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Essays on Gödel's Reception of Leibniz, Husserl, and Brouwer
by Mark Van AttenThe book is organised around Gödel's use of Leibniz, Husserl and Brouwer. The four central essays are `Monads and sets', `On the philosophical development of Kurt Gödel', `Gödel and intuitionism', and `Construction and constitution in mathematics'.
Essays on Port Economics
by Miguel Angel Pesquera Juan Castanedo Pablo Coto-MillánThe aim of this book is to offer a comprehensive overview of the economics of ports for scientists, students and professionals. The text is divided into five self-contained parts: the first chapter defines the demand for port services using an econometric approach. The second part analyzes the provision of port services using the production, cost, investment and profit functions of various ports. The third part combines the two previous parts in order to propound a general equilibrium approach. The fourth part looks at regulation, efficiency and the existence of ports as natural monopolies. Finally, the fifth part uses Cost Benefit Analysis for an economic evaluation of the feasibility of building new ports or enlarging existing ones.
Essays on the History of Mechanical Engineering
by Francesco Sorge Giuseppe GenchiThis book treats several subjects from the History of Mechanism and Machine Science, and also contains an illustrative presentation of the Museum of Engines and Mechanisms of the University of Palermo, Italy, which houses a collection of various pieces of machinery from the last 150 years. The various sections deal with some eminent scientists of the past, with the history of industrial installations, machinery and transport, with the human inventiveness for mechanical and scientific devices, and with robots and human-driven automata. All chapters have been written by experts in their fields. The volume shows a wide-ranging panorama on the historical progress of scientific and technical knowledge in the past centuries. It will stimulate new research and ideas for those involved in the history of Science and Technology.
Essays on the Visualisation of Legal Informatics (Law, Governance and Technology Series #54)
by Vytautas Cyras Friedrich LachmayerBoth legal scholars and computer scientists will be curious to know how the gap between law and computing can be bridged. The law, and also jurisprudence, is based on language, and is mainly textual. Every syntactic system has its semantic range, and so does language, which in law achieves a high degree of professional precision. The use of visualisations is a syntactic supplement and opens up a new understanding of legal forms. This understanding was reinforced by the paradigm shift from textual law to legal informatics, in which visual formal notations are decisive. The authors have been dealing with visualisation approaches for a long time and summarise them here for discussion. In this book, a multiphase transformation from the legal domain to computer code is explored. The authors consider law enforcement by computer. The target view is that legal machines are legal actors that are capable of triggering institutional facts. In the visualisation of statutory law, an approach called Structural Legal Visualisation is presented. Specifically, the visualisation of legal meaning is linked with tertium comparationis, the third part of the comparison. In a legal documentation system, representing one legal source with multiple documents is viewed as a granularity problem. The authors propose to supplement legislative documents ex ante with explicit logic-oriented information in the form of a mini thesaurus. In contrast to so-called strong relations such as synonymy, antonymy and hypernymy/hyponymy, one should consider weak relations: (1) dialectical relations, a term of dialectical antithesis; (2) context relations; and (3) metaphorical relations, which means the use of metaphors for terms. The chapters trace topics such as the distinction between knowledge visualisation and knowledge representation, the visualisation of Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law, the separation of law and legal science, legal subsumption, legal relations, legal machines, encapsulation, compliance, transparency, standard cases and hard cases.
ESA Science Programme Missions: Contributions and Exploitation (ISSI Scientific Report Series #18)
by Arvind Parmar Roger-Maurice Bonnet Guido De Marchi Pedro García-Lario Erik Kuulkers Göran Pilbratt Celia Sánchez-Fernández Maria Santos-Lleó Norbert Schartel John ZarneckiThis work got its start by trying to answer the question "how do you evaluate the scientific performance of the ESA's Science Programme missions?" For many years, the decision makers responsible for the content of the ESA Science Programme have been provided with information for each mission including, but not limited to, the number of publications published, the number of publications that are highly cited, the total number of citations used, various statistical metrics and the number of unique author names. However, this reporting only provides snapshots of these missions and was not widely distributed. In this book, we report on a systematic study of these metrics and their evolution with time to provide insights into mission successes and the communities exploiting the data provided by the Science Programme’s missions. In addition, we examine the outcomes of the announcements of observing opportunities for ESA’s observatory missions, INTEGRAL, Herschel and XMM-Newton to provide insights into the evolutions of the user communities with time, location and gender. Finally, we examine the provision of payload elements for ESA’s Science Programme missions. We use the number of payload investigators to give insights into the levels of contribution and exploitation of the different ESA Member States. This book is open access under a CC BY license.
