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European Communities' Health and Safety Legislation

by A.C. Neal F.B. Wright

This important new book presents the background to the modern programme of European Community initiatives, tracing the origins of a European policy on occupational health and safety, and looking at the progressively expanding ambitions of Commission Action Programmes in this field.

European Data Protection: In Good Health?

by Paul De Hert Yves Poullet Ronald Leenes Serge Gutwirth

Although Europe has a significant legal data protection framework, built up around EU Directive 95/46/EC and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the question of whether data protection and its legal framework are 'in good health' is increasingly being posed. Advanced technologies raise fundamental issues regarding key concepts of data protection. Falling storage prices, increasing chips performance, the fact that technology is becoming increasingly embedded and ubiquitous, the convergence of technologies and other technological developments are broadening the scope and possibilities of applications rapidly. Society however, is also changing, affecting the privacy and data protection landscape. The 'demand' for free services, security, convenience, governance, etc, changes the mindsets of all the stakeholders involved. Privacy is being proclaimed dead or at least worthy of dying by the captains of industry; governments and policy makers are having to manoeuvre between competing and incompatible aims; and citizens and customers are considered to be indifferent. In the year in which the plans for the revision of the Data Protection Directive will be revealed, the current volume brings together a number of chapters highlighting issues, describing and discussing practices, and offering conceptual analysis of core concepts within the domain of privacy and data protection. The book's first part focuses on surveillance, profiling and prediction; the second on regulation, enforcement, and security; and the third on some of the fundamental concepts in the area of privacy and data protection. Reading the various chapters it appears that the 'patient' needs to be cured of quite some weak spots, illnesses and malformations. European data protection is at a turning point and the new challenges are not only accentuating the existing flaws and the anticipated difficulties, but also, more positively, the merits and the need for strong and accurate data protection practices and rules in Europe, and elsewhere.

European Digital Regulations (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #265)

by Markus Mueck Christophe Gaie

This book offers a comprehensive exploration of the European Union's dynamic digital landscape with a specific interest on requirements for digital products to access the European Union Single Market. It delves into the latest regulations shaping the future of technology, from AI and cybersecurity to data privacy and digital markets. Currently, the European regulatory framework is indeed under substantial change with new essential requirements to be met, for example, to ensure robustness against an ever-increasing level of cybersecurity attacks. Furthermore, those requirements are likely to be taken up by other regions or will at least influence related debates, thus leading to global relevance. This book offers expert insights into European digital regulations, featuring real-world examples and case studies to help you navigate the regulatory landscape. It also provides a forward-looking perspective on emerging trends and challenges. Its content is essential for policymakers and regulators, business leaders and entrepreneurs, IT professionals and cybersecurity experts, academics and students, and concerned citizens. Whether readers are seeking to understand the implications of the AI Act, to ensure compliance with the GDPR, or to explore the potential of emerging technologies, this book provides the knowledge and tools readers need to succeed in the digital age. Finally, the authors outline how all stakeholders may engage and contribute to the implementation of the related regulations through development of so-called Harmonised Standards in the related European Standardisation Organisations.

European Directory of Sustainable and Energy Efficient Building 1999: Components, Services, Materials

by John Goulding

This directory has become a valued source of information for energy-efficient building designers and specifiers throughout Europe and the details and scope of product, service and supplier listings have again been extensively updated for this edition.

The European Edisons

by Anand Kumar Sethi

This book explores the lives, inventions, discoveries, and significant work of three extraordinary European inventors with noteworthy links to the great Thomas Alva Edison - Alessandro Volta, Nikola Tesla, and Eric Tigerstedt. It explores the business and scientific legacies that these men have contributed to the modern world. Despite prejudices, ill health, financial stringency, geopolitical situations, business rivalries, and in many cases just awful luck, they remained determined to deliver extraordinary scientific and technological developments to a skeptical and unappreciative world. This book is a testament to anyone pursuing their technological dreams for the benefit of society, and will enhance the literature for scholars, researchers, and the well-informed reader with an interest in science, technology, and the personalities involved in history.

