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Essentials of Bioinformatics, Volume II: In Silico Life Sciences: Medicine

by Noor Ahmad Shaik Khalid Rehman Hakeem Babajan Banaganapalli Ramu Elango

Bioinformatics is an integrative field of computer science, genetics, genomics, proteomics, and statistics, which has undoubtedly revolutionized the study of biology and medicine in past decades. It mainly assists in modeling, predicting and interpreting large multidimensional biological data by utilizing advanced computational methods. Despite its enormous potential, bioinformatics is not widely integrated into the academic curriculum as most life science students and researchers are still not equipped with the necessary knowledge to take advantage of this powerful tool. Hence, the primary purpose of our book is to supplement this unmet need by providing an easily accessible platform for students and researchers starting their career in life sciences. This book aims to avoid sophisticated computational algorithms and programming. Instead, it focuses on simple DIY analysis and interpretation of biological data with personal computers. Our belief is that once the beginners acquire these basic skillsets, they will be able to handle most of the bioinformatics tools for their research work and to better understand their experimental outcomes.Our second title of this volume set In Silico Life Sciences: Medicine provides hands-on experience in analyzing high throughput molecular data for the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of monogenic or polygenic human diseases. The key concepts in this volume include risk factor assessment, genetic tests and result interpretation, personalized medicine, and drug discovery. This volume is expected to train readers in both single and multi-dimensional biological analysis using open data sets, and provides a unique learning experience through clinical scenarios and case studies.

Essentials of Bioinformatics, Volume III: In Silico Life Sciences: Agriculture

by Khalid Rehman Hakeem Noor Ahmad Shaik Babajan Banaganapalli Ramu Elango

Bioinformatics is an integrative field of computer science, genetics, genomics, proteomics, and statistics, which has undoubtedly revolutionized the study of biology and medicine in past decades. It mainly assists in modeling, predicting and interpreting large multidimensional biological data by utilizing advanced computational methods. Despite its enormous potential, bioinformatics is not widely integrated into the academic curriculum as most life science students and researchers are still not equipped with the necessary knowledge to take advantage of this powerful tool. Hence, the primary purpose of our book is to supplement this unmet need by providing an easily accessible platform for students and researchers starting their career in life sciences. This book aims to avoid sophisticated computational algorithms and programming. Instead, it will mostly focus on simple DIY analysis and interpretation of biological data with personal computers. Our belief is that once the beginners acquire these basic skillsets, they will be able to handle most of the bioinformatics tools for their research work and to better understand their experimental outcomes.The third volume is titled In Silico Life Sciences: Agriculture. It focuses on plant genetic, genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomics data. Using examples of new crop diseases-emergence, crop productivity and biotic/abiotic stress tolerance, this book illustrates how bioinformatics can be an integral components of modern day plant science research.

Essentials of C Programming with Microsoft® Visual Studio®

by Farzin Asadi

This book provides a compact but comprehensive treatment that guides readers through the C programming language with Microsoft® Visual Studio®. The author uses his extensive classroom experience to guide readers toward deeper understanding of key concepts of the C language. Each concept and feature of the language is presented as a short lesson, illustrated by practical worked examples to aid student self study. The book will appeal to a broad range of students who are required to study the C programming language.

'Essentials of Cancer Genomic, Computational Approaches and Precision Medicine

by Nosheen Masood Saima Shakil Malik

This book concisely describes the role of omics in precision medicine for cancer therapies. It outlines our current understanding of cancer genomics, shares insights into the process of oncogenesis, and discusses emerging technologies and clinical applications of cancer genomics in prognosis and precision-medicine treatment strategies. It then elaborates on recent advances concerning transcriptomics and translational genomics in cancer diagnosis, clinical applications, and personalized medicine in oncology. Importantly, it also explains the importance of high-performance analytics, predictive modeling, and system biology in cancer research. Lastly, the book discusses current and potential future applications of pharmacogenomics in clinical cancer therapy and cancer drug development.

