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Fútbol in the Park: Immigrants, Soccer, and the Creation of Social Ties (Fieldwork Encounters and Discoveries)

by David Trouille

You know the scene: amateur soccer players battling over the ball, spectators cheering from the sidelines, vendors selling their wares from carts. Over the past half century, immigration from Latin America has transformed the public landscape in the United States, and numerous communities are witnessing one of the hallmarks of this transformation: the emergence of park soccer. In Fútbol in the Park, David Trouille takes us into the world of Latino soccer players who regularly play in an upscale Los Angeles neighborhood where they are not always welcome. Together on the soccer field, sharing beers after the games, and occasionally exchanging taunts or blows, the men build relationships and a sense of who they are. Through these engrossing, revealing, and at times immortalizing activities, they forge new identities, friendships, and job opportunities, giving themselves a renewed sense of self-worth and community. As the United States becomes increasingly polarized over issues of immigration and culture, Fútbol in the Park offers a close look at the individual lives and experiences of migrants.

Fútbol in the Park: Immigrants, Soccer, and the Creation of Social Ties (Fieldwork Encounters and Discoveries)

by David Trouille

You know the scene: amateur soccer players battling over the ball, spectators cheering from the sidelines, vendors selling their wares from carts. Over the past half century, immigration from Latin America has transformed the public landscape in the United States, and numerous communities are witnessing one of the hallmarks of this transformation: the emergence of park soccer. In Fútbol in the Park, David Trouille takes us into the world of Latino soccer players who regularly play in an upscale Los Angeles neighborhood where they are not always welcome. Together on the soccer field, sharing beers after the games, and occasionally exchanging taunts or blows, the men build relationships and a sense of who they are. Through these engrossing, revealing, and at times immortalizing activities, they forge new identities, friendships, and job opportunities, giving themselves a renewed sense of self-worth and community. As the United States becomes increasingly polarized over issues of immigration and culture, Fútbol in the Park offers a close look at the individual lives and experiences of migrants.

Fútbol, Jews, and the Making of Argentina

by translated by Martha Grenzeback Raanan Rein

If you attend a soccer match in Buenos Aires of the local Atlanta Athletic Club, you will likely hear the rival teams chanting anti-Semitic slogans. This is because the neighborhood of Villa Crespo has long been considered a Jewish district, and its soccer team, Club Atlético Atlanta, has served as an avenue of integration into Argentine culture. Through the lens of this neighborhood institution, Raanan Rein offers an absorbing social history of Jews in Latin America. Since the Second World War, there has been a conspicuous Jewish presence among the fans, administrators and presidents of the Atlanta soccer club. For the first immigrant generation, belonging to this club was a way of becoming Argentines. For the next generation, it was a way of maintaining ethnic Jewish identity. Now, it is nothing less than family tradition for third generation Jewish Argentines to support Atlanta. The soccer club has also constituted one of the few spaces where both Jews and non-Jews, affiliated Jews and non-affiliated Jews, Zionists and non-Zionists, have interacted. The result has been an active shaping of the local culture by Jewish Latin Americans to their own purposes. Offering a rare window into the rich culture of everyday life in the city of Buenos Aires created by Jewish immigrants and their descendants, Fútbol, Jews, and the Making of Argentina represents a pioneering study of the intersection between soccer, ethnicity, and identity in Latin America and makes a major contribution to Jewish History, Latin American History, and Sports History.

