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Showing 1,251 through 1,275 of 71,561 results

Advanced CMOS Biochips: Design and Fabrication (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)

by Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh Saghi Forouhi Tayebeh Azadmousavi

Biochips incorporate a verity of means including electronic, photonic and microfluidic devices; biological materials (living cells, tissue, enzymes, nucleic acid and etc.) and chemical analysis to produce the detectable signals for identification of biological phenomena. Among several competing biochip technologies, Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) process offers the advantages of low cost, integrated, high precision and portable techniques suitable for point-of-care diagnostics. Advanced CMOS Biochip takes multi-path approach: microelectronic design and implementation of bio-interfaces offering a vital contemporary view of a wide range of integrated circuits and system for electrical, magnetic, optical and mechanical sensing and actuating blocks and much more; classical knowledge of biology, biochemistry as well as microfluidics. The coverage is both practical and in depth integrating experimental, theoretical and simulation examples. By using Advanced CMOS Biochip, readers will have the fundamentals and design techniques to grasp the situation which arise typically in CMOS biochip devices.

Advanced CO2 Capture Technologies: Absorption, Adsorption, and Membrane Separation Methods (SpringerBriefs in Energy)

by Shin-ichi Nakao Katsunori Yogo Kazuya Goto Teruhiko Kai Hidetaka Yamada

This book summarises the advanced CO2 capture technologies that can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially those from large-scale sources, such as power-generation and steel-making plants. Focusing on the fundamental chemistry and chemical processes, as well as advanced technologies, including absorption and adsorption, it also discusses other aspects of the major CO2 capture methods: membrane separation; the basic chemistry and process for CO2 capture; the development of materials and processes; and practical applications, based on the authors’ R&D experience. This book serves as a valuable reference resource for researchers, teachers and students interested in CO2 problems, providing essential information on how to capture CO2 from various types of gases efficiently. It is also of interest to practitioners and academics, as it discusses the performance of the latest technologies applied in large-scale emission sources.

Advanced Coal Preparation and Beyond: CO2 Capture and Utilization

by S. Komar Kawatra

Updating content from the author’s 2001 book Coal Desulfurization, this new title focuses on CO2 sequestration and utilization. It includes information on the theory and practical approaches to CO2 capture and recent advances in the use of sequestered CO2. Avoiding these pollutants requires either forgetting about the 250 billion tons of coal reserves the United States possesses or capturing and utilizing the pollutants in a profitable and environmentally responsible fashion. The book covers postcombustion and precombustion capture approaches for coal, and postcombustion capture can be generalized to many other fuels. Recent practical implementations at full-scale power facilities around the world are discussed. The book covers sequestering CO2 via underground, oceanic, biological, and other long-term CO2 storage methods. It also includes recent advances in utilizing CO2 for enhanced oil recovery, advances in storage with depleted oil and gas reservoirs and deep saline aquifers, and additional topics. The book also examines specific applications of pure CO2 and covers chemical conversion of CO2 to useful compounds. It answers questions like "Can we create methanol from coal?" or "Can we create ethanol from coal?" It is found that methanol and ethanol cannot be sustainably produced from coal power alone. However, oxalic acid can be created at a much lower energy cost than methanol or ethanol. Oxalic acid can be used to extract rare earths, which are not currently produced anywhere in the United States, but are typically concentrated in coal ash. Aimed at researchers and industry professionals in chemical, environmental, and energy engineering, this book provides insight and inspiration into capturing CO2 not merely as a response to regulatory pressure and climate change but as an inherently profitable and valuable venture.

Advanced Coating Materials

by Liang Li Qing Yang

This book covers the recent advances in coating materials and their novel applications at the cross-section of advanced materials both current and next-generation. Advanced Coatings Materials contains chapters covering the latest research on polymers, carbon resins, and high-temperature materials used for coatings, adhesives, and varnishes today. Concise chapters describe the development, chemical and physical properties, synthesis and polymerization, commercial uses, and other characteristics for each raw material and coating detailed. A comprehensive, yet practical source of reference, this book provides an excellent foundation for comparing the properties and performance of coatings and selecting the most suitable materials based on specific service needs and environmental factors.

