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Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Fractional Anisotropy: Imaging Biomarkers in Early Parkinson’s Disease

by Rahul P. Kotian Prakashini Koteshwar

The book covers all aspects of one of the most advanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques, namely Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and Fractional Anisotropy (FA) values in early Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. It provides step-by-step descriptions of DTI and its use in the early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease by using FA values at several grey and white matter regions of the brain with helpful MRI DTI images. It includes clear flow charts with MRI DTI imaging protocol for Parkinson’s disease to aid in early diagnosis and treatment. The book covers essential information on anatomy and pathology in Parkinson’s disease and includes dedicated chapters on diffusion tensor imaging and FA in Parkinson’s disease. Additionally, it covers the role of magnetic resonance imaging in Parkinson’s disease with routine findings for Parkinson’s disease in MRI, followed by advanced imaging biomarkers and predictors in Parkinson’s disease. The book will assist the practitioners in the early detection of Parkinson’s disease using specific imaging biomarkers with the help of FA values, which will help in the early treatment of PD patients and thus extend and improve their quality of life. It will also be relevant for MD radiology, M.Sc. medical imaging technology students/trainees and Ph.D. medical imaging graduates as well as B.Sc MIT students.

Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Techniques And Clinical Applications

by Sofia Gourtsoyianni Nikolaos Papanikolaou

This book explains how diffusion weighted imaging has been incorporated in routine MRI examinations of the abdomen and pelvis: though its clinical role is still evolving, it is already considered an important tool for the assessment of rectal cancer treatment response, as was confirmed in recent ESGAR consensus statements. The standardization and clinical validation of quantitative DWI related biomarkers are still in progress, although certain efforts have been undertaken to establish imaging guidelines for different clinical indications/body parts. The book reviews the technical aspects and clinical applications of DWI in imaging of the GI tract, and provides specific technical details (imaging protocols, artefacts, optimization techniques) for each GI tract division. This volume is mainly intended for radiologists who are interested in abdominal radiology, as well as radiology residents. Given that magnetic resonance physics is complex and can be cumbersome to learn, the authors have made it as simple and practical as possible.

Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Genitourinary System: Techniques And Clinical Applications

by Deniz Akata Nikolaos Papanikolaou

This book discusses diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) and its evolving clinical role. DWI has frequently been used in the abdomen and pelvis but is now increasingly being used in other clinical applications, especially for the diagnostic workup of oncologic patients. Standardization and clinical validation of quantitative DWI related biomarkers is still ongoing, although efforts have been undertaken, especially in the prostate, to provide standardized imaging guidelines for different clinical indications. The technical aspects and clinical applications of DWI presented focus on the respective anatomical region and its pathologies. The book is unique in providing tables of technical details (imaging protocols, artifacts, optimization techniques) for each chapter, making this complex area as simple and practical as possible.The book is intended for radiologists interested in urogenital radiology and also for radiology residents.

Diffusionics: Diffusion Process Controlled by Diffusion Metamaterials

by Fu-Bao Yang Ji-Ping Huang

This open access book presents a comprehensive exploration of diffusion metamaterials that control energy and mass diffusion. Currently, if from the perspective of governing equations, diffusion metamaterials and wave metamaterials (pioneered by J. B. Pendry in the 1990s) are recognised as the two most prominent branches in the field of metamaterials. These two branches differ in their emphasis on the diffusion equation (as the governing equation) and time-dependent characteristic lengths in diffusion metamaterials, as opposed to the wave equation (as the governing equation) and time-independent characteristic lengths in wave metamaterials. Organized into three distinct parts – 'Thermal Diffusion Metamaterials', 'Particle Diffusion Metamaterials', and 'Plasma Diffusion Metamaterials' – this book offers a rigorous exploration spanning physics, engineering, and materials science, aimed at advancing our understanding of diffusion processes controlled by diffusion metamaterials. Incorporating foundational theory, computational simulations, and laboratory experiments, the book equips researchers and scholars across these disciplines with comprehensive methods, insights, and results pivotal to the advancement of diffusion control. Beyond facilitating interdisciplinary discourse, the book serves as a catalyst for innovative breakthroughs at the crossroads of physics, thermodynamics, and materials science. Essentially, readers will acquire profound insights that empower them to spearhead advancements in diffusion science (diffusionics) and the engineering of metamaterials.

