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Showing 14,051 through 14,075 of 68,770 results

Continuum Mechanics: Elasticity, Plasticity, Viscoelasticity

by Ellis H. Dill

Most books on continuum mechanics focus on elasticity and fluid mechanics. But whether student or practicing professional, modern engineers need a more thorough treatment to understand the behavior of the complex materials and systems in use today. Continuum Mechanics: Elasticity, Plasticity, Viscoelasticity offers a complete tour of the subject th

Continuum Mechanics

by Prasun Kumar Nayak Mijanur Rahaman Seikh

This book has been designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of Continuum Mechanics. A unique feature of the book is that each chapter has been presented with different types of solved problems that are explained in a simple way. This book also contains a wide variety of exercises which are intended to be an important part of the text.Note: T& F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Continuum Mechanics and Linear Elasticity: An Applied Mathematics Introduction (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications #238)

by Ciprian D. Coman

This is an intermediate book for beginning postgraduate students and junior researchers, and offers up-to-date content on both continuum mechanics and elasticity. The material is self-contained and should provide readers sufficient working knowledge in both areas. Though the focus is primarily on vector and tensor calculus (the so-called coordinate-free approach), the more traditional index notation is used whenever it is deemed more sensible.With the increasing demand for continuum modeling in such diverse areas as mathematical biology and geology, it is imperative to have various approaches to continuum mechanics and elasticity. This book presents these subjects from an applied mathematics perspective. In particular, it extensively uses linear algebra and vector calculus to develop the fundamentals of both subjects in a way that requires minimal use of coordinates (so that beginning graduate students and junior researchers come to appreciate the power of the tensor notation).

Continuum Mechanics, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing: A Liber Amicorum to Professor Godunov (Advanced Structured Materials Ser. #107)

by Gennadii V. Demidenko Evgeniy Romenski Eleuterio Toro Michael Dumbser

This book is a liber amicorum to Professor Sergei Konstantinovich Godunov and gathers contributions by renowned scientists in honor of his 90th birthday. The contributions address those fields that Professor Godunov is most famous for: differential and difference equations, partial differential equations, equations of mathematical physics, mathematical modeling, difference schemes, advanced computational methods for hyperbolic equations, computational methods for linear algebra, and mathematical problems in continuum mechanics.

Continuum Mechanics for Engineers (Applied and Computational Mechanics)

by G. Thomas Mase Ronald E. Smelser Jenn Stroud Rossmann

A bestselling textbook in its first three editions, Continuum Mechanics for Engineers, Fourth Edition provides engineering students with a complete, concise, and accessible introduction to advanced engineering mechanics. It provides information that is useful in emerging engineering areas, such as micro-mechanics and biomechanics. Through a mastery of this volume’s contents and additional rigorous finite element training, readers will develop the mechanics foundation necessary to skillfully use modern, advanced design tools. Features: Provides a basic, understandable approach to the concepts, mathematics, and engineering applications of continuum mechanics Updated throughout, and adds a new chapter on plasticity Features an expanded coverage of fluids Includes numerous all new end-of-chapter problems With an abundance of worked examples and chapter problems, it carefully explains necessary mathematics and presents numerous illustrations, giving students and practicing professionals an excellent self-study guide to enhance their skills.

Continuum Mechanics of Anisotropic Materials

by Stephen C. Cowin

Continuum Mechanics of Anisotropic Materials(CMAM) presents an entirely new and unique development of material anisotropy in the context of an appropriate selection and organization of continuum mechanics topics. These features will distinguish this continuum mechanics book from other books on this subject. Textbooks on continuum mechanics are widely employed in engineering education, however, none of them deal specifically with anisotropy in materials. For the audience of Biomedical, Chemical and Civil Engineering students, these materials will be dealt with more frequently and greater accuracy in their analysis will be desired. Continuum Mechanics of Anisotropic Materials' author has been a leader in the field of developing new approaches for the understanding of anisotropic materials.

