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Showing 14,751 through 14,775 of 71,561 results

Control System Fundamentals: Control System Fundamentals, Second Edition (Electrical Engineering Handbook Ser.)

by William S. Levine

Sifting through the variety of control systems applications can be a chore. Diverse and numerous technologies inspire applications ranging from float valves to microprocessors. Relevant to any system you might use, the highly adaptable Control System Fundamentals fills your need for a comprehensive treatment of the basic principles of control system engineering.This overview furnishes the underpinnings of modern control systems. Beginning with a review of the required mathematics, major subsections cover digital control and modeling. An international panel of experts discusses the specification of control systems, techniques for dealing with the most common and important control system nonlinearities, and digital implementation of control systems, with complete references. This framework yields a primary resource that is also capable of directing you to more detailed articles and books.This self-contained reference explores the universal aspects of control that you need for any application. Reliable, up-to-date, and versatile, Control System Fundamentals answers your basic control systems questions and acts as an ideal starting point for approaching any control problem.

Control System Problems: Formulas, Solutions, and Simulation Tools

by Anastasia Veloni Alex Palamides

Using a practical approach that includes only necessary theoretical background, this book focuses on applied problems that motivate readers and help them understand the concepts of automatic control. The text covers servomechanisms, hydraulics, thermal control, mechanical systems, and electric circuits. It explains the modeling process, introduces the problem solution, and discusses derived results. Presented solutions are based directly on math formulas, which are provided in extensive tables throughout the text. This enables readers to develop the ability to quickly solve practical problems on control systems.

Control Systems: Theory and Applications (Studies In Systems, Decision And Control Ser. #203)

by Vsevolod M. Kuntsevich Vyacheslav F. Gubarev Yuriy P. Kondratenko Dmitriy V. Lebedev Vitaliy P. Lysenko

In recent years, a considerable amount of effort has been devoted, both in industry and academia, towards the development of advanced methods of control theory with focus on its practical implementation in various fields of human activity such as space control, robotics, control applications in marine systems, control processes in agriculture and food production.Control Systems: Theory and Applications consists of selected best papers which were presented at XXIV International conference on automatic control “Automatics 2017” (September 13-15, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine) organized by Ukrainian Association on Automatic Control (National member organization of IFAC – International Federation on Automatic Control) and National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. More than 120 presentations where discussed at the conference, with participation of the scientists from the numerous countries. The book is divided into two main parts, a first on Theory of Automatic Control (5 chapters) and the second on Control Systems Applications (8 chapters). The selected chapters provide an overview of challenges in the area of control systems design, modeling, engineering and implementation and the approaches and techniques that relevant research groups within this area are employing to try to resolve these.This book on advanced methods of control theory and successful cases in the practical implementation is ideal for personnel in modern technological processes automation and SCADA systems, robotics, space and marine industries as well as academic staff and master/research students in computerized control systems, automatized and computer-integrated systems, electrical and mechanical engineering.

Control Systems: Classical, Modern, and AI-Based Approaches

by Jitendra R. Raol Ramakalyan Ayyagari

Control Systems: Classical, Modern, and AI-Based Approaches provides a broad and comprehensive study of the principles, mathematics, and applications for those studying basic control in mechanical, electrical, aerospace, and other engineering disciplines. The text builds a strong mathematical foundation of control theory of linear, nonlinear, optimal, model predictive, robust, digital, and adaptive control systems, and it addresses applications in several emerging areas, such as aircraft, electro-mechanical, and some nonengineering systems: DC motor control, steel beam thickness control, drum boiler, motional control system, chemical reactor, head-disk assembly, pitch control of an aircraft, yaw-damper control, helicopter control, and tidal power control. Decentralized control, game-theoretic control, and control of hybrid systems are discussed. Also, control systems based on artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms, termed as AI-based systems are studied and analyzed with applications such as auto-landing aircraft, industrial process control, active suspension system, fuzzy gain scheduling, PID control, and adaptive neuro control. Numerical coverage with MATLAB® is integrated, and numerous examples and exercises are included for each chapter. Associated MATLAB® code will be made available.

