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Diamond: A Struggle for Environmental Justice in Louisiana's Chemical Corridor
by Steve Lerner Robert D. BullardFor years, the residents of Diamond, Louisiana, lived with an inescapable acrid, metallic smell -- the "toxic bouquet" of pollution -- and a mysterious chemical fog that seeped into their houses. They looked out on the massive Norco Industrial Complex: a maze of pipelines, stacks topped by flares burning off excess gas, and huge oil tankers moving up the Mississippi. They experienced headaches, stinging eyes, allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems, skin disorders, and cancers that they were convinced were caused by their proximity to heavy industry. Periodic industrial explosions damaged their houses and killed some of their neighbors. Their small, African-American, mixed-income neighborhood was sandwiched between two giant Shell Oil plants in Louisiana's notorious Chemical Corridor. When the residents of Diamond demanded that Shell relocate them, their chances of success seemed slim: a community with little political clout was taking on the second-largest oil company in the world. And yet, after effective grassroots organizing, unremitting fenceline protests, seemingly endless negotiations with Shell officials, and intense media coverage, the people of Diamond finally got what they wanted: money from Shell to help them relocate out of harm's way. In this book, Steve Lerner tells their story. Around the United States, struggles for environmental justice such as the one in Diamond are the new front lines of both the civil rights and the environmental movements, and Diamond is in many ways a classic environmental-justice story: a minority neighborhood, faced with a polluting industry in its midst, fights back. But Diamond is also the history of a black community that goes back to the days of slavery. In 1811, Diamond (then the Trepagnier Plantation) was the center of the largest slave rebellion in United States history. Descendants of these slaves were among the participants in the modern-day Diamond relocation campaign. Steve Lerner talks to the people of Diamond, and lets them tell their story in their own words. He talks also to the residents of a nearby white neighborhood -- many of whom work for Shell and have fewer complaints about the plants -- and to environmental activists and Shell officials. His account of Diamond's 30-year ordeal puts a human face on the struggle for environmental justice in the United States.
Diamond and Related Nanostructures
by Csaba Levente Nagy Mircea Vasile DiudeaOver the past twenty years, the field of carbon structures has been invigorated by the discovery of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. These nano-structured carbons have attracted a tremendous interest in the fundamental properties of discrete carbon molecules, leading to the discovery of novel complex crystalline and quasi-crystalline materials. As a consequence, a variety of applications have been developed, including technical and bio-medical materials and miniaturized tools. Diamond and Related Nanostructures focuses on the advances in the area of diamond-like carbon nanostructures (hyper-structures built from fullerenes and/or carbon nanotube junctions) and other related carbon nanostructures. Each chapter contributes to the topic from different fields, ranging from theory to synthesis and properties investigation of these new materials. This volume brings together the major findings in the field and provides a source of inspiration and understanding to advanced undergraduates, graduates, and researchers in the fields of Physics, Graph Theory, Crystallography, Computational and Synthetic Chemistry.
A Diamond Dream: Final Book of the Jubilee Cycle (Jubilee Cycle)
by Eli K. WilliamIn a near future Tokyo, every action—from blinking to sexual intercourse—is intellectual property owned by corporations that charge licensing fees… Risen from the ashes of bankdeath, Amon Kenzaki, fallen Liquidator and Xenocyst survivor, arrives at the forest from his dreams. He has fulfilled his promise to the PhisherKing to seek truth without relent and can look upon the wonders of those green slopes with clear eyes at last. Yet now, just when his deepest aspiration can finally be fulfilled, he must balance it against the aspirations of all humanity. And he despairs to discover that his love, Mayuko Takamatsu, is still nowhere to be found. MegaGlom demigoddess, Rashana Birla, and her faithful servant, Ono X, seek Amon&’s help in reviving a single dream of liberation with enough facets to accommodate the dreams of all. Meanwhile, the lost secrets of financial life and death promise a kind of digital reincarnation to transcend the twin markets of the Free World, if only he can hold together a miraculous fellowship. In A Diamond Dream, final book of the Jubilee Cycle trilogy, Amon arrives at the very limits of capitalism, where he and his friends must choose which future to stake out on the other side and accept the consequences. A thought-provoking battle between corporate domination and the individual spirit to decide the meaning of freedom.
Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings: Technologies and Applications
by Peerawatt Nunthavarawong Sanjay Mavinkere Rangappa Suchart Siengchin Kuniaki DohdaDiamond-like carbons (DLCs) display a number of attractive properties that make them versatile coating materials for a variety of applications, including extremely high hardness values, very low friction properties, very low gas permeability, good biocompatibility, and very high electrical resistivity, among others. Further research into this material is required to produce hydrogen-free DLC films and to synthesize it together with other materials, thereby obtaining better film properties. Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings: Technologies and Applications examines emerging manufacturing technologies for DLCs with the aim of improving their properties for use in practical applications. Discusses DLC coatings used in mechanical, manufacturing, and medical applications Details recent developments in the novel synthesis of DLC films Covers advances in understanding of chemical, structural, physical, mechanical, and tribological properties for modern material processing Highlights methods to yield longer service life Considers prospects for future applications of emerging DLC technologies This work is aimed at materials science and engineering researchers, advanced students, and industry professionals.
Diamond Turn Machining: Theory and Practice (Micro and Nanomanufacturing Series)
by R. Balasubramaniam RamaGopal V. Sarepaka Sathyan SubbiahThe goal of this book is to familiarize professionals, researchers, and students with the basics of the Diamond Turn Machining Technology and the various issues involved. The book provides a comprehensive knowledge about various aspects of the technology including the background, components of the machine, mechanism of material removal, application areas, relevant metrology, and advances taking place in this domain. Solved and unsolved examples are provided in each of the areas which will help the readers to practice and get familiarized with that particular area of the Diamond Turn Machining process.
Diamonds of Doom (Escape from Planet Alcatraz)
by Michael DahlTraveling by night, Zak Nine and Erro are following a shadowy figure until the mysterious stranger disappears into a cave. The boys decide to follow. Inside they find a maze filled with priceless gems, along with a rough band of escaped criminals. Things go from bad to worse when a squad of Alcatraz guards arrives on the scene. When the guards start shooting their laser blasters, suddenly nobody is safe! Will Zak and Erro escape the deadly storm of laser fire, or will they be trapped in the endless dark forever?
Diary and Observations of Thomas Alva Edison
by Dagobert D. RunesGain insight into the unique thinking and philosophy of the world&’s most prolific inventor with this collection of his writings.American scientist and businessman Thomas Edison contributed much to the well-being and comfort of our modern life. He gave us the electric light, the phonograph, and the motion-picture camera, along with more than one thousand other inventions. Edison was, as fellow inventor Guglielmo Marconi put it, &“one of the world&’s greatest benefactors.&” In this volume, editor Dagobert D. Runes presents Edison&’s diary along with a selection of his social and philosophical ideas taken from available notes, statements, and observations. Readers will discover that many of Edison&’s casual remarks made decades ago have a definite contemporary significance. His propositions in ethics, philosophy, music, and education show a rare combination of whimsy and deep sincerity.
Diary of an Apprentice Astronaut
by Samantha CristoforettiAstronaut Samantha Cristoforetti’s intimate account of her first journey to the International Space Station, to which she returns in 2022, as commander of Expedition 68a—only the fourth woman to command the ISS, praised by Scott Kelly for its “incredible detail and great writing.” Two hundred days orbiting Earth on the International Space Station. Five years working and training with the aerospace community across the world. A lifetime of choices leading to the stars. These are the components of Samantha Cristoforetti’s dream, a dream she invites us to share in this intimate account of an astronaut’s journey to space. She views the triumphs and disappointments of that journey with a poet’s eye and a philosopher’s mind—and an engineer’s gift for detail that brings each experience into sharp focus. With Cristoforetti as our guide, we’re called to become “apprentice astronauts” and experience the world anew through the visor of a space suit’s helmet. Bonding with crew members to tackle challenges as a team, lifting off from the launchpad in a roar of engines, discovering the strange wonders of weightlessness, seeing Earth with a fresh perspective after a bittersweet return to solid ground . . . all these moments and more reveal what it really takes to escape our planet’s gravity in pursuit of a goal.
