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Showing 16,876 through 16,900 of 68,734 results

Deterministic Numerical Modeling of Soil Structure Interaction

by Stéphane Grange Diana Salciarini

In order to describe soil–structure interaction in various situations (nonlinear, static, dynamic, hydro-mechanical couplings), this book gives an overview of the main modeling methods developed in geotechnical engineering. The chapters are centered around: the finite element method (FEM), the finite difference method (FDM), and the discrete element method (DEM). Deterministic Numerical Modeling of Soil–Structure Interaction allows the reader to explore the classical and well-known FEM and FDM, using interface and contact elements available for coupled hydro-mechanical problems.Furthermore, this book provides insight on the DEM, adapted for interaction laws at the grain level. Within a classical finite element framework, the concept of macro-element is introduced, which generalizes constitutive laws of SSI and is particularly straightforward in dynamic situations. Finally, this book presents the SSI, in the case of a group of structures, such as buildings in a town, using the notion of metamaterials and a geophysics approach.

Deterministic Solvers for the Boltzmann Transport Equation

by Anh-Tuan Pham Sung-Min Hong Christoph Jungemann

The book covers all aspects from the expansion of the Boltzmann transport equation with harmonic functions to application to devices, where transport in the bulk and in inversion layers is considered. The important aspects of stabilization and band structure mapping are discussed in detail. This is done not only for the full band structure of the 3D k-space, but also for the warped band structure of the quasi 2D hole gas. Efficient methods for building the Schrödinger equation for arbitrary surface or strain directions, gridding of the 2D k-space and solving it together with the other two equations are presented.

Deterrence: Lessons from Six Decades of Rand Deterrence Research

by Austin Long

Since its inception six decades ago, the RAND Corporation has been one of the key institutional homes for the study of deterrence. This book examines much of this research for lessons relevant to the current and future strategic environment. It is therefore part intellectual history and part policy recommendation, intended to encourage debate and discussion on how deterrence can best be incorporated into U.S. strategy.

Deterrence and First-Strike Stability in Space

by Forrest E. Morgan

Space stability appears to be eroding as a growing number of states acquire the ability to degrade or destroy U.S. space assets. The United States needs a coordinated national space deterrence strategy designed to operate on both sides of a potential adversary's cost-benefit decision calculus. Future research will determine the most effective and affordable mix of strategies, policies, and systems for strengthening space deterrence.

Deterring International Terrorism and Rogue States: US National Security Policy after 9/11 (Contemporary Security Studies)

by James H. Lebovic

This new study challenges the widely held view that many current US adversaries cannot be deterred, maintaining that deterrence is not a relic of the Cold War period and that it should shape US policies toward so-called ‘rogue states’ and terror groups. James Lebovic argues that deterrence principles continue to apply, and focuses upon the ‘three pillars’ of the Bush administration’s national security policy: missile defence, which preoccupied the administration until September 11, 2001 pre-emption, which became the US focus with the September 11 attacks and US success in overthrowing the Taliban regime in Afghanistan homeland security, which the administration has portrayed as more a natural response to threat than an aspect of policy that must be reconciled with the other pillars. Deterring International Terrorism and Rogue States asserts that bad offences and defences have been endemic to the current US policy approach, leading US policy makers to pursue policies that require them to do everything without adequate concern for resource trade-offs, overreach, and unintended consequences. This book will be of great interest to students of US foreign policy, national and international security, terrorism and international relations in general.

Detour New Mexico: Historic Destinations & Natural Wonders

by Arthur Pike David Pike

New Mexico’s rich and varied history is easily accessible via detours down obscure backroads and overlooked off-ramps. By taking the road less traveled in any direction, visitors can experience ancient landmarks, cultural heritage sites and striking vistas. Stop at places along the old Route 66, sample the world’s best chiles by the Rio Grande or soak in geothermal water flowing under Truth or Consequences. Ancient dwellings in remote canyons, the town where the first atomic bomb was secretly assembled and the grave of Billy the Kid all lie off the beaten path in the Land of Enchantment. Authors Arthur and David Pike map out these and many more worthwhile points of interest for the curious traveler.

