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Going to the Match: The Perfect Gift for Football Fans

by Duncan Hamilton

A massive audience in sitting-rooms, parks and pubs watched England in the 2018 World Cup. Yet as Duncan Hamilton demonstrates with style, insight and wit in Going to the Match, watching on TV is no substitute for being there. Hamilton embarks on a richly entertaining, exquisitely crafted journey through football. Glory game or grass roots, England v Slovenia or Guiseley v Hartlepool, he delves beneath the action to illuminate the stories which make the sport endlessly compelling.Along the way he marvels at present-day titans Harry Kane, Mo Salah, Kevin De Bruyne and Paul Pogba, reflects on sepia-tinted magicians Stanley Matthews, Jimmy Greaves, Bobby Charlton and Pele, and assesses managerial giants from Brian Clough and Jose Mourinho to Arsene Wenger and Gareth Southgate.The odyssey takes Hamilton from Fleetwood to Berlin, via Glasgow and a Manchester derby, making detours into art, cinema, literature and politics as he explores the game's ever-changing culture and character.The result, like the L.S. Lowry painting that inspired the book, is a football masterpiece.

Going to the Match: The Perfect Gift for Football Fans

by Duncan Hamilton

A celebration of football by award-winning sports writer, Duncan Hamilton.A massive audience in sitting-rooms, parks and pubs watched England in the 2018 World Cup. Yet as Duncan Hamilton demonstrates with style, insight and wit in Going to the Match, watching on TV is no substitute for being there. Hamilton embarks on a richly entertaining, exquisitely crafted journey through football. Glory game or grass roots, England v Slovenia or Guiseley v Hartlepool, he delves beneath the action to illuminate the stories which make the sport endlessly compelling.Along the way he marvels at present-day titans Harry Kane, Mo Salah, Kevin De Bruyne and Paul Pogba, reflects on sepia-tinted magicians Stanley Matthews, Jimmy Greaves, Bobby Charlton and Pele, and assesses managerial giants from Brian Clough and Jose Mourinho to Arsene Wenger and Gareth Southgate.The odyssey takes Hamilton from Fleetwood to Berlin, via Glasgow and a Manchester derby, making detours into art, cinema, literature and politics as he explores the game's ever-changing culture and character.The result, like the L.S. Lowry painting that inspired the book, is a football masterpiece.(P)2018 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Going Vertical

by Pam Withers Tao Berman

Running wild in the mountains of eastern Washington as a child, extreme kayaker and entrepreneur Tao Berman continues to run wild through the record books and life. A world-record waterfall-drop holder since his 98.4-foot kayak flight off of Upper Johnston Falls in Banff National Forest, Berman exemplifies his philosophy of "I'd rather die than lose" in both his experiences as a super athlete and his work as a successful businessman. Going Vertical is a parallel narrative of triumph in both areas, bringing readers along for the ride as the author pushes the limits of possibility. In chapters such as "The Tao of Marketing" and "The Tao of Risk," he translates the wisdom he's gained performing extreme sports to the dialect of the business world. Going Vertical guides readers into rarely glimpsed realms of achievement and shows by example how to attain the mindset to master them.

Gol 1. Un gran equipo

by Luigi Garlando

3, 2, 1... ¡El espectáculo acaba de empezar! Bajo las órdenes de un míster algo peculiar, el señor Gaston Champignon, ocho niños y niñas han formado un equipo de fútbol de lo más disparatado. Se llaman Cebolletas y les espera una temporada repleta de grandes emociones (¡y muchísimo sudor!). Pero, antes de empezar, los ocho cracks ya han aprendido la lección más importante: para ganar solo hace falta ¡DIVERTIRSE!

Gol 12. Los once magníficos

by Luigi Garlando

Los Cebolletas han tomado una decisión importantísima: van a pasarse al fútbol de once jugadores. Ahora tendrán que buscar nuevos compañeros para completar el equipo, adquirir confianza en un campo más grande y, por supuesto, enfrentarse a nuevos desafíos y contrincantes. Pero, esta vez, a los chicos de Champignon no les resultará tan fácil permanecer unidos...

Gol 13. Un campeonato difícil

by Luigi Garlando

El campeonato de fútbol-11 acaba de empezar y los chicos de Gaston Champignon ya están agotados: entrenamientos más intensos, un campo mucho más grande... y ninguna perspectiva de empezar a ganar partidos. Los Cebolletas están bastante desanimados... pero el entrenador tiene todo tipo de tácticas y recursos para que el espíritu no decaiga.