The Essence of Gastronomy: Understanding the Flavor of Foods and Beverages
by Peter KlosseThe Essence of Gastronomy: Understanding the Flavor of Foods and Beverages presents a new comprehensive and unifying theory on flavor, which answers ancient questions and offers new opportunities for solving food-related issues. It presents gastronomy as a holistic concept, focusing not only on the food and its composition but also on the human who
The "Essence" of Network Security: An End-to-End Panorama (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #163)
by Mohuya Chakraborty Moutushi Singh Valentina E. Balas Indraneel MukhopadhyayThis edited book provides an optimal portrayal of the principles and applications related to network security. The book is thematically divided into five segments: Part A describes the introductory issues related to network security with some concepts of cutting-edge technologies; Part B builds from there and exposes the readers to the digital, cloud and IoT forensics; Part C presents readers with blockchain and cryptography techniques; Part D deals with the role of AI and machine learning in the context of network security. And lastly, Part E is written on different security networking methodologies. This is a great book on network security, which has lucid and well-planned chapters. All the latest security technologies are thoroughly explained with upcoming research issues. Details on Internet architecture, security needs, encryption, cryptography along with the usages of machine learning and artificial intelligence for network security are presented in a single cover. The broad-ranging text/reference comprehensively surveys network security concepts, methods, and practices and covers network security policies and goals in an integrated manner. It is an essential security resource for practitioners in networks and professionals who develop and maintain secure computer networks.
The Essence of Turbulence as a Physical Phenomenon: With Emphasis on Issues of Paradigmatic Nature
by Arkady TsinoberThis book critically reexamines what turbulence really is, from a fundamental point of view and based on observations from nature, laboratories, and direct numerical simulations. It includes critical assessments and a comparative analysis of the key developments, their evolution and failures, along with key misconceptions and outdated paradigms. The main emphasis is on conceptual and problematic aspects, physical phenomena, observations, misconceptions and unresolved issues rather than on conventional formalistic aspects, models, etc. Apart from the obvious fundamental importance of turbulent flows, this emphasis stems from the basic premise that without corresponding progress in fundamental aspects there is little chance for progress in applications such as drag reduction, mixing, control and modeling of turbulence. More generally, there is also a desperate need to grasp the physical fundamentals of the technological processes in which turbulence plays a central role.
The Essence of Turbulence as a Physical Phenomenon: With Emphasis On Issues Of Paradigmatic Nature
by Arkady TsinoberNow in its second edition, this book clearly, concisely and comprehensively outlines the essence of turbulence. In view of the absence of a theory based on first principles and adequate tools to handle the problem, the “essence” of turbulence, i.e. what turbulence really is from a fundamental point of view, is understood empirically through observations from nature, laboratories and direct numerical simulations rather than explained by means of conventional formalistic aspects, models, etc., resulting in pertinent issues being described at a highly theoretical level in spite of the mentioned lack of theory.As such, the book highlights and critically reexamines fundamental issues, especially those of paradigmatic nature, related to conceptual and problematic aspects, key misconceptions and unresolved matters, and discusses why the problem is so difficult. As in the previous edition, the focus on fundamental issues is also a consequence of the view that without corresponding advances in fundamental aspects there is little chance of progress in any applications. More generally there is a desperate need for physical fundamentals of a great variety of processes in nature and technology in which turbulence plays a central role. Turbulence is omnipresent throughout the natural sciences and technology, but despite the vast sea of information available the book retains its brevity without oversimplifications, making it of interest to a broad audience.
The Essence of War: Leadership and Strategy from the Chinese Military Classics
by Ralph D. SawyerFrom antiquity, the history of China has been marked by invading tribes, warring states, and popular uprisings. This heritage of conflict produced a body of martial literature exploring the fundamental principles of warfare and their methods of employment. Fully aware of the tragic consequences of battle, the authors of these texts emphasized that bloodshed and war should be avoided whenever possible. But, they argued, this is possible only when the principles of leadership and strategy have been mastered and the dynamics of conflict thoroughly analyzed. Over the centuries, these texts have been studied throughout Asia, not only by generals on the battlefield but by leaders of all kinds concerned with the management of human conflict in all its forms. The Essence of War presents eight of these classics (written from 500 B. C. E. to 700 C. E. ), including Sun-tzu's Art of War and Sun Pin's Military Methods. The book introduces the core principles of Chinese military science, grouping selected passages and key quotations into five thematic sections encompassing forty-one topical chapters: Fundamentals, Tao of Warfare, Tao of Command, Tactical Essentials, and Tactical Specifics. Translator Ralph D. Sawyer provides here a concise introduction to Chinese military thought and influential materials not only of traditional import, but also for contemporary study and enduring value in both business and military circles throughout the world.
