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Creating Tactile Diagrams - WBM (World Bank Modules)
by BookshareThis module delves into the world of tactile diagrams, providing a comprehensive guide for their design and application in education. Tactile diagrams transform visual data into touchable formats, making intricate content from textbooks, like maps and biology illustrations, accessible to the visually impaired. Central to this module are the guidelines set by the Braille Authority of North America (BANA) which emphasize clarity, simplicity, and relevance. These guidelines ensure that tactile graphics are both intuitive and informative. The module also introduces resources for acquiring tactile books and tools, such as the Raised Lines Foundation and the Squid Magazine. Various concepts, from basic geometric shapes to more abstract ideas like patterns and symmetry, are discussed in detail, showcasing how they can be effectively taught through tactile graphics. With an emphasis on inclusivity and equal learning opportunities, this module underscores the pivotal role tactile diagrams play in ensuring visually impaired students grasp complex concepts seamlessly.
Creating the Built Environment: The Practicalities of Designing, Constructing and Owning Buildings
by Leslie HolesWe spend most of our lives in buildings and almost every building is unique. The purpose of this book is to explain what buildings are and to provide an integrated overview of how they are built and sustained.The book does not presume any specialist knowledge of buildings, seeking instead to explain why the different groups involved in designing, constructing, managing and occupying them follow certain procedures. It is particularly concerned with the generation and circulation of information between these groups. In taking this view, the book considers the recommendations of Sir Michael Latham's 1994 report Constructing the Team which called for better cohesion and communication between specialists in the construction industry.
Creating Theoretical Research Frameworks using Multiple Methods: Insight from ICT4D Investigations
by Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson Sergey V. SamoilenkoBy now, it is commonly accepted that investments in information and communication technologies (ICTs) can facilitate macroeconomic growth in developed countries. Research standards in ICT for development (ICT4D) are high, and it is a basic expectation that a theoretically sound conceptual investigation should yield actionable results. An additional expectation is that an on-the-ground study conducted in each setting should add to the common body of knowledge based on theory. In other words, one is expected to make a connection between the world of concepts and the world of reality. Middle-range theories and frameworks could help connect the case studies with grand theories, by helping to create a theoretically sound and practically applicable research architecture of ICT4D. <P><P> This book demonstrates how creative use of various data analysis methods (e.g., data mining [DM], data envelopment analysis [DEA], and structural equation modeling [SEM]) and conceptual frameworks (e.g., neoclassical growth accounting, chaos and complexity theories) may be utilized for inductive and deductive purposes to develop and to test, in step-by-step fashion, theoretically sound frameworks for a large subset of ICT4D research questions. Specifically, this book showcases the utilization of DM, DEA, and SEM for the following purposes: <P><P> <li>Identification of the relevant context-specific constructs (inductive application) <li>Identification of the relationships between the constructs (inductive application) <li>Development of a framework incorporating the constructs and relationships discovered (inductive application) <li>Testing of the constructed framework (deductive application) <P><P>The book takes a multi-theoretical perspective to economic development research. It starts with an overview of ICT4D. Next it covers such frameworks and theories as neoclassical growth accounting and the theory of complementarity, complex systems and chaos theories, and the product life cycle (PLC) theory. There are also nontechnical overviews of the DM and data analytic methods that can be used in this research. Also presented is evidence that human capital and investment capital are complementary and are reliable sources of economic growth. The book concludes with methodological frameworks to guide investment decisions and the formulation of strategic policy.
Creating Things That Matter: The Art and Science of Innovations That Last
by David EdwardsMost things we create will not matter. This book is about creating things that do, from a master innovator who brings science and art together in his cutting edge labs.Art and science are famous opposites. Contemporary innovation mostly keeps them far apart. But in this book, David Edwards—world-renowned inventor; Harvard professor of the practice of idea translation; creator of breathable insulin, edible food packaging, and digital scents—reveals that the secret to creating very new things of lasting benefit, including innovations we will need to sustain human life on the planet, lies in perceiving art and science as one.Here Edwards shares how he discovered a way of creating that transcends disciplines and incorporates the principles of aesthetics. He introduces us to cutting-edge artists, musicians, architects, physicists, mathematicians, engineers, chefs, choreographers, and novelists (among others) and uncovers a three-step cycle they all share in creating things that durably matter. This creator cycle looks unlike what we associate with game-changing innovation today, and aligns the most expressive art and the most revolutionary science in a radical reimagining of how we live. David Edwards and the innovators he profiles belong to an emerging grassroots renaissance flourishing in special environments that we all can make in our schools, companies and homes.Creating Things That Matter is a book for anyone wondering what tomorrow might be, and at last half believing that what they do can make a difference.
