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Showing 19,551 through 19,575 of 64,518 results

Empfehlung Oberflächennahe Geothermie: Planung, Bau, Betrieb und Überwachung - EA Geothermie

by Aaa

The aim of the Recommendations is the technically correct exploitation of the subsoil for geothermal purposes. It should be of assistance in avoiding impairment of soil and groundwater during the operation of the plant and buildings.

Empfehlungen des Arbeitsausschusses "Ufereinfassungen" Häfen und Wasserstraßen EAU 2020

by HTG

Die 12. Auflage der "EAU 2020" beinhaltet eine inhaltliche Straffung und Neustrukturierung der Empfehlungen mit dem Ziel einer verbesserten und verständlicheren Kapitelstruktur. Außerdem wurden die seit dem Erscheinen der 11. Ausgabe der Empfehlungen des Arbeitsausschusses "Ufereinfassungen" veröffentlichten Technischen Jahresberichte in die Empfehlungen eingearbeitet. Die Empfehlungen berücksichtigen weiterhin die neue Normengeneration, bestehend aus Eurocode 7, zugehörigen nationalen Anwendungsdokumenten und ergänzenden nationalen Regelungen (DIN 1054:2010). In Einzelfällen werden Teilsicherheitsbeiwerte aufgrund von Praxiserfahrungen abweichend festgelegt. Der Sicherheitsstandard der See- und Hafenbauwerke bleibt somit erhalten, die Empfehlungen genügen weiterhin dem Anspruch auf internationale Anerkennung und Anwendung bei Planung, Entwurf, Ausschreibung, Vergabe, Baudurchführung und Überwachung sowie bei Abnahme und Abrechnung von Hafen- und Wasserstraßenanlagen nach einheitlichen Gesichtspunkten.

Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises "Baugruben" (EAB)

by Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e. V.

Mit der Herausgabe der Empfehlungen, die normenähnlichen Charakter haben, unterstützt der Arbeitskreis "Baugruben" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. (DGGT) die Planungspraxis bei Entwurf und Berechnung von Baugrubenumschließungen. Alle Empfehlungen wurden gegenüber der vorherigen 5. Auflage gründlich überprüft, soweit erforderlich überarbeitet und an neue Erkenntnisse angepasst. Wesentlich geändert wurden die Erfahrungswerte für Mantelreibung und Spitzendruck von Spundwänden und Trägerbohlwänden. Das Kapitel "Baugruben in weichen Böden" konnte erheblich gestrafft werden. Einem dringenden Bedürfnis der Praxis folgend wurde zudem ein völlig neues Kapitel "Unterfangungen" als Baugrubensicherung erarbeitet. Die Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises "Baugruben" sollen helfen, - Entwurf und Berechnung von Baugrubenumschließungen zu erleichtern, - Lastansätze und Berechnungsverfahren zu vereinheitlichen, - die Standsicherheit der Baugrubenkonstruktionen und ihrer Einzelteile sicherzustellen und - die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Baugrubenkonstruktionen zu verbessern.

Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises "Baugruben" (EAB)

by Eab

Mit der Herausgabe der Empfehlungen, die normenähnlichen Charakter haben, unterstützt der Arbeitskreis „Baugruben“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. (DGGT) die Planungspraxis bei Entwurf und Berechnung von Baugrubenumschließungen. Zur bauaufsichtlichen Einführung der Eurocodes wurde eine Anpassung der 4. Aufl age der Empfehlungen an die Vorgaben der DIN EN 1997-1:2009 in Verbindung mit dem Nationalen Anhang DIN 1997-1/NA:2010-12 und den ergänzenden Regelungen der DIN 1054:2010-12 erforderlich. Alle Empfehlungen wurden gründlich überprüft, soweit erforderlich überarbeitet und an neue Erkenntnisse angepasst. Wesentlich überarbeitet wurde Kapitel 10 „Baugruben im Wasser“. Aufgrund der fortgeschrittenen Entwicklung in der Messtechnik und den gestiegenen Anforderungen wurde Kapitel 14 „Messtechnische Überprüfung und Überwachung von Baugrubenkonstruktionen“ völlig neu formuliert. Die Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises „Baugruben“ sollen helfen, • Entwurf und Berechnung von Baugrubenumschließungen zu erleichtern, • Lastansätze und Berechnungsverfahren zu vereinheitlichen, • die Standsicherheit der Baugrubenkonstruktionen und ihrer Einzelteile sicherzustellen und • die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Baugrubenkonstruktionen zu verbessern.

Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises "Baugrunddynamik"

by Deutschen Gesellschaft Füx Geotechnik E. V.

Die in dem Sammelband "Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises 1.4 Baugrunddynamik" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. (DGGT) zusammengefassten Empfehlungen haben das Ziel, das Vorgehen bei baugrunddynamischen Aufgaben zu vereinheitlichen. Ferner geben Sie Hinweise, wie durch angemessene baugrunddynamische Untersuchungen die Beeinträchtigung von Einrichtungen, Schäden an Bauwerken und Anlagen sowie störende Umwelteinwirkungen auf Menschen und Geräte vermieden werden können. Die vorliegenden Empfehlungen stellen den neuesten Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik auf dem Gebiet der Baugrunddynamik dar. Sie beruhen auf gesicherten Erkenntnissen, die einen empirischen Nachweis einschließen, d. h. es liegen für diese Empfehlungen auch praktische Erprobungen vor. Sie sind daher Bestandteil der "allgemein anerkannten Regeln der Technik". Für die vorliegende zweite Ausgabe wurden die Empfehlungen erneut umfangreich überarbeitet und um zwei Teile ergänzt.

Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises Geomesstechnik

by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik

Messtechnische Überwachungen von Bauprojekten haben in den letzten Jahren hinsichtlich Methoden und Techniken eine intensive Weiterentwicklung durchlaufen. Die Geomesstechnik, als interdisziplinäres Zusammenwirken von Geotechnik und Ingenieurgeodäsie, trägt in zunehmendem Maß zur Lösung geotechnischer Fragestellungen mithilfe messtechnischer Methoden bei. In der Baupraxis sind geotechnische und geodätische Überwachungsmessverfahren in vielfacher Weise zusammengewachsen und auch die normativen Regelungen, zum Beispiel zur Beobachtungsmethode und dem Qualitätsmanagement, haben zur wachsenden Bedeutung der Geomesstechnik beigetragen. Den Grundüberlegungen zur Geomesstechnik und zur Zielsetzung geotechnischer Messungen entsprechend folgt der Aufbau dieser Empfehlungen dem strukturiert sinnvollen Vorgehen des Planungsprozesses bei einer projektspezifischen Messaufgabe: Ausgehend von Überlegungen zu den zu erfassenden Messgrößen und den zur Erfassung dieser Messgrößen einzusetzenden Messsystemen und -verfahren werden das Datenmanagement, also Aspekte der Datenerfassung, -übertragung und -sicherung sowie die Datenauswertung, also der Prozess der Datenaufbereitung, -analyse und Visualisierung behandelt. Die grundsätzlichen bzw. anwendungsspezifischen Empfehlungen zur Erstellung von Messprogrammen werden durch Fallbeispiele, die best practice-Anwendungen zeigen, verdeutlicht. Auch Aspekte der Qualitätssicherung sowie vertragliche Rahmenbedingungen werden angesprochen. In der Summe bekommt damit der Anwender einen Leitfaden an die Hand, der alle wesentlichen Aspekte der Geomesstechnik nach dem Stand der Technik im Detail behandelt.

Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises "Numerik in der Geotechnik" - EANG

by Deutsche Gesell

The book collects almost all the recommendations issued so far by the DGGT working group "Numerical analysis in geotechnology" in one work. For the collected publication, the recommendations have been matched, updated and in many aspects supplemented and completed.

Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises Versuchstechnik Fels

by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik

Der Arbeitskreis AK 3.3 "Versuchstechnik Fels" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e. V. erarbeitet Empfehlungen für felsmechanische Labor- und Feldversuche sowie Messungen im Gebirge und an geotechnischen Bauwerken. Das vorliegende Buch fasst die bisher erschienenen 25 Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises zusammen und bietet damit eine Arbeitshilfe für alle, die sich mit der Beprobung, Versuchsdurchführung, Auswertung und Interpretation der Eigenschaften von Festgesteinen befassen.

Empfehlungen für den Entwurf und die Berechnung von Erdkörpern mit Bewehrungen aus Geokunststoffen (EBGEO)

by Herausgegeben Von Der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik

The Recommendations deal with the basics of performing verifications and the application of geotextiles for the reinforcement of various foundation systems and ground improvement measures, in road construction, for slopes and retaining structures and in landfill operation.

Empfehlungen zu Dichtungssystemen im Tunnelbau EAG-EDT

by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissen

Die Empfehlungen dokumentieren den Stand der Technik in der Bemessung, Auswahl, Anwendung und Prüfung von Geokunststoffen im Tunnelbau und sind vom Arbeitskreis AK 5.1 "Kunststoffe in der Geotechnik und im Wasserbau" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. (DGGT) erstellt worden.Das Buch behandelt Dichtungssysteme mit Kunststoffdichtungsbahnen für Tunnel in geschlossener und offener Bauweise sowie für sonstige unterirdische Bauwerke und dient als Leitfaden für Bauherren, Planer und Ausführende. Entwicklungen in relevanten Regelwerken und Normen, Projekterfahrungen sowie Weiterentwicklungen und anwendungsbezogene Forschungserkenntnisse seit Erscheinen der ersten Auflage im Jahr 2005 wurden in diese 2. Auflage der "Empfehlungen zu Dichtungssystemen im Tunnelbau EAG-EDT" eingearbeitet. Fallbeispiele ergänzen die Ausführungen.

An Empire of Ice: Scott, Shackleton, and the Heroic Age of Antarctic Science (Playaway Adult Nonfiction Ser.)

by Edward J. Larson

A Pulitzer Prize–winning author examines South Pole expeditions, &“wrapping the science in plenty of dangerous drama to keep readers engaged&” (Booklist). An Empire of Ice presents a fascinating new take on Antarctic exploration—placing the famed voyages of Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, his British rivals Robert Scott and Ernest Shackleton, and others in a larger scientific, social, and geopolitical context. Recounting the Antarctic expeditions of the early twentieth century, the author reveals the British efforts for what they actually were: massive scientific enterprises in which reaching the South Pole was but a spectacular sideshow. By focusing on the larger purpose of these legendary adventures, Edward J. Larson deepens our appreciation of the explorers&’ achievements, shares little-known stories, and shows what the Heroic Age of Antarctic discovery was really about. &“Rather than recounting the story of the race to the pole chronologically, Larson concentrates on various scientific disciplines (like meteorology, glaciology and paleontology) and elucidates the advances made by the polar explorers . . . Covers a lot of ground—science, politics, history, adventure.&” —The New York Times Book Review

The Empire of Mind

by Michael Strangelove

Where many critics see the Internet as an instrument of corporate hegemony, Michael Strangelove sees something else: an alternative space inhabited by communities dedicated to anarchic freedom, culture jamming, alternative journalism, and resistance to authoritarian forms of consumer capitalism and globalization. In The Empire of Mind, "Dr. Strangelove," the scholar Canadian Business referred to as the "acknowledged dean of Internet entrepreneurs" and Wired called "the Canadian guru of Internet advertising," presents the compelling argument that the Internet and new digital communication technology actually undermine the power of capital, producing an alternative symbolic economy.Strangelove contends that the Internet breaks with the capitalist logic of commodification and that, while television produces a passive consumer audience, Internet audiences are more active, creative, and subversive. Writers, activists, and artists on the Internet undermine commercial media and its management of consumer behaviour, a behaviour that is challenged by the Web's tendency toward the disintegration of intellectual property rights. Case studies describe the invention of new meaning given to cultural and consumer icons like Barbie and McDonald's and explore how novel modes of online news production alter the representation of the world as it is produced by the mainstream, corporate press.In the course of exploring new media, The Empire of Mind also makes apparent that digital piracy will not be eliminated. The Internet community effectively converts private property into public, thereby presenting serious obstacles for the management of consumer behaviour and significantly eroding brand value. Much to the dismay of the corporate sector, online communities are disinterested in the ethics of private property. In fact, the entire philosophical framework on which capitalism is based is threatened by these alternative means of cultural production.

Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio

by Tom Lewis

Empire of the Air is a history of radio in the United States. It tells the almost-unknown story of three American visionaries--scientist Lee de Forest, brilliant recluse Edwin H. Armstrong, and RCA mogul David Sarnoff--whose imagination and dreams turned a hobbyists' toy into radio, launching the modern communication age. It is a tale of pioneers on the frontier of a new technology, of American entrepreneurial spirit, and of the tragic collision between the lone inventor and the large corporation. Court cases would decide whose legacy would reign supreme. A magnificently researched biography of extraordinary men whose achievements changed our lives forever.

Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio

by Tom Lewis

Empire of the Air tells the story of three American visionaries—Lee de Forest, Edwin Howard Armstrong, and David Sarnoff—whose imagination and dreams turned a hobbyist's toy into radio, launching the modern communications age. Tom Lewis weaves the story of these men and their achievements into a richly detailed and moving narrative that spans the first half of the twentieth century, a time when the American romance with science and technology was at its peak. Empire of the Air is a tale of pioneers on the frontier of a new technology, of American entrepreneurial spirit, and of the tragic collision between inventor and corporation.

Empire of the Sum: The Rise And Reign Of The Pocket Calculator

by Keith Houston

The hidden history of the pocket calculator—a device that ushered in modern mathematics, helped build the atomic bomb, and went with us to the moon—and the mathematicians, designers, and inventors who brought it to life. Starting with hands, abacus, and slide rule, humans have always reached for tools to simplify math. Pocket-sized calculators ushered in modern mathematics, helped build the atomic bomb, took us to the bottom of the ocean, and accompanied us to the moon. The pocket calculator changed our world, until it was supplanted by more modern devices that, in a cruel twist of irony, it helped to create. The calculator is dead; long live the calculator. In this witty mathematic and social history, Keith Houston transports readers from the nascent economies of the ancient world to World War II, where a Jewish engineer calculated for his life at Buchenwald, and into the technological arms race that led to the first affordable electronic pocket calculators. At every turn, Houston is a scholarly, affable guide to this global history of invention. Empire of the Sum will appeal to math lovers, history buffs, and anyone seeking to understand our trajectory to the computer age.

Empire of Water: An Environmental and Political History of the New York City Water Supply

by David Soll

Supplying water to millions is not simply an engineering and logistical challenge. As David Soll shows in his finely observed history of the nation's largest municipal water system, the task of providing water to New Yorkers transformed the natural and built environment of the city, its suburbs, and distant rural watersheds. Almost as soon as New York City completed its first municipal water system in 1842, it began to expand the network, eventually reaching far into the Catskill Mountains, more than one hundred miles from the city. Empire of Water explores the history of New York City's water system from the late nineteenth century to the early twenty-first century, focusing on the geographical, environmental, and political repercussions of the city's search for more water.Soll vividly recounts the profound environmental implications for both city and countryside. Some of the region's most prominent landmarks, such as the High Bridge across the Harlem River, Central Park's Great Lawn, and the Ashokan Reservoir in Ulster County, have their origins in the city's water system. By tracing the evolution of the city's water conservation efforts and watershed management regime, Soll reveals the tremendous shifts in environmental practices and consciousness that occurred during the twentieth century. Few episodes better capture the long-standing upstate-downstate divide in New York than the story of how mountain water came to flow from spigots in Brooklyn and Manhattan.Soll concludes by focusing on the landmark watershed protection agreement signed in 1997 between the city, watershed residents, environmental organizations, and the state and federal governments. After decades of rancor between the city and Catskill residents, the two sides set aside their differences to forge a new model of environmental stewardship. His account of this unlikely environmental success story offers a behind the scenes perspective on the nation's most ambitious and wide-ranging watershed protection program.

