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Controlling Synchronization Patterns in Complex Networks (Springer Theses)
by Judith LehnertThis research aims to achieve a fundamental understanding of synchronization and its interplay with the topology of complex networks. Synchronization is a ubiquitous phenomenon observed in different contexts in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and engineering. Most prominently, synchronization takes place in the brain, where it is associated with several cognitive capacities but is - in abundance - a characteristic of neurological diseases. Besides zero-lag synchrony, group and cluster states are considered, enabling a description and study of complex synchronization patterns within the presented theory. Adaptive control methods are developed, which allow the control of synchronization in scenarios where parameters drift or are unknown. These methods are, therefore, of particular interest for experimental setups or technological applications. The theoretical framework is demonstrated on generic models, coupled chemical oscillators and several detailed examples of neural networks.
Controlling the Morphology of Polymers: Multiple Scales of Structure and Processing
by Geoffrey R. Mitchell Ana TojeiraThis book focuses on controlling morphology of different scales for polymers. The authors explain the need for successful control of morphology to yield target macroscopic physical properties in the application of polymers to diverse areas such as engineering materials, nanodielectrics and photonic crystals. The book combines specialized chapters with an introduction to the morphology of polymers and the range of experimental techniques available to evaluate it.
Controlo 2016: Proceedings of the 12th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #402)
by Paulo Garrido Filomena Soares António Paulo MoreiraThe biennial CONTROLO conferences are the main events promoted by The CONTROLO 2016 12th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Guimaraes, Portugal, September 14th to 16th, was organized by Algoritmi, School of Engineering, University of Minho, in partnership with INESC TEC, and promoted by the Portuguese Association for Automatic Control APCA, national member organization of the International Federation of Automatic Control IFAC. The seventy-five papers published in this volume cover a wide range of topics. Thirty-one of them, of a more theoretical nature, are distributed among the first five parts: Control Theory; Optimal and Predictive Control; Fuzzy, Neural and Genetic Control; Modeling and Identification; Sensing and Estimation. The papers go from cutting-edge theoretical research to innovative control applications and show expressively how Automatic Control can be used to increase the well being of people. "
CONTROLO 2020: Proceedings of the 14th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing, July 1-3, 2020, Bragança, Portugal (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #695)
by João Paulo Coelho José Alexandre Gonçalves Manuel Braz-CésarThis book offers a timely and comprehensive snapshot of research and developments in the field of control engineering. Covering a wide range of theoretical and practical issues, the contributions describes a number of different control approaches, such adaptive control, fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy control, remote and robust control systems, real time an fault tolerant control, among others. Sensors and actuators, measurement systems, renewable energy systems, aerospace systems as well as industrial control and automation, are also comprehensively covered. Based on the proceedings of the 14th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing, held on July 1-3, 2020, in Bragança, Portugal, the book offers a timely and thoroughly survey of the latest research in the field of control, and a source of inspiration for researchers and professionals worldwide.
CONTROLO 2022: Proceedings of the 15th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing, July 6-8, 2022, Caparica, Portugal (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #930)
by Luís Brito Palma Rui Neves-Silva Luís GomesThis book offers a timely and comprehensive snapshot of research and developments in the fields of dynamic systems and control engineering. Covering a wide range of theoretical and practical issues, the contributions describes a number of different control approaches, such as PID control, adaptive control, nonlinear systems and control, intelligent monitoring and control based on fuzzy and neural systems, robust control systems, and real time control, among others. Sensors and actuators, measurement systems, renewable energy systems, aeronautic and aerospace systems as well as industrial control and automation, are also comprehensively covered. Based on the proceedings of the 15th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing, held on July 6-8, 2022, in Caparica, Portugal, the book offers a timely and thoroughly survey of the latest research in the fields of dynamic systems and automatic control engineering, and a source of inspiration for researchers and professionals worldwide.