Creating Through Mind and Emotions (PHI)
by Mário S. Ming KongThe texts presented in Proportion Harmonies and Identities (PHI) Creating Through Mind and Emotions were compiled to establish a multidisciplinary platform for presenting, interacting, and disseminating research. This platform also aims to foster the awareness and discussion on Creating Through Mind and Emotions, focusing on different visions relevant to Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Design and Social Sciences, and its importance and benefits for the sense of identity, both individual and communal. The idea of Creating Through Mind and Emotions has been a powerful motor for development since the Western Early Modern Age. Its theoretical and practical foundations have become the working tools of scientists, philosophers, and artists, who seek strategies and policies to accelerate the development process in different contexts.
Creating Transformative Online Communities in Higher Education
by Patrick R. DempseyCreating Transformative Online Communities in Higher Education provides a practical approach for building authentic learning experiences into the design and delivery of online teaching and learning systems. Combining three conceptually related ideas—complexity theory, transformative learning, and the Community of Inquiry—this novel, highly applicable framework enables instructors to create compelling virtual learning experiences for students. As higher education faculty, instructional designers, and graduate students shift from presenting information to creating experiences, the book offers an evidence-based disruption of the current thinking on and practice of course design.
Creating Wine: The Emergence of a World Industry, 1840-1914 (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World #36)
by James SimpsonToday's wine industry is characterized by regional differences not only in the wines themselves but also in the business models by which these wines are produced, marketed, and distributed. In Old World countries such as France, Spain, and Italy, small family vineyards and cooperative wineries abound. In New World regions like the United States and Australia, the industry is dominated by a handful of very large producers. This is the first book to trace the economic and historical forces that gave rise to very distinctive regional approaches to creating wine. James Simpson shows how the wine industry was transformed in the decades leading up to the First World War. Population growth, rising wages, and the railways all contributed to soaring European consumption even as many vineyards were decimated by the vine disease phylloxera. At the same time, new technologies led to a major shift in production away from Europe's traditional winemaking regions. Small family producers in Europe developed institutions such as regional appellations and cooperatives to protect their commercial interests as large integrated companies built new markets in America and elsewhere. Simpson examines how Old and New World producers employed diverging strategies to adapt to the changing global wine industry. Creating Wine includes chapters on Europe's cheap commodity wine industry; the markets for sherry, port, claret, and champagne; and the new wine industries in California, Australia, and Argentina.
Creating with Concrete and Mosaic: Fun and Decorative Ideas for Your Home and Garden
by Sania Hedengren Susanna ZackeCasting in concrete is an exciting project that is both enjoyable and practical. You can create all sorts of decorations and furniture for your home that are sure to be the envy of all your neighbors. But the fun doesn’t have to stop there! Concrete lends itself to many unique and exquisite projects, and decorating these pieces with beautiful mosaic patterns makes them all the more impressive. Here, interior decorating journalists and stylists Sania and Susanna show you how to do that. Decorating with mosaic and pouring concrete are both addictive; once you start, you won’t want to stop. With step-by-step photos and instructions, Sania and Susanna show you how to create more than twenty different decorations and ornate trinkets. Whether you’re someone looking to create a new decoration for your home or a fledgling concrete caster, this book has a little something for everyone. The sky is the limit! Let your imagination run wild, and be inspired!
Creating with Mobile Media
by Marsha BerryThis book investigates the convergence between locative, mobile and social media in order to show how people use mobile media for their creative practice--creative writing, photography, video and filmmaking. The central thematic focus of this book explores how mobile media has created new opportunities and contexts for creative practitioners. It draws together creative practice research with non-representational theory and digital ethnography to provide a fresh perspective on the place mobile media has in our everyday creative lives. Fictionalized and semi-fictional vignettes are used to present empirical material taken from fieldnotes and interviews to demonstrate how new forms and genres of art making have arisen because of the affordances of mobile media. The chapters in this volume have been arranged into a sequence according to the kinds of actions that make up various creative practices.