Dicas Profissionais Para Linha De Comando Bash
by Jason Cannon Rafaella C. S. BarrosSe você já disse para si mesmo: "Tem que ter uma maneira melhor de fazer isso", então continue lendo.Como alguém que tem usado a Bash shell quase diariamente por 15 anos, acumulei vários "truques" de linha de comando que me economizaram tempo e frustrações. Dicas Profissionais para Linha de Comando Bash é uma coleção de 10 técnicas que você pode começar a usar imediatamente para aumentar sua eficiência com linha de comando.Eis o que você vai aprender lendo Dicas Profissionais para Linha de Comando Bash:Dica 1: Completar com TabDica 2: Alterar para o diretório anteriorDica 3: Reutilizar o último item da linha de comando anteriorDica 4: Executar novamente um comando que inicia com uma string fornecidaDica 5: Substituição de comandoDica 6: Usar um laço de repetição em "for" na linha de comandoDica 7: Re-executar o comando anterior com privilégios de administradorDica 8: Re-executar o comando anterior enquanto substitui uma stringDica 9: Reutilizar uma palavra na mesma linha de comandoDica 10: Corrigindo erros de digitação e encurtando comandos longos com apelidos
Dicke Luft - Konfliktmanagement in Gesundheitsberufen (Top im Gesundheitsjob)
by Lore Wehner Alina WehnerAngehörige von Gesundheitsberufen sind durch ständige Veränderungsprozesse, Personalmangel, komplexe Dokumentationspflichten sowie den hohen Qualitätsmaßstäben und Haftungsrisiken einem steigenden Erwartungsdruck ausgesetzt. So sind vermehrt Konflikte durch Überforderung, Leistungsdruck, gesetzlichen und innerbetrieblichen Vorgaben zu beobachten. Die Konfliktebenen sind vielfältig und reichen von der Führung, über das Team und andere Berufsgruppen bis hin zum Patienten, Kunden und den Angehörigen. Besonders im Berufsalltag wirken sich ungelöste Konflikte und schwelende Konfliktpotenziale nicht nur auf das Wohlbefinden des Einzelnen aus, sondern werden rasch zum Kostenfaktor für das gesamte Unternehmen. Häufige Krankenstände, verminderte Leistungsfähigkeit, Mobbing, Burnout, hohe Personalfluktuation und Imageverlust sind nur einige Folgeerscheinungen. Die erfahrene Autorin stellt in diesem Buch speziell auf den Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegebereich abgestimmte Methoden zur Konfliktbearbeitung und -prävention vor. Fallbeispiele und Erfahrungsberichte geben Einblick in die Praxis. Der Leser erfährt Möglichkeiten, Chancen und Grenzen gewaltfreier, nonverbaler und interkultureller Kommunikation und Konfliktlösungsstrategien. Verschiedene Lösungsansätze wie z.B. Einzelgespräch, Teamgespräch und Mediation werden vorgestellt und die Vor- und Nachteile erläutert. Das neuartige Konfliktlotsenmodell gibt einen Ausblick wie zukünftig Konflikte kreativ bewältigt werden können..