Controls and Art: Inquiries at the Intersection of the Subjective and the Objective
by Magnus Egerstedt Amy LaviersDancing humanoids, robotic art installations, and music generated by mathematically precise methods are no longer science fiction; in fact they are the subject of this book. This first-of-its-kind anthology assembles technical research that makes such creations possible. In order to mechanize something as enigmatic and personal as dance, researchers must delve deeply into two distinct academic disciplines: control theory and art. Broadly, this research uses techniques from the world of art to inspire methods in control, enables artistic endeavours using advanced control theory and aids in the analysis of art using metrics devised by a systems theoretic approach. To ensure that artistic influences are well represented, the individual chapters are focused so that they relate their contribution to the arts meaningfully and explicitly. Specially composed introductions set up the contributions either in terms of inspiration by artistic principles or their contribution to the arts through new analysis tools. To facilitate this, the majority of the chapters are authored jointly by experts in control theory and by artists, including dancers, choreographers, puppeteers and painters. Connections between controls and art then permeate the text so that these important relationships play a central role in the book. Controls and Art surveys current projects in this area--including a disco dancing robot, a reactive museum exhibit and otherworldly music--and illuminates open problems and topics for research in this emerging interdisciplinary field. It will draw attention both from experts in robotics and control interested in developing the artistic side of their creations and from academics studying dance, theater, music and the visual arts with an interest in avant-garde means of production.
Controls and Automation for Facilities Managers: Efficient DDC Systems Implementation
by Viktor BoedThe first-ever complete guide to project management for facilities managers covers: how to write specifications, evaluate bids, and solve problems; all control and automation systems for new and retrofit buildings; cost-effective, energy-efficient solutions for all HVAC systems; and has complete coverage of single-building systems as well as multibuilding complexes.
Controversial Encounters in the Age of Algorithms: How Digital Technologies are Stifling Public Debate and What to Do About It
by Sine N. JustHow can we have meaningful public conversations in the algorithmic age? This book explores how digital technologies shape our opinions and interactions, often in ways that limit our exposure to diverse perspectives and fuel polarization. Drawing on the ancient art of arguing all sides of a case, the book offers a way to revive public debate as a source of trust and legitimacy in democratic societies. This is a timely and urgent book for anyone who cares about the future of democracy in the digital era.
Convection in Ferro-Nanofluids: Physical Mechanisms, Flow Patterns, and Heat Transfer (Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics #40)
by Aleksandra A. Bozhko Sergey A. SuslovThis book covers the experimental and theoretical study of convection in non-isothermal ferro-nanofluids (FNFs). Since FNFs are not transparent and magnetic fields are very sensitive to the shape of the boundary between magnetic and nonmagnetic media, special flow visualization techniques based on the use of thermo-sensitive liquid crystal films, infrared cameras, as well as local and integral temperature sensors are discussed in the book. This book considers several major configurations of convective chambers and the applied magnetic field. For each of them, the stability boundaries are determined theoretically and experimentally. The physical types of dominant instabilities and the characteristics of their interactions are subsequently established using linear and weakly non-linear hydrodynamic stability analyses and elements of bifurcation theory. The book also discusses the potential of using magnetically controlled ferro-nanofluids as a heat carrier in situations where heat removal by natural convection is not possible due to the lack of gravity (orbital stations) or extreme confinement (microelectronics). Researchers and practitioners working in the areas of fluid mechanics, hydrodynamic stability, and heat and mass transfer will benefit from this book.
Convection in Porous Media
by Adrian Bejan Donald A. NieldConvection in Porous Media, 4th Edition, provides a user-friendly introduction to the subject, covering a wide range of topics, such as fibrous insulation, geological strata, and catalytic reactors. The presentation is self-contained, requiring only routine mathematics and the basic elements of fluid mechanics and heat transfer. The book will be of use not only to researchers and practicing engineers as a review and reference, but also to graduate students and others entering the field. The new edition features approximately 1,750 new references and covers current research in nanofluids, cellular porous materials, strong heterogeneity, pulsating flow, and more.
