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Fahrtests unter Realbedingungen: Sicherheitsvalidierung nach ISO 26262 (essentials)

by Lars Schnieder Meike Jipp

Fahrerassistenz, Fahrzeugautomation und vernetzte Systeme beschreiben die Zukunft der Automobilität und schüren die Erwartung essentiell verbesserter Verkehrssicherheit. Meike Jipp und Lars Schnieder verknüpfen eine ingenieurmäßige Sichtweise, die durch funktionale Sicherheit (ISO 26262:2018) und sichere Sollfunktion (ISO/PAS 21448:2019) geprägt ist, mit der Perspektive der Ingenieurpsychologie, die mithilfe sozialwissenschaftlicher Methoden menschzentrierte Automobilität sicher zu gestalten versucht. Der Mensch wird je nach Automationsgrad als Rückfallebene mit im Gesamtsystem berücksichtigt und auch zukünftig bei der Gestaltung vernetzter Systeme, die ihr Verhalten aufeinander abstimmen, eine zentrale Rolle spielen.​Die Autoren: Prof. Dr. Meike Jipp forscht am Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) e.V. im Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik. Dr.-Ing. Lars Schnieder ist als Geschäftsführer einer Software-Entwicklungsfirma für das Geschäftsfeld Sicherheitsbegutachtung verantwortlich.

Fahrwerk (Handbuch Rennwagentechnik #4)

by Michael Trzesniowski

In diesem Buch lernt der Leser die wesentlichen Unterschiede zum Pkw durch die nach Baugruppen aufgeteilte Analyse kennen. So erhält er das Rüstzeug, die erworbenen detaillierten Kenntnisse in die Konstruktion und Entwicklung von Wettbewerbsfahrzeugen einzubringen. Das Fahrwerk bestimmt wohl wie keine andere Baugruppe das Fahrverhalten und damit die „DNA“ eines Rennfahrzeugs. Beginnend beim Reifen – dem entscheidenden mechanischen Bauteil – werden alle Bauelemente der Radaufhängung inklusive Lenkung sowie Bremsanlage vorgestellt und besprochen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Doppelquerlenker- und Federbeinachsen. Die Konstruktion von Radaufhängungen beginnt mit kinematischen Betrachtungen, führt über Bauteilauslegung zu fahrdynamischen Betrachtungen des Gesamtfahrzeugs. Letztendlich sollen die Maximalkräfte der Reifen in Quer- und Umfangsrichtung ausgeschöpft werden und das Fahrzeug dabei beherrschbar bleiben. Durch die detaillierte, in die Tiefe gehende Darstellung ist das Werk für den interessierten Motorsport-Enthusiasten ebenso geeignet wie für den in der Praxis stehenden Ingenieur, der sich den Fragen rund um Rennfahrwerke zuwendet. Das Formelmaterial ist so aufbereitet, dass das Buch auch als Nachschlagwerk eingesetzt werden kann.

Fahrwerklehrbuch Band 2: Anwendungen

by Metin Ersoy

Fahrwerke moderner Pkw stellen eine Kombination mechanischer, elektrischer, elektronischer und zum kleinen Teil hydraulischer/pneumatischer Komponenten dar, wobei sich mit jeder Neuentwicklung der Anteil elektronischer Steuerungs- sowie Regelsysteme erweitert und der Funktionsumfang der fahrdynamisch beeinflussten Eigenschaften zunimmt. Mit Blick auf das Fahrwerk sind in diesen zwei Bänden alle konventionellen Elemente und deren Zusammenwirken mit elektronischen Systemen dargestellt. Dabei werden zunächst Grundlagen und Auslegung, danach in besonders praxisnaher Darstellung die Fahrdynamik, Fahrkomfort, Fahrverhalten dargelegt. Es folgen ausführliche Beschreibungen und Erläuterungen der modernen Fahrwerk-Komponenten. Eigene Kapitel widmen sich den Achsen, Radaufhängungen und Prozessen für die Fahrwerkentwicklung. Die Bände enthalten außerdem die aktuellen Themen wie autonomes Fahren, Elektrifizierung, Fahrerassistenzsysteme sowie die Zukunftstendenzen im Fahrwerk.

