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The Ethics of Drone Design: How Value-Sensitive Design Can Create Better Technologies (Routledge Research in Applied Ethics)
by Dylan CawthorneThis book presents a holistic approach to the design and use of drones. It argues that this powerful technology requires high levels of ethical analysis and responsibility – our moral progress must keep pace with our technological progress. Drone technologies support and diminish the flourishing of certain human values, impact power relations between individuals and groups, and add an additional element to the complex network of humans and objects in modern society. The book begins by introducing four prototype drones designed and built by the author: the healthcare drone, the search and rescue drone, the educational drone, and the spiritual drone. These drones have been developed using a value-sensitive design approach – with values such as human welfare, privacy, trust, environmental sustainability, and justice at the forefront. Ethical analyses and social impacts are taken as design inputs, leading to the creation of better, more responsible drone designs. The book then showcases additional methods used to develop the prototype drones from the fields of engineering, ethics, and art, including ethical frameworks, ethics standards, capability caution, and speculative design. The holistic approach reveals a more subtle and nuanced view of drones than the currently polarized characterization of "the good drone" or "the killer drone". The book concludes with recommendations for drone engineers, companies, lawmakers, and citizens on how to support ethics in drone design. The Ethics of Drone Design is an essential resource for scholars, advanced students, engineers, and designers interested in the ethics of technology.
The Ethics of Drone Design: How Value-Sensitive Design Can Create Better Technologies (Routledge Research in Applied Ethics)
by Dylan CawthorneThis book presents a holistic approach to the design and use of drones. It argues that this powerful technology requires high levels of ethical analysis and responsibility – our moral progress must keep pace with our technological progress. Drone technologies support and diminish the flourishing of certain human values, impact power relations between individuals and groups, and add an additional element to the complex network of humans and objects in modern society. The book begins by introducing four prototype drones designed and built by the author: the healthcare drone, the search and rescue drone, the educational drone, and the spiritual drone. These drones have been developed using a value-sensitive design approach – with values such as human welfare, privacy, trust, environmental sustainability, and justice at the forefront. Ethical analyses and social impacts are taken as design inputs, leading to the creation of better, more responsible drone designs. The book then showcases additional methods used to develop the prototype drones from the fields of engineering, ethics, and art, including ethical frameworks, ethics standards, capability caution, and speculative design. The holistic approach reveals a more subtle and nuanced view of drones than the currently polarized characterization of "the good drone" or "the killer drone". The book concludes with recommendations for drone engineers, companies, lawmakers, and citizens on how to support ethics in drone design. The Ethics of Drone Design is an essential resource for scholars, advanced students, engineers, and designers interested in the ethics of technology.
The Ethics of Energy Sustainability
by Pamela E. HeckelThis book is an easy to use instructional aide. Explore sustainability issues in contemporary society through a transdisciplinary approach. Chapters include ethics, public resources, public policy, combustion, heat exchangers, nuclear, solar, water, and wind energy. A short summary is presented for each topic, followed by additional topics for research, assignments, and references. The complex assignments require students to grow in their professional judgment.
The Ethics of Information Warfare
by Luciano Floridi Mariarosaria TaddeoThis book offers an overview of the ethical problems posed by Information Warfare, and of the different approaches and methods used to solve them, in order to provide the reader with a better grasp of the ethical conundrums posed by this new form of warfare. The volume is divided into three parts, each comprising four chapters. The first part focuses on issues pertaining to the concept of Information Warfare and the clarifications that need to be made in order to address its ethical implications. The second part collects contributions focusing on Just War Theory and its application to the case of Information Warfare. The third part adopts alternative approaches to Just War Theory for analysing the ethical implications of this phenomenon. Finally, an afterword by Neelie Kroes - Vice President of the European Commission and European Digital Agenda Commissioner - concludes the volume. Her contribution describes the interests and commitments of the European Digital Agenda with respect to research for the development and deployment of robots in various circumstances, including warfare.
