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Showing 17,601 through 17,625 of 71,561 results

Development Methodologies for Big Data Analytics Systems: Plan-driven, Agile, Hybrid, Lightweight Approaches (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)

by Manuel Mora Fen Wang Jorge Marx Gomez Hector Duran-Limon

This book presents research in big data analytics (BDA) for business of all sizes. The authors analyze problems presented in the application of BDA in some businesses through the study of development methodologies based on the three approaches – 1) plan-driven, 2) agile and 3) hybrid lightweight. The authors first describe BDA systems and how they emerged with the convergence of Statistics, Computer Science, and Business Intelligent Analytics with the practical aim to provide concepts, models, methods and tools required for exploiting the wide variety, volume, and velocity of available business internal and external data - i.e. Big Data – and provide decision-making value to decision-makers. The book presents high-quality conceptual and empirical research-oriented chapters on plan-driven, agile, and hybrid lightweight development methodologies and relevant supporting topics for BDA systems suitable to be used for large-, medium-, and small-sized business organizations.

Development of 15 Micron Cutoff Wavelength HgCdTe Detector Arrays for Astronomy (Springer Theses)

by Mario Cabrera

This thesis describes advances in the understanding of HgCdTe detectors. While long wave (15 μm) infrared detectors HgCdTe detectors have been developed for military use under high background irradiance, these arrays had not previously been developed for astronomical use where the background irradiance is a billion times smaller. The main pitfall in developing such arrays for astronomy is the pixel dark current which plagues long wave HgCdTe. The author details work on the success of shorter wavelength development at Teledyne Imaging Sensors, carefully modeling the dark current–reverse bias voltage curves of their 10 μm devices at a temperature of 30K, as well as the dark current–temperature curves at several reverse biases, including 250 mV. By projecting first to 13 and then 15 μm HgCdTe growth, values of fundamental properties of the material that would minimize tunneling dark currents were determined through careful modeling of the dark current-reverse bias voltage curves, as well as the dark current-temperature curves. This analysis was borne out in the 13 μm parts produced by Teledyne, and then further honed to produce the necessary parameters for the 15 μm growth. The resulting 13 μm arrays are being considered by a number of ground-based astronomy research groups.

Development of 6G Networks and Technology (Next Generation Computing and Communication Engineering)

by Suman Lata Tripathi Mufti Mahmud C. Narmadha S. Albert Alexander

This book provides an in-depth exploration of the potential impact of 6G networks on various industries, including healthcare, agriculture, transport, and national security, making it an essential resource for researchers, scholars, and students working in the field of wireless networks and high-speed data processing systems. Development of 6G Networks and Technology explores the benefits and challenges of 5G and beyond that play a key role in the development of the next generation of internet. 6G is targeted to improve download speeds, eliminate latency, reduce congestion on mobile networks, and support advancements in technology. 6G has the potential to transform how the human, physical, and digital worlds interact with each other and the capability to support advancements in technology, such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), the metaverse, and artificial intelligence (AI). Machine learning and deep learning modules are also an integral part of almost all automated systems where signal processing is performed at different levels. Signal processing in the form text, image, or video needs large data computational operations at the desired data rate and accuracy. Large data requires more use of IC area with embedded bulk memories that lead to power consumption. Trade-offs between power consumption, delay, and IC area are always a concern of designers and researchers. Energy-efficient, high-speed data processing is required in major areas like biomedicine and healthcare, agriculture, transport, climate change, and national security and defense. This book will provide a foundation and initial inputs for researchers, scholars, and students working in the areas of wireless networks and high-speed data processing systems. It also provides techniques, tools, and methodologies to develop next-generation internet and 6G.

The Development of a 2D Ultrasonic Array Inspection for Single Crystal Turbine Blades

by Christopher Lane

This thesis describes the development of a new technique to solve an important industrial inspection requirement for a high-value jet-engine component. The work - and the story told in the thesis - stretches all the way from the fundamentals of wave propagation in anisotropic material and ultrasonic array imaging through to device production and site trials. The book includes a description of a new method to determine crystallographic orientation from 2D ultrasonic array data. Another new method is described that enables volumetric images of an anisotropic material to be generated from 2D ultrasonic array data, based on measured crystallographic orientation. After extensive modeling, a suitable 2D array and deployment fixtures were manufactured and tested on in situ turbine blades in real engines. The final site trial indicated an order of magnitude improvement over the best existing technique in the detectability of a certain type of root cracking. The Development of a 2D Ultrasonic Array Inspection for Single Crystal Turbine Blades should be an inspiration for those starting out on doctoral degrees as it shows the complete development cycle from basic science to industrial usage.

