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Engineers in Western Europe: A Profession Torn Between Technology and Economy, 1850–1990, with Outlooks to the Present

by Rolf Torstendahl

In his book, pending between history and sociology, on engineers in thirteen countries of the western part of Europe, Professor Rolf Torstendahl approaches the development from around 1850 up to the present situation from different angles. - One examines the educational patterns and the author shows how widely different types of formation of engineers existed in Britain, France and Germany in the early period. They were paradigmatic for other countries. Differences remain but patterns have gradually become similar. - From another angle the author makes professional organisations of engineers a main object of study, and they vary from alumni associations to powerful lobby organisations. - A third approach in the book is to examine engineers versus sociological theories of professionalism on the one hand and theories of managerialism on the other. In the last chapter the author also discusses topics like technocracy and the responsibility of engineers.

The Engineer's Manual of Construction Site Planning

by Jüri Sutt Irene Lill Olev Müürsepp

This handbook addresses problems facing the engineer when preparing to build, both during the contract bidding phase and after a contract has been concluded. It offers clear guidelines for planning the resources and machinery on site, as well as the safe positioning of roads, cranes, storage and temporary buildings. Site planning activities are presented here in logical sequence, offering an efficient and safe design of the construction site and of the temporary works. The book describes the process of engineering preparation of on-site construction works in all phases of the construction life-cycle, from the design phase - preparing the financial plan and procurement scheme for the owner before tendering the contract; the tendering phase; and after bid completion. A list of procedures is presented for planning the construction site in order to simplify the engineer’s work of site and temporary works planning. The Engineer’s Manual of Construction Site Planning is for all those involved in the planning of construction sites, construction managers, construction engineers and quantity surveyors, as well as for students in civil engineering and construction.

Engineers of Victory

by Paul Kennedy

Paul Kennedy, award-winning author of The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers and one of today's most renowned historians, now provides a new and unique look at how World War II was won. Engineers of Victory is a fascinating nuts-and-bolts account of the strategic factors that led to Allied victory. Kennedy reveals how the leaders' grand strategy was carried out by the ordinary soldiers, scientists, engineers, and businessmen responsible for realizing their commanders' visions of success.In January 1943, FDR and Churchill convened in Casablanca and established the Allied objectives for the war: to defeat the Nazi blitzkrieg; to control the Atlantic sea lanes and the air over western and central Europe; to take the fight to the European mainland; and to end Japan's imperialism. Astonishingly, a little over a year later, these ambitious goals had nearly all been accomplished. With riveting, tactical detail, Engineers of Victory reveals how.Kennedy recounts the inside stories of the invention of the cavity magnetron, a miniature radar "as small as a soup plate," and the Hedgehog, a multi-headed grenade launcher that allowed the Allies to overcome the threat to their convoys crossing the Atlantic; the critical decision by engineers to install a super-charged Rolls-Royce engine in the P-51 Mustang, creating a fighter plane more powerful than the Luftwaffe's; and the innovative use of pontoon bridges (made from rafts strung together) to help Russian troops cross rivers and elude the Nazi blitzkrieg. He takes readers behind the scenes, unveiling exactly how thousands of individual Allied planes and fighting ships were choreographed to collectively pull off the invasion of Normandy, and illuminating how crew chiefs perfected the high-flying and inaccessible B-29 Superfortress that would drop the atomic bombs on Japan.The story of World War II is often told as a grand narrative, as if it were fought by supermen or decided by fate. Here Kennedy uncovers the real heroes of the war, highlighting for the first time the creative strategies, tactics, and organizational decisions that made the lofty Allied objectives into a successful reality. In an even more significant way, Engineers of Victory has another claim to our attention, for it restores "the middle level of war" to its rightful place in history.Advance praise for Engineers of Victory "Paul Kennedy's history of World War II is a demonstration not only of incisive analysis and mastery of subject, but of profound integrity, and a historian's desire to celebrate not great leaders but the forgotten scientists, technicians, and logisticians who gave us the tactical edge, without which the strategic designs could never have been achieved."--Robert D. Kaplan, author of The Revenge of Geography "Kennedy's fine-grained analysis and suspicion of any one single cause--like cipher cracking, intelligence and deception operations, or specific weapons systems, like the Soviet T-34 tank--permit him to persuasively array his supporting facts. . . . An absorbing new approach to a well-worked field."--Kirkus Reviews (starred review) "A fresh and stimulating approach."--Publishers WeeklyFrom the Hardcover edition.