The Ethics of Insurgency
by Michael L. GrossAs insurgencies rage, a burning question remains: how should insurgents fight technologically superior state armies? Commentators rarely ask this question because the catchphrase 'we fight by the rules, but they don't' is nearly axiomatic. But truly, are all forms of guerrilla warfare equally reprehensible? Can we think cogently about just guerrilla warfare? May guerrilla tactics such as laying improvised explosive devices (IEDs), assassinating informers, using human shields, seizing prisoners of war, conducting cyber strikes against civilians, manipulating the media, looting resources, or using nonviolence to provoke violence prove acceptable under the changing norms of contemporary warfare? The short answer is 'yes', but modern guerrilla warfare requires a great deal of qualification, explanation, and argumentation before it joins the repertoire of acceptable military behavior. Not all insurgents fight justly, but guerrilla tactics and strategies are also not always the heinous practices that state powers often portray them to be.
The Ethics of Invention: Technology and the Human Future
by Sheila JasanoffWe live in a world increasingly governed by technology--but to what end? Technology rules us as much as laws do. It shapes the legal, social, and ethical environments in which we act. Every time we cross a street, drive a car, or go to the doctor, we submit to the silent power of technology. Yet, much of the time, the influence of technology on our lives goes unchallenged by citizens and our elected representatives. In The Ethics of Invention, renowned scholar Sheila Jasanoff dissects the ways in which we delegate power to technological systems and asks how we might regain control. Our embrace of novel technological pathways, Jasanoff shows, leads to a complex interplay among technology, ethics, and human rights. Inventions like pesticides or GMOs can reduce hunger but can also cause unexpected harm to people and the environment. Often, as in the case of CFCs creating a hole in the ozone layer, it takes decades before we even realize that any damage has been done. Advances in biotechnology, from GMOs to gene editing, have given us tools to tinker with life itself, leading some to worry that human dignity and even human nature are under threat. But despite many reasons for caution, we continue to march heedlessly into ethically troubled waters. As Jasanoff ranges across these and other themes, she challenges the common assumption that technology is an apolitical and amoral force. Technology, she masterfully demonstrates, can warp the meaning of democracy and citizenship unless we carefully consider how to direct its power rather than let ourselves be shaped by it. The Ethics of Invention makes a bold argument for a future in which societies work together--in open, democratic dialogue--to debate not only the perils but even more the promises of technology.
The Ethics of Nuclear Energy
by Taebi, Behnam and Roeser, Sabine Behnam Taebi Sabine RoeserDespite the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan, a growing number of countries are interested in expanding or introducing nuclear energy. However, nuclear energy production and nuclear waste disposal give rise to pressing ethical questions that society needs to face. This book takes up this challenge with essays by an international team of scholars focusing on the key issues of risk, justice, and democracy. The essays consider a range of ethical issues, including radiological protection, the influence of gender in the acceptability of nuclear risk, and environmental, international, and intergenerational justice in the context of nuclear energy. They also address the question of when, and under which conditions, nuclear energy should play a role in the world's future supply of electricity, looking at both developing and industrialized countries. The book will interest readers in ethics and political philosophy, social and political sciences, nuclear engineering, and policy studies.
Ethics on the Laboratory Floor
by Simone van der Burg Tsjalling SwierstraThis volume unites ethicists and social scientists to contribute to a new type of technology ethics. Cooperation with scientists makes it possible to anticipate ethical questions and problems at a stage when the technology can still be changed.
Ethics, Politics, and Whistleblowing in Engineering
by Nicholas Sakellariou Rania MilleronThe aim of this book is to generate a strong operational ethic in the work of engineers from all disciplines. It provides numerous examples of engineers who sought to meet the highest ethical standards, risking both professional and personal retaliations. In short, it presents the fields of engineering ethics in the context of actual conflict situations on the job, and points to an urgent need for a strong ethical framework for the profession. This book is about engineering students and practitioners truly understanding, valuing, and championing their wider critical role. Ralph Nader, the consumer advocate and champion of engineers, wrote the preface. <li>Presents various viewpoints which hail from a wide variety of disciplines in the engineering, science, and technology communities. <li>Includes a mix of historical and contemporary examples, a list of relevant television series and documentaries for engineers, as well as links to informative websites for practicing engineers and engineering students. <li>Examines engineering professionalism as related to the imperative of sustainable development. <li>Provides numerous examples of corporate whistleblowing and ethical dilemmas in engineering. <li>Includes a foreword written by consumer advocate Ralph Nader.
