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Environmental Ethics and Sustainability: A Casebook for Environmental Professionals
by Hal Taback Ram RamananThe environmental professional must be educated to be ethical, and more importantly, trained through frequent participatory workshops with real-world scenarios to be able to make the right choices when faced with environmental dilemmas. This book serves as a reference and a resource casebook, presenting current real-world situations and providing perspectives to numerous environmental ethics scenarios. It provides specific guidance as to what is ethical behavior, how to judge it, and the foundations of ethical behavior in facing and resolving environmental ethical dilemmas.
Environmental Ethics For Engineers
by Alastair S GunnWe have used this book, manuscript form, as supplemental reading in our environmental engineering classes at Duke University. The discussion of ethics is usually reserved for the final few days of class, when the students should start asking ‘so what? about course material. We respond to this question by covering the principles of ethics in one lecture and spending two or more sessions discussing various readings. Engineering students who have spent four years learning how to crunch numbers and to solve technical problems to three significant figures admit that the study of environmental ethics introduces new and exciting concepts into their professional thinking, and provides a perspective which otherwise would be missing from their education.
Environmental Ethics, Sustainability and Decisions: Literature Problems and Suggested Solutions
by Fabio ZagonariThis book provides a summary of the main concepts involved in environmental ethics, sustainability and decisions and a consistent sequence of environmental ethics, sustainability and decisions. It presents many environmental ethics, by focusing on maximising welfare within teleological approaches and minimising inequalities within deontological approaches. It presents many sustainability paradigms, by focusing on weak sustainability to maximise welfare and strong sustainability to minimise inequalities. Two main decisions are presented by focusing on policies (taxes, standards, subsidies, permits, protected areas, exploitation rights) and projects (CBA) towards efficiency to maximise welfare and policies (national laws/regulations, bilateral/multilateral agreements) and projects (MCA) towards equity to minimise inequalities.
Environmental Fate and Transport Analysis with Compartment Modeling
by null Keith W. LittleEnvironmental Fate and Transport Analysis with Compartment Modeling explains how to use the powerful, highly flexible, and intuitive compartment approach to estimate the distribution of chemical contaminants in environmental media in time and space. Add this Easy-to-Use Approach to Your Environmental Modeling ToolboxThis numerical technique enables
Environmental Finance for the Developing World
by Michael CurleyFinancing the Global Environment examines the financial techniques and strategies necessary to obtain funding to undertake infrastructure and environmental projects. Despite conventional notions that monies are typically not readily available for large-scale environmental projects, the book explains how this is usually not the case, and will provide the necessary steps, tools, and organizational methods necessary for successful project finance in any region. It demonstrates how the largest possible projects could be undertaken at the lowest possible cost and how a utility’s excess operating income could be used to improve the system. Features: Presents methods for the sourcing of funds and for maximizing income Defines what types of income can be used for making debt service payments and how it can be estimated Explains the basic concepts of loans and debt, as well as the present value theory of money This book serves as a useful guide for practicing professionals, industry executives, and government officials who work with water and wastewater utilities and infrastructure and are involved with financial project preparation.
Environmental Flotation Engineering: Volume 12 (Handbook of Environmental Engineering #21)
by Lawrence K. Wang Mu-Hao Sung Wang Nazih K. Shammas Donald B. AulenbachThis volume covers topics on humanitarian engineering education of the Lenox Institute of Water Technology and recent advances in potable water and wastewater flotation processes. The specific advancements covered include: chemical coagulation and precipitation enhancements, first wave of flotation advancement for potable water treatment, second wave of flotation technology advancement for wastewater treatment, innovative circular gravity flotation, fiber detection, fiber separation, independent physicochemical wastewater treatment systems, primary flotation clarification, secondary flotation clarification, tertiary treatment, activated sludge and flotation wastewater treatment, cold weather wastewater conditions, operation and performance of the AquaDAF process system, operation and performance of the Clari-DAF process system, water purification, spectrophotometric determination of dissolved proteins, biological and physicochemical sequencing batch reactors, and sedimentation and flotation comparisons. The book will be of value to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, to designers of flotation systems, and to scientists and researchers.
