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Showing 5,151 through 5,175 of 22,469 results

Did Babe Ruth Call His Shot? And Other Unsolved Mysteries of Baseball

by Paul Aron

"Ruth did not point at the fence before he swung," Root insisted. "If he had made a gesture like that, well, anybody who knows me knows that Ruth would have ended up on his ass." What really happened? That's the question this book asks, not just about Ruth's called shot but also about Ed Delahanty's death and Moe Berg's spying and Satchel Paige's age and Fidel Castro's tryout. This is not the place to find out who the best first basemen were or what were the greatest teams or whether Pete Rose or Joe Jackson belong in the Hall of Fame. Those are important and fascinating issues, well worth discussing. But whatever your opinion on these issues, it's undeniably a matter of opinion. Here, instead, are the facts.

The Didi Man

by Dietmar Hamann

A warm and highly entertaining account of Dietmar Hamman's personal story, The Didi Man was a Sunday Times bestseller on hardback publication. Dietmar 'Didi' Hamann is a complete one-off. The foreigner with a Scouse accent. The German who now plays cricket for his local village team. The overseas footballer turned anglophile who fell deeply in love with the city of Liverpool, its people and its eponymous football club. The classy midfielder had a long and distinguished playing career, but it was his seven seasons at Anfield that marked him out forever as a true Liverpool legend. His cult status was secured when he came off the bench at half-time during the 2005 Champions League final in Istanbul to inspire his team to a dramatic come-back and spectacular European glory. The Didi Man is Hamann's story of his time on Merseyside at a football club which will always have a very special place in his heart.

The Didi Man

by Dietmar Hamann

A warm and highly entertaining account of Dietmar Hamman's personal story, The Didi Man was a Sunday Times bestseller on hardback publication. Dietmar 'Didi' Hamann is a complete one-off. The foreigner with a Scouse accent. The German who now plays cricket for his local village team. The overseas footballer turned anglophile who fell deeply in love with the city of Liverpool, its people and its eponymous football club. The classy midfielder had a long and distinguished playing career, but it was his seven seasons at Anfield that marked him out forever as a true Liverpool legend. His cult status was secured when he came off the bench at half-time during the 2005 Champions League final in Istanbul to inspire his team to a dramatic come-back and spectacular European glory. The Didi Man is Hamann's story of his time on Merseyside at a football club which will always have a very special place in his heart.

Die erfolgreiche Jägerprüfung für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Melanie Restle

Spielen Sie mit dem Gedanken, Jäger zu werden, wissen aber nicht, wie Sie es angehen sollen? Melanie Restle erklärt, wie Sie die ersten Kontakte knüpfen und eine Jagdschule finden. Sie erklärt, welche Voraussetzungen Sie mitbringen sollten und was bei der Prüfung auf Sie zukommt. Außerdem stellt die Autorin die Sachgebiete, die Inhalte der Prüfung sind, vor: Jagdwaffen und Fanggeräte, Biologie der Wildarten, Rechtliches, Wildhege, Jagdbetrieb und Jagdliche Praxis, Jagdhundewissen und Naturschutz, Landbau und Forstwesen. Sie erfahren auch, wie das Leben nach der Prüfung aussieht, wie Sie an Jagdmöglichkeiten kommen und auf was Sie beim Waffenkauf und der Auswahl eines Jagdhunds achten sollten. So begleitet Sie dieses Buch bei den ersten Schritten des Jägerdaseins.

