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Showing 22,701 through 22,725 of 71,630 results

Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #122)

by Zbigniew Zembaty Damian Beben Zbigniew Perkowski Adam Rak Giovanni Bosco Pranshoo Solanki

This book gathers a selection of papers presented at the 4th International Scientific Conference “Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering”, ECCE 2020, , Opole, Poland, held on April 20-22, 2020, in Opole, Poland. The chapters, written by an international group of experts, report on advanced finding in structural material behaviour, and novel construction technologies and procedures, with a focus on strategies to foster sustainable civil engineering. Offering a good balance of theory and practice, and covering both technical, as well as legal and organization aspects in civil engineering and architectural projects, this book offers extensive information on the state-of-the art and a timely snapshot of current challenges in planning construction projects and structural interventions in accordance with the principles of environmental protection

Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering II (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #322)

by Zbigniew Zembaty Zbigniew Perkowski Damian Beben Maria Rossella Massimino Oren Lavan

This book gathers a selection of papers presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference “Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering”, ECCE 2022, held on September 26-28, 2022, in Opole, Poland. Written by an international group of experts, it reports on findings concerning structural material behavior, and new methods and technologies in constructions. A special emphasis is given to sustainable constructions practices, including material recycling and reuse, renovation and restoration of historical building and to those fostering sustainable development of cities and rural areas, and a better integration of buildings with the environment. Offering a good balance of theory and practice, and covering both technical and organizational aspects in civil engineering and architectural projects, this book offers extensive information on solutions and current challenges in construction projects and structural interventions in the context of environmental protection and earthquake prevention.

Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering III (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #615)

by Zbigniew Perkowski Damian Beben Zbigniew Zembaty Maria Rossella Massimino Miguel José Oliveira

This book gathers a selection of papers presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference “Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering”, ECCE 2024, held on April 22–24, 2024, in Opole, Poland. Written by an international group of experts, it reports on findings concerning structural material behavior, and new methods and technologies in constructions. A special emphasis is given to sustainable constructions practices, including material recycling and reuse, renovation and restoration of historical building and to those fostering sustainable development of cities and rural areas, and a better integration of buildings with the environment. Offering a good balance of theory and practice, and covering both technical and organizational aspects in civil engineering and architectural projects, this book offers extensive information on solutions and current challenges in construction projects and structural interventions in the context of environmental protection, earthquake prevention and sustainable urban planning.

Environmental Change and Agricultural Sustainability in the Mekong Delta

by Mart A. Stewart Peter A. Coclanis

The Mekong Delta of Vietnam is one of the most productive agricultural areas in the world. The Mekong River fans out over an area of about 40,000 sq kilometers and over the course of many millennia has produced a region of fertile alluvial soils and constant flows of energy. Today about a fourth of the Delta is under rice cultivation, making this area one of the premier rice granaries in the world. The Delta has always proven a difficult environment to manipulate, however, and because of population pressures, increasing acidification of soils, and changes in the Mekong's flow, environmental problems have intensified. The changing way in which the region has been linked to larger flows of commodities and capital over time has also had an impact on the region: For example, its re-emergence in recent decades as a major rice-exporting area has linked it inextricably to global markets and their vicissitudes. And most recently, the potential for sea level increases because of global warming has added a new threat. Because most of the region is on average only a few meters above sea level and because any increase of sea level will change the complex relationship between tides and down-river water flow, the Mekong Delta is one of the areas in the world most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. How governmental policy and resident populations have in the past and will in coming decades adapt to climate change as well as several other emerging or ongoing environmental and economic problems is the focus of this collection.

Environmental Change and Biodiversity Conservation in sub-Saharan Africa: Volume 1 (Advances in Global Change Research #75)

by Wame L. Hambira Ayana Angassa Abdeta Ditiro B. Moalafhi Victor K. Muposhi Ketlhatlogile Mosepele

This volume set provides critical strategies for sustainable environmental management and biodiversity conservation in sub-Saharan Africa. They address key conservation issues in the region such as habitat loss, fragmentation, rangeland degradation, and human-wildlife conflicts. Innovative approaches in ecological modelling, climate change adaptation, and circular water systems, enhancing conservation efforts and ensuring resilience in the face of environmental changes are further examined. A comprehensive analysis of fisheries management and sustainable practices underscores their role in conserving aquatic biodiversity. Despite challenges like agricultural expansion and water scarcity, the focus on regenerative agriculture and food production systems seeks to mitigate impacts on rangelands and forests, thus supporting biodiversity conservation. Emphasizing the integration of traditional knowledge with contemporary conservation science, these volumes highlight the need for holistic, adaptive strategies and robust governance frameworks to address the complexities of biodiversity loss and environmental change. The collection is an essential resource for policymakers, researchers, and conservation practitioners dedicated to fostering sustainable livelihoods and conserving the unique ecosystems of sub-Saharan Africa. Volume 1 covers the themes of biodiversity conservation in the Anthropocene and sustainable rangeland and forest management. It provides an understanding of the dual impacts of human activities on biodiversity and underscores the necessity of sustainable forest management to enhance ecosystem services vital for rural livelihoods, economic growth, and ecological health amid environmental and human pressures.

