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EU Islands and the Clean Energy Transition (SpringerBriefs in Energy)
by Gabriel Winter-Althaus Antonio Pulido-Alonso Lourdes Trujillo Enrique Rosales-AsensioThis book explains the challenges and barriers of island energy systems in the European Union. It reviews the research projects carried out to date, and proposes a new feasible scheme that could be advantageous to many isolated energy systems. The book contains a thorough literature review, to ensure the originality of its ideas. It provides a clear insight of the opportunities and difficulties facing EU island energy systems.
EU Policy and Legal Framework for Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Related Technologies - The AI Act (Law, Governance and Technology Series #53)
by Nikos Th. NikolinakosArtificial Intelligence (AI) can benefit our society and economy, but also brings with it new challenges and raises legal and ethical questions. According to the author of this comprehensive analysis, it is imperative to ensure that AI is developed and applied in an appropriate legal and regulatory framework that promotes innovation and investment and, at the same time, addresses the risks associated with certain uses of AI-related technologies.Essential to understanding the relationship between policy and law, this book traces the evolution of EU policy on artificial intelligence and robotics, focusing in particular on the EU’s ethical framework for AI, which defines trust as a prerequisite for ensuring a human-centric approach.The main part of the book provides a thorough and systematic analysis of the Commission’s 2021 proposed AI Act, which establishes harmonised rules for the development, placement on the market and use of AI systems in the EU. The author painstakingly compares the Commission’s proposed AI Act with the numerous “compromise” proposals of the Council of the European Union, leading to the final version of the Council’s AI Act (general approach) and its formal adoption on 6 December 2022. The author also examines with extraordinary detail the amendments proposed by the relevant committees and political groups of the European Parliament, revealing the position the Parliament is likely to adopt in the forthcoming negotiations with the Commission and the Council on the text of the AI Act.Numerous legislative and policy documents are presented in detail, while the analysis also considers the comments made by all interested parties (e.g. the European Commission, Council of the European Union, European Parliament, governmental organisations, national competent authorities, and stakeholders/actors with different/conflicting interests, such as corporations, business and consumer associations, civil society and other non-profit organisations). In the course of its in-depth analysis, this book will provide readers with crucial insight into the reasons behind the European Institutions’ different approaches and the often contradictory interests of stakeholders. Because the policy arguments are carefully balanced and drafted with scrupulous care, this volume will establish itself as a reference resource to be consulted for years to come.
EU Policy-Making on GMOs
by Mihalis KritikosThis book examines the development and implementation of the EU's legislative framework on the commercial release of GMO products as a case study of social regulation operating within a predominantly technical framework. The analysis and findings are based on an extensive documentary analysis and interviews with regulators, risk assessors, public interest groups and biotechnology experts at the national and European levels. It argues that in the case of the EU biotechnology framework, the particular institutional settings created for the formulation and interpretation of its provisions have been of decisive importance in elaborating a proceduralised 'science-based' prior authorization scheme as the preferred framework for granting commercial permits. This interdisciplinary work will appeal to EU lawyers, decision-makers and risk managers as well as academics working in the fields of EU studies, politics, law, risk governance sociology of science/risk and technology assessment. The book is based on a PhD thesis that was awarded with the 2008 UACES Prize for the Best Thesis in European Studies in Europe and with the EPEES 1st Prize for the Best Thesis written by a Greek Researcher between 2004 and 2008.
EU-Taxonomie-Konformität im Wohnungsbau: Rückbaubarkeit einzelner Bauteile in der Kreislaufwirtschaft und Lebenszyklusbetrachtung (Entwicklung neuer Ansätze zum nachhaltigen Planen und Bauen)
by Hannah VongerichtenDieses Buch bietet eine umfassende Analyse der EU-Taxonomie-Kriterien für eine Kreislaufwirtschaft und die Taxonomiekonformität im Wohnungsbau. Es wird die Notwendigkeit eines nachhaltigen Wandels im Bausektor angesichts der globalen Herausforderungen des Klimawandels und der Ressourcenknappheit hervorgehoben. Die EU-Taxonomie-Verordnung dient als rechtliche Grundlage für diesen Wandel. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Übergang zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft im Wohnungsbau und die Rückbaubarkeit einzelner Bauteile, um die Umweltauswirkungen des Bausektors zu minimieren. Dieses Buch präsentiert Lösungsansätze, wie der Bausektor zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft übergehen kann, um die Umweltauswirkungen zu reduzieren und die Anforderungen der EU-Taxonomie zu erfüllen. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende, Forschende und Fachleute, die Lösungen für die Herausforderungen der Umsetzung rückbaufreundlicher Gebäudedesigns und der EU-Taxonomie-Kriterien suchen.
