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Computational Thermo-Fluid Dynamics: In Materials Science and Engineering
by Petr A. NikrityukCombining previously unconnected computational methods, this monograph discusses the latest basic schemes and algorithms for the solution of fluid, heat and mass transfer problems coupled with electrodynamics. It presents the necessary mathematical background of computational thermo-fluid dynamics, the numerical implementation and the application to real-world problems. Particular emphasis is placed throughout on the use of electromagnetic fields to control the heat, mass and fluid flows in melts and on phase change phenomena during the solidification of pure materials and binary alloys. However, the book provides much more than formalisms and algorithms; it also stresses the importance of good, feasible and workable models to understand complex systems, and develops these in detail. Bringing computational fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and electrodynamics together, this is a useful source for materials scientists, PhD students, solid state physicists, process engineers and mechanical engineers, as well as lecturers in mechanical engineering.
Computational Thermodynamics of Materials
by Liu Zi-Kui Yi WangThis unique and comprehensive introduction offers an unrivalled and in-depth understanding of the computational-based thermodynamic approach and how it can be used to guide the design of materials for robust performances, integrating basic fundamental concepts with experimental techniques and practical industrial applications, to provide readers with a thorough grounding in the subject. Topics covered range from the underlying thermodynamic principles, to the theory and methodology of thermodynamic data collecting, analysis, modeling, and verification, with details on free energy, phase equilibrium, phase diagrams, chemical reactions, and electrochemistry. In thermodynamic modelling, the authors focus on the CALPHAD method and first-principles calculations. They also provide guidance for use of YPHON, a mixed-space phonon code developed by the authors for polar materials based on the supercell approach. Including worked examples, case studies, and end-of-chapter problems, this is an essential resource for students, researchers, and practitioners in materials science.
Computational Thinking: Des Welt des algorithmischen Denkens – in Spielen, Zaubertricks und Rätseln
by Paul Curzon Peter W. McOwan Bernhard GerlIn diesem Buch lernen Sie die Grundzüge und Vorteile des Computational Thinking kennen, also des analytischen, von Algorithmen geprägten Denkens. Die Autoren behandeln dabei unterhaltsam und anwendungsbezogen die Grundelemente dieser Denkweise - darunter Denken in Algorithmen, Zerlegung, Abstraktion und Mustererkennung. Diese Prinzipien werden anschaulich an Hand von Zaubertricks, Spielen und Rätseln, aber auch an echten, anspruchsvollen Problemen erklärt. Sie erkunden dabei auch die Verbindungen zwischen Computational Thinking und wissenschaftlichem, aber auch kreativem Denken - und wie daraus Innovationen entstehen können.Computational Thinking hat die Art und Weise, wie wir alle leben, arbeiten und spielen, verändert. Es hat Auswirkungen darauf, wie Wissenschaft betrieben wird, Kriege gewonnen, ganz neue Industrien geschaffen und Leben gerettet werden. Es ist das Herzstück der Programmierung und ein leistungsfähiger Ansatz zur Problemlösung, mit oder ohne Computer. In einigen Ländern werden bereits Kindern in der Grundschule diese Fertigkeiten beigebracht.Ob Sie also einfach wissen wollen, um was es beim Computational Thinking geht oder ob Sie neue Möglichkeiten finden wollen, auch im Alltag effektiver zu werden, ob Sie (Informatik-)Lehrer oder Schüler sind oder einfach Spaß an Spielen und Rätseln haben – in diesem Buch finden Sie die nötigen Grundlagen.
