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Estuarine Pollution in the Lower Gangetic Delta: Threats and Management
by Abhijit MitraThis book critically analyzes the water quality in the lower Gangetic delta, and examines the environmental conditions and physical processes operating in this rich ecosystem. Readers with an interest in environmental science, geography, oceanography, marine biology, environmental biology, aquatic pollution and ecology will find the research presented here most appealing. Readers will discover critical aspects of the chemistry of the estuarine water (particularly that of Hooghly and Matla estuaries) in the lower stretch of the delta region along with the causes and effects of pollution in and around this region. Particular attention is given to the bioaccumulation of conservative pollutants in edible fishes and floral communities thriving in this region. Several case studies are also incorporated to highlight the vulnerability of pollution in this region. Chapters also address the impacts of climate change (specifically acidification) on the concentration and behavior of conservative pollutants. Finally, the book highlights some mitigation measures at the technology and policy level to minimize the negative impacts posed by different groups of pollutants on the estuarine biodiversity.
Estuarine Research, Monitoring, and Resource Protection (CRC Marine Science)
by Michael J. KennishThe ongoing growth of human populations within US coastal regions continues to increase habitat loss, eutrophication, organic loading, overfishing, and other anthropogenic stressors in estuarine waters. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) is a federally funded initiative that addresses these critical estuarine problems an
Estuary Restoration and Maintenance: The National Estuary Program
by Michael J. KennishThis timely volume examines the work of the National Estuary Program, the prominent federally-funded initiative dealing with pollution and other anthropogenic impacts on estuarine ecosystems and the management plans necessary to ensure that these invaluable natural treasures remain healthy and productive for future generations.Estuary Resto
Et al: Because not all research deserves a Nobel Prize
by null B McGrawEt al. is a satirical academic journal that uses machine learning and scientific principles on absurd studies, from the cat Lord Whiskers' role in the extinction of the dodo bird to the quantum mysteries of untidy toddler rooms.Key FeaturesConducts satirical research on topics ranging from quantum computing to clingy robot dog algorithmsAnswers questions like “Can a computer understand a Scotsman?” and “Is Sarah Palin real?”Secures the power grid and your home from the prying eyes of government drones a.k.a. birdsExpands science by studying cow-based atmospheres, and the flavortown center of the brainSolves climate change and saves the world by proposing a banana-based fission reactorNullifies the possibility of getting lost at the fair with a mirror-house escape algorithmBook DescriptionTired of the same old math, science, statistics, and programming memes people post online and want something a little more elaborate? This is the book for you. Tremble as we make up all our own facts and data, hand-draw diagrams in MS Paint, and quote from fictional studies and journals. Cower as authors write in the first person because their study is just a little too personal for them. Recoil from the sheer mass of oversimplified methodology, distilling someone's entire thesis into a paragraph of jokes crude enough to make it into a Mike Myers movie. Over the last few years, we have taken arguments that you would normally have after four Jack and cokes at game night and turned them into properly formatted research papers with a writing tone serious enough to confuse the uninitiated. These papers are high-effort jokes by researchers and scientists for researchers and scientists. They cover a range of topics such as the consequences of re-releasing tourists back into Yellowstone National Park after COVID-19, how to play StarCraft competitively online on a quantum computer, and most importantly, how trees around the globe are becoming increasingly radicalized.What you will learnHow to draw a graph using MS Paint, maybeWhether Sarah Palin is a figment of your imaginationHow one pirate cat brought about the extinction of the beloved dodoWhy rabbits used to be jerks back in the dayIf you actually learn anything from these articles, get your memory erased immediatelyWho this book is forThis book is for researchers and those who love science mingled with humor. It's for those who are a little too tired of the talking heads and futurists of the science world and would like something more entertaining in the form of absurd speculative studies by researchers as unbelievable as their work. Anyone who has experienced academic writing, or the tribulations of any research institution will enjoy the wide range of bizarre, yet real-world topics compiled in this book. Even if you don't know much about the subject, we usually have a background section.