Environmental Fluid Mechanics: Memorial Volume in honour of Prof. Gerhard H. Jirka (IAHR Monographs)
by Wolfgang Rodi Markus UhlmannThis book contains the written versions of invited lectures presented at the Gerhard H. Jirka Memorial Colloquium on Environmental Fluid Mechanics, held June 3-4, 2011, in Karlsruhe, Germany. Professor Jirka was widely known for his outstanding work in Environmental Fluid Mechanics, and 23 eminent world-leading experts in this field contributed to
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
by Hillel RubinEnvironmental Fluid Mechanics provides comprehensive coverage of a combination of basic fluid principles and their application in a number of different situations-exploring fluid motions on the earth's surface, underground, and in oceans-detailing the use of physical and numerical models and modern computational approaches for the analysis of environmental processes.Environmental Fluid Mechanics covers novel scaling methods for a variety of environmental issues; equations of motion for boundary layers; hydraulic characteristics of open channel flow; surface and internal wave theory; the advection diffusion equation; sediment and associated contaminant transport in lakes and streams; mixed layer modeling in lakes; remediation; transport processes at the air/water interface; and more.
Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Méchanique des Fluides Environnementaux (ICOLD Bulletins Series #162)
by International Commission on Large Dams Commission Internationale Des Grands BarragesDams are planned, constructed, and operated to meet human needs - generation of energy, irrigated agricultural production, flood control, public and industrial supply, supply of drinking water, and various other purposes. Dams impound water in reservoirs during times of high flood that can be used for human requirements during times with inadequate natural flows. Positive impacts of dams are improved flood control, improved welfare resulting from new access to irrigation and drinking water. Without dams there would be insufficient food to feed the world’s people and energy would be generated by burning fossil fuels that produce greenhouse gases. Despite this progress there remain significant concerns about the environmental impacts of dams. These environmental impacts are complex and far reaching, remote of the dam, and may occur in time with the dam construction or later and may lead to a loss of biodiversity and of productivity of natural resources.This bulletin compiles improvements in knowledge and state of the art technology to avoid or mitigate environmental impacts of dams on the natural ecosystem as well as to the people that depend upon them for their livelihood and also addresses the mitigation of environmental impacts on dams and reservoirs. Les barrages sont planifiés, construits et exploités de manière à répondre aux besoins humains. Les barrages retiennent l'eau dans les réservoirs pendant les périodes de forte crue, une eau qui peut être utilisée pour les besoins de l'homme pendant les périodes d’insuffisance des débits naturels. Les impacts positifs de barrages sont le contrôle des crues et l'amélioration du bien-être résultant du nouvel accès à l'irrigation et à l'eau potable. Sans barrages, la production alimentaire serait insuffisante pour nourrir la population du globe et l'énergie serait générée en brûlant des combustibles fossiles qui produisent des gaz à effet de serre. Malgré ces progrès, d'importantes préoccupations subsistent quant aux retombées des barrages sur l’environnement. Les impacts environnementaux sont complexes et d’une grande portée. Ils peuvent se produire au moment de la construction du barrage ou plus tard et peuvent entraîner une perte de la biodiversité et de la productivité des ressources naturelles.Le présent bulletin compile l'amélioration des connaissances et des technologies les plus récentes pour éviter ou atténuer les impacts environnementaux des barrages sur l'écosystème naturel ainsi que pour les personnes qui en dépendent pour leur subsistance. Il aborde également l'atténuation des impacts environnementaux sur les barrages et les réservoirs.
Environmental Footprints: Assessing Anthropogenic Effects (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)
by Kai FangThis book focuses on environmental footprints that have attracted considerable interest and discussion within academia, policy makers and the public as a tool to assess anthropogenic effects on the environment. It begins with an overview which provides a starting point for understanding the concept of environmental footprints. On the basis of a thorough investigation into the theoretical and methodological aspects of selected environmental footprints that have been widely adopted, a unified framework for structuring, categorizing and integrating various footprint indicators is established. Furthermore, the book brings clarity to the relationship between footprint analysis and life cycle assessment, and challenges the isolation of environmental footprints and planetary boundaries. The findings provide novel insights into the development of environmental footprints for environmental impact assessment and environmental sustainability assessment.
Environmental Footprints of Crops (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)
by Subramanian Senthilkannan MuthuThere are multiple variants of environmental footprints such as carbon footprint, ecological footprint, water footprint, nitrogen footprint and so on. There are numerous developments in terms of measuring the environmental footprints of various products. Many new indicators are being developed in terms of footprints to measure the environmental performance of various products. The need to measure various environmental footprints of agricultural crops is obvious and does not need any explanation these days when the importance of sustainability is felt so much and being practiced in all industrial sectors, including agriculture. This book presents five interesting chapters pertaining to environmental footprints of crops.