Fahrzeugaerodynamik: Basiswissen für das Studium (ATZ/MTZ-Fachbuch)

by Thomas Schütz

Fahrleistung und Verbrauch, Fahrverhalten und Komfort eines Automobils werden nachhaltig von seinen aerodynamischen Eigenschaften bestimmt. Ein niedriger Luftwiderstand ist beispielsweise die Voraussetzung dafür, dass die hochgesteckten Verbrauchsziele erreicht werden. Das vorliegende Buch wendet sich an Studenten des Maschinenbaus, Fahrzeugtechnik, der Physik und anderer verwandter Studienschwerpunkte, an Automobilingenieure in der Industrie, in Forschung und Lehre, in den Technischen Überwachungsvereinen und Behörden. Fahrzeugtechniker, Konstrukteure, Versuchs- und Berechnungsingenieure sollen ebenso angesprochen werden wie Aerodynamiker, die aus anderen Branchen kommen. Es richtet sich aber auch an Designer und an Fachjournalisten sowie an von der Technik begeisterte Automobilisten.

Fahrzeugdynamik: Theorie und Anwendung

by Reza N. Jazar

Dieses Lehrbuch für Fortgeschrittene eignet sich für Studenten in Kursen zur Fahrzeugdynamik, die sich im letzten Jahr ihres Grundstudiums oder im ersten Jahr ihres Graduiertenstudiums befinden. Es ist auch für Maschinenbauingenieure, Automobilingenieure und Forscher auf dem Gebiet der Fahrzeugdynamik zur Weiterbildung oder als Nachschlagewerk geeignet. Es behandelt grundlegende und fortgeschrittene Themen, wobei Grundkenntnisse in Kinematik und Dynamik sowie in numerischen Methoden vorausgesetzt werden.Der Inhalt ist auf einem theoretisch-praktischen Niveau gehalten, wobei ein starker Schwerpunkt auf der Anwendung liegt. Diese dritte Auflage wurde um 25 % gekürzt, so dass der Stoff in einem Semester abgedeckt werden kann, im Gegensatz zur vorherigen Auflage, die zwei Semester für die Abdeckung benötigte. Das Lehrbuch ist in vier Teile gegliedert:Fahrzeugbewegung: behandelt die Reifendynamik, die Vorwärtsdynamik des Fahrzeugs und die Dynamik desAntriebsstrangsFahrzeugkinematik: behandelt angewandte Kinematik, angewandte Mechanismen, Lenkungsdynamik und AufhängungsmechanismenFahrzeugdynamik: umfasst angewandte Dynamik, Fahrzeugdynamik in der Ebene und FahrzeugrolldynamikFahrzeugschwingungen: behandelt angewandte Schwingungen, Fahrzeugschwingungen und AufhängungsoptimierungDie Konzepte der Fahrzeugdynamik werden detailliert behandelt, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf ihren praktischen Einsatz gelegt wird. Außerdem werden verwandte Theoreme und formale Beweise zusammen mit Fallbeispielen bereitgestellt. Die Leser schätzen die benutzerfreundliche Darstellung der wissenschaftlichen und technischen Aspekte der Fahrzeugmechanik und lernen, wie sie das Fahrverhalten von Fahrzeugen analysieren und optimieren können.

Fahrzeuggetriebe: Grundlagen, Auswahl, Auslegung und Konstruktion (Vdi-buch Ser.)

by Harald Naunheimer Bernd Bertsche Joachim Ryborz Wolfgang Novak Peter Fietkau

Für Konstrukteure werden alle Kenntnisse der modernen Getriebetechnik vollständig, praxisgerecht und fundiert bereitgestellt: Grundlagen, Entwicklungsabläufen, Anforderungen. Die komplette Systematik: Aufbau, Triebstrangkonzepte, Auslegung und Gestaltung wichtiger Bauteile. Beispiele ausgeführter Konstruktionen, Zuverlässigkeit, Lebensdauer, notwendige Elektronik und Informationsvernetzung.

