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Environmental Leadership Capacity Building in Higher Education: Experience and Lessons from Asian Program for Incubation of Environmental Leaders
by Keisuke Hanaki Takashi MinoThe Graduate Program in Sustainability Science under the Department of Urban Engineering of The University of Tokyo has been running an environmental leadership education program at the graduate student level since 2007 called the Asian Program for Incubation of Environmental Leaders (APIEL). This book describes the University's experiences in establishing and organizing that program and provides some lessons learned for those who are considering starting environmental leadership education programs. APIEL's curriculum includes the classroom topic "Environmental Challenges and Leadership in Asia." As well, the APIEL program has field units to provide experience in problem solving, decision making, and participation, taking into consideration ecological, political, economic, social, aesthetic, and ethical aspects. Another characteristic feature of the program is that it promotes changes in attitudes and behavior that will help to solve existing environmental problems and to avoid a generation of new ones. Over the four years of study, efforts have been made to bond leadership with field-oriented exercises such as: 1) The Intensive Program on Sustainability; 2) an integral approach focused on sustainable integrated watershed management of arid regions; 3) sustainable development of programs in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand for qualifying students with problem-solving processes to combat issues such as flooding, lack of proper urban environmental infrastructure, and health risks; and 4) the Greater Pearl River Delta program with multicultural diversity to bring about sustainable urban development for a green city. All of those are described in the book. Last but not least, APIEL's resonance throughout international networks and alumni are introduced.
Environmental Life Cycle Assessment
by null Olivier Jolliet null Myriam Saade-Sbeih null Shanna Shaked null Alexandre Jolliet null Pierre CrettazEnvironmental Life Cycle Assessment is a pivotal guide to identifying environmental problems and reducing related impacts for companies and organizations in need of life cycle assessment (LCA). LCA, a unique sustainability tool, provides a framework that addresses a growing demand for practical technological solutions. Detailing each phase of the LCA methodology, this textbook covers the historical development of LCA, presents the general principles and characteristics of LCA, and outlines the corresponding standards for good practice determined by the International Organization for Standardization. It also explains how to identify the critical aspects of an LCA, provides detailed examples of LCA analysis and applications, and includes illustrated problems and solutions with concrete examples from water management, electronics, packaging, automotive, and other industries.In addition, readers will learn how to: Use consistent criteria to realize and evaluate an LCA independently of individual interests Understand the LCA methodology and become familiar with existing databases and methods based on the latest results of international research Analyze and critique a completed LCA Apply LCA methodology to simple case studies Geared toward graduate and undergraduate students studying environmental science and industrial ecology, as well as practicing environmental engineers, and sustainability professionals who want to teach themselves LCA good practices, Environmental Life Cycle Assessment demonstrates how to conduct environmental assessments for products throughout their life cycles. It presents existing methods and recent developments in the growing field of LCA and systematically covers goal and system definition, life cycle inventory, life cycle impact assessment, and interpretation.
Environmental Life Cycle Costing
by David Hunkeler Kerstin Lichtenvort Gerald RebitzerBalances Scientific and Economic Points of View to Thoroughly Address Management IssuesResponding to the need for clarification and benchmarks, Environmental Life Cycle Costing provides the fundamental basis on which to establish a definitive methodology. Clearly defining environmental LCC, this book balances scientific and econom
Environmental Load Factors and System Strength Evaluation of Offshore Jacket Platforms
by Zafarullah NizamaniThis book presents a study for the determination of environmental load factors for Jacket Platforms in Malaysia and a methodology to determine the life extension of aging platforms. The simplified methods described here could be used for determining not only structural reliability but also safety factors. Its content is particularly interesting to design and maintenance engineers who are working in offshore or onshore industry.
Environmental Management: Revision Guide for the IEMA Associate Membership Exam and NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management
by Adrian BelchamWritten by Adrian Belcham, author of Manual of Environmental Management, this is the essential guide to prepare you for the IEMA Associate Membership Exam and NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management. Through the inclusion of revision tips, exam guidance and self-test questions, this guide will consolidate your understanding of environmental management and help you to prepare for your exam. It provides full coverage for both the IEMA and NEBOSH exams and includes coloured sections to help you to identify the content relevant for each qualification. Small, handy size ideal for on the move Illustrations and tables to improve understanding Written by expert tutor of IEMA and NEBOSH environmental qualifications.