EU Trade-Related Measures against Illegal Fishing: Policy Diffusion and Effectiveness in Thailand and Australia (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)
by Andrew M. Song Kate Barclay Alin KadfakFocusing on the experiences of Thailand and Australia, this book examines the impact of trade-restrictive measures as related to the EU’s regulations to prevent Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. It is widely accepted that IUU fishing is harmful, and should be stopped, but there are different approaches to tackling it. Acknowledging this, this book argues that major efforts to fight IUU fishing require careful analyses if the goal is to achieve optimal results and avoid unintended consequences. The book draws on the recent experiences of Thailand and Australia to offer an empirical examination of one increasingly prominent solution, trade-restrictive measures. With Thailand representing direct, active intervention by the EU and Australia a more indirect dispersion of policy narratives and discourses, the book provides a rounded view on how likely it is that different countries in different situations will adapt to the changing policy norms regarding IUU fishing. Understanding the reactions of countries who might be targeted, or otherwise be influenced by the policy, generates new knowledge that helps inform a more effective and scalable implementation of the policy on the part of the EU and a better governance preparedness on the part of non-EU fishing nations. In broader terms, this book exposes a key moment of change in the compatibility between environmental regulations and international trade. The EU IUU policy is a prime example of a policy that uses the mechanisms of international trade to account for environmental and conservation objectives. By way of the unilateral and trade-restrictive stance against IUU fishing, the EU has positioned itself as a major market and normative power, driving its sustainability norms outwards. This book sheds light on the efficacy of this policy setup based on the analysis of country perspectives, which is a key factor influencing its potential spread. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of international fisheries politics, marine conservation, environmental policy and international trade, and will also be of interest to policymakers working in these areas.
EU Waste Regulation in a Linear-Circular Economy Transition: Waste Management in Italy (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)
by Massimiliano Agovino Gaetano MusellaWaste management is a topical issue worldwide. In recent years, several requests have been made by citizens and associations to political decision-makers regarding the need for a significant improvement in waste management methods. Particularly considering the significant increase in awareness of social and environmental impacts and the economic consequences of non-virtuous waste management. There is growing attention on legislation and regulation's role in the waste sector. Regulation can help companies and citizens achieve a faster, more effective, and more efficient transition from a linear economy, based on the take-make-dispose paradigm, to a circular economy, in which the potential of waste as resources and secondary raw materials is exploited. This book is set in the wake of economic literature that tackles the transition from the linear to the circular economy. It focuses on the downstream stages of the waste management process (i.e. the waste treatment phase). In this regard, it is proposed a journey through the history of European waste legislation to study the waste sector's transition dynamics from a selfish and no longer sustainable economic model based on rampant consumerism to a far-sighted sustainable model addressing the well-being of future generations. Studying the changes in European waste regulations leads us to ask ourselves the following questions: how has waste collection changed in recent years? What are the new regulatory challenges that must be addressed to achieve the objectives of a circular economy? How successful has the EU legislation been in fostering the transition from a linear to a circular economy? Finally, has the European environmental legislation sprung a convergence process among European countries towards the circular economy, or has the definition of targets fuelled the already marked differences between EU countries?
Eucalyptus: Engineered Wood Products and Other Applications
by Seng Hua Lee Wei Chen Lum Petar Antov Ľuboš Krišťák Muhammad Adly Rahandi Lubis Widya FatriasariThis book highlights the world distribution of eucalyptus plantations and the recent state of research on the utilization of planted eucalyptus for engineered wood products (EWPs) manufacturing. EWPs such as particleboard, fiberboard, oriented strand board, laminated veneer lumber, plywood, glue-laminated lumber, and cross-laminated lumber are highlighted. Eucalyptus is the main fiber resource for the pulp and paper industries in developed countries. Timber and fibers extracted from eucalyptus have long been utilized for solid wood and manufacturing of medium-density fiberboard. Other uses of eucalyptus such as pulp and paper, fuels, and chemical feedstocks are also discussed. Economic, social, and environmental assessments of eucalyptus products are presented.
Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp Refining
by Vail ManfrediThis book presents a brief history of papermaking followed by comments regarding wood as a source of fibers, including its chemical and anatomical characteristics and the influence of these aspects on the quality of the pulp produced. In addition, the author describes the effects of the pulping process, mainly a chemical process, on pulp quality and how these wood characteristics influence both the refining process as the quality of the final paper. The book further provides a broad discussion, based on experimental results, on the contribution of the main operating refining variables and the main strategies that can be used industrially to optimize the operating results. From this evaluation, the parameter that complements the specific edge load theory is identified. This parameter is related to the retention time of the fiber flocs inside the refiner.
EuCoMeS 2018: Proceedings Of The 7th European Conference On Mechanism Science (Mechanisms and Machine Science #59)
by Burkhard Corves Philippe Wenger Mathias HüsingThis volume presents the latest academic research and industrial applications in the area of mechanisms, robotics and dynamics. Contributions cover such topics as biomedical applications, control issues of mechanical systems, dynamics of multi-body systems, experimental mechanics, haptic systems, history of mechanism science, industrial and non-industrial applications, linkages and cams, mechanical transmissions and gears, mechanics of robots and manipulators, theoretical kinematics. Resulting from the 7th European Conference on Mechanism Science, which was held at RWTH Aachen University on September 4-6, 2018, this works comprises an overview on current research activities across Europe..
The Eudaemonic Pie
by Thomas A. BassA classic story about beating roulette with the world's first wearable computers. "A veritable piñata of a book," said The New York Times, which ranges from the invention of personal computers through the history of gambling to breaking the bank in Las Vegas. "Bass has done the best job so far of capturing the marriage of technical imagination and communal coziness that gave rise to Silicon Valley," said the Los Angeles Times. "An extraordinary story," said Nature. "Behind the fun and games there lies an economic parable for the decade just passed." A madcap adventure and insanely comedic, this is "an astonishing and fascinating tale of scientific heroism," said Richard Dawkins.
Eurasian Arctic Land Cover and Land Use in a Changing Climate
by Garik Gutman Anni ReissellThis volume is a compilation of studies on interactions of land-cover/land-use change with climate in a region where the climate warming is most pronounced compared to other areas of the globe. The climate warming in the far North, and in the Arctic region of Northern Eurasia in particular, affects both the landscape and human activities, and hence human dimensions are an important aspect of the topic. Environmental pollution together with climate warming may produce irreversible damages to the current Arctic ecosystems. Regional land-atmosphere feedbacks may have large global importance. Remote sensing is a primary tool in studying vast northern territories where in situ observations are sporadic. State-of-the-art methods of satellite remote sensing combined with GIS and models are used to tackle science questions and provide an outlook of current land-cover changes and potential scenarios for the future. Audience: The book is a truly international effort involving U.S. and European scientists. It is directed at the broad science community including graduate students, academics and other professionals in this field.
Eurasian Steppes. Ecological Problems and Livelihoods in a Changing World
by Marinus J.A. Werger Marja A. van StaalduinenSteppes form one of the largest biomes. Drastic changes in steppe ecology, land use and livelihoods came with the emergence, and again with the collapse, of communist states. Excessive ploughing and vast influx of people into the steppe zone led to a strong decline in nomadic pastoralism in the Soviet Union and China and in severely degraded steppe ecosystems. In Mongolia nomadic pastoralism persisted, but steppes degraded because of strongly increased livestock loads. After the Soviet collapse steppes regenerated on huge tracts of fallow land. Presently, new, restorative steppe land management schemes are applied. On top of all these changes come strong effects of climate change in the northern part of the steppe zone. This book gives an up-to-date overview of changes in ecology, climate and use of the entire Eurasian steppe area and their effects on livelihoods of steppe people. It integrates knowledge that so far was available only in a spectrum of locally used languages.