Development of a Cyber Physical System for Fire Safety

by Rosalie Faith Wills André Marshall

This SpringerBrief presents cutting-edge research on an important aspect of smart firefighting which will improve performance, safety, prediction, and resilience. It demonstrates the viability of real-time decision support for smart firefighting and provides validation data for continued cyber-physical system (CPS) development by using a smart networked fire test bed consisting of a multi-story instrumented building, a variety of fire and non-fire networked sensors, and a computational framework anchored by a Building Information Modeling (BIM) representation of the building. The author conducted well-controlled full-scale fire experiments and represents them in the three-dimensional BIM, allowing for visualization of critical static and dynamic building and fire information. The CPS test bed produces clear evidence about the opportunities for fire safety created by the communication between sensors, BIM, and fire. When applied to fire protection, CPS fuses the emerging sensor and computing technologies with building control systems, firefighting equipment, and apparatus. This SpringerBrief reveals some of the key ways CPS makes firefighting safer and more efficient.

Development of a Decision Support System for Groundwater Pollution Assessment

by N. Kukuric

This book discusses the development of the decision support system for groundwater pollution assessment, one of the first integrated information systems in the field of hydrogeology, reflecting the purpose of knowledge encapsulation in the field of groundwater quality management.

Development of a Remote Laboratory for Engineering Education (Technology Guides)

by Ning Wang Qianlong Lan Xuemin Chen Gangbing Song Hamid Parsaei

The field of information technology continues to advance at a brisk pace, including the use of Remote Laboratory (RL) systems in education and research. To address the needs of remote laboratory development for such purposes, the authors present a new state-of-the-art unified framework for RL system development. Included are solutions to commonly encountered RL implementation issues such as third-party plugin, traversing firewalls, cross platform running, and scalability, etc. Additionally, the book introduces a new application architecture of remote lab for mobile-optimized RL application development for Mobile Learning (M-Learning). It also shows how to design and organize the remote experiments at different universities and make available a framework source code. The book is intended to serve as a complete guide for remote lab system design and implementation for an audience comprised of researchers, practitioners and students to enable them to rapidly and flexibly implement RL systems for a range of fields.

Development of a Self-Sufficient, Wireless Sensor Node Using the Outer FML Layer as an Antenna (Mechanics and Adaptronics)

by Sarah Bornemann

This book presents an investigation on integrating wireless sensor nodes including their antennas into fiber metal laminates (FMLs) for the purpose of enabling wireless, material-integrated structural health monitoring. Within the scope of this work, a digital sensor node is presented, which can be fully integrated into a conductive host material. A stainless steel antenna supplies the system with sufficient power to provide the functions required for its intended use. This system enables the wireless readout of sensor data for the detection of damage in FMLs. The application focuses on aerospace components, for the detection of damage in the inner material layers, which are not or only hardly detectable by optical inspection methods. Guided ultrasonic waves in the form of Lamb waves are used for this. The flexible electronics are inserted into the layers of the target material, while the associated antenna is cut into the outer metal layer. This turns the outer metal layer, which would prevent wireless communication from inside the laminate, into an advantage, as the need for an additional, external antenna is eliminated. Two fundamentally different principles can be used as the sensor element. Piezoelectric sensors were already used extensively in structural health monitoring using ultrasound and recently developed piezoresistive sensors, which are designed to be very small, making them highly suitable for material integration. Both types of sensors can be read out with the presented system so that the most appropriate approach can be chosen depending on the application. The suitability of the wireless sensor system for its intended purpose is verified by material-integrated measurements. At the end of this work, it is shown that the raw data of the measurements reproducibly provide a sufficient resolution of the sensor signal to manually identify changes caused by applied reversible, artificial pseudo-defects from reference measurements without any damage. The intended audience of this book are people from the field which are familiar with the basic concepts of electrical engineering or similar regions, embedded system enthusiasts and all readers who like to follow the process of a complete wireless electronic system design from requirements analysis to final material-integrated measurement demonstrations.

