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Environmental and Food Safety and Security for South-East Europe and Ukraine

by Ksenija Vitale

This book covers important aspects of the field of food security and safety, ranging from fundamental production, through advanced water treatment technologies and detection of novel pollutants, to management and policy making. The discussion strives to develop an integrated approach to solving the associated problems by simultaneously considering sociological, ecological and economic aspects. Special focus is on the environmental management systems that should be integrated in the processes of environmental risk assessment. Also addressed are other technologies applied in the service of detecting, preventing and monitoring possible threats to food security and safety. With its variety of subjects, this volume can serve both as a textbook for advanced studies and as a useful reference source for professionals.

Environmental and Food Virology: Impacts and Challenges in One Health Approach

by Gislaine Fongaro David Rodr Doris Sobral Marques Souza

Enteric pathogenic viruses are a major challenge in public health, as they represent a major concern with a severe global impact to the economy, commerce, and health systems. Consequently, their active monitoring can allow preventive surveillance and the discovery of new viruses, exemplifying an important epidemiological and health control tool.In an unprecedented way, this book addresses the general characteristics of enteric viruses and their environmental transmission, with a particular emphasis on their structures, stability, routes of transmission and the use of bioindicators for epidemiological monitoring and control. In addition, this book will also address the recent developments for viral concentration and detection in environmental and food samples and the challenges for the control of environmental and food viruses to reduce microbiological risk for final consumers.

Environmental and Human Health: Risk Management in Developing Countries

by Eddie N. Laboy-Nieves Mattheus F. A. Goosen Evens Emmanuel

Many countries experience lack of harmony among economic development, environmental management and human health. As a consequence, public health, the integrity of ecosystems, and the efforts to reach environmental sustainability, have been adversely affected. The complexity, frequency and magnitude of those impacts is increasingly parallel to the t

Environmental and Human Impact of Buildings: An Energetics Perspective (Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering)

by Ligia Moga Teodora M. Șoimoșan

Featuring research on topics such as low energy buildings' concepts, construction materials and technology, hybrid energy systems, energy balance, and wellbeing, this book meets the expectations of academicians, specialists and researchers in the field, along with the scholars seeking coverage on buildings, environmental and human impact. It presents an integrated approach to the buildings' energetic aspects, from the perspective of environmental impact, together with the indoor wellbeing. In this respect, the chapters include state of the art, case studies, as well as research results that validate the raised hypotheses. The book integrates topics related to buildings' performance, approached by researchers with different backgrounds within the civil engineering domain, i.e. achieved energetics performances, obstacles, restrictions and limitations issues within design and optimization processes, including the new perspectives in the buildings & energy sector.

Environmental and Human Safety of Major Surfactants: Alcohol Ethoxylates and Alkylphenol Ethoxylates

by Sylvia S. Talmage

The book summarizes and reviews the environmental and human safety of two classes of nonionic surfactants-alcohol ethoxylates (AE) and alkylphenol ethoxylates (APE). This unique resource contains critical data from published sources as well as from unpublished studies submitted by Soap and Detergent Association member companies. It reviews information on product chemistry and analysis, biodegradation, environmental levels (including fate and distribution), aquatic toxicity, and human safety. Recently developed analytical techniques for the extraction, separation, detection, and measurement of nonionic surfactants and their metabolites in environmental samples are described. Results of biodegradation studies performed with a variety of test systems are tabulated, as are results of field studies at wastewater treatment plants. Reported comparisons of environmental levels with results of acute and chronic aquatic toxicity tests are provided. The information on the toxicity and irritation potential of AE and APE surfactants includes data from in vitro, mammalian, and human studies.