Eternal Ephemera: Adaptation and the Origin of Species from the Nineteenth Century through Punctuated Equilibria and Beyond
by Niles EldredgeFrom one of evolutionary biology's major contributors, a compelling work that unravels science's great "Mystery of Mysteries": how new species arise.
Ethanoleinspritzung mit Selbstzündung im Dieselverfahren: Methode zur Senkung der NOx-Emission (essentials)
by Nicolae Vlad BurneteNicolae Vlad Burnete beschreibt ein neues Verbrennungsverfahren im Dieselmotor, wobei eine Diesel-Voreinspritzung zu den erforderlichen Selbstzündungsbedingungen einer Ethanol-Haupteinspritzung führt. Seine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Schadstoffemissionen aufgrund einer geringeren Maximaltemperatur erheblich verringert werden können, während der Motorwirkungsgrad aufgrund einer erhöhten Effizienz der Verbrennung gleichzeitig erhöht wird. Dieses essential ist ein geeigneter Beitrag für eine grundsätzliche Umstrukturierung der Fahrzeugantriebe, weil nicht hauptsächlich die katalytische Nachbehandlung, sondern grundsätzlich die Prozesse im Brennraum das höchste Potenzial dafür bieten.
eThekwini’s Green and Ecological Infrastructure Policy Landscape: Towards a Deeper Understanding
by Richard MeissnerThis book offers the reader a deeper understanding of the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality’s green and ecological infrastructure policy landscape. The author utilises the PULSE3 analytical framework to conduct an in-depth examination and to show how experts frame and implement the municipality’s green and ecological infrastructure strategies and projects. Although the initial purpose of this book was to investigate the role of green and ecological infrastructures in eThekwini’s water security aspirations, the author realised that climate change adaptation and mitigation play a more central role in motivating the municipality to develop and implement such science-driven projects. To be sure, science that is informed by a positivist paradigm, guides how, where and when the municipality should develop green and ecological infrastructures. Furthermore, a positivistic stance is generated in this policy landscape, where science and politics meet at a local government level, and the book offers an insight into the science–policy interface, as well as the normative and value orientations that positivism often ignores. The book also shows the usefulness of the PULSE3 framework and how it can assist scientists in all fields to gain a deeper understanding of the complications that are faced by humankind. This book fills a market gap by providing a view of how scientists think about problems and how to solve them by using established paradigms and theories.
Ethical and Legal Aspects of Computing: A Professional Perspective from Software Engineering (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
by Gerard O'ReganThis textbook presents an overview of the critically important ethical and legal issues that arise in the computing field and provides a professional perspective from software engineering. The author gained exposure to these aspects of computing while working as a software engineer at Motorola in Ireland, where he coordinated the patent programme and worked with several software suppliers. Topics and features: Presents a broad overview of ethics and the lawIncludes key learning topics, summaries, and review questions in each chapter, together with a useful glossaryDiscusses the professional responsibility of computer professionalsExplores ethics in various civilisations and religious traditionsDiscusses ethical software engineering and ethical outsourcingConsiders what is fair and ethical in data scienceDescribes ethical challenges that arise in social media and the AI fieldReviews intellectual property including patents, copyright and trademarks This practical and easy-to-follow textbook/reference is ideal for computer science students seeking to understand legal and ethical aspects of computing. The text also serves as a concise self-study primer for software engineers and software managers.
Ethical Artificial Intelligence in Power Electronics
by Keshav Kaushik Mariya Ouaissa Inam Ullah Khan Salma El Hajjami Tarandeep Kaur Bhatia Gayo DialloThis book focuses on the techniques of artificial intelligence that are mainly used in the power electronics field for the optimization of lost vehicle power. With the intention of optimizing the powerful energy of the vehicles and producing reliable energy, the most efficient methods, algorithms, and strategies of ethical artificial intelligence (AI) are being applied. By employing machine learning methods, the optimization of power energy in vehicles can be quickly recovered and managed efficiently. In today’s bustling world, power energy is indispensable for progress, yet in congested Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), vehicles often face power depletion and decreased efficiency. This book explores these challenges, encompassing not only power but also other critical power electronics within vehicles. We aim to introduce innovative approaches, leveraging ethical AI methods, to optimize energy performance in the face of these difficulties. Through this exploration, we seek to provide practical insights into navigating congested VANET environments while upholding ethical principles in technological advancements. Our book will discuss the current power energy concerns faced by vehicles and also contribute a novel strategy to overcome those concerns. The employment of ethical AI in vehicular power energy will undoubtedly improve the effectiveness and production of vehicles.
