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Showing 23,026 through 23,050 of 71,598 results

Epigenetics in Crop Improvement: Safeguarding Food Security in an Ever-Changing Climate

by Luis María Vaschetto

Epigenetics encompasses all changes in gene expression that occur without alterations to the DNA sequence. These modifications involve DNA methylation, histone modifications, and ncRNA pathways. Plants have evolved remarkable resilience to environmental challenges mediated by epigenetic modifications rather than genetic variation. Epigenetic variation provides a means for designing crop varieties with enhanced resilience to abiotic stresses, such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures. By understanding how epigenetic information systems interact among them and with other canonical genetic pathways, we can develop crops better equipped to withstand the challenges of climate change, ultimately contributing to global food security. Epigenetics in Crop Improvement: Safeguarding Food Security in an Ever-Changing Climate is primarily a comprehensive guide that explores the role of epigenetics in plant growth, development, and adaptation. This book also offers a valuable resource for anyone looking to investigate and develop innovative strategies for enhancing crop resilience and productivity in the face of climate change.

Epigenetics in Plants of Agronomic Importance: Fundamentals and Applications

by Raúl Alvarez-Venegas Clelia De la Peña Juan Armando Casas-Mollano

Over the past decades, chromatin remodelling has emerged as an important regulator of gene expression and plant defense. This book provides a detailed understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms involved in plants of agronomic importance. The information presented here is significant because it is expected to provide the knowledge needed to develop in the future treatments to manipulate and selectively activate/inhibit proteins and metabolic pathways to counter pathogens, to treat important diseases and to increase crop productivity. New approaches of this kind and the development of new technologies will certainly increase our knowledge of currently known post-translational modifications and facilitate the understanding of their roles in, for example, host-pathogen interactions and crop productivity. Furthermore, we provide important insight on how the plant epigenome changes in response to developmental or environmental stimuli, how chromatin modifications are established and maintained, to which degree they are used throughout the genome, and how chromatin modifications influence each another.

Epigenetics in Plants of Agronomic Importance: Transcriptional Regulation and Chromatin Remodelling in Plants

by Raúl Alvarez-Venegas Clelia De-la-Peña Juan Armando Casas-Mollano

Over the past few decades, chromatin modulation has emerged as an important regulator of gene expression. This second edition provides detailed information on the epigenetic mechanisms in plants, illustrating the value of this research in plants of agronomic importance. It examines recent advances regarding plants’ epigenetic regulation in response to abiotic and biotic types of stress; the epigenetic basis of plant immunity; evolution and functions of plant histones; epigenetic variation and plant breeding; and epigenome editing and crop improvement. The content is intended to promote the development of future biotechnologies to manipulate and selectively activate/inhibit proteins and metabolic pathways to counter pathogens, to treat important diseases, and to increase crop productivity. The development of new fields, like epigenome editing and RNA epigenetics, will certainly improve our understanding of currently known epigenetic modifications and their roles in e.g. host-pathogen interactions, crop productivity, and in response to environmental stimuli. This volume contains twelve new/revised chapters, written by an international team of experts on plant epigenetics, and addresses the needs of researchers and professionals in the fields of agronomics, crop breeding, epigenetics, plant biochemistry, plant developmental biology, and related disciplines.

Epilepsy: The Intersection of Neurosciences, Biology, Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics

by Ivan Osorio Hitten P. Zaveri Mark G. Frei Susan Arthurs

Epilepsy, one of the most prevalent neurological disorders, affects approximately 1% (greater than 60 million) of the world's population. In an estimated 20 million of these patients, seizures are not controlled even by multiple anti-seizure drugs, and are extremely difficult to predict. Epilepsy: The Intersection of Neurosciences, Biology, Mathema

Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Electroencephalogram Signals

by Ratnaprabha Ravindra Borhade Vinayak K. Bairagi Manoj S. Nagmode Ravindra Honaji Borhade