Deus in Machina: Religion, Technology, and the Things in Between

by Jeremy Stolow

The essays in this volume explore how two domains of human experience and action—religion and technology—are implicated in each other. Contrary to commonsense understandings of both religion (as an “otherworldly” orientation) and technology (as the name for tools, techniques, and expert knowledges oriented to “this” world), the contributors to this volume challenge the grounds on which this division has been erected in the first place. What sorts of things come to light when one allows religion and technology to mingle freely? In an effort to answer that question, Deus in Machina embarks upon an interdisciplinary voyage across diverse traditions and contexts where religion and technology meet: from the design of clocks in medieval Christian Europe, to the healing power of prayer in premodern Buddhist Japan, to 19th-century Spiritualist devices for communicating with the dead, to Islamic debates about kidney dialysis in contemporary Egypt, to the work of disability activists using documentary film to reimagine Jewish kinship, to the representation of Haitian Vodou on the Internet, among other case studies. Combining rich historical and ethnographic detail with extended theoretical reflection, Deus in Machina outlines new directions for the study of religion and/as technology that will resonate across the human sciences, including religious studies, science and technology studies, communication studies, history, anthropology, and philosophy.

Deuteride Materials

by Jiping Liu Xiaobo Liu

This is the very first book that offers an up-to-date and comprehensive overview on deuteride. It not only includes the concept, existing forms, key characteristics, but also reviews the preparation and characterization technologies and the latest research developments of deuteride. The special properties such as the nuclear properties, isotropic and neutron effect, poisonousness, radioactivity, volume expansion are systematically discussed to build up the sound understanding of the materials. In particular, this work reviews a number of commercial and scientific uses of the materials including nuclear reactors, NMR spectroscopy and medicines. Researchers and industrial professionals in medicine, chemistry, biochemistry, environmental sciences and defense sciences will benefit from this work.

Deutsch für Architekten und Bauingenieure: Ein Sprachlehrbuch zur Planung und Durchführung von Bauprojekten mit Vokabeln, Redewendungen und Übungen

by Felix Friedrich Sharon Heidenreich

Ein Sprachlehrbuch, das speziell für Architekten, Bauingenieure und verwandte Berufsgruppen aller Nationalitäten konzipiert ist, die ihre deutsche Kommunikationsfähigkeit im beruflichen Kontext verbessern wollen. Das Buch kann sowohl für das Selbststudium als auch kursbegleitend eingesetzt werden. Nachdem in der 1. Hälfte des Buches viele Grundlagen der Bauwirtschaft behandelt werden, orientiert sich die 2. Hälfte an den Leistungsphasen und der Abwicklung von Beispielprojekten. Pro Kapitel werden Fachvokabular, Redewendungen, Kommunikationsformen und auch Grammatik vermittelt. Übungen und Aufgaben mit Lösungen runden das Werk ab.Nach dem Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen (GER) für Sprachen entspricht das Lehrwerk einem Niveau von B2/C1.

Developer's Dilemma: The Secret World of Videogame Creators (Inside Technology)

by Casey O'Donnell

An examination of work, the organization of work, and the market forces that surround it, through the lens of the collaborative practice of game development.Rank-and-file game developers bring videogames from concept to product, and yet their work is almost invisible, hidden behind the famous names of publishers, executives, or console manufacturers. In this book, Casey O'Donnell examines the creative collaborative practice of typical game developers. His investigation of why game developers work the way they do sheds light on our understanding of work, the organization of work, and the market forces that shape (and are shaped by) media industries. O'Donnell shows that the ability to play with the underlying systems—technical, conceptual, and social—is at the core of creative and collaborative practice, which is central to the New Economy. When access to underlying systems is undermined, so too is creative collaborative process. Drawing on extensive fieldwork in game studios in the United States and India, O'Donnell stakes out new territory empirically, conceptually, and methodologically. Mimicking the structure of videogames, the book is divided into worlds, within which are levels; and each world ends with a boss fight, a “rant” about lessons learned and tools mastered. O'Donnell describes the process of videogame development from pre-production through production, considering such aspects as experimental systems, “socially mandatory” overtime, and the perpetual startup machine that exhausts young, initially enthusiastic workers. He links work practice to broader systems of publishing, manufacturing, and distribution; introduces the concept of a privileged “actor-intra-internetwork”; and describes patent and copyright enforcement by industry and the state.