Control Systems: An Introduction

by Dr. D. Sundararajan

This textbook is designed for an introductory, one-semester course in Control Systems for undergraduates and graduates in various engineering departments, such as electrical, mechanical, aerospace, and civil. It is written to be concise, clear, and yet comprehensive to make it easier for the students to learn this important subject with high mathematical complexity. The author emphasizes the physical simulation of systems, making it easier for readers to understand system behavior. The popular MATLAB® software package is used for programming and simulation. Every new concept is explained with figures and examples for a clear understanding. The simple and clear style of presentation, along with comprehensive coverage, enables students to obtain a solid foundation in the subject and for use in practical applications.

Control Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics: Essays in Honor of Vladimir M. Veliov (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #687)

by Gustav Feichtinger Raimund M. Kovacevic Gernot Tragler

Since the days of Lev Pontryagin and his associates, the discipline of Optimal Control has enjoyed a tremendous upswing – not only in terms of its mathematical foundations, but also with regard to numerous fields of application, which have given rise to highly active research areas. Few scholars, however, have been able to make contributions to both the mathematical developments and the (socio-)economic applications; Vladimir Veliov is one of them. In the course of his scientific career, he has contributed highly influential research on mathematical aspects of Optimal Control Theory, as well as applications in Economics and Operations Research. One of the hallmarks of his research is its impressive breadth. This volume, published on the occasion of his 65th birthday, accurately reflects that diversity. The mathematical aspects covered include stability theory for difference inclusions, metric regularity, generalized duality theory, the Bolza problem from a functional analytic perspective, and fractional calculus. In turn, the book explores various applications of control theory, such as population dynamics, population economics, epidemiology, optimal growth theory, resource and energy economics, environmental management, and climate change. Further topics include optimal liquidity, dynamics of the firm, and wealth inequality.

Control Systems Engineering

by Norman S. Nise

Control Systems Engineering, 7th Edition has become the top selling text for this course. It takes a practical approach, presenting clear and complete explanations. Real world examples demonstrate the analysis and design process, while helpful skill assessment exercises, numerous in-chapter examples, review questions and problems reinforce key concepts. A new progressive problem, a solar energy parabolic trough collector, is featured at the end of each chapter. This edition also includes Hardware Interface Laboratory experiments for use on the MyDAQ platform from National Instruments. A tutorial for MyDAQ is included as Appendix D.

Control Systems Engineering

by Norman S. Nise

Highly regarded for its accessibility and focus on practical applications, Control Systems Engineering offers students a comprehensive introduction to the design and analysis of feedback systems that support modern technology. Going beyond theory and abstract mathematics to translate key concepts into physical control systems design, this text presents real-world case studies, challenging chapter questions, and detailed explanations with an emphasis on computer aided design. Abundant illustrations facilitate comprehension, with over 800 photos, diagrams, graphs, and tables designed to help students visualize complex concepts.

Control Systems for Power Electronics: A Practical Guide (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Mahesh Patil Pankaj Rodey

The scope of the book covers most of the aspects as a primer on power electronics starting from a simple diode bridge to a DC-DC convertor using PWM control. The thyristor-bridge and the mechanism of designing a closed loop system are discussed in chapter one, two and three. The concepts are applied in the fourth chapter as a case study for buck converter which uses MOSFETs as switching devices and the closed loop system is elaborated in the fifth chapter. Chapter six is focused on the embedded system basics and the implementation of controls in the digital domain. Chapter seven is a case study of application of an embedded control system for a DC motor. With this book, the reader will find it easy to work on the practical control systems with microcontroller implementation. The core intent of this book is to help gain an accelerated learning path to practical control system engineering and transform control theory to an implementable control system through electronics. Illustrations are provided for most of the examples with fundamental mathematics along with simulations of the systems with their respective equations and stability calculations.

The Control Systems Handbook: Control System Advanced Methods, Second Edition (ISSN)

by William S. Levine

At publication, The Control Handbook immediately became the definitive resource that engineers working with modern control systems required. Among its many accolades, that first edition was cited by the AAP as the Best Engineering Handbook of 1996. Now, 15 years later, William Levine has once again compiled the most comprehensive and authoritative resource on control engineering. He has fully reorganized the text to reflect the technical advances achieved since the last edition and has expanded its contents to include the multidisciplinary perspective that is making control engineering a critical component in so many fields. Now expanded from one to three volumes, The Control Handbook, Second Edition organizes cutting-edge contributions from more than 200 leading experts. The third volume, Control System Advanced Methods, includes design and analysis methods for MIMO linear and LTI systems, Kalman filters and observers, hybrid systems, and nonlinear systems. It also covers advanced considerations regarding — Stability Adaptive controls System identification Stochastic control Control of distributed parameter systems Networks and networked controls As with the first edition, the new edition not only stands as a record of accomplishment in control engineering but provides researchers with the means to make further advances. Progressively organized, the first two volumes in the set include: Control System Fundamentals Control System Applications