Empires of Coal: Fueling China's Entry into the Modern World Order, 1860-1920

by Shellen Xiao Wu

From 1868–1872, German geologist Ferdinand von Richthofen went on an expedition to China. His reports on what he found there would transform Western interest in China from the land of porcelain and tea to a repository of immense coal reserves. By the 1890s, European and American powers and the Qing state and local elites battled for control over the rights to these valuable mineral deposits. As coal went from a useful commodity to the essential fuel of industrialization, this vast natural resource would prove integral to the struggle for political control of China. Geology served both as the handmaiden to European imperialism and the rallying point of Chinese resistance to Western encroachment. In the late nineteenth century both foreign powers and the Chinese viewed control over mineral resources as the key to modernization and industrialization. When the first China Geological Survey began work in the 1910s, conceptions of natural resources had already shifted, and the Qing state expanded its control over mining rights, setting the precedent for the subsequent Republican and People's Republic of China regimes. In Empires of Coal, Shellen Xiao Wu argues that the changes specific to the late Qing were part of global trends in the nineteenth century, when the rise of science and industrialization destabilized global systems and caused widespread unrest and the toppling of ruling regimes around the world.

Empires of Light: Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse, and the Race to Electrify the World

by Jill Jonnes

In the final decades of the nineteenth century, three brilliant and visionary titans of America’s Gilded Age—Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and George Westinghouse—battled bitterly as each vied to create a vast and powerful electrical empire. In Empires of Light, historian Jill Jonnes portrays this extraordinary trio and their riveting and ruthless world of cutting-edge science, invention, intrigue, money, death, and hard-eyed Wall Street millionaires. At the heart of the story are Thomas Alva Edison, the nation’s most famous and folksy inventor, creator of the incandescent light bulb and mastermind of the world’s first direct current electrical light networks; the Serbian wizard of invention Nikola Tesla, elegant, highly eccentric, a dreamer who revolutionized the generation and delivery of electricity; and the charismatic George Westinghouse, Pittsburgh inventor and tough corporate entrepreneur, an industrial idealist who in the era of gaslight imagined a world powered by cheap and plentiful electricity and worked heart and soul to create it. Edison struggled to introduce his radical new direct current (DC) technology into the hurly-burly of New York City as Tesla and Westinghouse challenged his dominance with their alternating current (AC), thus setting the stage for one of the eeriest feuds in American corporate history, the War of the Electric Currents. The battlegrounds: Wall Street, the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, Niagara Falls, and, finally, the death chamber—Jonnes takes us on the tense walk down a prison hallway and into the sunlit room where William Kemmler, convicted ax murderer, became the first man to die in the electric chair. Empires of Light is the gripping history of electricity, the “mysterious fluid,” and how the fateful collision of Edison, Tesla, and Westinghouse left the world utterly transformed.

Empires of the Sky: Zeppelins, Airplanes, and Two Men's Epic Duel to Rule the World

by Alexander Rose

The Golden Age of Aviation is brought to life in this story of the giant Zeppelin airships that once roamed the sky—a story that ended with the fiery destruction of the Hindenburg.&“[An] exhilarating history of the dawn of modern air travel.&”—Publishers Weekly At the dawn of the twentieth century, when human flight was still considered an impossibility, Germany&’s Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin vied with the Wright Brothers to build the world&’s first successful flying machine. As the Wrights labored to invent the airplane, Zeppelin fathered the remarkable airship, sparking a bitter rivalry between the two types of aircraft and their innovators that would last for decades, in the quest to control one of humanity&’s most inspiring achievements. And it was the airship—not the airplane—that led the way. In the glittery 1920s, the count&’s brilliant protégé, Hugo Eckener, achieved undreamed-of feats of daring and skill, including the extraordinary Round-the-World voyage of the Graf Zeppelin. At a time when America&’s airplanes—rickety deathtraps held together by glue, screws, and luck—could barely make it from New York to Washington, D.C., Eckener&’s airships serenely traversed oceans without a single crash, fatality, or injury. What Charles Lindbergh almost died doing—crossing the Atlantic in 1927—Eckener had effortlessly accomplished three years before the Spirit of St. Louis even took off. Even as the Nazis sought to exploit Zeppelins for their own nefarious purposes, Eckener built his masterwork, the behemoth Hindenburg—a marvel of design and engineering. Determined to forge an airline empire under the new flagship, Eckener met his match in Juan Trippe, the ruthlessly ambitious king of Pan American Airways, who believed his fleet of next-generation planes would vanquish Eckener&’s coming airship armada. It was a fight only one man—and one technology—could win. Countering each other&’s moves on the global chessboard, each seeking to wrest the advantage from his rival, the struggle for mastery of the air was a clash not only of technologies but of business, diplomacy, politics, personalities, and the two men&’s vastly different dreams of the future. Empires of the Sky is the sweeping, untold tale of the duel that transfixed the world and helped create our modern age.