Fahrzeuginformatik: Eine Einführung in die Software- und Elektronikentwicklung aus der Praxis der Automobilindustrie (ATZ/MTZ-Fachbuch)

by Fabian Wolf

Dieses Fach- und Lehrbuch enthält die heutigen Grundlagen und Sicht der Praxis zu Elektronik und Software im Fahrzeug. Es dient damit als Basis für die Umsetzung neuer Trends, wissenschaftliche Arbeiten und ökonomische Entscheidungen. Elektronikarchitektur, Softwareentwicklung und Test sowie die zugehörigen Prozesse für zulassungsrelevante Systeme werden vorgestellt. Die „Fahrzeuginformatik“ spielt als Schnittstelle zwischen Produktvision und deren konkreter Umsetzung eine Schlüsselrolle in der Elektromobilität. Damit ist dieser Begriff rein sprachlich das deutsche Pendant zum „Automotive Software Engineering“ und definiert darüber hinaus ganzheitlich eine neue Disziplin in der Entwicklung der Fahrzeuggenerationen von morgen.Die Zielgruppen sind in erster Linie angehende Fachkräfte der Mechatronik, Studierende und Berufseinsteiger im Bereich der Fahrzeugelektronik und Fahrzeuginformatik sowie sämtliche Mitarbeiter der Automobilindustrie, die sich auf den anstehenden Wandel nachhaltig vorbereiten wollen, um Entscheidungen auf der Basis von Fakten zu treffen. Damit empfiehlt sich dieses Werk auch als fachliche Basis für Entscheider außerhalb der Automobilindustrie, die den digitalen Wandel nachhaltig und fundiert vorantreiben oder diskutieren wollen.

Fahrzeugmesstechnik: Grundlagen der Messtechnik und Statistik, Prüfstandstechnik, Messtechnik im Motoren- und Fahrzeugversuch

by Dirk Goßlau

Dem Fahrzeugtechniker wird ein Übersichts- und Nachschlagewerk zu den angegebenen Messtechniken an die Hand gegeben. Dabei wird neben den physikalischen Aspekten auf die praxisrelevanten Eigenschaften und Besonderheiten eingegangen. Größen- und Rechenbeispiele veranschaulichen das Thema. Ergänzend werden grundlegende statistische Methoden zur Fehlerbetrachtung und Bewertung von Messergebnissen dargestellt.

Failed Bridges: Case Studies, Causes and Consequences

by Joachim Scheer

When bridges fail, often with loss of human life, those involved may be unwilling to speak openly about the cause. Yet it is possible to learn from mistakes. The lessons gained lead to greater safety and are a source of innovation. This book contains a systematic, unprecedented overview of more than 400 bridge failures assigned to the time of their occurrence in the bridges' life cycle and to the releasing events. Primary causes are identified. Many of the cases investigated are published here for the first time and previous interpretations are shown to be incomplete or incorrect. A catalogue of rules that can help to avoid future mistakes in design analysis, planning and erection is included. A lifetime's work brilliantly compiled and courageously presented - a wealth of knowledge and experience for every structural engineer.

Failure Analysis

by Marius Bazu Titu Bajenescu

Failure analysis is the preferred method to investigate product or process reliability and to ensure optimum performance of electrical components and systems. The physics-of-failure approach is the only internationally accepted solution for continuously improving the reliability of materials, devices and processes. The models have been developed from the physical and chemical phenomena that are responsible for degradation or failure of electronic components and materials and now replace popular distribution models for failure mechanisms such as Weibull or lognormal.Reliability engineers need practical orientation around the complex procedures involved in failure analysis. This guide acts as a tool for all advanced techniques, their benefits and vital aspects of their use in a reliability programme. Using twelve complex case studies, the authors explain why failure analysis should be used with electronic components, when implementation is appropriate and methods for its successful use.Inside you will find detailed coverage on:a synergistic approach to failure modes and mechanisms, along with reliability physics and the failure analysis of materials, emphasizing the vital importance of cooperation between a product development team involvedthe reasons why failure analysis is an important tool for improving yield and reliability by corrective actionsthe design stage, highlighting the 'concurrent engineering' approach and DfR (Design for Reliability) failure analysis during fabrication, covering reliability monitoring, process monitors and package reliability reliability resting after fabrication, including reliability assessment at this stage and corrective actions a large variety of methods, such as electrical methods, thermal methods, optical methods, electron microscopy, mechanical methods, X-Ray methods, spectroscopic, acoustical, and laser methodsnew challenges in reliability testing, such as its use in microsystems and nanostructuresThis practical yet comprehensive reference is useful for manufacturers and engineers involved in the design, fabrication and testing of electronic components, devices, ICs and electronic systems, as well as for users of components in complex systems wanting to discover the roots of the reliability flaws for their products.

