿Cómo los corredores pueden sacar ventaja para crear una vida más plena? El corredor que llevamos dentro desentraña estas y otras preguntas. Este libro no trata de cómo llegar primero o de cómo correr un maratón; más bien explora cómo el simple acto de poner un pie después de otro, a cierto ritmo, desarrolla nuestra creatividad. El autor proponecambios básicos de estilo de vida basándose en las últimas investigaciones científicas y en los efectos que estaactividad produce a nivel hormonal y neurológico. Como corredor reconocido y coach de fitness, aunado a su doctorado en Fisiología del Ejercicio, Jason R. Karp sintetiza su experiencia y la compara con estudios científicos para los corredores de todos los niveles.Él demues­tra que correr nos da la oportunidad de descubrir, retar y traer a la luz lo mejor de nosotros. Correr impacta en nuestra creatividad, nuestra concen­tración, imaginación, confianza y salud. Deja que El corredor que llevamos dentro te ayude no sólo a ser un mejor corredor, sino a ser una persona más creativa, productiva e imaginativa. Así que hagámoslo, porque la única forma de poner en práctica las enseñanzas del libro es salir a correr por nuestra cuenta. Este libro nos muestra los beneficios psicológicos, emocionales, sociales y espirituales de correr.

Correr Correr Correr

by Henry Osal Sara Maria Silva Cruz

Guia fácil especialmente recomendado para aqueles que se iniciam na prática do running e para todos aqueles que pretendem encontrar novas ferramentas para enfrentar os desafios do dia-a-dia. Uma nova obra de um autor que foi N.º1 nas categorias de auto-ajuda em mais de 20 países.

Correr es mi pasión: Consejos para correr la maratón de tu vida

by Isabel Cristina Estrada Cano

Los mejores consejos para el running de manos de una experta. ¿Por qué correr se ha convertido en una de las terapias más efectivas para sentirse feliz? ¿Cuál es la alimentación adecuada antes de salir a correr? ¿Cuáles son los ejercicios más eficaces para mejorar la velocidad? Isabel Cristina Estrada es una de las colombianas más destacadas en un deporte que está de moda: el running. En este libro, la autora hace un recorrido a través de las etapas que experimenta un corredor. Este es un testimonio que motivará a los que nunca han intentado practicar este deporte y una herramienta más para los que ya no pueden vivir sin salir a correr.


by Sara Cruz Enrique Laso

CORRER II é um pequeno manual dirigido aos corredores que ponderam melhorar as suas marcas, competir nas chamadas corridas populares ou, inclusive, dar o salto para o tartan, onde poderão enfrentar os melhores. Conselhos, experiências, reflexões e planos de treino fáceis de seguir para que evolua como runner. CORRER II é o guia perfeito para quem desejar ser melhor nesta maravilhosa disciplina atlética, que tantos adeptos tem conquistado ao longo dos últimos anos, pois correr é viver de forma mais feliz. SEGUNDA PARTE DO BESTSELLER DE RUNNING E DESPORTO

Correr para vivir, vivir para correr: De cómo el running puede mejorar la vida de las personas

by Santiago García

Este libro es el testimonio vital de un periodista que descubrió en el running una pasión que cambió su vida para siempre. Está dirigido a todos los corredores, los que saben que lo son y los que no. Para los que ya corren hace tiempo, para los que empezaron hace poco y para los que, al leer estas páginas apasionantes y apasionadas, se preguntan si pueden empezar a correr. La respuesta es: ¡Sí, pueden! «Nadie nace siendo un corredor perfecto. A medida que sumamos escalones, nos convertimos en mejores corredores. Y esa es la belleza de nuestro deporte: no hay atajos, nadie nos regala nada; ganamos cada kilómetro, y ganamos cada resultado». Así habló un verdadero running master, el norteamericano Peter Magill. Y esas son las palabras que utiliza el corredor argentino Santiago García para abrir este libro, cuyo tema es el correr, sí, pero en relación al premio mayor que puede otorgar la disciplina. «Correr para vivir, vivir para correr» está destinado a todos aquellos que buscan una forma de felicidad en sus vidas. Para el autor, correr significó eso: el acceso a la felicidad.

Correr - Running

by Tiago Caldas Enrique Laso

Correr é um breve guia de iniciação a esta maravilhosa prática desportiva no auge nos últimos tempos.