EssensWert - Werte als multidisziplinärer Sammelbegriff im Kontext von Ernährung: Eine Literaturarbeit (essentials)
by Karolin Höhl Jana Dreyer Silke LichtensteinIn den aktuellen Diskursen um die Transformation des Ernährungssystems sind Werte omnipräsent. Jedoch werden sie dabei nicht immer ausdrücklich kenntlich gemacht. Häufig kommt es zu Be- und Abwertungen von Handlungen und Denkweisen, teils unter Heranziehung dichotomer Ernährungsnormen. Doch die Transformation bedingt einen konsensuell getragenen Wertewandel, der u. a. über Empathie und Mäßigung Lösungswege ebnet und das Wohlergehen aller adressiert. Dafür sind objektive Beobachtungen ohne normative Direktiven notwendig. Die Intention des vorliegenden Textes war daher die Auseinandersetzung mit verschiedenen Konzeptionen von Werten unterschiedlicher Disziplinen, um Reichweiten und Grenzen verschiedener Auffassungen im Ernährungskontext zu erörtern. Zur Information: Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.
The Essential Agrarian Reader: The Future of Culture, Community, and the Land
by Norman Wirzba“Eminently quotable and passionately argued essays” on living in harmony with the earth and each other, by Wes Jackson, Wendell Berry, and more (Library Journal, starred review).Includes a Foreword by Barbara KingsolverA compelling worldview with advocates from around the globe, agrarianism challenges the shortcomings of our industrial and technological economy. Not simply focused on farming, the agrarian outlook encourages us to develop practices and policies that promote the health of land, community, and culture. Agrarianism reminds us that no matter how urban we become, our survival will always be inextricably linked to the precious resources of soil, water, and air.Combining fresh insights from the disciplines of education, law, history, urban and regional planning, economics, philosophy, religion, ecology, politics, and agriculture, these original essays develop a sophisticated critique of our culture’s current relationship to the land, while offering practical alternatives. Leading agrarians, including Wendell Berry, Vandana Shiva, Wes Jackson, Gene Logsdon, Brian Donahue, Eric Freyfogle, and David Orr, explain how our goals should be redirected toward genuinely sustainable communities. These writers call us to an honest accounting and correction of our often-destructive ways. They suggest how our society can take practical steps toward integrating soils, watersheds, forests, wildlife, urban areas, and human populations into one great system—a responsible flourishing of our world and culture.
Essential Analytic Heat Transfer (Synthesis Lectures on Mechanical Engineering)
by C.Y. WangThis book discusses heat transfer, which is an important topic in all physical phenomena that involve thermal energy transport. The focus is on the three major means of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. New materials, methods, and insights are presented that reflect the author’s contributions in this area. After many years of experience in teaching and research, Dr. Wang has refined many useful analytic methods to treat thermo-fluid problems. Certain physical truths can only be revealed by analysis, and this book focuses on analytic means to solve heat transfer problems, rather than numerical and experimental methods. Although computer numerical solutions are becoming quite efficient, analytical solutions are still needed for numerical accuracy. This book is written in concise and understandable terms and is useful to practicing scientists and engineers and also serves as an ideal textbook for graduate students. For best results, readers should have completedundergraduate courses in differential equations, introductory heat transfer, and elementary fluid mechanics and should know how to use simple computer library functions such as integration and matrix inversion.
Essential Analytic Laminar Flow (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)
by C.Y. WangThis book introduces analytic solution methods for viscous flow problems, which is important in fluid mechanics. The author, after many years of experience in teaching and research, has refined useful analytic methods to treat fluid mechanics problems. This book is written in concise and understandable terms and is beneficial to practicing scientists and engineers who would like to understand and solve laminar fluid mechanics problems. The author provides new materials and insights and presents examples that are succinct to illustrate the methodology.