Gol 14. Una aventura olímpica

by Luigi Garlando

Después de doce interminables horas de vuelo, ¡los Cebolletas finalmente han llegado a Pekín! Tomi está ansioso por ver a Eva, Nico quiere hacer una ruta turística por toda la ciudad y Fidu sueña con comerse todos los patos a la pekinesa que se le pongan por delante. Sin embargo, deberán entrenar y mantenerse en forma porque Timothy, el amigo de Eva, ha desafiado al equipo de Champignon en el campo.

Gol 15. No te rindas Tomi

by Luigi Garlando

Los Cebolletas ya llevan media temporada jugando al fútbol 11 y están preparados para afrontar la segunda vuelta como auténticos profesionales. Por eso nuestro equipo favorito va a por todas y quiere escalar posiciones en la clasificación. Sin embargo, en una acción desafortunada, Tomi sufre una grave lesión...

Gol 17. Bienvenido al equipo

by Luigi Garlando

Los Cebolletas tienen nuevo entrenador: Gerónimo, el hermano de Gaston Champignon. En realidad, solo le sustituirá durante unas semanas, pero Tomi y sus amigos cuentan los minutos para que el míster vuelva: Gaston únicamente quiere jugar para ganar y este no es el espíritu del equipo...

Gol 18. Fútbol para novatos

by Luigi Garlando

Tomi y sus amigos se han ido de vacaciones con Issa, el hijo adoptivo de Champignon, que acaba de sumarse al equipo. La semana blanca ayudará al recién llegado a integrarse en el grupo, aunque con el fútbol... ¡es un verdadero desastre! ¿Lograrán los Cebolletas hacer de él una estrella del balón?

Gol 3. ¡Empieza el campeonato!

by Luigi Garlando

Ocho niños. Una Pasión: el futbol. Un sueño: ¡ser los mejores! Ya hemos llegado al ecuador del campeonato, ¡y los Cebolletas están a solo un punto del líder! Pero su mayor reto no va a ser conseguir el primer puesto, sino superar los problemas internos. Desde que Fidu dejó el futbol, nada es lo que era: a Dani le disgusta estar bajo los tres palos, Tomi tiene celos de Becan y las gemelas se despistan continuamente... Por suerte, Gaston Champignon les va a recordar la lección básica del deporte en equipo: lo más importante es mantenerse unidos.

Gol 4. La unión hace la fuerza

by Luigi Garlando

Ocho niñ@s.Una Pasión: el futbol.Un sueño: ¡ser los mejores!Ya hemos llegado al ecuador del campeonato, ¡y los Cebolletas están a solo un punto del líder! Pero su mayor reto no va a ser conseguir el primer puesto, sino superar los problemas internos. Desde que Fidu dejó el futbol, nada es lo que era: a Dani le disgusta estar bajo los tres palos, Tomi tiene celos de Becan y las gemelas se despistan continuamente... Por suerte, Gaston Champignon les va a recordar la lección básica del deporte en equipo: lo más importante es mantenerse unidos.

Gol 6. ¡Vacaciones de campeonato!

by Luigi Garlando

¡El verano ya está aquí, y para Tomi y sus amigos se presenta muy emocionante! La Torre Eiffel, el jorobado de Nôtre Dame, la Mona Lisa... ¿Os suena? Gaston Champignon llevará a los Cebolletas a su ciudad de origen: ¡París! Y lo mejor de todo es que, además de hacer turismo, ¡disputarán un minimundial de futbol! Estas vacaciones prometen ser un stage de pretemporada de lo más profesional.

Gol 9. El retorno del capitán

by Luigi Garlando

A los Cebolletas las cosas no les van nada mal: han empezado la segunda vuelta más en forma que nunca, Tomi se ha reincorporado al equipo y Pedro el insoportable por fin ha regresado con los Tiburones Azules. Sin embargo, algo falla? No se comportan como un verdadero equipo y Gaston Champignon ya no sabe qué hacer. ¿Conseguirán así llegar a la gran final? ¿O esta vez se quedarán a las puertas?

El gol de la vida-La historia de Kaká: La historia del niño de Brasil que se convirtió en el jugador del año de la FIFA

by Jeremy V. Jones

Esta nueva serie de biografías destaca las vidas de cristianos que ejercen y sirven en el mundo actualmente. En estos libros los lectores contemplarán las extraordinarias aventuras a las que Dios ha llamado a sus hijos y llegarán a entender que los cristianos lograrán grandes cosas y cambiarán el mundo con la ayuda de su Salvador.