Environmental Change and Development in Ladakh, Indian Trans-Himalaya (Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research)

by Blaise Humbert-Droz Juliane Dame Tashi Morup

The Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh has witnessed important changes linked to its geo-strategic importance, the rapid development of means of communication with other parts of India, socio-economic transformation processes and the effects of climate change. The sixteen chapters document these key changes, ranging from melting glaciers and extreme weather events to the exponential increase in infrastructure, tourist and military activities. The book examines the impact these changes are having on the environment and on the socio-economics and identity of Ladakhi communities. The book also attempts to evaluate the likely direction of future changes, identify some of the main environmental challenges faced by Ladakh in the 21st century, and provide perspectives for sustainable development of the high mountain region.

Environmental Change and Food Security in China

by Jenifer Huang Mcbeath Jerry Mcbeath

With 22 percent of the world's population but only 7 percent of its arable land, China's food situation is a matter of global concern. This volume is the first to introduce comprehensively the threats to China's system of food production, distribution, and consumption. It analyzes broad challenges of population growth, urbanization, and extraordinarily rapid economic development. Then it focuses on degradation of China's land, water and air, water sufficiency, and evidence of climate change effects as they adversely affect the food system. The study investigates plant diseases and pests which take a large toll on agricultural production and also considers alien invasive species. Normal bureaucratic routines of agricultural, land, water, climatological, and environmental agencies are inadequate to counter these challenges, and the regime has launched large projects (e.g., the South-North Water Diversion Project) and conducted national campaigns (e.g., re- and afforestation programs) which are unprecedented in their scope. Also, China has invested more heavily in agricultural biotechnology research than any other developing country. These responses have insured self-sufficiency in food staples to the present. The volume evaluates several future problems and issues in China's approach to food security. Despite attempts to tighten coordination of policy and improve enforcement, as seen in efforts to resolve the tainted products crisis of 2007, the increased autonomy of local governments often frustrates green and clean ambitions of the state. Although the regime has tolerated environmental and other NGOs, allowed the media greater latitude to report bad news, and permitted protests that do not challenge the communist party's authority, still civil society is weak. While economic development has lifted more than 200 million from poverty, rural/urban inequality increases, pushing the poor into China's cities, and access to food remains a problem for many.

Environmental Change in Lesotho

by Pendo Maro

Environmental Change in Lesotho identifies and analyzes the drivers of land-use change and the consequences of these changes on the livelihoods of rural land-users/managers. To accomplish this, a combination of tools from the social sciences and environmental fields were developed to identify causes and consequences of land-use change at selected levels, using a 'nested' approach. These methods were then applied to a case study of two villages in the Lowland region of Lesotho. This book is directed at environmental and social science experts, researchers, decision-makers, and development/aid workers interested in understanding the intricate human-environment relationship as it relates to land-use change in a changing biophysical, socio-economic, political and institutional context, coupled by HIV/AIDS, changing demographics, local perceptions and what is termed here 'dependency syndrome'.

Environmental Change in Siberia

by Heiko Balzter

This book covers a round-up of environmental changes in Siberia with a focus on the terrestrial biosphere but also discussing climate and atmosphere and the hydrological cycle. It concludes with a discussion of information system approaches that are being developed to safeguard and make accessible spatial and temporal data for environmental studies. Siberia is undergoing rapid transformations as a result of its climate vulnerability and the exceptionally high rate of warming it has undergone in recent decades. The information presented in this book was not easily accessible to the global change community before. Contributors include a wide range of Russian, European and North American authors from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds including field ecology, satellite remote sensing and modelling. The book investigates disturbance processes in the taiga forest with a focus on fire and logging, provides observational evidence of evergreen conifer invasion into larch dominated zones which could be a sign of climate change, and describes vegetation model predictions of shifting vegetation zones. Satellite observations of snow cover in Siberia are presented, and observed changes in river runoff described. The interactions between the hydrological cycle, the biosphere and the atmosphere are looked at from a variety of disciplinary viewpoints.

