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Evaluating Testing, Costs, and Benefits of Advanced Spectroscopic Portals: Final Report (Abbreviated Version)
by Committee on Advanced Spectroscopic PortalsThis letter is the abbreviated version of an update of the interim report on testing, evaluation, costs, and benefits of advanced spectroscopic portals (ASPs), issued by the National Academies' Committee on Advanced Spectroscopic Portals in June 2009 (NRC 2009). This letter incorporates findings of the committee since that report was written, and it sharpens and clarifies the messages of the interim report based on subsequent committee investigations of more recent work by the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO). The key messages in this letter, which is the final report from the committee, are stated briefly in the synopsis on the next page and described more fully in the sections that follow. The committee provides the context for this letter, and then gives advice on: testing, evaluation, assessing costs and benefits, and deployment of advanced spectroscopic portals. The letter closes with a reiteration of the key points. The letter is abbreviated in that a small amount of information that may not be released publicly for security or law-enforcement reasons has been redacted from the version delivered to you in October 2010, but the findings and recommendations remain intact.
Evaluating the HRSA Traumatic Brain Injury Program
by Institute of Medicine of the National AcademiesA report on Evaluating the HRSA Traumatic Brain Injury Program
Evaluating Water Projects
by Per-Olov Johansson Bengt KriströmShould more water be diverted to or from electricity generation? This timely question is addressed in this short volume. Two different approaches are introduced and compared: The first is a cost-benefit analysis, examining the case of re-regulating a Swedish hydropower plant in which water is diverted from electricity generation to the downstream dryway. The proposed scenario generates environmental and other benefits, but comes at a cost in terms of lost electricity. The second study introduces an approach very different from the one used in conventional cost-benefit analysis, and provides a set of measures designed so that most, if not all, affected parties will be better off. Thus, in contrast to a conventional cost-benefit analysis, which draws on hypothetical compensation measures, the new approach envisages actual compensation. Comparing two different theoretical frameworks on the basis of a real-world case, this study can be seen as a manual that can be used to evaluate reasonably small re-regulation of rivers.
Evaluation Ambient Air Quality By Personnel Monitoring: Volume 2 : Aerosols, Monitor Pumps, Calibration, and Quality Control
by Adrian L. LinchPersonnel monitoring is a term designating the determination of the inhaled dose of an airborne toxic material of an air-mediated hazardous physical force by the continuous collection of samples in the breathing or auditory zone, or auditory zone, or other appropriate exposed body area, over a finite period of exposure time. A personnel monitor is a self-powered device worn by monitored individual to collect a representative sample of laboratory analysis, or to provide accumulated dose of instantaneous warning of immediately hazardous conditions by visible or auditory means while being worn.
Evaluation Ambient Air Quality By Personnel Monitoring: Volume 1: Gases and Vapors
by Adrian L. LinchPersonnel monitoring is a term designating the determination of the inhaled dose of an airborne toxic material of an air-mediated hazardous physical force by the continuous collection of samples in the breathing or auditory zone, or auditory zone, or other appropriate exposed body area, over a finite period of exposure time. A personnel monitor is a self-powered device worn by monitored individual to collect a representative sample of laboratory analysis, or to provide accumulated dose of instantaneous warning of immediately hazardous conditions by visible or auditory means while being worn.
Evaluation and Prevention of Natural Risks
by Stefano Campus Ferruccio Forlati Secondo Barbero Stefano BovoThe assessment and prevention of risks inherent to natural phenomena is of topical interest to the scientific community and other authorities dealing with territorial management. Historical analysis carried out in the Piemonte-territory in north-western Italy, focusing on the consequences of hydrogeological risks, reveals that damage is continually
Evaluation and Utilization of Bioethanol Fuels. I.: Evaluation of Bioethanol Fuels, Transport Engines, and Bioethanol Sensors
by Ozcan KonurThis book aims to inform readers about the recent developments in the evaluation and utilization of bioethanol fuels. It covers the evaluation and utilization of bioethanol fuels in general, gasoline fuels, nanotechnology applications in bioethanol fuels, utilization of bioethanol fuels in transport engines, evaluation of bioethanol fuels, utilization of bioethanol fuels in general, and development and utilization of bioethanol fuel sensors. This book is the fifth volume in the Handbook of Bioethanol Fuels (Six-Volume Set). It indicates that research on the evaluation and utilization of bioethanol fuels has intensified in recent years to become a major part of bioenergy and biofuels research together primarily with biodiesel, biohydrogen, and biogas research as a sustainable alternative to crude oil-based gasoline and petrodiesel fuels as well as natural gas and syngas. This book is a valuable resource for stakeholders primarily in the research fields of energy and fuels, chemical engineering, environmental science and engineering, biotechnology, microbiology, chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering, agricultural sciences, food science and engineering, materials science, biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology, plant sciences, water resources, economics, business and management, transportation science and technology, ecology, public, environmental and occupational health, social sciences, toxicology, multidisciplinary sciences, and humanities, among others.