Environmental Management: Environmental Issues, Awareness and Abatement
by Basharat Mushtaq Suhaib A. Bandh Sana ShafiIn the current age of science and technology, our lives have become dominated by countless scientific and technological innovations without which the earth would be a much poorer place. Life as we know would become absolutely bleak and boring without the inventions and advances being made all over the globe. In fact, scientific inventions, discoveries and innovations have ushered in a dramatic revolution in virtually every sphere of life. But at the same time, the skewed use of technology is at loggerheads with the environment. We, and our environment, now face a number of critical challenges and it is in response to this that we wrote this book to raise awareness for environmental issues and related management aspects. With a primary focus on Environmental Management – the rational reconciliation of man and nature, which involves the judicious exploitation and utilization of natural resources without disturbing the ecosystem’s balance – it will thus help to improve the relationship between man and environment. Moreover, it offers a wealth of ready-to-use material for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of Environment and Water Management. The book systematically addresses a range of key aspects, e.g. scientific principles, methods and ideas, as well as life-long learning skills for students. Further, it provides a solid foundation for applying scientific approaches to environmental problems.
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development: Case Studies and Solutions from Malaysia
by Mohd Armi Abu Samah Mohd Khairul Amri KamarudinThis volume provides case studies conducted in Malaysia based on environmental management and the sustainable development of human and ecological systems. The first chapter discusses awareness studies in environmental management in Terengganu, Malaysia. The second chapter is about human health risk assessment of heavy metals exposure due to freshwater fish ingestion from Sungai Kuantan, Malaysia. The third chapter discusses nickel and cadmium pollution in freshwater fishes in Kuantan River and Riau River. Chapter four discusses tourism sustainability. Chapters five and six provide an overview on particulate matter emissions at construction sites, and municipal solid waste (MSW) management approaches. In chapter seven, the book provides a general overview on cellulose and cellulose nanocrystals extraction. Finally, chapters eight and nine discuss legal measures for wildlife protection in Malaysia, and how improved environmental management practices are needed to achieve this. The book is intended for environmental managers, wildlife organizations, and students and researchers studying sustainable development, waste management, and corporate impacts on the environment.
Environmental Management Handbook: Toxic Chemical Materials and Wastes
by Leopold C. Kokoszka Jared W. FloodThis Handbook bridges the gap between toxic handling and disposal regulations and actual practise, gathering into one convenient source up-to-date topical reviews of the subject. Explores scientific and regulatory issues within the framework of a program for the management of toxic substances. Covers all major elements of toxic handling and treatment/disposal. Includes listings of government agency contacts, hotline, reporting, and regulated toxics. Intended for environmental engineers, consultants and programme managers; safety, pollution, civil and chemical engineers; federal, state and city regulations personnel, and upper level undergraduate students in environmental science, engineering and technology courses.
Environmental Management in China: Policies and Institutions
by Jing Wu I-Shin ChangThis book details various stages in the introduction, establishment and evolution of China’s environmental management system. By combining a literature review, comparative analysis, and case study, it investigates the environmental management system in several key periods in order to systematically assess the necessary measures and appropriate adjustments the Chinese Government implemented to reconcile the growing conflicts between economic development and resources conservation, in the context of rapid economic growth and economic transformation. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable resource for experts, scholars, and government officials in related fields.
Environmental Management in Construction: A Quantitative Approach
by Heng Li Zhen ChenDemands on the construction industry are changing, and it is now virtually essential for environmental management to be considered at all stages of a project. Many construction managers are finding a quantitative approach useful, and this book outlines four quantitative methods which can be applied at different construction stages, and which fit within a comprehensive framework of dynamic Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). These include: a method to quantitatively evaluate and reduce pollution and hazards levels a method to evaluate the environmental-consciousness of proposed construction plans a method to reduce on-site construction wastes through an incentive reward programme a method to promote C and D waste exchange in the local construction industry. With an experimental case study of the application of these methods, this book delivers a comprehensive review of environmental management issues in construction. With regulatory requirements potentially favouring the quantitative approach, this timely guide ensures that contractors will be able to keep pace with environmental management standards.
Environmental Management in India: Waste to Wealth
by Shalini Yadav Abdelazim M. Negm Ram Narayan YadavaThis book presents unique connectivity between waste management within the agenda 2030 of India. This book is the first publication presenting up-to-date work and knowledge about waste management and waste technologies to transfer waste to wealth in India. Besides, this book also presents the role of waste management and its contribution to achieving a sustainable development program in India, with vast implication worldwide. The main focuses of the book include waste and wealth and the associated technologies, recycling of solid waste, utilization of hazardous waste, use of nanoparticle in waste management, urban solid waste, generation of energy from organic waste, clean technologies, and use of waste in agriculture. The book is a unique source of information on the transformation of waste to wealth in India. This book is of interest to research communities in the field of waste management in India, and in similar socioeconomic countries, but also, due to the planetary implications, has global interest.