Futbol Mundial Espana

by David Rosenberg Ethan Zohn

Journeying to the country that won the 2010 FIFA World Cup, this enlightening handbook explores the culture of Spain through the world's most popular sport: soccer. From watching an amazing game between world class rivals FC Barcelona and Real Madrid to exploring island volcanic landscapes and witnessing the many fiestas that are celebrated there, readers join professional soccer player Ethan Zohn for the experience of a lifetime. Activities generated from each chapter include learning a phrase in each of the different languages spoken in Spain, making a sand-drip sand castle to understand the concept of surface tension, and creating a time capsule unique to a family's culture and era. Readers will also have the opportunity to research a real project in Spain through which they can give back and make a difference in this fascinating country. Viajando al país que ganó la Copa Mundial FIFA 2010, este manual instructivo explora la cultura de España a través del deporte más popular del mundo: el fútbol. Desde ver un partido increíble entre los rivales de primera categoría FC Barcelona y Real Madrid hasta explorar paisajes volcánicos de las islas y participar en las muchas fiestas que se celebran allí, los lectores acompañan al jugador de fútbol profesional Ethan Zohn para una experiencia inolvidable. Algunas de las actividades en cada capítulo incluyen aprender una frase en cada una de las lenguas habladas en España, hacer castillos de arena de goteo para comprender el concepto de la tensión superficial y crear una cápsula de tiempo única a la cultura y la era de una familia española. Los lectores también tendrán la oportunidad de investigar un proyecto real en España a través del cual pueden ofrecer algo a la sociedad y hacer una diferencia en este país fascinante.

Futbol Mundial Espana

by Ethan Zohn David Rosenberg

Viajando al país que ganó la Copa Mundial FIFA 2010, este manual instructivo explora la cultura de España a través del deporte más popular del mundo: el fútbol. Desde ver un partido increíble entre los rivales de primera categoría FC Barcelona y Real Madrid hasta explorar paisajes volcánicos de las islas y participar en las muchas fiestas que se celebran allí, los lectores acompañan al jugador de fútbol profesional Ethan Zohn para una experiencia inolvidable. Algunas de las actividades en cada capítulo incluyen aprender una frase en cada una de las lenguas habladas en España, hacer castillos de arena de goteo para comprender el concepto de la tensión superficial y crear una cápsula de tiempo única a la cultura y la era de una familia española. Los lectores también tendrán la oportunidad de investigar un proyecto real en España a través del cual pueden ofrecer algo a la sociedad y hacer una diferencia en este país fascinante.

Futbol Mundial Mexico

by Ethan Zohn David Rosenberg

Siguiendo el jugador de fútbol profesional Ethan Zohn en otra aventura global, este manual educacional y entretenido explora la cultura y las costumbres de México. Desde un recorrido a pie del Distrito Federal y visitas a las ruinas de las civilizaciones antiguas del país hasta un santuario maravilloso para la migración de las mariposas y la lucha libre animada, esta investigación explora el México real y evita las comunes trampas para turistas y las ciudades fronterizas. Las actividades presentadas en cada capítulo incluyen proyectos de la matemática y la ciencia basados en la cultura maya, ejercicios de escritura creativa y arte inspirados por el arte popular y las celebraciones mexicanas y recetas sencillas tradicionales. Manteniéndose fiel a la serie, este libro provee la oportunidad de investigar un proyecto caritativo en México y hacer una diferencia en este gran país.

Futbol Mundial Mexico

by Ethan Zohn David Rosenberg

Following professional soccer player Ethan Zohn on another global adventure, this entertaining and educational handbook explores the cultures and customs of Mexico. From a walking tour of Mexico City and visits to the ruins of the country's ancient civilizations to a once-in-a-lifetime butterfly migration sanctuary and colorful Lucha Libre wrestling, this investigation explores the real Mexico, avoiding the commonplace tourist traps and border towns. Activities presented in each chapter include science and math projects based on Mayan cultures, creative writing and art exercises inspired by Mexican folk art and celebrations, and even simple traditional recipes. Staying true to its series, this installation provides the opportunity to research a charitable project in Mexico and make a difference in this wonderful country. Siguiendo el jugador de fútbol profesional Ethan Zohn en otra aventura global, este manual educacional y entretenido explora la cultura y las costumbres de México. Desde un recorrido a pie del Distrito Federal y visitas a las ruinas de las civilizaciones antiguas del país hasta un santuario maravilloso para la migración de las mariposas y la lucha libre animada, esta investigación explora el México real y evita las comunes trampas para turistas y las ciudades fronterizas. Las actividades presentadas en cada capítulo incluyen proyectos de la matemática y la ciencia basados en la cultura maya, ejercicios de escritura creativa y arte inspirados por el arte popular y las celebraciones mexicanas y recetas sencillas tradicionales. Manteniéndose fiel a la serie, este libro provee la oportunidad de investigar un proyecto caritativo en México y hacer una diferencia en este gran país.

