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Evolutionary Electronics: Automatic Design of Electronic Circuits and Systems by Genetic Algorithms (International Series on Computational Intelligence)

by null Ricardo Salem Zebulum null Marco Aurelio Pacheco null Marley Maria Vellasco

From the explosion of interest, research, and applications of evolutionary computation a new field emerges-evolutionary electronics. Focused on applying evolutionary computation concepts and techniques to the domain of electronics, many researchers now see it as holding the greatest potential for overcoming the drawbacks of conventional design techniques.Evolutionary Electronics: Automatic Design of Electronic Circuits and Systems by Genetic Algorithms formally introduces and defines this area of research, presents its main challenges in electronic design, and explores emerging technologies. It describes the evolutionary computation paradigm and its primary algorithms, and explores topics of current interest, such as multi-objective optimization. The authors examine numerous evolutionary electronics applications, draw conclusions about those applications, and sketch the future of evolutionary computation and its applications in electronics. In coming years, the appearance of more and more advanced technologies will increase the complexity of optimization and synthesis problems, and evolutionary electronics will almost certainly become a key to solving those problems. Evolutionary Electronics is your key to discovering and unlocking the potential of this promising new field.

Evolutionary Games with Sociophysics: Analysis of Traffic Flow and Epidemics (Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science #17)

by Jun Tanimoto

Recent applications of evolutionary game theory in the merging fields of the mathematical and social sciences are brilliantly portrayed in this book, which highlights social physics and shows how the approach can help to quantitatively model complex human–environmental–social systems.First, readers are introduced to the fundamentals of evolutionary game theory. The two-player, two-strategy game, or the 2 × 2 game, is presented as an archetype to help understand the difficulty of cooperating for survival against defection in common social contexts. Subsequently, the book explains the theoretical background of the multi-player, two-strategy game, which may be more widely applicable than the 2 × 2 game for social dilemmas. The latest applications of 2 × 2 games are also discussed to explore how integrated reciprocity mechanisms can solve social dilemmas.In turn, the book describes two practical areas in which evolutionary game theory has been applied. The first concerns traffic flow analysis. In conventional interpretations, traffic flow can be understood by means of fluid dynamics, in which the flow of vehicles is evaluated as a continuum body. Such a simple idea, however, does not work well in reality, particularly if a driver’s decision-making process is considered. Various dilemmas involve complex structures that depend primarily on traffic density, a revelation that should help establish a practical solution for reducing traffic congestion.Second, the book provides keen insights into how powerful evolutionary game theory can be in the context of epidemiology. Both approaches, quasi-analytical and multi-agent simulation, can clarify how an infectious disease such as seasonal influenza spreads across a complex social network, which is significantly affected by the public attitude toward vaccination. A methodology is proposed for the optimum design of a public vaccination policy incorporating subsidies to efficiently increase vaccination coverage while minimizing the social cost.

Evolutionary Humanoid Robotics

by Malachy Eaton

This book examines how two distinct strands of research on autonomous robots, evolutionary robotics and humanoid robot research, are converging. The book will be valuable for researchers and postgraduate students working in the areas of evolutionary robotics and bio-inspired computing.

Evolutionary Intelligence: How Technology Will Make Us Smarter

by W. Russell Neuman

A surprising vision of how human intelligence will coevolve with digital technology and revolutionize how we think and behave.It is natural for us to fear artificial intelligence. But does Siri really want to kill us? Perhaps we are falling into the trap of projecting human traits onto the machines we might build. In Evolutionary Intelligence, Neuman offers a surprisingly positive vision in which computational intelligence compensates for the well-recognized limits of human judgment, improves decision making, and actually increases our agency. In artful, accessible, and adventurous prose, Neuman takes the reader on an exciting, fast-paced ride, all the while making a convincing case about a revolution in computationally augmented human intelligence.Neuman argues that, just as the wheel made us mobile and machines made us stronger, the migration of artificial intelligence from room-sized computers to laptops to our watches, smart glasses, and even smart contact lenses will transform day-to-day human decision making. If intelligence is the capacity to match means with ends, then augmented intelligence can offer the ability to adapt to changing environments as we face the ultimate challenge of long-term survival.Tapping into a global interest in technology&’s potential impacts on society, economics, and culture, Evolutionary Intelligence demonstrates that our future depends on our ability to computationally compensate for the limitations of a human cognitive system that has only recently graduated from hunting and gathering.

Evolutionary Intelligence for Healthcare Applications (AIoT - Artificial Intelligence of Things)

by T. Ananth Kumar R. Rajmohan M. Pavithra S. Balamurugan

This book highlights various evolutionary algorithm techniques for various medical conditions and introduces medical applications of evolutionary computation for real-time diagnosis. Evolutionary Intelligence for Healthcare Applications presents how evolutionary intelligence can be used in smart healthcare systems involving big data analytics, mobile health, personalized medicine, and clinical trial data management. It focuses on emerging concepts and approaches and highlights various evolutionary algorithm techniques used for early disease diagnosis, prediction, and prognosis for medical conditions. The book also presents ethical issues and challenges that can occur within the healthcare system. Researchers, healthcare professionals, data scientists, systems engineers, students, programmers, clinicians, and policymakers will find this book of interest.