Development of a Sub-glacial Radio Telescope for the Detection of GZK Neutrinos

by Thomas Meures

The goal of the project presented in this book is to detect neutrinos created by resonant interactions of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays on the CMB photon field filling the Universe. In this pioneering first analysis, the author puts forward much of the analysis framework, including calibrations of the electronic hardware and antenna geometry, as well as the development of algorithms for event reconstruction and data reduction. While only two of the 37 stations planned for the Askaryan Radio Array were used in this assessment of 10 months of data, the analysis was able to exclude neutrino fluxes above 10 PeV with a limit not far from the best current limit set by the IceCube detector, a result which establishes the radio detection technique as the path forward to achieving the massive volumes needed to detect these ultrahigh energy neutrinos.

Development of Adaptive Speed Observers for Induction Machine System Stabilization (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)

by Yehia Sayed Mohammed Ahmed A. Diab Abo-Hashima M. Al-Sayed Hossam Hefnawy Abbas Mohammed

This book describes the development of an adaptive state observer using a mathematical model to achieve high performance for sensorless induction motor drives. This involves first deriving an expression for a modified gain rotor flux observer with a parameter adaptive scheme to estimate the motor speed accurately and improve the stability and performance of sensorless vector-controlled induction motor drives. This scheme is then applied to the controls of a photovoltaic-motor water-pumping system, which results in improved dynamic performance under different operating conditions. The book also presents a robust speed controller design for a sensorless vector-controlled induction motor drive system based on H∞ theory, which overcomes the problems of the classical controller.

The Development of an Aquatic Habitat Classification System for Lakes

by W.D.N. Busch

In the context of freshwater fisheries changing their strategies from the regulation of harvest and the enhancement of populations, to the creation and protection of habitats and the management of ecosystems, moves toward establishing an aquatic habitat classification system. Eight papers, from the February 1988 Symposium on the Classification and Inventory of Great Lakes Aquatic Habitats (the last in a series of Great Lakes Symposia), propose various classification approaches, most using a limited number of physical, chemical, and/or biological variables to produce some form of index. They also include overviews and summaries of the classification process.

Development of an Efficient Modelling Approach to Support Economically and Socially Acceptable Flood Risk Reduction in Coastal Cities: Can Tho City, Mekong Delta, Vietnam (IHE Delft PhD Thesis Series)

by Hieu Quang Ngo

Flooding is one of the most frequently occurring and damaging natural disasters worldwide. Quantitative flood risk management (FRM) in the modern context demands statistically robust approaches (e.g. probabilistic) due to the need to deal with complex uncertainties. However, probabilistic estimates often involve ensemble 2D model runs resulting in large computational costs.Additionally, modern FRM necessitates the involvement of a broad range of stakeholders via co-design sessions. This makes it necessary for the flood models, at least at a simplified level, to be understood by and accessible to non-specialists. This study was undertaken to develop a flood modelling system that can provide rapid and sufficiently accurate estimates of flood risk within a methodology that is accessible to a wider range of stakeholders for a coastal city – Can Tho city, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. A web-based hydraulic tool, Inform, was developed based on a simplified 1D model for the entire Mekong Delta, flood hazard and damage maps, and estimated flood damages for the urban centre of Can Tho city (Ninh Kieu district), containing the must-have features of a co-design tool (e.g. inbuilt input library, flexible options, easy to use, quick results, user-friendly interface). Inform provides rapid flood risk assessments with quantitative information (e.g. flood levels, flood hazard and damage maps, estimated damages) required for co-designing efforts aimed at flood risk reduction for Ninh Kieu district in the future.