Ethical Assessments of Emerging Technologies
by Federica LuciveroThis book systematically addresses the issue of assessing the normative nature of visions of emerging technologies in an epistemologically robust way. In the context of democratic governance of emerging technologies, not only it is important to reflect on technologies' moral significance, but also to address their emerging and future oriented character. The book proposes an original approach to deal with the issue of "plausible" ethical evaluation of new technologies. Taking its start from current debates about Technology Assessment, the proposed solution emerges as a combination of theoretical and methodological insights from the fields of Philosophy of Technology, Science and Technology Studies and a normative justification based on pragmatist ethics. The book's main contribution is to engage a diverse and interdisciplinary audience (ethicists, philosophers, social scientists, technology assessment researchers and practitioners) in a reflection concerning the epistemological challenges that are associated to the endeavour of appraising the moral significance of emerging technologies in the attempt of democratically governing them. It brings together concepts and methodologies from different disciplines and shows their synergy in applying them to two specific case studies of emerging biomedical technologies.
Ethical Considerations of Virtual Reality in the College Classroom: Cross-Disciplinary Case Studies of Immersive Technology Implementation
by Melody Bowdon Kevin Yee William DornerEthical Considerations of Virtual Reality in the College Classroom collects case studies that address both pedagogical and ethical foundations of extended reality tools in postsecondary learning environments across disciplines. With today’s institutional programs and faculty leveraging cutting-edge virtual, augmented, and mixed reality opportunities to teach and promote achievement goals, it is imperative that new research into these technologies speaks directly to their challenges and affordances within broad academic settings. This book showcases real-world examples of faculty members who chronicle and develop their use of VR tools across learning contexts and student populations by creating their own digital experiences, adapting open-source tools, integrating commercial products, amplifying crucial course content, analyzing outcomes data, and more. Nontechnical readers will come away with a new understanding of key terms and concepts associated with virtual reality and essential heuristics for evaluating the ethical implications of immersive approaches.
The Ethical Engineer: Contemporary Concepts And Cases
by Robert McGinnAn exploration of the ethics of practical engineering through analyses of eighteen rich case studiesThe Ethical Engineer explores ethical issues that arise in engineering practice, from technology transfer to privacy protection to whistle-blowing. Presenting key ethics concepts and real-life examples of engineering work, Robert McGinn illuminates the ethical dimension of engineering practice and helps students and professionals determine engineers’ context-specific ethical responsibilities.McGinn highlights the “ethics gap” in contemporary engineering—the disconnect between the meager exposure to ethical issues in engineering education and the ethical challenges frequently faced by engineers. He elaborates four “fundamental ethical responsibilities of engineers” (FEREs) and uses them to shed light on the ethical dimensions of diverse case studies, including ones from emerging engineering fields. The cases range from the Union Carbide pesticide plant disaster in India to the Google Street View project. After examining the extent to which the actions of engineers in the cases align with the FEREs, McGinn recapitulates key ideas used in analyzing the cases and spells out the main lessons they suggest. He identifies technical, social, and personal factors that induce or press engineers to engage in misconduct and discusses organizational, legal, and individual resources available to those interested in ethically responsible engineering practice.Combining probing analysis and nuanced ethical evaluation of engineering conduct in its social and technical contexts, The Ethical Engineer will be invaluable to engineering students and professionals.Meets the need for engineering-related ethics studyElaborates four fundamental ethical responsibilities of engineersDiscusses diverse, global cases of ethical issues in established and emerging engineering fieldsIdentifies resources and options for ethically responsible engineering practiceProvides discussion questions for each case
Ethical Engineering: A Practical Guide with Case Studies (What Every Engineer Should Know)
