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Devices for Optoelectronics (Optical Science And Engineering Ser.)
by Wallace B. LeighOffers coverage of optical devices utilized in communication and information processing systems, highlighting the physics of optoelectronics necessary for both hybrid and monolithic optical integrated circuits. The text aims to bridge the gap between thin-film switches and active semiconductors by analyzing lithium niobate as well as compound semiconductor devices, and includes discussion on optical transmitters, receivers and switches.
Devices of the Soul: Battling for Our Selves in an Age of Machines
by Steve Talbott"Self-forgetfulness is the reigning temptation of the technological era. This is why we so readily give our assent to the absurd proposition that a computer can add two plus two, despite the obvious fact that it can do nothing of the sort--not if we have in mind anything remotely resembling what we do when we add numbers. In the computer's case, the mechanics of addition involve no motivation, no consciousness of the task, no mobilization of the will, no metabolic activity, no imagination. And its performance brings neither the satisfaction of accomplishment nor the strengthening of practical skills and cognitive capacities."In this insightful book, author Steve Talbott, software programmer and technical writer turned researcher and editor for The Nature Institute, challenges us to step back and take an objective look at the technology driving our lives. At a time when 65 percent of American consumers spend more time with their PCs than they do with their significant others, according to a recent study, Talbott illustrates that we're forgetting one important thing--our Selves, the human spirit from which technology stems.Whether we're surrendering intimate details to yet another database, eschewing our physical communities for online social networks, or calculating our net worth, we freely give our power over to technology until, he says, "we arrive at a computer's-eye view of the entire world of industry, commerce, and society at large...an ever more closely woven web of programmed logic."Digital technology certainly makes us more efficient. But when efficiency is the only goal, we have no way to know whether we're going in the right or wrong direction. Businesses replace guiding vision with a spreadsheet's bottom line. Schoolteachers are replaced by the computer's dataflow. Indigenous peoples give up traditional skills for the dazzle and ease of new gadgets. Even the Pentagon's zeal to replace "boots on the ground" with technology has led to the mess in Iraq. And on it goes.The ultimate danger is that, in our willingness to adapt ourselves to technology, "we will descend to the level of the computational devices we have engineered--not merely imagining ever new and more sophisticated automatons, but reducing ourselves to automatons."To transform our situation, we need to see it in a new and unaccustomed light, and that's what Talbott provides by examining the deceiving virtues of technology--how we're killing education, socializing our machines, and mechanizing our society.Once you take this eye-opening journey, you will think more clearly about how you consume technology and how you allow it to consume you."Nothing is as rare or sorely needed in our tech-enchanted culture right now as intelligent criticism of technology, and Steve Talbott is exactly the critic we've been waiting for: trenchant, sophisticated, and completely original. Devices of the Soul is an urgent and important book."--Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals and The Botany of Desire: A Plant's Eye View of the World"Steve Talbott is a rare voice of clarity, humanity, and passion in a world enthralled by machines and calculation. His new book, Devices of the Soul, lays out a frightening and at the same time inspiring analysis of what computers and computer-like thinking are doing to us, our children, and the future of our planet. Talbott is no Luddite. He fully understands and appreciates the stunning power of technology for both good and evil. His cool and precise skewering of the fuzzy thinking and mindless enthusiasm of the technology true believers is tempered by his modesty, the elegance of his writing, and his abiding love for the world of nature and our capacity for communion with it. "--Edward Miller, Former editor, Harvard Education Letter"Those who care about the healthy and wholesome lives of children can gain much from Steve Talbott's wisdom. He examines the need to help children spe
The Devil's Breath: The Story of the Hillcrest Mine Disaster of 1914
by Steve HanonOn a warm spring day in June of 1914, two hundred and thirty-five men went down into the depths of the Hillcrest mine found in Alberta’s Crowsnest Pass. Only forty-six would make it out alive. The largest coal-mining disaster in Canadian history, the fateful tale of the Hillcrest Mine is finally captured in startling detail by Stephen Hanon. A deft examination of the coal mining industry in an Alberta just on the cusp of the Great War, The Devil’s Breath is a startling recollection of heroism and human courage in the face of overwhelming calamity. Hanon examines the history of the mine itself, its owners and workers, possible causes for the disaster and the lasting effects that it had on those who lived, while educating readers on the techniques used to wrench coal from the bowels of the earth.