Environmental and Hydrological Systems Modelling

by A W Jayawardena

Mathematical modelling has become an indispensable tool for engineers, scientists, planners, decision makers and many other professionals to make predictions of future scenarios as well as real impending events. As the modelling approach and the model to be used are problem specific, no single model or approach can be used to solve all problems, and there are constraints in each situation. Modellers therefore need to have a choice when confronted with constraints such as lack of sufficient data, resources, expertise and time. Environmental and Hydrological Systems Modelling provides the tools needed by presenting different approaches to modelling the water environment over a range of spatial and temporal scales. Their applications are shown with a series of case studies, taken mainly from the Asia-Pacific Region. Coverage includes: Population dynamics Reaction kinetics Water quality systems Longitudinal dispersion Time series analysis and forecasting Artificial neural networks Fractals and chaos Dynamical systems Support vector machines Fuzzy logic systems Genetic algorithms and genetic programming This book will be of great value to advanced students, professionals, academics and researchers working in the water environment.

Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering: Water Resources And Natural Control Processes (Handbook of Environmental Engineering #19)

by Lawrence K. Wang Mu-Hao Sung Wang Yung-Tse Hung Nazih K. Shammas

This volume has been designed to serve as a natural resources engineering reference book as well as a supplemental textbook. This volume is part of the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series, an incredible collection of methodologies that study the effects of resources and wastes in their three basic forms: gas, solid, and liquid. It complements two other books in the series including "Natural Resources and Control Processes" and "Advances in Natural Resources Management". Together they serve as a basis for advanced study or specialized investigation of the theory and analysis of various natural resources systems.This book covers many aspects of resources conservation, treatment, recycling, and education including agricultural, industrial, municipal and natural sources. The purpose of this book is to thoroughly prepare the reader for understanding the available resources, protection, treatment and control methods, such as bee protection, water reclamation, environmental conservation, biological and natural processes, endocrine disruptor removal, thermal pollution control, thermal energy reuse, lake restoration, industrial waste treatment, agricultural waste treatment, pest and vector control, and environmental engineering education. The chapters provide information on some of the most innovative and ground-breaking advances in environmental and natural resources engineering from a panel of esteemed experts.

Environmental and Quality Systems Integration

by William C. Culley

Global competition, corporate downsizing and corporate restructuring have forced many firms to reevaluate their operating methods. Today, corporations must do more with less while still watching the bottom line and improving profitability. ISO 14000 and ISO 9000, because of their similar management system requirements and auditing procedures, are g

Environmental and Safety Auditing: Program Strategies for Legal, International, and Financial Issues

by Unhee Kim

This is a complete and concise guide to creating and managing a successful environmental audit program. It provides step-by-step guidance on setting up an audit program for nearly every major component of environmental concern, from air standards to workplace safety, and from effluent discharge to waste handling and disposal.

Environmental and Social-economic Impacts of Sewage Sludge Treatment

by Guofeng Zhang

This book presents an experimental simulation of sewage treatment, which is designed to evaluate the environmental and social-economic impacts of integrated sewage treatment policies. The author puts forward a comprehensive linear optimization simulation model that takes the environmental, energy and economic systems into consideration. Beijing was selected as a typical Chinese city for the purposes of simulation, and the comprehensive model employed realistically reflects the specific and unique characteristics of Beijing's social economy and environmental status. Given the importance of sewage treatment and the accurate assessment of its impacts, the book will be of interest to researchers and scholars of environmental economics.