Continuum Mechanics Through the Twentieth Century: A Concise Historical Perspective (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications #196)

by Gerard A Maugin

This overview of the development of continuum mechanics throughout the twentieth century is unique and ambitious. Utilizing a historical perspective, it combines an exposition on the technical progress made in the field and a marked interest in the role played by remarkable individuals and scientific schools and institutions on a rapidly evolving social background. It underlines the newly raised technical questions and their answers, and the ongoing reflections on the bases of continuum mechanics associated, or in competition, with other branches of the physical sciences, including thermodynamics. The emphasis is placed on the development of a more realistic modeling of deformable solids and the exploitation of new mathematical tools. The book presents a balanced appraisal of advances made in various parts of the world. The author contributes his technical expertise, personal recollections, and international experience to this general overview, which is very informative albeit concise.

Continuum Modeling in Mechanobiology

by Larry A. Taber

This book examines key theoretical tools that are currently used to develop mathematical models as an aid in understanding the biological response of cells and tissues to mechanical stimuli. Problems in growth and remodeling, tissue and organ development, and functional adaptation are all covered. Chapters on tensor analysis and nonlinear elasticity provide the necessary background for understanding the engineering theories that are currently used to solve challenges in mechanobiology. This is an ideal book for biomechanical engineers who work on problems in mechanobiology and tissue engineering.

Continuum Models and Discrete Systems: CMDS-14, Paris, France, June 26–30, 2023 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #457)

by François Willot Justin Dirrenberger Samuel Forest Dominique Jeulin Andrej V. Cherkaev

The present book contains the proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Continuum Models and Discrete Systems (CMDS14) held in Paris in June 2023. It contains 21 contributions that cover a broad range of topics in the wide field of mechanics and physics of heterogeneous media for discrete and continuous systems, from image analysis to models of random structures and to homogenization. The sessions in the CMDS conference series cover, in particular, the modeling of complex heterogeneous systems and metamaterials, structures and composites with extreme properties, deformable solids with microstructures, generalized continua, fracture and defect dynamics, fatigue, design of structured and architectured materials, micro and nanostructures, thermodynamics, transport theory and multiphysics coupling and methods ranging from homogenization theories to optimal design and machine-learning frameworks. Papers in the present volume are organized according to the following six main topics: probabilistic models, homogenization, solid mechanics, architectured materials, optics and metamaterials, machine learning methods.

Continuum Thermodynamics and Constitutive Theory

by Christina Papenfuß

This book presents different thermodynamic approaches in the area of constitutive theory: thermodynamics of irreversible processes, rational thermodynamics, and extended thermodynamics. These different approaches are analyzed with respect to their presuppositions, as well as to their results, and each method is applied to several important examples. In many cases these examples are archetypes for numerous technologically important materials; i.e. complex materials having an internal structure. Some of the examples dealt with in this book are liquid crystals, colloid suspensions, ans fiber suspensions. The book well serves students and researchers who have basic knowledge in continuum mechanics and thermodynamics. It provides a systematic overview of the vast field of thermodynamic constitutive theory, beginning from a historical perspective and concluding with outstanding questions in recent research.

Contract Practice for Surveyors

by Simon Birchall J W Ramus

This book provides a detailed guide to the principles and practice of construction contracts. It is written for both students and professionals working in all branches of surveying and construction. Based around the JCT 05 Standard Building Contracts, it has been fully revised and updated to reflect the latest versions of these contracts. The book sets out clearly what should be done at each stage of the construction contract process. Each step is illustrated with examples of good practice making clear the role and responsibilities of the surveyor and how responsibilities are best delivered. This fourth edition of Contract Practice for Surveyors builds on the book's reputation for clarity and simplicity to provide the most accessible and useful introductory guide to construction contracts available today.

Contract Theory for Wireless Networks (Wireless Networks)

by Zhu Han Yanru Zhang

This book presents theoretical research between wireless communications, networking, and economics using the framework of contract theory. This work fills a void in the literature by closely combining contract theoretical approaches with wireless networks design problems. Topics covered include classification in contract theory, reward design, adverse selection, and moral hazard. The authors also explore incentive mechanisms for device-to-device communication in cellular networks, insurance plans for service assurance in cloud computing markets with incomplete information, multi-dimensional incentive mechanisms and tournament based incentive mechanisms in mobile crowdsourcing. Financial applications include financing contracts with adverse selection for spectrum trading in cognitive radio networks and complementary investment of infrastructure and service providers in wireless network visualization. This book offers a useful reference for engineers and researchers in the wireless communication community who seek to integrate the notions from contract theory and wireless engineering, while emphasizing on how contract theory can be applied in wireless networks. It is also suitable for advanced-level students studying information systems or communications engineering.