Developing a National STEM Workforce Strategy: A Workshop Summary

by National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine Policy Global Affairs Board on Higher Education Workforce Planning Committee for the National Summit on Developing a STEM Workforce Strategy Joe Alper

The future competitiveness of the United States in an increasingly interconnected global economy depends on the nation fostering a workforce with strong capabilities and skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). STEM knowledge and skills enable both individual opportunity and national competitiveness, and the nation needs to develop ways of ensuring access to high-quality education and training experiences for all students at all levels and for all workers at all career stages. The National Science Foundation (NSF) holds a primary responsibility for overseeing the federal government’s efforts to foster the creation of a STEM-capable workforce. As part of its efforts in this endeavor, NSF’s Directorate on Education and Human Resources asked the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to convene a workshop that would contribute to NSF’s preparation of a theoretical and evidence-based STEM Workforce Development R&D Core Framework. Participants discussed research themes, identified gaps and emerging research opportunities, and recommended refinements in the goals of the framework. This report summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop.

Developing a Plan for the Planet: A Business Plan for Sustainable Living (Gower Green Economics and Sustainable Growth Series)

by Ian Chambers John Humble

The world struggles with increasing threats to global sustainability, caused by population growth, overuse of fresh water resources, depletion of biodiversity, and reliance on non-renewable energy sources. There is an urgent need for an overall plan to address these challenges in a coordinated and effective manner. Whether in government, business, community or as an individual, we need to begin acting a lot smarter, faster and more collaboratively if we are going to avert the potential devastating impacts on this planet. Plan for the Planet outlines a co-ordinated approach to tackling the global challenges we face which can be implemented at every level. Using proven business management wisdom and principles, this book provides perhaps the most comprehensive and robust framework within which business, government and the community can work together to build a sustainable world. Whether you want to understand how to prepare your organisation and yourself to deal successfully with the global challenges, or seize the opportunities which are fast developing with the emergence of the sustainability revolution, you will benefit from reading this timely book.

Developing a Research Strategy for Suicide Prevention in the Department of Defense: Status of Current Research, Prioritizing Areas of Need, and Recommendations for Moving Forward

by Rajeev Ramchand Nicole K. Eberhart Christopher Guo Eric Pedersen Terrance Dean Savitsky Terri Tanielian Phoenix Voorhies

To support U. S. Department of Defense (DoD) efforts to create a unified, comprehensive strategic plan for suicide prevention research, a RAND study cataloged studies funded by DoD and other entities, examined whether current research maps to DoD's strategic research needs, and provided recommendations to encourage better alignment and narrow the research-practice gap when it comes to disseminating findings to programs serving military personnel.

Developing a Safety and Health Program

by Daniel E. Della-Giustina

Reflecting changes in the field during the ten years since the publication of the first edition, Developing a Safety and Health Program, Second Edition examines the elements of a safety and health program and delineates how to incorporate them into an organization's safety efforts. It begins by defining safety policy and providing an overview of OS

Developing Adaptation Policy and Practice in Europe: Multi-level Governance of Climate Change

by E. Carina Keskitalo

Mitigation will not be sufficient for us to avoid climate change and we will need to adapt to its consequences. This book targets the development of adaptation policy in European countries with different relations between central and regional/local government.

Developing an Impact-Based Combined Drought Index for Monitoring Crop Yield Anomalies in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia (IHE Delft PhD Thesis Series)

by Yared A. Bayissa

Having a robust drought monitoring system for Ethiopia is crucial to mitigate the adverse impacts of droughts. Yet, such monitoring system still lacks in Ethiopia, and in the Upper Blue Nile (UBN) basin in particular. Several drought indices exist to monitor drought, however, these indices are unable, individually, to provide concise information on the occurrence of meteorological, agricultural and hydrological droughts. A combined drought index (CDI) using several meteorological, agricultural and hydrological drought indices can indicate the occurrence of all drought types, and can provide information that facilitates the drought management decision-making process. This thesis proposes an impact-based combined drought index (CDI) and a regression prediction model of crop yield anomalies for the UBN basin. The impact-based CDI is defined as a drought index that optimally combines the information embedded in other drought indices for monitoring a certain impact of drought, i.e. crop yield for the UBN. The developed CDI and the regression model have shown to be effective in indicating historic drought events in UBN basin. The impact-based CDI could potentially be used in the future development of drought monitoring in the UBN basin and support decision making in order to mitigate adverse drought impacts.