Advanced Color Image Processing and Analysis

by Christine Fernandez-Maloigne

This volume does much more than survey modern advanced color processing. Starting with a historical perspective on ways we have classified color, it sets out the latest numerical techniques for analyzing and processing colors, the leading edge in our search to accurately record and print what we see. The human eye perceives only a fraction of available light wavelengths, yet we live in a multicolor world of myriad shining hues. Colors rich in metaphorical associations make us "purple with rage" or "green with envy" and cause us to "see red." Defining colors has been the work of centuries, culminating in today's complex mathematical coding that nonetheless remains a work in progress: only recently have we possessed the computing capacity to process the algebraic matrices that reproduce color more accurately. With chapters on dihedral color and image spectrometers, this book provides technicians and researchers with the knowledge they need to grasp the intricacies of today's color imaging.

Advanced Combustion for Sustainable Transport (Energy, Environment, and Sustainability)

by Avinash Kumar Agarwal Antonio García Martínez Ankur Kalwar Hardikk Valera

This book is based on advanced combustion technologies currently employed in internal combustion engines. It discusses different strategies for improving conventional diesel combustion. The volume includes chapters on low-temperature combustion techniques of compression-ignition engines which results in significant reduction of NOx and soot emissions. The content also highlights newly evolved gasoline compression technology and optical techniques in advanced gasoline direct injection engines. the research and its outcomes presented here highlight advancements in combustion technologies, analysing various issues related to in-cylinder combustion, pollutant formation and alternative fuels. This book will be of interest to those in academia and industry involved in fuels, IC engines, engine combustion research.

Advanced Combustion Techniques and Engine Technologies for the Automotive Sector (Energy, Environment, and Sustainability)

by Akhilendra Pratap Singh Nikhil Sharma Ramesh Agarwal Avinash Kumar Agarwal

This book discusses the recent advances in combustion strategies and engine technologies, with specific reference to the automotive sector. Chapters discuss the advanced combustion technologies, such as gasoline direct ignition (GDI), spark assisted compression ignition (SACI), gasoline compression ignition (GCI), etc., which are the future of the automotive sector. Emphasis is given to technologies which have the potential for utilization of alternative fuels as well as emission reduction. One special section includes a few chapters for methanol utilization in two-wheelers and four wheelers. The book will serve as a valuable resource for academic researchers and professional automotive engineers alike.

Advanced Composite Materials and Structures: Modeling and Analysis

by Mohamed Thariq Hameed Sultan Vishesh Ranjan Kar Subrata Kumar Panda Kandaswamy Jayakrishna

This book bridges the gap between the theoretical concepts and their implementations, especially for the high-performance structures/components related to advanced composite materials. It focusses on the prediction of various structural responses such as deformations, natural frequencies etc. of advanced composites under complex environments and/or loading conditions. In addition, it discusses micro-mechanical material modeling of various advanced composite materials including different structures ranging from basic to advanced, such as beam, flat and curved panel, shell, skewed, corrugated etc. and various solution techniques via analytical, semi-analytical and numerical approaches. Covers micro-mechanical material modeling of advanced composite materials Describes constitutive models of different composite materials and kinematic models of different structural configuration Discusses pertinent analytical, semi-analytical and numerical techniques Focusses on structural responses relating to deformations, natural frequencies, critical loads, under complex environments Presents actual demonstration of theoretical concepts applied to real examples using Ansys APDL scripts This book is aimed at researchers, professionals and graduate students in mechanical engineering, material science, material engineering, structural engineering, aerospace engineering, and composite materials.