Essential Architecture and Principles of Systems Engineering
by Charles DickersonThis book is for everyone interested in systems and the modern practice of engineering. The revolution in engineering and systems that has occurred over the past decade has led to an expansive advancement of systems engineering tools and languages. A new age of information-intensive complex systems has arrived with new challenges in a global business market. Science and information technology must now converge into a cohesive multidisciplinary approach to the engineering of systems if products and services are to be useful and competitive. For the non-specialist and even for practicing engineers, the subject of systems engineering remains cloaked in jargon and a sense of mystery. This need not be the case for any reader of this book and for students no matter what their background is. The concepts of architecture and systems engineering put forth are simple and intuitive. Readers and students of engineering will be guided to an understanding of the fundamental principles of architecture and systems and how to put them into engineering practice. This book offers a practical perspective that is reflected in case studies of real-world systems that are motivated by tutorial examples. The book embodies a decade of research and very successful academic instruction to postgraduate students that include practicing engineers. The material has been continuously improved and evolved from its basis in defence and aerospace towards the engineering of commercial systems with an emphasis on speed and efficiency. Most recently, the concepts, processes, and methods in this book have been applied to the commercialisation of wireless charging for electric vehicles. As a postgraduate or professional development course of study, this book will lead you into the modern practice of engineering in the twenty-first century. Much more than a textbook, though, Essential Architecture and Principles of Systems Engineering challenges readers and students alike to think about the world differently while providing them a useful reference book with practical insights for exploiting the power of architecture and systems.
Essential Astrophysics: Interstellar Medium to Stellar Remnants
by Shantanu Basu Pranav SharmaThis book takes a reader on a tour of astronomical phenomena: from the vastness of the interstellar medium, to the formation and evolution of stars and planetary systems, through to white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes, the final objects of the stellar graveyard. At its heart, this book is a journey through the evolutionary history of the birth, life, and death of stars, but detours are also made to other related interesting topics. This highly accessible story of the observed contents of our Galaxy includes intuitive explanations, informative diagrams, and basic equations, as needed. It is an ideal guide for undergraduates with some physics and mathematics background who are studying astronomy and astrophysics. It is also accessible to interested laypeople, thanks to its limited equations. Key features: Includes coverage of some of the latest exciting research from the field, including star formation, exoplanets, and black holes Can be utilised as a stand-alone textbook for a one-term course or as a supplementary textbook for a more comprehensive course on astronomy and astrophysics Authored by a team respected for research, education, and outreach Shantanu Basu is an astrophysicist and a professor at The University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is known for research contributions on the formation of gravitationally-collapsed objects in the universe: stars, planets, brown dwarfs, and supermassive black holes. He is one of the originators of the migrating embryo scenario of episodic accretion onto young stars. He has been recognized for his teaching excellence and his contributions to the astronomical community include organizing many conferences and training schools. Pranav Sharma is an astronomer and science historian known for his work on the history of the Indian Space Program. He has curated the Space Museum at the B. M. Birla Science Centre (Hyderabad, India). He is in-charge of the history of Indo-French scientific partnership project supported by the Embassy of France in India. He is a national-award-winning science communicator and has extensively worked on the popularization of astronomy education in India.
Essential Building Science: Understanding Energy and Moisture in High Performance House Design (Sustainable Building Essentials)
by Jacob Deva RacusinDown and dirty – a complete step-by-step guide to making, installing and living with beautiful, all-natural earthen floors Poor heat and moisture management are the enemies of durable, comfortable, and efficient housing, and good building design and construction starts with a solid understanding of good building science. Essential Building Science provides a highly visual and accessible introduction to the fundamentals of building science for residential construction.Part one covers the rationale behind high-performance design and the fundamentals of building physics, including thermal dynamics, moisture transfer, and hygro-thermal dynamics such as vapor drive and condensation.Part two teaches the vital critical thinking skills needed to consider buildings as whole systems and to develop thermal and moisture control strategies regardless of the specifics of the design. Case studies and examples from across North American climatic zones illuminate real-life problems and offer builders, designers, and DIYers the insights and tools required for creating better new buildings and dramatically improving old ones.Good science plus critical thinking equals high performance buildings.
Essential Car Care for Women
by Jamie Little Danielle Mccormick"Despite the many advances women have made since the internal combustion engine was invented, there is still one widely held belief that won't seem to go away: that when it comes to cars, women should just leave it to the men. In Essential Car Care for Women, ESPN NASCAR pit reporter Jamie Little and Discovery Channel "Turbo Expert" Danielle McCormick team up to dispel this myth once and for all--and to offer the indispensable, hard-won advice women need to buy, sell, and care for their cars with confidence. With this handy guide, women will learn how to save themselves money by performing basic--but essential--maintenance tasks on their own. Little and McCormick explain what an alternator, regulator, distributor, and timing belt are; how to change a tire, recharge a flat battery, check the oil, and assess tire pressure; what to do when a car breaks down or when an accident occurs; how to buy a car without being taken advantage of; and more. Straightforward and easy to follow--and including simple step-by-step diagrams and pictures to help along the way--Essential Car Care for Women is the ultimate handbook to everything a woman should know about her set of wheels. "--
Essential CG Lighting Techniques with 3ds Max
by Darren BrookerCertified by Autodesk, Darren Brooker's new edition teaches the production techniques behind real-world work. The tutorials take you from the fundamentals of lighting, right through to advanced techniques.
