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Showing 22,951 through 22,975 of 71,589 results

Environmental Sustainability in Transatlantic Perspective: A Multidisciplinary Approach

by Manuela Achilles Dana Elzey

Experts from business, academia, governmental agencies and non-profit think tanks to form a transnational and multi-disciplinary perspectives on the combined challenges of environmental sustainability and energy security in the United States and Germany.

Environmental Sustainability Issues in the South Texas–Mexico Border Region

by Harriet Lamm Jianhong Ren David Ramirez Kim D. Jones

Environmental sustainability issues in a fragile, semi-arid region and its coastal area, which experience climate changes from extreme drought conditions to the effects of hurricanes over a period of weeks to years, provide specific challenges for the ecosystems and the populations existing within the region. The research presented focuses on the problems and some solutions specific to the South Texas-Mexico border region, on both sides of the Rio Grande, focusing on water and air pollution.

Environmental Sustainability Using Green Technologies

by V. Sivasubramanian

Environmental Sustainability Using Green Technologies explains the role of green engineering and social responsibility in the development of chemicals, processes, products, and systems. Examining the relationship between economy, ecology, and equality—key factors in developing a sustainable society—this book covers several aspects of environmental sustainability, explores ways to use resources and processes more responsibly, and describes the tools required to overcome various challenges. It outlines the biotechnological applications, techniques, and processes needed to secure sustainable development and ensure long-lasting future success. Insightful and highly comprehensive, this body of work addresses: Wastewater treatment technologies Nanomaterials in environmental applications Green synthesis of ecofriendly nanoparticles The role of phytoremediation in maintaining environmental sustainability Algal biosorption of heavy metals Mass production of microalgae for industrial applications Integrated biological system for the treatment of sulfate rich wastewater Anaerobic digestion of pharmaceutical effluent Treatment of textile dye using bioaccumulation techniques Production of biosurfactants and their applications in bioremediation Biodegradable polymers Microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology Biodiesel from nonedible oil using a packed bed membrane reactor Production of ecofriendly biodiesel from marine sources Pretreatment techniques for the enhancement of biogas production A review of source apportionment of air pollutants by receptor models and more Environmental Sustainability Using Green Technologies provides excellent reference material that aids and supports sustainability, and offers practical guidance for professors, research scholars, industrialists, biotechnologists, and workers in the applied field of environmental engineering.

Environmental Systems Analysis with MATLAB®

by Stefano Marsili-Libelli

Explore the inner workings of environmental processes using a mathematical approach. Environmental Systems Analysis with MATLAB® combines environmental science concepts and system theory with numerical techniques to provide a better understanding of how our environment works. The book focuses on building mathematical models of environmental systems, and using these models to analyze their behaviors. Designed with the environmental professional in mind, it offers a practical introduction to developing the skills required for managing environmental modeling and data handling. The book follows a logical sequence from the basic steps of model building and data analysis to implementing these concepts into working computer codes, and then on to assessing their results. It describes data processing (rarely considered in environmental analysis); outlines the tools needed to successfully analyze data and develop models, and moves on to real-world problems. The author illustrates in the first four chapters the methodological aspects of environmental systems analysis, and in subsequent chapters applies them to specific environmental concerns. The accompanying software bundle is freely downloadable from the book web site. It follows the chapters sequence and provides a hands-on experience, allowing the reader to reproduce the figures in the text and experiment by varying the problem setting. A basic MATLAB literacy is required to get the most out of the software. Ideal for coursework and self-study, this offering: Deals with the basic concepts of environmental modeling and identification, both from the mechanistic and the data-driven viewpoint Provides a unifying methodological approach to deal with specific aspects of environmental modeling: population dynamics, flow systems, and environmental microbiology Assesses the similarities and the differences of microbial processes in natural and man-made environments Analyzes several aquatic ecosystems’ case studies Presents an application of an extended Streeter & Phelps (S&P) model Describes an ecological method to estimate the bioavailable nutrients in natural waters Considers a lagoon ecosystem from several viewpoints, including modeling and management, and more

Environmental Systems Studies

by Hidefumi Imura

The environmental field is deep and wide. In the flood of information, how can people understand the underlying causes of what they hear about the environment from newspapers and television? This book was originally published in Japanese, with the aim of providing basic information about the ideas and methods to see and understand the interconnection between nature and human activities from a systematic point of view. The author subsequently prepared an English version of the same material for use as a textbook for the Global Environmental Leaders Program at Nagoya University, where he taught many students from Asia and Europe. The book covers diverse environmental issues such as climatic change, biodiversity preservation, energy conservation, and resource recycling. Readers can learn common methods of analysis and thinking to identify the core essence of economic and ecological interdependence, to look at problems from an overarching perspective, and to consider countermeasures to be taken.