Essentials of Cloud Computing: A Holistic, Cloud-Native Perspective (Texts in Computer Science)

by Chellammal Surianarayanan Pethuru Raj Chelliah

Numerous advancements are being brought in and incorporated into the cloud domain with the aim of realizing a trove of deeper and decisive automations.Rather than discussing the cloud paradigm in isolation, this fully updated text examines how cloud computing can work collaboratively with other computing models to meet the needs of evolving trends.This multi-dimensional approach encompasses the challenges of fulfilling the storage requirements of big data, the use of the cloud as a remote server for Internet of Things and sensor networks, and an investigation of how cloud computing is interlinked with other established computing phenomenon such as edge computing. New chapters illustrate the distinct ideals of the cloud-native computing, proclaimed as the next-generation cloud computing paradigm.Topics and features:Includes learning objectives, motivating questions, and self-test exercisesIntroduces the underlying concepts, fundamental features, and key technological foundations of cloud computingExamines how enterprise networking and cloud networking can work together to achieve business goalsReviews the different types of cloud storage available to address the evolution of data and the need for digitizationDiscusses the challenges and approaches to implementing cloud governance, security, and the hot topic of cloud managementDescribes the details of cloud migration, the crucial role of monitoring in optimizing the cloud, and the basics of disaster recovery using cloud infrastructureThis technically rigorous, yet simple-to-follow textbook is an ideal resource for graduate courses on cloud computing. Professional software developers and cloud architects will also find the work to be an invaluable reference.

Essentials of Computational Fluid Dynamics

by Jens-Dominik Mueller

Covered from the vantage point of a user of a commercial flow package, Essentials of Computational Fluid Dynamics provides the information needed to competently operate a commercial flow solver. This book provides a physical description of fluid flow, outlines the strengths and weaknesses of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), presents the basics o

Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory

by null John Billingsley

Carefully separating the essential from the ornamental, Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory presents the nuts and bolts for designing a successful controller. It discusses the theory required to support the art of designing a working controller as well as the various aspects to convince a client, employer, or examiner of your expertise.A Compelling Account of the Basics of Control TheoryControl solutions for practicing engineersUsing the author’s own Javascript On-Line Learning Interactive Environment for Simulation (Jollies), the text relies on computer-based graphical analysis methods, such as Nyquist, Nichols, root locus, and phase-plane, to illustrate how useful computer simulation can be for analyzing both linear and nonlinear systems. It explains step-by-step the design and modeling of various control systems, including discrete time systems and an inverted pendulum. Along with offering many web-based simulations, the book shows how mathematics, such as vectors, matrices, and the differential equations that govern state variables, can help us understand the concepts that underpin the controller’s effects. From frequency domain analysis to time-domain state-space representation, this book covers many aspects of classical and modern control theory. It presents important methods for designing and analyzing linear systems and controllers.

Essentials of Digital Signal Processing

by B. P. Lathi Roger A. Green

This textbook offers a fresh approach to digital signal processing (DSP) that combines heuristic reasoning and physical appreciation with sound mathematical methods to illuminate DSP concepts and practices. It uses metaphors, analogies and creative explanations, along with examples and exercises to provide deep and intuitive insights into DSP concepts. Practical DSP requires hybrid systems including both discrete- and continuous-time components. This book follows a holistic approach and presents discrete-time processing as a seamless continuation of continuous-time signals and systems, beginning with a review of continuous-time signals and systems, frequency response, and filtering. The synergistic combination of continuous-time and discrete-time perspectives leads to a deeper appreciation and understanding of DSP concepts and practices. • For upper-level undergraduates • Illustrates concepts with 500 high-quality figures, more than 170 fully worked examples, and hundreds of end-of-chapter problems, more than 150 drill exercises, including complete and detailed solutions • Seamlessly integrates MATLAB throughout the text to enhance learning

Essentials of Engineering Leadership and Innovation (Systems Innovation Book Series)

by Pamela McCauley

This book is a must-have resource for those engineering professionals seeking out best practice in engineering leadership and innovation. It is underpinned by years of applied experience in engineering settings, and is designed to develop and prepare engineers as leaders to accept the technical and managerial challenges that they will face as professionals At a time when engineering and innovation in technology is of importance on so many fronts, this text encourages engineers and technical professionals to become effective, socially conscious leaders and innovators. The text and course material is designed to create an environment of interactive, high-engagement learning that will produce lifelong skills. Some of the many benefits of this book include: Accompanying notes, instructor’s manual, sample syllabi for qualifying textbook adoption; A complementary website with a wealth of ancillary resources; Case studies in STEM contexts; An international approach, underpinned by years of experience in US settings; Practical advice on how to distinguish yourself as an engineering leader; A solid grounding in ethics and professional responsibility. Drawing together best practice in engineering leadership education, and current research in the field, this book is an essential read for those wishing to develop expertise in engineering leadership. Current professionals in the field, educators as well as students of engineering wishing to excel, will all be particularly interested readers.