Die Fußballblase: Hinter den Kulissen eines Milliardengeschäfts

by Klaus Brüggemann

Nach welchen Regeln funktioniert das milliardenschwere Fußballgeschäft? Spielen Moral und Ethik überhaupt noch eine Rolle? Wie groß ist der Einfluss von Spielervermittlern und Investoren? Dieses Sachbuch nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise durch das Fußballbusiness und gewährt Ihnen einen kritischen Einblick, untermauert durch mehr als 20 Jahre Branchen- und Insiderwissen. Der Autor berichtet von persönlichen Erlebnissen mit kriminellen Spielerberatern, Korruption in der FIFA und Verfehlungen namhafter Fußballstars. Sie erfahren aber auch, wie ein moderner Fußballverein strukturiert ist, warum die Vermarkter und Ausrüster so viel Macht haben und wie Investoren und Spielervermittler den Sport beeinflussen. Topaktuelle Themen wie die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie werden gleichermaßen thematisiert, wie Zukunftsausblicke in Zeiten von Big Data und künstlicher Intelligenz. Für jeden Fußballinteressierten ist dieser umfassende Einblick in das Fußballuniversum ein Muss. Die Erzählungen des Autors werden durch 13 abrufbare Videos von renommierten Interviewpartnern abgerundet, u. a. mit: Fußballweltmeister Karl-Heinz „Kalle“ Riedle, Carsten Cramer, BVB, Stefan Reinartz, ehemaliger Nationalspieler, Militärbischof und Sportbeauftragter Dr. Bernhard Felmberg, Lars Windhorst, Hertha BSC Investor sowie Prof. Dr. Karsten Schumann, jahrelanger sportwissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des DFB und FC Bayern München.

Die Gehirnerschütterung

by Axel Gänsslen Ingo Schmehl Helga Lüngen

Eine Gehirnerschütterung ist eine häufige Verletzung. Dennoch bleibt die klinische Einschätzung dieser Patienten in der Regel unzureichend, da es keine geeignete Klassifikation für diese Erkrankung gibt und eine richtungsweisende Therapie fehlt. Hier setzt das Expertenteam Gänsslen, Schmehl, Lüngen an: das Buch ist eine praxisorientierte Darstellung der Problematik nach der Initialphase und eine Hilfestellung für die Diagnostik und Therapie im stationären und ambulanten Bereich. Dargestellt werden die Grundlagen des Krankheitsbildes Gehirnerschütterung mit den Schwerpunkten a) der kindlich-jugendlichen Situation und b) des älteren Menschen.

The Die-Hard Fan's Guide to Buckeye Football (The Die-hard Fan's Guide to College Foot)

by Mark Rea

Do You Bleed Scarlet and Gray?Then The Die-Hard Fan's Guide to Buckeye Football by Mark Rea is the book you've been waiting for; it's the guidebook to and through one of the greatest college football programs in history.The Diehard Fan's Guide to Buckeye Football takes you back to the humble beginnings of football at The Ohio State University and works its way "Across the Field" through nearly 120 years of Buckeye football legends, including complete coverage of the national championship seasons and Heisman Trophy winners. Along the way, Rea also reveals: the rich history of Ohio Stadium along with recounts of the Horseshoe's greatest games; the person to whom Woody Hayes referred to as his "greatest booster"; exclusive accounts of some of the biggest games in college football's biggest rivalry between Ohio State and Michigan; and much more!Finally, in a tribute to "The Best Damn Fans In The Land," several diehards have penned their favorite memories. They share seminal moments that will alternately bring a smile to your face and a tear to your eye. Written for Die-Hard Ohio State fans, this book pays homage to the players, teams, coaches, traditions and fans that comprise the Buckeye Nation.

The Die-Hard Fan's Guide to Longhorn Football (Die-hard Fan's Guide To... Ser.)

