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Showing 14,851 through 14,875 of 68,686 results

Crop Rotation: An Approach to Secure Future Food

by Tahany Noreldin Abd El-Hafeez Zohry Samiha Ouda

This book tackles the issue of using crop rotation to increase food production and secure it for the growing population of the future. Crop rotation can be a solution of food gaps in the developing counties. Crop rotation plays an important role in attaining soil sustainability and in controlling pests and weeds. It can alleviate damage caused by climate change by reducing losses in productivity of the crops, minimizing soil fertility loss and increase irrigation water productivity. This book also includes the reviews of a large number of crop rotations that have been published internationally, and additionally, the crop rotations that have been implemented in Egypt have a unique characteristic to them and therefore, a large number of those reviews have also been included.

Crop Rotation and Cover Cropping

by Seth Kroeck

Part of the NOFA guides. Covers:-Historical roots of cover crop techniques-Thinking beyond this season's cash crop (disease and pest reduction, weed suppression, cash vs. cover crops)-What is a good rotation? (mapping the farm, grouping crops, sample groupings)-The economics of rotations and cover cropping (organizing your work, reducing labor inputs, land and cover-crop seed costs)Including on-farm examples and detailed appendices.

Crop Stress and its Management: Perspectives And Strategies

by Chitra Shanker B. Venkateswarlu Arun K. Shanker M. Maheswari

Crops experience an assortment of environmental stresses which include abiotic viz., drought, water logging, salinity, extremes of temperature, high variability in radiation, subtle but perceptible changes in atmospheric gases and biotic viz., insects, birds, other pests, weeds, pathogens (viruses and other microbes). The ability to tolerate or adapt and overwinter by effectively countering these stresses is a very multifaceted phenomenon. In addition, the inability to do so which renders the crops susceptible is again the result of various exogenous and endogenous interactions in the ecosystem. Both biotic and abiotic stresses occur at various stages of plant development and frequently more than one stress concurrently affects the crop. Stresses result in both universal and definite effects on plant growth and development. One of the imposing tasks for the crop researchers globally is to distinguish and to diminish effects of these stress factors on the performance of crop plants, especially with respect to yield and quality of harvested products. This is of special significance in view of the impending climate change, with complex consequences for economically profitable and ecologically and environmentally sound global agriculture. The challenge at the hands of the crop scientist in such a scenario is to promote a competitive and multifunctional agriculture, leading to the production of highly nourishing, healthy and secure food and animal feed as well as raw materials for a wide variety of industrial applications. In order to successfully meet this challenge researchers have to understand the various aspects of these stresses in view of the current development from molecules to ecosystems. The book will focus on broad research areas in relation to these stresses which are in the forefront in contemporary crop stress research.

Crop Systems Biology: Narrowing the gaps between crop modelling and genetics

by Xinyou Yin Paul C. Struik

The sequencing of genomes has been completed for an increasing number of crop species, and researchers have now succeeded in isolating and characterising many important QTLs/genes. High expectations from genomics, however, are waving back toward the recognition that crop physiology is also important for realistic improvement of crop productivity. Complex processes and networks along various hierarchical levels of crop growth and development can be thoroughly understood with the help of their mathematical description - modelling. The further practical application of these understandings also requires quantitative predictions. In order to better support design, engineering and breeding for new crops and cultivars for improving agricultural production under global warming and climate change, there is an increasing call for an interdisciplinary research approach, which combines modern genetics and genomics, traditional physiology and biochemistry, and advanced bioinformatics and modelling. Such an interdisciplinary approach has been practised in various research groups for many years. However, it does not seem to be fully covered in the format of book publications. We want to initiate a book project on crop systems biology - narrowing the gaps between genotypes and phenotypes and the gaps between crop modelling and genetics/genomics, for publication in 2013/2014. The book will be meant for those scientists and graduate students from fundamental plant biology and applied crop science who are interested in bridging the gap between these two fields. We have invited a group of scientists (who have very good track records in publishing excellent papers in this field or in a closely related area) to contribute chapters to this new book, and they have agreed to do so.