Empirical Analyses on Rice Yield Determinants of Smart Farming in Japan

by Dongpo Li Teruaki Nanseki

This book consists of the major findings of the series projects on smart rice farming in Japan, headed by President of the Society of Agricultural Informatics. It is the gateway to know the paddy agriculture, by incorporating the findings of series national projects. The scenario includes soil analysis, growth investigation, environmental observation of air temperature, water temperature, water depth, cultivation and management records, yield, and quality analysis. In addition to the analysis of this large database, it showcases the new generation large-scale rice farming technology system, integrated with agri-machineries, field sensors, visualized farming, and skill-transferring system. This book presents an analytical framework of big data in agriculture and shows the empirical results for rice farm innovation. The authors want to have the pleasure to contribute the agricultural innovations of adopting smart technologies and empirical studies, in countries no matter far or near to Japan. The authors also hope this book conveys the innovative and elaborate sprites of smart agriculture to the next generation and is of interest to students with curiosity on agriculture, smart technology, and empirical study.

Empirical Approach to Machine Learning (Studies in Computational Intelligence #800)

by Plamen P. Angelov Xiaowei Gu

This book provides a ‘one-stop source’ for all readers who are interested in a new, empirical approach to machine learning that, unlike traditional methods, successfully addresses the demands of today’s data-driven world. After an introduction to the fundamentals, the book discusses in depth anomaly detection, data partitioning and clustering, as well as classification and predictors. It describes classifiers of zero and first order, and the new, highly efficient and transparent deep rule-based classifiers, particularly highlighting their applications to image processing. Local optimality and stability conditions for the methods presented are formally derived and stated, while the software is also provided as supplemental, open-source material. The book will greatly benefit postgraduate students, researchers and practitioners dealing with advanced data processing, applied mathematicians, software developers of agent-oriented systems, and developers of embedded and real-time systems. It can also be used as a textbook for postgraduate coursework; for this purpose, a standalone set of lecture notes and corresponding lab session notes are available on the same website as the code.Dimitar Filev, Henry Ford Technical Fellow, Ford Motor Company, USA, and Member of the National Academy of Engineering, USA: “The book Empirical Approach to Machine Learning opens new horizons to automated and efficient data processing.”Paul J. Werbos, Inventor of the back-propagation method, USA: “I owe great thanks to Professor Plamen Angelov for making this important material available to the community just as I see great practical needs for it, in the new area of making real sense of high-speed data from the brain.” Chin-Teng Lin, Distinguished Professor at University of Technology Sydney, Australia: “This new book will set up a milestone for the modern intelligent systems.”Edward Tunstel, President of IEEE Systems, Man, Cybernetics Society, USA: “Empirical Approach to Machine Learning provides an insightful and visionary boost of progress in the evolution of computational learning capabilities yielding interpretable and transparent implementations.”