Advanced Composite Materials for Automotive Applications

by Ahmed Elmarakbi

The automotive industry faces many challenges, including increased global competition, the need for higher-performance vehicles, a reduction in costs and tighter environmental and safety requirements. The materials used in automotive engineering play key roles in overcoming these issues: ultimately lighter materials mean lighter vehicles and lower emissions. Composites are being used increasingly in the automotive industry due to their strength, quality and light weight.Advanced Composite Materials for Automotive Applications: Structural Integrity and Crashworthiness provides a comprehensive explanation of how advanced composite materials, including FRPs, reinforced thermoplastics, carbon-based composites and many others, are designed, processed and utilized in vehicles. It includes technical explanations of composite materials in vehicle design and analysis and covers all phases of composite design, modelling, testing and failure analysis. It also sheds light on the performance of existing materials including carbon composites and future developments in automotive material technology which work towards reducing the weight of the vehicle structure.Key features:Chapters written by world-renowned authors and experts in their own fieldsIncludes detailed case studies and examples covering all aspects of composite materials and their application in the automotive industriesUnique topic integration between the impact, crash, failure, damage, analysis and modelling of compositesPresents the state of the art in composite materials and their application in the automotive industryIntegrates theory and practice in the fields of composite materials and automotive engineeringConsiders energy efficiency and environmental implicationsAdvanced Composite Materials for Automotive Applications: Structural Integrity and Crashworthiness is a comprehensive reference for those working with composite materials in both academia and industry, and is also a useful source of information for those considering using composites in automotive applications in the future.

Advanced Composites (Advances in Material Research and Technology)

by Shadia Ikhmayies

This book presents a comprehensive collection of reviews and experimental research findings in the realm of composite materials. It explores manufacturing technologies and applications, as well as recent breakthroughs in nanomaterial-based composites, polymer-based composites, titanium matrix composites (TMCs), conducting polymers, natural polymers, graphene polymers, graphene composites, and organosulfur polymeric composites, alongside reinforced aluminum matrix composites. The mechanical and tribological aspects take center stage, with a focus on aluminum alloy composites as a superior alternative to traditional gear materials. The book also addresses cutting-edge composite materials developed for drug removal via adsorption techniques, radiation shielding, and their use as shielding absorbers for ionizing radiation. Furthermore, the significance of electrical contact materials and their performance is explored. The book unveils fabrication methods, sample preparation techniques, properties, and various applications of these remarkable composites. Topics range from additive manufacturing to solid-phase extraction and solid-phase microextraction utilizing diverse composites as adsorbents. Additionally, the inverse vulcanization process, a novel technique involving the copolymerization of elemental sulfur with different monomers based on their resource origins, is discussed. Technologies such as powder metallurgy (PM), mechanical alloying (MA), self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), and rapid solidification processing (RSP) are described. The book further delves into the preparation techniques of zeolite using both conventional and advanced methods, along with the synthesis of various zeolite-based composites, particularly their application in environmental remediation. The book culminates with a summary of analysis and modeling techniques used in composite materials, including those employed in ballistic applications.

Advanced Composites: Applications for Covid-19 and Beyond

by S.M. Sapuan R.A. Ilyas M.M. Harussani

This book examines advanced composites, such as biocomposites, hybrid composites, hybrid biocomposites, and nanocomposites to address the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past two years, composite materials have grown in strength, stature, and significance to become a key material of enhanced scientific interest and resultant research into understanding their behavior for selection and safe use in a wide spectrum of technology-related applications. The authors describe distinctive features of these materials, such as low density, high strength, high elastic modulus, high hardness, high temperature endurance, and outstanding chemical and environmental stability. The book further discusses recent global scenarios during the pandemic, composite and biocomposite materials characterization, design solutions, the characteristics and performance of materials and structures, and their roles in reducing virus spread. It also looks at the prospects, obstacles, and future directions of composites.