Environmental Technology and Innovations: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Environmental Technology and Innovations (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 23-25 November 2016)

by Vladimír Kočí, Tomáš Ruml, Phan Dao & Pham Anh Duc

This book covers a wide range of topics within enviromental engineering and technologies including: • General environmental engineering• Clean energy and sustainability• Water and wastewater management• Public health and environment. The application areas range from emerging pollutants of air, soil and water environment, remediation technologies, clean energy and sustainability of biofuels, waste to energy, water and wastewater management, public health and the environment, quality and safety of food production to environmental planning and management and policies for cities and regions. The papers cover both theory and applications, and are focused on a wide range of sectors and problem areas. Integral demonstrations of the use of reliability and environmental engineering are provided in many practical applications concerning major technological approaches. Environmental Technology and Innovations will be of interest to academics and professionals working in a wide range of industrial, governmental and academic sectors, including water and waste management, energy generation, fuel production and use, protection of natural heritage, industrial ecology, man health protection and policy making.

Environmental Technology Handbook: 2nd Edition (Applied Energy Technology Ser.)

by James G Speight

Historically, the development of civilization has upset much of the earth’s ecosystem leading to air, land, and water pollution. The author defines pollution as the introduction of a foreign substance into an ecosystem via air, land or water. This book delves into issues that effect the everyday lives of people who come in contact with these hazards. By examining these issues, this body of work aims to stimulate debate and offer solutions to the ever-growing threat to the environment and humanity. Includes problems with each chapter, Explores issues such as control of gaseous emissions, waste recycling and waste disposal, Explains physical and thermal methods of waste management, Provides definitions and resources for future reference, Discusses the history of environmental technology.

Environmental Technology in the Oil Industry

by Stefan Orszulik

This significantly updated edition looks at each stage in the life cycle of petroleum products, from exploration to end use, examining the environmental pressures on the oil industry and its response. Technical developments are progressing in line with environmental concerns and increasing sophistication of computer modelling techniques. These subjects are interrelated, but have often been dealt with independently. This book explores these topics together in a way that is understandable to the non-expert, and those who are expert in one field, but wish to see their expertise discussed in the overall context. Written primarily for those working in the oil and related industries, this book also provides essential reference material for government and research institutions and all those with an interest in environmental technological issues.

Environmental Technology Resources Handbook

by null Daniel W. Gottlieb

This handbook guides the user to hundreds of technologies, practices, partnership opportunities, and funding resources. Presented in non-technical language, it covers hundreds of publicly available resources for pollution prevention, control, remediation, and assessment. Environmental Technology Resources Handbook will help you:

Environmental Toxicity of Nanomaterials

by Vineet Kumar Nandita Dasgupta Shivendu Ranjan

Environmental Toxicity of Nanomaterials focuses on causes and prevention of environmental toxicity induced by various nanomaterials. In sixteen chapters it describes the basic principles, trends, challenges, and future directions of nanoecotoxicity. The future acceptance of nanomaterials in various industries depends on the impacts of nanomaterials on the environment and ecosystem. This book analyzes the safe utilization of nanotechnology so the tremendous prospect of nanotechnology can be achieved without harming either living beings or the environment. Environmental Toxicity of Nanomaterials introduces nanoecotoxicity, describes various factors affecting the toxicity of nanomaterials, discusses various factors that can impart nanoecotoxicity, reviews various studies in the area of nanoecotoxicity evaluation, and describes the safety and risk assessment of nanomaterials. In addition, the book discusses strategies for mitigating nanoecotoxicity. Lastly, the authors provide guidelines and protocols for nanotoxicity evaluation and discuss regulations for safety assessment of nanomaterials. In addition to environmental toxicologists, this book is aimed at policy makers, industry personnel, and doctoral and postdoctoral scholars.