An Engineer's View of Human Error, Third Edition

by Trevor Kletz

This title looks at how people, as opposed to technology and computers, are arguably the most unreliable factor within plants, leading to dangerous situations.

Engines and Fuels for Future Transport (Energy, Environment, and Sustainability)

by Avinash Kumar Agarwal Gautam Kalghatgi Felix Leach Kelly Senecal

This book focuses on clean transport and mobility essential to the modern world. It discusses internal combustion engines (ICEs) and alternatives like battery electric vehicles (BEVs) which are growing fast. Alternatives to ICEs start from a very low base and face formidable environmental, material availability, and economic challenges to unlimited and rapid growth. Hence ICEs will continue to be the main power source for transport for decades to come and have to be continuously improved to improve transport sustainability. The book highlights the need to assess proposed changes in the existing transport system on a life cycle basis. The volume includes chapters discussing the challenges faced by ICEs as well as chapters on novel fuels and fuel/ engine interactions which help in this quest to improve the efficiency of ICE and reduce exhaust pollutants. This book will be of interest to those in academia and industry alike.

Engines of Change: A History of the American Dream in Fifteen Cars

by Paul Ingrassia

A narrative like no other: a cultural history that explores how cars have both propelled and reflected the American experience-- from the Model T to the Prius. From the assembly lines of Henry Ford to the open roads of Route 66, from the lore of Jack Kerouac to the sex appeal of the Hot Rod, America's history is a vehicular history--an idea brought brilliantly to life in this major work by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Paul Ingrassia. Ingrassia offers a wondrous epic in fifteen automobiles, including the Corvette, the Beetle, and the Chevy Corvair, as well as the personalities and tales behind them: Robert McNamara's unlikely role in Lee Iacocca's Mustang, John Z. DeLorean's Pontiac GTO , Henry Ford's Model T, as well as Honda's Accord, the BMW 3 Series, and the Jeep, among others. Through these cars and these characters, Ingrassia shows how the car has expressed the particularly American tension between the lure of freedom and the obligations of utility. He also takes us through the rise of American manufacturing, the suburbanization of the country, the birth of the hippie and the yuppie, the emancipation of women, and many more fateful episodes and eras, including the car's unintended consequences: trial lawyers, energy crises, and urban sprawl. Narrative history of the highest caliber, Engines of Change is an entirely edifying new way to look at the American story.

Engines of War: How Wars Were Won & Lost on the Railways

by Christian Wolmar

Before the nineteenth century, armies had to rely on slow and unreliable methods of transportation to move soldiers and equipment during times of conflict. But with the birth of the railroad in the early 1830s, the way wars were fought would change forever. In Engines of War, renowned expert Christian Wolmar tells the story of that transformation, examining all the engagements in which railways played a part from the Crimean War and American Civil War through both world wars, the Korean War, and the Cold War with its mysterious missile trains. He shows that the 'iron road' not only made armies far more mobile, but also greatly increased the scale and power of available weaponry. Wars began to be fought across wider fronts and over longer timescales, with far deadlier consequences. From armored engines with their swiveling guns to track sabotage by way of dynamite, railway lines constructed across frozen Siberian lakes and a Boer war ambush involving Winston Churchill, Engines of War shows how the railways - a fantastic generator of wealth in peacetime - became a weapon of war exploited to the full by governments across the world.