¡Golazo!: A History of Latin American Football

by Andreas Campomar

'Striking . . . extraordinarily ambitious' JONATHAN WILSON, NEW STATESMAN'A compelling account of how football became a force in Latin America with an impact far beyond the pitch, helping forge national identity and fuelling regional rivalries' INDEPENDENT¡Golazo! recounts the story of Latin American football: the extravagantly talented players; pistol-toting referees; bloody coup d'états; breathtaking goals; invidious conspiracies; strikers with matinee idol looks and a taste for tango dancers; alcoholism; suicide and some of the most exhilarating teams ever to take the field.And yet it is gripping social history. Andreas Campomar shows how the sport that started as the eccentric pastime of a few expat cricket players has become a defining force, the architect of national identity and a reflection of the region's soul.Including not only the well-known heroes of 'the beautiful game', but also the numerous forgotten gems of Latin American football, ¡Golazo! is the extraordinary tale of how football came to define a continent.


by Andreas Campomar

<P>The definitive book about the national identities, heroes, and dramatic stories from Latin American soccer throughout history--in time for the 2014 World Cup. <P>"Golazo!" means "amazing goal!" And the word perfectly captures the unique, exuberant, all-encompassing, passionate role that soccer plays in Latin America. <P>Andreas Campomar offers readers the definitive history of Latin American soccer from the early, deadly Mesoamerican ballgames to the multi-billion dollar international business it is today. Golazo! explores the intersection of soccer, politics, economics, high and low culture, and how passion for a game captured a continent. <P>Latin American soccer will be in the global spotlight more than ever in the coming years--both the next World Cup (2014) and the Summer Olympics (2016) will be hosted in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, a country for which soccer is not just a passion but a way of life. The triumphs, the heartbreaks, the origins and the future, the political and the personal--Golazo! is the perfect book for new fans and diehard followers around the world.

Gold: My Autobiography

by Nick Skelton

With a show-jumping career spanning over forty years, Nick Skelton is a legend in the equestrian world. No other rider has won so many major competitions on so many different horses and he is as popular at Olympia and Hickstead as he is at Aachen, Geneva, Paris and Spruce Meadows. Skelton has competed in eight Olympic Games. He was part of the gold medal-winning Great Britain team at London 2012 and made history by winning the individual Olympic gold medal at Rio 2016, riding at the age of fifty-eight his beloved horse Big Star.Nick Skelton began riding at the age of eighteen months on a Welsh pony called Oxo. At the age of seventeenth in 1975, Skelton took team silver and individual gold at the Junior European Championships. He has competed many times at the European Show Jumping Championships, winning numerous medals, both individually and with the British team. In 1980 he competed in the Alternative Olympics, where he helped the British team to a silver medal. He still holds the British Show Jumping High Jump record that he set in 1978.In 2000, Skelton was forced into an early retirement after he broke his neck from a serious fall. But following an amazing recovery he came out of retirement in 2002 to compete again. Now he tells the full story of his eventful life and matchless achievements.

Gold: My Autobiography

by Nick Skelton

With a show-jumping career spanning over forty years, Nick Skelton is a legend in the equestrian world. No other rider has won so many major competitions on so many different horses and he is as popular at Olympia and Hickstead as he is at Aachen, Geneva, Paris and Spruce Meadows. Skelton has competed in eight Olympic Games. He was part of the gold medal-winning Great Britain team at London 2012 and made history by winning the individual Olympic gold medal at Rio 2016, riding at the age of fifty-eight his beloved horse Big Star.Nick Skelton began riding at the age of eighteen months on a Welsh pony called Oxo. At the age of seventeenth in 1975, Skelton took team silver and individual gold at the Junior European Championships. He has competed many times at the European Show Jumping Championships, winning numerous medals, both individually and with the British team. In 1980 he competed in the Alternative Olympics, where he helped the British team to a silver medal. He still holds the British Show Jumping High Jump record that he set in 1978.In 2000, Skelton was forced into an early retirement after he broke his neck from a serious fall. But following an amazing recovery he came out of retirement in 2002 to compete again. Now he tells the full story of his eventful life and matchless achievements.Read by John Banks(p) Orion Publishing Group 2017

Gold Dust

by Chris Lynch

All of Boston has been waiting for the "Gold Dust Twins" to come to the 1975 Red Sox. It's a Sox fan's dream. Richard Riley Moncrief is a fan who intends to live that dream. Napoleon Charlie Ellis arrives from the island of Dominica. A cricket player, he's more at home in Symphony Hall than Fenway Park. No problem. As long as he's willing to make baseball his life, they will be the next Gold Dust Twins.