by Geoff Ketchum

Hook em horns!At last, here's the book Longhorn fans have hoped for: the ultimate die-hard fan's guide to one of the greatest college football programs ever.The Die-Hard Fan's Guide to Longhorn Football takes you back to the very beginning of University of Texas football in 1893 when, according to reporters at the time, Texas "wiped up the face of the Earth" with its first opponents.But the guide doesn't stop there. It works its way down the field of 115 years of Longhorn football legends, including complete coverage of Mack Brown's dominating teams, Darrell Royal's thoughts on his greatest players, Emory Bellard's account of how he developed the famed Wishbone offense, and exclusive interviews with Earl Campbell, Steve Worster, and many other Longhorn stars who recall their days playing in burnt orange.Longhorn football teams have long been famous for their colorful characters, and you'll find plenty of them here: Johnny Lam Jones, who emerged out of small-town Lampasas to win an Olympic gold medal and rewrite the Longhorn record books; James Brown, who fired up his teammates--and infuriated his coach--with his famous prediction of a 3-touchdown win over heavily favored Nebraska in 1996; and Ricky Williams, whose controversial personal history has received almost as much media attention as his outstanding on-field talent.Finally, in a tribute to the player who brought Texas its first national championship in more than three decades, a host of former Longhorn players and coaches tell their best Vince Young stories. If you thought you'd heard them all, you've got another thing coming.Written for die-hard Texas fans, this book pays homage to the players, coaches, and fans that comprise the Longhorn Nation.

The Die-Hard Fan's Guide to Sooner Football (Die-hard Fan's Guide To... Ser.)

by Jim Fletcher

A Tribute to the Sooner NationSooner fans, this is the one you've been waiting for--a book written by a die-hard fan, for die-hard fans. Chock-full of action photos, these pages capture the excitement and the glory of a century of Sooner football.The Die-Hard Fan's Guide to Sooner Football takes you on a tour through the long, proud history of the OU football program, from the birth of Sooner football in Bud Risinger's barber shop, through the dynasties of Bud Wilkinson and Barry Switzer, to Bob Stoops's powerhouse teams of today.Here you will find vintage reports on the Sooners' very first football games, in-depth details about OU's historic Wishbone offense, and a close-up look at OU's seven--count em, seven--national championship teams.You will come face to face with Heisman winners Billy Sims, Billy Vessels, Steve Owens, and Jason White. Additionally, you'll become acquainted with some of the great forgotten players throughout the team's history players who made crucial contributions to excellent Sooner teams, but somehow never earned the recognition they deserve. Read through exclusive interviews conducted with some of the biggest Sooner legends: Lucious Selmon, Darrell Royal, Steve Davis, Joe Washington, Bob Stoops, Jimmy Harris, Billy Sims, Jack Mildren, and the King himself, Barry Switzer. All contribute their thoughts and memories about their time in the limelight at Owen Field.But of course, Sooner football is not just about the players and the coaches; it's about the fans. Here, you will find reminiscences about the good times at OU from a motley collection of die-hard Sooner devotees.You'll meet Bill Horn, who bluffed his way onto the Sooner sideline and became the "unofficial team photographer," as well as Bryan Procter, who expressed his dedication to the team by wearing the same pair of "lucky" underpants to every Sooner game for seven years.A passionate tribute to the winningest college football program of the last sixty years, The Die-Hard Fan's Guide to Sooner Football will rekindle your pride in the Sooner Nation.

Die iliakale Endofibrose bei Radrennfahrern und Triathleten: Eine Ursache belastungsabhängiger Oberschenkelschmerzen bei Ausdauersportlern (essentials)

by Susanne Regus

Das Buch gibt eine kompakte Übersicht über Ätiologie, Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie der iliakalen Endofibrose, einer Sonderform der peripheren arteriellen Verschlusskrankheit. Es wendet sich an Ärzte und Physiotherapeuten, die Ausdauersportler betreuen, aber auch an betroffene Athleten selbst. Das Krankheitsbild wurde 1985 erstmals bei einem Radrennfahrer beschrieben. Die Symptome sind meist belastungsabhängige Oberschenkelschmerzen, die die Karriere der oft ambitionierten Athleten gefährden. Da der Untersuchungsbefund unter Ruhebedingungen regelhaft unauffällig ist, kann es zu jahrelanger Verzögerung der Diagnosestellung kommen.