Evaluation and Utilization of Bioethanol Fuels. II.: Biohydrogen Fuels, Fuel Cells, Biochemicals, and Country Experiences
by Ozcan KonurThe sixth volume of this handbook provides an overview of the research on the country-based experience of bioethanol fuels at large, Chinese, US, and European experience of bioethanol fuels, production of bioethanol fuel-based biohydrogen fuels for fuel cells, bioethanol fuel cells, and bioethanol fuel-based biochemicals with a collection of 17 chapters. Thus, it complements the fifth volume of this handbook. Hence, the sixth volume indicates that the research on the evaluation and utilization of bioethanol fuels has intensified in recent years to become a major part of the bioenergy and biofuels research together primarily with biodiesel, biohydrogen, and biogas research as a sustainable alternative to crude oil-based gasoline and petrodiesel fuels as well as natural gas and syngas. This book is intended for students, researchers, engineers, policy makers, economist, business managers, and social scientists, working on the production, utilization and evaluation of bioethanol fuels.
Evaluation Method of Energy Consumption in Logistic Warehouse Systems
by Pawel ZajacThis book focuses on guidelines for reducing the energy consumption in warehousing processes. It presents a model of formal assessment for energy consumption in the context of storage-system logistics, as well as a computational model consisting of three sub-models: energy consumption models for forklifts and stacker cranes, respectively, and an energy intensity model for roller conveyors. The concept model is based on the assumption that the unit load is received at a zero-energy warehouse. Subsequent handling, transport and storage processes, in which the unit load is moved vertically and horizontally through the system, equate to changes in energy intensity within the logistics warehouse management system. Energy recovery based on the handling equipment used can be collected in batteries. The evaluation method takes into account the intensity of the energy supplied to the logistics system and reduces the storage of the recovered energy - this figure represents the energy needed to pass through the logistics unit load storage system, and can be expressed in an energy intensity map.
Evaluation of Demonstration Test Results of Alternative Technologies for Demilitarization of Assembled Chemical Weapons: A Supplemental Review for Demonstration II
by Board on Army Science Technology National Research CouncilBy direction of Congress, the U. S. Department of Defense's (DoD's) program manager for the Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment (PMACWA) asked the National Research Council (NRC) Committee on Review and Evaluation of Alternative Technologies for Demilitarization of Assembled Chemical Weapons: Phase II (the ACW II committee) to conduct an independent scientific and technical assessment of three alternative technologies (referred to as Demo II) under consideration for the destruction of assembled chemical weapons at U. S. chemical weapons storage sites. The three technologies are AEA Technologies Corporation's (AEA's) electrochemical oxidation process; the transpiring-wall supercritical water oxidation and gasphase chemical reduction processes of Foster Wheeler/Eco Logic/Kvaerner (FW/EL/K); and Teledyne-Commodore's solvated electron process. Each of these technologies represents an alternative to incineration for the complete destruction of chemical agents and associated energetic materials. The demonstration tests were approved by the PMACWA after an initial assessment of each technology. The results of that initial assessment were reviewed by an earlier NRC committee, the Committee on Review and Evaluation of Alternative Technologies for Demilitarization of Assembled Chemical Weapons (the ACW I committee). For the present review, the committee conducted an indepth examination of each technology provider's data, analyses, and demonstration test results for the critical components tested. This review report supplements the ACW I report and considers the demonstration performance of the Demo II candidate technologies and their readiness for advancement to pilot-scale implementation. Because testing in these areas is ongoing, the committee decided to cut short its fact-finding efforts for input to this report as of March 30, 2001.
Evaluation of Fire Flow Methodologies
by Matthew E. Benfer Joseph L. ScheffeyThis SpringerBrief offers careful assessments of the appropriateness and effectiveness of currently available methodologies for fire flow. It explains the water supply requirements for firefighting including rate of flow, the residual pressure required at that flow, and the duration that is necessary to control a major fire in a specific structure. First reviewing existing fire flow calculation methodologies in the U. S. and globally, the authors determine the new information necessary to validate the existing fire flow calculation methodologies. After identifying 19 methods from the U. S. , UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New England, and Canada, two types of methods are evaluated: those for building planning based on fire and building code requirements, and those for on-scene fire service use. Building planning methods are also examined, including an explanation of the range of building variables that determine fire flow. A survey form for fire departments is provided to help fire departments identify key predictive features based on construction and building parameters. Researchers and professionals in fire engineering will find the recommendations in Evaluation of Fire Flow Methodologies valuable.
