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Der Ingenieurvertrag: Schnelleinstieg für Architekten und Bauingenieure (essentials)

by Hendrik Hunold

Hendrik Hunold gibt einen rechtlich konzentrierten Überblick über die Besonderheiten des Ingenieurvertrags anhand leicht verständlicher Beispiele. Tipps, Formulierungshinweise. Übersichten und Schaubilder helfen bei der täglichen Umsetzung. Der Leser bekommt so die für seine Praxis bedeutsamen rechtlichen Grundkenntnisse vermittelt – über zahlreiche Literatur- und aktuelle Rechtsprechungshinweise kann das Wissen bei Bedarf schnell vertieft werden. Die „BGB-Baurechtsreform“ bis zum 01.01.2018 wurde vollständig berücksichtigt. Das essential dient damit nicht nur der Vermittlung des täglich notwendigen Praxiswissens, sondern kann auch gezielt als Nachschlagewerk und als Begleiter für die Verhandlung von Ingenieurverträgen eingesetzt werden. Der AutorDr. Hendrik Hunold ist seit seinem Berufseinstieg auf das private Baurecht, v.a. das Ingenieur-, Architekten-, Vergabe- und Immobilienrecht spezialisiert.

Der Mond: Von lunaren Dörfern, Schrammen und Lichtblitzen

by Karl Urban

Kommen Sie mit diesem Buch dem Erdtrabanten näher: Wie sehen wir den Mond heute? Was wissen wir über Entstehung und Aufbau? Hat der Mond einen flüssigen Kern? Was bleibt vom Apollo-Programm und warum läuft aktuell ein neues Rennen zum Mond?In diesem Buch haben wir eine Reihe von allgemeinverständlichen Artikeln zusammengestellt, die unter anderem in Sterne und Weltraum, Wissenschaft im Brennpunkt (DLF) und der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung veröffentlicht wurden und sich mit unserem kosmischen Begleiter auf vielfältige Weise beschäftigen:Was ist das Supermond-Phänomen?Was verraten uns Mondsteine?Wer baut das erste Dorf auf dem Mond?Was haben der Erdmond und der Asteroid Vesta gemeinsam?Was ist die Zukunft der astronautischen Raumfahrt?

Der Produktentstehungsprozess in der Automobilindustrie: Eine Betrachtung aus Sicht der Logistik (essentials)

by Matthias D. Schulz

Der Funktionsbereich Logistik ist seit dem Jahr 2000 im Produktentstehungsprozess der Automobilhersteller vertreten. Noch immer sind jedoch viele Herausforderungen bei der organisatorischen Einbindung zu lösen, insbesondere aufgrund permanenter Veränderungen im Aufgabengebiet der Logistik. Matthias D. Schulz erstellt auf der Basis von neun Haupttrends, die die Industrie aus Sicht der Logistik besonders prägen, ein Zukunftsszenario und gibt Empfehlungen für eine Verbesserung der bestehenden Prozesse.

Der prominente Wissenschaftler

by Katharina Fuhrin

Wissenschaftler inszenieren sich in Talkshows, sie veröffentlichen Pamphlete in Publikumsmedien und sind allzeit bereit, wenn Journalisten ein Interview wünschen. Was sind die Motive für diese öffentlichen Auftritte, wenn doch die wissenschaftliche Reputation ausschließlich von der scientific community vergeben wird? Anhand der 21 Interviews mit bekannten Wissenschaftlern wie Hans-Werner Sinn, Harald Lesch, Claus Leggewie, Julia Fischer, Gerd Gigerenzer, Peter Bofinger u. a. zeichnet Katharina Fuhrin ein spannendes Porträt der akademischen Elite Deutschlands und gewährt erkenntnisreiche Einblicke in das Verhältnis von Wissenschaftlern zu Medien und Öffentlichkeit.

Der Site-Master-Plan: Mit Struktur zum Erfolg (essentials)

by Werner Seiferlein

Dieses essential bietet Anleitung und Unterstützung bei der Erstellung eines Site-Master-Plans (SMP) und zeigt die Strukturen, auf denen dieser basiert. Der SMP verbindet verschiedene Branchen und Akteure wie z.B. die Produktion, Fertigung, Montage, Behörden, die in einem Standort (Site) zusammengefasst sind.