Crop Variety Trials

by Weikai Yan

Variety trials are an essential step in crop breeding and production. These trials are a significant investment in time and resources and inform numerous decisions from cultivar development to end-use. Crop Variety Trials: Methods and Analysis is a practical volume that provides valuable theoretical foundations as well as a guide to step-by-step implementation of effective trial methods and analysis in determining the best varieties and cultivars.Crop Variety Trials is divided into two sections. The first section provides the reader with a sound theoretical framework of variety evaluation and trial analysis. Chapters provide insights into the theories of quantitative genetics and principles of analyzing data. The second section of the book gives the reader with a practical step-by-step guide to accurately analyzing crop variety trial data. Combined these sections provide the reader with fuller understanding of the nature of variety trials, their objectives, and user-friendly database and statistical tools that will enable them to produce accurate analysis of data.

Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use

by Nigel Maxted E. Dulloo J. Irinodo S. P. Keller J. Turok B. V. Ford-Lloyd

Crop wild relatives are the natural genetic progenitors of plant species that humans cultivate and consume every day. This massive and thorough textbook covers many of the scientific efforts used to conserve and utilize these species, including in situ management, genetic and hybrid research and the prevention of natural and man-made factors that can limit or destroy crops. Specific case examples are presented from around the world, showing how agricultural science has progressed in this area, and how pollution and population growth have set this progress back. The text is dense and aimed at those already proficient at agri-science, but a more comprehensive study of crop wild relatives would be hard to imagine. Three of the six editors are affiliated with the school of biosciences, U. of Birmingham, UK; two are with Bioversity International, Rome, Italy; and one is with the U. Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain. Contributors of the 49 chapters are from many countries, and the final two chapters discuss global conservation issues.

The Cropland Crisis: Myth or Reality? (RFF Agriculture and Fisheries Set)

by Pierre Crosson

This book examines the factors affecting the demand for agricultural land in the United States and the costs of meeting increasing demand. Originally published in 1982

Cropping Pattern Modification to Overcome Abiotic Stresses: Water, Salinity and Climate (SpringerBriefs in Water Science and Technology)

by Abd El-Hafeez Zohry Samiha A. H. Ouda Mostafa Morsy

This book provides state-of-the art analysis, never done before in Egypt, on agro-climatic zones level. This study deals with how the national cropping pattern can be modified to overcome abiotic stresses, such as water scarcity, induced salinity and climate change to reduce their negative effects on food production. To this end, different cropping patterns are suggested. This study can be a framework for other developing countries to be used in quantifying and filling the gap in their knowledge about practices that can help in increasing their food security through increasing food production. Furthermore, the study is useful for policy makers to help them in their future plans and policies.

Cropping Systems Modeling Under Changing Climate

by Gerrit Hoogenboom Mukhtar Ahmed Ghulam Abbas Sajjad Hussain Shakeel Ahmad

This book aims at bringing out comprehensive information on cropping systems modelling in the world. The major focus of this book is to address the integration of soil, plant and environmental interactions for climate smart agriculture. This book covers aspects of application of Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) for climate smart agriculture. Step-by-step details of application of modelling approaches used for various cropping systems under changing climate are provided which are being adopted by farmers in the world. The book is enriched with figures or diagrams to show the various mechanisms involved to support the decision making for climate change adaptations. Essential information is given regarding crop models calibration, evaluation and application and every individual chapter is comprised of a specific cropping system. Further contents include integration of climate models and crop models for refining the decisions for sustaining the production of various cropping systems for climate smart agriculture. This book assists the agricultural scientists involved in research regarding climate smart agriculture for improving the standards of agricultural research for ensuring food security under changing climate. This is also equally useful for policy makers being involved in future planning.

Crops Residue Management

by J. L. Hatfield

Recent changes in the Conservation Compliance Plans for farmers shows the need for improved information on the effective management of crop residues. Residue management requires an understanding of the crop, soil, and climate in which the farming system is located. In this volume, the strategies for effective residue management are described for each region of the country to provide a comparison of the regional differences. The chapters not only describe the knowledge in each region but also suggest some of the needed areas of research required to develop an improved understanding of the processes involved in effective residue management.