The Devil's Code: Kidd 3 (Kidd Ser. #Bk. 3)
by John SandfordThe ultimate con game thriller from the internationally bestselling master of suspense, John Sandford When Kidd&’s colleague, the hacker Jack Morrison, is mysteriously killed, Morrison&’s sister implores him to help her determine his fate. Kidd quickly realizes sinister forces are at work as other talented hackers meet their grisly ends. Will he and LuEllen be able to get to the bottom of this before they&’re targeted as well?***Praise for John Sandford*** &‘One of the great novelists of all time&’ Stephen King &‘A series writer who reads like a breath of fresh air&’ Daily Mirror &‘Delivers twists to the very last sentence&’ Daily Mail &‘Crime writer John Sandford is one of the best around&’ Sun 'John Sandford knows all there is to know about detonating the gut-level shocks of a good thriller' The New York Times Book Review ? 'Sandford is consistently brilliant' Cleveland Plain Dealer &‘Perfect entertainment&’ Kirkus Reviews on Escape Clause
The Devil's Element: Phosphorus And A World Out Of Balance
by Dan EganA New Yorker Best Book of the Year "Lively…and thought-provoking.” —Robert W. Howarth, Science The New York Times best-selling author on the source of great bounty—and now great peril—all over the world. Phosphorus has played a critical role in some of the most lethal substances on earth: firebombs, rat poison, nerve gas. But it’s also the key component of one of the most vital: fertilizer, which has sustained life for billions of people. In this major work of explanatory science and environmental journalism, Pulitzer Prize finalist Dan Egan investigates the past, present, and future of what has been called “the oil of our time.” The story of phosphorus spans the globe and vast tracts of human history. First discovered in a seventeenth-century alchemy lab in Hamburg, it soon became a highly sought-after resource. The race to mine phosphorus took people from the battlefields of Waterloo, which were looted for the bones of fallen soldiers, to the fabled guano islands off Peru, the Bone Valley of Florida, and the sand dunes of the Western Sahara. Over the past century, phosphorus has made farming vastly more productive, feeding the enormous increase in the human population. Yet, as Egan harrowingly reports, our overreliance on this vital crop nutrient is today causing toxic algae blooms and “dead zones” in waterways from the coasts of Florida to the Mississippi River basin to the Great Lakes and beyond. Egan also explores the alarming reality that diminishing access to phosphorus poses a threat to the food system worldwide—which risks rising conflict and even war. With The Devil’s Element, Egan has written an essential and eye-opening account that urges us to pay attention to one of the most perilous but little-known environmental issues of our time.
The Devil's Fruit: Farmworkers, Health, and Environmental Justice (Medical Anthropology)
by Dvera I. SaxtonThe Devil's Fruit describes the facets of the strawberry industry as a harm industry, and explores author Dvera Saxton’s activist ethnographic work with farmworkers in response to health and environmental injustices. She argues that dealing with devilish—as in deadly, depressing, disabling, and toxic—problems requires intersecting ecosocial, emotional, ethnographic, and activist labors. Through her work as an activist medical anthropologist, she found the caring labors of engaged ethnography take on many forms that go in many different directions. Through chapters that examine farmworkers’ embodiment of toxic pesticides and social and workplace relationships, Saxton critically and reflexively describes and analyzes the ways that engaged and activist ethnographic methods, frameworks, and ethics aligned and conflicted, and in various ways helped support still ongoing struggles for farmworker health and environmental justice in California. These are problems shared by other agricultural communities in the U.S. and throughout the world.
The Devil's Milk: A Social History of Rubber
by John TullyTully tells the story of humanity's long encounter with rubber in a kaleidoscopic narrative that regards little as outside its range without losing sight of the commodity in question. He presents what amounts to a history of the modern world told through the multiple lives of rubber. John Tully shows in this book, laboring people around the globe have every reason to regard rubber as "the devil s milk."