Diffusionsoffener Holzrahmenbau des Bio-Solar-Hauses: Grundlagen und Anwendung in der Praxis

by Alexander Lawrenz

Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gilt es u.a. zu untersuchen, wie sich der Wasserdampf, der im Innenraum anfällt, sowohl in den Wandbauteilen als auch in der Luftschicht verteilt. Dies inkludiert ebenso die Behaglichkeit der Raumluft. Dazu wird ein realisiertes BSH in-situ vermessen, parallel dazu im Sinne einer Referenz Wandprüfkörper in einem Klimaschrank hinsichtlich ihrer Diffusions- und Feuchtespeichereigenschaften untersucht und zudem entsprechende Bauteilschichten sowie das BSH anhand von WUFI-Fallbeispielen simuliert. Dadurch soll eine Grundlage für weiterführende Forschungsarbeiten geschaffen werden, die sich dem diffusionsoffenen Holzrahmenbau im speziellen des Haus-im-Haus-Prinzip widmen und eine Alternative zu konventionellen Baustilen, welche bspw. auf ein Lüftungskonzept angewiesen sind, bieten.

Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society

by Armin Bunde Jürgen Caro Christian Chmelik Jörg Kärger Gero Vogl

What do the movements of molecules and the migration of humans have in common? How does the functionality of our brain tissue resemble the flow of traffic in New York City? How can understanding the spread of ideas, rumors, and languages help us tackle the spread a pandemic? This book provides an illuminating look into these seemingly disparate topics by exploring and expertly communicating the fundamental laws that govern the spreading and diffusion of objects. A collection of leading scientists in disciplines as diverse as epidemiology, linguistics, mathematics, and physics discuss various spreading phenomena relevant to their own fields, revealing astonishing similarities and correlations between the objects of study—be they people, particles, or pandemics.This updated and expanded second edition of an award-winning book introduces timely coverage of a subject with the greatest societal impact in recent memory—the global fight against COVID-19. Winner of the 2019 Literature Prize of the German Chemical Industry Fund, this book targets an interdisciplinary readership, featuring an introductory chapter that sets the stage for the topics discussed throughout. Each chapter provides ample opportunity to whet the appetite of those readers seeking a more in-depth treatment, making the book also useful as supplementary reading in appropriate courses dealing with complex systems, mass transfer, and network theory.

Dig It!: An Earth and Space Science Unit for High-Ability Learners in Grade 3

by Clg Of William And Mary/Ctr Gift Ed

Dig It!, a third-grade Earth and space science unit, encourages students to investigate humanity's effects on the environment and the importance of conserving natural resources. The unit builds upon students' prior knowledge and the overarching concept of change by providing opportunities to relate local examples of environmental pollution and conservation with hands-on scientific experiments and demonstrations.Dig It! was developed by the Center for Gifted Education at The College of William and Mary to offer advanced curriculum supported by years of research. The Center's materials have received national recognition from the United States Department of Education and the National Association for Gifted Children, and they are widely used both nationally and internationally.Each of the books in this series offers curriculum that focuses on advanced content and higher level processes. The science units contain simulations of real-world problems, and students experience the work of real science by using data-handling skills, analyzing information, and evaluating results. The mathematics units provide sophisticated ideas and concepts, challenging extensions, higher order thinking skills, and opportunities for student exploration based on interest. These materials are a must for any teacher seeking to challenge and engage learners and increase achievement.Grade 3

Digenetic Trematodes (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1454)

by Rafael Toledo Bernard Fried

Although digenetic trematodes have been largely neglected, they constitute a major group of helminths that parasitize human and animals causing significant morbidity and mortality. This is of special importance today, since the geographical limits and the populations at risk, traditionally limited to developing or low-income countries, are currently expanding and changing in relation to factors such as growing international markets, improved transportation systems, and demographic changes. This has led to a growing international interest in trematode infections, although factors such as the difficulties entailed in the diagnosis, the complexity of human and agricultural practices, the lack of assessments of economic costs, or the limited number of effective drugs are preventing the development of control measures of these diseases in humans and livestock. In-depth studies are needed to clarify the current epidemiology of these helminth infections and to identify new and specific targets for both effective diagnosis and treatments. The main goal of the third edition of this book is to present the major trematodes and their corresponding diseases in the framework of modern parasitology, considering matters such as the application of novel techniques and analysis of data in the context of host-parasite interactions and also with the resident microbiota, showing the application of modern techniques and concepts to the studies on digenetic trematodes. This is an ideal book for parasitologists, microbiologists, zoologists, immunologists, public health professionals, clinicians and graduate and post-graduate students.