Advanced Composites in Aerospace Engineering Applications

by S. M. Sapuan R. A. Ilyas Norkhairunnisa Mazlan

This book presents an authoritative account of the potential of advanced composites such as composites, biocomposites, composites geopolymer, hybrid composites and hybrid biocomposites in aerospace application. It documents how in recent years, composite materials have grown in strength, stature, and significance to become a key material of enhanced scientific interest and resultant research into understanding their behavior for selection and safe use in a wide spectrum of technology-related applications. This collection highlights how their unique combination of superior properties such as low density, high strength, high elastic modulus, high hardness, high temperature capability, and excellent chemical and environmental stability are optimized in technologies within these field.

Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms: Proceedings of International Conference on ICACCP 2017, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #475)

by Siddhartha Bhattacharyya Tapan Gandhi Kalpana Sharma Paramartha Dutta

The book titled Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms: Proceedings of International Conference on ICACCP 2017, Volume 1 presents refereed high-quality papers of the First International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP 2017) organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, held from 8– 10 September 2017. ICACCP 2017 covers an advanced computational paradigms and communications technique which provides failsafe and robust solutions to the emerging problems faced by mankind. Technologists, scientists, industry professionals and research scholars from regional, national and international levels are invited to present their original unpublished work in this conference. There were about 550 technical paper submitted. Finally after peer review, 142 high-quality papers have been accepted and registered for oral presentation which held across 09 general sessions and 05 special sessions along with 04 keynote address and 06 invited talks. This volume comprises 65 accepted papers of ICACCP 2017.

Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms: Proceedings of ICACCP 2023 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #535)

by Samarjeet Borah Tapan K. Gandhi Vincenzo Piuri

This book presents high-quality, peer-reviewed papers from Fourth International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP 2023), organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT), Sikkim, India, during February 16–18, 2023. ICACCP 2023 covers advanced computational paradigms and communications technique which provides failsafe and robust solutions to the emerging problems faced by mankind. Technologists, scientists, industry professionals, and research scholars from regional, national, and international levels are invited to present their original unpublished work in this conference.

Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms: Proceedings Of International Conference On Icaccp 2017, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes In Electrical Engineering #475)

by Nabendu Chaki Siddhartha Bhattacharyya Debanjan Konar Udit Kr. Chakraborty Chingtham Tejbanta Singh

Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms: Proceedings of International Conference on ICACCP 2017, Volume 2 presents refereed high-quality papers of the First International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP 2017) organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, held from 8– 10 September 2017.

Advanced Computational Approaches for Drying in Food Processing

by Krunal M. Gangawane Madhuresh Dwivedi Rama Chandra Pradhan

Computational methods have become important techniques for drying in food processing. There are two principle computational approaches for system analysis: continuous and discrete. In the continuous approach, the governing equations can be obtained by applying the fundamental laws such as conservation of mass, momentum and energy over an infinitesimal control volume. These equations are further discretized by using a suitable discretization technique. The recovered set of algebraic equations are then solved by an applied numerical method. The discrete approach concentrates on mimicking the molecular movement within system. Recent years have witnessed a rapid development in the field of computational techniques owing to its abundant benefit to the food processing industry. The relevance of advanced computational methods has helped in understanding the fundamental physics of thermal and hydrodynamics behavior that can provide benefits to the food processing industry in numerous applications such as drying, evaporation, sterilization, mixing and refrigeration. Advanced Computational Approaches for Drying in Food Processing examines the use of different numerical/computational techniques for the simulation of fluid flow and heat and mass transfer from/within food products such as cereal, chicken, beef, fruits, vegetables and more. The text promotes a thorough understanding of the drying process and its pivotal role in various applications in food processing plus advances in computer simulation techniques which have witnessed rapid popularity due to factors such as low-cost and ease in parametric study. CFD analysis and its use in developing new dryers, modification of current systems energy saving and process optimization is covered in full plus appropriate modelling for enhancement of food quality. Different phytochemical changes are explored plus novel strategies for the use of renewable energy, optimization of energy consumption and heat recovery and application of environmentally friendly technologies. This book provides a single information source for readers interested in the use of methods based on numerical/computational analysis as applied for drying phenomenon in food science and technology.