Devising a Clean Energy Strategy for Asian Cities
by Hooman FarzanehThis book capitalizes on two hot topics: the Low Carbon Emission Development Strategies and climate change in Asian cities. There is resurgence in making policies to investigate more aspects of the energy-environment spectrum for the global energy market in the future. This book helps the policy makers and researchers to understand which actions should be taken to reduce the environmental impacts of economic activities in different regions in Asia. The clean energy strategy proposed in this book refers to the development and implementation of policies and strategies that simultaneously contribute to addressing climate change and solving local environmental problems, which also have other development impacts. It provides insights to a wide audience on successful ways to promote, design and implement the clean energy policies in Asian cities. To determine the global actions, it is necessary to make breakthroughs by promoting further research and to present scenarios that achieve Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) goals without dependence upon fossil fuels. The scenarios and case studies discussed in this book are helpful to plan for the SDGs, where various objectives have to be achieved at the same time. The UN 2030 development agenda needs innovative planning to achieve multiple goals with limited resources and generate synergy among sectors. This book will be one of the first books available on this subject.
DevOps for Azure Applications: Deploy And Integrate Web Applications On Azure
by Suraj Gaurav Suren MachirajuDeploy web applications on Azure using DevOps tools. This book gives solutions to real-world Cloud deployment scenarios which will enable you to become adept in DevOps work for Azure.You'll start by seeing an overview of DevOps for Azure deployments where you will also survey the available tools, including Octopus Deploy and TeamCity. Here, you will learn how to use TeamCity as a CI tool and Octopus Deploy as release-management and CD software to get your package deployed on Azure Web Application. Next, the authors demonstrate using the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) integrated developer platform. Finally, you will go through some real-world scenarios using DevOps tools to deploy web applications on Azure. To do this, you will create resources in Azure and integrate with an open source buildout.After reading this book, you will be ready to use various tools in a DevOps environment to support an Azure deployment.What You Will LearnCarry out a survey of DevOps toolsBuild a DevOps solution using standalone DevOps tools – TeamCity and Octopus DeployUse an integrated DevOps platform – VSTSBuild out an Azure deployment using open source code and VSTSWho This Book Is ForDevelopers and release engineers. Also, project managers will find it useful to understand the workflow in DevOps.
Dew Computing: The Sustainable IoT Perspectives (Internet of Things)
by Debashis De Samarjit RoyThis book discusses the dew computing paradigm with the evolution of future-generation technologies through the cloud and the Internet of Things in the scope of machine intelligence. Dew computing is an emerging paradigm that inherits a flexible and super-hybrid methodology to afford personal information to users with self-regulating internetwork connectivity. The contents conceptualize how the end-users can benefit from data analytics through intelligent data sensing, computing, analytics, and distributed scenarios using a dew-cloud computational framework over the Internet of Things environment. The main focus of this book is to bring all the related technologies into a single platform so that undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, academicians, and the industry can easily understand dew computing, future generations of cloud computing, machine intelligence, and representation learning in IoT-enabled technologies.
Dew Water
by Daniel BeysensThe world’s ever-increasing need for fresh water has led to the use of non-conventional sources such as rain and fog water collection. Although rain water collection is relatively simple, the supply is often erratic. Passive fog water collection has been used in several parts of the world but is only relevant to certain geographical locations. Dew occurrence, however, is far more widespread, can form in most climates and geographic settings, show high frequency and prevalence throughout the year. During the past 20 years, dew collection has therefore been investigated as a serious supplemental source of fresh water. Dew Water offers a thorough review of dew, its formation characteristics and potential for dew collection, for audiences that include policy-makers, non-governmental organizations involved in development aid and sustainable development, engineers, urban planners, researchers and students.After providing a background on atmospheric water, humid air, and sky and materials emissivity, the book deals with dew formation and its estimation with a focus on the use of meteorological data. Dew measurement techniques are reviewed and discussed as well as dew collection by passive means. Computational fluid dynamics technique is described for better design of dew collectors. Dew quality (chemistry, biology) is assessed in view of potable water quality. Costs and economic aspects are also considered.
Dewatering, Desalting, and Distillation in Petroleum Refining (Petroleum Refining Technology Series)
by James G. SpeightThis book presents a detailed and practical description of various processes – dewatering, desalting, and distillation – that prepare refinery feedstocks for different conversion processes they will go through. Relevant process data are provided, and process operations are fully described. This accessible guide is written for managers, professionals, and technicians as well as graduate students transitioning into the refining industry. Key Features: • Describes feedstock evaluation and the effects of elemental, chemical, and fractional composition. • Details the equipment and components and possible impacts due to composition. • Explores the process options and parameters involved in dewatering, desalting, and distillation. • Considers next-generation processes and developments.