This book presents an innovative method of EEG-based feature extraction and classification of seizures using EEG signals. It describes the methodology required for EEG analysis, seizure detection, seizure prediction, and seizure classification. It contains a compilation of techniques described in the literature and emphasizes newly proposed techniques. The book includes a brief discussion of existing methods for epileptic seizure diagnosis and prediction and introduces new efficient methods specifically for seizure prediction. Focuses on the mathematical models and machine learning algorithms from a perspective of clinical deployment of EEG-based epileptic seizure prediction Discusses recent trends in seizure detection, prediction, and classification methodologies Provides engineering solutions to severity or risk analysis of detected seizures at remote places Presents wearable solutions to seizure prediction Includes details of the use of deep learning for epileptic seizure prediction using EEG This book acts as a reference for academicians and professionals who are working in the field of computational biomedical engineering and are interested in the domain of EEG-based disease prediction.

Epileptic Seizures and the EEG: Measurement, Models, Detection and Prediction

by Mark Cook Andrea Varsavsky Iven Mareels

A study of epilepsy from an engineering perspective, this volume begins by summarizing the physiology and the fundamental ideas behind the measurement, analysis and modeling of the epileptic brain. It introduces the EEG and provides an explanation of the type of brain activity likely to register in EEG measurements, offering an overview of how these EEG records are and have been analyzed in the past. The book focuses on the problem of seizure detection and surveys the physiologically based dynamic models of brain activity. Finally, it addresses the fundamental question: can seizures be predicted? Based on the authors' extensive research, the book concludes by exploring a range of future possibilities in seizure prediction.

Epistemic Situation Calculus Based on Granular Computing: A New Approach to Common-Sense Reasoning (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #239)

by Seiki Akama Yotaro Nakayama Tetsuya Murai

This book approaches to the subject of common-sense reasoning in AI using epistemic situation calculus which integrates the ideas of situation calculus and epistemic logic. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the research area of science and engineering for intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is very important to deal with common-sense reasoning in knowledge-based systems. If we employ a logic-based framework, classical logic is not suited for the purpose of describing common-sense reasoning. It is well known that there are several difficulties with logic-based approaches, e.g., the so-called Fame Problem. We try to formalize common-sense reasoning in the context of granular computing based on rough set theory. The book is intended for those, like experts and students, who wish to get involved in the field as a monograph or a textbook for the subject. We assume that the reader has mastered the material ordinarily covered in AI and mathematical logic

The Epistemological Development of Education: Considering Bourdieu, Foucault and Dewey

by Andrew Skourdoumbis Scott Webster

This book documents the political and economic ramifications of the policy impetus for a ‘science of education’ and what this means for classroom teachers, their teaching practices and for the field of education. In a critical exploration of current research and policy articulations of the purposes of education, with attention given to Australia, the UK and the USA, this book delineates the evaluative mechanisms involved in the strategic science as method adoption of accountability, competitiveness and test-driven criteria used in major education policy. It brings together the disciplines of sociology and philosophy by drawing on the theoretical insights of Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu and John Dewey. In addition, the book argues for the deliberate use of the theoretical in education and is against the contemporary unquestioning advocacy that often accompanies a narrowly defined master narrative of a science of education. This book will be of special interest to post-graduate students as source material in general education courses and is also intended for academics with an interest in educational theory/philosophy and the sociology of education.

Epistemology and Natural Philosophy in the 18th Century: The Roots of Modern Physics (History of Mechanism and Machine Science #39)

by Danilo Capecchi

This book documents the process of transformation from natural philosophy, which was considered the most important of the sciences until the early modern era, into modern disciplines such as mathematics, physics, natural history, chemistry, medicine and engineering. It focuses on the 18th century, which has often been considered uninteresting for the history of science, representing the transition from the age of genius and the birth of modern science (the 17th century) to the age of prodigious development in the 19th century. Yet the 18th century, the century of Enlightenment, as will be demonstrated here, was in fact characterized by substantial ferment and novelty. To make the text more accessible, little emphasis has been placed on the precise genesis of the various concepts and methods developed in scientific enterprises, except when doing so was necessary to make them clear. For the sake of simplicity, in several situations reference is made to the authors who are famous today, such as Newton, the Bernoullis, Euler, d’Alembert, Lagrange, Lambert, Volta et al. – not necessarily because they were the most creative and original minds, but mainly because their writings represent a synthesis of contemporary and past studies. The above names should, therefore, be considered more labels of a period than references to real historical characters.