Contracting and Safety: Exploring Outsourcing Practices in High-Hazard Industries (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Jan Hayes Stéphanie Tillement

This open access book examines the increase in outsourcing, contracting and subcontracting as ways of organising work. It explores the impact of these employment arrangements on public safety, particularly when they are linked to complex supply networks in a range of engineering industries including oil and gas, nuclear power and aviation. The brief provides practical recommendations on how best to manage arrangements that target short-term profitability and also maintain excellence in long-term safety outcomes. The brief is a source of advice for organisations on how to maximise the benefits and minimise long-term system reliability issues that can be introduced by contracting and outsourcing, rather than assuming it to be a wholly negative or positive practice. Contracting and Safety comprises qualitative, empirical studies focusing on high-reliability organisation. As such, this brief provides a rich picture of the experience of working in complex supply chains. It will be of interest to researchers in industrial safety, as well as safety professionals and project managers within engineering industries.

Contractor Health and Safety Compliance for Small to Medium-Sized Construction Companies

by Zakari Mustapha Clinton Aigbavboa Wellington Thwala

This book explores the formation of small and medium-sized construction company's (SME) compliance with health and safety issues in developing countries. Little has been written about the formation of SME contractors' health and safety compliance for developing countries, especially, in the sub-sahara regions where construction and infrastructure development activities have significantly increased in order to serve the development mandate of those countries. Thus, this book will provides insight into construction safety for SMEs, as well as health and safety compliance, and its policy implementation trends and development.

Contractor Safety Management

by Gregory WiIIiam Smith

A Winner of the Educational Award by the World Safety OrganizationContractor safety management is often seen as nothing more than a subset of general safety management in that no special consideration needs to be given to understanding the difficulties of the contract environment. This leaves contractors endlessly juggling competing and someti

Contractors and War: The Transformation of US Expeditionary Operations

by Christopher Kinsey Malcolm Hugh Patterson

The U. S. military is no longer based on a Cold War self-sufficient model. Today's armed forces are a third smaller than they were during the Cold War, and yet are expected to do as much if not more than they did during those years. As a result, a transformation is occurring in the way the U. S. government expects the military to conduct operations-with much of that transformation contingent on the use of contractors to deliver support to the armed forces during military campaigns and afterwards. Contractors and Warexplains the reasons behind this transformation and evaluates how the private sector will shape and be shaped by future operations. The authors are drawn from a range of policy, legislative, military, legal, and academic backgrounds. They lay out the philosophical arguments supporting the use of contractors in combat and stabilization operations and present a spectrum of arguments that support and criticize emergent private sector roles. The book provides fresh policy guidance to those who will research, direct, and carry out future deployments.

A Contractor's Guide to Planning, Scheduling, and Control

by Len Holm

A MUST-HAVE, PRACTICAL GUIDE THAT CONNECTS SCHEDULING AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT In A Contractor’s Guide to Planning, Scheduling, and Control, an experienced construction professional delivers a unique and effective approach to the planning and scheduling responsibilities of a construction project manager, superintendent, or jobsite scheduler. The author describes the complete scheduling cycle, from preconstruction and scheduling through controls and closeout, from the perspective of real-world general contractors and scheduling professionals. Filled with tools and strategies that actually help contractors build projects, and light on academic jargon and terminology that’s not used in the field, the book includes examples of real craft workers and subcontractors, like electricians, carpenters, and drywallers, to highlight the concepts discussed within. Finally, an extensive appendix rounds out the book with references to additional resources for the reader. This comprehensive guide includes: Thorough introductions to construction contracting, lean construction planning, subcontractor management, and more A comprehensive exploration of a commercial case study that’s considered in each chapter, connecting critical topics with a consistent through line End-of-chapter review questions and applied exercises Access to a companion website that includes additional resources and, for instructors, solutions, additional case studies, sample estimates, and sample schedules Perfect for upper-level undergraduate students in construction management and construction engineering programs, A Contractor’s Guide to Planning, Scheduling, and Control is also an irreplaceable reference for general contractors and construction project ­management professionals.