Environmental Change in South Asia: Essays in Honor of Mohammed Taher

by Anup Saikia Pankaj Thapa

Studies on South Asia are an emerging interdisciplinary field, this volume expands on the currently limited literature available on South Asia and focuses on the regions environmental, climatic and natural resource base by looking at case studies from Nepal, India and Bangladesh. The book contains twelve chapters which deal with various environmental challenges, such as the impacts of climate change on floods and droughts, population structure and regeneration dynamics of dominant treeline species, environmental changes and rural livelihoods, and change analysis and impacts of hard coastal structures. Apart from the various thematic areas and diversity of geographical coverage, most of the studies also demonstrate the application of geospatial techniques for the collection of environmental data, and the use of GIS for spatial analysis of the data. The specific application of geospatial techniques and methods includes NDVI, NDWI, NDBI, SMI, SPOT-VGT NDVI, environmental flow, distribution and trend estimation of tropospheric formaldehyde, vegetation sensitivity to climate change, variability of tropospheric ozone, and geo-environmental problems. The contributors are seasoned researchers currently engaged in academic and research activities, and work at universities in USA, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Japan.

Environmental Chemicals Desk Reference

by John H. Montgomery Thomas Roy Crompton

Environmental Chemicals Desk Reference is a concise version of the widely read Agrochemicals Desk Reference and Groundwater Chemicals Desk Reference. This up-to-date volume was inspired by the need for a combination of the material in both references, together with the large number of research publications and the continued interest in the fate, transport, and remediation of hazardous substances. Much new data has been added to this unique edition, including global legislation (REACH) and sustainability, thereby reflecting the wealth of literature in the field. Featured are environmental and physical/chemical data on more than 200 compounds, including pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.

Environmental Chemistry: Eleventh Edition

by Stanley E Manahan

With clear explanations, real-world examples and updated ancillary material, the 11th edition of Environmental Chemistry emphasizes the concepts essential to the practice of environmental science, technology and chemistry. The format and organization popular in preceding editions is used, including an approach based upon the five environmental spheres and the relationship of environmental chemistry to the key concepts of sustainability, industrial ecology and green chemistry. The new edition provides a comprehensive view of key environmental issues, and significantly looks at diseases and pandemics as an environmental problem influenced by other environmental concerns like climate change. Features: The most trusted and best-selling text for environmental chemistry has been fully updated and expanded once again The author has preserved the basic format with appropriate updates including a comprehensive overview of key environmental issues and concerns New to this important text is material on the threat of pathogens and disease, deadly past pandemics that killed millions, recently emerged diseases and the prospects for more environment threats related to disease This outstanding legacy appeals to a wide audience and can also be an ideal interdisciplinary book for graduate students with degrees in a variety of disciplines other than chemistry New! Long-awaited companion website featuring additional ancillary material

Environmental Chemistry of Arsenic

by William T. Frankenberger

With contributions from world-renowned experts in the field, this book explores developments in the transport kinetics, seasonal cycling, accumulation, geochemistry, transformation, and toxicology of arsenic. It details advances in the prevention and control of arsenic and arsenic compounds in the air, soil, and water and offers analytical methods for the detection and study of arsenic in the environment and human body. Providing bioremediation techniques for effective treatment of contaminated water supplies, the book discusses factors that influence the removal of arsenic from water as well as diurnal and seasonal variations in the arsenic concentration of surface water supplies.

Environmental Chemistry of Herbicides

by Raj Grover Allan Cessna

This publication is rare among those texts on pesticides in that it covers herbicides exclusively. It presents, in one source, information that is typically scattered. This important publication enables the reader to recommend herbicide use more reliably and efficiently. It also highlights environmental issues relevant to herbicide use in agriculture. The book outlines potential areas of further research. This title is of particular value to weed scientists, environmental chemists and engineers, soil scientists, and those responsible for recommending and/or regulating use of herbicides in agriculture.Focuses On: Increasing efficiency of herbicides in agriculture Decreasing environmental contamination with herbicides Dissipation and transformations in water and sediment Nature, transport, and fate of airborne residues Absorption and transport in plants Transformations in biosphere Bioaccumulation and food chain accumulation Photochemical transformations Bound residues Predictability and environmental chemistry