Advanced Computational Approaches for Water Treatment: Applications in Food and Chemical Engineering

by Krunal M Gangawane Madhuresh Dwivedi Praveen Ghodke

A rapid growth in global industrialization and population has triggered intense environmental pollution that has led to a water crisis, resulting in the decay in the quality of human life and economic losses. Novel water purification techniques are expected to alleviate this challenge. Recently, various water purification techniques, along with different computational techniques, have been developed. For instance, water purification techniques, such as electromagnetic water purification, solute-surface interactions in water, use of micro-magnetofluidic devices, UV-led water purification, and use of membranes can be thoroughly investigated by using a range of computation techniques, such as molecular dynamics, the lattice Boltzmann method, and the Navier-Stokes method-based solver. Advanced Computational Approaches for Water Treatment: Applications in Food and Chemical Engineering, presents these different numerical techniques and traditional modeling and simulation approaches to elaborate on and explain the various water purification techniques. Features: Serves as a dedicated reference for this emerging topic Discusses state of the art developments in advanced computational techniques for water purification Brings together diverse experience in this field in one reference text Provides a roadmap for future developments in the area This book is primarily intended for chemical engineers, hydrologists, water resource managers, civil engineers, environmental engineers, food scientists and food engineers interested in understanding the numerical approaches for different water purification techniques, such as membrane, sedimentation, filtration, micromagnetofluidic device, and ozone/UV, among others.

Advanced Computational Approaches to Biomedical Engineering

by Ujjwal Maulik Punam K. Saha Subhadip Basu

There has been rapid growth in biomedical engineering in recent decades, given advancements in medical imaging and physiological modelling and sensing systems, coupled with immense growth in computational and network technology, analytic approaches, visualization and virtual-reality, man-machine interaction and automation. Biomedical engineering involves applying engineering principles to the medical and biological sciences and it comprises several topics including biomedicine, medical imaging, physiological modelling and sensing, instrumentation, real-time systems, automation and control, signal processing, image reconstruction, processing and analysis, pattern recognition, and biomechanics. It holds great promise for the diagnosis and treatment of complex medical conditions, in particular, as we can now target direct clinical applications, research and development in biomedical engineering is helping us to develop innovative implants and prosthetics, create new medical imaging technologies and improve tools and techniques for the detection, prevention and treatment of diseases. The contributing authors in this edited book present representative surveys of advances in their respective fields, focusing in particular on techniques for the analysis of complex biomedical data. The book will be a useful reference for graduate students, researchers and industrial practitioners in computer science, biomedical engineering, and computational and molecular biology.

Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics: 8th International Workshop, IWACIII 2023, Beijing, China, November 3–5, 2023, Proceedings, Part II (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1932)

by Bin Xin Naoyuki Kubota Kewei Chen Fangyan Dong

This two-volume set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, IWACIII 2023, held in Beijing, China, in November 2023.The 56 papers presented were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 118 qualifies submissions. They are organized in the topical sections on intelligent information processing; intelligent optimization and decision-making; pattern recognition and computer vision; advanced control; multi-agent systems; robotics.

Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics: 8th International Workshop, IWACIII 2023, Beijing, China, November 3–5, 2023, Proceedings, Part I (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1931)

by Bin Xin Naoyuki Kubota Kewei Chen Fangyan Dong

This two-volume set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, IWACIII 2023, held in Beijing, China, in November 2023.The 56 papers presented were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 118 qualifies submissions. They are organized in the topical sections on intelligent information processing; intelligent optimization and decision-making; pattern recognition and computer vision; advanced control; multi-agent systems; robotics.