Die Kilimanjaro-Strategie: Warum das Ziel mehr als ein Ziel ist und wie dies erreicht werden kann

by Reinhard Goisauf

In diesem Ratgeber liegt der Fokus auf der Bedeutung der Ziele, die hinter den Zielen liegen. Erfahren Sie, warum diese eine enorme Wirkkraft auf uns haben und dem individuellen Sein mehr Sinn verleihen. Wie Ziele gebildet und der Weg zur Zielerreichung mit Freude und Zufriedenheit beschritten werden kann, wird Ihnen vom Autor unterhaltsam und leicht verständlich erklärt. Die interessante Story basiert auf der eindrucksvollen Besteigung des Kilimanjaros, die daraus abgeleiteten Erkenntnisse sind wissenschaftlich fundiert und die abgeleiteten Tipps für jeden nutzbar. Sie lernen eine leicht anwendbare Methode kennen, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, einen mit Ihrer eigenen Persönlichkeit stimmigen Weg zu gehen. So können Sie besser erkennen, welche Handlungen zu Ihrem Ziel führen und welche Emotionen bei deren Ausführung entstehen. Dabei wird deutlich, dass Erfolg und Zufriedenheit weit mehr bedeuten als die bloße Zielerreichung.Zum Autor und zu den Zielgruppen: Der Autor Reinhard Goisauf schlüsselt auf, was Menschen bewegt, wie Rückschläge als Chance genutzt werden können und was es bedeutet, im Unbewussten verborgene Ziele zu erkunden. Dabei stellt er seinen langjährigen beruflichen Erfahrungsschatz als Trainer, Coach, Organisations- und Personalentwickler allen jenen zur Verfügung, die ihren beruflichen und privaten Handlungen mehr Bedeutung verleihen wollen.

Die Optimale Liggaams Gewig Oefensessie (Boek Een): 50+Gevorderde Liggaams Gewig Krag Oefeninge Blootgestel (Boek Een)

by The Blokehead

Hierdie boek is bedoel om 50+ Gevorderde Liggaams Gewig Krag Oefeninge voor te stel. Dit bevat gedetaileerde stap vir stap instruksies oor hoe om elke oefening te doen. Hierdie boek verken ook die aangepasde vorms van sommige liggaams gewig oefeninge wat gebruik word in sports oefeninge. Elkeen van die oefeninge wat in hierdie boek voorkom vereis slegs minimale toerusting soos stoele, toue en bars. Die persoon wat die oefening doen kan altyd die toerusting afwissel met items wat eners is en beskikbaar is by die huis. Daar is nie nodig om na ‘n gymnasium te gaan om hierdie oefeninge te doen nie. Hulle kan in die huis of in jou agter erf gedoen word. Geniet die lees!

Die Wirkung von Yoga auf die Lebensqualität und das Wohlbefinden von Bewohner*innen stationärer Altenpflegeeinrichtungen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen (Dortmunder Beiträge zur Sozialforschung)

by Svenja Helten

​In diesem Buch rückt das „gute Leben“ im hohen Alter in den Fokus: So ist in den westlichen Industrienationen ein stetiger Anstieg der allgemeinen Lebenserwartung zu verzeichnen. Die gewonnene Lebenszeit geht jedoch nicht automatisch mit einem guten Gesundheitszustand einher: Gerade Hochaltrige sind häufig von einer oder mehreren chronischen Erkrankungen betroffen, die mit zahlreichen funktionellen Einschränkungen in ihrem Alltag verbunden sind und oftmals den Umzug in eine stationäre Einrichtung der Altenpflege bedingen. Die damit verbundenen Umstände bergen das Risiko, die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen zu verringern. Eine Fördermöglichkeit könnte in der Einführung von Yoga-Kursen bestehen, da empirische Untersuchungen mit verschiedenen Studienpopulationen die Schlussfolgerung nahelegen, dass sich eine regelmäßige Yoga-Praxis positiv auf verschiedene Parameter auswirkt, die mit den Konstrukten von Lebensqualität und Wohlbefinden assoziiert sind. Für die vorliegende Arbeit wurde daher ein Yoga-Kurskonzept entwickelt, das den Bedürfnissen von Bewohner*innen von stationären Altenpflegeeinrichtungen ohne Demenzerkrankungen gerecht zu werden anstrebt und in Form einer Pilotstudie in einer stationären Altenpflegeeinrichtung erprobt.

