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Environment, Agency, and Technology in Urban Life since c.1750: Technonatures in the Global North

by Mikkel Thelle Mikkel Høghøj

This book explores the historical relationship between ‘technonatures’ and urban transformations in the Global North. In recent years, various interdisciplinary movements such as Urban Political Ecology, STS and New Materialism have affected urban history and generated new scholarly insights into the formation of cities and urban life based on notions of hybridity, entanglement and metabolism. While scholars have increasingly attempted to grasp the socio-natural and technical complexity of cities, studies dealing with urban transformation within urban history have, however, mostly concentrated on political actors or broader social and economic changes. Seeking to introduce the concept of technonatures to the field of urban environmental history, this book instead takes its empirical and analytical starting point in the technonatural fabric of cities. Focusing on urban rivers, dumps, railways, flood walls and housing, the chapters of the book thus examines how different entanglementsof environment, technology and agency have shaped cities and processes of urbanization in the Global North from the seventeenth century onwards. By foregrounding the transformative role of urban natures, materialities and technologies in shaping the politics of urban life and cities more broadly, the book aspires to probe the potentiality of technonatures as a conceptual and analytical strategy for urban environmental historians.

Environment and Climate-smart Food Production

by Charis M. Galanakis

Agriculture and food systems, forestry, the marine and the bio-based sectors are at the very heart of the climate change crisis. Evidence on climate change reveals that it will affect farming first, through changes to rainfall regimes, rising temperatures, the variability and seasonality of the climate and the occurrence of more frequent extreme events (heatwaves, droughts, storms and floods). In addition to findings ways to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, farmers will need to develop farming systems resilient to fluctuating environmental and socioeconomic conditions. It is thus a great challenge to support ambitious climate targets while satisfying the needs for food, feed, bio-based products and energy for a global population projected to reach 10 billion by 2030. Few books on the market integrate environment studies and climate-smart food production. This book fills the knowledge gap by covering all the relevant aspects in one reference: starting with microclimate management, climate change and food systems, and resilience of mixed farming and agroforestry systems, chapters address agricultural soil management, integrated water management in small agricultural catchments, citizen-driven food system approaches in cities, and ICT-enabled agri-food systems. By focusing on the most recent advances in the field while analyzing the potential of already applied practices, this book can serve as a handbook for regulators and researchers looking to understand all aspects of food production and distribution in this changing environment.

Environment and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: Managing an Emerging Crisis

by Isaac N. Luginaah Ernest K. Yanful

The aim of this book is to discuss environmental and health management and policy issues in Sub-Saharan Africa and present ways to address specific environmental problems of its people and ecosystems in general.

The Environment and Landscape in Motorway Design

by Guochao Qian Shuyu Tang Min Zhang Chun Jing

The construction and operation of highways has a significant impact on the environment. While such impact is impossible to avoid, modern highways are constructed and landscaped to minimise these impacts as far as possible. Good landscaping minimises the impact on those living or working close to the highway, while at the same time regenerating the natural landscape disturbed during construction. Using as its background the successful landscape design of the Nanjing-Hangzhou Expressway in Jiangsu Province, China, which opened to traffic in 2007, Highway Landscape Design includes reference to all aspects of the landscaping of highways, including interchanges, embankments, central reservations, bridges, service and toll station areas, and drainage systems. Appropriate consideration is given to the negative impact on the surrounding environment during the process of construction and it discusses the ecological evaluation and conservation strategy for the highway route. China is in some respects at the forefront of highway landscape design as a result of rapid growth and development coupled with the financial resources to implement major infrastructure works, and the concepts, technologies and methods developed for this Expressway provide valuable experience for sustainable development strategies for such infrastructure.