Englisch für Architekten und Bauingenieure – English for Architects and Civil Engineers: Ein kompletter Projektablauf auf Englisch mit Vokabeln, Redewendungen, Übungen und Praxistipps - All project phases in English with vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, exercises and practical advice

by Sharon Heidenreich

Dieses Sprach-Lehrbuch wurde speziell für Architekten und Bauingenieure entwickelt, um sie zu befähigen bei der Kommunikation auf Englisch in der Berufspraxis mit fachlicher Kompetenz zu überzeugen.Das Buch folgt den einzelnen Planungs- und Ausführungsphasen eines Bauprojektes und gewährt währenddessen Einblicke z. B. in die Stadtplanung, Technische Gebäudeausstattung, Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte und Bauen im Bestand. Die 7. Auflage, in einem neuen, modernen Layout, wurde überarbeitet und durch viele Wortdefinitionen sowie Lernhinweise ergänzt.In Kooperation mit der Gesellschaft für Weiterbildung im Bauwesen (GeWeB) steht den Kunden des Buches zur Vertiefung der Lerninhalte ein kostenfreies E-Learning Modul mit 15 Übungen zum Hörverstehen sowie weiteren Aufgaben zu Grammatik und Fachvokabular zur Verfügung.QR Codes im Buch ermöglichen außerdem einen direkten Zugriff auf die Hörverstehens-Übungen an den passenden Stellen.Neu in dieser Auflage: Laden Sie die Springer Nature Flashcards-App kostenlos herunter und nutzen Sie exklusives Zusatzmaterial, um Ihr Fachvokabular zu prüfen.Nach dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen (GER) für Sprachen entspricht das Lehrwerk einem Niveau von B2/C1.

Englisch lernen mit dem Smartphone für Dummies Junior (Für Dummies)

by Rainer W. Schwabe Karl Braun

Es gibt zahlreiche Apps, mit denen man Englisch lernen kann. Aber wir zeigen dir Apps, mit denen du Englisch auch verstehst. Werde in der Schule besser und zeige allen, dass du es richtig kannst. Alles ist auf deine Anforderungen in der Schule abgestimmt. Wir gehen völlig neue Wege und verraten dir einige Geheimtipps zum Lernen. Lerne korrekte Aussprache, Vokabeln und Grammatik. Sei dabei! Mit den richtigen Apps, leichten Lernmethoden und deinem Smartphone.

English: Intermediate Language Skills A (Student Pages, Semesters 1 & #2)

by K12

A grammar textbook from K12, Inc.

English Cathedral and Monastic Carpentry

by Cecil A. Hewett

Well over a hundred great churches were built in the cathedral tradition in the Middle Ages. They are our most important group of historical monuments and embody the finest craftwork of medieval architecture. Despite a great mass of specialist literature and research on other aspects, it was not until Cecil A. Hewett’s work over the past three decades that any serious attention was paid to their functional carpentry or, indeed, to their decorative timberwork.Examining the entire range of ‘great’ churches, Hewett’s carefully reasoned and well-organised text covers all areas of monastic and cathedral carpentry, classifying roof structures, towers and spires in chronological order, while an important section deals with the surviving examples of hoisting machinery still in situ, some from a very early date. In English Cathedral and Monastic Carpentry, he relates the physical evidence to the documentary record supported with over 300 of his own magnificent drawings. In this, Hewett provides both a work of reference and a stimulating analysis of the evolution of the craft.

English for Careers: Business, Professional, and Technical (10th Edition)

by Leila R. Smith Roberta Moore

With a focus on mastering the fundamentals, English for Careers 10th Edition is designed to keep pace with changing student populations and current workplace trends. It helps students acquire fluency in Standard English and understand the basic principles of grammar, punctuation and writing. It focuses on the "real-world" English skills needed to get a good job, hold a job, and advance in a career. This edition features a variety of in-text and online exercises and more.

English for IT Communication (Routledge Applied English Language Introductions)

by Tony Myers Jaime Buchanan

English for IT Communication provides a comprehensive introduction for students and professionals studying IT or computer science and covers all forms of technical communication from emails and memos through procedures to reports and design specs. In each case, the book offers multiple real-world examples, looking at who the texts are written for, what their purpose is, and how these affect what is on the page.Key features of this book include● How to write for different audiences and purposes● How to design documents for ease of access and understanding● How to communicate in multimodal media● How to reference in IEEE● Multiple different examples and breakdowns of common text types to show how they are written and to produce an understanding of quality in each● Online support material including authentic examples of different workplace genres and a reference section covering relevant research studies and weblinks for readers to better understand the topics covered in each chapter● Internationalized coverage of IT communication exemplarsThis book is an accessible guide to writing effective forms of IT communications of the kind needed for all IT degree programs which aim to prepare students for the modern workplace. Practical and clearly written, it is designed to introduce readers to features of the most common genres in IT and computer science.