Empirical Evaluation of Renewable Energy Projects for Sustainable Development (Green Energy and Technology)

by Tony Kealy

This book critically analyses renewable energy sources of electrical power/energy utilised to save money on the amount of electrical energy imported from the national electricity grid and help nations meet binding environmental goals. The main renewable energy sources analysed are wind turbine generators, hydroelectric plant, and solar PV systems. The book presents a robust evaluation framework that can be used in the renewable energy analysis process. One of the main findings is the identification of short-term variations associated mainly with wind turbine electrical generator power output signals. These short-term variations are negating the potential advantages of installing wind turbine electrical generators. One of the suggested methods to counteract the short-term variations is the use of energy storage. Without utility-sized energy storage, binding energy targets will be very difficult to achieve. The three main realms of sustainable development, namely environmental, economic, and human realms, are discussed throughout the book. The three realms are closely interlinked so a weakness identified in any one realm affects the overall sustainability of the (business, country, any organisation) development process.

Empirical Modeling and Data Analysis for Engineers and Applied Scientists

by Scott A. Pardo

This textbook teaches advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students in Engineering and Applied Sciences to gather and analyze empirical observations (data) in order to aid in making design decisions. While science is about discovery, the primary paradigm of engineering and "applied science" is design. Scientists are in the discovery business and want, in general, to understand the natural world rather than to alter it. In contrast, engineers and applied scientists design products, processes, and solutions to problems. That said, statistics, as a discipline, is mostly oriented toward the discovery paradigm. Young engineers come out of their degree programs having taken courses such as "Statistics for Engineers and Scientists" without any clear idea as to how they can use statistical methods to help them design products or processes. Many seem to think that statistics is only useful for demonstrating that a device or process actually does what it was designed to do. Statistics courses emphasize creating predictive or classification models - predicting nature or classifying individuals, and statistics is often used to prove or disprove phenomena as opposed to aiding in the design of a product or process. In industry however, Chemical Engineers use designed experiments to optimize petroleum extraction; Manufacturing Engineers use experimental data to optimize machine operation; Industrial Engineers might use data to determine the optimal number of operators required in a manual assembly process. This text teaches engineering and applied science students to incorporate empirical investigation into such design processes. Much of the discussion in this book is about models, not whether the models truly represent reality but whether they adequately represent reality with respect to the problems at h∧ many ideas focus on how to gather data in the most efficient way possible to construct adequate models. Includes chapters on subjects not often seen together in a single text (e. g. , measurement systems, mixture experiments, logistic regression, Taguchi methods, simulation) Techniques and concepts introduced present a wide variety of design situations familiar to engineers and applied scientists and inspire incorporation of experimentation and empirical investigation into the design process. Software is integrally linked to statistical analyses with fully worked examples in each chapter; fully worked using several packages: SAS, R, JMP, Minitab, and MS Excel - also including discussion questions at the end of each chapter. The fundamental learning objective of this textbook is for the reader to understand how experimental data can be used to make design decisions and to be familiar with the most common types of experimental designs and analysis methods.

Employee-Driven Innovation

by Steen Høyrup Maria Bonnafous-Boucher Cathrine Hasse Maja Lotz Kirsten Møller

Presents research in Employee-Driven Innovation, an emergent field of study that meets the demand for exploiting new innovative potentials in organizations. There is a growing interest in creating new knowledge in innovation, emphasizing human resources and social processes. The authors intend to take the global lead in research on these areas.

Employee Resourcing in the Construction Industry: Strategic Considerations and Operational Practice (Spon Research)

by Ani Raiden Andrew Dainty Richard Neale

Construction is one of the most challenging industrial environments for effective people management. It is characterised by geographically dispersed projects, production-oriented management styles, long working hours, high levels of staff turnover and employment practices grounded in the traditional ‘personnel’ paradigm. The employee resourcing function – recruitment, selection and deployment – is largely reactive and intuitive, and fails to draw on the longer-term benefits of strategic human resource management (SHRM). This book explores the challenges inherent in employee resourcing in-depth. It provides insights into the strategic considerations and operational approaches adopted by large construction organisations in deploying their human resources. It presents an improved framework for informed SHRM-style decision-making derived from an extensive study conducted within eight major construction organisations. This book provides a valuable resource for both students and practitioners interested in evaluating and improving current organisational practice.

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