Essentials Of Fire Fighting

by Ifsta Staff

IFSTA’s Essentials of Fire Fighting, 6th Edition is the most complete and comprehensive Firefighter I and II text on the market. This new edition is completely revised to meet the 2013 edition of NFPA 1001 and brings the most trusted in-depth knowledge content to students and instructors. The manual is 21 chapters and has 1,400 pages. Key features includes: Separation and clear identification of FFI and FFII content; Updated content, skills, and tactics that reflect the latest research from NIST and UL; A student-focused design that incorporates high quality photos and illustrations, photos enhanced with graphics, and improved tables make content more relevant to visual learners; Key terms in the margins, review questions at the end of each chapter, skill sheets and engaging case histories designed to enhance student understanding; Warnings, cautions, and Safety Alerts emphasize firefighter safety for new firefighters who are mastering the 192 FFI and FFII skills

Essentials of Fire Fighting (5th edition)

by Carl Goodson Lynne Murnane

The 5th edition of Essentials of Fire Fighting offers bold new learning packages for students. There are several new components, all designed to add to the success of the student. In addition, established components have been improved.

Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Department Operations

by Ifsta

Continuing the tradition of excellence in firefighter education, this new, expanded version contains the complete 20 basic chapters, as well as additional chapters including first aid and hazardous materials response to meet all of the requirements for Fire Fighter I and II levels of NFPA 1001® and NFPA 472® and OSHA 1910. 120. This overhauled new edition offers a complete support package and includes updated information on 192 skill sheets, knot and rope requirements, the use of essential job tasks related to the medical requirements in NFPA 1582®, and more! Begin laying the foundation for your firefighting career now with this expanded version. View a Sample Chapter:http://info. ifsta. org/essentials-6th

Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Department Operations (5th Edition)

by Carl Goodson Lynne Murnane

The Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Department Operations manual is intended to provide the firefighter candidate with the information needed to meet the fire-related performance objectives in NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications. The methods shown throughout the manual have been validated by the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) as accepted methods for accomplishing each task.

Essentials of Fluidization Technology

by John R. Grace Xiaotao Bi Naoko Ellis

A concise and clear introduction to the basics of fluidization, with a view to its applications in the process and energy industries.

Essentials of Food Chemistry

by Jianquan Kan Kewei Chen

This book presents fundamental and practical information on food chemistry. Using 2-D barcodes, it illustrates the specific reactions and potential transformation mechanisms of food constituents during various manufacturing and storage processes, and each chapter features teaching activities, such as questions and answers, and discussions. Further, it describes various local practices and improvements in Asia. Divided into 12 chapters covering individual nutrients and components, including water, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, pigments, flavoring substances, additives, and harmful constituents, it addresses their food chemistry, as well as their transformations during manufacturing processes, and typical or advanced treatments to improve food quality and safety. This book helps college students to gain a basic understanding of nutrients and food components, to discover and implement the practical industrial guidelines, and also to learn the latest developments in food chemistry.