The European Gas Markets

by Manfred Hafner Simone Tagliapietra

The European gas industry has experienced extraordinary success over the last decade. A strong, interconnected network of gas pipelines has been developed inside and around Europe, and the LNG trade has also expanded rapidly. However, the European gas industry is now facing a number of new challenges and opportunities, related to both its demand and supply sides. On the demand side, the ambitious EU decarbonisation targets have led to an unprecedented uncertainty of the future gas demand. In fact, the implementation of a climate-based energy policy in Europe challenges the role of natural gas in the long-term European energy mix; in the mid-term natural gas could play an important and cost effective role in the transition towards a low carbon economy. On the supply side, new natural gas supplies are emerging around the world, mainly because of an increase in global LNG supply and the shale gas revolution in the United States. This unprecedented shift in the supply/demand balance is also creating new dynamics in the European gas industry, regarding both the EU security of gas supply architecture and the EU gas pricing mechanism. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of all these challenges and opportunities affecting the European gas industry, with the aim to provide a clear snapshot of a market characterized by growing uncertainty and volatility.

European Guide to Power System Testing: The ERIGrid Holistic Approach for Evaluating Complex Smart Grid Configurations (Springerbriefs In Energy Ser.)

by Thomas I. Strasser Erik C. W. de Jong Maria Sosnina

This book is an open access book.This book provides an overview of the ERIGrid validation methodology for validating CPES, a holistic power system testing method. It introduces readers to corresponding simulation and laboratory-based tools, including co-simulation, real-time simulation, and hardware-in-the-loop. Selected test cases and validation examples are provided, in order to support the theory discussed.The book begins with an introduction to current power system testing methods and an overview of the ERIGrid system-level validation approach. It then moves on to discuss various validation methods, concepts and tools, including simulation and laboratory-based assessment methods. The book presents test cases and validation examples of the proposed methodologies and summarises the lessons learned from the holistic validation approach. In the final section of the book, the educational aspects of these methods, the outlook for the future, and overall conclusions are discussed. Given its scope, the book will be of interest to researchers, engineers, and laboratory personnel in the fields of power systems and smart grids, as well as undergraduate and graduate students studying related engineering topics.

The European Landscape Convention

by Marie Stenseke Michael Jones

This important and insightful book provides, for the first time, a broad presentation of ongoing research into public participation in landscape conservation, management and planning, following the 2000 European Landscape Convention which came into force in 2004. The book examines both the theory of participation and what lessons can be learnt from specific European examples. It explores in what manner and to what extent the provisions for participation in the European Landscape Convention have been followed up and implemented. It also presents and compares different experiences of participation in selected countries from northern, southern, eastern and western Europe, and provides a critical examination of public participation in practice. However, while the book's focus is necessarily on Europe, many of the conclusions drawn are of global relevance. The book provides a valuable reference for researchers and advanced students in landscape policies and management, as well as for professionals and others interested in land-use planning and environmental management.

European Landscape Dynamics: CORINE Land Cover Data

by Jan Tomas Gerard Gabriel Feranec Soukup Hazeu Jaffrain

Four unique pan-European CORINE Land Cover datasets—CLC1990, CLC2000, CLC2006, and CLC2012— and three datasets concerning changes between 1990 and 2012 have presented the first-ever opportunity to observe the European landscape by means of land cover and its change. This book brings together all these datasets to demonstrate the methods of identification, analysis and assessment of the European land cover and its changes that took place during the intervals of 1990–2000, 2000–2006, and 2006–2012. It provides examples in which CLC data plays a role in offering solutions to European environmental problems such as the monitoring of urban dynamics, land fragmentation, ecosystems mapping and assessment, and high nature value farmland characteristics. Existing environmental problems require new approaches, and European Landscape Dynamics: CORINE Land Cover Data indicates a set of outlooks for CLC data generation that produce more detailed levels of analysis and bottom-up approaches while addressing the relationship of CLC data to the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE). It also discusses the future of CLC data generation. A valuable resource of up-to-date information, it is useful to professionals such as scientists, territorial planners, and environmentalists as well as students of geosciences and all those who are interested in cognition of the European landscape, its changes and development.

European Missions to the International Space Station: 2013 to 2019 (Springer Praxis Books)

by John O'Sullivan

The European Space Agency has a long history of human spaceflight, working with both NASA and the Soviet/Russian space agencies over the years. This book tells the story of the ESA astronauts who have visited the International Space Station and their contributions to its development and success.For example, ESA built the Columbus science laboratory, as well as the Cupola, the Leonardo PMM and the ATV supply ship. But it is the human endeavor that captures the imagination. From brief visits to six-month expeditions and spacewalking to commanding Earth’s only outpost in space and doing experiments, ESA astronauts – whose personal stories are also told – have played a vital role in the international project. Many of their efforts are documented in photographs in the book.In following up on the missions covered in this author’s earlier title, In the Footsteps of Columbus (2016), this book highlights European missions from the 2013 Volare mission of Luca Parmitano to his 2019 Beyond mission and includes first flights for Alexander Gerst, Samantha Cristoforetti, Andreas Mogensen, Tim Peake, and Thomas Pesquet.

