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Ensuring Sustainability: New Challenges for Organizational Engineering (Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering)

by Carmen Avilés-Palacios Miguel Gutierrez

This book presents a selection of the best papers given at the XXIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management. The conference is promoted by ADINGOR (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Organización) and organized by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. It took place at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Leganés, Spain) in July 2020. Ensuring Sustainability embodies the latest advances in research and cutting-edge analyses of real case studies in industrial engineering and operations management from diverse international contexts. It also identifies business applications for the latest findings and innovations in operations management and the decision sciences.

Entanglement Between Noncomplementary Parts of Many-Body Systems

by Hannu Christian Wichterich

This thesis investigates the structure and behaviour of entanglement, the purely quantum mechanical part of correlations, in many-body systems, employing both numerical and analytical techniques at the interface of condensed matter theory and quantum information theory. Entanglement can be seen as a precious resource which, for example, enables the noiseless and instant transmission of quantum information, provided the communicating parties share a sufficient "amount" of it. Furthermore, measures of entanglement of a quantum mechanical state are perceived as useful probes of collective properties of many-body systems. For instance, certain measures are capable of detecting and classifying ground-state phases and, particularly, transition (or critical) points separating such phases. Chapters 2 and 3 focus on entanglement in many-body systems and its use as a potential resource for communication protocols. They address the questions of how a substantial amount of entanglement can be established between distant subsystems, and how efficiently this entanglement could be "harvested" by way of measurements. The subsequent chapters 4 and 5 are devoted to universality of entanglement between large collections of particles undergoing a quantum phase transition, where, despite the enormous complexity of these systems, collective properties including entanglement no longer depend crucially on the microscopic details.

Entanglements: Conversations on the Human Traces of Science, Technology, and Sound (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Simone Tosoni

Conversations with a founder of the influential Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) approach in science and technology studies offer an introduction to the field.Science and technology studies (STS) is a relatively young but influential field. Scholars from disciplines as diverse as urban studies, mobility studies, media studies, and body culture studies are engaging in a systematic dialogue with STS, seeking to enrich their own investigations. Within STS, the Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) theory has proved to be one of the most influential in its neighboring fields. Yet the literature has grown so large so quickly, it is difficult to get an overview of SCOT. In this book, conversations with Trevor Pinch, a founder of SCOT, offer an introduction and genealogy for the field.Pinch was there at the creation—as coauthor of the groundbreaking 1984 article that launched SCOT—and has remained active through subsequent developments. Engaging and conversational, Pinch charts SCOT's important milestones. The book describes how Pinch and Wiebe Bijker adapted the “empirical program of relativism,” developed by the Bath School to study the social construction of scientific facts, to apply to the social construction of artifacts. Entanglements addresses five issues in depth: relevant social groups, and SCOT's focus on groups of users; the intertwining of social representation and practices; the importance of tacit knowledge in SCOT's approach to the nonrepresentational; the controversy over nonhuman agency; and the political implications of SCOT.

Entanglements: Conversations on the Human Traces of Science, Technology, and Sound

by Simone Tosoni Trevor Pinch

Science and technology studies (STS) is a relatively young but influential field. Scholars from disciplines as diverse as urban studies, mobility studies, media studies, and body culture studies are engaging in a systematic dialogue with STS, seeking to enrich their own investigations. Within STS, the Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) theory has proved to be one of the most influential in its neighboring fields. Yet the literature has grown so large so quickly, it is difficult to get an overview of SCOT. In this book, conversations with Trevor Pinch, a founder of SCOT, offer an introduction and genealogy for the field.Pinch was there at the creation -- as coauthor of the groundbreaking 1984 article that launched SCOT -- and has remained active through subsequent developments. Engaging and conversational, Pinch charts SCOT's important milestones. The book describes how Pinch and Wiebe Bijker adapted the "empirical program of relativism," developed by the Bath School to study the social construction of scientific facts, to apply to the social construction of artifacts. Entanglements addresses five issues in depth: relevant social groups, and SCOT's focus on groups of users; the intertwining of social representation and practices; the importance of tacit knowledge in SCOT's approach to the nonrepresentational; the controversy over nonhuman agency; and the political implications of SCOT.