Evaluation of HSDPA and LTE: From Testbed Measurements to System Level Performance
by Markus Rupp Sebastian Caban Christian Mehlführer Martin WrulichThis book explains how the performance of modern cellular wireless networks can be evaluated by measurements and simulations With the roll-out of LTE, high data throughput is promised to be available to cellular users. In case you have ever wondered how high this throughput really is, this book is the right read for you: At first, it presents results from experimental research and simulations of the physical layer of HSDPA, WiMAX, and LTE. Next, it explains in detail how measurements on such systems need to be performed in order to achieve reproducible and repeatable results. The book further addresses how wireless links can be evaluated by means of standard-compliant link-level simulation. The major challenge in this context is their complexity when investigating complete wireless cellular networks. Consequently, it is shown how system-level simulators with a higher abstraction level can be designed such that their results still match link-level simulations. Exemplarily, the book finally presents optimizations of wireless systems over several cells. This book: Explains how the performance of modern cellular wireless networks can be evaluated by measurements and simulations Discusses the concept of testbeds, highlighting the challenges and expectations when building them Explains measurement techniques, including the evaluation of the measurement quality by statistical inference techniques Presents throughput results for HSDPA, WiMAX, and LTE Demonstrates simulators at both, link- level and system-level Provides system-level and link-level simulators (for WiMAX and LTE) on an accompanying website (https://www.nt.tuwien.ac.at/downloads/featured-downloads) This book is an insightful guide for researchers and engineers working in the field of mobile radio communication as well as network planning. Advanced students studying related courses will also find the book interesting.
Evaluation of Human Work
by John R. Wilson Sarah SharplesWritten by experts with real-world experience in applying ergonomics methodology in a range of contexts, Evaluation of Human Work, Fourth Edition explores ergonomics and human factors from a "doing it" perspective. More than a cookbook of ergonomics methods, the book encourages students to think about which methods they should apply, when, and why.
Evaluation of Online Higher Education
by Ana Balula António MoreiraThe work presents a theoretical framework for the evaluation of e-Teaching that aims at positioning the online activities designed and developed by the teacher as to the Learning, Interaction and Technology Dimensions. The theoretical research that underlies the study was developed reflecting current thinking on the promotion of quality of teaching and of the integration of information and communication tools into the curriculum in Higher Education (HE), i. e. , bearing in mind some European guidelines and policies on this subject. This way, an answer was sought to be given to one of the aims put forward in this study, namely to contribute towards the development of a conceptual framework to support research on evaluation of e-teaching in the context of HE. Based on the theoretical research carried out, an evaluation tool (SCAI) was designed, which integrates the two questionnaires developed to collect the teachers' and the students' perceptions regarding the development of e-activities. Consequently, an empirical study was structured and carried out, allowing SCAI tool to be tested and validated in real cases. From the comparison of the theoretical framework established and the analysis of the data obtained, we found that the differences in teaching should be valued and seen as assets by HE institutions rather than annihilated in a globalizing perspective.
Evaluation of Rail Technology: A Practical Human Factors Guide (Human Factors in Road and Rail Transport)
by Anjum Naweed Jillian Dorrian Janette RoseRapid advancements in train control and in-cab technologies provide significant opportunities for rail operators to improve efficiency and enhance their operations. New technologies often provide elegant solutions to existing problems or new capabilities for the operator. However, new technologies may also represent a significant form of risk. Thus, it is important to balance the potential for significant improvement with justifiable concern about how the technology may unpredictably change the nature of the work. If a technology is designed and implemented without considering the substantive human factors concerns, that technology may lead to unintended consequences that can introduce safety issues and disrupt network performance. It is important to note that even a well-designed and beneficial technology may be rejected by the users who see it as a threat to their jobs, status or working conditions. This book discusses the issues surrounding rail technology and introduces a ’toolkit’ of human factors evaluation methods. The toolkit provides a practical and operationally focused set of methods that can be used by managers considering investing in technology, staff charged with implementing a technology, and consultants engaged to assist with the design and evaluation process. This toolkit can help to ensure that new rail technologies are thoughtfully designed, effectively implemented, and well received by users so that the significant investment associated with developing rail technologies is not wasted.