Cross-Border Integration of Renewable Energy Systems: Experiences, Impacts, and Drivers

by Venkatachalam Anbumozhi and Bhupendra Kumar Singh

Cross-border energy trade and integration of renewable energy have become significant for countries and regions to meet demands, minimize costs, and foster socio-economic and climate stability in the dynamic and unstable energy market. This book explores different models of global energy trade between regions and their benefits and challenges with a special focus on India’s Northeast region. Countries in South and Southeast Asia are endowed with abundant renewable energy resources. This book examines the energy mix of the countries such as India, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Bhutan among others and their efforts to achieve more integrated markets and renewable energy integration in the region. It highlights the potential of Northeast India given its rich natural resources and strategic location to harness the potential cross-border energy trade with ASEAN countries. The volume provides analytical perspectives on drivers, constraints, opportunities and barriers, as well as measures that countries could take to address institutional, financial, policy, and governance issues to minimize the total costs of energy security and maximize the social-economic benefits for people in these regions. It identifies the necessary conditions – grid flexibility, policy, market, and regulatory solutions for clean energy trade – and contributes to growth of low-carbon development as well as policy making by focusing on renewable energy integration across borders. This volume will be of interest to students and researchers of energy and climate studies, environmental politics, trade, and economics and international relations. This book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Cross-border Oil and Gas Pipelines and the Role of the Transit Country

by Ekpen James Omonbude

With frequent discoveries of energy resources in remote and undeveloped areas, the importance of transnational oil and gas pipelines is set to grow ever more prominent. This study dissects the diplomacy and bargaining power of the transit country and the shifting economic relations involved in cross-border energy transportation.

Cross-Continental Agro-Food Chains: Structures, Actors and Dynamics in the Global Food System (Routledge Studies in Human Geography #Vol. 12)

by Niels Fold Bill Pritchard

Filling a gap in contemporary food and globalization scholarship, this timely book presents recent case-study research on the globalization of food systems, and the impacts for communities around the world. It covers debates on new structures and food products, as well as detailed accounts of fresh horticulture, tropical crops and livestock.Drawing together contributions of twenty-six leading international social scientists from eleven countries, this book will interest researchers in geography, development studies, agricultural economics and political science, as well as professionals in the fields of trade and food policy.

Cross-Cultural Consumption: Global Markets, Local Realities

by David Howes

Goods are imbued with meanings and uses by their producers. When they are exported, they can act as a means of communication or domination. However, there is no guarantee that the intentions of the producer will be recognized, much less respected, by the consumer from another culture. Cross-Cultural Consumption is a fascinating guide to the cultural implications of the globalization of a consumer society. The chapters address topics ranging from the clothing of colonial subjects in South Africa and the rise of the hypermarket in Argentina, to the presentation of culture in international tourist hotels. Through their examination of cultural imperialism and cultural appropriation of the representation of otherness and identity, Howes and his contributors show how the increasingly global flow of goods and images challenges the very idea of the cultural border and creates new spaces for cultural invention. Marian Bredin, Concordia University, Constance Classen, Jean Comaroff, University of Chicago, Mary Crain, University of Barcelona, Carol Handrickson, Marlboro Colleg

Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Cultural Heritage, Creativity and Social Development: 10th International Conference, CCD 2018, Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 15-20, 2018, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10912)

by Pei-Luen Patrick Rau

This two-volume set LNCS 10911 and 10912 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design, CCD 2018, held as part of HCI International 2018 in Las Vegas, NV, USA, in July 2018.The total of 1170 papers and 195 posters included in the 30 HCII 2018 proceedings volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 4373 submissions.The 37 regular papers presented in this volume were organized in topical sections named: culture, learning and games; culture and creativity; cross-cultural design for social change and development.

Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Health, Learning, Communication, and Creativity: 12th International Conference, CCD 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12193)

by Pei-Luen Patrick Rau

This two-volume set LNCS 12192 and 12193 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design, CCD 2020, held as part of HCI International 2020 in Copenhagen, Denmark in July 2020.The conference was held virtually due to the corona pandemic. The total of 1439 papers and 238 posters included in the 40 HCII 2020 proceedings volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 6326 submissions. The regular papers of Cross-Cultural Design CCD 2020 presented in this volume were organized in topical sections named: Health, Well-being and Social Design Across Cultures, Culture, Learning and Communication, and Culture and Creativity.