Entanglements: Tomorrow's Lovers, Families, and Friends (Twelve Tomorrows)

by Sheila Williams

At the intersection of Soonish and Netflix's Black Mirror, award-winning science fiction authors from around the world offer original tales of relationships in a future world of evolving technology.In a future world dominated by the technological, people will still be entangled in relationships--in romances, friendships, and families. This volume in the Twelve Tomorrows series considers the effects that scientific and technological discoveries will have on the emotional bonds that hold us together. The strange new worlds in these stories feature AI family therapy, floating fungitecture, and a futuristic love potion. Contributions include Xia Jia's novelette set in a Buddhist monastery, translated by the Hugo Award-winning writer Ken Liu; and a story by Nancy Kress, winner of six Hugos and two Nebulas.

Entec Directory Of Environmental Technology European Edition

by null 0 ENTEC,

The Entec Directory of Environmental Technology, European Edition is the only comprehensive reference to cover producers and users of goods and services in these areas of environmental concern: Water Air Solid waste Hazardous waste Noise vibration EnergyInformation, including up-to-date names and addresses, is featured for more than 20,000 companies from the 20 countries of Western Europe. Thousands of products, processes, and services have been categorized under 865 specific products and service groups. Never before has such a massive reference to European environmental goods and services been compiled. The book will be invaluable to anyone in government, industry, science and education, or the professional arena who would like to utilize European environmental technology.

Enter the Dark: A Stunning, Fast-Paced Thriller

by Chris Thomas

“Hurtle[s] full speed into the eye-opening world of the deep/dark web . . . Stomach clenchingly gruesome, Enter the Dark is a modern chiller thriller.” —The Book MagnetAn anonymous website, a few clicks, and Joe Henderson’s life is changed forever.The Red Room is the only place where the failings of a weak justice system are righted and where the line between good and evil becomes blurred. When the lights go up, viewers bid, criminals are punished, and the Brotherhood of the Righteous broadcasts a show like no other.The room has remained hidden until now, when a video arrives in the inbox of the Metropolitan Police Cyber Crime Unit. But outclassed, outplayed, and torn apart by corruption, is there anything Detective Pete Harris and his team can do except watch?Their only lead may be the room’s latest bidder, Joe Henderson. Because when Joe found the Red Room, it found him too, and now the Brotherhood are watching through the wires, willing to do wrong for a righteous cause.As they pull Joe deeper into the dark web, will he find any mercy or a way out? And could he be the Red Room’s next volunteer?“This book is like nothing I’ve ever read before and it’s absolutely mind-blowingly brilliant! It is genius, unique, highly original and incredibly captivating! . . . This is a brilliantly executed plot which had me glued to the pages throughout. Utterly gripping, compelling and absorbing.” —Novel Deelights

Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation

by Eduard Babkin Robert Pergl Joseph Barjis

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation, EOMAS 2015, held at CAiSE 2015, in June 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden. EOMAS was founded with the purpose to become a forum among researchers and practitioners to share their research and practical findings by encouraging the dissemination of research results under a more generic umbrella called enterprise engineering, which encompasses internal factors ranging from organizational complexity to intricacy of business processes and sophistication in workflows as well as external factors and uncertainties such as competition, politics, or the emergence of innovative technologies. The 15 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 28 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: enterprise conceptual modeling and simulation; enterprise modeling formal foundation; and enterprise optimization.

Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation

by Joseph Barjis Robert Pergl

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation, EOMAS 2014, held in conjunction with CAiSE 2014 in Thessaloniki, Greece, in June 2014. Tools and methods for modeling and simulation are widely used in enterprise engineering, organizational studies, and business process management. In monitoring and evaluating business processes and the interactions of actors in a realistic environment, modeling and simulation have proven to be both powerful, efficient, and economic, especially if complemented by animation and gaming elements. The 12 contributions in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 22 submissions. They explore the above topics, address the underlying challenges, find and improve solutions, and show the application of modeling and simulation in the domains of enterprises, their organizations and underlying business processes.

Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation

by Robert Pergl Russell Lock Eduard Babkin Martin Molhanec

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation, EOMAS 2017, held in Essen, Germany, in June 2017. The main focus of EOMAS is on the role, importance, and application of modeling and simulation within the extended organizational and enterprise context. The 12 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 26 submissions. They were organized in topical sections on formal methods, conceptual modeling, and enterprise engineering.

Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation

by Robert Pergl Martin Molhanec Eduard Babkin Samuel Fosso Wamba

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation, EOMAS 2016, held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in June 2016. The 12 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 26 submissions. They were organized in topical sections on formal approaches and human-centric approaches.

Enterprise Architektur entschlüsselt: Ein Praxisorientierter Leitfaden von den Grundlagen bis zur Anwendung

by Dennis Suhari

Entdecken Sie "Enterprise Architektur entschlüsselt: Ein praxisorientierter Leitfaden von den Grundlagen bis zur Anwendung“ von Dennis Suhari, ein praxisorientiertes Werk, das die Förderung des Bewusstseins für Enterprise Architektur, die Vermittlung praktischer Erfahrungen und die Unterstützung der Leser bei der erfolgreichen Anwendung ihres Wissens in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Ein Schlüsselelement dieses Buches ist das praxisnahe Fallbeispiel, das einen einzigartigen Einblick in den Aufbau einer Enterprise Architektur von der Geschäfts- über die IT Architektur von Grund auf bietet.Was Sie erwartet:Fundamentale Grundlagen: Ein tiefgreifender Einblick in die essenziellen Grundlagen der Unternehmensarchitektur, um Schlüsselkonzepte und Prinzipien zu vermitteln, die als robuste Basis für die weitere Entwicklung dienen.Modellierung und praktische Tools: Entdecken Sie vielfältige Modellierungsmöglichkeiten und EAM-Tools, die inder Praxis zur Unterstützung der Architekturentwicklung eingesetzt werden.Architekturentwicklung in der Praxis: Anhand des Fallbeispiels der fiktiven Micayu GmbH, basierend auf den umfangreichen Erfahrungen des Autors, erleben Sie die Schritte der Entwicklung einer Unternehmensarchitektur von Grund auf.Zukunftsperspektiven: Ein Ausblick auf die Rolle der Künstlichen Intelligenz und dessen Einfluss auf das Enterprise Architektur Management

Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Transformation

by Rashed Haq

Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Transformation AI is everywhere. From doctor's offices to cars and even refrigerators, AI technology is quickly infiltrating our daily lives. AI has the ability to transform simple tasks into technological feats at a human level. This will change the world, plain and simple. That's why AI mastery is such a sought-after skill for tech professionals. Author Rashed Haq is a subject matter expert on AI, having developed AI and data science strategies, platforms, and applications for Publicis Sapient's clients for over 10 years. He shares that expertise in the new book, Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Transformation. The first of its kind, this book grants technology leaders the insight to create and scale their AI capabilities and bring their companies into the new generation of technology. As AI continues to grow into a necessary feature for many businesses, more and more leaders are interested in harnessing the technology within their own organizations. In this new book, leaders will learn to master AI fundamentals, grow their career opportunities, and gain confidence in machine learning. Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Transformation covers a wide range of topics, including: Real-world AI use cases and examples Machine learning, deep learning, and slimantic modeling Risk management of AI models AI strategies for development and expansion AI Center of Excellence creating and management If you're an industry, business, or technology professional that wants to attain the skills needed to grow your machine learning capabilities and effectively scale the work you're already doing, you'll find what you need in Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Transformation.