Computational Thinking and Coding for Every Student: The Teacher’s Getting-Started Guide
by Jane Krauss Kiki ProttsmanEmpower tomorrow’s tech innovators Our students are avid users and consumers of technology. Isn’t it time that they see themselves as the next technological innovators, too? Computational Thinking and Coding for Every Student is the beginner’s guide for K-12 educators who want to learn to integrate the basics of computer science into their curriculum. Readers will find Practical strategies for teaching computational thinking and the beginning steps to introduce coding at any grade level, across disciplines, and during out-of-school time Instruction-ready lessons and activities for every grade Specific guidance for designing a learning pathway for elementary, middle, or high school students Justification for making coding and computer science accessible to all A glossary with definitions of key computer science terms, a discussion guide with tips for making the most of the book, and companion website with videos, activities, and other resources Momentum for computer science education is growing as educators and parents realize how fundamental computing has become for the jobs of the future. This book is for educators who see all of their students as creative thinkers and active contributors to tomorrow’s innovations. "Kiki Prottsman and Jane Krauss have been at the forefront of the rising popularity of computer science and are experts in the issues that the field faces, such as equity and diversity. In this book, they’ve condensed years of research and practitioner experience into an easy to read narrative about what computer science is, why it is important, and how to teach it to a variety of audiences. Their ideas aren’t just good, they are research-based and have been in practice in thousands of classrooms…So to the hundreds and thousands of teachers who are considering, learning, or actively teaching computer science—this book is well worth your time." Pat Yongpradit Chief Academic Officer, Code.org
Computational Thinking and Coding for Every Student: The Teacher’s Getting-Started Guide
by Jane Krauss Kiki ProttsmanEmpower tomorrow’s tech innovators Our students are avid users and consumers of technology. Isn’t it time that they see themselves as the next technological innovators, too? Computational Thinking and Coding for Every Student is the beginner’s guide for K-12 educators who want to learn to integrate the basics of computer science into their curriculum. Readers will find Practical strategies for teaching computational thinking and the beginning steps to introduce coding at any grade level, across disciplines, and during out-of-school time Instruction-ready lessons and activities for every grade Specific guidance for designing a learning pathway for elementary, middle, or high school students Justification for making coding and computer science accessible to all A glossary with definitions of key computer science terms, a discussion guide with tips for making the most of the book, and companion website with videos, activities, and other resources Momentum for computer science education is growing as educators and parents realize how fundamental computing has become for the jobs of the future. This book is for educators who see all of their students as creative thinkers and active contributors to tomorrow’s innovations. "Kiki Prottsman and Jane Krauss have been at the forefront of the rising popularity of computer science and are experts in the issues that the field faces, such as equity and diversity. In this book, they’ve condensed years of research and practitioner experience into an easy to read narrative about what computer science is, why it is important, and how to teach it to a variety of audiences. Their ideas aren’t just good, they are research-based and have been in practice in thousands of classrooms…So to the hundreds and thousands of teachers who are considering, learning, or actively teaching computer science—this book is well worth your time." Pat Yongpradit Chief Academic Officer, Code.org
Computational Thinking Education
by Siu-Cheung Kong Harold AbelsonThis This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.This book offers a comprehensive guide, covering every important aspect of computational thinking education. It provides an in-depth discussion of computational thinking, including the notion of perceiving computational thinking practices as ways of mapping models from the abstraction of data and process structures to natural phenomena. Further, it explores how computational thinking education is implemented in different regions, and how computational thinking is being integrated into subject learning in K-12 education. In closing, it discusses computational thinking from the perspective of STEM education, the use of video games to teach computational thinking, and how computational thinking is helping to transform the quality of the workforce in the textile and apparel industry.
Computational Thinking Education in K-12: Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Physical Computing
by Siu-Cheung Kong and Harold AbelsonA guide to computational thinking education, with a focus on artificial intelligence literacy and the integration of computing and physical objects. Computing has become an essential part of today&’s primary and secondary school curricula. In recent years, K–12 computer education has shifted from computer science itself to the broader perspective of computational thinking (CT), which is less about technology than a way of thinking and solving problems—&“a fundamental skill for everyone, not just computer scientists,&” in the words of Jeanette Wing, author of a foundational article on CT. This volume introduces a variety of approaches to CT in K–12 education, offering a wide range of international perspectives that focus on artificial intelligence (AI) literacy and the integration of computing and physical objects. The book first offers an overview of CT and its importance in K–12 education, covering such topics as the rationale for teaching CT; programming as a general problem-solving skill; and the &“phenomenon-based learning&” approach. It then addresses the educational implications of the explosion in AI research, discussing, among other things, the importance of teaching children to be conscientious designers and consumers of AI. Finally, the book examines the increasing influence of physical devices in CT education, considering the learning opportunities offered by robotics. ContributorsHarold Abelson, Cynthia Breazeal, Karen Brennan, Michael E. Caspersen, Christian Dindler, Daniella DiPaola, Nardie Fanchamps, Christina Gardner-McCune, Mark Guzdial, Kai Hakkarainen, Fredrik Heintz, Paul Hennissen, H. Ulrich Hoppe, Ole Sejer Iversen, Siu-Cheung Kong, Wai-Ying Kwok, Sven Manske, Jesús Moreno-León, Blakeley H. Payne, Sini Riikonen, Gregorio Robles, Marcos Román-González, Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Ju-Ling Shih, Pasi Silander, Lou Slangen, Rachel Charlotte Smith, Marcus Specht, Florence R. Sullivan, David S. Touretzky
Computational Thinking in Education: A Pedagogical Perspective
by Aman YadavComputational Thinking in Education explores the relevance of computational thinking in primary and secondary education. As today’s school-aged students prepare to live and work in a thoroughly digitized world, computer science is providing a wealth of new learning concepts and opportunities across domains. This book offers a comprehensive overview of computational thinking, its history, implications for equity and inclusion, analyses of competencies in practice, and integration into learning, instruction, and assessment through scaffolded teacher education. Computer science education faculty and pre- and in-service educators will find a fresh pedagogical approach to computational thinking in primary and secondary classrooms.