Control Systems in Textile Machines

by G. Nagarajan G. Ramakrishnan

This book details the mechanics of textile machines and covers the fundamental concepts and advanced applications of their control systems. It presents conceptual information, discusses practical equipment, and analyses the machines used in various stages of the spinning process.Print edition not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan or Bhutan)

Control Techniques for LCL-Type Grid-Connected Inverters (CPSS Power Electronics Series)

by Xinbo Ruan Xuehua Wang Donghua Pan Dongsheng Yang Weiwei Li Chenlei Bao

This book focuses on control techniques for LCL-type grid-connected inverters to improve system stability, control performance and suppression ability of grid current harmonics. Combining a detailed theoretical analysis with design examples and experimental validations, the book offers an essential reference guide for graduate students and researchers in power electronics, as well as engineers engaged in developing grid-connected inverters for renewable energy generation systems.

Control Techniques for Power Converters with Integrated Circuit (Power Systems)

by Wen-Wei Chen Jiann-Fuh Chen

This book offers an overview of power electronic applications in the study of power integrated circuit (IC) design, collecting novel research ideas and insights into fast transient response to prevent the output voltage from dropping significantly at the undershoot. It also discusses techniques and training to save energy and increase load efficiency, as well as fast transient response and high efficiency, which are the most important factors for consumer products that implement power IC. Lastly, the book focuses on power electronics for system loop analysis and optimal compensation design to help users and engineers implement their applications. The book is a valuable resource for university researchers, power IC R&D engineers, application engineers and graduate students in power electronics who wish to learn about the power IC design principles, methods, system behavior, and applications in consumer products.

Control Theory

by null Torkel Glad null Lennart Ljung

This is a textbook designed for an advanced course in control theory. Currently most textbooks on the subject either looks at "multivariate" systems or "non-linear" systems. However, Control Theory is the only textbook available that covers both. It explains current developments in these two types of control techniques, and looks at tools for computer-aided design, for example Matlab and its toolboxes. To make full use of computer design tools, a good understanding of their theoretical basis is necessary, and to enable this, the book presents relevant mathematics clearly and simply. The practical limits of control systems are explored, and the relevance of these to control design are discussed. Control Theory is an ideal textbook for final-year undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and the student will be helped by a series of exercises at the end of each chapter. Professional engineers will also welcome it as a core reference.

The Control Theory and Application for Well Pattern Optimization of Heterogeneous Sandstone Reservoirs

by Dehua Liu Jing Sun

The book is focused primarily on characteristics and determinative methods of reservoir orientation, the concept of vector well pattern and corresponding realistic techniques of well pattern deployment, well pattern control principles, Optimum design of well pattern based on the reservoir direction characteristics, and the schemes of well spacing density regulation at different stages of development. The procedures for improving water flooding efficiency have been provided. This book is suitable for reservoir engineering managers, reservoir engineers, and students of petroleum engineering.

Control Theory Applications for Dynamic Production Systems: Time and Frequency Methods for Analysis and Design

by Neil A. Duffie

Control Theory Applications for Dynamic Production Systems Apply the fundamental tools of linear control theory to model, analyze, design, and understand the behavior of dynamic production systems In Control Theory Applications for Dynamic Production Systems: Time and Frequency Methods for Analysis and Design, distinguished manufacturing engineer Dr. Neil A. Duffie delivers a comprehensive explanation of how core concepts of control theorical analysis and design can be applied to production systems. Time-based perspectives on response to turbulence are augmented by frequency-based perspectives, fostering new understanding and guiding design of decision-making. The time delays intrinsic to decision making and decision implementation in production systems are addressed throughout. Readers will discover methods for calculating time response and frequency response, modeling using transfer functions, assessing stability, and design of decision making for closed-loop production systems. The author has included real-world examples emphasizing the different components of production systems and illustrating how practical results can be quickly obtained using straightforward Matlab programs (which can easily be translated to other platforms). Avoiding unnecessary theoretical jargon, this book fosters an in-depth understanding of key tools of control system engineering. It offers: A thorough introduction to core control theoretical concepts of analysis and design of dynamic production systems Comprehensive and integrated explorations of continuous-time and discrete-time models of production systems, employing transfer functions and block diagrams Practical discussions of time response, frequency response, fundamental dynamic behavior, closed-loop production systems, and the design of decision-making In-depth examples of the analysis and design of complex dynamic behavior requiring approaches such as matrices of transfer functions and modeling of multiple sampling rates Perfect for production, manufacturing, industrial, and control system engineers, Control Theory Applications for Dynamic Production Systems will also earn a place in the libraries of students taking advanced courses on industrial system digitalization, dynamics, and design.