Environmental Footprints of Packaging
by Subramanian Senthilkannan MuthuThis book presents detailed discussions concerning the environmental footprints of various packaging systems and materials, life cycle assessments of packaging, sustainable design of various packaging systems and materials, as well as the biodegradation of various packaging materials.
Environmental Footprints of Recycled Polyester (Textile Science and Clothing Technology)
by Subramanian Senthilkannan MuthuThis book examines the environmental footprints of recycled polyesters, highlighting the benefits and impact of recycling polyester waste and preparing it to replace virgin polyester in the raw material stage. It also discusses the importance of recycled polyester as a sustainable raw material in textile production.
Environmental Footprints of Recycled Products (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)
by Subramanian Senthilkannan MuthuRecycling is the need of the hour and it is an inevitable destination at the end of the life of any product. Today, recycling can happen at postindustrial and post-consumer states and the importance of recycled products in the market has gained significant importance. Recycled products dominate the array of sustainable products in today’s context. Even though there are commercial implications for recycling, one of the very important and obvious reasons to go for recycling and to have recycled products is to have the benefits on environmental sustainability. It is highly important to assess the environmental footprints of recycled products and further improve the environmental benefits of such recycled products. This book presents five interesting chapters pertaining to the environmental footprints of various recycled products.
Environmental Forensics Fundamentals: A Practical Guide
by Ioana Gloria PetrisorA Practical Guide to Environmental Crime Scene InvestigationsReleasing contaminants into the environment-whether deliberate or unintentional-can be thought of as a crime against the environment. The role of environmental forensics is to identify and prevent environmental pollution, or crimes. Environmental Forensics Fundamentals: A Practical Guide
Environmental Geoinformatics: Monitoring And Management (Environmental Science And Engineering / Environmental Science Ser.)
by Joseph Awange John KiemaThis second edition includes updated chapters from the first edition as well as five additional new chapters (Light detection and ranging (LiDAR), CORONA historical de-classified products, Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAVs), GNSS-reflectometry and GNSS applications to climate variability), shifting the main focus from monitoring and management to extreme hydro-climatic and food security challenges and exploiting big data. Since the publication of first edition, much has changed in terms of technology, and the demand for geospatial data has increased with the advent of the big data era. For instance, the use of laser scanning has advanced so much that it is unavoidable in most environmental monitoring tasks, whereas unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs)/drones are emerging as efficient tools that address food security issues as well as many other contemporary challenges. Furthermore, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are now responding to challenges posed by climate change by unravelling the impacts of teleconnection (e.g., ENSO) as well as advancing the use of reflected signals (GNSS-reflectometry) to monitor, e.g., soil moisture variations. Indeed all these rely on the explosive use of “big data” in many fields of human endeavour.Moreover, with the ever-increasing global population, intense pressure is being exerted on the Earth’s resources, leading to significant changes in its land cover (e.g., deforestation), diminishing biodiversity and natural habitats, dwindling fresh water supplies, and changing weather and climatic patterns (e.g., global warming, changing sea level). Environmental monitoring techniques that provide information on these are under scrutiny from an increasingly environmentally conscious society that demands the efficient delivery of such information at a minimal cost. Environmental changes vary both spatially and temporally, thereby putting pressure on traditional methods of data acquisition, some of which are highly labour intensive, such as animal tracking for conservation purposes. With these challenges, conventional monitoring techniques, particularly those that record spatial changes call for more sophisticated approaches that deliver the necessary information at an affordable cost. One direction being pursued in the development of such techniques involves environmental geoinformatics, which can act as a stand-alone method or complement traditional methods.