by David T. Wolf

CUANDO ERES UN CEREBRO SIN UN CUERPO, ¿SIGUES SIENDO UN HUMANO? Marc Gregorio se despierta paralizado. No puede sentir su propio cuerpo. ¿Un accidente? ¿Una apoplejía? ¿Alguien le dio una sobredosis de Botox? La respuesta, según lo que descubre, es mucho, mucho peor. Solo es una copia de Marc, un cerebro digital sin un cuerpo, cargado de todos los recuerdos de Marc, pero sin acceso a los placeres sensoriales humanos. Ahora debe encontrar una razón para seguir, eh, «viviendo». Adam el digiclón conoce al verdadero Marc Gregorio… y a su nueva novia, Molly Schaeffer. Adam también la ama. Pero ¿cómo experimenta el amor un ente digital? Ni siquiera puede experimentar la pizza. Su única compensación: un poderoso cerebro digital. A instancias de Molly, lo aplica a exponer conspiraciones terroristas, tumultos escolares, actividades políticas ilícitas y artimañas financieras. Sin embargo, sus buenas obras llaman la atención de un contratista militar adicto al poder que no se detendrá ante nada (robo, secuestro y algo peor) para controlar la tecnología. Sin un cuerpo, ¿cómo podrá Adam salvarse a sí mismo y al mundo de un terrible destino? Digiclón, con 94.000 palabras, es un libro de ideas que explora los avances inminentes en la informática cognitiva y las redes neuronales, y lo que significa ser un humano incluso si no se tiene un cuerpo. Incluye aventura, humor, romance frustrado, debilidades humanas y digitales y, como bonificación extra, la derrota de la muerte misma.

Digital Academe: New Media in Higher Education and Learning

by William H. Dutton Brian D. Loader

This book responds to an ever-increasing call from educators, policy makers, journalists, parents and the public at large for analysis that cuts through the hype surrounding the information revolution to address key issues associated with new media in higher education and learning. This collection is of value to those who are seeking a critical, non-commercial exposition of both the enormous opportunities and challenges for higher education that are tied to the use of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the development of distance education and distributed learning.The chapters are written by leading exponents, practitioners and researchers from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and the collection as a whole spans national boundaries and reaches beyond the research community to relate to issues of policy and practice.

Digital Age: Chances, Challenges and Future (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #84)

by Svetlana Igorevna Ashmarina Marek Vochozka Valentina Vyacheslavovna Mantulenko

This proceedings book presents the outcomes of the VII International Scientific Conference “Digital Transformation of the Economy: Challenges, Trends, New Opportunities”, which took place in Samara, Russian Federation, on April 26–27, 2019. Organized by the Samara State University of Economics, the conference chiefly focused on digital economy issues, such as theoretical preconditions for the development of economic systems in the digital age and specific practical issues related to real-world business practice. Consisting of six chapters corresponding to the thematic areas of the conference, and written by scientists and practitioners from different regions of Russia, Kazakhstan, the Czech Republic and Germany, the book offers answers to the most pressing questions for today’s business community: - How is our world changing under the influence of digital technology? - Is sustainable economic development a myth or reality in the context of digitalization? - What threats and opportunities does digitalization bring? - What are realities and prospects of digitalization in the context of business practice? - How do we create a digital infrastructure for the economy? - How should the legal environment of the economy be transformed in the context of digitalization? The conclusions and recommendations presented are not recipes for solving the existing economic problems, but instead are intended for use in further research on transformation processes in the economy and in the development of state economic policies in various countries and regions.