Fútbol para novatos (Serie ¡Gol! #Volumen 18)

by Luigi Garlando

Los Cebolletas se van a la montaña a pasar las vacaciones de semana blanca... ¡con un nuevo amigo! Quince niñ@s.Una pasión: el fútbol.Un sueño: ¡ser los mejores! Tomi y sus amigos se han ido de vacaciones con Issa, el hijo adoptivo de Champignon, que acaba de sumarse al equipo. La semana blanca ayudará al recién llegado a integrarse en el grupo, aunque con el fútbol... ¡es un verdadero desastre! ¿Lograrán los Cebolletas hacer del él una estrella del balón?

El fútbol según Bielsa: La extraordinaria epopeya en el Leeds United

by Salim Lamrani

El épico recorrido de Marcelo Bielsa al mando del Leeds United durante la campaña 2018-2019, en la que intentó devolver al equipo a la Premier League, la primera división del fútbol inglés, y luego su consagración en la temporada siguiente, narrado por uno de sus testigos y colaboradores más cercanos: su intérprete y asistente Salim Lamrani. ¿Cómo logró Marcelo Bielsa que Leeds United propusiera uno de los desempeños más hermosos de Europa mientras aún peleaba el ascenso en la liga inglesa? ¿Cómo fue que sin perder de vista jamás ese amor por el juego consiguiera devolverlo a la Premier League, a la Tierra Prometida, tras una década y media de lucha? Colaborador y testigo privilegiado de la épica campaña de Bielsa en el Leeds, Salim Lamrani cuenta desde adentro el desarrollo de un método basado en la posesión de la pelota, la presión constante, la cobertura colectiva, los pases fuertes, el ataque perpetuo y una contundente versatilidad. A su vez, desentraña las claves de un estilo de conducción único: la intensa pretemporada, que comprende no sólo un riguroso plan físico sino una cultura de equipo integral, con espacio para el trabajo y para el ocio, así como para compartir lecturas, música y gustos que fomentan la creatividad y la concentración. A través de un pormenorizado relato partido a partido y citando siempre la palabra del entrenador, Lamrani teje una semblanza de Bielsa y una guía por el pensamiento, la estrategia deportiva y la moral inquebrantable de uno de los principales hombres del fútbol de su tiempo. Bielsa x Bielsa: algunos textuales del entrenador «Para ser escuchado, un líder debe hablar poco. Cuanto menos uno necesita hablar, mejor entrenador es, pues ello quiere decir que usted comunica a través de las acciones que propone en los entrenamientos. Un estilo se adquiere no por el uso reiterado de la palabra, sino por hechos prácticos que permiten asimilar el hábito buscado.» «El camino más corto para la victoria es jugar bien al fútbol. Cuando usted tiene la posesión, tiene más posibilidades de jugar bien. Los jugadores son una mezcla de corazón, mente y piernas, y esas habilidades les permiten desarrollar cualquier estilo.» «No se puede ejercer el liderazgo derivando públicamente las responsabilidades hacia los demás. Uno no puede ser un líder si no asume sus responsabilidades.» «La adversidad nunca es una excusa.» «Yo sé hacer pocas cosas fuera del fútbol. Mi vida se resume a mi familia y al fútbol.»

Fútbol total: Mi vida contada a Guido Conti

by Arrigo Sacchi Guido Conti

«El fútbol se juega principalmente con la cabeza, y así se ganan los partidos; los pies vienen mucho después»Arrigo Sacchi La historia del hombre que nunca jugó al fútbol de manera profesional, cuya habilidad para dirigir a equipos repletos de estrellas terminó por convertirle en el entrenador de mayor prestigio en el mundo entero en la década de los 80.Después de vencer dos veces consecutivas al todopoderoso AC Milan cuando era entrenador del modesto Parma, Silvio Berlusconi le eligió para liderar la revolución de su equipo. Los primeros resultados estuvieron muy alejados de lo prometido, pero en cuanto las estrellas del Milán entendieron los conceptos de Sacchi, conocimos a uno de los mejores equipos de la historia del fútbol mundial, consiguiendo títulos consecutivos en Europa e Italia.