Creation and Accumulation of Radiation Defects in Single Crystals of Magnesium Oxide: Research Aims and Methodology
by Elena Lysenko Anatoly SurzhikovThe range of problems that can be solved with the use of powerful radiation installations is determined: generation of nanosecond ultrahigh-frequency (microwave) pulses, collective acceleration of charged particles, the implementation of a controlled fusion reaction, and the creation of high-power lasers. In this edition, the questions posed for the SCM were solved using the example of single crystals of magnesium oxide. By the beginning of the authors' work, the structure of the color centers induced by radiation in magnesium oxide, the positions of the maxima of the optical absorption and luminescence bands, as well as the values of their half-widths and the temperature range of stability, were sufficiently established. There is practically no information about the location of internode ions in magnesium oxide crystals, and methods for their registration have not been worked out. These data are particularly important since the efficiency of the accumulation of radiation defects depends to a certain extent on the efficiency of fixing displaced of in the crystal lattice. However, all studies confirming this point of view were carried out using low and medium levels of arousal. The effect of high absorbed radiation energy capacities on the formation and accumulation of radiation defects in magnesium oxide crystals has not been practically studied.
The Creation of Local Innovation Systems in Emerging Countries
by Marco Ferretti Adele ParmentolaThis book deals with the creation of local innovation systems (LIS) in emerging countries. The authors analyze the role of the government, firms and research centers in the formation of LIS. Special attention is paid to the manner in which different leading actors implement their LIS development strategies. The book presents detailed case studies on different strategies used to implement LIS in Singapore, Dubai, Taiwan and Iran.
Creation of New Metal Nanoparticles and Their Hydrogen-Storage and Catalytic Properties (Springer Theses)
by Kohei KusadaThis thesis reports the discovery of metal nanoparticles having new structures that do not exist in bulk state and that exhibit hydrogen storage ability or CO oxidation activity. Research into the reaction of hydrogen with metals has attracted much attention because of potential applications as effective hydrogen storage materials, as permeable films, or as catalysts for hydrogenation. Also, CO oxidation catalysts have been extensively developed because of their importance to CO removal from car exhaust or fuel-cell systems. At the same time, atomic-level (solid solution) alloying has the advantage of being able to continuously control chemical and physical properties of elements by changing compositions and/or combinations of constituent elements. This thesis provides a novel strategy for the basis of inter-elemental fusion to create highly efficient functional materials for energy and material conversions.
Creation, Use, and Deployment of Digital Information
by Herre Van Oostendorp Leen Breure Andrew DillonThe aim of this book is to present results of scientific research on how digital information should be designed and how artifacts or systems containing digital content should maximize usability, and to explain how context can influence the nature and effectiveness of digital communication. Using a philosophical, cognitive, and technical standpoint, the book covers the issue of what digital information actually is. The text also presents research outcomes from the perspective of research in information science--broadly construed--a term now used to cover a range of theoretical and practical approaches.Creation, Use, and Deployment of Digital Information is broken down into three parts:*Part I presents information on how electronic documents can be realized--the complexities, alternatives, functions, and restrictions are treated here.*Part II discusses how human beings process information and how technical solutions can satisfy human restrictions.*Part III treats the context in which digital information processing and deployment takes place.The book has much to offer to academics in many disciplines, including science, the arts, psychology, education, and the information and computing sciences.
Creative and Collaborative Learning through Immersion: Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives (Creativity in the Twenty First Century)
by Anna Hui Christian WagnerThis book includes instructional design and practice of how immersive technology is integrated in discipline-based and interdisciplinary curriculum design. It focuses on pedagogical models and learning outcomes of immersive learning experiences and demonstrates how immersive learning can be applied in industries. This book brings scholars, researchers and educators together around an international and interdisciplinary consolidation and reflection on learning through immersion. The originality lies in how advanced technology and contemporary pedagogical models can integrate to enhance student engagement and learning effectiveness in higher education.
Creative Approaches to Technology-Enhanced Learning for the Workplace and Higher Education: Proceedings of ‘The Learning Ideas Conference’ 2023 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #767)
by David Guralnick Michael E. Auer Antonella PoceNew technologies provide us with new opportunities to create new learning experiences, leveraging research from a variety of disciplines along with imagination and creativity. The Learning Ideas Conference was created to bring researchers, practitioners, and others together to discuss, innovate, and create.The Learning Ideas Conference 2023 was the 16th annual conference and was held as a hybrid event. The conference took place from June 14–16, 2023., both in New York and online, and included a special track: The ALICE (Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional Approaches) Special Track.Topics covered in this book include among others: online learning methodologies, diversity and inclusion in learning, case studies in university and corporate settings, new technologies in learning (such as virtual reality, augmented reality, holograms, and artificial intelligence), adaptive learning, and project-based learning.The papers included in this book are of interest to researchers in pedagogy and learning theory, university faculty members and administrators, learning and development specialists, user experience designers, and others.