The Digital Age in Agriculture

by Mehmet Metin Ozguven

The Digital Age in Agriculture presents information related to the digital age in the agriculture sector. Agriculture is an essential activity for the continuity of life, yet is very labor-intensive and faces a wide variety of challenges. In the struggle against these difficulties, the superior features offered by technology provide important benefits. These technologies require expertise in various technical disciplines, and The Digital Age in Agriculture provides information to readers allowing them to make more informed decisions and giving them the opportunity to improve agricultural productivity. Written by Mehmet Metin Özgüven, an expert who has conducted field studies and with a working technical knowledge of various topics pertaining to the agriculture age, this book covers many subjects important to the age of digital agriculture, including precision agriculture and livestock farming, using agricultural robots and unmanned arial vehicles in agriculture practices, and image processing and machine vision. It is an essential read for researchers, agriculture sector workers, and agricultural engineers.

Digital-Age Innovation in Higher Education: A Do-It-Yourself Approach

by Gary Natriello

Digital-Age Innovation in Higher Education recounts the creation, development, and growth of an innovation unit within a major university. This single case study follows the development of the EdLab at the Gottesman Libraries of Teachers College, Columbia University, which was charged with developing new services and products at a time when digital technologies were markedly beginning to impact the sector. The major steps taken – recruiting staff in key skill areas, developing projects, collaborating across organizational lines, securing resources, delivering new services, and more – are covered in detail, illustrating the opportunities and challenges presented by innovation mandates in long-established organizations with stable operations and traditional academic values and practices.

Digital-Age Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Equitable Learning for All Students

by Lisa M. Estrada Andrea Honigsfeld Heather Rubin

Bridge the Digital Divide with Research-Informed Technology Models Since the first edition of this bestselling resource many schools are still striving to close the digital divide and bridge the opportunity gap for historically marginalized students, including English learners. And the need for technology-infused lessons specifically aligned for English learners is even more critically needed. Building from significant developments in education policy, research, and remote learning innovations, this newly revised edition offers unique ways to bridge the digital divide that disproportionally affects culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Designed to support equitable access to engaging and enriching digital-age education opportunities for English learners, this book includes Research-informed and evidence-based technology integration models and instructional strategies Sample lesson ideas, including learning targets for activating students’ prior knowledge while promoting engagement and collaboration Tips for fostering collaborative practices with colleagues Vignettes from educators incorporating technology in creative ways Targeted questions to facilitate discussions about English language development methodology Complete with supplementary tools and resources, this guide provides all of the methodology resources needed to bridge the digital divide and promote learning success for all students.

Digital-Age Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Equitable Learning for All Students

by Lisa M. Estrada Andrea Honigsfeld Heather Rubin

Bridge the Digital Divide with Research-Informed Technology Models Since the first edition of this bestselling resource many schools are still striving to close the digital divide and bridge the opportunity gap for historically marginalized students, including English learners. And the need for technology-infused lessons specifically aligned for English learners is even more critically needed. Building from significant developments in education policy, research, and remote learning innovations, this newly revised edition offers unique ways to bridge the digital divide that disproportionally affects culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Designed to support equitable access to engaging and enriching digital-age education opportunities for English learners, this book includes Research-informed and evidence-based technology integration models and instructional strategies Sample lesson ideas, including learning targets for activating students’ prior knowledge while promoting engagement and collaboration Tips for fostering collaborative practices with colleagues Vignettes from educators incorporating technology in creative ways Targeted questions to facilitate discussions about English language development methodology Complete with supplementary tools and resources, this guide provides all of the methodology resources needed to bridge the digital divide and promote learning success for all students.

Digital Agriculture

by Daniel Marçal de Queiroz Domingos Sárvio M. Valente Francisco de Assis de Carvalho Pinto Aluízio Borém John K. Schueller

This textbook addresses the most recent advances and main digital technologies used in farming. The reader will be able to understand the main concepts and techniques currently used to efficiently manage agricultural production systems. The book covers topics in a general and intuitive way, with examples and good illustrations.

Digital Agriculture: An Introduction (SpringerBriefs in Agriculture)

by Muhammad Azhar Iqbal

The success of modern-day agriculture lies in the digitalization of agricultural systems. The primary aim of this book is to provide a starting point to understand the fundamentals and design of digital agriculture systems with reference to the enabling technologies that deal with the production, improvement, and protection of crops/plants and livestock. The other associated objectives of this book include the explanation of the design and deployment of IoT-based digital agriculture systems in such a simple way that agriculture students understand straightforwardly. Therefore, this book is an effort to partially fill the gap associated with the understanding of the development and deployment of digital agriculture systems (including both precision and smart farming). We believe that with the provided details of enabling technologies and their usage in digital agriculture systems, agriculture students will find it easier to comprehend the designing of small-/large-scale IoT-based digital agriculture systems. This book provides insight into different technologies, architectures, and case studies that will ultimately help students to understand the concept of Digital Agriculture and its related applications. It enables students to realize the importance of open issues and future challenges of digital agriculture systems.