Developing and Extending Sustainable Agriculture: A New Social Contract

by Charles A. Francis Raymond P. Poincelot George W. Bird

Get the latest sustainable agriculture practices and keep an eye on the future Developing and Extending Sustainable Agriculture: A New Social Contract explores the challenges faced by today’s farmers and ranchers to provide practical strategies to develop a twenty-first century system of sustainable agriculture that is economically sound, environmentally compatible, and socially acceptable. This comprehensive look at the current state of farming and ranching presents leading authorities discussing concepts and approaches in sustainable agriculture such as crop rotations, integrated pest management, alternative sources of nutrients to maintain productivity, and rotational grazing systems.Presently there is a trend toward a more industrial agriculture and a global food system that will bring long-term negative impacts. If farmers look thoughtfully toward the future, alternatives are now available to help solve these problems to provide agricultural sustainability for generations to come. Developing and Extending Sustainable Agriculture: A New Social Contract provides a model for integrated research and outreach to everyone interested in sustainable development. A sensible framework of practical short-term strategies are combined with visionary long-term plans to provide viable approaches to sustain agriculture, secure our food system, and develop a more equitable society for the future. The text includes several tables and figures, extensive references, and comprehensive bibliographies.Topics in Developing and Extending Sustainable Agriculture: A New Social Contract include: the evolution of the concept of equitable and sustainable development on-farm research farmer to farmer education IPM (integrated pest management) soil management managed grazing whole-farm planning, including economic analysis training for sustainable agriculture motivation theory and research to foster positive sustainable development organic farming productivity the future of sustainable agriculture much, much more Developing and Extending Sustainable Agriculture: A New Social Contract is enlightening, horizon-expanding reading perfect for educators, students, government decision makers, cooperative extension educators, specialists, administrators, citizen members of county extension boards, and administrators in land grant universities.

Developing and Managing Innovation in a Fast Changing and Complex World: Benefiting from Dynamic Principles

by Stig Ottosson

This book provides essential insights into how to rapidly and safely develop new sustainable products, no matter whether it is in the private sector, the public sector or the non-profit sector, and regardless of the specific national or business culture.The principles discussed were distilled from experiences and insights gained in numerous practical innovation endeavors, and from insider action research in connection with ongoing development, change management, and innovation projects in various areas and branches of the business world and non-commercial sector.In short, the practical work and research has revealed that, regardless of the specific product and/or business to be developed, clear advantages can be gained by using dynamic or agile methods based on modern theories. These advantages include: reduced risk of failure, shorter time to market, less money and effort spent, better outcome solutions, etc. than when classical methods are used. Accordingly, the book also highlights the differences between the classical/traditional and dynamic mindset and approaches. It offers suggestions on how to think, organize, lead, and act in order to excel in an increasingly complex and non-linear world. The more you can assimilate the theories, principles and methods – and integrate them in the culture you operate in – the greater the benefits will be for you and your organization.

Developing Biofuel Bioprocesses Using Systems and Synthetic Biology

by Sylvia M. Clay Stephen S. Fong

Advances in technological and analytical methods have fostered rapid growth of systems biology and synthetic biology. There continues to be rapid changes and discoveries in both fields with a small number of recent peer-reviewed reviews indicating some of the relationships between systems biology and synthetic biology. This proposed SpringerBrief will cover core concepts of systems biology and synthetic biology and illustrate the implementation of associated research methodologies for an integrated approach to specifically address engineering microorganisms for biofuel production.