Environmental Management in Mega Construction Projects
by Jianming YangThis book discusses environmental management and construction management approaches to the environmental problems that can emerge in construction projects. It sets a brand new standard for environmental management in mega construction projects in China and helps all construction project stakeholders establish a more compliant and efficient environmental management system. The authors systematically explore management systems and team management, offering managerial methods and tips based on international and Chinese practices. Outlining all the environmental challenges that can arise during construction, it is a valuable resource for company owners, construction contractors, and construction management consultants and companies. It also offers useful insights for engineers, project managers and project executives.
Environmental Management in the Tropics: An Historical Perspective
by Randall BakerThe arrival of western science and economic interests to the tropics has dramatically changed the tropical environment and its ecology. Environmental Management in the Tropics discusses the ecology of the tropics and examines how it is different from the temperate zone where western science evolved. The author discusses how native people traditionally subsisted in different ecological zones of the tropics and how they rationalized their relationship. The author also takes a critical look at the impact of colonialism in the tropics and how it changed traditional cultures and their relationship with the environment. The current clash between economics and ecology in the tropics is explored in depth. According to the author, we are now able to draw "a line in the sand" and illustrate the consequences of continuing current practices. Environmental Management in the Tropics shows how this situation developed and discusses how the two opposing concepts must be brought back into harmony. The book is one of the few studies to take a truly interdisciplinary approach combining the serious inevitabilities of natural science with the variables of history, culture, politics, and economics. It gives us a new respect for the past and tradition of the tropics and clearly spells out why dramatic changes must occur to prevent further degradation of the tropical environment.Environmental Management in the Tropics is an important reference for ecologists, conservationists, scientists, researchers, environmental consultants, land managers and developers, members of the world regulatory community, and anyone working on projects in tropical regions.
Environmental Management: Issues and Concerns in Developing Countries
by Pradip K. SikdarThis book deals with issues and concerns for the human environment in the developing countries incorporating natural processes and systems, pollution removal technology, energy conservation, environmental impact assessment process, economics, culture, political structure and societal equity from a management point of view. Solutions to the emerging problems of the environment need a paradigmatic shift in approach from a process based model to a socio-political-economic model. Hence environmental management should involve equality and control over use of the finite natural resources and the balance between Earth’s biocapacity and humanity’s ecological footprint. Changes such as green technologies, human population stabilization and adoption of ecologically harmonious lifestyles are absolutely essential and will require redesigning of political institutions, policies and revisiting forgotten skills of sustainable practices of environmental management. These challenges should centre on environment governance using the concepts of common property, equity and security.This book is relevant for academics, professionals, administrators and policy makers who are concerned with various aspects of environment management and governance.
Environmental Management of Air, Water, Agriculture, and Energy
by Ahmad Vasel-Be-Hagh David S.K. TingEnvironmental Management of Air, Water, Agriculture, and Energy brings together the most current state of knowledge on four major elements for sustaining life on planet Earth: air, water, food, and energy. It examines how green technology aids in mitigating the global water, energy, and climate change crises, including the use of electrostatic force and green infrastructure. The concepts of underwater vegetation and aquatic cultivation, as well as vertical farms, are presented to spark discussion on emerging water-energy-food nexus lessons, experiences, and opportunities. This book takes a comprehensive global-scale approach to examining potential future environmental scenarios and outcomes. Features: Analyzes the most recent research findings in each of the areas covered Synthesizes the state-of-the-art understanding Recommends ways to strive forward and to shape future research Serves as an educational tool for educators and students Supported by detailed examples and case studies, this book serves not only as an up-to-date source of information for environmental experts and researchers in the field, but also as an educational tool for relevant undergraduate and graduate courses. It is also suitable for industry professionals concerned with preserving planet Earth for generations to come.
Environmental Management of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
by Frank R. Spellman Nancy E. WhitingClean and environmentally sound disposal of animal waste in the quantities that Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) produce can only be described as a challenge. Designed to provide practical information, Environmental Management of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) covers the concepts and practices involved in the operation
Environmental Management of Energy from Biofuels and Biofeedstocks
by James G. Speight Kamel SinghBiomass is a renewable resource, whose utilization has received great attention due to environmental considerations and the increasing demands of energy worldwide. Since the energy crises of the 1970s, many countries have become interested in biomass as a fuel source to expand the development of domestic and renewable energy sources, reduce the environmental impacts of energy production provide rural prosperity for its poor farmers and bolster a flat agricultural sector. Biomass energy (bioenergy) can be an important alternative in the future and a more sustainable energy. In fact, for large portions of the rural populations of developing countries, and for the poorest sections of urban populations, biomass is often the only available and affordable source of energy for satisfying basic needs as cooking and heating. The focus of this book is to present a historical overview, country perspectives, the use of biomass to produce biofuels, the current and upcoming sources of biofuels, technologies and processes for biofuel production, the various types of biofuels and, specifically, the ways and means to make biofuel production sustainable, economically feasible, minimize environmental damage and to deliver on its many promises.The Energy and Environment book series from Scrivener Publishing and series editor, James G. Speight, aims to cover the environmental impacts and social concerns of energy production in its various forms. This first volume in the Energy and the Environment series offers a comprehensive coverage of one of the fastest-growing and most important sources of energy, biofuels. Future volumes will cover oil and gas, wind and solar energy, and their environmental aspects.