Computational Thinking in the STEM Disciplines: Foundations And Research Highlights
by Myint Swe KhineThis book covers studies of computational thinking related to linking, infusing, and embedding computational thinking elements to school curricula, teacher education and STEM related subjects. Presenting the distinguished and exemplary works by educators and researchers in the field highlighting the contemporary trends and issues, creative and unique approaches, innovative methods, frameworks, pedagogies and theoretical and practical aspects in computational thinking. A decade ago the notion of computational thinking was introduced by Jeannette Wing and envisioned that computational thinking will be a fundamental skill that complements to reading, writing and arithmetic for everyone and represents a universally applicable attitude. The computational thinking is considered a thought processes involved in a way of solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behaviour. Assimilating computational thinking at young age will assist them to enhance problem solving skills, improve logical reasoning, and advance analytical ability - key attributes to succeed in the 21st century. Educators around the world are investing their relentless effort in equipping the young generation with real-world skills ready for the demand and challenges of the future. It is commonly believed that computational thinking will play a pivotal and dominant role in this endeavour. Wide-ranging research on and application of computational thinking in education have been emerged in the last ten years. This book will document attempts to conduct systematic, prodigious and multidisciplinary research in computational thinking and present their findings and accomplishments.
Computational Topology for Biomedical Image and Data Analysis: Theory and Applications (Focus Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering)
by Rodrigo Rojas Moraleda Nektarios A. Valous Wei Xiong Niels HalamaThis book provides an accessible yet rigorous introduction to topology and homology focused on the simplicial space. It presents a compact pipeline from the foundations of topology to biomedical applications. It will be of interest to medical physicists, computer scientists, and engineers, as well as undergraduate and graduate students interested in this topic. Features: Presents a practical guide to algebraic topology as well as persistence homology Contains application examples in the field of biomedicine, including the analysis of histological images and point cloud data
Computational Trust Models and Machine Learning (Chapman & Hall/CRC Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition)
by Xin Liu Anwitaman Datta Ee-Peng LimComputational Trust Models and Machine Learning provides a detailed introduction to the concept of trust and its application in various computer science areas, including multi-agent systems, online social networks, and communication systems. Identifying trust modeling challenges that cannot be addressed by traditional approaches, this book:Explains
Computational Vaccine Design (Methods in Molecular Biology #2673)
by Pedro A. RecheThis volume explores computational vaccine design and the technologies that support it. Chapters have been divided into four parts detailing immunonics and system immunology, databases, prediction of antigenicity and immunogenicity, and computational vaccinology. Written in the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, each chapter includes an introduction to the topic, lists necessary materials and reagents, includes tips on troubleshooting and known pitfalls, and step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Computational Vaccine Design: Methods and Protocols aims to reflect on the rigorous and imaginative use of computational technologies to help catalyze future efforts and to improve global public health through the development of a broad range of novel vaccines.
Computational Viscoelasticity (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Severino P. Marques Guillermo J. CreusThis text is a guide how to solve problems in which viscoelasticity is present using existing commercial computational codes. The book gives information on codes' structure and use, data preparation and output interpretation and verification. The first part of the book introduces the reader to the subject, and to provide the models, equations and notation to be used in the computational applications. The second part shows the most important Computational techniques: Finite elements formulation, Boundary elements formulation, and presents the solutions of Viscoelastic problems with Abaqus.
Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing
by D. Jude Hemanth S. SmysThis is the proceedings of the International Conference On Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing (ICCVBIC 2017) held at RVS Technical Campus, September 21-22, 2017. It includes papers on state of the art innovations in bio-inspired computing applications, where new algorithms and results are produced and described. Additionally, this volume addresses evolutionary computation paradigms, artificial neural networks and biocomputing. It focuses mainly on research based on visual interference on the basis of biological images. Computation of data sources also plays a major role in routine day-to-day life for the purposes such as video transmission, wireless applications, fingerprint recognition and processing, big data intelligence, automation, human centric recognition systems. With the advantage of processing bio-inspired computations, a variety of computational paradigms can be processed. Finally, this book also treats the formation of neural networks by enabling local connectivity within it with the aid of vision sensing elements. The work also provides potential directions for future research.
Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing: Proceedings of ICCVBIC 2021 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1420)
by S. Smys João Manuel R. S. Tavares Valentina Emilia BalasThis book includes selected papers from the 5th International Conference on Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing (ICCVBIC 2021), held in Coimbatore, India, during November 25–26, 2021. This book presents state-of-the-art research innovations in computational vision and bio-inspired techniques. The book reveals the theoretical and practical aspects of bio-inspired computing techniques, like machine learning, sensor-based models, evolutionary optimization and big data modeling and management that make use of effectual computing processes in the bio-inspired systems. It also contributes to the novel research that focuses on developing bio-inspired computing solutions for various domains, such as human–computer interaction, image processing, sensor-based single processing, recommender systems and facial recognition, which play an indispensable part in smart agriculture, smart city, biomedical and business intelligence applications.
Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing: ICCVBIC 2019 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1108)
by S. Smys João Manuel R. S. Tavares Valentina Emilia Balas Abdullah M. IliyasuThis proceedings book presents state-of-the-art research innovations in computational vision and bio-inspired techniques. Due to the rapid advances in the emerging information, communication and computing technologies, the Internet of Things, cloud and edge computing, and artificial intelligence play a significant role in the computational vision context. In recent years, computational vision has contributed to enhancing the methods of controlling the operations in biological systems, like ant colony optimization, neural networks, and immune systems. Moreover, the ability of computational vision to process a large number of data streams by implementing new computing paradigms has been demonstrated in numerous studies incorporating computational techniques in the emerging bio-inspired models. The book reveals the theoretical and practical aspects of bio-inspired computing techniques, like machine learning, sensor-based models, evolutionary optimization, and big data modeling and management, that make use of effectual computing processes in the bio-inspired systems. As such it contributes to the novel research that focuses on developing bio-inspired computing solutions for various domains, such as human–computer interaction, image processing, sensor-based single processing, recommender systems, and facial recognition, which play an indispensable part in smart agriculture, smart city, biomedical and business intelligence applications.
Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing: ICCVBIC 2020 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1318)
by S. Smys João Manuel R. S. Tavares Robert Bestak Fuqian ShiThis book includes selected papers from the 4th International Conference on Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing (ICCVBIC 2020), held in Coimbatore, India, from November 19 to 20, 2020. This proceedings book presents state-of-the-art research innovations in computational vision and bio-inspired techniques. The book reveals the theoretical and practical aspects of bio-inspired computing techniques, like machine learning, sensor-based models, evolutionary optimization and big data modeling and management that make use of effectual computing processes in the bio-inspired systems. As such it contributes to the novel research that focuses on developing bio-inspired computing solutions for various domains, such as human–computer interaction, image processing, sensor-based single processing, recommender systems and facial recognition, which play an indispensable part in smart agriculture, smart city, biomedical and business intelligence applications.
Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing: Proceedings of ICCVBIC 2022 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1439)
by S. Smys João Manuel R. S. Tavares Fuqian ShiThis book includes selected papers from the 6th International Conference on Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing (ICCVBIC 2022), held in Coimbatore, India, from November 18 to 19, 2022. This volume presents state-of-the-art research innovations in computational vision and bio-inspired techniques. It includes theoretical and practical aspects of bio-inspired computing techniques, like machine learning, sensor-based models, evolutionary optimization and big data modeling and management that make use of effectual computing processes in the bio-inspired systems.
Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: Recent Trends (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences #19)
by Joao Tavares R. M. JorgeThis book contains extended versions of papers presented at the international Conference VIPIMAGE 2009 - ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image, that was held at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal, from 14th to 16th of October 2009. This conference was the second ECCOMAS thematic conference on computational vision and medical image processing. It covered topics related to image processing and analysis, medical imaging and computational modelling and simulation, considering their multidisciplinary nature. The book collects the state-of-the-art research, methods and new trends on the subject of computational vision and medical image processing contributing to the development of these knowledge areas.