Environment and Renewable Energy: Proceedings of the 2023 9th International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences)

by Pen-Chi Chiang

This book presents peer-reviewed papers of the 2023 9th International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (ICERE 2023), which was held in Hanoi, Vietnam, during February 24–26, 2023, in hybrid mode (both online and in-person). The conference was sponsored by the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam, and facilitated exchanging the latest and most advanced information between scientists and engineers in the fields of environment and renewable energy. The book focuses on research related to environmental management; water resources management; ground water remediation; water treatment and reclamation; solar, biomass and wind energy; nuclear energy engineering; renewable energy grids; environmental impact assessment; and renewable energy utilization, among other topics. This volume serves as an excellent reference for researchers and engineers seeking to understand the latest technological developments in these fields.

Environment and Services (Mitchell's Building Series)

by Peter Burberry

Environment and Services provides a comprehensive introduction to the technical aspects of building design and construction in the fields of physical environment and services installation. It explains the principles involved, the materials and equipment required, design methods and applications. The eighth edition has been brought fully up-to-date with the current building regulations and reflects recent trends by placing increased emphasis on environmental issues related to buildings.The book is suitable for undergraduate degree courses in building, building surveying, building engineering and management, and architecture. It is also suitable for HNC/D courses in building studies and building services engineering as well as CIOB and RIBA examinations.

The Environment and Social Policy (The Gildredge Social Policy Series)

by Michael Cahill

Focusing on human welfare and the environment from a social policy perspective, this text shows how environmental concerns are becoming increasingly central to policy-making and discusses the roles of central and local government in relation to environmental issues.The Environment and Social Policy covers the following contemporary topics: sustainability, Local Agenda 21, green ideas, environmental health, housing and urban development, food, work and globalisation. Each chapter starts with an overview of the topic and ends with a list of key points and a guide to further reading. Core concepts are clearly explained and illustrated throughout this text which provides students with a concise and up-to-date summary of what they need to know.

The Environment and Social Policy (The Gildredge Social Policy Series)

by Michael Cahill

Focusing on human welfare and the environment from a social policy perspective, this text shows how environmental concerns are becoming increasingly central to policy-making and discusses the roles of central and local government in relation to environmental issues.The Environment and Social Policy covers the following contemporary topics: sustainability, Local Agenda 21, green ideas, environmental health, housing and urban development, food, work, globalisation. Each chapter starts with an overview of the topics and ends with a list of key points and a guide to further reading. Core concepts are clearly explained and illustrated throughout this text which provides students with a concise and up-to-date summary of what they need to know.

Environment and Society: Concepts and Challenges (Palgrave Studies in Environmental Sociology and Policy)

by Magnus Boström Debra J. Davidson

This book offers a critical analysis of core concepts that have influenced contemporary conversations about environment-society relations in academic, political, and civil circles. Considering these conceptualizations are currently shaping responses to environmental crises in fundamental ways, critical reflections on concepts such as the Anthropocene, metabolism, risk, resilience, environmental governance, environmental justice and others, are well-warranted. Contributors to this volume, working across a multitude of areas within environmental social science, scrutinize underlying worldviews and assumptions, asking a common set of key questions: What are the different concepts able to explain? How do they take into account society-environment relations? What social, cultural, or geo-political biases and blinders are inherent? What actions or practices do the concepts inspire? The transdisciplinary engagement and reflexivity regarding concepts of environment-society relations represented in these chapters is needed in all spheres of society—in academia, policy and practice—not the least to confront current tendencies of anti-reflexivity and denialism.

Environment and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 2023 8th Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (Environmental Science and Engineering)

by Mikio Ishiwatari Keiji Ujikawa Eric Van Hullebusch

This book is a collection of selected, peer-reviewed papers presented at the 2023 8th Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD), held in Sapporo, Japan, November 3–5, 2023. The ACESD is held annually to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and professionals from industries, academia, and governments to discuss research, development, and professional practice in environmental and sustainable development. The book covers diverse topics, including environmental dynamics, global environmental change and ecosystems management, environmental restoration and ecological engineering, water treatment and reclamation, solid waste management, environmental sustainability, and air pollution and control. The book highlights numerous innovative ideas that will spur novel research directions and is a valuable resource for researchers and professionals working in these fields.