Enterprise Content and Search Management for Building Digital Platforms

by Shailesh Kumar Shivakumar

Provides modern enterprises with the tools to create a robust digital platform utilizing proven best practices, practical models, and time-tested techniques Contemporary business organizations can either embrace the digital revolution—or be left behind. Enterprise Content and Search Management for Building Digital Platforms provides modern enterprises with the necessary tools to create a robust digital platform utilizing proven best practices, practical models, and time-tested techniques to compete in the today’s digital world. Features include comprehensive discussions on content strategy, content key performance indicators (KPIs), mobile-first strategy, content assessment models, various practical techniques and methodologies successfully used in real-world digital programs, relevant case studies, and more. Initial chapters cover core concepts of a content management system (CMS), including content strategy; CMS architecture, templates, and workflow; reference architectures, information architecture, taxonomy, and content metadata. Advanced CMS topics are then covered, with chapters on integration, content standards, digital asset management (DAM), document management, and content migration, evaluation, validation, maintenance, analytics, SEO, security, infrastructure, and performance. The basics of enterprise search technologies are explored next, and address enterprise search architecture, advanced search, operations, and governance. Final chapters then focus on enterprise program management and feature coverage of various concepts of digital program management and best practices—along with an illuminating end-to-end digital program case study. Comprehensive and cutting-edge, Enterprise Content and Search Management for Building Digital Platforms is an invaluable reference resource for creating an optimal enterprise digital eco-system to meet the challenges of today’s hyper-connected world.

Enterprise Digital Reliability: Building Security, Usability, and Digital Trust

by Manoj Kuppam

Gain a comprehensive understanding of digital reliability to ensure consistent, dependable user experiences that foster trust in technology. Part of author Saurav Bhattacharya’s trilogy that covers the essential pillars of digital ecosystems—security, reliability, and usability—this book tackles the challenges of achieving high reliability in complex systems and provides strategies to overcome these obstacles. You’ll start by reviewing the pivotal role of reliability in establishing the foundation of digital trust, essential for the sustainable growth of digital ecosystems. In today's digital landscape, characterized by rapid technological advancements and increasing cyber threats, understanding and addressing reliability issues are paramount. As transformative technologies like AI, blockchain, and quantum computing emerge, grasping these fundamental principles becomes crucial. Enterprise Digital Reliability advocates for collaborative efforts among technologists, policymakers, and society to create digital environments that are innovative, inclusive, safe, and respectful of human values. What You Will Learn Understand the multifaceted concept of reliability in technology and its significance in building digital trust Foster innovation and inclusivity in digital environments and large-scale enterprise and explore strategies to address them effectively Provide a framework for understanding and achieving digital equilibrium Examine operational uptime and consistent user experiences crucial to successful digital platforms Who This Book Is For Cybersecurity Professionals, Technology Developers and Engineers

Enterprise Dynamics Sourcebook

by Kenneth C. Hoffman Christopher G. Glazner William J. Bunting Leonard A. Wojcik Anne Cady

Rapidly changing market, technological, and organizational environments are forcing government and private sector enterprises to improve services and transform processes. Employing a case study approach, the Enterprise Dynamics Sourcebook presents frameworks and analytical models of the enterprise as a complex system to improve your understanding o

Enterprise GIS: Concepts and Applications

by John R. Woodard

This book defines and discusses how the field of Enterprise Architecture (EA) can be incorporated into the design of Enterprise Geographic Information Systems (EGIS). The objective of EA is to develop a strategic plan that structures an organization’s resources (data, information, people, and assets) into one team that works together to achieve the company’s objectives in an efficient, agile, and adaptable way. It demonstrates how EA concepts can be incorporated within EGIS by improving the system’s efficiency and reliability. Through real-world examples and step-by-step explanations, the reader will reach a comfortable understanding of the theories and methods discussed in the book.

Enterprise Information Systems Engineering

by Monique Snoeck

The increasing penetration of IT in organizations calls for an integrative perspective on enterprises and their supporting information systems. MERODE offers an intuitive and practical approach to enterprise modelling and using these models as core for building enterprise information systems. From a business analyst perspective, benefits of the approach are its simplicity and the possibility to evaluate the consequences of modeling choices through fast prototyping, without requiring any technical experience. The focus on domain modelling ensures the development of a common language for talking about essential business concepts and of a shared understanding of business rules. On the construction side, experienced benefits of the approach are a clear separation between specification and implementation, more generic and future-proof systems, and an improved insight in the cost of changes. A first distinguishing feature is the method's grounding in process algebra provides clear criteria and practical support for model quality. Second, the use of the concept of business events provides a deep integration between structural and behavioral aspects. The clear and intuitive semantics easily extend to application integration (COTS software and Web Services). Students and practitioners are the book's main target audience, as both groups will benefit from its practical advice on how to create complete models which combine structural and behavioral views of a system-to-be and which can readily be transformed into code, and on how to evaluate the quality of those models. In addition, researchers in the area of conceptual or enterprise modelling will find a concise overview of the main findings related to the MERODE project. The work is complemented by a wealth of extra material on the author's web page at KU Leuven, including a free CASE tool with code generator, a collection of cases with solutions, and a set of domain modelling patterns that have been developed on the basis of the method's use in industry and government.