Essentials of Food Science

by Vickie A. Vaclavik Elizabeth W. Christian

The fourth edition of this classic text continues to use a multidisciplinary approach to expose the non-major food science student to the physical and chemical composition of foods. Additionally, food preparation and processing, food safety, food chemistry, and food technology applications are discussed in this single source of information. The book begins with an Introduction to Food Components, Quality and Water. Next, it addresses Carbohydrates in Food, Starches, Pectins and Gums. Grains: Cereals, Flour, Rice and Pasta, and Vegetables and Fruits follow. Proteins in Food, Meat, Poultry, Fish, and Dry Beans; Eggs and Egg Products, Milk and Milk Products as well as Fats and Oil Products, Food Emulsions and Foams are covered. Next, Sugar, Sweeteners, and Confections and a chapter on Baked Products Batters and Dough is presented. A new section entitled Aspects of Food Processing covers information on Food Preservation, Food Additives, and Food Packaging. Food Safety and Government Regulation of the Food Supply and Labeling are also discussed in this text. As appropriate, each chapter discusses the nutritive value and safety issues of the highlighted commodity. The USDA My Plate is utilized throughout the chapters. A Conclusion, Glossary and further References as well as Bibliography are included in each chapter. Appendices at the end of the book include a variety of current topics such as Biotechnology, Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, Phytochemicals, Medical Foods, USDA Choosemyplate. gov, Food Label Health Claims, Research Chefs Association certification, Human Nutrigenomics and New Product Development.

Essentials of Food Science (Food Science Text Series)

by Vickie A. Vaclavik Elizabeth W. Christian Tad Campbell

The fifth edition of the Essential of Food Science text continues its approach of presenting the essential information of food chemistry, food technology, and food preparations while providing a single source of information for the non-major food science student. This latest edition includes new discussions of food quality and new presentations of information around biotechnology and genetically modified foods. Also new in this edition is a discussion of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), a comparison chart for Halal and Kosher foods and introductions to newly popular products like pea starchand the various plant-based meat analogues that are now available commercially and for household use. Each chapter ends with a glossary of terms, references, and a bibliography. The popular “Culinary Alert!” features are scattered throughout the text and provide suggestions for the reader to easily apply the information in the text to his or her cooking application. Appendices at the end of the book include a variety of current topics such as Processed Foods, Biotechnology, Genetically Modified Foods, Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, Phytochemicals, Medical Foods, and a Brief History of Foods Guides including USDA V.A. Vaclavik, Ph.D., RD. has taught classes in nutrition, food science and management and culinary arts for over 25 years at the college level in Dallas, Texas. She is a graduate of Cornell University, human nutrition and food; Purdue University, restaurant, hotel, institution management; and Texas Woman’s University, institution management and food science. Elizabeth Christian, Ph.D. has been an adjunct faculty member at Texas Woman’s University for more than 25 years, teaching both face-to-face and online classes in the Nutrition and Food Science department. She obtained her B.S. and her PhD. In Food Science from Leeds University, England, and then worked as a research scientist at the Hannah Dairy Research Institute in Scotland for Five years before moving to the United States. Tad Campbell, MCN, RDN, LD is a clinical instructor at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, where he teaches Food Science and Technology as well as other nutrition courses in the Master of Clinical Nutrition – Coordinated Program. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Baylor University as well as a Master of Clinical Nutrition from UT Southwestern where he studied Food Science under Dr. Vickie Vaclavik.

Essentials of Functional MRI: Basic Concepts to Advanced Applications (Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering)

by Patrick W. Stroman

Essentials of Functional MRI is explained from the basic theory underlying magnetic resonance imaging. This includes how it can be used to detect dynamic variations in neural activity to become “functional” MRI, and how fMRI can be used for a variety of applications. The reader will gain an understanding of how fMRI is currently used, its limitations, and how it is still developing. This is achieved by explaining the core concepts and building on them to explain how fMRI data are acquired and what physiological information they provide. These ideas are the key to understanding how the data are analyzed to detect physiological changes that are related to neural activity. With an understanding of the basic underlying concepts, the way that fMRI is used, and its limitations, are much easier to understand. This 2nd edition includes explanations of new advances in MRI techniques and fMRI data analysis methods, and updated examples of applications of fMRI, including current or future clinical applications. This book is intended for students, researchers, and clinicians, who want to understand the theory and practice of fMRI in sufficient detail to use it for neuroscience research, clinical research, and for clinical practice.