Correre - Consigli, esperienze e riflessioni

by Enrique Laso Maria Antonietta Ricagno

Esistono infinite ragioni per decidere di indossare un paio di scarpe da running e iniziare a correre per le strade, in un parco e, per i più avventurosi, su una pista di atletica leggera. Ma, se dovessi citare qualche motivo, me ne vengono in mente un bel po' per cui vale la pena correre. Quando non avete molta voglia di correre, quando piove o fa freddo o quando pensate che in realtà non ne valga la pena, potete pensare a questo elenco: * Salute: è uno dei modi più economici per occuparvi della vostra salute. Stiamo parlando del vostro sistema cardiovascolare, delle vostre ossa e articolazioni, dei vostri polmoni e di tutta la vostra muscolatura. Inoltre, correre migliora notevolmente il vostro sistema immunologico, e pertanto vi renderà più resistenti a possibili infezioni (dovete soltanto prestare attenzione a non prender freddo dopo l'allenamento, che è un momento particolarmente delicato). * Divertimento: vi divertirete, sia correndo da soli che in gruppo. Potrete ascoltare musica, la radio, pensare o chiacchierare allegramente con qualcuno. * Mente: correre libera dallo stress, azzera il nostro cervello, ci rilassa e ci consente di affrontare l'inizio o la fine della giornata con una disposizione d'animo diversa. * Riposo: correlato a quanto esposto in precedenza. Correre ci aiuta a conciliare il sonno, a dormire più ore e a farlo in modo più profondo. Ma attenzione: evitate di uscire a correre molto tardi, se non volete che si produca l'effetto contrario. Lasciate passare almeno un paio d'ore tra la fine del vostro allenamento e il momento in cui andate a letto. * Socializzazione: correndo si fanno amicizie. Molte amicizie. Inoltre, i corridori sono statisticamente persone sane, allegre, aperte e generose. In qualsiasi gruppo o corsa popolare scoprirete che per integrarvi vi basteranno solo pochi secondi. I corridori sono molto inclini a parlare con qualsiasi sconosciuto, cosicché

Correre II

by Enrique Laso Maria Antonietta Ricagno

RITORNA 'CORRERE', ORA CON NUOVI CONSIGLI E PIANI _______________________________________________________________ Dopo il sensazionale successo di CORRERE, N. 1 in vari Paesi sia nella categoria del running che dello sport in generale, Enrique Laso ha ricevuto decine di email di appassionati che gli chiedevano una nuova guida, sempre con lo stesso stile fresco e diretto, ma per coloro che desiderano andare un po' più in là. CORRERE II è un breve manuale diretto a quei corridori che stanno pensando di migliorare i propri record, o a competere nelle cosiddette corse popolari o perfino passare alla pista di atletica, dove avranno l'opportunità di misurarsi con i migliori. Consigli, esperienze, riflessioni e piani di allenamento facili da seguire per progredire come runner. CORRERE II è la guida perfetta se ciò che desiderate è migliorare in questa meravigliosa disciplina atletica alla quale negli ultimi anni moltissimi stanno appassionandosi. La verità è che correre significa vivere più felici. LA SECONDA PARTE DEL BESTSELLER SUL RUNNING E LO SPORT

The Corridor of Certainty

by Geoffrey Boycott

After a period of his life when a court case and then throat cancer threatened first his career and then his life, Geoffrey Boycott re-emerged as an apparently changed man - but how true had the caricatured image of him as an archetypal Yorkshireman ever really been? In this fascinating new book, his first autobiographical work for 15 years, Boycott not only relives his terrifying battle with cancer but also talks about his many other interests and friendships beyond cricket, with a moving chapter on Brian Clough as well as revealing some surprising enthusiasms: Boycott and feng shui? But Boycott has devoted his life to cricket, and his insights on the game, its players and those who write and talk about it are never less than frank, revealing, entertaining and very honest. Following the death of Tony Greig, Boycott returns to the subject of the Packer revolution to ask how much it really changed things, and he assesses the modern generation of players: how does he rate England's prolific captain Alastair Cook? And is Kevin Pietersen a batting genius or a player who has frittered away his talent? His opinions come with the authority of someone with profound knowledge of and love for the sport. In commentary, he refers to the 'corridor of uncertainty' for a batsman - but with Geoffrey Boycott there is never any room for that, which is why this book is such a compelling and entertaining read.

Corruption in Sport: Causes, Consequences, and Reform (Routledge Research in Sport and Corruption)

by Lisa A. Kihl

Corruption in the sport industry is a pervasive issue that threatens the integrity of sport as an institution. From doping and match-fixing to money laundering, corruption should be a concern to anybody interested in sport policy, management, governance, or ethics. This is the first book to explore the complexity of sport corruption in terms of its conceptualisation, causes, consequences, and reform. The first part looks at the concept of sport corruption, while the second examines the causes of sport corruption from individual, organisational, industry-wide, and longitudinal viewpoints. The third part discussed is the consequences of sport corruption and its impact on the global sport industry. Various approaches to regulatory reform are considered in the next part, as well as the challenges of combatting corruption in the sport industry. The final part assesses the current state of literature in this area and suggests opportunities for future research. Drawing on multidisciplinary case studies from across the world, this is a seminal contribution to the academic study of corruption in sport. It is important reading for all students and scholars of sport management, business, criminology, and law.