Failure Analysis

by Jose Luis Otegui

This book addresses the failures of structural elements, i. e. those components whose primary mission is to withstand mechanical loads. The book is intended as a self-contained source for those with different technical grades, engineers and scientists but also technicians in the field can benefit from its reading.

Failure Analysis of Composite Materials with Manufacturing Defects (Applied and Computational Mechanics)

by Ramesh Talreja

In contrast to metals, a composite material acquires an internal structure where the imprint of its manufacturing process history is a significant part of the internal structure’s makeup and in many cases determines how the material responds to external impulses. The performance for which a composite material is designed must therefore be assessed with due consideration to the manufacturing-induced features in the material volume. Failure theories based on homogenized composites cannot deliver reliable methodologies for performance assessment. This book details approaches that depart from traditional treatments by accounting for manufacturing defects in composite materials. It discusses how manufacturing defects are produced and how they affect the performance of composite materials. Serves as the only book to bring knowledge on manufacturing and failure modeling together in a coherent manner. Guides readers on mechanisms-based modeling with a focus on defects. Treats statistical simulation of microstructure with defects aimed at physical modeling. Covers manufacturing methods for polymer matrix composites. Describes failure modes in unidirectional composites and laminates in the presence of defects. Discusses fatigue damage in the presence of defects. This book is aimed at researchers in industry and academia in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, and materials science and engineering. It also serves as a reference for students taking advanced courses in composite materials.

Failure Analysis of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (Microbes, Materials, and the Engineered Environment)

by Richard B. Eckert

Failure Analysis of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion serves as a complete guide to corrosion failure analysis with an emphasis on the diagnosis of microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). By applying the principles of chemistry, microbiology, and metallurgy, readers will be able to reliably determine the mechanistic cause of corrosion damage and failures and select the appropriate methods for mitigating future corrosion incidents. FEATURES Provides background information on the forensic process, types of data or evidence needed to perform the analysis, industrial case studies, details on the MIC failure analysis process, and protocols for field and lab use Presents up-to-date advances in molecular technologies and their application to corrosion failure investigations Offers specific guidelines for conducting MIC failure analyses and case studies to illustrate their application Examines state-of-the-art information on MIC analytical tools and methods With authors with expertise in microbiology, corrosion, materials, and failure investigation, this book provides tools for engineers, scientists, and technologists to successfully combat MIC issues.

Failure Characteristics Analysis and Fault Diagnosis for Liquid Rocket Engines

by Wei Zhang

This book concentrates on the subject of health monitoring technology of Liquid Rocket Engine (LRE), including its failure analysis, fault diagnosis and fault prediction. Since no similar issue has been published, the failure pattern and mechanism analysis of the LRE from the system stage are of particular interest to the readers. Furthermore, application cases used to validate the efficacy of the fault diagnosis and prediction methods of the LRE are different from the others. The readers can learn the system stage modeling, analyzing and testing methods of the LRE system as well as corresponding fault diagnosis and prediction methods. This book will benefit researchers and students who are pursuing aerospace technology, fault detection, diagnostics and corresponding applications.

Failure in Aircraft Materials (Sustainable Aviation)

by Selim Gürgen

Material reliability is a critical factor in flight safety. For this reason, engineers and materials scientists continuously work to enhance the strength of materials to cope with the harsh conditions and potential material failures encountered during flight. This book combines theoretical knowledge and case studies to examine the fundamental and most frequent failure modes in aircraft alloys and the root causes of failures. Key topics covered include wear deformation, fracture characteristics, fatigue failure, stress corrosion cracking and creep failure. Insightful case studies explore a range of practical applications. Failure in Aircraft Materials appeals to a broad readership in the aviation and aerospace industry, including students, engineers, scientists, and researchers. It serves as an indispensable reference source for material science and modern production techniques.