Gold Dust

by Chris Lynch

Baseball-loving seventh grader Richard has hopes of turning himself and the new kid, Napoleon, into the best baseball players Boston has seen since the Gold Dust Twins&“As long as you have baseball on your side you can overcome anything.&” Seventh grader Richard Moncreif is convinced baseball will ease newcomer Napoleon Charlie Ellis&’s transition to life in Boston. Napoleon is unlike anyone he&’s ever met: poised, well educated, and a cricket player from the Caribbean. Napoleon is one of the few black students at Richard&’s school, where racism is pervasive. But Richard believes that he and Napoleon can get through any hardship and become the next Gold Dust Twins, just like the famous pair of Red Sox rookies from 1975. After all, Napoleon is a natural athlete, and Richard knows everything anyone could possibly know about baseball. He just needs Napoleon to play along. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Chris Lynch including rare images from the author&’s personal collection.

The Gold in the Rings: The People and Events That Transformed the Olympic Games (Sport and Society)

by Stephen R Wenn Robert Barney

Once a showcase for amateur athletics, the Olympic Games have become a global entertainment colossus powered by corporate sponsorship and professional participation. Stephen R. Wenn and Robert K. Barney offer the inside story of this transformation by examining the far-sighted leadership and decision-making acumen of four International Olympic Committee (IOC) presidents: Avery Brundage, Lord Killanin, Juan Antonio Samaranch, and Jacques Rogge. Blending biography with historical storytelling, the authors explore the evolution of Olympic commercialism from Brundage's uneasy acceptance of television rights fees through the revenue generation strategies that followed the Salt Lake City bid scandal to the present day. Throughout, Wenn and Barney draw on their decades of studying Olympic history to dissect the personalities, conflicts, and controversies behind the Games' embrace of the business of spectacle. Entertaining and expert, The Gold in the Rings maps the Olympics' course from paragon of purity to billion-dollar profits.

Gold in the Water: The True Story of Ordinary Men and Their Extraordinary Dream of Olympic Glory

by P. H. Mullen

Gold in the Water is a nonfiction sports narrative that chronicles the journey of a group of America's finest swimmers and coaches as they vied to compete in the 2000 Olympic Games.In California, a team of talented young men begin pursuing the most elusive dream in sports, the Olympic Games. The pressure steadily increases as two best friends (a mentor and his protégé) reach the top of the world rankings and unexpectedly find themselves direct competitors. Their teammates include an emerging star methodically plotting to retrace his father's path to Olympic glory, as well as a super-extraordinary athlete desperate to walk away from it all. Led by one of the most passionate coaches in sports, a brilliant and explosive strategist on a personal quest for redemption, this team of dark horses and Olympic favorites works through escalating rivalries, joyous triumphs, and heartbreaking setbacks.Author P. H. Mullen chronicles their journey to the 2000 Olympic Games and presents one of the most powerful and moving sports books ever written. Boldly sweeping in literary power and pace, this startling book will permanently change how you view the Olympic athlete.It is a fascinating world of suspense and emotion where human desire for excellence rules over all, and where there are no second chances for glory. But above all, Gold in the Water is a triumph of the human spirit.

Gold Medal Diary

by Hayley Wickenheiser

In Gold Medal Diary, Hayley Wickenheiser, three-time Olympic gold medal winner and captain of the Canadian Women's Olympic Hockey Team, reveals her day-to-day experiences of the 2010 Games, including the six-month lead-up of intensive training and pre-Olympic tournaments. She shares the life of an Olympian - the behind-the-scenes stories, the highs and lows, physical and emotional challenges, struggles and triumphs of an elite athlete in a hyper-intense environment, including details of the public ceremonies and private moments, friendships and rivalries, community and isolation, media presence and security. For the first time ever, readers travel inside the storied Athletes' Village and understand what it's like to live through the most high-pressure, high-profile sporting event in the world.

Gold Medal Glitch (Storm Cliff Stables)

by Lisa Mullarkey

Avery, Bree, Esha, and Jaelyn - the Core Four - are ready for a perfect summer at Storm Cliff Stables! Avery is especially anxious for this summer's adventures to start, because Olympic gold medalist Anna Wainwright is coming to camp. Riding lessons from a pro! Autographed boots! But when the girls arrive, Anna is nowhere to be found. Everyone says not to worry, but Avery is convinced something has happened to her equestrian hero. Will #1 fan Avery be able to find Anna? And what happens if she does? Aligned to Common Core standards and correlated to state standards. Calico is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO.

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