Computational Vision and Robotics: Proceedings of ICCVR 2014 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #332)
by Ishwar K. SethiComputer Vision and Robotic is one of the most challenging areas of 21st century. Its application ranges from Agriculture to Medicine, Household applications to Humanoid, Deep-sea-application to Space application, and Industry applications to Man-less-plant. Today's technologies demand to produce intelligent machine, which are enabling applications in various domains and services. Robotics is one such area which encompasses number of technology in it and its application is widespread. Computational vision or Machine vision is one of the most challenging tools for the robot to make it intelligent. This volume covers chapters from various areas of Computational Vision such as Image and Video Coding and Analysis, Image Watermarking, Noise Reduction and Cancellation, Block Matching and Motion Estimation, Tracking of Deformable Object using Steerable Pyramid Wavelet Transformation, Medical Image Fusion, CT and MRI Image Fusion based on Stationary Wavelet Transform. The book also covers articles from applications of soft computing techniques such as Target Searching and Tracking using Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO-based Functional Artificial Neural Network, etc. The book also covers article from the areas of Robotics such as Solar Power Robot Vehicle, Multi Robot Area Exploration, Intelligent Driving System based on Video Sequencing, Emotion Recognition using MLP Network, Identifying the Unstructured Environment.
Computational Welding Mechanics for Engineering Application: Buckling Distortion of Thin Plate and Residual Stress of Thick Plate
by Jiangchao Wang Bin Yi Qingya ZhangComputational Welding Mechanics for Engineering Application: Buckling Distortion of Thin Plate and Residual Stress of Thick Plate deals with two special issues in the field of computational welding mechanics: buckling distortion of thin plate and residual stress of thick plate. Through experiment, theory, and computational analysis, the authors systematically introduce the latest progress and achievements of computational welding mechanics, such as weld buckling in lightweight fabrication and residual stress in HTSS thick plate welding. In addition, they also explore its application to address real-world engineering problems in advanced manufacturing, such as precision manufacturing and mechanical performance evaluation. The book will be of interest to scholars and engineers of computational welding mechanics who wish to represent the welding mechanics response, predict the distribution and magnitude of mechanical variables, or optimize the welding technique to improve the manufacturing quality.
Computationally Intelligent Systems and their Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence #950)
by Jagdish Chand Bansal Marcin Paprzycki Monica Bianchini Sanjoy DasThis book covers all core technologies like neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation and their applications in the systems. Computationally intelligent system is a new concept for advanced information processing. The objective of this system is to realize a new approach for analyzing and creating flexible information processing of sensing, learning, recognizing, and action taking. Computational intelligent is a part of artificial intelligence (AI) which includes the study of versatile components to empower or encourage savvy practices in intricate and evolving situations. The computationally intelligent system highly relies on numerical information supplied by manufacturers unlike AI.
Computationally Intensive Statistics for Intelligent IoT (Studies in Autonomic, Data-driven and Industrial Computing)
by Debabrata Samanta Amit BanerjeeThe book covers computational statistics, its methodologies and applications for IoT device. It includes the details in the areas of computational arithmetic and its influence on computational statistics, numerical algorithms in statistical application software, basics of computer systems, statistical techniques, linear algebra and its role in optimization techniques, evolution of optimization techniques, optimal utilization of computer resources, and statistical graphics role in data analysis. It also explores computational inferencing and computer model's role in design of experiments, Bayesian analysis, survival analysis and data mining in computational statistics.
Computed Tomography: A Primer for Radiographers (Medical Imaging in Practice)
by Chau ShayneThis book acts as a primer for radiographers upon performing computed tomography (CT) examinations. The focus resides in radiation physics, radiobiology, anatomy, imaging protocols and image evaluation. It seeks to provide readers insight into the practical and innovative approaches within CT, backed up with key literature and examples in practice. Recent innovations and the importance of new technology to acquire enhanced quality remain a focal point. These are essential in understanding the importance of dose optimization, patient anatomy and common pathology observed. Patient care will remain central in this book, supported with a dedicated chapter discussing effective communication, patient education, informed consent, coupled with the assessment of laboratory results and vital signs. The editors draw from recent publications and clinical expertise, supported with the growing trend of technological advances utilized within the CT environment. Critically, this volume focuses on the role of CT for an array of audiences but, more specifically, undergraduate and postgraduate radiographers worldwide.
Computed Tomography for Technologists: A Comprehensive Text
by Lois RomansPublisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Covering only what CT technologists need to know, this all-in-one solution helps students develop the knowledge and decision-making skills they need for clinical practice while preparing them for the ARRT registry exam. Organized around the three major ARRT content categories (physics and instrumentation, patient care, and imaging procedures), the fully updated 2nd Edition takes an easy-to-understand approach that combines real-world scenarios, and proven pedagogy to help students master the content of the course.