Advanced Computational Intelligence in Healthcare-7: Biomedical Informatics (Studies in Computational Intelligence #891)

by Lakhmi C. Jain Sheryl Brahnam Ilias Maglogiannis

This book presents state-of-the-art works and systematic reviews in the emerging field of computational intelligence (CI) in electronic health care. The respective chapters present surveys and practical examples of artificial intelligence applications in the areas of Human-Machine Interface (HMI) and affective computing, machine learning, big health data and visualization analytics, computer vision and medical image analysis. The book also addresses new and emerging topics in CI for health care such as the utilization of Social Media (SM) and the introduction of new intelligent paradigms in the security and privacy domains, which are critical for the health sector. The chapters, while of course not exhaustively addressing all the possible aspects of the aforementioned areas, are indicative of the dynamic nature of interdisciplinary research being pursued. Accordingly, the book is intended not only for researchers in the respective fields, but also for medical and administrative personnel working in the health sector, as well as managers and stakeholders responsible for making strategic decisions and defining public health policies.

Advanced Computational Intelligence Techniques for Virtual Reality in Healthcare (Studies in Computational Intelligence #875)

by Aboul Ella Hassanien Deepak Gupta Ashish Khanna

This book addresses the difficult task of integrating computational techniques with virtual reality and healthcare. It discusses the use of virtual reality in various areas, such as healthcare, cognitive and behavioural training, understanding mathematical graphs, human–computer interaction, fluid dynamics in healthcare industries, accurate real-time simulation, and healthcare diagnostics.Presenting the computational techniques for virtual reality in healthcare, it is a valuable reference resource for professionals at educational institutes as well as researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners in industry.

Advanced Computational Materials Modeling: From Classical to Multi-Scale Techniques

by Pablo A. Munoz-Rojas Eduardo A. de Souza Neto Miguel Vaz Junior

With its discussion of strategies for modeling complex materials using new numerical techniques, mainly those based on the finite element method, this monograph covers a range of topics including computational plasticity, multi-scale formulations, optimization and parameter identification, damage mechanics and nonlinear finite elements.

Advanced Computational Methods and Design for Greener Aviation (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences #59)

by Tero Tuovinen Jacques Periaux Jordi Pons-Prats Gabriel Bugeda Dietrich Knoerzer

This book presents a selection of scientific and technical results utilizing new computational methods, tools, and technologies in Aeronautical Design. Delve into the forefront of aerospace technology with this collection of articles featuring insights from the from the ECCOMAS CM3 2021 Thematic Conference in Barcelona and from the Special Technology Sessions of the ECCOMAS Congress 2022 in Oslo. Explore advancements in aeronautics design, numerical methods, and industrial technologies, including aerodynamic optimization and additive manufacturing, with contributions from leading experts and from research projects funded by the European Union. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a student, this volume offers invaluable insights into the future of aviation and transportation.

Advanced Computational Methods and Geomechanics (Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering)

by Shenghong Chen

The aim of this book is intended, through parallel expounding, to help readers comprehensively grasp the intrinsic features of typical advanced computational methods. These methods are created in recent three decades for the understanding of the post-failure of geo-materials accompanied with discontinuous and finite deformation/dislocation, as well as the violent fluid-structure interaction accompanied with strong distortion of water surface. The strong points and weak points of the formalisms for governing equations, the discretization schemes, the nodal interpolation /approximation of field variables, and their connectivity (via support domains, covers, or enrichments), the basic algorithms, etc., are clarified. Being aware of that the differences in these methods are not so large as at the first glance, this book will help readers to select appropriate methods, to improve the methods for their specific purpose, and to evaluate the reliability/applicability of the outcomes in the hazard evaluation of geotechnical (hydraulic) structures beyond extreme work situation. This book may be looked at as an advanced continuation of “Computational Geomechanics and Hydraulic Structures” by the author (2018) (Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-981-10-8134-7) which elaborates the fundamental computational methods in geomechanics for the routine design of geotechnical (hydraulic) engineering.

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