Creative Approaches to Technology-Enhanced Learning for the Workplace and Higher Education: Proceedings of ‘The Learning Ideas Conference’ 2024. Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1150)
by David Guralnick Michael E. Auer Antonella PoceNew technologies provide us with new opportunities to create new learning experiences, leveraging research from a variety of disciplines along with imagination and creativity. The Learning Ideas Conference was created to bring researchers, practitioners, and others together to discuss, innovate, and create. The Learning Ideas Conference 2024 was the 17th annual conference and was held as a hybrid event. The conference took place from June 12th–14th, 2024, both in New York and online, and included the ALICE (Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional Approaches) Special Track, and a Special Session from IGIP, the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy. Topics covered in this book include, among others: uses of artificial intelligence in learning, online learning methodologies, case studies in university and corporate settings, new technologies in learning (such as, along with AI, virtual reality, augmented reality, holograms, and more), adaptive learning, and project-based learning. The papers included in this book may be of interest to researchers in pedagogy and learning theory, university faculty members and administrators, learning and development specialists, user experience designers, and others.
Creative Approaches to Technology-Enhanced Learning for the Workplace and Higher Education: Proceedings of ‘The Learning Ideas Conference’ 2024, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1166)
by David Guralnick Michael E. Auer Antonella PoceNew technologies provide us with new opportunities to create new learning experiences, leveraging research from a variety of disciplines along with imagination and creativity. The Learning Ideas Conference was created to bring researchers, practitioners, and others together to discuss, innovate, and create. The Learning Ideas Conference 2024 was the 17th annual conference and was held as a hybrid event. The conference took place from June 12th-14th, 2024, both in New York and online, and included the ALICE (Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional Approaches) Special Track, and a Special Session from IGIP, the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy. Topics covered in this book include, among others: uses of artificial intelligence in learning, online learning methodologies, case studies in university and corporate settings, new technologies in learning (such as, along with AI, virtual reality, augmented reality, holograms, and more), adaptive learning, and project-based learning. The papers included in this book may be of interest to researchers in pedagogy and learning theory, university faculty members and administrators, learning and development specialists, user experience designers, and others.
Creative Careers in Hollywood
by Laurie ScheerReaders will discover real-life, yet upbeat portraits of the "shredder" jobs of the industry, such as assistant or d-girl, and how they can lead to the "keeper" jobs of actor, agent, or studio executive. Each career overview features a clever analysis of the classic film characters who memorably played these jobs on screen; an insightful rewards-risks assessment of the job; and a brief look at such essential job qualities as durability, length of stay, "food chain value" and desirability factor. Part how-to guide, part historical document, and part social commentary, this book will delight career seekers, Hollywood insiders, and film aficionados alike!
Creative Character Design for Games and Animation
by Jenny HarderThis book takes you through all the basic steps of character design for games and animation, from brainstorming and references to the development phase and final render. It covers a range of styles such as cartoon, stylized and semi-realistic, and explains how to differentiate between them and use them effectively. Using a step-by-step approach for each stage of the process, this book guides you through the process of creating a new character from scratch. It contains a wealth of design tips and tricks as well as checklists and worksheets for you to use in your own projects. This book covers how to work with briefs, as well as providing advice and practical strategies for working with clients and creating art as a product that can be tailored and sold. This book will be a valuable resource for all junior artists, hobby artists, and art students looking to develop and improve their character development skills for games and animation.
Creative Complex Systems (Creative Economy)
by Kazuo Nishimura Masatoshi Murase Kazuyoshi YoshimuraIn recent years, problems such as environmental and economic crises and pandemics caused by new viruses have been occurring on a global scale. Globalization brings about benefits, but it can increase the potential risks of “systemic problems”, leading to system-wide disruptions. The coronavirus pandemic, declared on March 11, 2020, by the World Health Organization, has revealed social disparities in the form of a higher risk of death for people of low-socioeconomic status and has caused massive destruction of the economy and of globalization itself. Extensive efforts to cope with these challenges have often led to the emergence of additional problems due to the chain of hidden causation. What can be done to protect against such emerging challenges? Despite the resulting complexity, once these individual problems are considered as different aspects of a single whole, seemingly contradictory issues can become totally understandable, as they can be integrated into a single coherent framework. This is the integrationist approach in contrast to the reductionist approach. Situations of this kind are truly relevant to understanding the question, “What are creative complex systems?” This book features contributions by members and colleagues of the Kyoto University International Research Unit of Integrated Complex System Science. It broadens our outlook from the traditional view of stability, in which global situations are eventually stabilized after the impact of destruction, to “creative” complex systems.