The Dictionary for Human Factors/Ergonomics
by Jr. StramlerThe Dictionary for Human Factors/Ergonomics is a major compilation of the basic terminology in the field of ergonomics. This unique dictionary contains over 8,000 terms representing all areas of human factors. For many terms, a commentary is provided to help place the term in perspective and elaborate on its use. Applicable acronyms and abbreviations are included. Two appendices are featured in the book as well. The first appendix is an alphabetical listing of abbreviations and acronyms with their respective terms for easy cross-referencing. The second appendix contains a list of national and international organizations involved in human factors/ergonomic research and/or applications. Peer-reviewed for accuracy and comprehensiveness, The Dictionary for Human Factors/Ergonomics is an essential reference for professionals, academics, and students in engineering, psychology, safety, law, and management. It is especially useful for human factors professionals working in government and industry.
Dictionary Learning Algorithms and Applications
by Bogdan Dumitrescu Paul IroftiThis book covers all the relevant dictionary learning algorithms, presenting them in full detail and showing their distinct characteristics while also revealing the similarities. It gives implementation tricks that are often ignored but that are crucial for a successful program. Besides MOD, K-SVD, and other standard algorithms, it provides the significant dictionary learning problem variations, such as regularization, incoherence enforcing, finding an economical size, or learning adapted to specific problems like classification. Several types of dictionary structures are treated, including shift invariant; orthogonal blocks or factored dictionaries; and separable dictionaries for multidimensional signals. Nonlinear extensions such as kernel dictionary learning can also be found in the book. The discussion of all these dictionary types and algorithms is enriched with a thorough numerical comparison on several classic problems, thus showing the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm. A few selected applications, related to classification, denoising and compression, complete the view on the capabilities of the presented dictionary learning algorithms. The book is accompanied by code for all algorithms and for reproducing most tables and figures.Presents all relevant dictionary learning algorithms - for the standard problem and its main variations - in detail and ready for implementation;Covers all dictionary structures that are meaningful in applications;Examines the numerical properties of the algorithms and shows how to choose the appropriate dictionary learning algorithm.
Dictionary of Building and Civil Engineering: English/French French/English
by Don MontagueThis French–English and English–French dictionary lists over 20,000 specialist terms, covering architecture, building, civil engineering and property. It is written for all construction professionals working on projects overseas. This new edition has been revised and extended, as well as pruned, and serves as an invaluable reference source in an increasingly European marketplace.
Dictionary of Carbohydrates
by Peter M. CollinsAn easy-to-use reference source for all scientists working with carbohydrates, the Dictionary of Carbohydrates with CD-ROM, Second Edition builds on the success of its previous edition by providing a substantially increased number of compounds. The presentation is sharpened by a careful review of existing entries. With 24,000 compounds, it represen
Dictionary of Ceramic Science and Engineering
by Ian J. MccolmThe third edition of the Dictionary of Ceramic Science and Engineering builds on the heavily revised 2nd edition which, in turn, expanded the original edition by some 4000 entries to include new fabrication, testing, materials, and vocabulary. The proven basis of the first two editions has been retained but new words and phrases have been added from the rapidly advancing electronic, nanoparticle and modern materials engineering fields. Additionally, all measurements in SI units are given to facilitate communication among the many sub-disciplines touched on by ceramics, ensuring that this publication remains the field's standard reference work for years to come. This extended edition of the Dictionary of Ceramic Science and Engineering ably follows its predecessors as an authoritative resource for students, researchers and professionals dealing with the processing of Materials.
Dictionary of Ceramics
by Arthur Edward DoddThis updated edition of Dr A E Dodd's classic ceramics dictionary contains over 2000 new terms, including terminology covering new developments in engineering ceramics, electroceramics, whiteware processes and environmental legislation. The coverage of glass, vitreous enamel and the cement industries has been widened and relevant areas of basic science i.e. crystal structure, fracture mechanics and sintering, have been included.