Environmental Cleanup at Navy Facilities: Risk-Based Methods

by National Research Council

The fiscal and technological limitations associated with cleaning up hazardous waste sites to background conditions have prompted responsible parties to turn to risk-based methods for environmental rememdiation.Environmental Cleanup at Navy Facilities reviews and critiques risk-based methods, including those developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the American Society of Testing and Materials. These critiques lead to the identification of eleven criteria that must be part of any risk-based methodology adopted by the Navy, a responsible party with a large number of complex and heavily contaminated waste sites. January

Environmental Communication. Second Edition: Skills and Principles for Natural Resource Managers, Scientists, and Engineers.

by Richard R. Jurin K. Jeffrey Danter Donny Roush

Environmental professionals can no longer simply publish research in technical journals. Informing the public is now a critical part of the job. Environmental Communication demonstrates, step by step, how it's done, and is an essential guide for communicating complex information to groups not familiar with scientific material. It addresses the entire communications process, from message planning, audience analysis and media relations to public speaking - skills a good communicator must master for effective public dialogue. Environmental Communication provides all the knowledge and tools you need to reach your target audience in a persuasive and highly professional manner. "This book will certainly help produce the skills for environmental communications sorely needed for industry, government and non-profit groups as well as an informed public". Sol P. Baltimore, Director, Environmental Communications and Adjunct faculty, Hazardous Waste management program, Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. "All environmental education professionals agree that the practice of good communications is essential for the success of any program. This book provides practical skills for this concern". Ju Chou, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Education National Taiwan Normal University Taipei, Taiwan

Environmental Compliance: A Web-Enhanced Resource

by Gary S. Moore

STAY INFORMED-STAY COMPLIANT-STAY UP-TO-DATEYou can't do business in the United States without complying with a whole new generation of environmental regulations. Get all the information you need with Environmental Compliance: A Web-Enhanced Resource. This resource will never be outdated. With the continually updated Web site, you will alwa

Environmental Compliance and Sustainability: Global Challenges and Perspectives

by Daniel T. Rogers

This book provides a critical understanding of the challenges that exist in protecting the local and global environment through compliance efforts using existing environmental regulations. The best compliance measures with the most useful regulations from over 50 countries are surveyed and are combined with science-based quantitative analysis of geology, hydrogeology, and the chemistry of contaminants from anthropogenic sources. The results are presented as a model that establishes a means by which protection of the environment can be greatly improved. This is accomplished through a deeper understanding of our natural world and how anthropogenic activities and their management affect our planet. Features The first book that examines the successes of environmental regulation worldwide and highlights the areas that need improvement Presents a tested and verified scientific model for enhanced environmental protection with scalability from local parcels to global levels Describes and integrates the importance of understanding the geologic and hydrogeologic environment of urban and developed areas Explains the importance of understanding the different types of pollution and their behavior in the environment Identifies the need for consistency in banning chemicals that are harmful in not just one country but throughout the world

Environmental Compliance Guide for Facility Managers and Engineers

by Rengasamy Kasinathan

A practical guide for facility engineers and managers to understand the impact of environmental regulations when applied to operating equipment in any industry or facility. It lays out a clear road map on how to learn the essential steps and how to use the proper tools. Based on the author’s 39-year experience, this concise material discusses real-life applications and case studies adopted and implemented successfully in many NYC facilities and appropriate for large cities. It will help facility engineers comply with various rules and regulations of the jurisdictions of EPA, state, city, and local agencies and properly itemize reporting requirements. Features include: • Guides facility engineers and managers with a clear and logical exposition of topics, developments, and valuable regulatory frameworks for appropriate preparation and compliance • Provides detailed explanations of procedures for emission reduction and improved efficiency and productivity • Emphasizes the importance of continuing education in compliance to prevent high penalties for facilities • Includes real-life applications and case studies on reducing energy baseline and current operating methods, providing formulas and calculations • Addresses regulatory knowledge for operating systems in cities with a dense population in the US and countries with similar regulatory frameworks This book will benefit professionals, engineers, facility and project managers, building and grounds supervisors, code compliance managers, and heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems contractors and installers in hospitals, universities, schools, and other facilities.