Control Theory for Engineers: A Primer (Environmental Science And Engineering / Environmental Engineering Ser.)

by Brigitte D'Andréa-Novel Michel De Lara

Control Theory is at the heart of information and communication technologies of complex systems. It can contribute to meeting the energy and environmental challenges we are facing. The textbook is organized in the way an engineer classically proceeds to solve a control problem, that is, elaboration of a mathematical model capturing the process behavior, analysis of this model and design of a control to achieve the desired objectives. It is divided into three Parts. The first part of the text addresses modeling aspects through state space and input-output representations. The notion of the internal state of a system (for example mechanical, thermal or electrical), as well as its description using a finite number of variables, is also emphasized. The second part is devoted to the stability analysis of an equilibrium point. The authors present classical tools for stability analysis, such as linearization techniques and Lyapunov functions. Central to Control Theory are the notions of feedback and of closed-loop, and the third part of the textbook describes the linear control synthesis in a continuous and discrete-time framework and also in a probabilistic context. Quadratic optimization and Kalman filtering are presented, as well as the polynomial representation, a convenient approach to reject perturbations on the system without making the control law more complex. Throughout the text, different examples are developed, both in the chapters and in the exercises.

Control Theory for Humans: Quantitative Approaches To Modeling Performance

by Richard J. Jagacinski John M. Flach

This textbook provides a tutorial introduction to behavioral applications of control theory. Control theory describes the information one should be sensitive to and the pattern of influence that one should exert on a dynamic system in order to achieve a goal. As such, it is applicable to various forms of dynamic behavior. The book primarily deals with manual control (e.g., moving the cursor on a computer screen, lifting an object, hitting a ball, driving a car), both as a substantive area of study and as a useful perspective for approaching control theory. It is the experience of the authors that by imagining themselves as part of a manual control system, students are better able to learn numerous concepts in this field. Topics include varieties of control theory, such as classical, optimal, fuzzy, adaptive, and learning control, as well as perception and decision making in dynamic contexts. The authors also discuss implications of control theory for how experiments can be conducted in the behavioral sciences. In each of these areas they have provided brief essays intended to convey key concepts that enable the reader to more easily pursue additional readings. Behavioral scientists teaching control courses will be very interested in this book.

Control Theory for Practical Applications: With MATLAB Demonstration Programs

by Hao Li

This book enables readers to acquire a fundamental knowledge of control theory on classical control, modern control, and advanced control, including representative control methods. From the pedagogic perspective, the author intends that this book helps students to develop an ability to flexibly apply control theory to solve practical engineering problems. In this sense, this book is also a professional reference for engineers dedicated to automation and system control. This book attaches importance to clarification of how control theory stems from practical applications and emphasizes the dialectic relationship between control theory and practical applications, enabling readers not only to “know how” for practice, but also to “know why” in terms of mathematical essence. Besides, this book provides plenty of original simulation code scripts (in MATLAB) that are complete, interesting, easy for practice, and of application values for engineering activities.

Control Theory Tutorial: Basic Concepts Illustrated by Software Examples (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Steven A. Frank

This open access Brief introduces the basic principles of control theory in a concise self-study guide. It complements the classic texts by emphasizing the simple conceptual unity of the subject. A novice can quickly see how and why the different parts fit together. The concepts build slowly and naturally one after another, until the reader soon has a view of the whole. Each concept is illustrated by detailed examples and graphics. The full software code for each example is available, providing the basis for experimenting with various assumptions, learning how to write programs for control analysis, and setting the stage for future research projects. The topics focus on robustness, design trade-offs, and optimality. Most of the book develops classical linear theory. The last part of the book considers robustness with respect to nonlinearity and explicitly nonlinear extensions, as well as advanced topics such as adaptive control and model predictive control. New students, as well as scientists from other backgrounds who want a concise and easy-to-grasp coverage of control theory, will benefit from the emphasis on concepts and broad understanding of the various approaches.

