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Eine Chance für die Liebe

by Catherine Gayle

Der aufstrebende Hockeystar Jamie Babcock ist bereit für die wichtigste Aktion seines Lebens – aber diesmal nicht auf dem Eis. Mit der Tochter seines Mannschaftskameraden auszugehen, könnte riskanter sein, als gegen einen der Rivalen von Portland Storm anzutreten. Aber die Zeit wird knapp. Er muss handeln, jetzt oder nie. Katie Weber, Schülerin im letzten Jahr der Highschool, kennt die Leiden einer Heranwachsenden nur allzu gut, aber nach einer Leukämie-Diagnose ist ihr Leben gerade noch viel komplizierter geworden. Der Abschlussball steht bevor, doch Katie hat einen glänzend kahlen Kopf, sodass sie am wichtigsten Abend ihres möglicherweise sehr kurzen Lebens zu Hause sitzen könnte. Es sei denn, Jamie Babcock, ihr großer Schwarm, tut endlich den Schritt, für den sie gebetet hat. Aber das ist nicht das einzige Wunder, das sie braucht. Nun muss Jamie Katie zeigen, wie wichtig sie ihm ist und wie hart sie kämpfen muss. Bevor es zu spät ist ...

Einführung in die Ganganalyse: Grundlagen, Anwendungsgebiete, Messmethoden (essentials)

by Oliver Ludwig Stephan Becker Michael Fröhlich

Das vorliegende essential gibt einen kompakten Einblick in das komplexe Feld der Analyse des menschlichen Ganges. Neben der Darstellung grundlegender Konzepte der Ganganalytik stellen die Autoren die systematische Unterteilung des Gangzyklus dar und gehen auf relevante Analyseparameter und Fehlerquellen ein. Der Leser erhält eine einführende Übersicht über die vielfältigen Einsatzgebiete der Ganganalytik sowie die dabei eingesetzten technischen Hilfsmittel.

Einführung in die Methoden, Methodologie und Statistik im Sport

by Michael Fröhlich Jochen Mayerl Andrea Pieter Wolfgang Kemmler

Studieren Sie Sportwissenschaft, sehen Sie Ihren Fokus in erster Linie in der praktischen Anwendung Ihres Wissens und sind wahrscheinlich überrascht, dass Sie sich in Ihrem Studium oder in einer weiteren Qualifikation nun erneut mit Mathematik und Statistik auseinandersetzen müssen. Haben Sie mit Schrecken festgestellt, dass Statistik auch hier zum unverzichtbaren Handwerkszeug gehört, will dieses Buch Sie motivieren, die Grundlagen der Methoden und der Statistik im Sport zu verstehen, Wissenslücken zu schließen und zu erkennen, dass empirisches Arbeiten keine Zauberei ist. Die Autoren vermitteln Hintergründe zur Verortung der Sportwissenschaft im wissenschaftlichen Kontext und erklären darauf aufbauend die Grundbegriffe und Arbeitsschritte bei der Durchführung, Auswertung und Beurteilung wissenschaftlicher Studien. Sie finden hier fundierte Tipps, wie Sie die richtige Forschungsfrage stellen, wie Sie Daten sammeln und aufbereiten, wann Sie welches statistische Verfahren rechnen und wie Sie die Standards guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis umsetzen können. Alle Ausführungen sind leicht verständlich formuliert und mit einer Vielzahl von realen Beispielen aus der Sportwissenschaft verdeutlicht. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen eine gute Unterstützung, die empirischen Herausforderungen Ihres Studiums zu bewältigen - sei es beim Verstehen von Studien, sei es bei der Erstellung der ersten Hausarbeit mit echten Daten oder bei dem Verfassen Ihrer Abschlussarbeit.

Einführung Sportsponsoring: Theorieüberblick und Praxiseinblick

by Andreas Bergmann

In diesem Lehrbuch lernen Sie die Grundlagen des Sponsorings sowie verschiedene Ausprägungen und Erscheinungsformen des Sportsponsorings kennen. Anhand zahlreicher Praxisbeispiele, Statistiken und Studienergebnisse bekommen Sie eine realistische Vorstellung von der Größenordnung, in der sich das Sportsponsoringvolumen in Deutschland und weltweit bewegt und welche Sportarten und Branchen in diesem Sektor von Relevanz sind. Ihnen werden die Ziele, Motive und die Akteure im Bereich des Sportsponsorings vorgestellt. Des Weiteren lernen Sie die theoretische Verortung des Sportsponsorings aus Management- bzw. Marketing- und Kommunikationssicht kennen und können sich mit dem strukturierten Sponsoringmanagementprozess vertraut machen. Insgesamt erhalten Sie mit diesem Lehrbuch ein breites Grundlagenwissen zum Thema Sportsponsoring.