Diego Forlán (Superstars of Soccer)

by Daniel Grady

Para los uruguayos, Diego Forlán es un ídolo. El delantero del Inter de Milán es el mayor goleador de la historia de su país. Dos veces ganó la Bota de Oro, el prestigioso premio que se entrega al mejor jugador de Europa. En el 2010 compartió el mejor gol de la Copa del Mundo, y fue seleccionado del "equipo de las estrellas". Recibió muchos otros premios también. Actualmente vive en Italia por su trabajo, pero está muy conectado con su país. Trabaja en diversas actividades de beneficencia, siendo embajador de la UNICEF en Uruguay, y usa su fama para llamar la atención en la prevención de accidentes de tránsito.

Diego Forlán (Superstars of Soccer SPANISH)

by Daniel Grady

Para los uruguayos, Diego Forlán es un ídolo. El delantero del Inter de Milán es el mayor goleador de la historia de su país. Dos veces ganó la Bota de Oro, el prestigioso premio que se entrega al mejor jugador de Europa. En el 2010 compartió el mejor gol de la Copa del Mundo, y fue seleccionado del "equipo de las estrellas". Recibió muchos otros premios también. Actualmente vive en Italia por su trabajo, pero está muy conectado con su país. Trabaja en diversas actividades de beneficencia, siendo embajador de la UNICEF en Uruguay, y usa su fama para llamar la atención en la prevención de accidentes de tránsito.

Diego Maradona: A Socio-Cultural Study (Critical Research in Football)

by Pablo Brescia Mariano Paz

This is the first book in English to closely examine the life of Diego Maradona from socio-cultural perspectives, exploring how his status as an icon, a popular sporting hero, and a political figurehead has been culturally constructed, reproduced, and manipulated. The volume looks at representations of Maradona across a wide variety of media, including literature, cinema, popular music, printed and online press, and radio, and in different countries around the world, to cast new light on topics such as the instrumentality of sporting heroes and the links among sport, nationalism, and ideology. It shows how the life of Maradona – from his origins in the barrio through to his rise to god-like status in Naples and as a postcolonial symbol of courage and resistance against imperial powers across the global south, alongside scandal and his fall from grace – powerfully illustrates themes such as the dynamics of gender, justice, and affect that underpin the study of sport, culture, and society. This is essential reading for anybody with an interest in football, sport studies, media studies, cultural studies, or sociology.

Diego Maradona: and Other Conversations (The Last Interview Series)

by Melville House

A series of provocative, moving and illuminating interviews with (arguably) the greatest soccer player ever...Diego Armando Maradona&’s death on November 25, 2020, at the age of 60, was a death that had been foretold many times. Even when he was alive accounts of his life had a tragic register, of the kid from the slums whose magical talent on the soccer field was squandered by drug addiction. But his death allowed millions of people to ponder both the tragedy and triumph of his life, of a man who was arguably the world&’s greatest soccer player, who was also a champion for the world&’s poor. Adorned in the talismanic number 10 shirt that Maradona made his own while playing Boca Juniors, Barcelona, Napoli and Argentina, hundreds of thousands flocked to the presidential palace in Buenos Aires to pay their last respects; millions around the world were similarly moved, creating makeshift altars and murals in his honor. Vatican News called him &“soccer&’s poet.&”The interviews collected in Diego Maradona: The Last Interview span the breadth of his life and career as a player, coach, and public figure, providing a panoramic and extremely candid accounting of his rollercoaster life, many translated into English for the first time. Included in the book are encounters with Pele and Gary Lineker, who Maradona played against in the 1986 England-Argentina game that sent shockwaves around the world. The book also features his reflections on his stuggles with drug addiction, the highs and low of his experience playing for Napoli, his strong views on Lionel Messi, the governance of world soccer, and his worries about the impact of Covid on the world's poor. Maradona: The Last Interview is a fitting tribute to a complicated and brilliant soccer player who moved the world and changed the game of soccer forever.Introduction by Roger Bennett, the co-host of Peacock's Men in Blazers show