English Houses: An Estate Agent's Companion

by Bruce Munro

This book is essential reading for property professionals and laymen alike. Anyone who would like to know more about the houses of England’s cities, towns and villages will benefit from reading this book.Through a wealth of pictures, easy to read comments and architectural notes the book helps the reader to identify the different architectural periods and understand the development of the construction of English houses. The book illustrates a number of influential styles and features of English houses throughout history. Also included are examples of houses that have been altered by several generations and different periods enabling the reader to trace trends and discover the more subtle nuances of English houses.

English Learning in the Digital Age: Agency, Technology and Context

by Shuang Zeng

Moving beyond the ‘Web 2.0’ and ‘digital native’ rhetoric, this book addresses the complex experiences of learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) in a world embedded with interactive and participatory technologies. Adopting a sociocultural perspective, it investigates EFL learners’ behaviours concerning digital technology, and guides exploration into their contextually mediated choices and learning practices in the ‘2.0’ era.The argument is developed on the basis of the findings of a mixed sequential study that focused on 1485 Chinese undergraduates’ use and non-use of online tools and applications outside the English classroom. Particular attention is paid to the role of context and agency when understanding their learning choices and behaviours in the context of digital technology. In particular, the book acknowledges the explanatory power of agency in the minority instances of ‘good practices’ among these EFL learners. At the same time it demonstrates that for most learners, use of the current web is limited and mostly non-interactive. The barriers to ‘2.0’ transfer are largely contextual and the so-called ‘communicative opportunities’ and ‘participatory culture’ in particular did not fit into the learners’ sociocultural context of (language) learning.Overall, the compelling argument proposes that the technology-facilitated changes in EFL practices are a ‘bottom up’ process that is taking place in day-to-day situations and constrained by the learning context within which the learner is situated. Based on these arguments, the book provides a framework that challenges the existing beliefs about (language) learning with online technology, and that contributes to our understanding of how context mediates EFL learners’ behaviours surrounding digital technologies. It is a valuable resource for teachers, researchers and policy makers, providing them with insights into using digital technology to stimulate ‘good learning practices’ outside the classroom.

English-Spanish and Spanish-English Glossary of Geoscience Terms

by Gary L. Prost

This glossary provides a ready reference to those in the geosciences with the need to translate from English to Spanish or vice versa. It also provides clear communication, a better understanding, and closer working relationships among geoscientists, engineers, and businessmen.

English-Speaking Justice

by George Grant

George Grant's magnificent four-part meditation sums up much that is central to his own thought, including a critique of modern liberalism, an analysis of John Rawls's Theory of Justice, and insights into the larger Western philosophical tradition. This edition contains an introduction by Grant scholar Dr Robin Lathangue.

English Wetlands: Spaces of nature, culture, imagination

by Mary Gearey Andrew Church Neil Ravenscroft

This book argues that to understand wetlands is to understand human development. Using case studies drawn from three English wetlands, the book moves between empirical research and scholarship to interrogate how these particular ecosystems have played an essential part in the development of our contemporary society; yet inhabit a strange place in our national psyche. Chapters address a range of cultural and environmental wetland concerns. Consideration is given to: the ways in which we have revered, engineered and renaturalised these landscapes throughout history; English wetlands as spaces of beauty, creativity, reflection, rejuvenation and multi-species interactions; accelerating climate change in an age of neoliberalism. The final chapter then is a reflection on our collective lives together alongside other species, exploring what sustainability transitions might mean for human-wetland relationships.