Epistemology and Science Education: Understanding the Evolution vs. Intelligent Design Controversy

by Roger S. Taylor Michel Ferrari

How is epistemology related to the issue of teaching science and evolution in the schools? Addressing a flashpoint issue in our schools today, this book explores core epistemological differences between proponents of intelligent design and evolutionary scientists, as well as the critical role of epistemological beliefs in learning science. Preeminent scholars in these areas report empirical research and/or make a theoretical contribution, with a particular emphasis on the controversy over whether intelligent design deserves to be considered a science alongside Darwinian evolution. This pioneering book coordinates and provides a complete picture of the intersections in the study of evolution, epistemology, and science education, in order to allow a deeper understanding of the intelligent design vs. evolution controversy. This is a very timely book for teachers and policy makers who are wrestling with issues of how to teach biology and evolution within a cultural context in which intelligent design has been and is likely to remain a challenge for the foreseeable future.

Epitaxial Growth of III-Nitride Compounds: Computational Approach (Springer Series in Materials Science #269)

by Takashi Matsuoka Yoshihiro Kangawa

This book presents extensive information on the mechanisms of epitaxial growth in III-nitride compounds, drawing on a state-of-the-art computational approach that combines ab initio calculations, empirical interatomic potentials, and Monte Carlo simulations to do so. It discusses important theoretical aspects of surface structures and elemental growth processes during the epitaxial growth of III-nitride compounds. In addition, it discusses advanced fundamental structural and electronic properties, surface structures, fundamental growth processes and novel behavior of thin films in III-nitride semiconductors. As such, it will appeal to all researchers, engineers and graduate students seeking detailed information on crystal growth and its application to III-nitride compounds.

Epitaxy of Semiconductors

by Udo W. Pohl

Introduction to Epitaxy provides the essential information for a comprehensive upper-level graduate course treating the crystalline growth of semiconductor heterostructures. Heteroepitaxy represents the basis of advanced electronic and optoelectronic devices today and is considered one of the top fields in materials research. The book covers the structural and electronic properties of strained epitaxial layers, the thermodynamics and kinetics of layer growth, and the description of the major growth techniques metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy, molecular beam epitaxy and liquid phase epitaxy. Cubic semiconductors, strain relaxation by misfit dislocations, strain and confinement effects on electronic states, surface structures and processes during nucleation and growth are treated in detail. The Introduction to Epitaxy requires only little knowledge on solid-state physics. Students of natural sciences, materials science and electrical engineering as well as their lecturers benefit from elementary introductions to theory and practice of epitaxial growth, supported by pertinent references and over 200 detailed illustrations.

Epitaxy of Semiconductors: Physics and Fabrication of Heterostructures (Graduate Texts in Physics #4)

by Udo W. Pohl

The extended and revised edition of this textbook provides essential information for a comprehensive upper-level graduate course on the crystalline growth of semiconductor heterostructures. Heteroepitaxy is the basis of today’s advanced electronic and optoelectronic devices, and it is considered one of the most important fields in materials research and nanotechnology. The book discusses the structural and electronic properties of strained epitaxial layers, the thermodynamics and kinetics of layer growth, and it describes the major growth techniques: metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy, molecular-beam epitaxy, and liquid-phase epitaxy. It also examines in detail cubic and hexagonal semiconductors, strain relaxation by misfit dislocations, strain and confinement effects on electronic states, surface structures, and processes during nucleation and growth. Requiring only minimal knowledge of solid-state physics, it provides natural sciences, materials science and electrical engineering students and their lecturers elementary introductions to the theory and practice of epitaxial growth, supported by references and over 300 detailed illustrations. In this second edition, many topics have been extended and treated in more detail, e.g. in situ growth monitoring, application of surfactants, properties of dislocations and defects in organic crystals, and special growth techniques like vapor-liquid-solid growth of nanowires and selective-area epitaxy.