Development of an Environmental and Economic Assessment Tool (Enveco Tool) for Fire Events

by Francine Amon Jonatan Gehandler Selim Stahl Mai Tomida Brian Meacham

This book investigates the feasibility of developing a tool that enables fire departments to estimate the value of their services to a community in terms of environmental and financial impact. This book provides a summary of this effort, which resulted in development of a prototype tool for fire department use. The impact of fire on a community is usually measured in terms of the number of fires, human casualties, and property damage. There are, however, more subtle impacts of fire that are not so easily estimated but contribute to the measure of overall performance of the fire service in protecting a community. While environmental and economic impact assessment methodologies exist as separate systems, they generally require a high level of knowledge that is outside the scope of most fire departments. A relatively simple methodology for estimating the environmental and economic impact of fires helps communities understand the degree to which fire department activities can benefit a community s environmental and economic well-being. The scope and approach for this prototype tool is explained, including risk assessment, cost benefit analysis, life cycle assessment, integration and implementation, and sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. It includes multiple case studies and offers statistical support for future expansion of the tool. Fire service professionals will find this a useful new approach to presenting value in a community, as well as a method for examining their own financial and environmental plans. "

Development of an Environmental Impact Assessment and Decision Support System for Seawater Desalination Plants

by Sabine Latteman

Seawater desalination is a coastal-based industry. The growing number of desalination plants worldwide and the increasing size of single facilities emphasises the need for greener desalination technologies and more sustainable desalination projects. A comprehensive evaluation of potential environmental impacts of desalination plants, this book emphasizes discusses strategies for impact mitigation. The author proposes a best-available technology concept for seawater desalination technologies in combination with a methodological approach for the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of desalination projects. It outlines the scope of EIA studies, including environmental monitoring and toxicity and hydrodynamic modeling studies. The book also explores the usefulness of multi-criteria analysis as a decision support tool for EIAs and then uses them to compare different intake and pretreatment options for seawater reverse osmosis plants.

The Development of an Integrated Planning and Decision Support System (IPDSS) for Land Consolidation

by Demetris Demetriou

This book provides an extensive review of three interrelated issues: land fragmentation, land consolidation, and land reallocation, and it presents in detail the theoretical background, design, development and application of a prototype integrated planning and decision support system for land consolidation. The system integrates geographic information systems (GIS) and artificial intelligence techniques including expert systems (ES) and genetic algorithms (GAs) with multi-criteria decision methods (MCDM), both multi-attribute (MADM) and multi-objective (MODM). The system is based on four modules for measuring land fragmentation; automatically generating alternative land redistribution plans; evaluating those plans; and automatically designing the land partitioning plan. The presented research provides a new scientific framework for land-consolidation planning both in terms of theory and practice, by presenting new findings and by developing better tools and methods embedded in an integrated GIS environment. It also makes a valuable contribution to the fields of GIS and spatial planning, as it provides new methods and ideas that could be applied to improve the former for the benefit of the latter in the context of planning support systems. "From the 1960s, ambitious research activities set out to observe regarding IT-support of the complex and time consuming redistribution processes within land consolidation - without any practically relevant results, until now. This scientific work is likely to close that gap. This distinguished publication is highly recommended to land consolidation planning experts, researchers and academics alike. " - Prof. Dr. -Ing. Joachim Thomas, Münster/ Germany "Planning support systems take new scientific tools based on GIS, optimisation and simulation and use these to inform the process of plan-making and policy. This book is one of the first to show how this can be consistently done and it is a triumph of demonstrating how such systems can be made operational. Essential reading for planners, analysts and GI scientists. " - Prof. Michael Batty, University College London

Development of an Ultrasonic Sensing Technique to Measure Lubricant Viscosity in Engine Journal Bearing In-Situ

by Michele Schirru

This thesis presents a novel ultrasonic instrument for non-invasive and in-situ characterization of journal bearing lubricant viscosity. In particular, the application to journal bearings is described by non-invasively measuring the viscosity and localized power losses throughout operation. This ultrasonic viscometer is based on the reflection of polarized shear waves from a thin resonating coating layer to increase the measurement sensitivity, in comparison to conventional ultrasonic methods. This instrument allows for a full engine oil viscoelastic characterization in-situ. The book investigates the effects of temperature, pressure and shear rate, and describes in detail the ultrasonic setup and method. Further, it demonstrates that the same technique can be applied similarly to monitor the lubrication of other engine components. As such, it offers a unique instrument that can drive the research of oil formulations to improve engine performance and fulfill the requirements of international fuel economy regulations.