Dictionary of Computer Science, Engineering and Technology
by Phillip A. LaplanteA complete lexicon of technical information, the Dictionary of Computer Science, Engineering, and Technology provides workable definitions, practical information, and enhances general computer science and engineering literacy. It spans various disciplines and industry sectors such as: telecommunications, information theory, and software and hardware systems. If you work with, or write about computers, this dictionary is the single most important resource you can put on your shelf.The dictionary addresses all aspects of computing and computer technology from multiple perspectives, including the academic, applied, and professional vantage points. Including more than 8,000 terms, it covers all major topics from artificial intelligence to programming languages, from software engineering to operating systems, and from database management to privacy issues. The definitions provided are detailed rather than concise. Written by an international team of over 80 contributors, this is the most comprehensive and easy-to-read reference of its kind. If you need to know the definition of anything related to computers you will find it in the Dictionary of Computer Science, Engineering, and Technology.
The Dictionary of Electrical Installation Work
by Brian Scaddan• Diagrams and illustrations are included in colour to make explanations easier to understand• Ideal for students taking City and Guilds 2357 and 2391 as a companion volume to their textbooks• Up-to-date for the 17th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations Get instant access to all the words, phrases and abbreviations you are likely to come across while studying or working in the electrical industry. Entries are described in detail with diagrams and illustrations used to explain complicated topics. This is an indispensable resource for students enrolled in NVQ Technical Certificates, City and Guilds Diplomas and for many others working and studying in the construction industry, making it an ideal companion to any electrical installations textbook. Brian Scaddan has many years of experience in the electrical industry and is a bestselling author of electrical installations textbooks. Brian Scaddan, I Eng, MIET, is a consultant for and an Honorary Member of City and Guilds. He has over 35 years' experience in Further Education and training. He is Director of Brian Scaddan Associates Ltd, an approved City and Guilds and NICEIC training centre offering courses on all aspects of Electrical Installation Contracting including the City and Guilds 2382, 2391, 2392, 2377 series and NICEIC DISQ courses. He is also a leading author of books on electrical installation.
Dictionary of Environmental Engineering and Wastewater Treatment
by Alireza Bahadori Scott T. SmithThis comprehensive dictionary covers wastewater processes, pollution control, and every major area of environmental engineering used in industry. The alphabetically arranged entries cover key terms used in daily communications and documentation in all research and industrial activities. The several thousand key technical terms are written in easy-to-understand, practical language. The volume is an ideal reference for students and practitioners.
Dictionary of Flavors
by Dolf De Rovira Sr.The third edition of this highly popular scientific reference continues to provide a unique approach to flavors, flavor chemistry and natural products. Dictionary of Flavors features entries on all flavor ingredients granted G.R.A.S. status, compounds used in the formulation of food flavors, and related food science and technology terms. Allergies and intolerances are addressed, along with strategies to avoid allergenic compounds. This latest edition has been fully updated to reflect new ingredients available on the market, as well as developments in safety standards and the international regulatory arena. Dolf De Rovira applies his extensive experience to make this the most comprehensive guide to flavors available.
A Dictionary of Food and Nutrition (2nd edition)
by David A. Bender"This clear and informative guide features entries on hundreds of different foods and dishes, explanations of the often baffling terms on food labels, and information on nutritional value. Ideal for consumers, cooks, students, and anyone else in the fields of catering, home economics, food technology, food science, nutrition, or health care."--BOOK JACKET. Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Dictionary of Food Ingredients
by Robert S. IgoeThe Dictionary of Food Ingredients is a unique, easy-to-use source of information on over 1,000 food ingredients and additives. Like the previous editions, the Fifth Edition provides clear and concise information on currently used additives, including natural ingredients, FDA-approved artificial ingredients, and compounds used in food processing. The dictionary entries, organized in alphabetical order, include information on ingredient functions, chemical properties, and uses in food products. This revised and updated fifth edition also features a new section, "Food Definitions and Formulations," a thoroughly expanded list of food ingredients approved for use in the European Union, with E numbers, as well as new information on existing and more recently approved ingredients.