European Perspectives on Innovation Management

by Rob Dekkers Laure Morel

This book covers European perspectives on innovation management, including new product and service development, due to the inherent variety of socio-economic perspectives and institutional settings in Europe. The numerous settings and differing perspectives explored in the chapters exemplify diversity, which ultimately leads to enhancing innovation. Understanding such unique approaches will enable companies, universities and other actors to more effectively create innovative products and services, and policy makers to effectively stimulate growth and innovation. The fragmented, distributed economies in Europe also put a strong focus on internationalisation, including innovation management, new product and service development, even within the internally open market of the European Economic Area. European Perspectives on Innovation Management will be of help to researchers, managers, entrepreneurs, practitioners and students working on innovation management and practices embedded in national and regional innovation systems, thus fostering a more innovative Europe.

The European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence (EPNOE)

by Patrick Navard

This book provides an essential overview of the science of polysaccharides. It both approaches polysaccharides as a polymer class and provides detailed descriptions of most major polysaccharides (cellulose, mannan, xylan, chitin-chitosan, cyclodextrines). Owing to the multidisciplinary character of the European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence (EPNOE), the book describes all main aspects of polysaccharide science and technology (biology, enzymology, physics, chemistry, materials science and processing). Notations and concepts follow a uniform format throughout the whole work in order to create a valuable reference book on the field of polysaccharide science. Owing to the major importance of industry in the EPNOE, concrete applications are also described in detail.

European Port Cities in Transition: Moving Towards More Sustainable Sea Transport Hubs (Strategies for Sustainability)

by Angela Carpenter Rodrigo Lozano

Seaports, as part of urban centers, play a major role in the cultural, social and economic life of the cities in which they are located, and through the links they provide to the outside world. Port-cities in Europe have faced significant change, first with the loss of heavy industry, emergence of Eastern European democracies, and the widening of the European Community (now European Union) during the second half of the twentieth century, and more recently through drivers to change including the global Sustainable Development Agenda and the European Union Circular Economy Agenda.This book examines the role of modern seaports in Europe and consider how port-cities are responding to these major drivers for change. It discusses the broad issues facing European Sea Ports, including port life cycles, spatial planning, and societal integration. May 2019 saw the 200th anniversary of the first steam ship to cross the Atlantic between the US and England, and it is just over 60 years since the invention of the modern intermodal shipping container – both drivers of change in the maritime and ports industry. Increasing movements of people, e.g. through low cost cruises to port cities, can play a major role in changing the nature of such a city and impact on the lives of the people living there. This book brings together original research by both long-standing and younger scholars from multiple disciplines and builds upon the wider discourse about sea ports, port cities, and sustainability.

European Research on Varroatosis Control

by R. Cavalloro

This book contains scientific papers covering the current situation of Varroatosis in Europe, the biology and behaviour of Varroa-mite, the parasite-host relationship, the secondary infection micro-organisms transferred from the Varroa in the hive, and diagnostic and therapeutic control methods.

European Robotics Forum 2024: 15th ERF, Volume 1 (Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics #32)

by Cristian Secchi Lorenzo Marconi

This book collects the scientific contributions presented at the European Robotics Forum (ERF) 2024 that is the reference event for the EuRobotics association. In the months leading up to the forum, a direct call was launched to the many industrial players who are members of EuRobotics and who were asked to specify particularly important areas of development according to their roadmap. The outcome of this survey and the topics of the Workshops held during the forum have been used to calibrate an industry-driven scientific program where research objectives meet industrial needs. The contributions collected in the book cover a wide spectrum of robotics research, encompassing mechatronics, algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Robot Collaboration and many robotic applications.