Environmental Geoinformatics
by John B. Kyalo Kiema Joseph L. AwangeThere is no doubt that today, perhaps more than ever before, humanity faces a myriad of complex and demanding challenges. These include natural resource depletion and environmental degradation, food and water insecurity, energy shortages, diminishing biodiversity, increasing losses from natural disasters, and climate change with its associated potentially devastating consequences, such as rising sea levels. These human-induced and natural impacts on the environment need to be well understood in order to develop informed policies, decisions, and remedial measures to mitigate current and future negative impacts. To achieve this, continuous monitoring and management of the environment to acquire data that can be soundly and rigorously analyzed to provide information about its current state and changing patterns, and thereby allow predictions of possible future impacts, are essential. Developing pragmatic and sustainable solutions to address these and many other similar challenges requires the use of geodata and the application of geoinformatics. This book presents the concepts and applications of geoinformatics, a multidisciplinary field that has at its core different technologies that support the acquisition, analysis and visualization of geodata for environmental monitoring and management. We depart from the 4D to the 5D data paradigm, which defines geodata accurately, consistently, rapidly and completely, in order to be useful without any restrictions in space, time or scale to represent a truly global dimension of the digital Earth. The book also features the state-of-the-art discussion of Web-GIS. The concepts and applications of geoinformatics presented in this book will be of benefit to decision-makers across a wide range of fields, including those at environmental agencies, in the emergency services, public health and epidemiology, crime mapping, environmental management agencies, tourist industry, market analysis and e-commerce, or mineral exploration, among many others. The title and subtitle of this textbook convey a distinct message. Monitoring -the passive part in the subtitle - refers to observation and data acquisition, whereas management - the active component - stands for operation and performance. The topic is our environment, which is intimately related to geoinformatics. The overall message is: all the mentioned elements do interact and must not be separated. Hans-Peter B ahr, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.h.c., Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany.
Environmental Geomechanics (Cism International Centre For Mechanical Sciences Ser. #Vol. 417)
by Bernhard Schrefler Pierre DelageThis book covers a range of topics that are of increasing importance in engineering practice: natural hazards, pollution, and environmental protection through good practice. The first half of the book deals with natural risk factors, of both natural and human origin, that should be considered: subsidence, accidental infiltration, soil instability, rockslides and mudslides, debris flow, and degradation of buildings and monuments due to pollution and climactic effects, for example. These problems are highlighted and it is shown that a combination of sophisticated numerical techniques and extensive experimental investigations are necessary in order to effectively tackle these problems. The second half of the book is devoted to the use of polluted sites and associated problems, a topic of growing significance given the increasing reclamation of land from abandoned industrial sites for urban development over the last 20 years. Different types of oil pollution and decontamination methods are described, followed by a discussion of waste management and detailed coverage of confinement liners used in surface waste disposal.
Environmental Geotechnics: Proceedings of 4th International Congress, Rio de Janeiro, August 2002
by A.S.BALASUBRAMANIAM; S.CHANDRA; D.T.BERGADO; PRINYA NUTALAYAThis volume presents proceedings from the first Australian-New Zealand Geoenvironment conference. The conference provides a forum for researchers and practitioners in the region to exchange ideas, share information and discuss the effective management of the geoenvironment.
Environmental Geotechnology: Proceedings of EGRWSE 2018 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #31)
by Arvind Kumar Agnihotri Krishna R. Reddy Ajay BansalThis volume contains selected papers presented during the International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Material and Sustainable Engineering (EGRWSE-2018). The multidisciplinary articles included in this volume cover the fields of environmental management, site characterization, environmental risk assessment, waste disposal, soil and groundwater remediation, habitat protection, and environmental rehabilitation. This volume will be of interest to professionals and researchers working in diverse fields ranging from geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, hydrogeology, earth science, geochemistry, water engineering, and ecology, among others.
Environmental GIS Applications to Industrial Facilities (Mapping Science)
by William DouglasGeographic information system (GIS) computer technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with information. Data, text, drawings, maps, and images contain information that can be accessed and used intuitively through drawings containing graphical representations of the facilities to which they apply, e.g., emission stacks, sampling locations, and sites, to name only a few examples.Environmental GIS technology is being applied with increasing frequency to manage industrial facilities. Environmental GIS describes the application of this information technology. It addresses environmental, safety, and health (ES&H) information management in an integrated manner. The book focuses on dealing with information from an organizational or corporate standpoint, meaning that the needs are not specialized to the ES&H area, but are an inherent part of managing the organization. Environmental, safety, and health information management needs are examined in the context of the overall corporate information flow. This book addresses
Environmental Governance and Greening Fiscal Policy: Government Accountability for Environmental Stewardship (Palgrave Studies in Impact Finance)
by Murray PetrieThis book addresses the increasingly urgent question: How can governments be made more accountable for the quality of their environmental stewardship?It explores:Enhanced national State of the Environment reporting and integration of environmental outcomes in key national indicators.Mainstreaming environmental goals, targets, and risks by integrating them in fiscal policy and the annual budget—a government’s most important policy instrument.Promoting sustainability by progressively exposing and eliminating harmful tax and expenditure policies, putting a price on pollution, and providing environmental public goods.Civil society environmental monitoring.The book combines in-depth assessment of the latest climate/green budgeting literature and country practices with discussion of how to implement green fiscal policies. The framework is deliberately ambitious given the severity, scale, and urgency of climate change and biodiversity loss. The book will be of interest to ministry of finance, budget, and planning officials, to environment sector agencies, oversight institutions, international organizations, civil society organizations, and to academics and students in the fields of environmental studies, development studies, economics, public finance, and public policy.