by Eugene SchlossbergerEthical Engineering: A Practical Guide with Case Studies provides detailed and practical guidance in making decisions about the many ethical issues practicing engineers may face in their professional lives. It outlines a decision-making procedure and helps engineers construct an ethics toolkit consisting of professional models, a comprehensive set of ethical considerations and factors that help in weighing those considerations, and analyses of particular issues, such as reverse engineering a patented process. Illustrating case studies, both brief and detailed, are provided. Features: • Introduces the nature of ethical decision-making as applied to engineering values and issues. • Helps readers develop a detailed ethics toolkit that identifies options and solutions and allows them to monitor and adjust as necessary. • Features topics such as safety, sustainability, bioethics, diversity and equality, information technology and AI, as well as critical areas often overlooked in engineering texts, such as mentoring, advertising (for consulting firms), engineering sales, and much more. • Includes 85 case studies to illustrate a variety of scenarios. • Offers an international perspective with codes of ethics from around the world, including Saudi Arabia, India, New Zealand, Chile, and Japan. Emphasizing the importance of the moral life and of engineering as an occupation with high ideals, this book helps readers navigate a variety of real-world ethical issues they are likely to face in this increasingly interdisciplinary, global, and diverse profession.
Ethical Engineering for International Development and Environmental Sustainability
by Marion HershEnsuring that their work has a positive influence on society is a responsibility and a privilege for engineers, but also a considerable challenge. This book addresses the ways in which engineers meet this challenge, working from the assumption that for a project to be truly ethical both the undertaking itself and its implementation must be ethically sound. The contributors discuss varied topics from an international and interdisciplinary perspective, including l robot ethics; l outer space; l international development; l internet privacy and security; l green branding; l arms conversion; l green employment; and l deliberate misinformation about climate change Important questions are answered, such as l what is meant by engineering ethics and its practical implications; l how decisions made by engineers in their working lives make an impact at the global as well as the local level; and l what ethics-related questions should be asked before making such decisions. Ethical Engineering for International Development and Environmental Sustainability will be a valuable resource for practising and student engineers as well as all who are interested in professional ethics, especially as it relates to engineering. Researchers and policy makers concerned with the effects of engineering decisions on environmental sustainability and international stability will find this book to be of special interest.
Ethical Hacking (Law, Technology and Media)
by Alana MaurushatHow will governments and courts protect civil liberties in this new era of hacktivism? Ethical Hacking discusses the attendant moral and legal issues. The first part of the 21st century will likely go down in history as the era when ethical hackers opened governments and the line of transparency moved by force. One need only read the motto “we open governments” on the Twitter page for Wikileaks to gain a sense of the sea change that has occurred. Ethical hacking is the non-violent use of a technology in pursuit of a cause—political or otherwise—which is often legally and morally ambiguous. Hacktivists believe in two general but spirited principles: respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression and personal privacy; and the responsibility of government to be open, transparent and fully accountable to the public. How courts and governments will deal with hacking attempts which operate in a grey zone of the law and where different ethical views collide remains to be seen. What is undisputed is that Ethical Hacking presents a fundamental discussion of key societal questions. A fundamental discussion of key societal questions. This book is published in English. - La première moitié du XXIe siècle sera sans doute reconnue comme l’époque où le piratage éthique a ouvert de force les gouvernements, déplaçant les limites de la transparence. La page twitter de Wikileaks enchâsse cet ethos à même sa devise, « we open governments », et sa volonté d’être omniprésent. En parallèle, les grandes sociétés de technologie comme Apple se font compétition pour produire des produits de plus en plus sécuritaires et à protéger les données de leurs clients, alors même que les gouvernements tentent de limiter et de décrypter ces nouvelles technologies d’encryption. Entre-temps, le marché des vulnérabilités en matière de sécurité augmente à mesure que les experts en sécurité informatique vendent des vulnérabilités de logiciels des grandes technologies, dont Apple et Google, contre des sommes allant de 10 000 à 1,5 million de dollars. L’activisme en sécurité est à la hausse. Le piratage éthique est l’utilisation non-violence d’une technologie quelconque en soutien d’une cause politique ou autre qui est souvent ambigue