Failure Is Not an Option

by Gene Kranz

This memoir of a veteran NASA flight director tells riveting stories from the early days of the Mercury program through Apollo 11 (the moon landing) and Apollo 13, for both of which Kranz was flight director.Gene Kranz was present at the creation of America's manned space program and was a key player in it for three decades. As a flight director in NASA's Mission Control, Kranz witnessed firsthand the making of history. He participated in the space program from the early days of the Mercury program to the last Apollo mission, and beyond. He endured the disastrous first years when rockets blew up and the United States seemed to fall further behind the Soviet Union in the space race. He helped to launch Alan Shepard and John Glenn, then assumed the flight director's role in the Gemini program, which he guided to fruition. With his teammates, he accepted the challenge to carry out President John F. Kennedy's commitment to land a man on the Moon before the end of the 1960s. Kranz recounts these thrilling historic events and offers new information about the famous flights. What appeared as nearly flawless missions to the Moon were, in fact, a series of hair-raising near misses. When the space technology failed, as it sometimes did, the controllers' only recourse was to rely on their skills and those of their teammates. He reveals behind-the-scenes details to demonstrate the leadership, discipline, trust, and teamwork that made the space program a success. A fascinating firsthand account by a veteran mission controller of one of America's greatest achievements, Failure is Not an Option reflects on what has happened to the space program and offers his own bold suggestions about what we ought to be doing in space now. space now. This is a fascinating firsthand account written by a veteran mission controller of one of America's greatest achievements.

Failure of Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites

by Sultan Hameed Rajesh M. Jayakrishna K.

The proposed book focusses on the theme of failure of polymer composites, focusing on vital aspects of enhancing failure resistance, constituents and repair including associated complexities. It discusses characterization and experimentation of the composites under loading with respect to the specific environment and applications. Further, it includes topics as green composites, advanced materials and composite joint failure, buckling failure, and fiber-metal composite failure. It explains preparation, applications of composites for weight sensitive applications, leading to potential applications and formulations, fabrication of polymer products based on bio-resources. Provides exhaustive understanding of failure and fatigue of polymer composites Covers the failure of fiber reinforced polymer composites, composite joint failure, fiber-metal composite, and laminate failure Discusses how to enhance the resistance against failure of the polymer composites Provides input to industry related and academic orientated research problems Represents an organized perspective and analysis of materials processing, material design, and their failure under loading This book is aimed at researchers, graduate students in composites, fiber reinforcement, failure mechanism, materials science, and mechanical engineering.

Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education

by Justin Reich

A leader in educational technology separates truth from hype, explaining what tech can—and can’t—do to transform our classrooms.Proponents of large-scale learning have boldly promised that technology can disrupt traditional approaches to schooling, radically accelerating learning and democratizing education. Much-publicized experiments, often underwritten by Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, have been launched at elite universities and in elementary schools in the poorest neighborhoods. Such was the excitement that, in 2012, the New York Times declared the “year of the MOOC.” Less than a decade later, that pronouncement seems premature.In Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education, Justin Reich delivers a sobering report card on the latest supposedly transformative educational technologies. Reich takes readers on a tour of MOOCs, autograders, computerized “intelligent tutors,” and other educational technologies whose problems and paradoxes have bedeviled educators. Learning technologies—even those that are free to access—often provide the greatest benefit to affluent students and do little to combat growing inequality in education. And institutions and investors often favor programs that scale up quickly, but at the expense of true innovation. It turns out that technology cannot by itself disrupt education or provide shortcuts past the hard road of institutional change.Technology does have a crucial role to play in the future of education, Reich concludes. We still need new teaching tools, and classroom experimentation should be encouraged. But successful reform efforts will focus on incremental improvements, not the next killer app.

Failures and the Law: Structural Failure, Product Liability and Technical Insurance 5

by H.P. Rossmanith

The interaction between engineering and the law is undergoing dramatic changes. Product liability, laws have been introduced in Japan, patent claims over living organisms have been made in bioengineering and the differing national laws of copyright protection and liability are in the process of harmonisation, especially in the European Union. The pace and complexity of these changes make it essential for technologists, lawyers, engineers and insurance experts to establish a common basis for understanding, co-operation and exchange of expertise. The recently founded International Society for Technology, Law and Insurance aims to foster such co-operation. This volume features 46 selected contributions which address various topical issues and the law. The most important issues relate to engineering risks, quality assurance and assessment and legal implications assiciated with them. Recent failure cases are explained and the technical, legal and insurance-related issues discussed in detail.

Failures in Concrete Structures: Case Studies in Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete

by Robin Whittle

This book presents a selection of the author‘s firsthand experience with incidents related to reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, helping readers gain an understanding of errors that can occur in order to avoid making them. He includes mistakes discovered at the design stage, ones that led to failures, and some that involved partial structure collapse all of which required remedial action to ensure safety. The book focuses on specific incidents that occurred at various points in the construction process, including mistakes related to structural misunderstanding, extrapolation of codes of practice, and poor construction.