Futebol Nation: The Story Of Brazil Through Soccer

by David Goldblatt

No nation is as closely identified with the game of soccer as Brazil. For over a century, Brazil's people, politicians, and poets have found in soccer the finest expression of the nation's collective potential. <P><P>Since the team's dazzling performance in 1938 at the World Cup in France, Brazilian soccer has been revered as an otherworldly blend of the effective and the aesthetic. <P>"Futebol Nation" is an extraordinary chronicle of a nation that has won the World Cup five times and produced players of miraculous skill, such as Pele, Garrincha, Rivaldo, Zico, Ronaldo, and Ronaldinho. It shows why the phrase "O Jogo Bonito" (the Beautiful Game)has justly entered the global lexicon. Yet there is another side to Brazil and its game, one that reflects the sociological realities.

Futsal: The Story of an Indoor Football Revolution

by Jamie Fahey

"All the best players began with futsal!" - Pelé "If it wasn't for futsal, I wouldn't be the player I am today." -- Cristiano Ronaldo The untold story of soccer's little brother futsal, the grassroots game that is the secret behind the success of Pelé, Neymar, Messi, Ronaldo and the US star Christian Pulisic Futsal, a form of indoor soccer, is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Jamie Fahey uncovers its global stories, tactical innovations and fascinating history and reveals its the secret behind the success of the likes of Brazilians Ronaldhino, Ronaldo Fenômeno and Romario and the kind of soccer revolutionized by Pep Guardiola at Barcelona – with Spain&’s Xavi Hernández and Andrés Iniesta – and at Manchester City, with Belgium&’s Kevin De Bruyne and Brazilian goalkeeper Ederson. As Brazilian superstar Neymar said: &‘It has developed my technique, quick thinking and short moves...Futsal is fundamental to a footballer&’s life. It had a big importance in mine. When you&’re out there playing, you&’re forced to think fast and move even faster – if you lose a second, then the ball will be gone." Born in Uruguay almost a century ago but raised to an art form in Brazil, futsal is one of the fastest-growing sports on the planet: over 60 million people play this lightning-fast and tactically intricate variation of indoor soccer, which is also a bona fide professional sport in its own right. Despite its growing status, however, futsal&’s history remains largely unknown and untold. Jamie Fahey is a leading futsal expert and qualified youth coach. He spent his childhood playing endless soccer matches in the shattered urban landscape of 1980s Liverpool – on the same streets later graced by Wayne Rooney, the &‘last true street footballer&’. Yet when Fahey&’s own soccer career stalled, he realised he had been unwittingly learning the skills that pointed to his true passion. In Futsal: The Indoor Game Revolutionizing World Soccer, Fahey makes the case for futsal&’s transformative grassroots effect, both in the UK and abroad. He also tells the story of futsal&’s politics, tactics and personalities – and in doing so, illuminates a hidden corner of sporting history.

The Future of Football: Challenges for the Twenty-first Century (Sport in the Global Society #No. 17)

by Jon Garland Michael Rowe Dominic Malcolm

World football has undergone unprecedented change over the past decade. On the field, the richest European clubs have retained their pre-eminence, but with multinational playing squads backed up by global marketing industries. Club ownership rests increasingly with impersonal shareholders, rather than local business figures. Domestic and international football competitions are being transformed by the financial power of the mass media. The world's top players are paid far more than their peers from previous eras. This volume covers a wide range of topical issues which football players, fans and administrators will have to confront in the years to come.

The Future of Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education

by Timothy Lynch

This book uses the example of a partnership journey between universities, schools, the local health industry as well as a number of government organisations which worked to ensure the growth of physical education in primary education. The initiative employed the United Nations (UN) ideals as a model and contextualised them within local schools and communities. What began as a pathway seed quickly grew to involve multi-stakeholder partnerships and therefore explores how the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) may be implemented at a grass roots level.

The Future of Motorsports: Business, Politics and Society (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Hans Erik Næss Simon Chadwick

This book takes stock of the position of motorsport in the 21st century and considers how it will continue to influence sport business, politics, and society in the future. Presenting a set of thematic essays and multi-disciplinary case studies, the book demonstrates that motorsport continues to play a significant role in relationships between the automotive industry, nationalism, industrialisation, and capitalism as well as motorsports’ position as a feature of contemporary popular culture. Examining issues such as event management and legacy, environmental sustainability and ‘greenwashing’, diversity and inclusion, the rise of gaming and esports, and the use of sport as political soft power around the world across multiple motorsport disciplines, the book shines fascinating new light on this innovative but sometimes problematic industry. This is essential reading for all advanced students, researchers, managers, strategists, sponsors, and other stakeholders working at the nexus of motorsport, business, politics, and culture.