d’un point de vue juridique et moral. Le hacking éthique peut désigner les actes de vérification de pénétration professionnelle ou d’experts en sécurité informatique, de même que d’autres formes d’actions émergentes, comme l’hacktivisme et la désobéissance civile en ligne. L’hacktivisme est une forme de piratage éthique, mais également une forme de militantisme des droits civils à l’ère numérique. En principe, les adeptes du hacktivisme croient en deux grands principes : le respect des droits de la personne et les libertés fondamentales, y compris la liberté d’expression et à la vie privée, et la responsabilité des gouvernements d’être ouverts, transparents et pleinement redevables au public. En pratique, toutefois, les antécédents comme les agendas des hacktivistes sont fort diversifiés. Il n’est pas clair de quelle façon les tribunaux et les gouvernements traiteront des tentatives de piratage eu égard aux zones grises juridiques, aux approches éthiques conflictuelles, et compte tenu du fait qu’il n’existe actuellement, dans le monde, presque aucune exception aux provisions, en matière de cybercrime et de crime informatique, liées à la recherche sur la sécurité ou l’intérêt public. Il sera également difficile de déterminer le lien entre hacktivisme et droits civils. Ce livre est publié en anglais.
Ethical Hacking And Countermeasures: Secure Network Operating Systems and Infrastructures (Second Edition)
by EC-CouncilThe EC-Council|Press Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures series is comprised of four books covering a broad base of topics in offensive network security, ethical hacking, and network defense and countermeasures. The content of this series is designed to immerse the reader into an interactive environment where they will be shown how to scan, test, hack, and secure information systems. A wide variety of tools, viruses, and malware is presented in these books, providing a complete understanding of the tactics and tools used by hackers. The full series of books helps prepare readers to take and succeed on the C|EH certification exam from EC-Council.
The Ethical Meat Handbook: From Sourcing To Butchery, Mindful Meat Eating For The Modern Omnivore (Mother Earth News Books for Wiser Living)
by Meredith Leigh“Leigh will teach you how to raise animals, butcher them, and cook and cure their meat. Even better, she explains what it means and why it matters.” —Mark Essig, author of Lesser BeastsNutrition, environmental impact, ethics, sustainability—it seems like there’s no end to the food factors we must consider. At the center of the dietary storm is animal-based agriculture. Was your beef factory farmed or pasture-raised? Did your chicken free range, or was it raised in a battery cage? Have you, in short, met your meat?Most efforts to unravel the complexities of the production and consumption of animals tend to pit meat eaters and vegetarians against each other.In this second edition of The Ethical Meat Handbook, Meredith Leigh argues that by assuming responsibility for the food on our fork and the route by which it gets there, animals can be an optimal source of food, fiber, and environmental management. This new edition covers:Integrating animals into your garden or homesteadStep-by-step color photos for beef, pork, lamb, and poultry butchery100+ recipes for whole-animal cookingCulinary highlights: preparing difficult cuts, sauces, and extrasCharcuterie, including history, general science, principles, and tooling upThe economics and parameters for responsible meat productionEating diversely may be the most revolutionary action we can take to ensure the sustainability of our food system. The Ethical Meat Handbook, 2nd Edition challenges us to take a hard look at our dietary choices, increase self-reliance, and enjoy delicious food that benefits our health and our planet.“A powerful, positive book about a powerful, positive alternative, engaging us in shaping a new food and agriculture narrative.” —Jean-Martin Fortier, author of The Market Gardener
Ethical Ripples of Creativity and Innovation
by Seana MoranIf we are going to promote creativity as an ideal to strive toward, shouldn't we make sure we also instil ethical anticipation so our creative contributions produce a better world rather than chaos and waste? Creativity drives cultural development. We all, directly or indirectly, collaborate in the creation of culture, and we are jointly responsible for the way that culture develops. The goals and decisions we make as both creators and adopters pave pathways into the future for us all. <P><P> Instead of merely reflecting on past events, Ethical Ripples of Creativity and Innovation educates for 'proflection'—through cases that present what-might-be scenarios for creative contributions that are emerging into mainstream culture, stimulating real-time thinking about creativity-in-action.. This book offers the opportunity to strengthen ethical anticipation by considering the possibilities streaming from current creative offerings that affect our bodies, emotions, selves, and social interactions.