Environmental Toxicology

by J. Rose

Because our chemical environment affects our physical and mental well-being, it is a matter of increasing concern and is therefore attracting much research effort. This timely collection of essays highlights current developments in the field of environmental toxicology. Chapters analyze the carcinogenic, mutagenic, genotoxic, and neurotoxic effects

Environmental Toxicology: Biological and Health Effects of Pollutants, Third Edition

by Ming-Ho Yu Humio Tsunoda Masashi Tsunoda

Human survival depends on the availability of clean air, water, and food and on the welfare of plants and animals. However, anthropogenic and naturally occurring chemicals can cause adverse effects on living organisms and ecological processes. Environmental Toxicology: Biological and Health Effects of Pollutants, Third Edition presents fundamental

Environmental Toxicology and Ecosystem

by Ashutosh Kumar

This book covers varied aspects of environmental contaminants and their effect on the living organisms. It addresses the basics of ecotoxicity assessment, interaction of the abiotic or biotic factors with the novel chemical entities, and the fate of the natural organic matter upon interaction with new chemical entities. It further includes models for ecotoxicity studies and high-throughput approaches including OMICS. It provides an overview of the ecological risk assessment, regulatory toxicology guidelines, and possible roadmaps for protection of environmental health. Features: Discusses environmental toxicology facets and their effects on the ecosystem. Provides an introduction of environmental toxicology keeping in view the paradigm shift on entry of novel materials in the environment. Includes bioavailability, bioconcentration, and biomagnification of trophic transfer of pollutants. Covers high-throughput approaches for ecotoxicity assessment. Explores roadmaps for environmental protection and sustainable development. This book is geared toward graduate students and researchers in Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Toxicology, and Ecology.

Environmental Tracking for Public Health Surveillance (ISPRS Book Series)

by Stanley A. Morain Amelia M. Budge

Satellite imagery and data are widely used in public health surveillance to provide early warning of disease outbreaks and for averting pandemics. Convergence of these technologies began in the 1970s and has gained wide acceptance in the 21st Century.Environmental Tracking for Public Health Surveillance focuses on the expanding use of satellite sen

Environmental Transport Phenomena (ISSN)

by A. Eduardo Saez James C. Baygents

This book offers a detailed yet accessible introduction to transport phenomena. It begins by explaining the underlying principles and mechanisms that govern mass transport, and continues by tackling practical problems spanning all subdisciplines of environmental science and chemical engineering. Assuming some knowledge of ordinary differential equations and a familiarity with basic fluid mechanics applications, this classroom-tested text addresses mass conservation and macroscopic mass balances, placing a special emphasis on applications to environmental processes and presenting a mathematical framework for formulating and solving transport phenomena problems.

Environmental Treatment Technologies for Municipal, Industrial and Medical Wastes: Remedial Scope and Efficacy

by Subijoy Dutta

Environmental Treatment Technologies for Municipal, Industrial and Medical Wastes will provide the reader with a simple and clear path to analyze the full range of options to manage/treat any solid, hazardous, or medical waste problems/issues at hand. This book aims to disseminate information on available remediation treatment technologies to developing and developed countries. It also includes adequate information on all available treatment technologies for different types and categories of waste (hazardous, non-hazardous municipal solid waste, and medical waste). The technologies are grouped into the following categories: Containment technology; Soil washing; Thermal treatment; Vapor extraction; Bioremediation including Phytoremediation; Plasma/Incineration; Other Physical/Chemical treatments. It enlightens the effect of emissions during remediation activities on climate change and suggests measures to identify and control such emissions. It also covers the application of remote sensing technologies with examples and the impending issues of proper disinfection and disposal of COVID-19 related waste pertaining to the current pandemic. It is intended for almost anyone — ranging from college students and early career professionals interested in environmental pollution control, to graduate students, researchers and experienced professionals. This book will: cover several recent developments on various treatment technologies, including in situ applications and their emission/migration control methods including remote sensing technologies; deal with municipal solid waste, their treatment/disposal methods, recycling, and reuse in addition to the hazardous and medical waste management program; assist civil/environmental engineering students and local community organizations in evaluating the impact of an industry and its associated waste produced on-site; and cover how best to treat/manage the waste to arrive at a safe operation without impacting human health and the local environment.

Environmental Vibrations: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Vibrations, Okayama, Japan, September 20-22, 2005

by Hirokazu Takemiya

Globally there is much interest in environmental vibrations, as caused by all forms of traffic, by construction activities and factory operations, and by other man-made sources. The focus is on prediction, control and mitigation to benefit our quality of life, and also to improve the operation of sensitive machines in high-tech production. The Japanese Geotechnical Society, the Architectural Institute of Japan, the Japanese Society of Civil Engineering and the Chinese Society for Vibration Engineering came together to organise this International Symposium on Environmental Vibrations at Okayama University, from September 20th to September 22nd, 2005. This book contains the proceedings of this meeting, recording the international exchange of experience, knowledge and research presented at the conference. Both invited and submitted papers are included, written by eminent academic professionals and engineering specialists. It includes topical areas of environmental vibrations, as well as referring to expertise and practices in related fields, these include: wave propagation in soils; soil dynamics; soil-structure dynamic interaction; field measurement of environmental vibration; monitoring of environmental vibrations; development of vibration mitigation measures; evaluation of environmental vibrations; effects of vibration on human perception; effects of vibration on high-precision machines. Both the research community and professionals in the field of environmental vibrations will find this an excellent resource.