Der Turm und Brücke: Die neue Kunst des Ingenieurbaus

by David P. Billington

Long recognised as a classic in the USA, "The Tower and the Bridge" is now at last available in German translation. In his preface to the German edition, Jorg Schlaich writes. "This book is essential reading and a pleasure for the "structural engineering artist", in whose structures the connection between form and force flow is visible and which are distinguished by the ideals of efficiency, cost-effectiveness and elegance." Billington founded with this book structural art as a new, independent art form, which he considers equivalent to architecture. It is no coincidence that the title states the two classic domains of the structural engineer; in this case Billington is referring to two outstanding structures of the epoch, the Eiffel Tower and the Brooklyn Bridge. Billington describes in an easily readable style and in an entertaining manner the ideals, principles and methods of structural art during its historical development through examples of structures from outstanding engineers (e.g. Telford, Maillart, Freyssinet, Menn). With the establishment of structural art as an art form and the explication of its inherent principles, Billington gives the reader well founded arguments for the aesthetic discussion of engineering structures. This also provides a basis for criticism of the new art form; for the criticism of construction that has long been demanded. This timeless book thus has the potential to give a new impulse to the debate about construction culture and particularly the aesthetic aspects of structural engineering in German-speaking countries.

Der verborgene Hunger

by Joachim Von Braun Hans Konrad Biesalski

IIn Entwicklungsländern ist die Ernährungs-Problematik nicht alleine die unzureichende Versorgung mit Weizen und Reis, sondern die oftmals fehlende Versorgung mit Mikronährstoffen wie Vitaminen und Spurenelementen, die zu massiven Krankheiten (u.a. Blindheit) oder Minderwuchs führen. Selbst bei uns hier in Industrieländern, die wir uns gut ernähren können, treten, was die wenigsten wissen, bei Kindern und v.a. Senioren Mangelerscheinungen auf durch unzureichende Versorgung mit Vitaminen, so beispielsweise bei Vitamin D (geschwächtes Immunsystem; Osteoporose, da Vitamin D die Calcium-Aufnahme fördert). Fotos in Schwarzweiß werten seine Eingangsgeschichten auf.

Der vierte Parameter, Kurtosis und die logarithmische Varianz: Mathematisches Konstrukt Und Die Anwendungen In Den Naturwissenschaften (Essentials)

by Marcus Hellwig

Marcus Hellwig zeigt auf, wie Asymmetrie die Natur und deren Gesetze beherrscht. Er diskutiert, dass nichts, das zu beobachten und zu messen ist, mit vollständig symmetrischen Eigenschaften erscheint. Die logarithmische Equibalancedistribution Eqbl als Variante der Eqb soll dort Abhilfe schaffen, wo die allgegenwärtige Gauß`sche Normalverteilung vom Grundsatz her nicht anwendbar ist. Im Gegensatz zur Log-Normalverteilung haben aber alle Parameterwerte Bestand und erhalten zusätzlich Parameter für Schiefe und Kurtosis. Der Autor belegt die Ausführungen anhand praktischer Beispiele für Anwender.Der Autor Dipl.-Ing. Marcus Hellwig war Projektleiter bei einem deutschen, international agierenden Ingenieurbüro und ist Autor einiger Bücher.

Der Weg zu einem gesünderen Planeten: Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und konkrete Schritte für eine nachhaltige Zukunft

by Erlijn van Genuchten

Dieses Buch ist eine Brücke zwischen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und alltäglichem Handeln für einen gesünderen Planeten. Von der Bewältigung des Klimawandels bis zur Reduzierung von Umweltverschmutzung und dem Schutz der Artenvielfalt bietet dieses Buch leicht verständliche, faszinierende Fakten und praxisnahe Lösungen für jeden, der einen positiven Beitrag für die Umwelt leisten möchte. Basierend auf Erlijn van Genuchten‘s beliebten Artikeln auf werden in diesem Buch zusätzliche Inhalte präsentiert. Alle Kapitel dieses Buches sind auf frei zugänglichen, wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen zu verschiedenen Umweltthemen und Lösungen aufgebaut, die oft nicht in den Medien diskutiert werden. Das Ziel der Autorin ist es, nicht-wissenschaftlichen Zielgruppen diese wichtigen Informationen zugänglich zu machen und das Bewusstsein für drängende Umweltthemen zu schärfen. Durch die Verwendung von leicht verständlicher Sprache und ansprechenden Beispielen aus dem täglichen Leben ermöglicht sie es, das breite Spektrum an Konzepten und Problemen zu erkunden und die weitreichenden Folgen zu verstehen. Darüber hinaus bieten alle Kapitel konkrete Handlungsideen, wie man im täglichen Leben einen positiven Beitrag leistet und die jeder umsetzen kann. Das Buch ist ein multimodales Werk, das nicht nur Text enthält, sondern auch Bilder und Videos, um die Informationen zu veranschaulichen und zu vertiefen. Und um zu ermutigen, aktiv zu werden und die vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen umzusetzen.