Ethical Sourcing in the Global Food System: Fair Trade And The Environment
by Stephanie BarrientosEthical sourcing, both through fair trade and ethical trade, is increasingly entering the mainstream of food retailing. Large supermarkets have come under pressure to improve the returns to small producers and conditions of employment within their supply chains. But how effective is ethical sourcing? Can it genuinely address the problems facing workers and producers in the global food system? Is it a new form of northern protectionism or can southern initiatives be developed to create a more sustainable approach to ethical sourcing? How can the rights and participation of workers and small producers be enhanced, given the power and dominance of large supermarkets within the global food chain? What role can civil society and multistakeholder initiatives play in ensuring the effectiveness of ethical sourcing? This book brings together a range of academics and practitioners working on issues of ethical sourcing in the global food system. It critically explores the opportunities and challenges in the ethical sourcing of food by combining analysis and case studies that examine a range of approaches. It explores whether ethical sourcing is a cosmetic northern initiative, or can genuinely help to improve the conditions of small producers and workers in the current global food system.
Ethical Tech Startup Guide (Synthesis Lectures on Professionalism and Career Advancement for Scientists and Engineers)
by Ron BaeckerThis book draws on almost five decades of entrepreneurial experience and innovation and offers a broad perspective on ethical tech startups. It approaches the subject on two fronts by considering both the business of ethical technology as well as the challenges of tech startups with an imperative to behave ethically. The book provides readers with the tools to ethically frame and construct their startup ventures whether or not their core business is rooted in a technology meant to serve a social good. Incorporating ethical business practices both in knowledge and action, this book leads readers through the process of shaping an incipient startup idea all the way through the long-term operating stages. Using real-world case studies, the book explores key factors in successfully planning, framing, launching, leading, managing, and financing startups. This book is essential reading for researchers, academics, and students as well as industry professionals who have an idea or technology they want to get out into the world. Whether readers are seasoned in the field, employees of existing startups looking for better approaches, or new idealistic innovators who want to learn where to start, this guidebook explains and explores the road to launching the next great ethical tech startup.
Ethical Tensions from New Technology: The Case Of Agricultural Biotechnology (Plant Science / Horticulture Ser. #6)
by Harvey S. James Jr.The introduction of new technologies can be controversial, especially when they create ethical tensions as well as winners and losers among stakeholders and interest groups. While ethical tensions resulting from the genetic modification of crops and plants and their supportive gene technologies have been apparent for decades, persistent challenges remain. This book explores the contemporary nature, type, extent and implications of ethical tensions resulting from agricultural biotechnology specifically and technology generally. There are four main arenas of ethical tensions: public opinion, policy and regulation, technology as solutions to problems, and older versus new technologies. Contributions focus on one or more of these arenas by identifying the ethical tensions technology creates and articulating emerging fault lines and, where possible, viable solutions.
Ethical Water Stewardship (Water Security in a New World)
by Ingrid Leman Stefanovic Zafar AdeelThis interdisciplinary book brings philosophers and non-philosophers to the table to address questions of water ethics, specifically in terms of how moral questions inform decision making around water security at local, national, and international scales.Water security, which pertains to the experience of assured access to clean water, is a broad concept that intersects human rights, politics, economics, law, legislation, public health, trade, agriculture, and energy. Decisions made at each of these intersection points have ramifications for human well being, especially for the populations that are marginalized in a societal and political sense. In this book, the ethical dimensions of decision-making at those intersection points are explored, and real-world examples are used to tease out some key insights. It charts how ethical consideration can help shape a future in which everyone will be water secure.