Fair Food

by Oran Hesterman

An important, accessible book on a crucial subject. The author . . . writes about reform efforts with contagious energy and palpable authority. Food for thought and action. "The New York Times""

Fair Trade and Organic Agriculture: A Winning Combination?

by Arnab Basu Lee Buyers Rene Capote Ricardo Fort Professor Ulrike Grote Casey Goldvale Ulrich Hamm Pradyot Ranjan Jena Linda Kleemann Katharina Krumbiegel Julia Lernoud Dr Priyanka Parvathi Yu Hui Qiao Ruerd Ruben Rosa Scheenbecker Till Stellmacher Romane Viennet Professor Hermann Waibel Helga Willer Meike Wollni Katrin Zander

The markets for organic and fair trade certified commodities are growing rapidly, with environmentally sound and more equitable certification systems likely to offer benefits for both small-scale farmers and society at large. Despite much debate about their contribution to sustainability, there has been little scientific analysis, so it is vital to assess if it is technically and economically feasible to meet growing consumer demands regarding food safety, quality and ethics through smallholder and marginal producers. Overall, there is a need to explore the potential of these certification systems as emerging areas in research and development cooperation. This book includes: - Worldwide case studies (from the supply side in Asia, Africa, and Latin America; and from the demand side in Europe and North America) to put theory into practice. - Analyses of sustainable development and poverty reduction through organic and fair trade markets. - Insights into the conditions where it is beneficial for developing country smallholder producers to adopt fair trade and organic certification systems. - Investigation into whether consumers will pay more for a product that is both organic and fair trade certified. This book is an important read for researchers and students in agricultural and development economics, and it is also a useful resource for policy makers and practitioners involved in organic and fair trade agriculture.

Fair Trade and Organic Agriculture

by Priyanka Parvathi Ulrike Grote Hermann Waibel

The markets for organic and fair trade certified commodities are growing rapidly, with environmentally sound and more equitable certification systems likely to offer benefits for both small-scale farmers and society at large. Despite much debate about their contribution to sustainability, there has been little scientific analysis, so it is vital to assess if it is technically and economically feasible to meet growing consumer demands regarding food safety, quality and ethics through smallholder and marginal producers. Overall, there is a need to explore the potential of these certification systems as emerging areas in research and development cooperation. This book includes: - Worldwide case studies (from the supply side in Asia, Africa, and Latin America; and from the demand side in Europe and North America) to put theory into practice. - Analyses of sustainable development and poverty reduction through organic and fair trade markets. - Insights into the conditions where it is beneficial for developing country smallholder producers to adopt fair trade and organic certification systems. - Investigation into whether consumers will pay more for a product that is both organic and fair trade certified. This book is an important read for researchers and students in agricultural and development economics, and it is also a useful resource for policy makers and practitioners involved in organic and fair trade agriculture.

Fair Use, Free Use, and Use by Permission: How to Handle Copyrights in All Media

by Lee Wilson

Who needs this book? Only every writer, photographer, illustrator, designer, businessperson, musician, songwriter, filmmaker, teacher, researcher, advertiser, and Web designer in the United States How to find copyright owners, request permissions, and keep records Easy-reference copyright duration chart, form agreements, form letters, resources, and checklistsPermissions-they're enough to make anyone crazy. Thank heavens there's Fair Use, Free Use and Use by Permission, the one-volume reference that is sure to save the sanity of thousands of grateful readers. Writers, photographers, illustrators, designers, teachers, researchers-anyone involved with intellectual property needs this practical, straightforward guide to copyright law. Find out what constitutes fair use, how to get permissions, and how to protect creative work, plus learn about copyright infringement, public domain, and much more. Illuminating true-life stories enliven the ins and outs of copyright law, and helpful charts, resource lists, and forms make the permissions experience vastly more manageable. Let a respected intellectual property lawyer show the way through the copyright maze!

Fairy Science (Fairy Science)

by Ashley Spires

An enchanting STEM-and-fairy-filled picture book from the award-winning author-illustrator of The Most Magnificent Thing!All the fairies in Pixieville believe in magic--except Esther. She believes in science.When a forest tree stops growing, all the fairies are stumped--including Esther. But not for long! Esther knows that science can get to the root of the problem--and its solution! Whether you believe in fairy magic or the power of science, you will be charmed by Esther, the budding fairy scientist.

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