Einsatz digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie im Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht: (Fach)didaktische Zugänge und qualitative Befunde aus Sicht von Lehrkräften

by Andreas Raab

Digitalisierungsprozesse und Anliegen einer digitalen Bildung prägen aktuell das Schulwesen. Dies wurde durch die Covid-19-Pandemie zusätzlich verstärkt. Gleichzeitig wird digitale Technologie im Freizeit- und Leistungssport umfassend genutzt und ist allgegenwärtiger Bestandteil der Bewegungs-, Spiel- und Sportkultur. Daher ist die Einbindung digitaler Technologie auch als Thema für den Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht relevant. Zentrale Akteur*innen der Umsetzung curricularer Neuerungen und didaktischer Innovationen sind die Lehrkräfte. Ziel dieses Buches ist, den Beitrag, den der Einsatz von digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) zu einem zeitgemäßen und zielorientierten Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht gegenwärtig und perspektivisch leisten kann, herauszuarbeiten. Den theoretischen Rahmen bildet die Verknüpfung der bildungswissenschaftlichen Diskussion zur fortschreitenden Digitalisierung in Schule und Unterricht mit pädagogischen, didaktischen und curricularen Ansprüchen an das Fach Bewegung und Sport. Im empirischen Teil werden die Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Interviewstudie mit Bewegungs- und Sportlehrkräften zur Einbindung digitaler Technologie dargestellt und diskutiert. Zusammenfassend werden Empfehlungen für die qualitätsvollen Einsatz von IKT im Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht abgeleitet.

Ejercicios de Combate

by David Arieta Galván Neal Martin

¡Más de 40 ejercicios para el combate garantizados para mejorar y acelerar tu entrenamiento en defensa personal! Un libro para cualquiera que quiere mejorar su entrenamiento en defensa personal, especialmente si eres nuevo en la realidad de ella. Ejercicios para: Golpeo Defensa Atacantes Múltiples Defensa contra Armas Alerta Anti- Pelea Cuerpo a Cuerpo ¡Mucho más! ¡DESCÁRGALO AHORA y mejora tu entrenamiento en defensa personal!

El Cerrador: Edición Juvenil

by Wayne Coffey Sue Corbett Mariano Rivera

Mariano Rivera nunca soñó en llegar a ser un atleta profesional. Él nunca coleccionó tarjetas de béisbol, ni jugó en Pequeñas Ligas ni vitoreó a su equipo en una Serie Mundial. Él tampoco oyó hablar de Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio o Mickey Mantle.Pero un día, todo cambió.De ser un niño que jugaba con sus amigos en Panamá hasta ser un deportista exitoso con los Yankees de Nueva York, la vida de Mariano se convirtió en algo grandioso que jamás él pensó. Cuando él se para en el montículo no oye a la multitud, sólo oye la voz del árbitro gritando: "¡Strike!". Es el compañero de juego en el que puedes confiar, aun cuando las bases están llenas en la parte baja de la novena entrada. Sea que lo conozcas como Mo o como el "Sandman", Mariano es El cerrador y esta es su historia.Lleno de consejos para atletas jóvenes y anécdotas del equipo de los Yankees, El cerrador: Edición juvenil es una inspiradora historia de perseverancia, espíritu deportivo y dedicación que han definido la vida de una leyenda del béisbol.

El Chino

by Allen Say

A biography of Bill Wong, a Chinese American who became a famous bullfighter in Spain.

El futur de l'equip (Campió! #Volumen 3)

by Antoine Griezmann

Tercer llibre de «Campió!», la sèrie de futbol que explica la històrica al·lucinant de com Antoine Griezmann va convertir-se en un dels millors jugadors del món. Una sèrie escrita per ell mateix i basada en la seva pròpia vida! Els somnis es poden fer realitat! Molts dels companys d'equip d'en Tony Grizi ja han estat captats per les escoles de futbol més prestigioses del país. Així esdevindran algun dia jugadors professionals. No obstant això, no sembla que cap equip vulgui fitxar en Tony. La raó? La seva baixa alçada... Amb el suport del seu pare i els amics, el jove davanter travessa tot França a la recerca d'un lloc on pugui complir els seus somnis.