The Epochal Event: Transformations in the Entangled Human, Technological, and Natural Worlds (Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology)

by Zoltán Boldizsár Simon

This book is a unique attempt to capture the growing societal experience of living in an age unlike anything the world has ever seen. Fueled by the perception of acquiring unprecedented powers through technologies that entangle the human and the natural worlds, human beings have become agents of a new kind of transformative event. The ongoing sixth mass extinction of species, the prospect of a technological singularity, and the potential crossing of planetary boundaries are expected to trigger transformations on a planetary scale that we deem catastrophic and try to avoid. In making sense of these prospects, Simon’s book sketches the rise of a new epochal thinking, introduces the epochal event as an emerging category of a renewed historical thought, and makes the case for the necessity of bringing together the work of the human and the natural sciences in developing knowledge of a more-than-human world.

The Eponym Dictionary of Mammals

by Bo Beolens Michael Watkins Michael Grayson

Learn the origins of over 2,000 mammal species names with this informative reference guide.Just who was the Przewalski after whom Przewalski's horse was named? Or Husson, the eponym for the rat Hydromys hussoni? Or the Geoffroy whose name is forever linked to Geoffroy's cat? This unique reference provides a brief look at the real lives behind the scientific and vernacular mammal names one encounters in field guides, textbooks, journal articles, and other scholarly works.Arranged to mirror standard dictionaries, the more than 1,300 entries included here explain the origins of over 2,000 mammal species names. Each bio-sketch lists the scientific and common-language names of all species named after the person, outlines the individual’s major contributions to mammalogy and other branches of zoology, and includes brief information about his or her mammalian namesake’s distribution. The two appendixes list scientific and common names for ease of reference, and, where appropriate, individual entries include mammals commonly—but mistakenly—believed to be named after people.The Eponym Dictionary of Mammals is a highly readable and informative guide to the people whose names are immortalized in mammal nomenclature.“A small treasure trove of information about the people whose names are immortalized in mammalian nomenclature. Given that we mammalogists are prone to ancestor worship, I expect it to be a best-seller.” —Don E. Wilson, Journal of Mammalian Evolution“This is a great reference for the mammalogy professional or student, or the curious naturalist.” —Wildlife Activist“This is a splendid book which fills a real gap in zoological literature.” —Nicholas Gould, International Zoo News

Epoxidised Natural Rubber: Properties & Applications

by Siti Salina Sarkawi Fatimah Rubaizah Mohd Rasdi Veronica Charlotte

This book is a complete guide to epoxidized natural rubber covering from the epoxidation chemistry, production process, raw rubber and compound properties, mixing recommendations as its applications in tire, engineering, general and industrial rubber goods, latex based products such as adhesive, foam and paint as well as sustainability or life cycle analysis of ENR rubber. Hence, it is useful for readers either from the industry which looking for specific product application and properties, or scientists and academicians working on their research using the ENR in their study for reference and guidance.

Epoxy-Based Biocomposites

by Chandrasekar Muthukumar Senthil Muthu Kumar Thiagamani Senthilkumar Krishnasamy Ahmad Ilyas Rushdan

Epoxy-Based Biocomposites highlights the influence of fibre type, nanofillers, and ageing conditions on the performance of epoxy-based biocomposites subjected to various loading conditions. This book serves as a useful reference for researchers, graduate students, and engineers in the field of polymer composites. In addition to investigating the behaviour of hybrid biocomposites and biocomposites reinforced with various nanofillers, this book discusses the response of epoxy-based biocomposites exposed to moisture absorption, accelerated weathering, and hygrothermal ageing. This book also considers the static and dynamic properties, such as creep, fatigue, and free vibration properties.