Environmental Applications of Carbon Nanomaterials-Based Devices

by Shadpour Mallakpour

Environmental Applications of Carbon Nanomaterials-Based Devices Explore this insightful treatment of the function and fabrication of high-performance devices for environmental applications Environmental Applications of Carbon Nanomaterials-Based Devices delivers an overview of state-of-the-art technology in functionalized carbon nanomaterials-based devices for environmental applications. The book provides a powerful foundation, based in materials science, on functionalized carbon nanomaterials in general, and environmental science and device fabrication in particular. The book focuses on the chemical and physical methods of functionalization of carbon nanomaterials and the technology of device fabrication, including lab-on-a-chip approaches and applications such as wastewater purification and gas sensing. It provides readers with a thorough understanding of effective environmental remediation techniques performed with carbon nanomaterials-based devices. In addition to topics such as cross-linked graphene oxide membranes assembled with graphene oxide nanosheets, free-standing graphene oxide-chitin nanocrystal composite membranes for dye adsorption and oil/water separation, and in-situ grown covalent organic framework nanosheets on graphene for membrane-based dye/salt separation, readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to charge-gated ion transport through polyelectrolyte intercalated amine reduced graphene oxide membranes An exploration of hydrotalcite/graphene oxide hybrid nanosheets functionalized nanofiltration membrane for desalination A discussion of the incorporation of attapulgite nanorods into graphene oxide nanofiltration membranes for efficient dyes wastewater treatment An examination of attapulgite nanofibers and graphene oxide composite membranes for high-performance molecular separation Perfect for materials scientists, analytical chemists, and environmental chemists, Environmental Applications of Carbon Nanomaterials-Based Devices will also earn a place in the libraries of sensor developers seeking a one-stop resource for high-performance devices and sensors useful for environmental applications.

Environmental Applications of Nanomaterials (Engineering Materials)

by Annelise Kopp Alves

This book contains an overview of novel synthesis, characterization, and applications of nanomaterials. Based on an extensive state-of-the-art literature survey and the results obtained by researchers during the past years, this book presents techniques and special applications of classical and modern nanomaterials focus on environmental remediation and preservation. It summarizes up-to-date synthesis and characterization of diverse materials applied to the modern environment concerns such as zero-valent iron soil remediation, photochromic materials for water treatment, carbon nanotubes for gas sensing, photocatalysis, among others. This book is aimed at students, researchers, and engineers who seek general scientific knowledge about nanomaterials with an application-oriented approach.

Environmental Assessment in Developing and Transitional Countries

by Norman Lee Clive George

Since the 1980s, and especially since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, there has been a substantial extension in the adoption and use of Environmental Assessment (EA) procedures in developing countries and countries in transition (low and middle income countries). However, few existing texts in environmental assessment or development studies have reflected this trend sufficiently, until this publication. Divided into two main parts: * EA Principles, Processes and Practice. * Country and Institutional Studies of EA Procedures and Practice. This book explains the essentials of environmental impact association in the context of developing countries and assesses its importance to both developed and developing countries.

Environmental Assessment of Estuarine Ecosystems: A Case Study (Environmental and Ecological Risk Assessment)

by Claude Amiard Triquet Philip S. Rainbow

Estuaries in every country exemplify the same paradox- they are among the most productive ecosystems and also among the most impacted by anthropogenic activities. And although estuarine biodiversity is key to the ecological and economic health of coastal regions, estuaries are exposed to toxic effluents transported by rivers from remote and nearby

Environmental Assessment of Recycled Waste (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)

by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

This book with its six interesting chapters highlights the environmental assessment of recycled waste. Waste Management is one of the main topics of concern for an organization and a nation. Out of different destinations at the end of life for a product, Recycling is the need of the hour and is an inevitable destination. Literally all wastes (be it- postindustrial or post-consumer states) if they cannot be reused, have to be recycled. Recycled products are in demand today and we are seeing many recycled alternatives for almost all industrial sectors. One of the million-dollar question to answer in terms of recycling and recycled products is- whether the recycled products are environmentally sustainable than the virgin alternatives? It is highly imperative to ascertain the environmental footprints of recycled products and recycling processes and also find out the best possible ways to further improve the environmental benefits of such recycled products and recycling processes.