El somni d'en Tony (Campió! #Volumen 1)

by Antoine Griezmann

La història al·lucinant de com Antoine Griezmann va arribar a convertir-se en un dels millors jugadors del món. Una apassionant sèrie de futbol escrita per ell mateix i basada en la seva pròpia vida! Els somnis es poden fer realitat! En Tony Grizi somia unir-se a l'equip de joves campions que dirigeix el seu pare. Per un cop de sort, o potser per art del destí, el davanter de l'equip es lesiona durant les vacances i cal trobar-li un substitut tan aviat com sigui possible. Malgrat que el seu pare, el «Grizzly», s'hi oposa, i que els seus amics i coneguts creuen que és massa petit i fràgil... en Tony ho donarà tot per formar part del club dels seus somnis. ------- «Aquella nit, en Tony es va adormir amb un gran somriure als llavis. Encara no ho havia explicat a la Maud, pot ser per superstició, perquè pensava que encara era massa aviat. Però el general tenia raó. Ara li tocava jugar a en Tony, i començava la part més dura. »En realitat, era molt senzill: si brillava en aquella jornada de selecció, les portes del seu somni s'obririen de bat a bat i formaria part de l'equip, i de pas s'asseguraria el respecte del vestidor... i també del seu pare. »En canvi, si fracassava... »Es va regitat al llit. No. No podia perdre el temps amb pensaments negatius. No hi havia motiu per creure que no se'n sortiria. »"És ara o mai!", li repetia una veu dins del cap. »Es va adormir amb aquella cantarella: se'n sortiria.» -------

El somni més gran (Campió! #Volumen 6)

by Antoine Griezmann

Sisè llibre de «Campió!», la sèrie de futbol que explica la història al·lucinant de com Antoine Griezmann va convertir-se en un dels millors jugadors del món. Els somnis es poden fer realitat! Comença una nova temporada per en Grizi com a jugador del Sant Sebastià. El jove futbolista es retrobarà amb en Diego, el seu company que acaba de tornar d'Argentina. Està nerviós per retrobar-se amb els seus amics, tot i que ben aviat se n'adonarà que l'Andrea, la noia que li agrada, no li fa gaire cas... En Tony, en canvi, no pot perdre el temps. L'arribada d'un nou entrenador obligarà al jove prodigi a centrar-se en la temporada, que no promet ser gens fàcil. Aconseguirà vèncer les dificultats?

Elastography of the Musculoskeletal System

by Salvatore Marsico Albert Solano

In this book recognized world-renowned expert authors expose the state of the art on musculoskeletal ultrasound elastography.Low cost, wide dissemination and accuracy in the evaluation of the musculoskeletal structures, nerves, periosseous soft parts, vascular structures, together with the possibility of performing real time dynamic studies, made the ultrasound technique widely spread among sonographers and musculoskeletal radiologists.Each chapter presents a description of the elastographic semiotics of the main pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissue, images that represent both routine and more complex clinical cases in a practical and schematic way and summary tables on the characteristics in terms of elasticity found in the main pathologies.A wealth of color images as well as dynamic images and tables complete the book, that will be a useful tool for sonographers , radiologists, orthopedists, sports medicine specialists wishing to expand their knowledge on ultrasound elastography.

Elbow and Sport

by Luigi Adriano Pederzini Denise Eygendaal Matteo Denti

This book is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the elbow joint incurred by athletes of all ages during participation in sports such as tennis, golf, baseball, volleyball, weight lifting, and javelin throwing. The coverage includes the evaluation and management of medial and lateral elbow pain, degenerative elbow, distal biceps and triceps tendon injuries, posterior impingement and nerve compression syndromes, dislocations, and fractures. General guidance is also provided on injury prevention, physical examination, imaging, the use of endoscopy, and rehabilitation. Clinical anatomy of the elbow is thoroughly described and a chapter on biomechanics explains the basic science of the discussed pathologies. Elbow and Sport is a book project initiated by the Elbow and Wrist Committee of the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) with the aim of describing sports-related elbow pathologies from diagnosis to conservative or surgical treatment. The authors include some of the most eminent experts in elbow surgery from Europe and elsewhere in the world. The guidelines proposed in the book will be invaluable for all specialists in upper limb sport lesions, including surgeons, sport medicine doctors, and physiotherapists.