Enterprise -Integration: Auf dem Weg zum kollaborativen Unternehmen (VDI-Buch)

by Günther Schuh and Volker Stich

Das Buch beschreibt den betriebsorganisatorischen und logistischen Fortschritt , indem es das Thema „Enterprise-Integration“ als zukunftsweisenden Impuls aufnimmt. Ausgangshypothese ist, dass zukünftig die stete Weiterentwicklung bestehender Strukturen und Prozesse zur Sicherung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit allein nicht mehr ausreichend wird. Vielmehr steht die Frage im Vordergrund, wie das Wertschöpfungssystem insgesamt gestaltet werden muss, um das Potenzial einzelner Technologien auch langfristig ausspielen zu können. Die Integrativität komplexer Wertschöpfungssysteme wird damit zu einem Gestaltungsparadigma betriebsorganisatorischer Forschung.Der Inhalt„Enterprise-Integration“ fügt Themen wie „Industrie 4.0“, „Cyber-physikalische Systeme“, „Ubiquitous Technologies“ und „Industrialisierung des Services“ zu einer Idee neuer Wertschöpfungssysteme zusammen. Dazu erarbeiten namhafte Autoren in einzelnen Sachbeiträgen Zukunftsvisionen, die in ein umfassendes Konzept eingeordnet werden.Die ZielgruppenSowohl Forscher als auch trendinteressierte Industrievertreter können diesem Buch wichtige Informationen zu den wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen der Zukunft entnehmen.

Enterprise Integration and Information Architecture: A Systems Perspective on Industrial Information Integration (Advances In Systems Science And Engineering (asse) Ser.)

by Li Da Xu

Enterprise solutions have emerged as promising tools for integrating and extending business processes across business functions. Supplying a clear and comprehensive introduction to the field, this book provides a detailed description of enterprise information integration-from the development of enterprise systems to extended enterprise information

Enterprise Interoperability: INTEROP-PGSO Vision

by Bruno Vallespir Bernard Archimède

Interoperability of enterprises is one of the main requirements for economical and industrial collaborative networks. Enterprise interoperability (EI) is based on the three domains: architectures and platforms, ontologies and enterprise modeling. This book presents the EI vision of the “Grand Sud-Ouest” pole (PGSO) of the European International Virtual Laboratory for Enterprise Interoperability (INTEROP-VLab). It includes the limitations, concerns and approaches of EI, as well as a proposed framework which aims to define and delimit the concept of an EI domain. The authors present the basic concepts and principles of decisional interoperability as well as concept and techniques for interoperability measurement. The use of these previous concepts in a healthcare ecosystem and in an extended administration is also presented.

Enterprise Interoperability IX: Interoperability in the Era of Artificial Intelligence (Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences #10)

by Bernard Archimède Yves Ducq Bob Young Hedi Karray

This book gathers the proceedings of the I-ESA’20 Conference, which was organised by the National Engineering School of Tarbes (ENIT), on behalf of the European Virtual Laboratory, for Enterprise Interoperability (INTEROP-VLab) and the Pole Grand Sud-Ouest (PGSO) and was held virtually in Tarbes, France, in November 2020. It presents contributions ranging from academic research and case studies to industrial and administrative experiences with interoperability. These contributions show how, in a globalised market scenario—where the ability to cooperate with other organisations efficiently is essential in order to remain economically, socially and environmentally cost-effective—the most innovative digitised and networked enterprises ensure that their systems and applications can interoperate across heterogeneous collaborative networks of independent organisations. The focus of this edition of the conference is on interoperability in the era of artificial intelligence and so particular attention is paid to Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things. The content also addresses smart services and the business impact of enterprise interoperability on organisations. Many of the papers in this tenth volume of the I-ESA Conference proceedings include examples and illustrations to help deepen readers’ understanding and generate new ideas. Offering a detailed guide to the state of the art in systems interoperability, the book will be of great value to all engineers and computer scientists working in manufacturing and other process industries, and to software engineers and electronic and manufacturing engineers working in academic settings.