Ethics, Tools and the Engineer (Technology Management Series)
by Raymond SpierModern society faces two problems: the development of acceptable methods for the introduction of new and powerful tools and the need for a trustworthy, universally applicable ethical system. Part of the problem may be attributed to the lack of a reliable system of ethics that can be brought to bear on the issues of new biotechnology, information te
Ethik in den Ingenieurwissenschaften: Eine Annäherung
by Uta Breuer Dieter D. GenskeDie Ingenieurwissenschaften tragen wesentlich zur Gestaltung unserer Zukunft bei. Umso mehr überrascht es, dass ethische Fragen in ingenieurwissenschaftliche Curricula kaum einfließen. Auch praktizierenden Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren bleibt die Thematik zumeist fremd. In dieser Edition wird der ethische Anspruch der Ingenieurwissenschaften historisch aufgearbeitet, neu definiert und an aktuellen Beispielen wie dem Dieselskandal, der Klimakrise, den Suchmaschinen und sozialen Netzwerken, der künstlichen Intelligenz und der Covid19-Pandemie verdeutlicht. Dabei sollen sowohl Studierende als auch Praktizierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften angesprochen werden
Ethnic Fermented Foods and Beverages of India: Science History and Culture
by Jyoti Prakash TamangThis book provides detailed information on the various ethnic fermented foods and beverages of India. India is home to a diverse food culture comprising fermented and non-fermented ethnic foods and alcoholic beverages. More than 350 different types of familiar, less-familiar and rare ethnic fermented foods and alcoholic beverages are traditionally prepared by the country’s diverse ethnic groups, and include alcoholic, milk, vegetable, bamboo, legume, meat, fish, and cereal based beverages. Most of the Indian ethnic fermented foods are naturally fermented, whereas the majority of the alcoholic beverages have been prepared using dry starter culture and the ‘back-sloping’ method for the past 6,000 years. A broad range of culturable and unculturable microbiomes and mycobiomes are associated with the fermentation and production of ethnic foods and alcoholic drinks in India. The book begins with detailed chapters on various aspects including food habits, dietary culture, and the history, microbiology and health benefits of fermented Indian food and beverages. Subsequent chapters describe unique and region-specific ethnic fermented foods and beverages from all 28 states and 9 union territories. In turn the classification of various ethnic fermented foods and beverages, their traditional methods of preparation, culinary practices and mode of consumption, socio-economy, ethnic values, microbiology, food safety, nutritional value, and process optimization in some foods are discussed in details with original pictures. In closing, the book addresses the medicinal properties of the fermented food products and their health benefits, together with corresponding safety regulations.
Ethnic Minorities
by Jan Pieter van Oudenhoven Tineke M. WillemsenThis book presents an overview of the contribution social psychology may offer to the issue of interethnic relations. It comprises three approaches: social psychological theory; description of interethnic relationships in real life settings; and the application of theories to reduce discrimination.
The Ethnography of Rhythm: Orality and Its Technologies (Verbal Arts: Studies in Poetics)
by null Haun SaussyWinner of the Modern Language Association's Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary StudiesWho speaks? The author as producer, the contingency of the text, intertextuality, the “device”—core ideas of modern literary theory—were all pioneered in the shadow of oral literature. Authorless, loosely dated, and variable, oral texts have always posed a challenge to critical interpretation. When it began to be thought that culturally significant texts—starting with Homer and the Bible—had emerged from an oral tradition, assumptions on how to read these texts were greatly perturbed. Through readings that range from ancient Greece, Rome, and China to the Cold War imaginary, The Ethnography of Rhythm situates the study of oral traditions in the contentious space of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thinking about language, mind, and culture. It also demonstrates the role of technologies in framing this category of poetic creation. By making possible a new understanding of Maussian “techniques of the body” as belonging to the domain of Derridean “arche-writing,” Haun Saussy shows how oral tradition is a means of inscription in its own right, rather than an antecedent made obsolete by the written word or other media and data-storage devices.