Elbow Arthroplasty: Current Techniques and Complications

by Filippo Castoldi Giuseppe Giannicola Roberto Rotini

This handbook provides detailed, state-of-the-art information on total elbow replacement, covering all relevant aspects, from basic science and pathogenesis to clinical and instrumental evaluation, and treatment techniques. Elbow arthroplasties have undergone a considerable evolution in recent decades due to better anatomical and biomechanical knowledge, continuous development of biomaterials, improvement of operative techniques and better definition of the surgical indications. This book enables readers to better understand the main indications, the outcomes and the complications following total elbow arthroplasty, radial head arthroplasty, radiocapitellar arthroplasty and distal humerus hemiarthroplasty. The closing section addressing the post-operative management of the patients who have undergone elbow replacement is provided in order to optimize the relationship between the orthopedic surgeon and the rehabilitation physician. Written by leading experts in the field, the book is an invaluable tool for experienced surgeons, orthopedic residents and shoulder fellows.

Elbow Arthroscopy

by Marc R. Safran Luigi Adriano Pederzini Gregory Bain

This book, which derives from an initiative of the Education Committee of The International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS), addresses all aspects of elbow arthroscopy. Anatomy is thoroughly introduced, referencing safe portals and describing techniques to minimize risk of complications. Subsequent chapters focus on the use of arthroscopy in a range of conditions, including osteochondritis dissecans, stiff elbow, epicondylitis, elbow instability, and elbow fractures. Guidance is provided on diagnosis and indications for arthroscopy, and arthroscopic technique is clearly detailed. A key chapter describes complications and how to avoid them. The authors are experts and pioneers in the field from North America, Australia, and Europe who have in common the ability to teach complex procedures in a simple way. This book will be an invaluable aid for the developing surgeon and an excellent reference for the experienced surgeon.

Elbow Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury: A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment

by Joshua S. Dines Christopher L. Camp David W. Altchek

Now in a fully revised and expanded second edition, this practical text presents the current state of the art and latest advancements in the biomechanics, assessment, diagnosis and management of UCL injury in the elbow. In the years since this book’s initial publication, significant developments have occurred on multiple fronts relating to elbow UCL injury, including injury prevention, less invasive repair techniques, more anatomical surgical reconstructions, and improved post-injury rehabilitation protocols. Chapters are once again arranged thematically, beginning with discussion of the relevant anatomy and surgical approaches, throwing biomechanics and overload mechanisms, epidemiology, history and physical exam. After a description of the radiological approaches to assessment, both conservative and surgical strategies are outlined and discussed in detail, from repair both with and without augmentation to reconstruction both arthroscopically and with newer minimally invasive techniques. Considerations for UCL injury in special populations – the young athlete and the female athlete – and sports-specific rehabilitation, return-to-play and prevention via wearable technology round out this thorough presentation. Enhanced with select video clips illustrating surgical techniques, Elbow Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury, Second Edition remains a go-to resource for orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine specialists, therapists and trainers who work with athletes that suffer from these conditions.

Electric October: Seven World Series Games, Six Lives, Five Minutes of Fame That Lasted Forever

by Kevin Cook

The epic World Series between the Yankees and the Dodgers and the six men whose lives were changed foreverThe 1947 World Series was “the most exciting ever” in the words of Joe DiMaggio, with a decade’s worth of drama packed into seven games between the mighty New York Yankees and underdog Brooklyn Dodgers. It was Jackie Robinson’s first Series, a postwar spectacle featuring Frank Sinatra, Ernest Hemingway and President Harry Truman in supporting roles. It was also the first televised World Series – sportswriters called it “Electric October.”But for all the star power on display, the outcome hinged on role players: Bill Bevens, a journeyman who knocked on the door of pitching immortality; Al Gionfriddo and Cookie Lavagetto, bench players at the center of the Series’ iconic moments; Snuffy Stirnweiss, a wartime batting champion who never got any respect; and managers Bucky Harris and Burt Shotton, each an unlikely choice to run his team. Six men found themselves plucked from obscurity to shine on the sport’s greatest stage. But their fame was fleeting; three would never play another big-league game, and all six would be forgotten. Kevin Cook brings the ’47 Series back to life, introducing us to men whose past offered no hint they were destined for extraordinary things. For some, the Series was a memory to hold onto. For others, it would haunt them to the end of their days. And for us, Cook offers new insights—some heartbreaking, some uplifting—into what fame and glory truly mean.

Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design

by Yunhe Hou

Today, there are various textbooks dealing with a broad range of topics in the power system area of electrical engineering. Some of them are considered to be classics. However, they do not particularly concentrate on topics dealing with electric power transmission. Therefore, Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design, as a textbook, is unique; it is written specifically for an in-depth study of modern power transmission engineering. Written in the classic, self-learning style of the original, Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design, Fourth Edition is updated and features: HVDC system operation and control Renewable energy (including wind and solar energy) Detailed numerical examples and problems MATLAB® applications This book includes a comprehensive and systematic introduction of electric power transmission systems, from basic transmission planning and concepts to various available types of transmission systems. Written particularly for a student or practicing engineer who may want to teach himself or herself, the basic material has been explained carefully, clearly, and in detail with numerous examples, which is also useful for professors. In addition to detailed basic knowledge of transmission lines, new components enabling modern electronics and renewable penetrated transmission systems are emphasized. The discussion goes beyond the usual analytical and qualitative analysis to cover overall aspects of transmission system analysis and design.

The Electricity of Every Living Thing: A Woman’s Walk in the Wild to Find Her Way Home

by Katherine May

Perfect for fans of The Salt Path and The Outrun, this book is a life-affirming exploration of wild landscapes, what it means to be different and, above all, how we can all learn to make peace within our own unquiet minds.'A windswept tale, beautifully told' Raynor Winn - The Salt Path 'A manifesto for the value of difficult people. I loved it' Amy Liptrot - The OutrunIn August 2015, Katherine May set out to walk the 630-mile South West Coast Path. She wanted to understand why she had stopped coping with everyday life; why motherhood had been so overwhelming and isolating, and why the world felt full of inundation and expectations she can't meet. Setting her feet down on the rugged and difficult path by the sea, the answer begins to unfold. It's a chance encounter with a voice on the radio that sparks a realisation that she has Asperger's Syndrome. The Electricity of Every Living Thing tells the story of the year in which Katherine comes to terms with her diagnosis. It leads to a re-evaluation of her life so far - a kinder one, which finally allows her to be different rather than simply awkward, arrogant or unfeeling. The physical and psychological journeys become inextricably entwined, and as Katherine finds her way across the untameable coast, she also finds the way to herself.What readers are saying about The Electricity of Every Living Thing:'This book showed a realistic view of how autism feels to some people, and it's explained so well''The astonishing sensitivity and awareness in her writing, both about the beautiful landscapes and nature around on her walks, and in relation to her family, friends and self put paid to many outdated myths about what it is like to be autistic''Compelling and transformative'

The Electricity of Every Living Thing: A Woman's Walk in the Wild to Find Her Way Home

by Katherine May

Last summer, Katherine May was approaching 40, feeling overwhelmed by motherhood and lacking connection with others, lost in a world of inundation and expectation. She had always felt different but this feeling was new. She wanted to get out, get free and find herself again - and so set about walking the rugged 450 mile South West Coast Path. However, this journey uncovers more than she ever imagined. By chance, en route to the walk, Katherine hears a radio show and the guests are speaking about Asperger's Syndrome. Things begin to fall into place - could this explain the white-outs, the excruciating confusion around social contact, the electric feeling of every living thing?After a formal diagnosis, Katherine begins to unravel this new perspective of her life. Through her physical journey comes an emotional one - of accepting who she is and moving forward. It's not just about walking or Asperger's; this is one woman's journey to feel free within herself, something that everyone can relate to.Read by Nathalie Buscombe(p) Orion Publishing Group 2018

Electromechanobiology of Cartilage and Osteoarthritis: A Tribute to Alan Grodzinsky on his 75th Birthday (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1402)

by Brianne K. Connizzo Lin Han Robert L. Sah

This is an open access book. In honor of his 75th birthday, we reflect on the impact of the pioneering work of Alan Grodzinsky and his laboratory. This volume includes in-depth discussions of tissue electromechanics, mechanobiology and biomechanics, and matrix biology in addition to the latest advancements in understanding the pathogenesis, progression and treatment of osteoarthritis. Unique to this volume, we overview decades of groundbreaking research that set the stage for the latest efforts in the field, highlighting the legacy of one researcher and their trainees.