Convection in Porous Media
by Donald A. Nield Adrian BejanThis updated edition of a widely admired text provides a user-friendly introduction to the field that requires only routine mathematics. The book starts with the elements of fluid mechanics and heat transfer, and covers a wide range of applications from fibrous insulation and catalytic reactors to geological strata, nuclear waste disposal, geothermal reservoirs, and the storage of heat-generating materials. As the standard reference in the field, this book will be essential to researchers and practicing engineers, while remaining an accessible introduction for graduate students and others entering the field. The new edition features 2700 new references covering a number of rapidly expanding fields, including the heat transfer properties of nanofluids and applications involving local thermal non-equilibrium and microfluidic effects.
Convective Flow and Heat Transfer from Wavy Surfaces: Viscous Fluids, Porous Media, and Nanofluids
by Aroon Shenoy Mikhail Sheremet Ioan PopConvective Flow and Heat Transfer from Wavy Surfaces: Viscous Fluids, Porous Media, and Nanofluids addresses the wavy irregular surfaces in heat transfer devices. Fluid flow and heat transfer studies from wavy surfaces have received attention, since they add complexity and require special mathematical techniques. This book considers the flow and heat transfer characteristics from wavy surfaces, providing an understanding of convective behavioral changes.
Convective Flow Boiling
by John C. ChenThis book comprises selected papers from the First International Conference on Convective Flow Boiling. The purpose of the conference is to examine state-of-science and recent developments in technology of flow boiling, i.e., boiling systems which are affected by convective flows.
Convective Heat and Mass Transfer (Heat Transfer)
by S. Mostafa GhiaasiaanConvective Heat and Mass Transfer, Second Edition, is ideal for the graduate level study of convection heat and mass transfer, with coverage of well-established theory and practice as well as trending topics, such as nanoscale heat transfer and CFD. It is appropriate for both Mechanical and Chemical Engineering courses/modules.
Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Rotating Disk Systems (Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics #45)
by Igor V. ShevchukThe book describes results of investigations of a series of convective heat and mass transfer problems in rotating-disk systems, namely, over free rotating disks, under conditions of transient heat transfer, solid- body rotation of fluid, orthogonal flow impingement onto a disk, swirl radial flow between parallel co-rotating disks, in cone-disk systems and for Prandtl and Schmidt numbers larger than unity. Methodology used included integral methods, self-similar and approximate analytical solutions, as well as CFD. The book is aimed at the professional audience of academic researchers, industrial R&D engineers, university lecturers and graduate/postgraduate students working in the area of rotating-disk systems.
Convective Heat Transfer From Rotating Disks Subjected To Streams Of Air (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Stefan aus der Wiesche Christian HelcigThis Brief describes systematically results of research studies on a series of convective heat transfer phenomena from rotating disks in air crossflow. Phenomena described in this volume were investigated experimentally using an electrically heated disk placed in the test section of a wind tunnel. The authors describe findings in which transitions between different heat transfer regimes can occur in dependency on the involved Reynolds numbers and the angle of incidence, and that these transitions could be related to phenomenological Landau and Landau-de Gennes models. The concise volume closes a substantial gap in the scientific literature with respect to flow and heat transfer in rotating disk systems and provides a comprehensive presentation of new and recent results not previously published in book form.
Convective Heat Transfer in Porous Media (Energy Systems)
by Yasser Mahmoudi Kamel Hooman Kambiz VafaiFocusing on heat transfer in porous media, this book covers recent advances in nano and macro’ scales. Apart from introducing heat flux bifurcation and splitting within porous media, it highlights two-phase flow, nanofluids, wicking, and convection in bi-disperse porous media. New methods in modeling heat and transport in porous media, such as pore-scale analysis and Lattice–Boltzmann methods, are introduced. The book covers related engineering applications, such as enhanced geothermal systems, porous burners, solar systems, transpiration cooling in aerospace, heat transfer enhancement and electronic cooling, drying and soil evaporation, foam heat exchangers, and polymer-electrolyte fuel cells.