European Robotics Forum 2024: 15th ERF, Volume 2 (Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics #33)

by Cristian Secchi Lorenzo Marconi

This book collects the scientific contributions presented at the European Robotics Forum (ERF) 2024 that is the reference event for the EuRobotics association. In the months leading up to the forum, a direct call was launched to the many industrial players who are members of EuRobotics and who were asked to specify particularly important areas of development according to their roadmap. The outcome of this survey and the topics of the Workshops held during the forum have been used to calibrate an industry-driven scientific program where research objectives meet industrial needs. The contributions collected in the book cover a wide spectrum of robotics research, encompassing mechatronics, algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Robot Collaboration and many robotic applications.

European Russian Forests: Their Current State And Features Of Their History (Plant And Vegetation Ser. #15)

by Larisa G. Khanina Maxim V. Bobrovsky Olga V. Smirnova

The European Russian forests are described within the boreal, hemiboreal and nemoral forest regions; floodplain forests are also characterized. The book presents a classification and description of forest vegetation, soil characteristic and assessments of plant diversity and successional status of forest plant communities. Structure and composition of vegetation in early- and late-successional forests are analyzed with an emphasis on forests in State Nature reserves. Features of the historical land-use, such as slash-and-burn, forest cutting, grazing, influence of fires on forest ecosystems, etc. are discussed for each forest region. The book contains an analysis of the general dynamics of the forest cover during the last two decades based on satellite image processing. The main stages of transformation of forest landscapes in European Russia during the Holocene are briefly reviewed in connection with the development of the production economy of people.

European-Russian Space Cooperation: From de Gaulle to ExoMars (Springer Praxis Books)

by Brian Harvey

The story of European-Russian collaboration in space is little known and its importance all too often understated. Because France was the principal interlocutor between these nations, such cooperation did not receive the attention it deserved in English-language literature. This book rectifies that history, showing how Russia and Europe forged a successful partnership that has continued to the present day.Space writer Brian Harvey provides an in-depth picture of how this European-Russian relationship evolved and what factors—scientific, political and industrial—propelled it over the decades. The history begins in the cold war period with the first collaborative ventures between the Soviet Union and European countries, primarily France, followed later by Germany and other European countries. Next, the chapters turn to the missions when European astronauts flew to Russian space stations, the Soyuz rocket made a new home in European territory in the South American jungle and science missions were flown to study deep space. Their climax is the joint mission to explore Mars, called ExoMars, which has already sent a mission to Mars.Through this close examination of these European-Russian efforts, readers will appreciate an altogether new perspective on the history of space exploration, no longer defined by competition, but rather by collaboration and cooperation.

European Seismic Design Practice - Research and Application: Proceedings of the 5th SECED conference, Chester, UK, 26-27 October 1995

by A. S. Elnashai

It is evident that European earthquake engineering research and design practice is assuming a role of increasing importance on the international scene. This is primarily due to two considerations; firstly the emergence of a core of European earthquake engineers who are co-operating on a long-term basis for the development of seismic design criteria specific to the European environment and secondly the identification of new problems in existing design practice in the USA and in Japan. It is in this context that European earthquake engineering activities and publications are eagerly observed and awaited by the international community. Includes a compact set of papers from leading research institutions, laboratories and companies in Europe, with a healthy number of contributions from elsewhere. It represents the European state-of-the-art and practice in earthquake testing, analysis & design of civil engineering works as well as strong-motion & hazard studies.

European Train Control System: Einführung in das einheitliche europäische Zugbeeinflussungssystem (Essentials Ser.)

by Lars Schnieder

Dieses Buch ist eine strukturierte Einführung in das europaweit einheitliche Zugbeeinflussungssystem ETCS (European Train Control System). Der Autor führt in die Motivation und Rechtsgrundlagen des ETCS ein. Der Aufbau der unterschiedlichen Ausrüstungsstufen wird dargestellt und die einzelnen Komponenten der Fahrzeug- und Streckeneinrichtung beschrieben. Die umfassende Darstellung der technischen Grundprinzipien des ETCS umfasst sowohl die Sicherungsfunktionen als auch ihre Umsetzung in den unterschiedlichen Betriebsarten. Die Kenntnis dieser technischen Zusammenhänge schafft ein Verständnis, wie ETCS zukünftig einen Beitrag für einen sicheren, wirtschaftlichen und leistungsfähigen Bahnbetrieb leisten kann.