Essentials of Functional MRI (Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering)

by Patrick W. Stroman

During the last two decades, new developments in functional MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) have made it possible to detect changes in the brain over time, as opposed to the "snapshot" produced by conventional MRI. Essentials of Functional MRI breaks down the technical challenges for physicians, researchers, and technologists who use functional MR

Essentials of Heat and Fluid Flow in Porous Media

by Arunn Narasimhan

This textbook provides a general overview of porous media flow, and introduces various theoretical tools to characterize and predict the flow. It has been written for graduate and advanced graduate students in various engineering disciplines. It includes the topics such as fluid flow, conduction, convection, and radiation in porous media as well as porous medium aspects of biological systems. The concepts are supported by numerous solved examples to aid self-learning in students. The textbook also contains illustrated diagrams for better understanding of the concepts. This textbook will be useful for the core course of "Flow through Porous media" for graduate and advanced graduate students in various engineering disciplines. This textbook will also serve as a refresher course for researchers who are engaged in research related to porous media flow.

Essentials of Hydraulic Fracturing: Vertical and Horizontal Wellbores

by Ralph Veatch George King Stephen Holditch

Hydraulic fracturing was first developed in the United States during the 1940s and has since spread internationally. A proven technology that is reaching deeper and tighter formations, hydraulic fracturing now delivers hydrocarbons from fields previously considered economically unviable. Essentials of Hydraulic Fracturing focuses on consolidating the fundamental basics of fracturing technology with advances in extended horizontal wellbores and fracturing applications. It provides the essentials required to understand fracturing behavior and offers advice for applying that knowledge to fracturing treatment design and application. Essentials of Hydraulic Fracturing is a long-awaited text for petroleum engineering students, industry-wide hydraulic fracturing training courses or seminars, and practicing fracturing treatment engineers. Features include: Understanding of fracture propagation geometry and fracture conductivity and how it affects treatment results A focus on safety and environmental prudence Economic optimization of fracturing treatments Fracturing fluid system and propping agent performance Important considerations in designing the fracture treatment for both vertical and horizontal wellbores Algorithms and examples pertinent to treatment design and analysis Pre- and post-fracturing approaches and diagnostics for evaluating treatment performance Hydraulic fracturing model construction and applicability Comparative design examples Construction of spreadsheet calculations key to treatment designs

Essentials of In Vivo Biomedical Imaging

by Simon R. Cherry Ramsey D. Badawi Jinyi Qi

While there are many excellent texts focused on clinical medical imaging, there are few books that approach in vivo imaging technologies from the perspective of a scientist or physician-scientist using, or interested in using, these techniques in research. It is for these individuals that Essentials of In Vivo Biomedical Imaging is written.Featurin

Essentials of Inorganic Materials Synthesis

by C. N. Rao Kanishka Biswas

This compact handbook describes all the important methods of synthesis employed today for synthesizing inorganic materials. Some features: Focuses on modern inorganic materials with applications in nanotechnology, energy materials, and sustainability Synthesis is a crucial component of materials science and technology; this book provides a simple introduction as well as an updated description of methods Written in a very simple style, providing references to the literature to get details of the methods of preparation when required

The Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental Principles with Process and Practice

by Abbie H. Brown Timothy D. Green

The Essentials of Instructional Design, 4th Edition, introduces the fundamental elements, principles, and practice of instructional design (ID) to students new to ID. Key procedures within the ID process—learner analysis, task analysis, needs analysis, developing goals and objectives, organizing instruction, developing instructional activities, assessing learner achievement, and evaluating the success of the instructional design—are covered comprehensively and enriched with descriptions and examples of how these procedures are accomplished using the best-known models. Unlike most other ID books, The Essentials of Instructional Design provides an overview of the principles and practice of ID without placing emphasis on any one ID model. Offering the voices of instructional designers from a number of professional settings and providing real-life examples from across sectors, students learn how professional organizations put the various ID processes into practice. This revised edition features new activities, quizzes, and content on professional development. Offering a variety of possible approaches for each step in the ID process and clearly explaining the strengths and challenges associated with each, this book prepares students with the information they need to make informed decisions as they design and develop instruction.

The Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental Principles with Process and Practice

by Abbie H. Brown Timothy D. Green

• Provides an overview of the principles and practice of Instructional Design without placing emphasis on any one ID model. • Introduces the essential elements of instructional design to students who are new to ID or need a refresher while in training or professional practice. • Revised and updated to include new references, definitions, technologies, instructional formats, design approaches, and more while retaining the structure and contents of the previous edition.

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