Different Class: The Untold Story of English Cricket

by Duncan Stone

In telling the story of cricket from the bottom up, Different Class demonstrates how the "quintessentially English" game has done more to divide, rather than unite, the English.In 1963, the West Indian Marxist C.L.R. James posed the deceptively benign question: "What do they know of cricket, who only cricket know?"A challenge to the public to re-consider cricket and its meaning by placing the game in its true social, political and economic context, James was, all too subtly, attempting to counter the game&’s orthodox history that, he argued, had played a key role in the formation of national culture. As a consequence, he failed, and the history of cricket in England has retained the same stresses and lineaments as it did a century ago — until now.In examining recreational rather than professional (first-class) cricket, Different Class does not simply challenge the widely accepted orthodoxy of English cricket, it demonstrates how the values and belief systems at its heart were, under the guise of amateurism, intentionally developed in order to divide the English along class lines at every level of the game. If the creation of opposing class-based cricket cultures in the North and South of England grew out of this process, the institutional structures developed by those in charge of English cricket continue to discriminate. But, as much as the exclusion of Black and South Asian cricketers from the recreational mainstream is the most obvious example, it is social class that remains the greatest barrier to participation in what used to be the national game.

A Different Game (Orca Young Readers)

by Sylvia Olsen

In this sequel to Murphy and Mousetrap, Murphy and his three friends, Danny, Jeff and Albert, are making the transition from the tribal elementary school to the community middle school. They are all trying out for the middle school's soccer team, and they're pretty confident that The Formidable Four will all make the team. But once the tryouts begin, Albert, the tribal-school superstar, plays like a second-stringer. Murphy's new friend, Molly, is determined to help the boys find out what's wrong with Albert, but when they discover the truth, they realize that Albert is playing a whole different game.

A Different Kind of Baseball (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading)

by Sunita Apte

NIMAC-sourced textbook. OUT TO THE BALL GAME. Discover a different kind of baseball game, one in which the players wear blindfolds. Sound impossible? As it turns out, nothing is impossible—not even blind baseball—if the players are determined to succeed.

A Different Kind of Daughter: The Girl Who Hid from the Taliban in Plain Sight

by Maria Toorpakai Katharine Holstein

"Maria Toorpakai is a true inspiration, a pioneer for millions of other women struggling to pave their own paths to autonomy, fulfillment, and genuine personhood." --Khaled Hosseini, author of The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, and And the Mountains EchoedMaria Toorpakai hails from Pakistan's violently oppressive northwest tribal region, where the idea of women playing sports is considered haram-un-Islamic-forbidden-and girls rarely leave their homes. But she did, passing as a boy in order to play the sports she loved, thus becoming a lightning rod of freedom in her country's fierce battle over women's rights. A DIFFERENT KIND OF DAUGHTER tell of Maria's harrowing journey to play the sport she knew was her destiny, first living as a boy and roaming the violent back alleys of the frontier city of Peshawar, rising to become the number one female squash player in Pakistan. For Maria, squash was more than liberation-it was salvation. But it was also a death sentence, thrusting her into the national spotlight and the crosshairs of the Taliban, who wanted Maria and her family dead. Maria knew her only chance of survival was to flee the country. Enter Jonathon Power, the first North American to earn the title of top squash player in the world, and the only person to heed Maria's plea for help. Recognizing her determination and talent, Jonathon invited Maria to train and compete internationally in Canada. After years of living on the run from the Taliban, Maria packed up and left the only place she had ever known to move halfway across the globe and pursue her dream. Now Maria is well on the way to becoming a world champion as she continues to be a voice for oppressed women everywhere.

A Different Season

by David Klass

High school baseball star Jim Roark is delighted to meet the girl of his dreams, until she becomes the first female player on his all-male team.