Control Valve Primer: A User's Guide

by Hans D. Baumann

Includes insights on valve sizing, smart (digital) valve positioners, field-based architecture, network system technology, and control loop performance evaluation. Hans Baumann, a holder of more than 150 patents, and author of over a hundred publications in control valve technology, shares his expertise on designing control loops and selecting final control elements. The easy-to-read text provides shortcuts through complex sizing and noise calculation formulas including for liquids and cavitation, and gives practical advice on how to apply control valves for safety, reduced energy costs, loop stability, and easy maintenance.

Controllability and Minimum Energy Control (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #162)

by Jerzy Klamka

The book offers a comprehensive overview of controllability problems and minimum energy control for broad classes of dynamical systems, including linear, semilinear and nonlinear systems, which are important for modeling systems in automatic control, electrical engineering, mechanics and informatics. It develops the theory of controllability for both finite and infinite dimensional dynamical systems described by differential state equation, and studies in detail functional analysis and matrix algebra, which provide essential and effective tools for the new solutions of a number of important controllability problems. The theoretical results are illustrated by examples throughout the book. Primarily intended for academic researchers working in mathematical control theory, the self-contained text is easily accessible and particularly interesting for control engineering and applied mathematics graduates.

Controllability and Stabilization of Parabolic Equations (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications #90)

by Viorel Barbu

This monograph presents controllability and stabilization methods in control theory that solve parabolic boundary value problems. Starting from foundational questions on Carleman inequalities for linear parabolic equations, the author addresses the controllability of parabolic equations on a variety of domains and the spectral decomposition technique for representing them. This method is, in fact, designed for use in a wider class of parabolic systems that include the heat and diffusion equations. Later chapters develop another process that employs stabilizing feedback controllers with a finite number of unstable modes, with special attention given to its use in the boundary stabilization of Navier–Stokes equations for the motion of viscous fluid. In turn, these applied methods are used to explore related topics like the exact controllability of stochastic parabolic equations with linear multiplicative noise. Intended for graduate students and researchers working on control problems involving nonlinear differential equations, Controllability and Stabilization of Parabolic Equations is the distillation of years of lectures and research. With a minimum of preliminaries, the book leaps into its applications for control theory with both concrete examples and accessible solutions to problems in stabilization and controllability that are still areas of current research.

Controllability, Identification, and Randomness in Distributed Systems (Springer Theses)

by Marzieh Nabi-Abdolyousefi

This interdisciplinary thesis involves the design and analysis of coordination algorithms on networks, identification of dynamic networks and estimation on networks with random geometries with implications for networks that support the operation of dynamic systems, e. g. , formations of robotic vehicles, distributed estimation via sensor networks. The results have ramifications for fault detection and isolation of large-scale networked systems and optimization models and algorithms for next generation aircraft power systems. The author finds novel applications of the methodology in energy systems, such as residential and industrial smart energy management systems.

Controllability of Singularly Perturbed Linear Time Delay Systems (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications)

by Valery Y. Glizer

This monograph provides a comprehensive analysis of the control of singularly perturbed time delay systems. Expanding on the author’s previous work on controllability of linear systems with delays in the state and control variables, this volume’s comprehensive coverage makes it a valuable addition to the field. Each chapter is self-contained, allowing readers to study them independently or in succession.After a brief introduction, the book systematically examines properties of different classes of singularly perturbed time delay systems, including linear time-dependent systems with multiple point-wise and distributed state delays. The author then considers more general singularly perturbed systems with state and control delays. Euclidean space controllability for all of these systems is also discussed, using numerous examples from real-life models throughout the text to illustrate the results presented. More technically complicated proofs are presented in separate subsections. The final chapter includes a section dedicated to non-linear time delay systems.This book is ideal for researchers, engineers, and graduate students in systems science and control theory. Other applied mathematicians and researchers working in biology and medicine will also find this volume to be a valuable resource.

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