The Future of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: What Should We Be Worried About?

by Mustafa Karahan João Espregueira-Mendes Brian M. Devitt

In this book, leading international thinkers in the still nascent field of orthopaedic sports medicine consider what the future holds and give their views on what we should be most worried about. The range of issues addressed is wide, encompassing technological threats, environmental concerns, big data and its ramifications, the influence of industry, academic ethics, and much more. Many of the identified dangers are not yet on the popular radar, and these are the principal focus of the book. On the other hand, attention is also paid to misplaced fears, with explanation as to why these anxieties can be laid to rest. The contributors are leading thinkers in the field and include original pioneers of sports medicine, senior and newly appointed orthopaedic surgeons, orthopaedic trainees, and sports medicine physicians. In addition, leaders of industry in sports medicine and allied health professionals from around the world share their fears. This compelling and thought-provoking book, published in collaboration with ISAKOS, will appeal to all stakeholders in orthopaedic sports medicine.

The Future of Physical Education: Building a New Pedagogy (Routledge Research in Education #Vol. 6)

by Anthony Laker

Anthony Laker leads an outstanding international team of educational theorists in critically examining the theoretical underpinnings of physical education, and in challenging the rhetoric, the practices and the pedagogies that prevail in our schools. There has been a great deal of discussion surrounding the value of this subject in schools, particularly around the form that physical education should take. The domination of physical education teaching by the scientific / technical discourses is problemized and it is suggested that this domination limits the potential of the subject to be culturally and contextually relevant to students in schools. This edited collection aims to extend the worldwide academic debate of the future of physical education in schools by challenging the prevailing 'authorised curricula'.Each contributor address a key contemporary issue in physical education bringing different perspectives as they relate to the evolving issues of the subject. They ask important questions about where we intend to take the knowledge we have gained from a legacy of positive research. These chapters tackle critical issues in modernist physical education and suggest how a re-evaluation could contribute to the continuing advancement of the subject for more diverse educational benefits. Laker draws this body of work together in a conclusion that describes a theoretically and pedagogically innovative physical education curriculum for the 21st century.This book is a summary of the current state of research in physical education. It invites debate and discussions in the field and re-conceptualises physical education theory into inclusive practices located in the postmodern school world.

The Future of Tennis: A Photographic Celebration of the Men's Tour

by Philip Slayton Peter Figura

At the heart of the men’s tennis game for some years have been the Big Four: Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer, Andy Murray, and Rafael Nadal. Since 2006, only three other players have won a Grand Slam Tournament, and no one else has been ranked world No. 1. But since 2013, the dominance of the Big Four has come under sustained and increasing pressure. New players are challenging Djokovic, Federer, Murray, and Nadal. The rivalry between the old guard and (mostly) young contenders makes this the golden age of tennis. Nick Kyrgios beat Nadal in the fourth round of 2014 Wimbledon. In 2017, David Goffin beat Djokovic in Monte Carlo; Dominic Thiem beat Murray in Barcelona; Sascha Zverev beat Federer in Montreal; and Denis Shapovalov beat Nadal, also in Montreal. In The Future of Tennis Philip Slayton and Peter Figura examine a selection of the players outside of the Big Four and introduce the reader to the great depth of field in the men’s game and the personalities that enliven the sport. Complete with stunning photography by Figura, this book will answer questions about who some of the other players on the tour are, what drives them, their foibles and eccentricities, and more. The perfect gift for tennis aficionados!