Dictionary of Industrial Terminology
by Michael D. Holloway Emma HollowayThis is the most comprehensive dictionary of maintenance and reliability terms ever compiled, covering the process, manufacturing, and other related industries, every major area of engineering used in industry, and more. The over 15,000 entries are all alphabetically arranged and include special features to encourage usage and understanding. They are supplemented by hundreds of figures and tables that clearly demonstrate the principles & concepts behind important process control, instrumentation, reliability, machinery, asset management, lubrication, corrosion, and much much more.With contributions by leading researchers in the field:Zaki Yamani Bin Zakaria Department, Chemical Engineering, Faculty Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Prof. Jelenka B. Savkovic-Stevanovic, Chemical Engineering Dept, University of Belgrade, Serbia Jim Drago, PE, Garlock an EnPro Industries family of companies, USA Robert Perez, President of Pumpcalcs, USA Luiz Alberto Verri, Independent Consultatnt, Verri Veritatis Consultoria, Brasil Matt Tones, Garlock an EnPro Industries family of companies, USA Dr. Reza Javaherdashti, formerly with Qatar University, Doha-Qatar Prof. Semra Bilgic, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physical Chemistry, Ankara University, Turkey Dr. Mazura Jusoh , Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Jayesh Ramesh Tekchandaney, Unique Mixers and Furnaces Pvt. Ltd. Dr. Henry Tan, Senior Lecturer in Safety & Reliability Engineering, and Subsea Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen Fiddoson Fiddo, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen Prof. Roy Johnsen, NTNU, Norway Prof. N. Sitaram , Thermal Turbomachines Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai India Ghazaleh Mohammadali, IranOilGas Network Members' Services Greg Livelli, ABB Instrumentation, Warminster, Pennsylvania, USA Gas Processors Suppliers Association (GPSA)
Dictionary of Industrial Terms
by Chikezie Nwaoha Michael D. HollowayThis is the most comprehensive dictionary of maintenance and reliability terms ever compiled, covering the process, manufacturing, and other related industries, every major area of engineering used in industry, and more. The over 15,000 entries are all alphabetically arranged and include special features to encourage usage and understanding. They are supplemented by hundreds of figures and tables that clearly demonstrate the principles & concepts behind important process control, instrumentation, reliability, machinery, asset management, lubrication, corrosion, and much much more.With contributions by leading researchers in the field:Zaki Yamani Bin Zakaria Department, Chemical Engineering, Faculty Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Prof. Jelenka B. Savkovic-Stevanovic, Chemical Engineering Dept, University of Belgrade, Serbia Jim Drago, PE, Garlock an EnPro Industries family of companies, USA Robert Perez, President of Pumpcalcs, USA Luiz Alberto Verri, Independent Consultatnt, Verri Veritatis Consultoria, Brasil Matt Tones, Garlock an EnPro Industries family of companies, USA Dr. Reza Javaherdashti, formerly with Qatar University, Doha-Qatar Prof. Semra Bilgic, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physical Chemistry, Ankara University, Turkey Dr. Mazura Jusoh , Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Jayesh Ramesh Tekchandaney, Unique Mixers and Furnaces Pvt. Ltd. Dr. Henry Tan, Senior Lecturer in Safety & Reliability Engineering, and Subsea Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen Fiddoson Fiddo, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen Prof. Roy Johnsen, NTNU, Norway Prof. N. Sitaram , Thermal Turbomachines Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai India Ghazaleh Mohammadali, IranOilGas Network Members' Services Greg Livelli, ABB Instrumentation, Warminster, Pennsylvania, USA Gas Processors Suppliers Association (GPSA)
Dictionary of Inequalities (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics)
by Peter BullenAdding new results that have appeared in the last 15 years, Dictionary of Inequalities, Second Edition provides an easy way for researchers to locate an inequality by name or subject. This edition offers an up-to-date, alphabetical listing of each inequality with a short statement of the result, some comments, references to related inequalities, an