Environmental Waste Management

by Ram Chandra

Rapid industrialization has resulted in the generation of huge quantities of hazardous waste, both solid and liquid. Despite regulatory guidelines and pollution control measures, industrial waste is being dumped on land and discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment. This gross misconduct creates serious environmental and public health

Environmental Water Footprints: Agricultural and Consumer Products (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)

by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

This book uses case studies to highlight the environmental water footprints in the agricultural and livestock farming sector, and those of consumer products. Water conservation is a major element of every industry’s sustainability strategy.

Environmental Water Footprints: Concepts And Case Studies From The Food Sector (Environmental Footprints And Eco-design Of Products And Processes)

by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

This book discusses the concept of water footprint and corporate water footprint, presenting case studies on a thermal power plant in India and on the food sector. Water conservation is a key element of industrial sustainability strategies.

Environmental Xenobiotics

by Mervyn Richardson

The effects of man-made substances (xenobiotics) on the natural environment are described in this volume. It explains why these effects need to be understood, monitored and curtailed, especially in developing countries.

Environmentally-Benign Energy Solutions (Green Energy and Technology)

by Ibrahim Dincer Can Ozgur Colpan Mehmet Akif Ezan

This book provides high-quality research results and proposes future priorities for more sustainable development and energy security. It covers a broad range of topics on atmospheric changes, climate change impacts, climate change modeling and simulations, energy and environment policies, energy resources and conversion technologies, renewables, emission reduction and abatement, waste management, ecosystems and biodiversity, and sustainable development. Gathering selected papers from the 7th Global Conference on Global Warming (GCGW2018), held in Izmir, Turkey on June 24–28, 2018, it: Offers comprehensive coverage of the development of systems taking into account climate change, renewables, waste management, chemical aspects, energy and environmental issues, along with recent developments and cutting-edge information Highlights recent advances in the area of energy and environment, and the debate on and shaping of future directions and priorities for a better environment, sustainable development and energy security Provides a number of practical applications and case studies Is written in an easy-to-follow style, moving from the basics to advanced systems. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable resource for readers in academia and industry alike, and can be used at the graduate level or as a reference text for professors, researchers and engineers.

Environmentally Benign Machining (Advanced Materials Processing and Manufacturing)

by Sunil Pathak Şenol Bayraktar

This book provides essential information on environmentally benign/sustainable machining processes including innovations and developments in conventional machining, considering economy, safety, and productivity. Developments in machine tools, recent research on green lubricants and lubrication techniques, process hybridization, and the role of optimization techniques are discussed. Green machining of difficult-to-machine materials and composites is also explained with attempts towards making electric discharge and electrochemical machining technologies.Features: Covers up to date and latest information on environmentally benign machining technologies. Includes current approaches regarding the machinability properties of biomaterials, smart materials, and difficult-to-cut materials. Reviews theoretical understanding and practical aspects of using different technological approaches to attain sustainability in machining. Includes sustainability aspects for both conventional and modern machining. Aids industrial users in the optimum selection of machining parameters with regard to sustainability. This book is aimed at researchers and professionals in manufacturing and mechanical engineering, and sustainable processes.

Environmentally Benign Photocatalysts

by Masakazu Anpo Prashant V. Kamat

Titanium oxide-based catalysts are especially promising as one of the most stable, non toxic, easily available photofunctional materials known today. Previously, the successful development of second-generation titanium oxide photocatalysts using an advanced metal ion-implantation technique led to reactions that could be induced not only with UV but also visible light. Since then, not only has efficiency been improved but new materials and synthesis methods have also been developed. This book will cover the various approaches in the design of efficient titanium oxide-based photocatalysts by such methods as sol-gel, precipitation, dip-coating, metal implantation and sputtering deposition. It will cover the most recent advances in TiO2 research and their potential applications as well as detailed and fundamental characterization studies on the active sites and mechanisms behind the reactions at the molecular level. The book should serve not only as a text for research into photochemistry and photocatalysis but also to inspire more applications into environmentally-harmonious technologies.

Environmentally Degradable Materials based on Multicomponent Polymeric Systems

by null Cornelia Vasile

Environmentally Degradable Materials (EDPs) should replace petroleum-based plastics where recycling is not viable for logistic or labor cost reason. This book discusses the general background of obtaining such systems, compatibilization methodologies, control of the rate of degradation and final products after degradation, life time assessment, tox

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