Cross-Cultural Design. User Experience of Products, Services, and Intelligent Environments: 12th International Conference, CCD 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12192)

by Pei-Luen Patrick Rau

This two-volume set LNCS 12192 and 12193 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design, CCD 2020, held as part of HCI International 2020 in Copenhagen, Denmark in July 2020.The conference was held virtually due to the corona pandemic. The total of 1439 papers and 238 posters included in the 40 HCII 2020 proceedings volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 6326 submissions. The regular papers of Cross-Cultural Design CCD 2020 presented in this volume were organized in topical sections named: Cross-Cultural User Experience Design; Culture-Based Design, Cross-Cultural Behaviour and Attitude, and Cultural Facets of Interactions with Autonomous Agents and Intelligent Environments.

Cross-Cultural Dialogue as a Conflict Management Strategy (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)

by Gracia Abad-Quintanal J. Martín Ramírez

This book contributes to the current knowledge and research on conflict and cross-cultural dialogue, emphasizing how respect, tolerance and dialogue may be quite effective tools for bridging the diverse cultures and, consequently, for solving many of the conflicts of today’s world, characterized by a dynamic interchange of populations with very diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. For this purpose, we rely on reputed scholars from ten different countries, and from different cultures and fields of expertise, which allows for diverse contributions from a valuable interdisciplinary perspective. The first section of the book deals with the correlation between cultural differences and conflict, while also showing how such conflicts can be prevented and, should they arise, managed and solved. The second section addresses a different, more specific issue: how cultural expression means and tools for cultural communication may lead to conflict whereas they may help to avoid it as well. Finally, the third section analyzes how legal and justice systems deal with cross-cultural conflicts as well as with situations which may lead to cross-cultural conflicts, thus assessing to which extent such systems contribute to avoid and/or solve such kind of conflicts.

Cross-Cultural Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience Design: A Semiotic Perspective

by Jan Brejcha

This book describes patterns of language and culture in human-computer interaction (HCI). Through numerous examples, it shows why these patterns matter and how to exploit them to design a better user experience (UX) with computer systems. It provides scientific information on the theoretical and practical areas of the interaction and communication design for research experts and industry practitioners and covers the latest research in semiotics and cultural studies, bringing a set of tools and methods to benefit the process of designing with the cultural background in mind.

Cross-disciplinary STEM Learning for Asian Primary Students: Design, Practices, and Outcomes (Routledge Series on Schools and Schooling in Asia)

by So, Winnie Wing Mui Zhi Hong Wan Tian Luo

Given the importance of student learning in the various types and integration of STEM education, this book provides a landscape of cross-disciplinary STEM learning in Asian primary schools, and a systematic overview of design, practices, and outcomes of STEM learning implementation. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) has continued to attract attention worldwide, and there have been calls for the promotion of STEM education in primary schools to nurture students to meet the needs of societies in terms of innovation and technology development. Since STEM is complex in nature and is related to various disciplines, the effort of a single discipline may not be as effective as cross-disciplinary efforts. This edited volume, involving an Asian team of authors, examines how cross-disciplinary STEM learning can be designed for students to achieve viable outcomes, and what opportunities and challenges have been offered to the next generation to equip them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and ways of thinking, as well as attitudes and values for lifelong learning. A resourceful text for students, researchers, and practitioners interested in the rich development of STEM education and practical methods for a variety of learning approaches from elementary to secondary education has been provided.

Cross Fire: An Exo Novel (The Exo Novels)

by Fonda Lee

“Cross Fire, like Exo, is a knockout . . . Lee’s recalibrating of traditional YA dystopian narratives continues to be a strength.” —MuggleNetIt’s time to take back Earth.Earth’s century of peace as a colony of an alien race has been shattered. As the alien-run government navigates peace talks with the human terrorist group Sapience, Donovan tries to put his life back together and return to his duty as a member of the security forces. But a new order comes from the alien home planet: withdraw. Earth has proven too costly and unstable to maintain as a colony, so the aliens, along with a small selection of humans, begin to make plans to leave. As word of the withdrawal spreads through the galaxy, suddenly Earth becomes vulnerable to a takeover from other alien races. Aliens who do not seek to live in harmony with humans, but will ravage and destroy the planet.As a galactic invasion threatens, Donovan realizes that Sapience holds the key that could stop the impending war. Yet in order to save humankind, all species on Earth will have to work together, and Donovan might just have to make the ultimate sacrifice to convince them.“Brutal, intense action scenes . . . ultimately wins through to a hard-fought triumph.” —Kirkus Reviews“Cross Fire is a solid sequel to Exo and maintains the exciting pace, twisty plot, and ethical quandaries.” —Fantasy Literature