Different Strokes: Serena, Venus, and the Unfinished Black Tennis Revolution

by Cecil Harris

The days of tennis as a country club sport for the aristocracy have long passed, as have the pre–Open era days when black players faced long odds just to be invited to the four Grand Slam events. An entire generation of sports fans has grown up seeing Venus and Serena Williams as the gold standard in American professional tennis. Although the Williams sisters have done more than any other players to make tennis accessible to a diverse population, it&’s not as if the tennis revolution is over. When you watch tennis next, take a close look at the umpire, the person sitting in the high chair of authority at courtside. Look at the tournament referee and the tournament director, the officials who run the tournament. In those seats of power and influence, blacks are still woefully underrepresented.Different Strokes chronicles the rise of the Williams sisters, as well as other champions of color, closely examining how African Americans are collectively faring in tennis, on the court and off. Despite the success of the Williams sisters and the election of former pro player Katrina Adams as the U.S. Tennis Association&’s first black president, top black players still receive racist messages via social media and sometimes in public. The reality is that while significant progress has been made in the sport, much work remains before anything resembling equality is achieved.

Differently Normal: The love story that will break and mend your heart

by Tammy Robinson

'Heart warming and heart breaking - you will need tissues!' Hello! A spellbinding young love story of hopes, dreams and sacrifice, for anyone who loved The Fault in Our Stars or Me Before You. If it doesn't break your heart, it isn't love . . . For Maddy, life is all about routine. It has to be, to keep her autistic sister happy and healthy. With just Maddy and her mother as Bee's full-time carers, there's no time in Maddy's life for complications like friends, let alone a boyfriend. So when Maddy meets Albert, the last thing on her mind is falling in love. Albert has resigned himself to always being a disappointment to his strict father. But then he meets Maddy, and gets a glimpse of what being part of a functioning family can be like - and the tremendous sacrifices people will make for the ones they love. But are Maddy and Albert willing to make the biggest of sacrifices for each other? Some things, they are about to discover, are outside of their control . . .Differently Normal is a love story with the biggest of hearts. It shows us that anyone can find love, and anyone has the capacity to love, even when the odds are stacked against them.Why readers love Tammy Robinson:'A funny and poignant tale about first love. Tammy Robinson is a natural storyteller' Nicky Pellegrino'Heartbreaking and heart-warming in equal measures, this novel is about first love and the sacrifices you'll make for the ones you hold close. For fans of Nicholas Sparks and Jojo Moyes' Whakatane library staff'How I wish I could give more than 5 stars! Reading this book will make you laugh and cry and feel every emotion in between' ***** Goodreads reviewer'If you're after an emotional love story, with real feeling characters, that takes you on a journey of struggles and heartache, I highly recommend this book. Just remember to buy a box of tissues' ***** Goodreads reviewer'I was blown away' ***** Goodreads reviewer

Differently Normal: A heartbreaking love story for fans of The Fault In Our Stars

by Tammy Robinson

A spellbinding young love story of hopes, dreams and sacrifice, for anyone who loved The Fault in Our Stars or Me Before You. If it doesn't break your heart, it isn't love...For Maddy, life is all about routine. It has to be, to keep her autistic sister happy and healthy. With just Maddy and her mother as Bee's full-time carers, there's no time in Maddy's life for complications like friends, let alone a boyfriend. So when Bee meets Albert, the last thing on her mind is falling in love. Albert has resigned himself to always being a disappointment to his strict father. But then he meets Maddy, and gets a glimpse of what being part of a functioning family can be like - and the tremendous sacrifices people will make for the ones they love. But are Maddy and Albert willing to make the biggest of sacrifices for each other? Some things, they are about to discover, are outside of their control...Differently Normal is a love story with the biggest of hearts. It shows us that anyone can find love, and anyone has the capacity to love, even when the odds are stacked against them.'How I wish I could give more than 5 stars! Reading this book will make you laugh and cry and feel every emotion in between' ***** Goodreads reviewer'If you're after an emotional love story, with real feeling characters, that takes you on a journey of struggles and heartache, I highly recommend this book. Just remember to buy a box of tissues' ***** Goodreads reviewer'I was blown away' ***** Goodreads reviewer

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