Creative Convergence: The AI Renaissance in Art and Design (Springer Series on Cultural Computing)
by James Hutson Jason Lively Bryan Robertson Peter Cotroneo Martin LangEmbark on a journey that transcends the boundaries of art and technology in the groundbreaking realm of Creative Convergence: The AI Renaissance in Art and Design. This isn't just another book on art and technology- it's a journey that sparks curiosity, fuels innovation, and challenges traditional artistic boundaries. Discover the power of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) as it melds with human expression, propelling artistry into uncharted territories and redefining traditional notions of both originality and creativity. The text is not just about art or AI; it is about the fusion of both, catalyzing a creative revolution that challenges previous assumptions about human-machine collaboration and how ideation, conceptualization, process and execution are radically rethought. Have you ever wondered how/will AI revolutionize training, education and execution in art and design? Delve into this captivating treatment that contextualizes the disruptions we are experiencing today in the technological innovations and artistic responses and integrations of the past five hundred years. Human creativity has always struggled against technological advance, but ultimately integrated and redefined what "art" is in each era. As such, you will see how AI can be incorporated in various artistic disciplines in this study. Explore real-world case studies that showcase AI's practical impact on 3D design, drawing, digital art, and even web design. The book also addresses the controversial question: Can AI be a co-creator in the creative and artistic process, even assisting in creating an original, signature style? Brace yourself for revelations that will challenge your perceptions of traditional artistry.
The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How the Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care
by Eric TopolWhat if your cell phone could detect cancer cells circulating in your blood or warn you of an imminent heart attack? Mobile wireless digital devices, including smartphones and tablets with seemingly limitless functionality, have brought about radical changes in our lives, providing hyper-connectivity to social networks and cloud computing. But the digital world has hardly pierced the medical cocoon. Until now. Beyond reading email and surfing the Web, we will soon be checking our vital signs on our phone. We can already continuously monitor our heart rhythm, blood glucose levels, and brain waves while we sleep. Miniature ultrasound imaging devices are replacing the icon of medicine--the stethoscope. DNA sequencing, Facebook, and the Watson supercomputer have already saved lives. For the first time we can capture all the relevant data from each individual to enable precision therapy, prevent major side effects of medications, and ultimately to prevent many diseases from ever occurring. And yet many of these digital medical innovations lie unused because of the medical community's profound resistance to change. In The Creative Destruction of Medicine, Eric Topol--one of the nation's top physicians and a leading voice on the digital revolution in medicine--argues that radical innovation and a true democratization of medical care are within reach, but only if we consumers demand it. We can force medicine to undergo its biggest shakeup in history. This book shows us the stakes--and how to win them.
The Creative Electronic Music Producer (Perspectives on Music Production)
by Thomas BrettThe Creative Electronic Music Producer examines the creative processes of electronic music production, from idea discovery and perception to the power of improvising, editing, effects processing,sound design. Featuring case studies from across the globe on musical systems and workflows used in the production process, this book highlights how to pursue creative breakthroughs through exploration, trial and error tinkering, recombination, and transformation.The Creative Electronic Music Producer maps production's enchanting pathways in a way that will fascinate and inspire students of electronic music production, professionals already working in the industry, and hobbyists.
Creative Engineering Design Assessment: Background, Directions, Manual, Scoring Guide and Uses (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Christine CharytonThe Creative Engineering Design Assessment or CEDA is a newly developed tool to assess creativity specific to engineering design which is vital for innovation. The revised CEDA assesses usefulness in addition to originality. Both originality and usefulness are key constructs in creativity but are primarily essential and emphasized ever more in engineering design. Since the preliminary research was presented to the National Science Foundation, further reliability and validity has been developed and established. The CEDA is different from other general creativity measures as it demonstrates discriminant validity with the Creative Personality Scale, Creative Temperament Scale, and the Cognitive Risk Tolerance Scale, and has demonstrated convergent validity with the Purdue Creativity Test and the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test- Rotations. It focuses on engineering specific measures, measuring engineering creativity and spatial skills. The aim of this book is to disseminate the CEDA tool for use in engineering educational programs, industry, NASA and the military. Creative Engineering Design Assessment (CEDA) Background, Directions, Manual, Scoring Guide and Uses discusses and outlines the need for creativity in our global economy and in engineering design and provides the CEDA tool in effort to achieve this.
Creative Greenfoot
by Michael HaungsThis book is for coding students and Java programmers of all levels interested in building engaging, interactive applications with Greenfoot. Familiarity with the very basics of Greenfoot is assumed.