Contracts for Engineers: Intellectual Property, Standards, and Ethics

by Robert D. Hunter

Engineers encounter different types of contracts at nearly every turn in their careers. Contracts for Engineers: Intellectual Property, Standards, and Ethics is a tool to enhance their ability to communicate contractual issues to lawyers—and then better understand the legal advice they receive. Building on its exploration of contracts, this book expands discussion to: Patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and other intellectual property issues Development of standards and the bodies that govern them, as well as conformity assessment and accreditation Ethics at both the micro and macro levels—a concept under major scrutiny after several major disasters, including the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the collapse of Boston’s Big Dig, and a coal-mining accident that resulted in many deaths With a brief introduction to common law contracts and their underlying principles, including basic examples, the book presents a sample of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) regarding the sale of goods. It evaluates elements of the different contracts that engineers commonly encounter, such as employee and associated consulting agreements and contracts involved in construction and government. Approaching intellectual property from a contract perspective, this reference focuses on the many different types of patents and their role in commerce. It touches on the application of trademarks and recent developments in the use of copyright as a form of contract and explains the process of obtaining patents, including the rationale for investing in them. Ethical standards receive special attention, which includes a review of several prominent professional codes of ethics and conduct for both organizations and individual engineers, particularly officers and higher-level managers.

Contractual Management: Managing Through Contracts

by Ralph Schuhmann Bert Eichhorn

The Concept Contractual Management offers a holistic approach to managerial decision-making based on contracts or business processes that are related to contracts. It explains management from the point of view of the contract, just as it interprets the contract from the point of view of management. Thus, the approach highlights the great inherent potential of contracts for managing companies, transactions and business relationships. The book addresses students as well as practitioners and gives insights into the usage of contracts to manage companies or relationships. It covers contract handling from preliminary deliberations to negotiations, implementation, and all the way to the evaluation of the contract within the company. Furthermore, it provides competencies to design and implement a contract and to organize the relevant processes. The Content In Part 1, the book explains the theoretical foundations of Contractual Management; in Part 2, the application of the approach is illustrated through case studies which cover various sectors, industries, company sizes, contract types, and management situations. Theory part: Contractual Management – A Holistic Approach to a Diverse Issue. Case study part: 11 case studies arranged according to specific contract-related topics: Information and Communication – Change – Enterprise Networks – Conflict – Accounting and Financing – Legal Compliance – Societal Steering. The Editors Professor Dr. Ralph Schuhmann: After holding a senior management position in industry, Ralph Schuhmann now teaches Business Law at Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule in Jena, Germany. He is the scientific director of the Contractual Management Institute at SRH Hochschule Berlin and has published various articles on contract law and contract management. Professor Dr. Bert Eichhorn: Before his appointment as professor for International Law and Business Law at SRH Hochschule Berlin, Bert Eichhorn worked as a legal consultant at the EU Parliament and as a lawyer. He has published numerous articles in national and international scientific journals in the area of contract management and international law. He is the managing director of the Contractual Management Institute at SRH Hochschule Berlin.

Contractual Procedures in the Construction Industry

by Allan Ashworth

Contractual Procedures in the Construction Industry aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject and reinforces the changes that are taking place within the construction industry, such as how it is organised and the way in which consultants, contractors, subcontractors and all of those involved in the supply chain obtain work. This book, now in its sixth edition, is an indispensible companion for students taking undergraduate courses in Building and Surveying, Quantity Surveying, Construction Management, and Project Management. It is also suitable for students on HND/C courses in Building and Construction Management as well as foundation degree courses in Building and Construction Management. New content includes: A new chapter has been added on Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and the Private Finance Initiative. A revised section of the book now deals with generic principles about the conditions of contracts, which can be applied to all forms of contract.

Contractual Procedures in the Construction Industry

by Srinath Perera Allan Ashworth

Contractual Procedures in the Construction Industry 7th edition aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject, and reinforces the changes that are taking place within the construction industry. The book looks at contract law within the context of construction contracts, it examines the different procurement routes that have evolved over time and the particular aspects relating to design and construction, lean methods of construction and the advantages and disadvantages of PFI/PPP and its variants. It covers the development of partnering, supply chain management, design and build and the way that the clients and professions have adapted to change in the procurement of buildings and engineering projects. This book is an indispensable companion for students taking undergraduate courses in Building and Surveying, Quantity Surveying, Construction Management and Project Management. It is also suitable for students on HND/C courses in Building and Construction Management as well as foundation degree courses in Building and Construction Management. Key features of the new edition include: A revised chapter covering the concept of value for money in line with the greater emphasis on added value throughout the industry today. A new chapter covering developments in information technology applications (building information modelling, blockchains, data analytics, smart contracts and others) and construction procurement. Deeper coverage of the strategies that need to be considered in respect of contract selection. Improved discussion of sustainability and the increasing importance of resilience in the built environment. Concise descriptions of some the more important construction case laws.