Essential Circuit Analysis using LTspice®
by Farzin AsadiThis textbook provides a compact but comprehensive treatment that guides students through the analysis of circuits, using LTspice®. Ideal as a hands-on source for courses in Circuits, Electronics, Digital Logic and Power Electronics this text focuses on solving problems using market-standard software, corresponding to all key concepts covered in the classroom. The author uses his extensive classroom experience to guide students toward deeper understanding of key concepts, while they gain facility with software they will need to master for later studies and practical use in their engineering careers.
Essential Circuit Analysis using NI Multisim™ and MATLAB®
by Farzin AsadiThis textbook provides a compact but comprehensive treatment that guides students through the analysis of circuits, using NI Multisim™ and MATLAB®. Ideal as a hands-on source for courses in Circuits, Electronics, Digital Logic and Power Electronics this text focuses on solving problems using market-standard software, corresponding to all key concepts covered in the classroom. The author uses his extensive classroom experience to guide students toward deeper understanding of key concepts, while they gain facility with software they will need to master for later studies and practical use in their engineering careers.
Essential Circuit Analysis Using Proteus® (Energy Systems in Electrical Engineering)
by Farzin AsadiThis textbook provides a compact but comprehensive treatment that guides students through the analysis of circuits, using Proteus®. The book focuses on solving problems using updated market-standard software, corresponding to all key concepts covered in the classroom. The author uses his extensive classroom experience to guide students toward a deeper understanding of key concepts while they gain facility with the software they will need to master for later studies and practical use in their engineering careers. The book includes detailed exercises and examples that provide better grasping to students. This book will be ideal as a hands-on source for courses in computer-aided circuit simulation, circuits, electronics, digital logic, and power electronics. Though written primarily for undergraduate and graduate students, the text will also be useful to Ph.D. scholars and practitioners in engineering who are working on Proteus.
Essential Classical Thermodynamics (SpringerBriefs in Physics)
by Ulf W. GeddeThis book is a concise, readable, yet authoritative primer of basic classic thermodynamics. Many students have difficulty with thermodynamics, and find at some stage of their careers in academia or industry that they have forgotten what they learned, or never really understood these fundamental physical laws. As the title of the book suggests, the author has distilled the subject down to its essentials, using many simple and clear illustrations, instructive examples, and key equations and simple derivations to elucidate concepts. Based on many years of teaching experience at the undergraduate and graduate levels, “Essential Classical Thermodynamics” is intended to provide a positive learning experience, and to empower the reader to explore the many possibilities for applying thermodynamics in other fields of science, engineering, and even economics where energy plays a central role. Thermodynamics is fun when you understand it!
Essential Computational Fluid Dynamics
by Oleg ZikanovProvides a clear, concise, and self-contained introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) This comprehensively updated new edition covers the fundamental concepts and main methods of modern Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). With expert guidance and a wealth of useful techniques, the book offers a clear, concise, and accessible account of the essentials needed to perform and interpret a CFD analysis. The new edition adds a plethora of new information on such topics as the techniques of interpolation, finite volume discretization on unstructured grids, projection methods, and RANS turbulence modeling. The book has been thoroughly edited to improve clarity and to reflect the recent changes in the practice of CFD. It also features a large number of new end-of-chapter problems. All the attractive features that have contributed to the success of the first edition are retained by this version. The book remains an indispensable guide, which: Introduces CFD to students and working professionals in the areas of practical applications, such as mechanical, civil, chemical, biomedical, or environmental engineering Focuses on the needs of someone who wants to apply existing CFD software and understand how it works, rather than develop new codes Covers all the essential topics, from the basics of discretization to turbulence modeling and uncertainty analysis Discusses complex issues using simple worked examples and reinforces learning with problems Is accompanied by a website hosting lecture presentations and a solution manual Essential Computational Fluid Dynamics, Second Edition is an ideal textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students taking their first course on CFD. It is also a useful reference for engineers and scientists working with CFD applications.
Essential Concepts of Bearing Technology
by Tedric A. Harris Michael N. KotzalasFor the last four decades, Tedric Harris' Rolling Bearing Analysis has been the "bible" for engineers involved in rolling bearing technology. Why do so many students and practicing engineers rely on this book? The answer is simple: because of its complete coverage from low- to high-speed applications and full derivations of the underlying mathemati