Environmental Biology of the Young Chinese Sturgeon

by Feng Zhao Ping Zhuang Tao Zhang

This book provides a comprehensive coverage of the advances in biology and conservation research on Chinese sturgeon in the Yangtze Estuary. The chapters feature the latest developments in Chinese sturgeon research and cover topics such as early development and ontogenetic behaviour, growth and feeding, ecophysiology, ecotoxicology, population dynamics, conservation management, etc. The volume not only lays a foundation for the research and conservation of Chinese sturgeon but also provides references for other sturgeons. It is an invaluable reference for sturgeon researchers. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

Environmental Biotechnology: For Sustainable Future

by Ranbir Chander Sobti Naveen Kumar Arora Richa Kothari

Environmental sustainability is one of the biggest issues faced by the mankind. Rapid & rampant industrialization has put great pressure on the natural resources. To make our planet a sustainable ecosystem, habitable for future generations & provide equal opportunity for all the living creatures we not only need to make corrections but also remediate the polluted natural resources. The low-input biotechnological techniques involving microbes and plants can provide the solution for resurrecting the ecosystems. Bioremediation and biodegradation can be used to improve the conditions of polluted soil and water bodies. Green energy involving biofuels have to replace the fossil fuels to combat pollution & global warming. Biological alternatives (bioinoculants) have to replace harmful chemicals for maintaining sustainability of agro-ecosystems. The book will cover the latest developments in environmental biotech so as to use in clearing and maintaining the ecosystems for sustainable future.

Environmental Biotechnology

by Joo-Hwa Tay Volodymyr Ivanov Lawrence K. Wang Yung-Tse Hung

Volume 10: Environmental Biotechnology in the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series presents the theories and principles of various environmental biotechnologies. This outstanding collection of science information is designed as a basic Environmental Biotechnology textbook as well as a reference book for scientists, researchers, educators, and engineers. The book's expert panel of authors provides an introduction at a wide range of topics, including sanitary microbiology, microbial systematics, ecology, microbial metabolism, life support systems, solid-state processes and reactors, value-added biotechnology products, anaerobic processes, membrane bioreactors, space life support systems, biospherics, natural environmental systems, aerobic and anoxic biotechnologies, sequencing batch reactors, and flotation biological systems. Volume 10: Environmental Biotechnology and its sister book - Volume 11: Environmental Bioengineering - are indispensable as both basic biotechnology textbooks and comprehensive reference books for all environmentalists. Another gold-standard addition to The Humana Press series, Volume 10: Environmental Biotechnology gives readers a cutting-edge illustration of the theories and principles of biotechnologies, systems, processes, and methodologies. Coverage of basic and advanced environmental biotechnologies, systems, methodologies, and processes. Emphasis on detailed descriptions, introductions, theories, principles, classifications, and mechanisms of microbiology, ecology, life support systems, and biological processes. Reference of practical use to scientists, researchers, educators and engineers. Contents Environmental biotechnology, microbiology, microbial systematics, ecology, metabolism, life support systems, solid-state processes and reactors, value-added biotechnology products, anaerobic suspended biological processes, membrane bioreactors, closed ecological systems, space life support systems, biospherics, natural environmental biotechnologies, aerobic processes, anoxic processes, suspended-growth processed, attached-growth processes, and flotation biological systems.

Environmental Biotechnology and Cleaner Bioprocesses

by Eugenia J. Olguín, Gloria Sánchez, Elizabeth Hernández

As we enter a new millennium, the environmental issues faced by both developing and industrialised nations are as pressing as ever. Environmental biotechnologies are increasingly being viewed as a major weapon against environmental damage. Cleaner production is part of this strategy and yet there is still widespread ignorance about this emerging technology. Environmental Biotechnology and Cleaner Bioprocesses provides this information at various levels, from introductory to advanced. The first section covers the development of cleaner bioprocesses within the framework of sustainable development. Aspects of environmental policy for small and medium businesses are then discussed using case studies to illustrate principles. The second section covers the recycling and treatment of organic waste, including the use of aquatic plants and microalgae for wastewater treatment and recovery of nutrients. Section three covers bioremediation technologies and finally, section four is dedicated to emerging cleaner bioprocesses and environmentally sound products. All chapters have been written and edited by leading authorities in the field. Students and professionals interested in environmental biotechnology and cleaner production will find the background information and detail they require in this one convenient source.