Evaluation of Solar Proposals: A Guide for Financial Institutions, Solar Developers and EPCs
by Bishnoi Tanmay; Khanna Ronnie; Karandikar Arvind; Bishnoi DeepankerThis handbook deals with the subject of how an individual can review and evaluate a detailed project report of a Solar PV power plant, which includes feasibility study of the site for installation, assessing of the techno - commercial feasibility, determining the financial viability of setting up a Solar PV Power Plant.
Evaluation of Supply Chain Performance: A Manufacturing Industry Approach (Management and Industrial Engineering)
by Liliana Avelar-Sosa Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz Aidé Aracely Maldonado-MacíasThis book provides some regional aspects considered by manufacturing firms in their decisions to gain competitiveness and have effects on the performance of their supply chains (SC). Some of the main aspects considered are: government's policies, fixed costs, the availability and quality of infrastructure services. This book also discusses the risks for the SC; based on a perception approach, some aspects studied are: demand, suppliers and production processes and how these are related to other elements of the SC. The authors use structural modeling to analyze the evaluation of some manufacturing practices and their impact on customer service satisfaction, agility and flexibility of the SC. The context of this study is immersed in the Mexican manufacturing industry of exportation, also known as maquiladora industry of Ciudad Juarez, México. This borderland is among the top 10 manufacturing Mexican cities. World class industries are located in this region and have been recognized around the world for their competitiveness and high performance. Therefore, the methods and results exposed in this book may be valuable and useful for readers and researchers of the SC worldwide.
Evaluation of Text Summaries Based on Linear Optimization of Content Metrics (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1048)
by Rene Arnulfo Garcia-Hernandez Jonathan Rojas-Simon Yulia LedenevaThis book provides a comprehensive discussion and new insights about linear optimization of content metrics to improve the automatic Evaluation of Text Summaries (ETS). The reader is first introduced to the background and fundamentals of the ETS. Afterward, state-of-the-art evaluation methods that require or do not require human references are described. Based on how linear optimization has improved other natural language processing tasks, we developed a new methodology based on genetic algorithms that optimize content metrics linearly. Under this optimization, we propose SECO-SEVA as an automatic evaluation metric available for research purposes. Finally, the text finishes with a consideration of directions in which automatic evaluation could be improved in the future. The information provided in this book is self-contained. Therefore, the reader does not require an exhaustive background in this area. Moreover, we consider this book the first one that deals with the ETS in depth.
Evaluation of the Computer Fire Model DETACT-QS (The Society of Fire Protection Engineers Series)
by Society for Fire Protection EngineersThis engineering practice Guide, based on the DETACT-QS program, describes a model for predicting the response time of ceiling-mounted heat detectors/sprinklers and smoke detectors, installed under large unobstructed ceilings, for fires with user-defined, time-dependent heat release rate curves. The Guide provides information on the technical features, theoretical basis, assumptions, limitations, and sensitivities as well as guidance on the use of DETACT-QS. Evaluation is based on comparing predictions from DETACT-QS with results from full-scale fire experiments conducted in compartments with ceiling heights ranging from 2.44 m (8 ft) to 12.2 m (40 ft) and peak fire heat release rates ranging from 150 kW to 3.8 MW. Use of this model with building geometries or fire characteristics other than those used in this evaluation may require further evaluation or testing.
Evaluation of the Oil Fiscal Regime in Russia and Proposals for Reform
by Brenton Goldsworthy Daria ZakharovaA report from the International Monetary Fund.
An Evaluation of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Marine and Hydrokinetic Resource Assessments
by Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Technology Assessment CommitteeIncreasing renewable energy development, both within the United States and abroad, has rekindled interest in the potential for marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) resources to contribute to electricity generation. These resources derive from ocean tides, waves, and currents; temperature gradients in the ocean; and free-flowing rivers and streams. One measure of the interest in the possible use of these resources for electricity generation is the increasing number of permits that have been filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). As of December 2012, FERC had issued 4 licenses and 84 preliminary permits, up from virtually zero a decade ago. However, most of these permits are for developments along the Mississippi River, and the actual benefit realized from all MHK resources is extremely small. The first U. S. commercial gridconnected project, a tidal project in Maine with a capacity of less than 1 megawatt (MW), is currently delivering a fraction of that power to the grid and is due to be fully installed in 2013. As part of its assessment of MHK resources, DOE asked the National Research Council (NRC) to provide detailed evaluations. In response, the NRC formed the Committee on Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Technology Assessment. As directed in its statement of task (SOT), the committee first developed an interim report, released in June 2011, which focused on the wave and tidal resource assessments (Appendix B). The current report contains the committee's evaluation of all five of the DOE resource categories as well as the committee's comments on the overall MHK resource assessment process. This summary focuses on the committee's overarching findings and conclusions regarding a conceptual framework for developing the resource assessments, the aggregation of results into a single number, and the consistency across and coordination between the individual resource assessments. Critiques of the individual resource assessment, further discussion of the practical MHK resource base, and overarching conclusions and recommendations are explained in An Evaluation of the U. S. Department of Energy's Marine and Hydrokinetic Resource Assessment.