Epoxy-based Spacers for Gas Insulated Power Apparatus

by Boxue Du Hucheng Liang

This book offers an insight into the insulation failures in GIS/GIL and provides practical guidance for improving the insulation reliability of epoxy-based spacers. High voltage gas-insulated apparatuses, including gas-insulated switchgears (GIS) and transmission lines (GIL), playing an important role in the global power transmission system. Epoxy-based spacers are key components in GIS/GIL, playing the role of electrical insulation and mechanical support. However, insulation failures frequently occur around the epoxy-based spacers, threatening the safe operation of the electric power system. Three topics make up this book, with seven to nine chapters in each topic. In the first topic, the surface charging and discharging behaviors of epoxy-based spacers are discussed to deepen the readers’ understanding on the insulation problems in GIS/GIL. And the insulation breakdown of epoxy-based spacers is found to be closely related to the electric field distortion under complex operating conditions. In the second topic, original researches on the surface functionally graded materials (SFGM) are presented for relaxing the electric field distortion around the epoxy-based spacers in both AC and DC GIS/GIL, and a series of optimization methods and fabrication techniques for the SFGM spacers are introduced and discussed. In the last topic, the nonlinear conductivity materials (NCM), also known as self-adaptive materials or intelligent materials, are applied as coatings to adaptively regulate the electric field distributions along the surfaces of the epoxy-based spacers. Besides, the concept of the multi-dimensional functionally graded materials (MFGM) is proposed to uniform the electric field distributions in DC GIS/GIL under stationary and transient voltages, exhibiting great potential in the future application.

Epoxy Composites: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications

by Jyotishkumar Parameswaranpillai

Discover a one-stop resource for in-depth knowledge on epoxy composites from leading voices in the field Used in a wide variety of materials engineering applications, epoxy composites are highly relevant to the work of engineers and scientists in many fields. Recent developments have allowed for significant advancements in their preparation, processing and characterization that are highly relevant to the aerospace and automobile industry, among others. In Epoxy Composites: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications, a distinguished team of authors and editors deliver a comprehensive and straightforward summary of the most recent developments in the area of epoxy composites. The book emphasizes their preparation, characterization and applications, providing a complete understanding of the correlation of rheology, cure reaction, morphology, and thermo-mechanical properties with filler dispersion. Readers will learn about a variety of topics on the cutting-edge of epoxy composite fabrication and characterization, including smart epoxy composites, theoretical modeling, recycling and environmental issues, safety issues, and future prospects for these highly practical materials. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to epoxy composites, their synthesis and manufacturing, and micro- and nano-scale structure formation in epoxy and clay nanocomposites An exploration of long fiber reinforced epoxy composites and eco-friendly epoxy-based composites Practical discussions of the processing of epoxy composites based on carbon nanomaterials and the thermal stability and flame retardancy of epoxy composites An analysis of the spectroscopy and X-ray scattering studies of epoxy composites Perfect for materials scientists, polymer chemists, and mechanical engineers, Epoxy Composites: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of engineering scientists working in industry and process engineers seeking a comprehensive and exhaustive resource on epoxy composites.

Epoxy Resins: Chemistry and Technology, Second Edition,

by Clayton A. May

Featuring new techniques of physicochemical analysis and broader coverage of textile applications,the thoroughly rewritten and enlarged Second Edition provides hands-on assistance inthe use, formulation, synthesis, processing, and handling of epoxy resins.Epoxy Resins, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded documents available commercialproducts, including rarer species of epoxides ... shows how to achieve qualityassurance through analytical methods ... discusses toxicity, hazards, and safe handling ...looks closely at elastomer modification of resins as well as adhesives, coatings, electrical andelectronic applications, fiber-reinforced composites, and the use of epoxy resins in thestabilization of polymers, plasticizers, and textiles ... and assists in the more efficientselection and application of epoxy resins.Complete with nearly 300 pages of tables for quick references, plus over 300 diagrams andphotographs, and more than 4,400 bibliographic references, this volume will proveindispensable to polymer, physical, and organic chemists, rheologists, materials scientists andengineers, and chemical, plastics, aerospace, automotive, and electrical and electronicsengineers.