Ethnopharmacology and Drug Discovery for COVID-19: Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Agents from Herbal Medicines and Natural Products
by Jen-Tsung ChenThis book presents a complete overview of COVID-19 and provides a series of in-depth analyses of the literature and a comprehensive discussion and perspectives on promising anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents based on the system of ethnopharmacology, which covers Chinese medicine, traditional medicines of India and Africa, Turkish folk medicine, essential oils, and some well-known medicinal plants. In this book, the current status of therapeutic strategies against COVID-19 was summarized and a perspective of potential options for the future was proposed. Based on ethnopharmacology, some well-established traditional herbal formulations and bioactive compounds with anti-virus activity were repurposed for managing COVID-19 and post-illness, including neurological disorders and kidney illness. Using drug discovery tools, promising immune enhancers were explored from phytochemicals against SARS-CoV-2. Nutraceuticals from dietary plants, spices, and fruits with anti-virus and antioxidant activities were recommended to prevent infection or severe illness caused by emerging variants. With the aid of systems pharmacology, researchers have gained insights into possible molecular mechanisms of anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity and have predicted a range of candidate compounds from medicinal plants to combat COVID-19. This book explores the current knowledge of drug discovery and ethnopharmacology for managing coronavirus diseases. The content proved the anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity from natural products and traditional herbal medicines. It contributes to the management of global public health and fits the goal of establishing “Good Health and Well-Being,” which is one of “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030".
Ethnoveterinary Medicine: Present and Future Concepts
by Lyndy J. McGaw Muna Ali AbdallaThe importance of a complementary approach to animal health is highlighted in this book, with core themes encompassing reviews of traditional veterinary medicine for common diseases afflicting livestock, as well as local practices in different areas of the world. The book includes chapters on ethnoveterinary medicine used to prevent and treat ticks and tick-borne diseases, infectious diseases and parasites. Ethnoveterinary practices in parts of the world which have not been comprehensively reviewed before are highlighted, including Estonia, Belarus and the Maghreb - the north-western tip of Africa. A fascinating account of African ethnoveterinary medicine and traditional husbandry practices is provided by a veteran in the field with a wealth of practical experience in the area. Neglected areas of research involve the relationship of ethnoveterinary medicine with environmental, ethical, cultural and gender aspects, and leading experts explore these issues.The book is intended to provide an informative compilation of current research and future prospects in ethnoveterinary medicine, which hopes to inform and encourage investigations in new directions. Sustainable development requires a concerted effort to combine indigenous knowledge systems with scientific research to improve animal health. This is the case not only in rural areas where access to orthodox veterinary health care may be limited, but also against the backdrop of antibiotic resistance and increased demand for alternative and complementary therapies to enhance the health of both production and companion animals. Students, academics and veterinary professionals will find this book a useful addition to knowledge on present and future aspects of ethnoveterinary research.
by Beate Adam Boris LehmannUm Fließgewässer den Nutzungsansprüchen des Menschen anzupassen, sind unzählige Baumaßnahmen erforderlich. Um die Auswirkungen wasserbaulicher Aktivitäten auf die in Fließgewässern lebenden Tiere zu untersuchen, wurde die Ethohydraulik entwickelt. Sie beruht auf der Ethologie (Erforschung des Verhaltens von Tieren) und der Hydraulik (Lehre von den bewegten Flüssigkeiten). Die Autoren stellen die Grundlagen dieser Wissenschaftsdisziplin dar und liefern Regeln sowie Grenz- und Bemessungswerte für die wasserbauliche Praxis.