Evaluierung der linearen und nichtlinearen Stabstatik in Theorie und Software: Prüfbeispiele, Fehlerursachen, genaue Theorie (Bauingenieur-Praxis)
by Günter Lumpe Volker GensichenUmfangreiche Überprüfungen von Stabtheorie und Berechnungsergebnissen durch die Verfasser belegen, dass der EDV-gestützte Entwurf eines Tragwerks grob fehlerhaft sein kann. Das vorliegende Buch klärt die Frage, wie wirklichkeitsnah die Resultate aktueller Stabstatik-Software ausfallen. Mit Hilfe zahlreicher Referenzbeispiele kann jeder Anwender diese Frage für die von ihm genutzte Software prüfen. Darüber hinaus wird ein Abriss der genauen geometrisch nichtlinearen Biegetorsionstheorie und deren Aufbereitung für die FEM dargestellt. Dieses Buch ist ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für Aufsteller und Prüfer von Standsicherheitsnachweisen sowie für Software-Entwickler. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günter Lumpe ist seit 1991 Professor für Stahlbau an der Hochschule Biberach. Er war über zehn Jahre im industriellen Stahl- und Anlagenbau praktisch tätig. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Gensichen war im Industrie- und Anlagenbau tätig. Bis 2007 lehrte er Massivbau und Stahlbau an der FH Münster. Er beschäftigt sich mit der Verifikation der Ergebnisse von Statik-Software und ist stellv. Vorsitzender im VDI-Ausschuss „Softwaregestützte Tragsicherheitsnachweise“.
Evangelista Torricelli: Mathematiker des Großherzogs Ferdinand II. der Toskana (Mathematik im Kontext)
by Renato AcamporaDie meisten Nichtmathematiker werden Torricelli durch das nach ihm benannte Ausflussgesetz kennen, wonach die Geschwindigkeit eines aus einem Gefäss austretenden Wasserstrahls proportional zur Quadratwurzel aus der Füllhöhe ist, ebenso wie durch seinen Nachweis des Luftdrucks mithilfe seines Vakuumexperiments. Viel bedeutender aber sind seine Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Mathematik als virtuoser Vertreter von Cavalieris umstrittener Indivisiblenmethode, wobei er seine Ergebnisse aber stets mit Beweisen nach der allgemein anerkannten „Art der Alten“ absicherte. Auf diese Weise gelang ihm die Quadratur der Parabeln und Hyperbeln höherer Ordnung, der Zykloide, der logarithmischen Spirale (ebenso wie deren Rektifikation) und die Bestimmung der Schwerpunkte zahlreicher ebener und räumlicher Figuren.
Evaporation and Evapotranspiration
by Assefa Melesse Wossenu AbtewThe book is a thorough presentation of theoretical and applied aspects of the evaporation and evapotranspiration process supported by data from experimental studies. It is written in a way that the theoretical background of evaporation and evapotranspiration estimation is presented in a simplified manner, comprehensive to most technical readers. The book deals with details of meteorological parameters and monitoring sensors which are needed for estimating evaporation and evapotranspiration. Errors in meteorological parameter measurements are also presented. Estimation errors, strengths, weaknesses and applicability of a wide range of evaporation and evapotranspiration estimation methods are presented along with samples of application to a certain region. Application of newer simpler methods is presented. A new technology, remote sensing application to evaporation and evapotranspiration estimation, is presented. The latest interest in the subject, climate change and evapotranspiration is presented in the last chapter. This book will be beneficial to students, hydrologists, engineers, meteorologists, water managers and others.
The Evaporation Mechanism in the Wick of Copper Heat Pipes
by Shwin-Chung WongThis book discusses the evaporation mechanism in the wick of copper heat pipes. The investigations are based on recent visualization experiments for operating horizontal flat-plate heat pipes.