The Ethically Responsible Engineer: Concepts and Cases for Students and Professionals
by Robert McginnThe book lays out and discusses four Fundamental Ethical Responsibilities of Engineers (FEREs) that are incumbent of engineers. It also shows how the FEREs can be applied to particular engineering situations to determine specific "derivative ethical responsibilities" that are incumbent on engineers in those situations Includes a variety of case studies in various fields of engineering that are divided into four parts: salient factual background, ethical issues, analysis of ethical issues, and moral lessons Grasp ethical issues in real-life situations The author is a professor of Management Science and Engineering and Science, Technology, and Society (STS) at Stanford University
An Ethico-Phenomenology of Digital Art Practices
by Giuseppe TorreDigital art practitioners work under the constant threat of a medium – the digital – that objectifies the self and depersonalises artistic identities. If digital technology is a pharmakon in that it can be either cure or poison, with regard to digital art practices the digital may have in fact worked as a placebo that has allowed us to push back the date in which the crisis between digital and art will be given serious thought. This book is hence concerned with an analysis of such a relationship and proposes their rethinking in terms of an ethico-phenomenological practice informed by an in-depth understanding of the digital medium. Giuseppe Torre engages with underground cultures such as Free and Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) and its ties with art discourse. The discussion is informed by various philosophical discourses and media theories, with a focus on how such ideas connect back to the existing literature in performance studies. Replete with examples of artwork and practices, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of theatre and performance studies, art and technology.
ETHICS: Cross-disciplinary Strategies (Designing Environments)
by Alessandra Battisti Serena BaianiThis book outlines, within the Italian national framework, the current and potential paths oriented towards a new concept of Architectural Heritage, through actions referring to Innovation and Experimentation and Protection and Transformation of the Architectural Heritage. The development of the themes is articulated in two sessions dealing with the aspects related to the analysis and mapping of Architectural Heritage to face the context of the current Climate Crisis and the development of projects and experimentations oriented to the Green and Digital Transition. The evolution of the concept of Heritage, as conceived by the United Nations 2030 Agenda and in the Green Deal and New European Bauhaus, aimed at constructing an inclusive and universally recognised definition to support supranational objectives of sustainable human development, gives rise to innovative strategies, methodologies and technologies that—in a direction of mitigation, contrast and adaptation to climate change—allow for the safeguard, renewed management and a hope for valorisation of Heritage on a national scale. In this direction, the understanding of Architectural Heritage as a 'non-renewable resource' determines the need to activate design experimentation laboratories oriented towards regeneration, articulated and complex, which require, in order to respond to the challenges posed by our era, a sensitive and dialogic multidisciplinary vision of a holistic type. In fact, on the one hand, it is necessary to redefine the usability and management methods of built heritage through the adoption of digital, mobility, energy, ecological, social, green and blue infrastructures; on the other hand, it is necessary to introduce new qualitative and quantitative parameters and performance indicators, adequate to verify the validity of the implemented strategies in a perspective of adaptation to climate change, able to clarify contents, processes and tools to contrast future risks. The pursuit of these objectives refers to the innovation of training paths, professionalising procedures, administrative regulations, and public policies that involve citizens and the private partnership towards a different project qualification and empowerment of stakeholders, inhabitants, professionals, and clients. The Technological Project makes it possible to activate different interventions aimed at acting, in an integrated manner, on assets, context and communities, according to an approach that reinterprets them on a common score, as proposed by the European Next Generation programme in three priority aspects: digitalisation and innovation, environmental transition, increased resilience and social sustainability of national economies. In this scenario, the interventions aimed at outlining sustainable development actions will have to place these concepts at the centre in a harmonious vision that starts from the recognition and enhancement of the Architectural Heritage, recognising it as a fundamental asset of the territories.