Environment and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 2022 7th Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (Environmental Science and Engineering)

by Keiji Ujikawa Mikio Ishiwatari Eric Van Hullebusch

This book presents selected papers from the 2022 7th Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development, which was held in Kyoto, Japan, November 4–6, 2022. The event was co-sponsored by the International Network for Environmental and Humanitarian Cooperation, and technically supported by Yokohama National University and the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan. The book focuses on environmental restoration and ecological engineering, global environmental change and ecosystems management, environmental dynamics, wastewater and sludge treatment, air pollution and control, and environmental sustainability. The volume is a valuable resource for those in both academia and industry.

Environment, Climate, Plant and Vegetation Growth

by Shah Fahad Shah Saud Taufiq Nawaz Liping Gu Mushtaq Ahmad Ruanbao Zhou

The book provides currently available information on the changing climate and its impact on functional and adaptive features of plants. The book also cover cutting edge research on key determinants of plant growththat provides a direction towards execution of programs and practices that will assist resilience of crop production systems to the changing climate. This book will represent the updated scientific information regarding soil and plant productivity under changing climate which will be beneficial to academics and researchers working on climate change, agronomy, stress physiology, biotechnology. It provides an in-depth discussion on the latest techniques to enhance plant responses to new environmental conditions that can be directly applied on field.

Environment Conscious Manufacturing

by Surendra M. Gupta A. J. D. Fred Lambert

Hotter temperatures, less arctic ice, loss of habitat-every other day, it seems, global warming and environmental issues make headlines. Consumer-driven environmental awareness combined with stricter recycling regulations have put the pressure on companies to produce and dispose of products in an environmentally responsible manner. Redefining indus

Environment, Energy and Applied Technology: Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Frontier of Energy and Environment Engineering (ICFEEE 2014), Taiwan, December 6-7, 2014

by Wen-Pei Sung Jimmy C. M. Kao

This proceedings volume brings together selected peer-reviewed papers presented at the 2014 International Conference on Frontier of Energy and Environment Engineering. Topics covered include energy efficiency and energy management, energy exploration and exploitation, power generation technologies, water pollution and protection, air pollution and

Environment-Friendly Techniques of Rock Breaking

by Ajoy K. Ghose Janus Res K. Wladzielczyk

Significant advances have been made in non-explosive rock breaking techniques in the past two decades. This monograph focuses specifically on environmental-friendly rock excavating using chemical, thermal, hydraulic, electric and hybrid systems. It presents a comprehensive overview of the theoretical concepts and state-of-the-art practical developments based on these emerging techniques.

Environment, Health and Safety Governance and Leadership: The Making of High Reliability Organizations

by Waddah S. Ghanem Al Hashmi

Environment, health and safety (EHS) management has become increasingly important in the past 10 years, especially within high risk and high reliability organizations. EHS is driven from the top of an organization, and whilst there has been much research on the subject of EHS leadership, there is very little on EHS governance and the director’s role in leading or influencing change in organizational safety/EHS performance. Environment, Health and Safety Governance and Leadership: The Making of High Reliability Organizations reviews the factors influencing safety/EHS leadership and governance and addresses all the areas where the role impacts on the performance and sustainability of organizations. Based on the author’s in-depth research, the book draws on much of the best-practice standards developed by many leading organizations such as the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the Institute of Directors (IoD) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This book provides exclusive insights and legal imperatives for practitioners and leaders to inform decision making, strategy and EHS governance, all of which can have a fundamental impact on business continuity, developing company value and the sustainability of large organizations around the world.