Deregulated Electricity Structures and Smart Grids

by Baseem Khan

The goals of restructuring of the power sector are competition and operating efficiency in the power industry that result in reliable, economical, and quality power supply to consumers. This comprehensive reference text provides an in-depth insight into these topics. Deregulated Electricity Structures and Smart Grids discusses issues including renewable energy integration, reliability assessment, stability analysis, reactive power compensation in smart grids, and harmonic mitigation, in the context of the deregulated smart electricity market. It covers important concepts including AC and DC grid modelling, harmonics mitigation and reactive power compensation in the deregulated smart grid, and extraction of energy from renewable energy sources under the deregulated electricity market with the smart grid. The text will be useful for graduate students and professionals in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, renewable energy, and clean technologies.

Derelict Mines: Environmental Risk Assessment and Management

by Ravi Naidu

Mine areas left behind by companies that no longer exist are defined as derelict mines – those that were operated and closed at a time when most countries did not have adequate regulations requiring rehabilitation of the impacted mine areas. This book provides unique information on the extent and severity of derelict mines’ impact on environmental degradation and human and environmental health. It examines the nature of derelict mines, short-term and long-term risks to sensitive receptors, tools for monitoring and prioritizing risks, and technological advances for rehabilitation. This book considers a risk-based approach to managing derelict mines, which is reliable and cost-effective.FEATURES Provides fundamental information on derelict mines and their inventory in different countries Explains risk-based management of derelict mines and the importance of community perspectives as a reliable and cost-effective method Identifies ownership and liability issues through many case studies in Australia and other countries that must deal with the remediation of derelict mines Presents remediation, assessment, and predictive tools for managing pit lakes Helps readers set standards, regulatory measures, and policies related to mine closures This book is for engineers and professionals who work in mining, geology, chemistry, mineralogy, geotechnics, and hydrogeology and deal with industrial site management, waste management, mine closures, mine site reclamation, derelict mine remediation, and mine revegetation. It is also an insightful resource for graduate students, academics, and researchers focused on these courses.

Derivation and Use of Environmental Quality and Human Health Standards for Chemical Substances in Water and Soil

by Mark Crane Peter Matthiessen Dawn Stretton Maycock Graham Merrington Paul Whitehouse

A balanced, comprehensive overview of Environmental Quality Standards (EQS), Derivation and Use of Environmental Quality and Human Health Standards for Chemical Substances in Water and Soil addresses the selection and prioritization of substances for standard derivation. With integrated content and up-to-date information on assessment of regulation

Dermoscopy Image Analysis (Digital Imaging and Computer Vision)

by M. Emre Celebi Teresa Mendonga Jorge S. Marques

Dermoscopy is a noninvasive skin imaging technique that uses optical magnification and either liquid immersion or cross-polarized lighting to make subsurface structures more easily visible when compared to conventional clinical images. It allows for the identification of dozens of morphological features that are particularly important in identifyin

Des Canadiens à l'épreuve: Histoires d'échecs qui ont mené à la réussite

by Alex Benay

Avec des chapitres rédigés par : Robert Thirsk, astronaute Erica Wiebe, championne de lutte olympique Tom Jenkins, président de la société OpenText et du Conseil national de recherches du Canada Andy Nulman, cofondateur du Festival Juste pour rire … ainsi que d’autres Canadiens au sommet de leur secteur d’activité. Que signifie « échouer »? Pour certains Canadiens ayant brillamment réussi, il s’agit d’un rite de passage, d’un tremplin vers de plus grandes réalisations, voire une belle source d’inspiration. Le parcours de ces Canadiens qui ont obtenu la médaille d’or olympique, bâti des entreprises florissantes, fait avancer la médecine est jalonné de faux pas, de nombreuses tentatives infructueuses et parfois d’échecs. Des Canadiens à l’épreuve réunit le récit de dix experts issus des secteurs privé, public, à but non lucratif et universitaire qui, tout au long de leur vie, ont vécu des échecs et lutté pour réussir. Dans cet ouvrage, ils font valoir l’argument de poids suivant : la clé de la réussite pour le Canada et les Canadiens réside dans les leçons tirées d’échecs.