DeWitt Clinton and Amos Eaton: Geology and Power in Early New York
by David I. SpanagelHow did geology and politics inform scientific ideas and contribute to New York's prominence in the early nineteenth century?David I. Spanagel explores the origins of American geology and the culture that promoted it in nineteenth-century New York. Focusing on Amos Eaton, the educator and amateur scientist who founded the Rensselaer School, and DeWitt Clinton, the masterful politician who led the movement for the Erie Canal, Spanagel shows how a cluster of assumptions about the peculiar landscape and entrepreneurial spirit of New York came to define the Empire State. In so doing, he sheds light on a particularly innovative and fruitful period of interplay among science, politics, art, and literature in American history.
Dezentrale Energieversorgung mit regenerativen Energien: Technik, Märkte, kommunale Perspektiven
by Christian SynwoldtDas vorliegende Buch bietet eine Übersicht und Einführung in die Verfahren regenerativer Energiegewinnung sowie deren technische Grundlagen. Es ist als Lehrbuch konzipiert und kann auch als Handbuch und Nachschlagewerk eingesetzt werden. Ferner sind Verfahren berücksichtigt, die in Europa nicht gängig sind, wie z. B. Aufwindkraftwerk oder Solarteich. Damit ist es für internationale Projekte und im Umfeld technischer Zusammenarbeit einsetzbar. Neben der intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit technologischen Aspekten steht die systemische Betrachtung der Energieversorgung im Mittelpunkt. Außerdem sind Konzepte zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums sowie Finanzierungs- und Marktmodelle besprochen.Durch zahlreiche Backgroundinformationen („Abflussgrößen in der Hydrologie“ oder „Weltweiter Kostenvergleich von Photovoltaikanlagen“) kann das Grundlagenwissen eigenständig erweitert werden und das Buch je nach Studienphase zur Intensivierung und Wiederholung der Lerninhalte immer wieder herangezogen werden. Berechnungen sind an konkreten Fragestellungen durchgeführt. Auf diese Weise regt der Autor an, das angeeignete Wissen zur kritischen Einschätzung von Sachverhalten zu verwenden.
Dezentrale Energiewende
by Jürgen EiseltDieses Buch ist eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme für eine bereits angelaufene dezentrale Energiewende. Es wird anhand vorhandener Strukturen, Techniken und wissenschaftlich fundierten Erkenntnissen die Potentiale einer wirkungsvollen Energiewende beschrieben. Ziel dieses Buches ist Darstellung neuer Techniken und efferktiver Konzepte, damit dezentrale Strukturen die zentrale Energieversorgung ablösen. Hauptantrieb für den Einsatz der dezentralen Energieformen sind Kostenreduzierung, energieautarke Systeme bis zur Null-Tarif-Heizung.
DFT - Diskrete Fourier-Transformation
by André NeubauerDie diskrete Fourier-Transformation DFT stellt eines der wichtigsten Werkzeuge der digitalen Signalverarbeitung und der Signaltheorie dar. Sie besitzt eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen wie beispielsweise in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik, in der technischen Informatik, in der Messtechnik und in der Medizintechnik. Das Lehrbuch bietet eine leicht verständliche elementare Einführung in die Grundlagen der DFT. Neben den Eigenschaften und Korrespondenzen der DFT werden ihre effiziente Implementierung mit Hilfe der schnellen Fourier-Transformation FFT erläutert sowie als wichtiges Anwendungsbeispiel die schnelle Faltung behandelt. Sämtliche im Buch für die Behandlung der DFT benötigten mathematischen Grundlagen werden beschrieben und erleichtern somit sowohl Studierenden als auch Schülern den Zugang zu diesem für praktische Anwendungen wichtigen und interessanten Themenfeld. Aufgrund der eingefügten Beispiele sowie der detaillierten Herleitungen ist das Buch sowohl vorlesungsbegleitend als auch zum Selbststudium hervorragend geeignet.