Environmental Governance, Ecological Remediation and Sustainable Development: Selected Papers from 2023 3rd International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Governance (ICEPG 2023) (Environmental Science and Engineering)
by Mohammed J. K. Bashir Dongfei HanThe book focuses on environmental monitoring, pollution discharge control and management, environmental pollution governance, ecological remediation technology, and environmental sustainability. With the rapid growth of global population and the development of industry and cities, environmental pollution problems are becoming increasingly serious, affecting people's lives and social development. In order to protect the environment and achieve sustainable ecological development, we need to maintain research on environmental pollution governance and ecological remediation. This book aims to promote scientific information interchange between scholars from the top universities, research centers, and high-tech enterprises working all around the world and is a valuable resource for those in both academia and industry.
Environmental Governance of the São Paulo Macrometropolis: Perspectives on Climate Variability (The Urban Book Series)
by Klaus Frey Leandro Luiz Giatti Pedro Henrique Campello Torres Pedro Roberto Jacobi Alexander Turra Célio Bermann Edmilson Dias de Freitas Luciana Travassos Paulo Antônio de Almeida Sinisgalli Sandra Momm Silvia ZaniratoThis book presents a set of chapters produced by six research groups that developed the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Thematic Project Environmental Governance of the São Paulo macrometropolis (SPMM) in the face of Climate Variability (2017–2022). It represents an academic experience based on the articulation of knowledge and interdisciplinary dialogue. For this publication, the individual research groups benefitted from internal expertise and interdisciplinary input, reflecting the collaborative process of the entire team.The SPMM is characterized by the diversity and complementarity of economic, social and environmental functions exercised in its territory, comprising 174 municipalities, with the capital city of São Paulo as its polarizing center. It is structured from a set of five metropolitan regions, two urban agglomerates and one micro-region—not institutionalized—in the State of São Paulo, sheltering around 34 million people who inhabit the richest and economically strongest region in Brazil. The SPMM, one of the urban territorial clusters of greatest expression in the southern hemisphere, is a strategic arena for the formulation and implementation of planning, governance and trans- and multi-scalar regional public policies.The English translation of this book from its Portuguese original manuscript was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision of the content was done by the volume editors.
Environmental Hazards and Disasters
by Bimal Kanti PaulEnvironmental Hazards and Disasters: Contexts, Perspectives and Management focuses on manifested threats to humans and their welfare as a result of natural disasters. The book uses an integrative approach to address socio-cultural, political and physical components of the disaster process. Human and social vulnerability as well as risk to environmental hazards are explored within the comprehensive context of diverse natural hazards and disasters.In addition to scientific explanations of disastrous occurrences, people and governments of hazard-prone countries often have their own interpretations for why natural disasters occur. In such interpretations they often either blame others, in order to conceal their inability to protect themselves, or they blame themselves, attributing the events to either real or imagined misdeeds. The book contains a chapter devoted to the neglected topic of such reactions and explanations. Includes chapters on key topics such as the application of GIS in hazard studies; resiliency; disasters and poverty; climate change and sustainability and development.This book is designed as a primary text for an interdisciplinary course on hazards for upper-level undergraduate and Graduate students. Although not targeted for an introductory hazards course, students in such a course may find it very useful as well. Additionally, emergency managers, planners, and both public and private organizations involved in disaster response, and mitigation could benefit from this book along with hazard researchers. It not only includes traditional and popular hazard topics (e.g., disaster cycles, disaster relief, and risk and vulnerability), it also includes neglected topics, such as the positive impacts of disasters, disaster myths and different accounts of disasters, and disasters and gender.