Desalination and Water Security (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management)

by Chris Anastasi

Desalination is to the water industry what renewables are to the electricity sector. However, unlike renewables, the former is being deployed in a quiet revolution away from public glare. This book provides a holistic view of desalination, highlighting the important role this technology can play in providing safe access to water across the globe. It describes the context for this technology to flourish in the coming decades. It discusses the pressures on freshwater resources and the key role the desalination industry plays as it moves from a good-to-have provider today to a must-have mainstream water solution in the future. The book explores the vital elements of the desalination industry, including the winning technologies and how further technological developments will reduce costs and increase deployment into new areas. It also addresses the energy used and the key environmental issues of carbon dioxide emissions and brine waste production. Using a series of country case studies, the book illustrates how desalination can supplement natural water resources in different environments and for different purposes, and how it is supporting domestic and economic activity. Providing a forward-thinking assessment, the book considers developments over the next 30 years as climate change impacts become even more apparent. This book will be of great interest to those working to alleviate water scarcity and improve water security. It will also be of interest to those in water resource management, water policy and regulation, water science, and environmental engineering.

Desalination Concentrate Management

by Benjamin Asquith Bradley Ladewig

This book examines five methods used for concentrate management, namely; disposal to surface water, disposal to sewerage, deep well injection, land applications and evaporation ponds. In particular, the book focuses on the design, siting, cost, and environmental impacts of these methods. While these methods are widely practiced in a variety of settings already, there are many limitations that restrict the use of certain disposal options in particular locations.

Desalination Project Cost Estimating and Management

by Nikolay Voutchkov

Desalination Project Cost Estimating and Management examines the key issues associated with the estimation of costs for desalination plants. It covers all aspects of desalination project cost estimating and management: direct and indirect capital costs, fixed and variable operation and maintenance costs, and total costs for water production. In addition, it provides a detailed overview of the factors that influence project costs and discusses the technological and project delivery methods to control and optimize project costs. The book includes cost curves for the most commonly used seawater desalination facilities and numeric examples illustrating how to prepare a budgetary cost estimate for a typical desalination project. <P><P>Features: <li>Presents a comprehensive engineering overview of key issues associated with desalination project cost estimating. <li>Includes cost curves which can be used for budgetary level estimates of capital, and operation and maintenance (O&M) expenditures. <li>Contains easy to use cost-estimating rules of thumb derived from actual desalination projects. <li>Includes several numeric examples illustrating the cost estimating process.

Desalination Technology: Health and Environmental Impacts

by Joseph Cotruvo Nikolay Voutchkov John Fawell Pierre Payment David Cunliffe Sabine Lattemann

Desalination Technology: Health and Environmental Impacts covers the latest developments in desalination, examining the environmental and public health-related impacts of these technologies. Written by international experts, the text presents specifications for assessing water quality, technical issues associated with desalination technologies, and

Descartes's Secret Notebook: A True Tale of Mathematics, Mysticism , and the Quest to Understand the Universe

by Amir D. Aczel

René Descartes (1596–1650) is one of the towering and central figures in Western philosophy and mathematics. His apothegm “Cogito, ergo sum” marked the birth of the mind-body problem, while his creation of so-called Cartesian coordinates have made our physical and intellectual conquest of physical space possible. But Descartes had a mysterious and mystical side, as well. Almost certainly a member of the occult brotherhood of the Rosicrucians, he kept a secret notebook, now lost, most of which was written in code. After Descartes’s death, Gottfried Leibniz, inventor of calculus and one of the greatest mathematicians in history, moved to Paris in search of this notebook—and eventually found it in the possession of Claude Clerselier, a friend of Descartes. Leibniz called on Clerselier and was allowed to copy only a couple of pages—which, though written in code, he amazingly deciphered there on the spot. Leibniz’s hastily scribbled notes are all we have today of Descartes’s notebook, which has disappeared. Why did Descartes keep a secret notebook, and what were its contents? The answers to these questions lead Amir Aczel and the reader on an exciting, swashbuckling journey, and offer a fascinating look at one of the great figures of Western culture.

Descent from Xanadu

by Harold Robbins

A decadent billionaire pursues immortality in this raucous, raunchy, globe-hopping novel by “the dirty old man of American letters” (Hollywood Reporter).The wealthiest man in the world, Judd Crane is also ruthless, sexually irresistible, and determined to conquer man's last frontier—eternal life. A man who always gets what he wants, Judd pursues his dream on a dangerous, obsessive journey from Yugoslavia to China, from his lush private island to a secret atomic city in the Brazilian jungle. Crane is willing to spend billions, risk death, outwit foreign agents, lose his entire empire and the woman he loves . . . until, at the moment of victory, he discovers the most important secret of all.