Environmental Compliance Handbook

by Jacob I. Bregman Robert D. Edell

If your organization was subject to the thousands of federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations in effect in the U.S. at the turn of the century, the Environmental Compliance Handbook should be within easy reach. Thousands of professionals have benefited from the bestselling classic. This practical, comprehensive book simplifies t

Environmental Compliance Handbook, Volume 1: Air

by Daniel T. Rogers

Environmental laws and regulations are extremely complex and difficult to understand. In order to comply with them, they need to be explained in layperson’s terms. This handbook identifies many changes in regulations and recommends ways to apply and implement them. Containing the latest environmental information, this volume addresses environmental compliance with air and provides a historical perspective to help follow the logical growth and increased complexity of air regulations through time. Structured as a “step-by-step how-to” book, readers will find real-life examples for the most important aspects of language, permit terms, demonstrating compliance, and organization for air projects. Features: Identifies all air pollution control regulations and the requirements of any air pollution control permits available up to date. Answers in depth all practical questions that arise when working on compliance projects in a “how to” method. Addresses a wider spectrum of issues that go beyond chemical-based contamination and environmental regulations and examines the impacts of climate change Includes many real-life examples from industry and institutions that comply with air quality regulations and air pollution control permits It is global in coverage and very useful to companies that have expanded operations outside their country of origin.

Environmental Compliance Handbook, Volume 2: Water

by Daniel T. Rogers

Environmental laws and regulations are extremely complex and difficult to understand. In order to comply with them, they need to be explained in layperson’s terms. This handbook identifies many changes in regulations and recommends ways to apply and implement them. Containing the latest environmental information, this volume addresses environmental compliance with water and provides a historical perspective to help follow the logical growth and increased complexity of water regulations through time. Structured as a “step-by-step how-to” book, readers will find real-life examples for the most important aspects of language, permit terms, demonstrating compliance, and organization for water projects. Features: Identifies all water pollution control regulations and the requirements of any water pollution control permits available up to date Answers in depth all practical questions that arise when working on compliance projects in a "how-to" method Addresses a wider spectrum of issues that go beyond chemical-based contamination and environmental regulations and examines the impacts of climate change Includes many real-life examples and case studies from industry and institutions that comply with water quality regulations It is global in coverage and very useful to companies that have expanded operations outside their country of origin

Environmental Compliance Handbook, Volume 3: Land

by Daniel T. Rogers

Environmental laws and regulations are extremely complex and difficult to understand. In order to comply with them, they need to be explained in layperson’s terms. The handbook identifies many changes in regulations and recommends ways to apply and implement them. Containing the latest environmental information, this third volume addresses environmental compliance with land and provides a historical perspective to help follow the logical growth and increased complexity of land regulations through time. Structured as a “step-by-step how-to” book, readers will find real-life examples for the most important aspects of language, permit terms, demonstrating compliance, and organization for land projects. Features: Introduces all land pollution control regulations and the requirements of any land pollution control permits available up to date Answers in depth all practical questions that arise when working on compliance projects in a "how-to" method Addresses a wider spectrum of issues that go beyond chemical-based contamination and environmental regulations and examines the impacts of climate change Includes many real-life examples and case studies from industry and institutions that comply with land use regulations It is global in coverage and very useful to companies that have expanded operations outside their country of origin

Environmental Compliance Handbook, Volume 4: Sustainability and Future Environmental Regulations

by Daniel T. Rogers

Environmental laws and regulations are extremely complex and difficult to understand. In order to comply with them, they need to be explained in layperson’s terms. This handbook identifies many changes in regulations and recommends ways to apply and implement them. Containing the latest environmental information, this volume goes beyond environmental regulations in two fundamental aspects: sustainability and preparation for future requirements before mandates are enacted. Structured as a “step-by-step how-to” book, readers will find real-life examples for the most important aspects of evaluating sustainability initiatives and preparing for new and revised environmental regulations. Features: Explores all sustainability related concepts and regulations and the requirement of any control permits available up to date. Answers in depth all practical questions that arise when working on compliance projects for future requirements. Addresses a wider spectrum of sustainability issues that go beyond chemical-based contamination and environmental regulations and examines the impacts of climate change. Includes many real-life examples and case studies from industry and institutions that comply with sustainability regulations. It is global in coverage and very useful to companies that plan to expand operations outside their country and are interested in future regulations.

Environmental Concerns and Remediation: Proceedings of F-EIR Conference 2021

by Deepankar Kumar Ashish Jorge De Brito

This book presents the conference proceedings of the F-EIR Conference 2021, Environment Concerns and its Remediation held in Chandigarh, India, October 18–22, 2021. The purpose of the conference and the volume is to present new ideas across a range of disciplines in environmental science, with a focus on theoretical and practical approaches to clean production aimed at preventing the production of waste, while increasing efficiencies in the uses of energy, water, and renewable resources. With contributions from leading experts equipped with state-of-the-art information and technology, the book covers topics of sustainability and resilience, chemical and environmental engineering, materials science, biotechnology, health-related microorganisms, and green technologies. The book will be of interest to scientists, engineering professionals, architects, environmental scientists, academicians, economists, and students engaged in these disciplines.

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