Dhaka Megacity: Geospatial Perspectives on Urbanisation, Environment and Health
by Ashraf Dewan Robert CornerThe book Dhaka Megacity: Geospatial Perspectives on Urbanisation, Environment and Health presents the use of geospatial techniques to address a number of environmental issues, including land use change, climatic variability, urban sprawl, population density modelling, flooding, environmental health, water quality, energy resources, urban growth modelling, infectious diseases and the quality of life. Although the work is focused on the Megacity of Dhaka in Bangladesh, the techniques and methods that are used to research these issues can be utilized in any other areas where rapid population growth coupled with unplanned urbanization is leading to environmental degradation. The book is useful for people working in the area of Geospatial Science, Urban Geography, Environmental Management and International Development. Since the chapters in the book cover a range of environmental issues, this book describes useful tools for assisting informed decision making, particularly in developing countries.
Diabetic Foot Ulcers Grand Challenge: 4th Challenge, DFUC 2024, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2024, Marrakesh, Morocco, October 6, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15335)
by Moi Hoon Yap Connah Kendrick Raphael BrüngelThis book constitutes the 4th Challenge on Diabetic Foot Ulcers, DFUC2024, held in conjunction with the 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2024, in Marrakesh, Morocco, on October 6, 2024. The 8 full papers presented in this book together with 2 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 11 submissions. The task of DFUC 2024 was on self-supervised learning in ulcer segmentation, for the purpose of supporting research towards more advanced methods to overcome data deficiency and unlabelled data.
Diabetic Foot Ulcers Grand Challenge: Third Challenge, DFUC 2022, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2022, Singapore, September 22, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13797)
by Moi Hoon Yap Connah Kendrick Bill CassidyThis book constitutes the Third Diabetic Foot Ulcers Grand Challenge, DFUC 2022, which was held on September 2022, in conjunction with the 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2022 in Singapore. The 8 full papers presented together with 5 challenge papers and 3 post-challenge papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 19 submissions.The DFU challenges aim to motivate the health care domain to share datasets, participate in ground truth annotation, and enable data-innovation in computer algorithm development. In the longer term, it will lead to improved patient care.
Diachronic Perspectives on Embodiment and Technology: Gestures and Artefacts (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology #46)
by Thiemo Breyer Alexander Matthias Gerner Niklas Grouls Johannes F. M. SchickThis book investigates the relationships between gestures and artefacts theoretically and historically, by analyzing different phenomena stemming from a variety of fields such as robotics, archaeology, gesture studies, anthropology, philosophy, and gestural practices like choreography, music performance, and composition. It underlines how embodiment and technology change the interplay between maker and artefact over time and appeals to students and researchers in these fields. Its goal is to enable the reader to understand that the recurring topics and questions as well as multi-level similarities are by no means accidental, but can best be understood if one pays attention to the intertwinements of materiality and cognition, praxis and techne.
Diagnosability, Security and Safety of Hybrid Dynamic and Cyber-Physical Systems
by Moamar Sayed-MouchawehCyber-physical systems (CPS) are characterized as a combination of physical (physical plant, process, network) and cyber (software, algorithm, computation) components whose operations are monitored, controlled, coordinated, and integrated by a computing and communicating core. The interaction between both physical and cyber components requires tools allowing analyzing and modeling both the discrete and continuous dynamics. Therefore, many CPS can be modeled as hybrid dynamic systems in order to take into account both discrete and continuous behaviors as well as the interactions between them. Guaranteeing the security and safety of CPS is a challenging task because of the inherent interconnected and heterogeneous combination of behaviors (cyber/physical, discrete/continuous) in these systems. This book presents recent and advanced approaches and tech-niques that address the complex problem of analyzing the diagnosability property of cyber physical systems and ensuring their security and safety against faults and attacks. The CPS are modeled as hybrid dynamic systems using different model-based and data-driven approaches in different application domains (electric transmission networks, wireless communication networks, intrusions in industrial control systems, intrusions in production systems, wind farms etc.). These approaches handle the problem of ensuring the security of CPS in presence of attacks and verifying their diagnosability in presence of different kinds of uncertainty (uncertainty related to the event occurrences, to their order of occurrence, to their value etc.).