Eureka!: Science's Greatest Thinkers and Their Key Breakthroughs
by Hazel MuirFrom Aristotle's pioneering research into animal biology to Harvey's theory of the circulation of the blood; from Copernicus's theory of the heliocentric universe to Carl Sagan's speculations on extraterrestrial life; and from Einstein's theory of Relativity to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Eureka! condenses the essential biographies and principal discoveries of the world's most important scientistsinto 300 bite-sized entries. Spanning the full spectrum of scientific disciplines - including physics, biology, earth science, cosmology, chemistry, archaeology and behavioural science - this book is the perfect introduction to the pioneering work of scientists throughout the ages.
by Gavin WeightmanTracing the long pre-history of five twentieth-century inventions which have transformed our lives, Gavin Weightman reveals a fantastic cast of scientists and inspired amateurs whose ingenuity has given us the airplane, television, bar code, personal computer, and mobile phone. Not one of these inventions can be attributed to a lone genius who experiences a moment of inspiration. Nearly all innovations exist in the imagination before they are finally made to work by the hard graft of inventors who draw on the discoveries of others. While the discoveries of scientists have provided vital knowledge which has made innovation possible, it is a revelation of Weightman's study that it is more often than not the amateur who enjoys the "eureka moment" when an invention works for the first time. Filled with fascinating stories of struggle, rivalry, and the ingenuity of both famous inventors and hundreds of forgotten people, Weightman's captivating work is a triumph of storytelling that offers a fresh take on the making of our modern world. "
Eureka! Great Inventions and How They Happened
by Richard PlattEureka! Looks at the instances in which some of the world's greatest inventions were conceived and explains how creative genius has enabled some individuals to look right through a problem and come up with a solution that has eluded rivals. From the excitement of Newton's historic discovery of the laws of gravity to the more recent creation of Teflon, this fascinating book illuminates an amazing variety of inventions, as well as the moments of inspiration (and sometimes perspiration) behind them.
Eureka! It's an Airplane!
by Jeanne BendickUncovers the chain of discoveries--dating back to the ancient Greeks and including the contributions of the Wright brothers--that led to the invention of the modern airplane.
The Eureka Myth: Creators, Innovators, and Everyday Intellectual Property
by Jessica SilbeyAre innovation and creativity helped or hindered by our intellectual property laws? In the two hundred plus years since the Constitution enshrined protections for those who create and innovate, we're still debating the merits of IP laws and whether or not they actually work as intended. Artists, scientists, businesses, and the lawyers who serve them, as well as the Americans who benefit from their creations all still wonder: what facilitates innovation and creativity in our digital age? And what role, if any, do our intellectual property laws play in the growth of innovation and creativity in the United States? Incentivizing the "progress of science and the useful arts" has been the goal of intellectual property law since our constitutional beginnings. The Eureka Myth cuts through the current debates and goes straight to the source: the artists and innovators themselves. Silbey makes sense of the intersections between intellectual property law and creative and innovative activity by centering on the stories told by artists, scientists, their employers, lawyers and managers, describing how and why they create and innovate and whether or how IP law plays a role in their activities. Their employers, business partners, managers, and lawyers also describe their role in facilitating the creative and innovative work. Silbey's connections and distinctions made between the stories and statutes serve to inform present and future innovative and creative communities. Breaking new ground in its examination of the U. S. economy and cultural identity, The Eureka Myth draws out new and surprising conclusions about the sometimes misinterpreted relationships between creativity and intellectual property protections.