The Development of Catalysis: A History of Key Processes and Personas in Catalytic Science and Technology

by Adriano Zecchina Salvatore Califano

This book gradually brings the reader, through illustrations of the most crucial discoveries, into the modern world of chemical catalysis. Readers and experts will better understand the enormous influence that catalysis has given to the development of modern societies.• Highlights the field's onset up to its modern days, covering the life and achievements of luminaries of the catalytic era• Appeals to general audience in interpretation and analysis, but preserves the precision and clarity of a scientific approach• Fills the gap in publications that cover the history of specific catalytic processes

Development of Coherent Detector Technologies for Sub-Millimetre Wave Astronomy Observations

by Boon-Kok Tan

The thesis describes the development of receiver technologies for sub-millimetre astronomy instruments, focusing on high performance coherent cryogenic detectors operating close to the superconductor gap frequency. The mixer chip which comprises the SIS devices, fed by a unilateral finline and matching planar circuits was fabricated on 15 micron silicon substrate using the recently developed Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) technology. This offered broadband IF and RF performance, with fully integrated on-chip planar circuits resulting in an easily reproducible mixer chip and a simple mixer block. An important consequence of this design is that it can be extended to the supra-THz region and making the fabrication of multi-pixel heterodyne arrays feasible. The extension of the operation of major telescopes such as ALMA, APEX and the GLT from single pixel to large format arrays is the subject of extensive research at present time since it will allow fast mapping combined with high resolution of the submillimetre sky. The technology described in this thesis makes a major contribution to this effort.

Development of Geopolymer from Pond Ash-Thermal Power Plant Waste: Novel Constructional Materials for Civil Engineers

by Muktikanta Panigrahi Ratan Indu Ganguly Radha Raman Dash

DEVELOPMENT OF GEOPOLYMER FROM POND ASH-THERMAL POWERPLANT WASTE Explains how geopolymer technologies using industrial waste obtained from thermal power plants become cementitious materials in construction sectors for civil engineers. Utilization of waste materials has become a global challenge since they endanger our environment. In this book, the authors demonstrate how to utilize fly ash/pond ash (waste materials from thermal power plants) to produce a novel material called ‘Geopolymer’ (GP). Red mud, slags, etc., are mixed with fly ash to produce GP with enhanced strength. As shown in a few European countries, GP can replace cement, and some permanent structures constructed with GP are now appearing in a few advanced countries. GP, and geopolymer concrete, is considered suitable for the construction of roads, buildings, etc., and will eventually, fully or partially, replace cement. The book highlights the mechanism of the formation of GP from pond ash. Properties of structures made with GP concrete are found to be comparable to those made with cement concrete. Systematic investigations are presented to understand the chemistry of GP formation with pond ash materials. Performances of these materials above ambient temperature, as well as with different environmental conditions, are also evaluated.

Development of Implantable Electronics as Novel Approaches to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Springer Theses)

by Jungmin Seo

This book addresses novel methods to treat a very popular disease, obstructive sleep apnea, based on a knowledge of an electrical engineering. Two approaches are given in the book using an upper-airway stimulation based on the pathogenesis of an obstructive sleep apnea. Implantable electronics are devised to control the tongue and the soft palate considering that they are the major pharyngeal muscles contributing to the apnea. First, for tongue control, a cuff electrode was designed and fabricated to stimulate the hypoglossal nerve, which innervates to the tongue muscle. Rare-earth magnets were embedded in the cuff for easy and repeatable installation of the electrode. For soft palate control, a palatal implant system was firstly developed to contract the soft palate muscle by applying electrical stimuli. Comprised of an implant, an intra-oral device, and an external controller, the palatal implant system is fully powered and controlled by means of wireless communication. The approaches were demonstrated in both in vitro and in vivo assessments, in collaboration with department of Otorhinolaryngology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital.