Elementary Gunsmithing: A Manual of Instruction for Amateurs in the Alteration and Repair of Firearms

by Perry D. Frazer

A beginner’s guide to the ins and outs of guncraftsmanship from a professional gunsmith.When it was first published in 1938, Elementary Gunsmithing was one of the few books of the time to address an amateur audience, among more advanced titles. With clear, engaging, and instructional prose, Frazer takes beginner firearm interest to the next level by talking the reader through the fundamentals of gunsmithing, such as what tools are necessary for the craft, how to solder and mount parts, and even how to conduct a fledgling gunsmithing business. He specifically addresses the "young man who likes working at the bench,” and similarly the book reflects the spirit of innovation, resourcefulness, and do-it-yourself work.While the book may not cover contemporary firearms, it offers a grandfatherly, old-school instructional vibe with accurate information about guns up to the 1940s. Frazer focuses on gunsmithing with ordinary hand tools at the work bench, rather than complicated machinery. These helpful tips and information, which are still applicable today, make Elementary Gunsmithing a useful, classic, and historically significant reference for both amateurs and budding gunsmithers keen on building a full-time business.Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for hunters and firearms enthusiasts. We publish books about shotguns, rifles, handguns, target shooting, gun collecting, self-defense, archery, ammunition, knives, gunsmithing, gun repair, and wilderness survival. We publish books on deer hunting, big game hunting, small game hunting, wing shooting, turkey hunting, deer stands, duck blinds, bowhunting, wing shooting, hunting dogs, and more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Elementary Physical Education

by Inez Rovegno Dianna Bandhauer

The Second Edition of Elementary Physical Education translates the most current research on learning, motivation, higher-order thinking skills, and social responsibility into easy to understand concepts and instructional strategies for elementary school physical education. <p><p>The authors have revised, updated, and re-conceptualized the movement approach (skill theme approach) based on findings that have been shown to increase children’s learning and teacher effectiveness. Each content chapter includes sample lesson plans designed to be teaching tools which will help transform the ideas discussed in the book. The content is aligned with the National Standards for Physical Education and NASPE’s guidelines for appropriate practices. <p><p>It offers many sample tools for assessing children's learning and maintaining program accountability. This comprehensive text can be used across several courses including elementary physical education curriculum and instruction, educational gymnastics, educational dance, educational games, and movement foundations courses. It is also the perfect reference tool for field experience courses and student teaching. <p><p>Key Features: <p>• Emphasizes the extensive changes made to the national physical education standards. These new standards have wide support and serve as the major goals for physical education nationwide. <p>• Discussion of the Common Core State Standards which have been adopted by nearly all states and aim for all students to be college and career ready with knowledge and skills that have wide application in adulthood. <p>• With the latest research and findings in the field.

Elevate and Dominate: 21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field

by Deion Sanders

Instant New York Times Bestseller Deion &“Coach Prime&” Sanders is one of the greatest motivators and inspirational leaders of all time—on the field, in business, with family, and in his community. Now, he delivers the ultimate playbook of inspiring personal stories, winning strategies, and the motivation required to help us &“elevate and dominate&” in all aspects of our lives. A natural-born leader, Deion Sanders demands and expects the best from himself and from those around him, never settling for anything less. Whether it&’s dealing with intense pressure, using the competition to his advantage, or navigating personal challenges—both physical and emotional—Sanders has conquered it all by applying the hard-earned principles he&’s learned throughout his life and career. The twenty-one inspirational ways to win here are based on the motivational stories and experiences of Sanders&’s incredible life, including being raised by a single mother who sacrificed and worked nonstop to support her family, being enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, earning his place as a head coach with a Division I football team, and being a dedicated father of five accomplished children. His inspirational messages reach far beyond the world of sports because they are based on deep faith, respect for himself and others, and an unflagging commitment to that which he believes in. They are designed to help anyone who is looking to improve the quality of their life, whether it be in business and leadership, relationships and partnership, or parenting and family. Through his unique and powerful lens, Coach Prime provides the direction, motivation, and action required for anyone to dominate and win at life.

Elevating the Game: The History and Aesthetics of Black Men in Basketball

by Nelson George

The author of "The Michael Jackson Story" argues that black basketball players have reinvented the game. By researching the history of basketball George exposes African American icons who have revolutionized dribbling. He tells the stories of those black individuals who advanced the sport's technique, and who influenced its strategy. The author skillfully narrates the African American history that is integral to the history of basketball.

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