El futuro del equipo (¡Campeón! #Volumen 3)

by Antoine Griezmann

Tercer libro de «¡Campeón!», la serie de fútbol que explica la alucinante historia de cómo Antoine Griezmann llegó a convertirse en uno de los mejores jugadores del mundo. Una serie escrita por él mismo y basada en su propia vida. ¡Los sueños pueden hacerse realidad! Muchos compañeros de equipo de Tony Grizi ya han sido reclutados por algunas de las más prestigiosas escuelas de fútbol del país. Así es como se convertirán en jugadores profesionales. Sin embargo, ningún equipo parece querer a Tony. ¿La razón? Su corta estatura... Con el respaldo de su padre y sus amigos, el joven delantero atraviesa Francia entera en busca de un lugar donde conseguir cumplir sus sueños.

G-Force (Redline Racing Series)

by Anthony Hampshire

Rising star Eddie Stewart is on the starting grid of the Indianapolis 500, but a mysterious series of dangerous crashes threatens to end Eddie's dream of winning at Indy before it even begins.

G.O.A.T. Baseball Pitchers (Greatest Of All Time Players (lerner (tm) Sports) Ser.)

by Alexander Lowe

“Pitchers can influence games more than any other player on the field. Read about the stats and championship moments of baseball's greatest pitchers. Then use what you learned to create your own top-10 list!”

The GAA: An Oral History

by John Scally

For 125 years, the GAA has been a fixed point in a fast-changing age, and this oral history marks the125th anniversary of the Association. It is the story of the GAA as seen through the eyes of those key personalities who shaped it. Author Jon Scally has carried out over a hundred revealing interviews with players and managers who are synonymous with the Games, including Babs Keating, Jimmy Barry-Murphy, Ger Loughnane, D.J. Carey, Liam Griffin, Mick O'Dwyer, Colm O'Rourke, John O'Mahony, Joe Brolly and Matt Connor, and these contributions offer a unique eyewitness testimony to the dramas that captivated, enthralled and occasionally infuriated the nation both on and off the pitch. The book sheds new light on high-profile controversies, offers new insights into the players and personalities that linger long in the memory and presents a fresh look at the epic contests that turned Ireland's Games into a national soap opera.The GAA: An Oral History is a celebration of the good, the bad and the beautiful of Gaelic Games, and is a must for all sports fans.

Gabby Douglas: Golden Smile, Golden Triumph

by Christine Dzidrums

At just 15 years old, gymnast Gabby Douglas left behind her close-knit family in Virginia Beach, Virginia, to train under Liang Chow, famed coach of Olympic legend Shawn Johnson. The move to Iowa was not an easy decision for the focused teenager. For many months, she suffered serious bouts of homesickness. Still, the girl with the golden smile believed her sacrifice would someday lead her to Olympic gold. Gabby Douglas: Golden Smile, Golden Triumph - America's Newest Gymnastics Queen will grab readers as they experience the thrilling path Gabby took toward becoming Olympic Champion and America’s Sweetheart.

Gabby Garcia's Ultimate Playbook (Gabby Garcia's Ultimate Playbook #1)

by Iva-Marie Palmer

Dear fans of Dork Diaries and Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life—meet your new favorite kid-next-door hero! Gabby Garcia an overly confident baseball-obsessed sport nut who’s going to win your heart.If life were a baseball game, all-star pitcher Gabby Garcia would be having her Best. Season. EVER! Until she’s suddenly sent to another school and her winning streak is about to disappear—both on and off the field.But Gabby never gives up! She has a PLAN to keep her champion status intact, and every step of is written out—PLAY by PLAY. How could it not work?This new series written by Iva-Marie Palmer is filled with funny illustrations, sports facts, and blooper-reel moments that will have readers laughing and rooting for more.

Gabby Garcia's Ultimate Playbook #2: MVP Summer (Gabby Garcia's Ultimate Playbook #2)

by Iva-Marie Palmer

“Perfect for fans of Big Nate and Dork Diaries.”—Nerdy Book ClubEveryone’s favorite pitcher Gabby Garcia is back and better than ever in the second installment of this laugh-out-loud illustrated middle grade series full of doodles, sports trivia, and home-run humor!Summer is here, and pitching phenom Gabby Garcia has another hot streak all planned out! After she’s invited to join an elite baseball league and asked out by her crush, it seems like Gabby is bound to achieve her MVP dreams. But life loves throwing Gabby curveballs. And when her BFF Diego returns from Costa Rica with a totally oddball new hobby, it feels like their once solid friendship is suddenly biting the dust. Thank goodness Gabby has her playbook!

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