European Train Control System (ETCS): Einführung in das einheitliche europäische Zugbeeinflussungssystem

by Lars Schnieder

Dieses Buch ist eine strukturierte Einführung in das europaweit einheitliche Zugbeeinflussungssystem ETCS (European Train Control System). Der Autor führt in die Motivation und Rechtsgrundlagen des ETCS ein. Der Aufbau der unterschiedlichen Ausrüstungsstufen wird dargestellt und die einzelnen Komponenten der Fahrzeug- und Streckeneinrichtung beschrieben. Die umfassende Darstellung der technischen Grundprinzipien des ETCS umfasst sowohl die Sicherungsfunktionen als auch ihre Umsetzung in den unterschiedlichen Betriebsarten. Die Kenntnis dieser technischen Zusammenhänge schafft ein Verständnis, wie ETCS zukünftig einen Beitrag zu einem sicheren, wirtschaftlichen und leistungsfähigen Bahnbetrieb leisten kann.Zusätzliche Fragen per App: Laden Sie die Springer Nature Flashcards-App kostenlos herunter und nutzen Sie exklusives Zusatzmaterial, um Ihr Wissen zu prüfen.

European Train Control System (ETCS): Einführung in das einheitliche europäische Zugbeeinflussungssystem

by Lars Schnieder

Dieses Buch ist eine strukturierte Einführung in das europaweit einheitliche Zugbeeinflussungssystem ETCS (European Train Control System). Der Autor führt in die Motivation und Rechtsgrundlagen des ETCS ein. Der Aufbau der unterschiedlichen Ausrüstungsstufen wird dargestellt und die einzelnen Komponenten der Fahrzeug- und Streckeneinrichtung beschrieben. Die umfassende Darstellung der technischen Grundprinzipien des ETCS umfasst sowohl die Sicherungsfunktionen als auch ihre Umsetzung in den unterschiedlichen Betriebsarten. Die Kenntnis dieser technischen Zusammenhänge schafft ein Verständnis, wie ETCS zukünftig einen Beitrag zu einem sicheren, wirtschaftlichen und leistungsfähigen Bahnbetrieb leisten kann.Zusätzliche Fragen per App: Laden Sie die Springer Nature Flashcards-App kostenlos herunter und nutzen Sie exklusives Zusatzmaterial, um Ihr Wissen zu prüfen.

European Train Control System (ETCS): Einführung in das einheitliche europäische Zugbeeinflussungssystem

by Lars Schnieder

Dieses Buch ist eine strukturierte Einführung in das europaweit einheitliche Zugbeeinflussungssystem ETCS (European Train Control System). Der Autor führt in die Motivation und Rechtsgrundlagen des ETCS ein. Der Aufbau der unterschiedlichen Ausrüstungsstufen wird dargestellt und die einzelnen Komponenten der Fahrzeug- und Streckeneinrichtung beschrieben. Die umfassende Darstellung der technischen Grundprinzipien des ETCS umfasst sowohl die Sicherungsfunktionen als auch ihre Umsetzung in den unterschiedlichen Betriebsarten. Die Kenntnis dieser technischen Zusammenhänge schafft ein Verständnis, wie ETCS zukünftig einen Beitrag zu einem sicheren, wirtschaftlichen und leistungsfähigen Bahnbetrieb leisten kann.Zusätzliche Fragen per App: Laden Sie die Springer Nature Flashcards-App kostenlos herunter und nutzen Sie exklusives Zusatzmaterial, um Ihr Wissen zu prüfen.

The European Union as Crisis Manager

by Mark Rhinard Arjen Boin Magnus Ekengren

The European Union is increasingly being asked to manage crises inside and outside the Union. From terrorist attacks to financial crises, and natural disasters to international conflicts, many crises today generate pressures to collaborate across geographical and functional boundaries. What capacities does the EU have to manage such crises? Why and how have these capacities evolved? How do they work and are they effective? This book offers an holistic perspective on EU crisis management. It defines the crisis concept broadly and examines EU capacities across policy sectors, institutions and agencies. The authors describe the full range of EU crisis management capacities that can be used for internal and external crises. Using an institutionalization perspective, they explain how these different capacities evolved and have become institutionalized. This highly accessible volume illuminates a rarely examined and increasingly important area of European cooperation.

European Valuation Standards 2003


First Published in 2003. This edition of the Standards has been the second to be issued for public consultation taking into account many of the comments submitted to it by individuals, companies and professional bodies. Users of the book should use the Standards and Guidance Notes as a reference tool for the sixteen comprehensive objective within.

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