Etiology and Integrated Management of Economically Important Fungal Diseases of Ornamental Palms (Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection #16)
by Imran Ul Haq Siddra IjazPalms are monocots, Angiosperms, belonging to the family Palmae (Arecaceae), perennials having woody stems. Palmae (Arecaceae) family comprised of about six subfamilies, 200 genera and 2,700 species that are distributed all over the tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean landscape. Palms are diverse (ecologically and morphologically) group of plants. Ornamental palms are important component of landscape as well as interiorscapes. Additionally, these plants are good source of food, feed and shelter with numerous other commercial benefits. Likewise other trees and crops, landscape and field nurseries of palms are also subjected to various threats of insect pest and diseases (caused by different plant pathogens). Amongst fungal diseases leaf spots, leaf blights, Fusarium wilts, butt rots, bud rots, root rots, lethal yellowing and decline of palms are major growth constraints of palm growth. In developing countries very little attention has been paid on the etiology and management of these fungal diseases on ornamental palms. Accurate diagnosis and reliable management plan of palm fungal diseases usually requires expertise in both modern and advanced plant pathological approaches. Historically it was general belief that plant pathogens are not associated with human diseases. Since 19th century, several clinical reports are available indicating many plant pathogenic fungi (Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., Alternaria spp., Trichoderma spp., Fusarium spp., Curvularia spp. and Colletotrichum Spp) as novel agents of human diseases. Besides the association of fungal plant pathogens infecting ornamental palms, harbouring any of earlier mentioned or other fungal species (capable of causing certain diseases in human beings or pets) by the ornamental palms cultivation (either grown indoor or outdoor) is an important area of research to be explored and addressed thoroughly. This book will provide the deep information regarding major fungal diseases of ornamental palms, their symptoms, disease identification, and etiology and management strategies. This book will also provide unique knowledge regarding the ornamental palms harbouring kinds of human fungal pathogens and their practical management at domestic and commercial scale, in order to make cultivation of these plant more beneficial for humans, animals and environment.
The ETTO Principle: Why Things That Go Right Sometimes Go Wrong
by Erik HollnagelAccident investigation and risk assessment have for decades focused on the human factor, particularly 'human error'. Countless books and papers have been written about how to identify, classify, eliminate, prevent and compensate for it. This bias towards the study of performance failures, leads to a neglect of normal or 'error-free' performance and the assumption that as failures and successes have different origins there is little to be gained from studying them together. Erik Hollnagel believes this assumption is false and that safety cannot be attained only by eliminating risks and failures. The ETTO Principle looks at the common trait of people at work to adjust what they do to match the conditions - to what has happened, to what happens, and to what may happen. It proposes that this efficiency-thoroughness trade-off (ETTO) - usually sacrificing thoroughness for efficiency - is normal. While in some cases the adjustments may lead to adverse outcomes, these are due to the very same processes that produce successes, rather than to errors and malfunctions. The ETTO Principle removes the need for specialised theories and models of failure and 'human error' and offers a viable basis for effective and just approaches to both reactive and proactive safety management.
EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO)
by Paul Voigt Axel von dem BusscheDieses Praktikerhandbuch enthält Hinweise zur praktischen Umsetzung der EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) sowie eine systematische Analyse der neuen Vorschriften. Das Handbuch widmet sich unter anderem den organisatorischen und materiellen Datenschutzanforderungen, den Rechten der betroffenen Personen, der Rolle der Aufsichtsbehörden, der Rechtsdurchsetzung und den Bußgeldern nach der Verordnung, sowie nationalen Besonderheiten. Das deutsche Datenschutz-Anpassungs- und Umsetzungsgesetz EU (DSAnpUG-EU) wurde bereits umfassend berücksichtigt. Zusätzlich gewährt das Handbuch einen kompakten Überblick zu den Konsequenzen der Neuregelung für ausgewählte Verarbeitungssituationen mit hoher Praxisrelevanz, wie Cloud Computing, Big Data und Internet of Things. Die im Jahr 2016 verabschiedete DSGVO tritt im Mai 2018 in Kraft. Sie sieht zahlreiche neue bzw. verstärkte Datenschutzpflichten sowie eine deutliche Erhöhung der Bußgelder (auf bis zu 20 Mio. Euro) vor. Nicht nur in der Europäischen Union ansässige Unternehmen werden daher ihre Datenschutz-Compliance auf den Prüfstand stellen müssen; aufgrund des weiten, grenzüberschreitenden Anwendungsbereichs der Verordnung wird ihr Inkrafttreten Auswirkungen auf zahlreiche Unternehmen weltweit haben.
EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO): Praktikerhandbuch
by Paul Voigt Axel von dem BusscheDieses Praktikerhandbuch gibt einen praxisnahen Überblick über die Vorgaben der DSGVO und das deutsche Datenschutzrecht. Das Handbuch widmet sich unter anderem den organisatorischen und materiellen Datenschutzanforderungen, den Rechten der betroffenen Personen, der Rolle der Aufsichtsbehörden, den Schadensersatzanspüchen und den Bußgeldern nach der Verordnung, sowie deutschen nationalen Besonderheiten. Es enthält zahlreiche Praxishinweise und Anwendungsbeispiele sowie eine kompakte Übersicht zu den datenschutzrechtlichen Vorgaben für ausgewählte Verarbeitungssituationen mit hoher Praxisrelevanz, wie Cloud Computing, Big Data und Künstliche Intelligenz. Das Handbuch wurde für die zweite Auflage vollständig überarbeitet und berücksichtigt umfangreich neue datenschutzrechtliche Rechtsprechung und Behördenstellungnahmen.
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
by Paul Voigt Axel von dem BusscheThis book provides expert advice on the practical implementation of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and systematically analyses its various provisions. Examples, tables, a checklist etc. showcase the practical consequences of the new legislation. The handbook examines the GDPR’s scope of application, the organizational and material requirements for data protection, the rights of data subjects, the role of the Supervisory Authorities, enforcement and fines under the GDPR, and national particularities. In addition, it supplies a brief outlook on the legal consequences for seminal data processing areas, such as Cloud Computing, Big Data and the Internet of Things.Adopted in 2016, the General Data Protection Regulation will come into force in May 2018. It provides for numerous new and intensified data protection obligations, as well as a significant increase in fines (up to 20 million euros). As a result, not only companies located within the European Union will have to change their approach to data security; due to the GDPR’s broad, transnational scope of application, it will affect numerous companies worldwide.
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A Practical Guide
by Paul Voigt Axel von dem BusscheSix years have passed since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entered into force. With its numerous data protection obligations and the threat of high fines, companies had to change their approach to data protection. It has been an ongoing challenge for companies to keep up with the constant changes deriving from a plethora of new decisions by courts and supervisory authorities. The 2nd Edition of this book provides a practical overview of the requirements of the GDPR. Examples, tables, and checklists showcase the requirements of the GDPR, whilst also giving practical tips to tackle the regulatory challenges. The handbook examines the GDPR’s scope of application, the organisational and material requirements of the GDPR, the rights of data subjects, the role of the supervisory authorities, and enforcement and fines. The book has been completely revised for the second edition and takes extensive account of new data protection case law and regulatory guidelines.
EU Internet Law in the Digital Era: Regulation and Enforcement
by Tatiana-Eleni Synodinou Philippe Jougleux Christiana Markou Thalia PrastitouThe book provides a detailed overview and analysis of important EU Internet regulatory challenges currently found in various key fields of law directly linked to the Internet such as information technology, consumer protection, personal data, e-commerce and copyright law. In addition, it aims to shed light on the content and importance of various pending legislative proposals in these fields, and of the Court of Justice of the European Union’s recent case law in connection with solving the different problems encountered. The book focuses on challenging legal questions that have not been sufficiently analyzed, while also presenting original thinking in connection with the regulation of emerging legal questions. As such, it offers an excellent reference tool for researchers, policymakers, judges, practitioners and law students with a special interest in EU Internet law and regulation.
EU Internet Law in the Digital Single Market
by Tatiana-Eleni Synodinou Philippe Jougleux Christiana Markou Thalia Prastitou-MerdiWith the ongoing evolution of the digital society challenging the boundaries of the law, new questions are arising – and new answers being given – even now, almost three decades on from the digital revolution. Written by a panel of legal specialists and edited by experts on EU Internet law, this book provides an overview of the most recent developments affecting the European Internet legal framework, specifically focusing on four current debates. Firstly, it discusses the changes in online copyright law, especially after the enactment of the new directive on the single digital market. Secondly, it analyzes the increasing significance of artificial intelligence in our daily life. The book then addresses emerging issues in EU digital law, exploring out of the box approaches in Internet law. It also presents the last cyber-criminality law trends (offenses, international instrument, behaviors), and discusses the evolution of personal data protection. Lastly, it evaluates the degree of consumer and corporate protection in the digital environment, demonstrating that now, more than ever, EU Internet law is based on a combination of copyright, civil, administrative, criminal, commercial and banking laws.