Digital Agriculture: A Solution for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security

by P. M. Priyadarshan Shri Mohan Jain Suprasanna Penna Jameel M. Al-Khayri

The world population is increasing while arable land is decreasing at an alarming rate. About one-quarter of arable land is degraded and needs significant restoration before it can sustain crops again. By 2030, the water supply will fall 40% short of meeting global demand. Moreover, looming climate change poses additional challenge to increasing food production to feed 10 billion people by 2050. Current major agricultural systems are on a largely unsustainable trajectory because of their contributions to greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution, and biodiversity loss.For these reasons, innovative technologies are being introduced in modern agriculture to sustain food production. They include digital and geospatial technologies to manage soil, climate and plant genetic resources. With the development of tools and sensors integrated into the internet of things (IoT) environment, physically collected information is converted into computer-readable language. Digital innovations thus allow real-time analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) that manage massive amount of data, also known as big data. Accordingly, digital agriculture affords greater potential for sustainable farming and economic benefits. This book summarizes the latest advances in AI-integration of agriculture practices. Specific focus includes but not limited to, big data, yield mapping, pests management, and optimal fertigation. As such, it presents a forward-looking approach to meet multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically, SDG 2, 6, 13 and 15.

Digital Agriculture for Food Security and Sustainable Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex

by Elena G. Popkova Bruno S. Sergi Aleksei V. Bogoviz Elena I. Semenova

The book discusses the best international practices in digital agriculture. The book aims to form systemic scientific and methodological support and develop comprehensive applied solutions to unlock the potential of sustainable development of digital agriculture for food security. The book’s contribution to the literature lies in its comprehensive treatment of public and corporate management of farms representing digital agriculture. The research novelty is associated with the systemic disclosure of economic, legal, and technological issues in the development of digital agriculture. Thus, the book provides a solid foundation for integrating food security interests into farming practices. The first part of the book reflects the economic, legal, and technological support of quality management and sustainable development in digital agribusiness based on the best international practices. The second part focuses on Russian and international agricultural policies for food security. The book is intended for members of the academic community who will find promising solutions to current problems of food security through the development of digital agriculture. The book will also be of interest to farmers and representatives of the state regulation of the agricultural economy. In this book, they will find practical recommendations for improving government and corporate management of food security through the development of digital agriculture.

Digital Airborne Camera

by Rainer Sandau

Digital airborne cameras are now penetrating the fields of photogrammetry and remote sensing. Due to the last decade's results in research and development in the fields of for instance detector technology, computing power, memory capacity position and orientation measurement it is now possible to generate with this new generation of airborne cameras different sets of geometric and spectral data with high geometric and radiometric resolutions within a single flight. This is a decisive advantage as compared to film based airborne cameras. The linear characteristic of the opto-electronic converters is the basis for the transition from an imaging camera to an images generating measuring instrument. Because of the direct digital processing chain from the airborne camera to the data products there is no need for the processes of chemical film development and digitising the film information. Failure sources as well as investments and staff costs are avoided. But the effective use of this new technology requires the knowledge of the features of the image and information generation, its possibilities and its restrictions. This book describes all components of a digital airborne camera from the object to be imaged to the mass memory device. So the image quality influencing processes in nature are described, as for instance the reflection of the electromagnetic sun spectrum at the objects to be imaged and the influence of the atmosphere. Also, the essential features of the new digital sensor system, their characteristics and parameters, are addressed and put into the system context. The complexity of the cooperation of all camera components, as for instance optics, filters, detector elements, analogue and digital electronics, software and so forth, becomes transparent. The book includes also the description of example systems.