Enterprise Interoperability V

by Bernhard Katzy Raúl Poler Guy Doumeingts Ricardo Chalmeta

Within a scenario of globalised markets, where the capacity to efficiently cooperate with other firms starts to become essential in order to remain in the market in an economically, socially and environmentally cost-effective manner, it can be seen how the most innovative enterprises are beginning to redesign their business model to become interoperable. This goal of interoperability is essential, not only from the perspective of the individual enterprise but also in the new business structures that are now emerging, such as supply chains, virtual enterprises, interconnected organisations or extended enterprises, as well as in mergers and acquisitions. Composed of over 40 papers, Enterprise Interoperability V ranges from academic research through case studies to industrial and administrative experience of interoperability. The international nature of the authorship contnues to broaden. Many of the papers have examples and illustrations calculated to deepen understanding and generate new ideas. The I-ESA'12 Conference from which this book is drawn was organized by Polytechnic University of Valencia, on behalf INTERVAL, and the European Virtual Laboratory for Enterprise Interoperability (INTEROP-VLab) and sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). A concise reference to the state of the art in systems interoperability, Enterprise Interoperability V will be of great value to engineers and computer scientists working in manufacturing and other process industries and to software engineers and electronic and manufacturing engineers working in the academic environment.

Enterprise Interoperability X: Enterprise Interoperability Through Connected Digital Twins (Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences #11)

by Raúl Rodríguez-Rodríguez Yves Ducq Ramona-Diana Leon David Romero

Enterprise Interoperability X presents contributions ranging from academic research and case studies, to industrial and administrative experiences with interoperability. These contributions help organizations to analyse and improve their products and processes in the face of the high degree of uncertainty in the current commercial environment, and to predict their performance. To this end, the contributors exploit digital twin technology that integrates tools from the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and software analytics. Enterprise interoperability necessarily arises from the processes required to make associated digital twins work together. The book forms the proceedings of the I-ESA’22 Conference, which was organised by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, on behalf of INTERVAL and the European Virtual Laboratory for Enterprise Interoperability (INTEROP-VLab), and was held in Valencia, Spain in March 2022. Many of the papers in this eleventh volume ofthe Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences include examples and illustrations to help deepen readers’ understanding and generate new ideas. Offering a detailed guide to the state of the art in systems interoperability, the book will be of great value to all engineers and computer scientists working in manufacturing and other process industries, and to software engineers and electronic and manufacturing engineers working in academic settings.

Enterprise Project Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Management by Projects

by Claude H. Maley

Enterprise Project Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Management by Projects covers the essential and fundamental topics of Enterprise Project Management and Management of Change by projects. It is written for portfolio, program, and project managers, members of the project community, upper-and middle-levelmanagement, functional and operational managers, and all who desire to acquire an understanding of effective change by project management. The book covers in-depth the following important aspects of Enterprise Project Management: Achieving organizational goals Management of programs Benefits realization management Stakeholder management and engagement Project portfolio management (PPM) and the Project Management Office (PMO) The book explains how enterprises can consistently succeed in managing projects by aligning them with Business Goals and clearly defining what needs to be achieved. It shows how to ensure that Enterprise Project Management is fully deployed, and that project management concepts, methods, and techniques are available and utilized to deliver business value and realize benefits. The book helps managers to answer the question, “Are we doing the right projects?” by covering how PPM can ensure project alignment with strategic or operational goals and the efficient use of scarce resources and funding to achieve Objectives and Goals. It also helps managers to answer the question, “Are we doing projects right?” by explaining the critical role of a PMO, which supports excellence in project management by enhancing the proficiencies of Project Managers and providing the foundational tools and techniques for project success.

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