The Environment in Galicia: Galician Environment Through Images

by Avelino Núñez-Delgado Esperanza Álvarez-Rodríguez David Fernández-Calviño

This book describes the environment in Galicia (NW Spain), with researchers and professors presenting their own photographs of relevant aspects. This richly illustrated book explains atmospheric, geologic, water, soils, landscapes, and environmental issues and treatments for a broad audience, including students and the general public, to raise awareness and effectively develop strategies to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

Environmental and Agricultural Microbiology: Applications for Sustainability

by Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra Suraja Kumar Nayak Swati Mohapatra Deviprasad Samantaray

The book, Environmental and Agricultural Microbiology: Applications for Sustainability is divided in to two parts which embodies chapters on sustenance and life cycles of these microorganisms in various environmental conditions, their dispersal, interactions with other inhabited communities, metabolite production and reclamation. Though books pertaining to soil & agricultural microbiology/environmental biotechnology are available, there is a dearth of comprehensive literature on behavior of microorganisms in environmental and agricultural realm. Part 1 includes bioremediation of agrochemicals by microalgae, detoxification of chromium and other heavy metals by microbial biofilm, microbial biopolymer technology including polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) and polyhydroxybutyrates (PHB), their production, degradability behaviors and applications. Biosurfactants production and their commercial importance are also systematically represented in this part. Part 2 having 9 chapters and facilitates imperative ideas on approaches for sustainable agriculture through functional soil microbes, next generation crop improvement strategies via rhizosphere microbiome, production and implementations of liquid biofertilizers, mitigation of methane from livestocks, chitinases from microbes, extremozymes, an enzyme from extremophilic microorganism and their relevance in current biotechnology, lithobiontic communities and their environmental importance have been comprehensively elaborated. In the era of sustainable energy production biofuel and other bioenergy products play a key role and their production from microbial sources are frontiers for researchers. The last chapter unveils the importance of microbes and their consortia for management of solid waste in amalgamation with biotechnology.

Environmental and Agricultural Modelling:

by Martin Van Ittersum Floor M. Brouwer

Agriculture increasingly faces the challenge of balancing its multiple functions in a sustainable way. Integrated assessment and modelling (IAM) can provide insight into the potential impacts of policy changes. However, concepts to address the wide range of issues and functions typical for agriculture are still scarce. Environmental and Agricultural Modelling reviews and presents our current understanding of integrated and working tools to assess and compute, ex-ante, alternative agricultural and environmental policy options, allowing: 1. Analysis at the full range of scales (farm to European Union and global) whilst focusing on the most important issues emerging at each scale; 2. Analysis of the environmental, economic and social contributions of agricultural systems towards sustainable rural development and rural viability; 3. Analysis of a broad range of issues and agents of change, such as climate change, environmental policies, rural development options, effects of an enlarging EU, international competition, and effects on developing countries.

Environmental and Architectural Acoustics

by Z. Maekawa Jens Rindel P. Lord

Adopting a multi-disciplinary approach to the practice of achieving a more acceptable acoustic environment, this book draws on the same basic principles to cover both the outdoors and indoor space. It starts with the fundamentals of sound waves and hearing and goes on to the measurement of noise and vibration, room acoustics, sound absorption, airb

Environmental and Construction Engineering: Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #160)

by Sergey Vasil’yevich Klyuev Alexander Vasil’yevich Klyuev

This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of construction engineering, as presented by researchers and engineers at the International Conference Environmental and Construction Engineering: Reality and the Future, held in Belgorod, Russia, on May 18-19, 2021. It covers highly diverse topics, including industrial and civil construction, building materials; environmental engineering and sustainability; machines, aggregates and processes in construction. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, highlight numerous exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaborations.