[Eureka! Student Inventor] Eureka! Files: Reader (Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts, Grade 4 #Unit 4)
by Amplify EducationNIMAC-sourced textbook
Eurock 2006: Proceedings of the International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2006, Liege, Belgium, 9-12 May 2006
by Alain Van Cotthem Robert Charlier Jean-François Thimus Jean-Pierre TshibanguSpecial emphasis is given to the constitutive behaviour of rock material, including rock mechanics and partial saturation, chemo-mechanics, thermo-hydro-mechanics, weathering and creep. Theoretical concepts, laboratory and field experiments and numerical simulations are discussed. Multiphysics coupling and long-term behaviour has practical applicat
Eurocode-Compliant Seismic Analysis and Design of R/C Buildings
by Ioannis Avramidis Asimina Athanatopoulou Konstantinos Morfidis Anastasios Sextos Agathoklis GiaralisThis book aims to serve as an essential reference to facilitate civil engineers involved in the design of new conventional (ordinary) reinforced concrete (R/C) buildings regulated by the current European EC8 (EN 1998-1:2004) and EC2 (EN 1992-1-1:2004) codes of practice. The book provides unique step-by-step flowcharts which take the reader through all the required operations, calculations, and verification checks prescribed by the EC8 provisions. These flowcharts are complemented by comprehensive discussions and practical explanatory comments on critical aspects of the EC8 code-regulated procedure for the earthquake resistant design of R/C buildings. Further, detailed analysis and design examples of typical multi-storey three-dimensional R/C buildings are included to illustrate the required steps for achieving designs of real-life structures which comply with the current EC8 provisions. These examples can be readily used as verification tutorials to check the reliability of custom-made computer programs and of commercial Finite Element software developed/used for the design of earthquake resistant R/C buildings complying with the EC8 (EN 1998-1:2004) code. Th is book will be of interest to practitioners working in consulting and designing engineering companies and to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate level civil engineering students attending cours es and curricula in the earthquake resistant design of structures and/or undertaking pertinent design projects.
European Access to Space: Business and Policy Perspectives on Micro Launchers (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Matteo Tugnoli Martin Sarret Marco AlibertiThe book provides an analysis of the dynamics of the global launch service market associated with small satellites, by placing a particular focus on its unfolding trends and future outlook.From an economic perspective, the emergence of numerous micro launcher initiatives on top of already existing launch solutions for small satellites raises questions about the specific nature and size of the small satellite market that will - or could - be addressed by these emerging launch services offerings. Identifying the specific features of such market by characterizing customers' expectations and providing a competitive analysis of the different launch solutions for small satellites is the second objective of this report.Finally, and from a policy perspective, the book reflects on whether such market could and should be handled on a purely private basis in the European context, or on the contrary generates relevant stakes that compels European institutional actors to become more actively involved in this domain.
European Air Traffic Management: Principles, Practice and Research
by Andrew CookEuropean Air Traffic Management: Principles, Practice and Research is a single source of reference on the key subject areas of air traffic management in Europe. It brings together material that was previously unobtainable, hidden within technical documents or dispersed across disparate sources. With a broad cross-section of contributors from across the industry and academia, the book offers an effective treatment of the key issues in current, and developing, European ATM. It explains the principles of air traffic management and its practical workings, bridging the academic and operational worlds to give an insight into this evolving field, with a number of fresh perspectives brought to the text. On-going research and developments are closely integrated into the themes, demonstrating the likely directions of future ATM in Europe and the challenges it will face. It is anticipated that many readers will already have expertise in one or more of the chapters’ subject matter, but wish to develop a further understanding of the areas covered in others, taking advantage of the many thematic and operational links which have been illustrated. The book will appeal to both aviation academics and practitioners, equally for those whose area of expertise is outside ATM but want a clearly elucidated source of reference, as to those wishing to broaden existing knowledge.
European Civil Security Governance
by Raphael Bossong Hendrik HegemannNatural disasters, industrial or large-scale transport accidents, health threats or the response to terrorist attacks have risen to feature prominently on the agenda of European security policy-makers and practitioners over the last decade. States and international organizations, most notably the European Union, have established a plethora of policies and mechanisms to deal with these risks and crises. This edited volume is the first publication to examine the resulting cross-cutting, multi-level policy space of European civil security governance in its different manifestations and consequences. Thus, this study identifies patterns of diversity and commonality between European states and international organizations, elucidates the process of transformation and reviews the opportunities for transnational cooperation in the hybrid area of civil security that still often escapes wider public attention. European Civil Security Governance will be of interest to researchers and studentsof crisis and disaster management, EU integration, international organizations and security governance.
The European Commission�s Energy and Climate Policy
by Jonas DregerThis book offers a deep insight into the genesis and development of the European Commission's energy and climate legislation, focusing on the interplay of politics and science. How does the Commission react when confronted with knowledge? According to the author, the Commission functions as catalyst transforming knowledge into politics.