Environmental Biotechnology For Soil and Wastewater Implications on Ecosystems

by Rita Kundu Rajiv Narula Rajashree Paul Susmita Mukherjee

This book comprises some of the major facts and solutions on environmental studies and its importance on the ecosystem. Implementations of Biotechnology on wastewater treatment and removal of toxins from the wastewater have been thoroughly discussed in different chapters with its impacts on the ecosystem. State of art technologies related to the water treatment as well as balancing of various essential components of the ecosystem has also been demonstrated with various technical solutions. Impacts of various toxins, mainly chemical wastes produced by various industries have been precisely identified and there impacts with various solutions are also discussed. This book is also a collection of various ideas and thoughts coming from reputed scientists and researchers working in this field with modernized technological views. A special emphasis has been given to protect and balance our ecosystem to save the entire living beings. Authors have also tried to make a bridge between bioremediation and ecosystem to bring these in a common platform for better understanding and solution of various critical problems with the help of cutting edge technologies. In this particular aspect or research, the novelty of the book is unparallel to show various future opportunities for the researchers, academicians, industrial personnel working in this field.

Environmental Biotechnology Vol. 1 (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World #44)

by K. M. Gothandam Shivendu Ranjan Nandita Dasgupta Eric Lichtfouse

This book provides the information on the application of nanotechnology in cleaning wastewater and the impact of microbial ecosystem to solve environmental problems has been critically reviewed in the chapters. It also gives detailed reviews about the conversion of wastewater nutrients into a biofertilizer using microalgae, as well as the applications of Biochar for heavy metal remediation from water. Most importantly, this book contains critical review on microbial fuel cells and highlights the emerging risks of bioplastics on the aquatic ecosystem.

Environmental Biotechnology Vol. 2 (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World #45)

by K. M. Gothandam Shivendu Ranjan Nandita Dasgupta Eric Lichtfouse

This book provides the technological insight on biorefinery and nanoremediation and provides comprehensive reviews on applications of Biochar for environmental sustainability. Critical review on biosurfectants in food applications as well as sustainable agricultural practices has also been provided in this book. It also highlights the microbial-omics and microRNAs for protecting ecotoxicity. Overall, this book provides critical as well as comprehensive chapters on wastewater treatment using different technologies.

Environmental Biotechnology Vol. 3 (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World #50)

by K. M. Gothandam Shivendu Ranjan Nandita Dasgupta Eric Lichtfouse

This volume is a collection of informative chapters on various subjects. It provides information on the effects of pesticides on avian fauna, the impact of microbial ecosystems to solve environmental problems, a detailed review on issues in membrane distillations process, microbial sensor for detection of pollutants, microbial biosurfactants, biotechnological applications of immobilised microalgae as well as a review on Biochar production. Most importantly, this book contains a critical review on microbial degradation of plastic wastes and highlights the Biodegradation and Bioremediation of Herbicides.

Environmental Biotechnology Volume 4 (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World #68)

by K. M. Gothandam Ramachandran Srinivasan Shivendu Ranjan Nandita Dasgupta Eric Lichtfouse

This book reviews the production of bioplastic from various raw materials and recycling wastewater into useful bioproducts by bacteria. In addition, it also addresses the recent advancement in pest control in rice plants, different methods to analyse genotoxicity on soil samples and the effect of phytocompounds on acrylamide-induced toxicity in Drosophilla. Interestingly, this book also discusses mesoporous silica nanoparticles' role as nanocarrier material for inhibiting the cancer cell, especially breast cancer and various biotechnological applications of marine fungal exopolysaccharides.

Environmental Carcinogens: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

by G. Grimmer

The present survey comprises today‘s knowledge of environmental pollution in particular of the atmosphere by PAH and of the biological effects of this class of substance, putting special emphasis on their carcinogenic activity. The research data and conclusions derived therefrom are meant to assist the government of the Federal Republic of Germany in determining an air quality standard.

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