The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley's Pursuit of Power

by Max Chafkin

A biography of venture capitalist and entrepreneur Peter Thiel, the enigmatic, controversial, and hugely influential power broker who sits at the dynamic intersection of tech, business, and politics &“Max Chafkin&’s The Contrarian is much more than a consistently shocking biography of Peter Thiel, the most important investor in tech and a key supporter of the Donald Trump presidency. It&’s also a disturbing history of Silicon Valley that will make you reconsider the ideological foundations of America&’s relentless engine of creative destruction.&”—Brad Stone, author of The Everything Store and Amazon UnboundSince the days of the dot-com bubble in the late 1990s, no industry has made a greater impact on the world than Silicon Valley. And few individuals have done more to shape Silicon Valley than Peter Thiel. The billionaire venture capitalist and entrepreneur has been a behind-the-scenes operator influencing countless aspects of our contemporary way of life, from the technologies we use every day to the delicate power balance between Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and Washington. But despite his power and the ubiquity of his projects, no public figure is quite so mysterious.In the first major biography of Thiel, Max Chafkin traces the trajectory of the innovator's singular life and worldview, from his upbringing as the child of immigrant parents and years at Stanford as a burgeoning conservative thought leader to his founding of PayPal and Palantir, early investment in Facebook and SpaceX, and relationships with fellow tech titans Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Eric Schmidt. The Contrarian illuminates the extent to which Thiel has sought to export his values to the corridors of power beyond Silicon Valley, including funding the lawsuit that destroyed the blog Gawker and strenuously backing far-right political candidates, notably Donald Trump for president in 2016. Eye-opening and deeply reported, The Contrarian is a revelatory biography of a one-of-a-kind leader and an incisive portrait of a tech industry whose explosive growth and power is both thrilling and fraught with controversy.

The Contrary Forces of Innovation

by Thomas Hoholm

The complexity and tensions of industrial innovation processes are fleshed out through the analysis of an intriguing case study from the food industry. Drawing together insights from multiple disciplines, this book shows the controversial nature of innovation processes.

Contribución de los ingenieros de caminos catalanes al progreso de España

by Fernando Sáenz Ridruejo

Este libro atesora algunas de las aportaciones más importantes a la Ingeniería de Caminos de nuestro país y da a conocer a sus geniales artífices. «Las obras públicas son realidades muy complejas que pueden determinar la prosperidad o la ruina de comarcas enteras.» Las palabras de Sáenz Ridruejo quedan reflejadas en este elaborado compendio biográfico del que emana un gran respeto por la profesión y por los compañeros con quienes la comparte. Fruto de una rigurosa investigación, este libro llega de la mano del historiador de los ingenieros de Caminos por excelencia y aporta un detallado testimonio de las contribuciones catalanas al progreso de la casa y de la causa común, ingenios que han facilitado y que facilitan a diario nuestra movilidad, nuestra comodidad y, en definitiva, nuestras vidas.

The Contribution of Technology to Added Value

by António S.C Fernandes

There is a wide consensus that introduction of technology to the production process contributes to an overall economic value, however, confusion between technology, knowledge and capital often makes value calculations ambiguous and non-objective. The Contribution of Technology to Added Value addresses not only this issue of definition but also provides a production model to assess the value contribution of technology within the production process. A clarification of fundamental semantics provides a significant taxonomy for technology dependence, and allows understanding and modeling of how knowledge, technology and capital individually contribute to production and to value adding. A new technology dependence taxonomy is proposed and assessed following chapters explaining growth models, the KTC model and technology index values. Balancing theoretical knowledge with real-world data and applications The Contribution of Technology to Added Value clarifies the issue of value adding for a range of different viewpoints and purposes; from academic to industry and service across engineering, economics and management.

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