Convention on International Civil Aviation: A Commentary
by Ruwantissa AbeyratneThis book is both a repertory guide to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) as well as a legal analysis of the provisions of the treaty. It traces action taken by the ICAO Assembly and the Council in the implementation of the Convention from the first ICAO Assembly in 1947 until 2012. Above all, the book offers a commentary on the functional and moral fabric of the Chicago Convention, which is not only a multilateral legal instrument that sets out basic principles of air navigation and air transport, but also serves as a moral compass that brings the people of the world together. The teleological nature of the Chicago Convention is reflected from the outset - from its Preamble which sets the tone and philosophy of the Convention - that aviation builds friendship and understanding among all people, to its technical provisions that range from rules of the air to landing at airports and customs and immigration procedures. The book effectively demonstrates the Aristotelian principle - that rules make people good by forming habits in them. Standardization, or in other words, compliance, is the driver of the Convention that keeps aviation safe, regular, efficient and economical. To that end, this book traces and details the sustained relevance of the Chicago Convention and the efforts of ICAO and the international aviation community towards keeping air transport on track and ready for its future exponential growth, both in letter and in spirit.
Conventional and Advanced Food Processing Technologies
by Suvendu BhattacharyaFood processing technologies are an essential link in the food chain. These technologies are many and varied, changing in popularity with changing consumption patterns and product popularity. Newer process technologies are also being evolved to provide the added advantages. Conventional and Advanced Food Processing Technologies fuses the practical (application, machinery), theoretical (model, equation) and cutting-edge (recent trends), making it ideal for industrial, academic and reference use. It consists of two sections, one covering conventional or well-established existing processes and the other covering emerging or novel process technologies that are expected to be employed in the near future for the processing of foods in the commercial sector. All are examined in great detail, considering their current and future applications with added examples and the very latest data. Conventional and Advanced Food Processing Technologies is a comprehensive treatment of the current state of knowledge on food processing technology. In its extensive coverage, and the selection of reputed research scientists who have contributed to each topic, this book will be a definitive text in this field for students, food professionals and researchers.
Conventional and Alternative Power Generation: Thermodynamics, Mitigation and Sustainability
by Neil Packer Tarik Al-ShemmeriA much-needed, up-to-date guide on conventional and alternative power generation This book goes beyond the traditional methods of power generation. It introduces the many recent innovations on the production of electricity and the way they play a major role in combating global warming and improving the efficiency of generation. It contains a strong analytical approach to underpin the theory of power plants—for those using conventional fuels, as well as those using renewable fuels—and looks at the problems from a unique environmental engineering perspective. The book also includes numerous worked examples and case studies to demonstrate the working principles of these systems. Conventional and Alternative Power Generation: Thermodynamics, Mitigation and Sustainability is divided into 8 chapters that comprehensively cover: thermodynamic systems; vapor power cycles, gas power cycles, combustion; control of particulates; carbon capture and storage; air pollution dispersal; and renewable energy and power plants. Features an abundance of worked examples and tutorials Examines the problems of generating power from an environmental engineering perspective Includes all of the latest information, technology, theories, and principles on power generation Conventional and Alternative Power Generation: Thermodynamics, Mitigation and Sustainability is an ideal text for courses on mechanical, chemical, and electrical engineering.
Conventional and Contemporary Practices of Plant Breeding
by Patrick O. Ayiecho Julius O. NyabundiThis book covers some established conventional and recent advances in plant breeding methods. It highlights and treats in detail some breeding strategies not adequately handled or usually ignored in many plant breeding texts. There is in-depth coverage of plant resistance mechanisms to various stress factors and application of phenotyping, genotyping, bioinformatics, molecular markers, ‘omics’ technologies, biotechnology, transgenesis and gene editing in crop improvement. Topics like germplasm conservation, plant sex expression and pollination control, recurrent selection methods, interspecific hybridisation, pre-breeding, chromosome manipulation and breeding for resistance to diseases and insect pests are comprehensively covered. The book gives special attention to some problems that affect food security in developing countries, e.g., parasitic weeds and drought and heat stress. Breeding for resistance to parasitic weeds like Striga, broomrapes and Cascuta is always ignored in most plant breeding texts. Where applicable, problems and challenges associated with some breeding strategies are highlighted and possible solutions proposed. The text is rich in relevant examples for various topics. The book is suitable for teaching of plant breeding at the university level and is also beneficial to practising plant breeders. It brings together some relevant work and literary information that is useful to university lecturers, students and practising plant breeders. The book targets university students in agricultural and plant sciences, particularly those taking plant breeding as a key unit/course.