Cross-Functional Productivity Improvement

by null Ronald Blank

Using language that is easy to understand, Cross-Functional Productivity Improvement describes how improvement efforts can be undermined by errors and incompleteness. It illustrates the various types of errors that can hurt productivity and outlines proven solutions to prevent or correct them. Explaining how departments not directly related to manufacturing can hinder productivity, it provides time-tested advice on how to reduce waste and enhance efficiency.The book starts with an overview of traditional productivity improvement methods. Subsequent chapters explain how different departments can affect productivity and describe what must be done to improve productivity. Supplying time-tested procedures for implementing cross-functional productivity actions that are applicable across a wide range of industries, the text describes the problems caused by incorrect Lean manufacturing, material flow, efficiency, ergonomics, quality policies, issues of malpractice, and counterproductive procedures. Includes many figures, illustrations, and tables that provide the technical information needed to implement sustainable productivity improvements Addresses the problems often caused by incorrect Lean manufacturing and issues of malpractice Includes an extensive glossary and a list of suggested readings to help readers further explore productivity improvement Readers will gain a clear understanding of exactly what to do and what not to do in all aspects of company operations to maximize productivity through a cross-functional approach. Furthermore, the book will enable companies to take better advantage of all that the ISO 9001 and similar systems have to offer by making best use of the interactions between the various elements of company operations.

Cross-Functional Productivity Improvement

by Ronald Blank

Using language that is easy to understand, Cross-Functional Productivity Improvement describes how improvement efforts can be undermined by errors and incompleteness. It illustrates the various types of errors that can hurt productivity and outlines proven solutions to prevent or correct them. Explaining how departments not directly related to manufacturing can hinder productivity, it provides time-tested advice on how to reduce waste and enhance efficiency.The book starts with an overview of traditional productivity improvement methods. Subsequent chapters explain how different departments can affect productivity and describe what must be done to improve productivity. Supplying time-tested procedures for implementing cross-functional productivity actions that are applicable across a wide range of industries, the text describes the problems caused by incorrect Lean manufacturing, material flow, efficiency, ergonomics, quality policies, issues of malpractice, and counterproductive procedures. Includes many figures, illustrations, and tables that provide the technical information needed to implement sustainable productivity improvements Addresses the problems often caused by incorrect Lean manufacturing and issues of malpractice Includes an extensive glossary and a list of suggested readings to help readers further explore productivity improvement Readers will gain a clear understanding of exactly what to do and what not to do in all aspects of company operations to maximize productivity through a cross-functional approach. Furthermore, the book will enable companies to take better advantage of all that the ISO 9001 and similar systems have to offer by making best use of the interactions between the various elements of company operations.

Cross-Impact Balances: Fundamentals and Implementation (Contributions to Management Science)

by Wolfgang Weimer-Jehle

Cross-Impact Balances (CIB) is a method frequently used for research, in companies and in administrations for the systematic construction of qualitative scenarios. This book introduces the fundamentals of the method and uses a clear step-by-step example to explain how scenarios can be constructed with CIB. It describes possible problems in applying the method and offers help for various use cases. It includes a detailed discussion of the design decisions that shape a CIB application and the methods that can be used to collect the necessary data. The application examples presented provide a first impression of the possibilities of the method. A discussion of the strengths and limitations of the method offers guidance on the use cases in which CIB can be profitably applied. The book is valuable for researchers and practitioners in the field of scenario analysis.

Cross Kill: An Alex Cross Story (An Alex Cross Story #1)

by James Patterson

Alex Cross, I'm coming for you--even from the grave if I have to. Along Came a Spider killer Gary Soneji has been dead for over ten years. Alex Cross watched him die. But today, Cross saw him gun down his partner. Is Soneji alive? A ghost? Or something even more sinister? <P>Nothing will prepare you for the wicked truth. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

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