The Englishman: Memoirs of a Psychobiologist

by John Staddon

"Although I have been basically an academic for most of my life, the way I got there has taken some surprising turns. The first four chapters of this memoir describe what I can remember and discover about my early life: an unsuspected ancestry, fun in WW2 London, comical schooldays, and a spell in colonial Africa interrupting a wobbly college career at the end of which I left England for America. In the US I followed again a slightly erratic graduate-school trajectory that ended up in a Harvard basement."This is not just a witty transatlantic autobiography from a talented English working-class kid who made his name in the USA but also a learned and entertaining romp through the subject he has made his own. Growing up in a modest odd family out in wartime England, and with a natural resistance to regimentation, John Staddon was the precocious self-driven polymath who first studied chemical engineering but switched to psychology because there were only four or five classes a week. By way of his wide-ranging interests in biology, artificial intelligence, economics, philosophy and behavioural neuroscience, John Staddon introduces his important work on how animals learn. He discusses the still relatively new and exciting field of behavioural psychobiology, explains theoretical research on choice and interval timing and debates so-called superstition in the learned behaviour of pigeons, rats, fish - and people. Here is a most entertaining life story interwoven with expansive thoughts across the marvellously wide spectrum of behavioural psychology.

Enhanced Bayesian Network Models for Spatial Time Series Prediction: Recent Research Trend in Data-Driven Predictive Analytics (Studies in Computational Intelligence #858)

by Monidipa Das Soumya K. Ghosh

This research monograph is highly contextual in the present era of spatial/spatio-temporal data explosion. The overall text contains many interesting results that are worth applying in practice, while it is also a source of intriguing and motivating questions for advanced research on spatial data science. The monograph is primarily prepared for graduate students of Computer Science, who wish to employ probabilistic graphical models, especially Bayesian networks (BNs), for applied research on spatial/spatio-temporal data. Students of any other discipline of engineering, science, and technology, will also find this monograph useful. Research students looking for a suitable problem for their MS or PhD thesis will also find this monograph beneficial. The open research problems as discussed with sufficient references in Chapter-8 and Chapter-9 can immensely help graduate researchers to identify topics of their own choice. The various illustrations and proofs presented throughout the monograph may help them to better understand the working principles of the models. The present monograph, containing sufficient description of the parameter learning and inference generation process for each enhanced BN model, can also serve as an algorithmic cookbook for the relevant system developers.

Enhanced Carbon-Based Materials and Their Applications

by Mengying Xie

An authoritative and robust overview of the synthesis, characterization, and application of carbon-based materials In Enhanced Carbon-Based Materials and Their Applications, a team of distinguished researchers delivers a timely and carefully referenced overview of carbon-based materials and their applications. Following a summary of carbon-based materials and their synthesis methods, the authors move on to highlight advanced topics regarding enhanced carbon-based materials and their applications. Discussions of the discovery of memristor-based memory, substrate options, and the effect of electrodes materials are accompanied by a review of the developments in carbonous materials, an explanation of the working principle of thermoelectric energy harvesting, and the applications of carbon-enhanced piezoelectric materials, sensors, optoelectronic devices, actuators, and display applications as well. The book concludes with a presentation of anticipated future prospects and challenges in this area, including those obstacles that must be addressed before the large-scale production of carbon-based products can begin. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to carbon-based nanomaterials, including their synthesis and characterization Comprehensive explorations of functional carbon-based nanomaterials and sensor applications, as well as fabrication techniques of resistive switching carbon-based memories Practical discussions of carbonous-based optoelectronic devices, thermoelectric energy harvesters, and their applications Fulsome treatments of carbon-enhanced piezoelectric materials and their applicationsPerfect for a multi-disciplinary audience in the broader scientific and industrial communities, Enhanced Carbon-Based Materials and Their Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of researchers and industry professionals with an interest in the synthesis and characterization of carbon nanomaterials.

Enhanced Chitosan Material for Water Treatment: Applications of Multi-Functional Chitosan Derivative (Engineering Materials)

by Ephraim Igberase Peter Ogbemudia Osifo Tumisang Seodigeng Ikenna Emeji

This book reviews some of the latest developments in the field of water treatment using multi-functional chitosan-based materials. It covers the production of chitosan beads and membranes from chitosan powder, as well as modification techniques for enhancing the material for commercial and industrial purposes. The book summarizes the results of experimental adsorption/desorption studies for elucidating the underlying reaction mechanism of heavy-metal removal from wastewater, presenting an advanced overview of an array of characterization techniques such as Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, x-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. Additionally, it features a look at the development and application of specialized engineering software and image analysis for modelling the kinetics of adsorption. This book is ideal for scientists and engineers working in the broader field of environmental materials science. It is all well suited for chemists, as well as industrial and civil engineers, interested in wastewater treatment and mitigation of water pollution

Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS): The Future Energy-Road Ahead

by Dornadula Chandrasekharam Alper Baba

Peter Meisen, Past President, Global Energy Network Institute, asked in 1997, “What if there was an existing, viable technology, that when developed to its highest potential could increase everyone’s standard of living, cut fossil fuel demand and the resultant pollution?” After 23 years of sustained effort by the global scientific community, this is becoming a reality. The technology to extract heat from granite has been revolutionized in the last few years. The classical method of creating fracture networks by hydrofracturing is being replaced by a closed-loop method where fluids are not in contact with the hot granite. Supercritical CO2 is replacing water as a circulating fluid. Certainly, the future energy road is going to be led by highly radiogenic granites. While hydrothermal sources are site-specific and have their limitations, EGS can be initiated anywhere on earth. EGS is removing all such obstacles and, in the future, will provide uninterrupted electricity for all. Energy-deficient countries can have surplus electricity; water-stressed countries can have a perennial freshwater supply; and countries can become food-secure and rise above poverty levels. Countries need not depend on energy imports and can independently evolve into carbon neutral or low carbon societies. The contributions made by experts will help researchers and investors to close the energy demand and supply gap in the very near future by tapping the unlimited energy of the Earth. Opportunities available for investors in Turkey are well documented with field, geophysical, and geochemical data and information on the energy generating capacity of the granite intrusive spread over a cumulative area of 6,910 km2 in western Anatolia. With the signing of the Global Geothermal Alliance (GGA) by several countries during the December 2015 CoP 21 (Conference of Parties) summit in Paris, countries are obliged to reduce CO2 emissions by increasing the footprint of renewable energy in the primary source mix. Information provided in this book will lead the way to establishing a clean energy future for millions of people for sustainable development and help to mitigate crises arising due to food, water, and energy shortage issues. Academic and research institutes will benefit to a large extent from the expertise of the top contributors in this book. This information provided in this book will help to lay the foundation for super-hot EGS research in future.

Enhanced Introduction to Finite Elements for Engineers (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications #268)

by Uwe Mühlich

The book presents the fundamentals of the Galerkin Finite Element Method for linear boundary value problems from an engineering perspective. Emphasis is given to the theoretical foundation of the method rooted in Functional Analysis using a language accessible to engineers. The book discusses standard procedures for applying the method to time-dependent and nonlinear problems and addresses essential aspects of applying the method to non-linear dynamics and multi-physics problems. It also provides several hand-calculation exercises as well as specific computer exercises with didactic character. About one fourth of the exercises reveals common pitfalls and sources of errors when applying the method. Carefully selected literature recommendations for further studies are provided at the end of each chapter. The reader is expected to have prior knowledge in engineering mathematics, in particular real analysis and linear algebra. The elements of algebra and analysis required in the main part of the book are presented in corresponding sections of the appendix. Students should already have an education in strength of materials or another engineering field, such as heat or mass transport, which discusses boundary value problems for simple geometries and boundary conditions.

Enhanced Material, Parts Optimization and Process Intensification: Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Enhanced Material and Part Optimization and Process Intensification, EMPOrIA 2020, May 19-20, 2020, Aachen, Germany (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)

by Uwe Reisgen Dietmar Drummer Holger Marschall

This book reports on topics at the interface between material processing, product and process optimization. It covers new developments and challenges in welding, brazing, cutting and coating, casting and molding, additive manufacturing, simulation and optimization techniques, as well as functional and structural materials and composites. Gathering authoritative contributions on the latest research and applications, presented at the International Joint Conference on Enhanced Material and Part Optimization and Process Intensification, EMPOrIA 2020, organized by SFB1120 Aachen, SFB814 Erlangen and CCE Darmstadt, on May 19–20, 2020, in Aachen, this book provides academics, students, and professionals with a timely snapshot of the main research trends, and extensive information on cutting-edge methods and technologies in materials, manufacturing and process engineering.

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