Environmental Management Plans Demystified: A Guide to ISO14001
by Stephen TinsleyThe development of an environmental management plan is an essential business activity that helps organise, direct and control operational activities, and plan for future environmental risk. Once created, an environmental management plan is an ongoing asset that requires regular updating and enables benchmarking against company targets and competitors. Environmental Management Plans Demystified takes you step-by-step through the process and procedures required to implement a successful plan. Its clear, accessible style allows you to achieve ISO 14001 compliance with the minimum of effort. Examples of standard documentation, case studies, flowcharts, and checklists are included, as well as useful hints to avoid resource-wasting pitfalls. If you want to install a successful environmental management plan that will minimise environmental risk and create a competitive advantage for your company, this book is an essential practical guide for both the absolute beginner and the experienced practitioner.
Environmental Management Revision Guide: For the NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management
by Jonathan BackhouseThe Environmental Management Revision Guide: For the NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management is the perfect revision aid for students preparing to take their NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management. As well as being a handy companion volume to Brian Waters’ NEBOSH-endorsed textbook Introduction to Environmental Management, it will also serve as a useful aide-memoire for those in environmental management roles. The book aims to: Provide practical revision guidance and strategies for students Highlight the key information for each learning outcome of the current NEBOSH syllabus Give students opportunities to test their knowledge based on NEBOSH style questions and additional exercises Provide details of guidance documents publically available that students will be able to refer to. The revision guide is fully aligned to the current NEBOSH syllabus, providing complete coverage in bite-sized chunks, helping students to learn and memorise the most important topics. Throughout the book, the guide refers back to the Introduction to Environmental Management, helping students to consolidate their learning.
Environmental Management System ISO 14001: Handbook of Transition with CD-ROM
by null Syed HaiderEnvironmental Management System ISO 14001:2004 provides the information and practical know-how required to facilitate a smooth adoption and incorporation of the latest revisions and enhancements put forth by the International Organization for Standardization. This unique work shows how to adopt or transition to the documentation procedures required
Environmental Management Systems
by B. MarguglioThis book discusses the features of the environmental policies and procedures that should exist at the plant level and thus helps utility, petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, and other manufacturing industries benefit technically and economically by implementing these feature.
Environmental Management Tools on the Internet: Accessing the World of Environmental Information
by Michael KatzThis book provides general information about what is on the Internet and how to access it. It shows how o get environmental information off of the Internet. The book covers the database services that are available on the Internet that charge fees.
Environmental Management towards Sustainability
by Prasad ModakThis book is about understanding challenges in managing our environment and ensuring sustainability of this planet. It presents the critical state of our resources and threats to resource security due to overconsumption, pollution and poor and uneven governance. Role of key stakeholders such as the Government, Financing Institutions, Business and Communities is important. These stakeholders need to collaborate at multiple levels – viz. Local, Regional, National and Global. Chapters are devoted to describing the role of the above stakeholders with numerous case studies. The book can serve as a textbook to academia, a reference for policy makers and planners and a resource for conducting continuing education programs for the professionals to introduce both the concepts and practice experience on sustainability.
Environmental Methods for Transport Noise Reduction
by Mats E. Nilsson Jörgen Bengtsson Ronny KlæboePresents Evidence-Based Guidance on Noise Abatement MethodsSolutions for reducing the noise impact of road and rail traffic can be found in the use of natural elements in combination with artificial elements in urban and rural environments. Ground and road surface treatments; trees, forests, and tall vegetation; and the greening of buildings and ot
Environmental Microbiology
by Walter Reineke Michael SchlömannThis textbook addresses global and local environmental problems and the involvement of microorganisms in their development and remediation. In particular, methodological aspects, some of them molecular genetic, for the study of microbial communities are considered. Overall, the prominent role of microorganisms in various material cycles is presented. In addition to biochemical principles for the degradation of environmental pollutants, the use of microorganisms in environmental biotechnological processes for the purification of air, water or soil as well as in environmentally friendly production processes is discussed. The book is intended for biologists with an interest in environmental microbiological issues, but also for students of process or environmental engineering, geoecology or geology, as well as students of other environmental science disciplines. For the 3rd edition, the authors have completely revised, corrected, updated and supplemented the book.