Corruption, Mafia Power and Italian Soccer (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Alberto Testa Anna Sergi

Whilst corruption and organized crime have been widely researched, they have not yet been specifically linked to sport. Corruption, Mafia Power and Italian Soccer offers an original insight into this new research area. Adopting a psycho-social approach based mainly on Pierre Bourdieu's praxeology, the book demonstrates that corruption and the mafia presence in Italian soccer reflect the Italian socio-political and economic system itself. Supported by interviews with security agency officials, anticorruption organisations and antimafia organisations, and analysing empirical data obtained from a case study of 'Operation Dirty Soccer', this important study explains why mafia groups are involved in soccer, what the links are to political corruption and what might be done to control the problem. It also examines the mechanisms that make it possible for mafia groups and affiliates to enter the football industry and discusses how mafia groups exploit and corrupt Italian football. This is important reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and academics working in the areas of sociology, criminology, policing, anthropology, the sociology of sport, sport deviance, sport management and organised crime. It is also a valuable resource for practitioners in the football industry.

Cosmic Commandos

by Christopher Eliopoulos

In this graphic novel adventure for readers of Monster Mayhem and Roller Girl, a pair of twin brothers accidentally bring their favorite video game to life—and now they have to find a way to work together to defeat it. Jeremy and Justin are twins, but they couldn&’t be any more different from each other. Jeremy is a risk taker who likes to get his hands dirty; Justin prefers to read, focus, and get all his facts straight before jumping in. But they do have one important thing in common: They both love video games. When Jeremy wins a cereal-box charm that brings his favorite video game to life, villains and all, he finds that he&’s in way over his head. Justin knows everything there is to know about the rules of the game—he read the handbook, of course—and Jeremy isn&’t afraid to try new things. Can these two mismatched brothers work together to beat the video game that has become their life?

Cosplay and the Art of Play: Exploring Sub-Culture Through Art (Leisure Studies in a Global Era)

by Garry Crawford David Hancock

This book is an introduction to cosplay as a subculture and community, built around playful spaces and the everyday practices of crafting costumes, identities, and performances. Drawing on new and original ethnographic data, as well as the innovative use of arts-led research, this book adds to our understanding of a popular, global cultural practice. In turn, this pushes forward our understanding of play, fan practices, subcultures, practice-led research, and uses of urban spaces. Cosplay and the Art of Play offers a significant addition to key contemporary debates on the meaning and uses of popular culture in the 21st century, and will be of importance to students and scholars interested in communities, fandom, identity, leisure, participatory cultures, performance, and play.

The Cost of These Dreams: Sports Stories and Other Serious Business

by Wright Thompson

From one of America's most beloved sportswriters, a collection of true stories about the dream of greatness and its cost in the world of sports."Wright Thompson's stories are so full of rich characters, bad actors, heroes, drama, suffering, courage, conflict, and vivid detail that I sometimes thinks he's working my side of the street - the world of fiction." - John GrishamThere is only one Wright Thompson. He is, as they say, famous if you know who he is: his work includes the most read articles in the history of ESPN (and it's not even close) and has been anthologized in the Best American Sports Writing series ten times, and he counts John Grisham and Richard Ford among his ardent admirers (see back of book). But to say his pieces are about sports, while true as far as it goes, is like saying Larry McMurtry's Lonesome Dove is a book about a cattle drive. Wright Thompson figures people out. He jimmies the lock to the furnaces inside the people he profiles and does an analysis of the fuel that fires their ambition. Whether it be Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods or Pat Riley or Urban Meyer, he strips the away the self-serving myths and fantasies to reveal his characters in full. There are fascinating common denominators: it may not be the case that every single great performer or coach had a complex relationship with his father, but it can sure seem that way. And there is much marvelous local knowledge: about specific sports, and times and places, and people. Ludicrously entertaining and often powerfully moving, The Cost of These Dreams is an ode to the reporter's art, and a celebration of true greatness and the high price that it exacts.

Cougar Killer

by Jay C. Bruce

A thrilling, suspenseful account of a lifetime spent as a professional cougar killer--with fascinating sidelights on forking rattlers, tracking deer, catching trout, and many secrets of hunting and fishing lore.

Could You Be a Big Mountain Skier? (You Choose: Extreme Sports Adventures)

by Blake Hoena

Do you have what it takes to freeski down a steep slope? Test your skills against the extreme—and dangerous—sport of big mountain skiing. In this sport, one false move can be deadly. Will you ride your way into victory?

Could You Be a Monster Wave Surfer? (You Choose: Extreme Sports Adventures)

by Matt Doeden

Surf's up! Do you have what it takes to surf a monster wave? Test your skills against the extreme—and dangerous—sport of big wave surfing. In this sport, one false move can lead to a deadly wipeout. Will you catch a wave to victory?