Conventional and Powder Mixed Electro-Discharge Machining: Biomedical Applications (Advances in Design, Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainability)
by Abdul-Rani, Ahmad Majdi Masdi Muhammad Rao, T V V L N Saeed Rubaiee Anas Ahmed Mohd DanishThis book presents the evolution of the electro-discharge machining (EDM) process from conventional EDM to powder mixed EDM with emphases on biomedical applications. It discusses the theory behind each process and their applications in the field of biomedical research, and presents a brief background to various EDM processes, current research challenges, and detailed case studies of powder mixed EDM of various materials. It also includes a state-of-the-art review of the EDM process.Features: Focuses on biomedical implant and device manufacturing using commercialization of powder mixed electro-discharge machining (PM-EDM) technology Discusses surface modification of biomaterials through the PM-EDM process Reviews processing of the metallic biomaterials for biomedical applications Explores optimization of the process factors for achieving optimal responses using NSGA-II Includes comprehensive mechanism and application details of the PM-EDM process This book is aimed at graduate students and researchers in manufacturing, production, materials, and biomedical engineering.
Conventional Flowmeters: Volume II
by Jesse YoderConventional Flowmeters covers origin, principle of operation, development, advantages and disadvantages, applications, and frontiers of research for conventional technology flowmeters, which include differential pressure and primary elements, positive displacement, turbine, open channel, and variable area. There are more conventional technology meters being used in the field than new-technology meters. New developments, such as more accurate pressure transmitters, new primary elements such as cone elements, reversible flow, and dual rotor turbine meters, and variable area meters with transmitters and a signal output, are discussed. Features: Offers a working knowledge of the origin and development of the more traditional technology flowmeters: differential pressure and primary elements, positive displacement, turbine, open channel, and variable area Describes how these conventional meters still fit into what is being called Industry 4.0 Discusses the advantages and disadvantages of conventional technology meters and provides a rationale for retaining or replacing these meters Focuses on the origin, development operating principles, and applications for the meters Explores the development of each conventional flowmeter type, including the roles of companies such as Siemens, ABB, Emerson, Foxboro, KROHNE, and Endress+Hauser This book is designed for anyone involved with flowmeters and instrumentation, including product and marketing managers, strategic planners, application engineers, and distributors.
Conventional Three-Phase Fixed-Bed Technologies: Analysis and Critique (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology #7)
by Leonid B. DatsevichThis book analyzes conventional fixed-bed reactors such as trickle-bed, bubble (packed) column, and multitubular reactors with regard to process efficiency, design and safety. It is shown that these reactors do not possess any substantial potential for improving industrial processes. Modern concepts in mass transfer, kinetics and process design are applied to process development. In light of the given analysis, new approaches to the development of technologies based on innovative principles are elucidated. For the first time, first-hand knowledge about Two-Zone Model, Oscillation Theory, map of the energy dissipation is presented in full.
Conventional Water Resources and Agriculture in Egypt (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry #74)
by Abdelazim M. NegmThis unique volume focuses on Egypt’s conventional water resources and the main water consumer: Egypt’s agriculture. It provides an up-to-date overview and the latest research findings, and covers the following main topics: · History of irrigation and irrigation projects · Key features of agriculture, the administrative and legal framework in Egypt · Land resources for agriculture development · Food insecurity due to water shortages and climate change; resulting challenges and opportunities · Assessment of water resources for irrigation and drinking purposes · Impacts of upstream dams, such as the GERD and Tekeze Dam, on Egypt’s water resources and crop yield · Sustainable use of water resources and the future of mega irrigation projects · Quantity and quality of water in Egypt’s water resources bank This book and the companion volume Unconventional Water Resources and Agriculture in Egypt offer invaluable reference guides for postgraduates, researchers, professionals, environmental managers and policymakers interested in water resources and their management worldwide.