The Equality Machine: Harnessing Digital Technology for a Brighter, More Inclusive Future

by Orly Lobel

AN ECONOMIST BEST BOOK OF 2022 At a time when AI and digital platforms are under fire, Orly Lobel, a renowned tech policy scholar, defends technology as a powerful tool we can harness to achieve equality and a better future. Much has been written about the challenges tech presents to equality and democracy. But we can either criticize big data and automation or steer it to do better. Lobel makes a compelling argument that while we cannot stop technological development, we can direct its course according to our most fundamental values. With provocative insights in every chapter, Lobel masterfully shows that digital technology frequently has a comparative advantage over humans in detecting discrimination, correcting historical exclusions, subverting long-standing stereotypes, and addressing the world&’s thorniest problems: climate, poverty, injustice, literacy, accessibility, speech, health, and safety. Lobel's vivid examples—from labor markets to dating markets—provide powerful evidence for how we can harness technology for good. The book&’s incisive analysis and elegant storytelling will change the debate about technology and restore human agency over our values.

Equalization Control for Lithium-ion Batteries

by Jian Chen Quan Ouyang Zhisheng Wang

This book provides readers with sufficient insight into battery equalization control technologies from both theoretical and engineering perspectives. Distinguished from most of the existing works that focus on the hardware design of active equalizers, this book intends to comprehensively introduce equalization control strategies for lithium-ion battery packs. The validity and reliability of the control strategies in this book have been verified by theory and experiments. This book summarizes the battery equalization technologies from the equalization system to the equalization control algorithm. From this book, readers who are interested in the area of battery management can have a broad view of cell equalization technologies. Readers who have no experience in the battery management area can learn the basic concept, analysis methods, and design principles of the cell equalization system for battery packs. Even for the readers who are occupied in this area, this book provides rich knowledge on engineering applications and future trends of battery equalization control.

The Equations of Life: How Physics Shapes Evolution

by Charles S. Cockell

A groundbreaking argument for why alien life will evolve to be much like life here on EarthWe are all familiar with the popular idea of strange alien life wildly different from life on earth inhabiting other planets. Maybe it's made of silicon! Maybe it has wheels! Or maybe it doesn't. In The Equations of Life, biologist Charles S. Cockell makes the forceful argument that the laws of physics narrowly constrain how life can evolve, making evolution's outcomes predictable. If we were to find on a distant planet something very much like a lady bug eating something like an aphid, we shouldn't be surprised. The forms of life are guided by a limited set of rules, and as a result, there is a narrow set of solutions to the challenges of existence.A remarkable scientific contribution breathing new life into Darwin's theory of evolution, The Equations of Life makes a radical argument about what life can--and can't--be.

The Equatorial Glaciers of New Guinea

by Geoffrey S. Hope James A. Peterson Uwe Radok Ian Allison

The Equatorial Glaciers of New Guinea includes the Results of the 1971-1973 Australian Universities' Expeditions to Irian Jaya: Survey, Glaciology, Meteorology, Biology and Paleoenvironments.

Equibalancedistribution - asymmetrische Dichteverteilung: Alternative zur Gauß‘schen symmetrischen Normalverteilung (essentials)

by Marcus Hellwig

Marcus Hellwig zeigt, dass die kurzlich entwickelte Schiefe Verteilung, im Weiteren Equibalancedistribution (Eqb) genannt, fur die Uberprufung des Prozessverhaltens von Funkubertragungen verwendet werden kann. Beobachtet wird, dass nahezu jegliche Streuung von Messwerten um einen Mittelwert ungleich schief verteilt ist. Diesem Umstand soll die Eqb dadurch Rechnung tragen, dass sie im symmetrischen Zustand eine vollstandige Abbildung der Normalverteilung (NV) ist und die Summe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichte innerhalb der betrachteten Varianz gegen 1 konvergiert, gleich wie die Schiefen (asymmetrische Streuungen) links oder rechts des Mittelwertes (Erwartungswert m) positioniert sind. "

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Showing 23,026 through 23,050 of 71,598 results