Digital Analysis of Vaults in English Medieval Architecture

by Alexandrina Buchanan James Hillson Nicholas Webb

Medieval churches are one of the most remarkable creative and technical achievements in architectural history. The complex vaults spanning their vast interiors have fascinated both visitors and worshippers alike for over 900 years, prompting many to ask: ‘How did they do that?’ Yet very few original texts or drawings survive to explain the processes behind their design or construction. This book presents a ground-breaking new approach for analysing medieval vaulting using advanced digital technologies. Focusing on the intricately patterned rib vaulting of thirteenth and fourteenth century England, the authors re-examine a series of key sites within the history of Romanesque and Gothic Architecture, using extensive digital surveys to examine the geometries of the vaults and provide new insights into the design and construction practices of medieval masons. From the simple surfaces of eleventh-century groin vaults to the gravity-defying pendant vaults of the sixteenth century, they explore a wide range of questions including: How were medieval vaults conceived and constructed? How were ideas transferred between sites? What factors led to innovations? How can digital methods be used to enhance our understanding of medieval architectural design? Featuring over 200 high quality illustrations that bring the material and the methods used to life, Digital Analysis of Vaults in English Medieval Architecture is ideal reading for students, researchers and anyone with an interest in medieval architecture, construction history, architectural history and design, medieval geometry or digital heritage.

Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management" (DITEM2021) (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #432)

by Arthur Gibadullin

This book addresses the issues of information, digital and intellectual technologies in economics and management. The International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management" (DITEM2021) was held on November 2, 2021, on the Microsoft Teams platform due to COVID-19. A distinctive feature of the book is that it presented reports of authors from Italy, South Korea, Poland, Armenia, Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. Researchers from different countries presented the process of transition of economic activities to the information and digital path of development and presented the main directions and developments that can improve the efficiency and development of the economy and management. The book may be useful to state and regional authorities, international and supranational organizations, the scientific and professional community.

Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management" (DITEM2022) (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #683)

by Arthur Gibadullin

This book covers the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management" (DITEM2022), which was held on November 21–23, 2022. The conference addressed issues of information, digital and intellectual technologies in economics and management. A distinctive feature of the conference is that it presented reports of authors from China, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Angola, Kazakhstan, India and Russia. Researchers from different countries presented the process of transition of economic activities to the information and digital path of development and presented the main directions and developments that can improve the efficiency and development of the economy and management. The materials of the conference may be useful to state and regional authorities, international and supranational organizations, the scientific and professional community.

Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management" (DITEM2023) (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #942)

by Arthur Gibadullin

This book covers the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management" (DITEM2023) which was held on November 21–23, 2023. The conference addressed issues of networks and systems related to the use of information technologies in economics and management of various sectors. A distinctive feature of the conference is that it featured presentations by authors from China, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan, Oman, Kazakhstan and Russia. Researchers from different countries presented the process of transition to new information technologies of various network and system structures and sectors. The conference made it possible to develop new scientific recommendations on the use of information, computer, digital and intellectual technologies and networks in industry and fields of activity that can be useful to state and regional authorities, international and supranational organizations, the scientific and professional community.

The Digital and Its Discontents (Electronic Mediations #62)

by Aden Evens Alexander R. Galloway

A groundbreaking critique of the digital world that analyzes its universal technological foundations Whence that nagging sense that something in the digital is amiss—that, as wonderful as our devices are, time spent on smartphones and computers leaves us sour, enervated, alienated? The Digital and Its Discontents uniquely explains that worry and points us toward a more satisfying relationship between our digital lives and our nondigital selves, one that requires a radical change in the way we incorporate technology into our lives. Aden Evens analyzes universal technological principles—in particular, the binary logic—to show that they encourage certain ways of thinking while making others more challenging or impossible. What is out of reach for any digital machine is contingency, the ontological principle that refuses every rule. As humans engage ourselves and our world ever more through digital machines, we are losing touch with contingency and so banishing from our lives the accidental and unexpected that fuel our most creative and novel possibilities for living. Taking cues from philosophy rather than cultural or media theory, Evens argues that the consequences of this erosion of contingency are significant yet often overlooked because the same values that make the digital seem so desirable also make contingency seem unimportant—without contingency the digital is confined to what has already been thought, and yet the digital&’s ubiquity has allowed it to disguise this inherent sterility. Responsive only to desires that meet the demands of its narrow logic, the digital requires its users to practice those same ideological dictates, instituting a hegemony of thought and value sustained by the pervasive presence of digital mechanisms. Interweaving technical and philosophical concepts, The Digital and Its Discontents advances a powerful and urgent argument about the digital and its impact on our lives. Retail e-book files for this title are screen-reader friendly.

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