Environmental and Ecological Statistics with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied Environmental Statistics)

by Song S. Qian

Emphasizing the inductive nature of statistical thinking, Environmental and Ecological Statistics with R, Second Edition, connects applied statistics to the environmental and ecological fields. Using examples from published works in the ecological and environmental literature, the book explains the approach to solving a statistical problem, covering model specification, parameter estimation, and model evaluation. It includes many examples to illustrate the statistical methods and presents R code for their implementation. The emphasis is on model interpretation and assessment, and using several core examples throughout the book, the author illustrates the iterative nature of statistical inference. The book starts with a description of commonly used statistical assumptions and exploratory data analysis tools for the verification of these assumptions. It then focuses on the process of building suitable statistical models, including linear and nonlinear models, classification and regression trees, generalized linear models, and multilevel models. It also discusses the use of simulation for model checking, and provides tools for a critical assessment of the developed models. The second edition also includes a complete critique of a threshold model. Environmental and Ecological Statistics with R, Second Edition focuses on statistical modeling and data analysis for environmental and ecological problems. By guiding readers through the process of scientific problem solving and statistical model development, it eases the transition from scientific hypothesis to statistical model.

Environmental and Economic Sustainability

by Paul E. Hardisty

Never before has the quest to balance the needs of people, the environment, and the economy been so important. While sustainability has been widely taken up by governments and business, the world has continued to move in increasingly unsustainable directions, from continued dependence on fossil energy to rising greenhouse gas emissions, and erosion

Environmental and Energy Law

by Karen E. Makuch Ricardo Pereira

Despite bringing prosperity, industrialisation generally leads to increasing levels of pollution which has a detrimental impact on the environment. In response, legislation which seeks to control or prevent such impact has become common. Similarly, climate change and energy security have become major drivers for the regulatory regimes that have emerged in the energy field. Given the global or regional scope of many environmental problems, international cooperation is often necessary to ensure such legislation is effective. The EU and the UK have contributed to the development of the environmental and energy law regimes currently in force, spanning across international, transnational and national levels. At the same time, practical responses to environmental and energy problems have largely been the focus of engineers, scientists and other technical experts. Environmental & Energy Law attempts to bridge the knowledge gap between legal developments designed to achieve environmental and/or energy-related objectives and the practical, scientific and technical considerations applicable to the same environmental problems. In particular, it attempts to convey a broad range of topical issues in environmental and energy law, from climate and energy regulation, technology innovation and transfer, to pollution control, environmental governance and enforcement. In addition the book outlines key sector specific legal regimes (including water, waste and air quality management), focusing on issues or topics that are particularly relevant to both environmental and energy lawyers, and engineering, science and technology-oriented professionals and students. In this vein, the book guides the reader on some basic practical applications of the law within scientific, engineering and other practical settings. The book will be useful to all those working or studying in the environmental or energy arena, including law students, legal professionals, engineering and science students and professionals. By adopting a multi-disciplinary approach to environmental and energy law, the book embraces all readerships and helps to address the often thorny problem of communication between scientists, engineers, lawyers and policy-makers.

Environmental and Financial Performance Evaluation in 3D Printing Using MFCA and LCA (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Marcell Mariano Corrêa Maceno Tiago Yuiti Kamiya Mariana Kleina

This book presents the methodology of environmental and financial performance evaluation in 3D printing processes using the MFCA and LCA. This methodology is divided into 7 main steps, which are: a) identification of the analysis problem (for example, comparison of different types of 3D printer for use in a given purpose, comparison of different printing materials for the same 3D printer technology, among others) and definition of printing parameters; b) definition of the product to be printed; c) preparation of the printing process flow diagram; d) definition or measurement of the lifespan of the printed product; e) data collection for the implementation of the LCA tool (for example, mass and energy balances); f) data collection for the implementation of the MFCA tool (for example, mass balances, energy balances, mass costs, energy costs, labor costs, etc.); and g) comparative assessment of the financial and environmental performance of 3D printing. As a way of exemplifying the application of this methodology, a real case is presented involving the comparison of two types of materials (Polylactic Acid – PLA – and Polyethylene Glycol Polyterephthalate – PETG) used in the 3D printing process by FDM technology. The part printed in this real case was a clearance gauge used as a joint spacing control by an automobile industry located in Brazil. The development of the methodology and consequent application has shown that it can be used by users of 3D printing, in the most diverse areas, to support their decision in choices that can present the best performance, both financial and environmental.

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