Development of In-Tether Carbon Chiral Center-Induced Helical Peptide: Methodology and Applications (Springer Theses)

by Kuan Hu

This book focuses on the development of stapled peptides, a novel molecular modality used to regulate aberrant intracellular protein–protein interactions (PPIs). The author designs and presents a novel helical peptide stabilization methodology by constructing a chiral cross-linker moiety, namely “chiral center induced peptide helicity (CIH)”. The book demonstrates that a precisely positioned carbon chiral center on tether can decisively determine the secondary structure of a peptide, and that the R-configured peptide is helical, while the S-configured peptide is non-helical. Further, it reports that helicity-enhanced R isomer peptides displayed significantly enhanced cell permeability and target binding affinity, as well as tumor inhibition efficiency, in comparison to S isomer peptides. The book will not only advance readers’ understanding of the basic principle of stapled peptides, but also accelerate the clinical transformation of stapled peptide drugs.

Development of Infrared Techniques for Practical Defect Identification in Bonded Joints

by Rachael C. Waugh

Maximizing reader insights into the use of thermography, specifically pulsed and pulse phase thermography (PT and PPT), for the identification of kissing defects in adhesive bonds, this thesis focuses on the application of PT and PPT for the identification of a range of defect types in a variety of materials to establish the effect of material properties on identification of defects. Featuring analysis of a numerical model developed to simulate the thermal evolution created during a PT or PPT experiment, after validation through a series of case studies, this model is then used as a predictive tool to relate defect detectability to the thermal property contrast between defect and bulk materials. Demonstrating a means of producing realistic kissing defects in bonded joints where insufficient thermal property contrast exists defects have a limited effect on heat propagation through a component and therefore are not detected using PT or PPT, this thesis discusses the addition of a small load to bonds containing kissing defects which was found to open the defects sufficiently to enable their detection. A low cost infrared detector, Flir Tau320, is compared to the research based photon detector, Flir SC5000, and is shown to be suitable for application in PT, thus enabling a significantly lower cost tool to be developed.

Development of Medical Garments and Apparel for the Elderly and the Disabled (Textile Progress Ser.)

by Ng Sau-Fun

Although the main theme of this book is products for the elderly and the disabled, it also contains major sections on medical garments, which include personal protective equipment (PPE), hip protectors (HP), pressure garments (PG), compression stockings (CS), wet dressings, products for wound dressing, adult incontinence products, sanitary napkins, disposable diapers, vital signs monitoring garments, motion aware clothing, wearable sensors and smart diapers and so on. The development of apparel for the elderly and the disabled is a challenge for the healthcare and clothing industries. The developed apparel products are not only based on various design, fashion and comfort concepts but also considered in terms of particular medical problems, restorative care functions, and appropriate solutions for healthcare purposes.

Development of Medications for the Treatment of Opiate and Cocaine Addictions: Issues for the Government and Private Sector

by Committee to Study Medication Development Research at the National Institute on Drug Abuse

Pharmacotherapy, as a means of treating drug addiction in combination with other treatment modalities, has received too little attention from the research community, the pharmaceutical industry, public health officials, and the federal government. Medications to combat drug addiction could have an enormous impact on the medical consequences and socioeconomic problems associated with drug abuse, both for drug-dependent individuals and for American society as a whole. This book examines the current environment for and obstacles to the development of anti-addiction medications, specifically those for treating opiate and cocaine addictions, and proposes incentives for the pharmaceutical industry that would help overcome those obstacles and accelerate the development of anti-addiction medications.

Development of Navigation Technology for Flight Safety (Springer Aerospace Technology)

by Sauta O.I. Shatrakov Y.G. Bestugin A.R. Baburov S.V. Galyamov A.M.

This book highlights practical solutions for flight safety improvement techniques, which are currently the focus of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It has become clear that, in order to rapidly and significantly improve flight safety, the integrated use of new aeronautical technologies is called for. Considering the size of the aviation fleet, its constant growth and the long service lives of aircraft, new technologies should be adapted both to cutting-edge air navigation systems and to those that have been used for over a decade. Concretely, the book discusses methodological approaches to the construction of ground and on-board avionics that make it possible to achieve improved flight safety using innovative new methods. The proposed approaches are illustrated with real-world examples of e.g. satellite-based navigation systems and enhanced ground proximity warning systems. The book is written for professionals involved in the development of avionics systems, as well as students, researchers and experts in the field of radiolocation, radio navigation and air traffic control, the book will support the development and modeling of radio technical complexes, as well as the analysis of complex radio technical systems.

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