Diagnosing Hemp and Cannabis Crop Diseases
by Dr Shouhua WangHemp and cannabis, both belonging to Cannabis sativa, have emerged as some of the most valuable crops because of their multiple functionalities - industrial, medicinal, and recreational uses. Like all other crops, they are at risk of diseases and pests. In certain cases, an entire hemp field can fail due to unexpected disease. As a new and highly regulated crop, research on Cannabis crop diseases is scarce, and the science of plant diagnostics is not well covered in the literature. Taking hemp/cannabis as a model crop, the book illustrates how to diagnose a disease problem and how to manage it effectively. It presents real disease cases encountered during crop production, and explains methods of diagnosis, both in the field and in the lab, in order to find out the cause(s). The book provides: ·A field and laboratory guide to diagnosing hemp and cannabis diseases and pest problems ·Ready-to-adopt skills, methods and protocols in plant diagnosis, which can be applied to other crops ·Over 300 colour photographs accompanied by a wealth of disease information, including field observations, unique symptoms, microscopic details, and molecular data. This book is essential for anyone who is interested in learning about Cannabis crop diseases, for crops grown in the field, and in indoor production facilities.
Diagnosis: Interpreting the Shadows
by Pat Croskerry Karen Cosby Mark L. Graber Hardeep SinghDespite diagnosis being the key feature of a physician's clinical performance, this is the first book that deals specifically with the topic. In recent years, however, considerable interest has been shown in this area and significant developments have occurred in two main areas: a) an awareness and increasing understanding of the critical role of clinical decision making in the process of diagnosis, and of the multiple factors that impact it, and b) a similar appreciation of the role of the healthcare system in supporting clinicians in their efforts to make accurate diagnoses. <P><P> Although medicine has seen major gains in knowledge and technology over the last few decades, there is a consensus that the diagnostic failure rate remains in the order of 10-15%. This book provides an overview of the major issues in this area, in particular focusing on where the diagnostic process fails, and where improvements might be made.
Diagnosis and Control of Diseases of Fish and Shellfish
by Brian Austin Aweeda Newaj-FyzulThere has been a continual expansion in aquaculture, such that total production is fast approaching that of wild-caught fisheries. Yet the expansion is marred by continued problems of disease. New pathogens emerge, and others become associated with new conditions. Some of these pathogens become well established, and develop into major killers of aquatic species. Diagnosis and Control of Diseases of Fish and Shellfish focuses on the diagnosis and control of diseases of fish and shellfish, notably those affecting aquaculture. Divided into 12 chapters, the book discusses the range of bacterial, viral and parasitic pathogens, their trends, emerging problems, and the relative significance to aquaculture. Developments in diagnostics and disease management, including the widespread use of serological and molecular methods, are presented. Application/dose and mode of action of prebiotics, probiotics and medicinal plant products used to control disease are examined, as well as the management and hygiene precautions that can be taken to prevent/control the spread of disease. This book will be a valuable resource for researchers, students, diagnosticians, veterinarians, fish pathologists and microbiologists concerned with the management of diseases of fish and shellfish.
Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control
by Mogens Blanke Michel Kinnaert Jan Lunze Marcel StaroswieckiFault-tolerant control aims at a gradual shutdown response in automated systems when faults occur. It satisfies the industrial demand for enhanced availability and safety, in contrast to traditional reactions to faults, which bring about sudden shutdowns and loss of availability. The book presents effective model-based analysis and design methods for fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control. Architectural and structural models are used to analyse the propagation of the fault through the process, to test the fault detectability and to find the redundancies in the process that can be used to ensure fault tolerance. It also introduces design methods suitable for diagnostic systems and fault-tolerant controllers for continuous processes that are described by analytical models of discrete-event systems represented by automata. The book is suitable for engineering students, engineers in industry and researchers who wish to get an overview of the variety of approaches to process diagnosis and fault-tolerant control. The authors have extensive teaching experience with graduate and PhD students, as well as with industrial experts. Parts of this book have been used in courses for this audience. The authors give a comprehensive introduction to the main ideas of diagnosis and fault-tolerant control and present some of their most recent research achievements obtained together with their research groups in a close cooperatio n with European research projects. The third edition resulted from a major re-structuring and re-writing of the former edition, which has been used for a decade by numerous research groups. New material includes distributed diagnosis of continuous and discrete-event systems, methods for reconfigurability analysis, and extensions of the structural methods towards fault-tolerant control. The bibliographical notes at the end of all chapters have been up-dated. The chapters end with exercises to be used in lectures.