Developing Biomedical Devices

by Giuseppe Andreoni Massimo Barbieri Barbara Colombo

During the past two decades incredible progress has been achieved in the instruments and devices used in the biomedical field. This progress stems from continuous scientific research that has taken advantage of many findings and advances in technology made available by universities and industry. Innovation is the key word and in this context legal protection and intellectual property rights (IPR) are of crucial importance. This book provides students and practitioners with the fundamentals for designing biomedical devices and explains basic design principles. Furthermore, as an aid to the development of devices and products for healthcare, it presents a brief description of the human body, covering anatomy and physiology, that will assist the reader in understanding the origin of biosignals, their significance and the technology to be used in their measurement. Issues concerning IPR and protections are also fully discussed, with examples and opportunities for IPR exploitation.

Developing Climate-Resilient Crops: Improving Global Food Security and Safety (Footprints of Climate Variability on Plant Diversity)

by Shah Fahad

Developing Climate-Resilient Crops: Improving Global Food Security and Safety is timely, as the world is gradually waking up to the fact that a global food crisis of enormous proportions is brewing. Climate change is creating immense problems for agricultural productivity worldwide, resulting in higher food prices. This book elucidates the causative aspects of climate modification related to agriculture, soil, and plants, and discusses the relevant resulting mitigation process and also how new tools and resources can be used to develop climate-resilient crops. Features: Addresses the limits of the anthropogenic global warming theory advocated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Presents the main characters (drought tolerance, heat tolerance, water-use efficiency, disease resistance, nitrogen-use efficiency, nitrogen fixation, and carbon sequestration) necessary for climate-resilient agriculture Delivers both theoretical and practical aspects, and serves as baseline information for future research Provides valuable resource for those students engaged in the field of environmental sciences, soil sciences, agricultural microbiology, plant pathology, and agronomy Highlights factors that are threatening future food production

Developing Climate Resilient Grain and Forage Legumes

by Uday C Jha Harsh Nayyar Shiv Kumar Agrawal Kadambot H. M. Siddique

This edited book covers all aspects of grain legumes including negative impact of abiotic and biotic stresses under the changing global climate. It discusses the role of various subject disciplines ranging from plant breeding, genetics, plant physiology, molecular biology, and genomics to high-throughput phenotyping and other emerging technologies for sustaining global grain and fodder legume production to alleviate impending global food crises. The book offers strategies to ensure plant-based dietary protein security across the globe. It covers all major commercial legume crops used as food, feed and fodder. This book is targeted to graduate and postgraduate students, researchers, progressive farmers and policymakers to inform them of the importance of cultivating grain and fodder legumes for future global food and nutritional security and for maintaining sustainable ecosystem.

Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes

by Helen Basturkmen

Presented in two parts, this book firstly introduces core considerations in ESP course development drawing on examples from a wide range of ESP and EAP courses. Secondly four case studies show how experienced ESP teachers and course developers went about developing courses to meet the needs of their particular learners.

Developing Digital Literacies: A Framework for Professional Learning

by Dustin C. Summey

Turn teachers—and students—into tech-savvy digital citizens! When teachers harness technologies and digital resources, they build upon their teaching expertise and change the way students learn. With this comprehensive job-embedded professional development program, you will help K–12 teachers incorporate digital literacies into their classroom practice. Features include: A modular, adaptable framework that capitalizes on existing personnel and resources Instructions on developing Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) for applying digital literacies in the classroom Tips for maximizing teacher buy-in Technology-related supports for schoolwide curriculum integration A companion website with electronic planning and implementation materials, sample instructional tools, and links to resources

Developing Disaster Resilient Housing in Vietnam: Challenges and Solutions

by Tuan Anh Tran

This book provides a comprehensive understanding on disaster resilient housing within the Vietnam context particularly and the developing world generally. The book has identified the root causes of housing vulnerability, restrictions to safe housing development, concepts of disaster resilient housing, key issues/factors implementers and building designers need to consider, and ways of achieving resilient housing outcomes in actual design projects. The design and development of disaster resilient housing has been framed into three main themes: (i) community consultation, (ii) the role of built-environment professionals and (iii) design responses for resilience. To achieve these themes, there is a variety of contextual and intervening conditions that need to be addressed and met to provide an enabling environment for promoting disaster resilient housing. These three themes are among the most arguable issues in recent debates and discussions, academically and practically, regarding disaster risk reduction and safe housing development. In addition, this book also provides the evidence-based design framework for disaster resilient housing upon which design ideas and solutions for safe and resilient housing can be generated and shaped.

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