Describing Construction: Industries, Projects and Firms

by Rick Best Jim Meikle

This third book from editors Rick Best and Jim Meikle brings together and presents insights into a number of key concepts in the study of construction firms, projects and the group of activities that loosely define the construction industry. The value for readers comes from the collection of a variety of topics in a single volume, which provide a basic understanding of the complexities of construction as more than a set of practical concerns such as labour management and materials handling. Instead, the focus is on analysis of the industry and its component parts from the viewpoints of construction economists and others seeking to understand the drivers and challenges that shape an area of economic activity that is a major contributor in all economies. The aim of this book is to provide an overview and discussion of several aspects of what makes construction tick. It is unlike other industry sectors in many ways, being project-based with often intense competition for work. Where the first book, Measuring Construction, focused on particular areas associated with quantifying various aspects of construction activity and the second, Accounting for Construction, looked more at how we record and report on construction activity, Describing Construction gives readers the views of experts in the field of how the construction industry is described, what its make-up is, it even asks the question: is construction a single industry? This book will change the way most readers understand the ‘construction industry’, whatever that may be, not from the point of view of visible on-site activities, but through a scientific approach to analysis and understanding of how projects, firms and various sectors of the industry work and how things are changing and may continue to change in future. It is essential reading for students and researchers in construction management, quantity surveying, architecture and engineering.

Description and Sampling of Contaminated Soils: A Field Guide

by J. Russell Boulding

This second edition of EPA's bestselling book, Description and Sampling of Contaminated Soils: A Field Guide, Second Edition, has been revised and significantly expanded over the original edition. An ideal reference for anyone involved in site investigations, this guide describes how to determine the amount and extent of soil contamination and potential for movement of contaminants in the soil and groundwater. It contains checklists, tables, and step-by-step descriptions of methods and procedures for:Cost-effective, detailed site investigations for evaluating the potential for contaminant transportField collection of information on soil engineering properties required for remediation selection and designThis guide also features an adaptation of soil description procedures used by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) for investigating contaminated sites. The SCS soil description and classification procedures, when used in combination with the Unified Soil Classification System currently used by geologists and engineers, greatly improves contaminated site assessments.

Description Approaches and Automated Generalization Algorithms for Groups of Map Objects

by Haowen Yan

This book focuses on the generalization of map features, providing descriptions and classifying groups of map objects into six categories: point clusters, groups of contours, road networks, river networks, continuous areal features and discrete areal features. Discussing the methods and algorithms in map generalization in equal measure, it also describes the approaches for describing map features. The book is a valuable reference for graduates and researchers who are interested in cartography and geographic information science/systems, especially those in automated map generalization and spatial databases construction.

Descriptive Analysis in Sensory Evaluation

by Sarah E. Kemp Joanne Hort Tracey Hollowood

A comprehensive review of the techniques and applications of descriptive analysis Sensory evaluation is a scientific discipline used to evoke, measure, analyse and interpret responses to products perceived through the senses of sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. It is used to reveal insights into the ways in which sensory properties drive consumer acceptance and behaviour, and to design products that best deliver what the consumer wants. Descriptive analysis is one of the most sophisticated, flexible and widely used tools in the field of sensory analysis. It enables objective description of the nature and magnitude of sensory characteristics for use in consumer-driven product design, manufacture and communication. Descriptive Analysis in Sensory Evaluation provides a comprehensive overview of a wide range of traditional and recently-developed descriptive techniques, including history, theory, practical considerations, statistical analysis, applications, case studies and future directions. This important reference, written by academic and industrial sensory scientist, traces the evolution of descriptive analysis, and addresses general considerations, including panel set-up, training, monitoring and performance; psychological factors relevant to assessment; and statistical analysis. Descriptive Analysis in Sensory Evaluation is a valuable resource for sensory professionals working in academia and industry, including sensory scientists, practitioners, trainers and students, and industry-based researchers in quality assurance, research and development, and marketing.

Descriptive Statistics for Scientists and Engineers: Applications in R (Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics)

by Rajan Chattamvelli Ramalingam Shanmugam

This book introduces descriptive statistics and covers a broad range of topics of interest to students and researchers in various applied science disciplines. This includes measures of location, spread, skewness, and kurtosis; absolute and relative measures; and classification of spread, skewness, and kurtosis measures, L-moment based measures, van Zwet ordering of kurtosis, and multivariate kurtosis. Several novel topics are discussed including the recursive algorithm for sample variance; simplification of complicated summation expressions; updating formulas for sample geometric, harmonic and weighted means; divide-and-conquer algorithms for sample variance and covariance; L-skewness; spectral kurtosis, etc. A large number of exercises are included in each chapter that are drawn from various engineering fields along with examples that are illustrated using the R programming language. Basic concepts are introduced before moving on to computational aspects. Some applications in bioinformatics, finance, metallurgy, pharmacokinetics (PK), solid mechanics, and signal processing are briefly discussed. Every analyst who works with numeric data will find the discussion very illuminating and easy to follow.

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