Could You Be an Extreme Rock Climber? (You Choose: Extreme Sports Adventures)

by Blake Hoena

Hold on tight! Do you have what it takes to climb up a cliff face without a rope? Test your skills against the extreme—and dangerous—sport of extreme rock climbing. In this sport, one wrong step can be a long way down. Will you climb your way to victory?

Could You Survive Deserted Island Hacks (Could You Survive?)

by Virginia Loh-Hagan

Could you survive on a deserted island? This book could save your life. With five survivalist hacks from everyday objects, you're sure to be able to weather the elements! Hacks are paired with a STEM connection that explains the science behind how the hack works.

Counselling Athletes: Applying Reversal Theory

by John Kerr

Reversal theory is an innovative psychological theory exploring human motivation, emotion and personality. This is the first book in the field to examine how reversal theory can be used by practitioners in applied sport psychology in their counselling work with athletes. Counselling Athletes explores the key elements of reversal theory, and comprehensively demonstrates how reversal theory can improve understanding in the following key areas:* athletes' motivational states when performing* athletes' motivational characteristics* identifying performance problems* athletes' experiences of stress* intervention strategies* eating disorders* exercise addiction.Each chapter includes real-life case study material from elite performers in sport, as well as guides to further reading and questions for discussion.Counselling Athletes is essential reading for all practising sport psychologists and coaches, and for any student of sport psychology.

Counselling Skills in Applied Sport Psychology: Learning How to Counsel

by Paul McCarthy Zoe Moffat

Counselling Skills in Applied Sport Psychology is a new text that provides a ‘how to’ in basic counselling skills for sport psychology students and practitioners. The book supports scholarship in applied sport psychology at the upper undergraduate and postgraduate levels, especially for those training to become sport psychology practitioners. Presented in ten chapters and an extensive appendix (of forms and letters) to cater to the ranging needs of students, the book addresses basic counselling skills, their place in applied sport psychology, and personal development. The core of the book lies in exploring counselling models and how to counsel client-athletes through beginnings, middles, and endings. It delves more deeply into personal and professional development, especially understanding therapeutic modalities, supervision, and self-care. Providing a unique focus of basic counselling skills in applied sport psychology, concentrating on the professional relationship between the sport psychology practitioner and client-athlete in applied sport psychology practice, Counselling Skills in Applied Sport Psychology is essential reading and practice for upper undergraduates and postgraduates in applied sport psychology and sport and exercise psychology.

Count Me In

by Cal Ripken Greg Brown

Baltimore Oriole shortstop Cal Ripken tells young readers how the road to success in any field is rarely traveled overnight. Ripken, who stands poised to break one of baseball's most sacred records--Lou Gehrig's 2,130 consecutive games played--shares his thoughts on how success is attained over time, through sustained, day-by-day efforts and victories.

Countdown to Lockdown: A Hardcore Journal

by Mick Foley

The undisputed king of the literary ring is back with another handwritten, hardcore home run. Forget the ghost writer and the computer keyboard - this mesmerizing memoir is straight from the pen and notebook paper of the Hardcore Legend, Mick Foley, chronicling the heart-pounding build-up to "Lockdown", one of the most important matches of his long and storied career. Foley's every limit is tested, as he battles back the formidable tag-team of Father Time and Mother Nature - overcoming a host of injuries and serious self-doubts to get back in the ring with one of his all-time favorite foes. With his trademark blend of wit and wisdom, wildness and warmth, Foley dishes previously untold stories from his remarkable life, including his transition from WWE to TNA, his ill-fated stint as a television commentator, his tumultuous relationship with Vince McMahon, his thoughts on performance enhancing substances in sports, the troubling list of wrestlers dying way too young, and his soul saving work in Sierra Leone. Raw, dynamic, and unabashedly honest, COUNTDOWN TO LOCKDOWN charts Foley's wrestling rebirth, and rise to heights that his fans thought he would never see again.Publisher's Note: 100% of the advance for this book has been donated to Child Fund International and RAINN.

Countdown to Lockdown: A Hardcore Journal

by Mick Foley

See the world through the eyes of champion wrestler Mick Foley as he looks back on his days in the WWE.As one of the most bizarre and fearless stars of wrestling in recent times, Mick is known for taking extraordinary risks to remain at the peak of his game. COUNTDOWN TO LOCKDOWN is a no-holds-barred, behind-the-scenes account of his mental and physical preparation for the TNA Lockdown - in many ways, the most important wrestling match of his career. This is placed in context by Foley's memories, thoughts and opinions of WWE as well as his life outside the ring, from the Benoit deaths and the 'Royal Rumble' to Sierra Leone and his meeting with former president, Bill Clinton.Full of action from inside the ring, the drama of his last days with the WWE, Foley's trademark humour as well as an industry insider's view of professional wrestling today, Foley's many fans will not be disappointed.

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