Evolutionary Large-Scale Multi-Objective Optimization and Applications

by Xingyi Zhang Yaochu Jin Ye Tian Ran Cheng

Tackle the most challenging problems in science and engineering with these cutting-edge algorithms Multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs) are those in which more than one objective needs to be optimized simultaneously. As a ubiquitous component of research and engineering projects, these problems are notoriously challenging. In recent years, evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have shown significant promise in their ability to solve MOPs, but challenges remain at the level of large-scale multi-objective optimization problems (LSMOPs), where the number of variables increases and the optimized solution is correspondingly harder to reach. Evolutionary Large-Scale Multi-Objective Optimization and Applications constitutes a systematic overview of EAs and their capacity to tackle LSMOPs. It offers an introduction to both the problem class and the algorithms before delving into some of the cutting-edge algorithms which have been specifically adapted to solving LSMOPs. Deeply engaged with specific applications and alert to the latest developments in the field, it’s a must-read for students and researchers facing these famously complex but crucial optimization problems. The book’s readers will also find: Analysis of multi-optimization problems in fields such as machine learning, network science, vehicle routing, and more Discussion of benchmark problems and performance indicators for LSMOPs Presentation of a new taxonomy of algorithms in the field Evolutionary Large-Scale Multi-Objective Optimization and Applications is ideal for advanced students, researchers, and scientists and engineers facing complex optimization problems.

Evolutionary Machine Learning Techniques: Algorithms and Applications (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)

by Seyedali Mirjalili Hossam Faris Ibrahim Aljarah

This book provides an in-depth analysis of the current evolutionary machine learning techniques. Discussing the most highly regarded methods for classification, clustering, regression, and prediction, it includes techniques such as support vector machines, extreme learning machines, evolutionary feature selection, artificial neural networks including feed-forward neural networks, multi-layer perceptron, probabilistic neural networks, self-optimizing neural networks, radial basis function networks, recurrent neural networks, spiking neural networks, neuro-fuzzy networks, modular neural networks, physical neural networks, and deep neural networks. The book provides essential definitions, literature reviews, and the training algorithms for machine learning using classical and modern nature-inspired techniques. It also investigates the pros and cons of classical training algorithms. It features a range of proven and recent nature-inspired algorithms used to train different types of artificial neural networks, including genetic algorithm, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, grey wolf optimizer, whale optimization algorithm, ant lion optimizer, moth flame algorithm, dragonfly algorithm, salp swarm algorithm, multi-verse optimizer, and sine cosine algorithm. The book also covers applications of the improved artificial neural networks to solve classification, clustering, prediction and regression problems in diverse fields.

Evolutionary Manufacturing, Design and Operational Practices for Resource and Environmental Sustainability

by Sachindra Kumar Rout Sardar M.N. Islam Kamalakanta Muduli Sunil Sarangi Aezeden Mohamed

This book highlights the important use of digital technologies and the latest developments in mechanical and industrial engineering to enhance environmental and resource sustainability. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have as their overarching objective the reduction or eradication of a wide range of global problems, including, but not limited to poverty, climate change, environmental degradation, and inequality. Digital technologies (DTs) have the potential to be exploited to meet the goals associated with the circular economy (CE) and sustainable development. Additive manufacturing (AM), cyber-physical systems (CPS), and blockchain technology are examples of DT-enabled technologies that are helpful for businesses that seek to shift to a circular economic model. With the remanufacturing of products, applications that make use of virtual reality and augmented reality, in addition to the Internet of Things, simplify the construction of strategic decision models that reduce time and expense while simultaneously increasing productivity. In addition, the utilization of big data analytics helps businesses discover previously undisclosed trends and unlock numerous opportunities for environmental and resource sustainability. Employing analytics makes it feasible to collect helpful information regarding the socio-environmental impact of a product, as well as consumption factors over the entirety of a product’s life cycle. This book contains 44 comprehensive chapters and is divided into five parts. Part 1 delves deeply into sustainable operational practices and supply chain management. The impact that digital technology-enabled operational techniques have on product life cycles is investigated, as well as the design of efficient remanufacturing processes, environmentally friendly logistics and warehousing practices, sustainable designs for distributed energy supply systems, and efficient recycling procedures. Part 2 provides a perspective on advanced materials and developments for sustainable manufacturing. The chapters in this section address sustainable material development and its application in the circular economy concept. Included here is an in-depth exploration of cutting-edge technology for synthesis, processing, fabrication, process optimization, testing, and performance evaluation of advanced materials. Part 3 covers sustainable manufacturing practices and looks at the problems faced by the industry when using digital technologies in their operations, as well as the possible benefits. Part 4 examines sustainable innovation in mechanical design. It addresses all aspects of mechanical design that contribute to sustainable innovation for nation-building. Part 5 delves into heat transfer and fluid flow concepts for sustainable product development and applications. The chapters explain how to construct sustainable energy systems by reducing the total amount of energy that is utilized, enhancing the efficiency of the process of energy conversion, and making use of sources of energy that are renewable. Audience This book has a wide audience in academic institutions and engineers in a variety of manufacturing industries. It will also appeal to economists and policymakers working on the circular economy, clean tech investors, industrial decision-makers, and environmental professionals.

Evolutionary Methods Based Modeling and Analysis of Solar Thermal Systems: A Case Studies Approach (Mechanical Engineering Series)

by Biplab Das Jagadish

This book presents insights into the thermal performance of solar thermal collectors using both computational and experimental modeling. It consists of various computational and experimental case studies conducted by the authors on the solar thermal collector system. The authors begin by developing thermal modeling using a case study that shows the effect of different governing parameters. A few more experimental cases studies follow that highlight the energy, exergy, and environmental performance of the solar thermal collector system and to examine the performance of a modified solar collector system, illustrating performance improvement techniques. Finally, application of different evolutionary optimization techniques such as soft computing and evolutionary methods, like fuzzy techniques, MCDM methods like fuzzy logic based expert system (FLDS), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Grey relational analysis (GRA), Entropy-Jaya algorithm, Entropy-VIKOR etc. are employed.

Evolutionary Multi-Objective System Design: Theory and Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer and Information Science Series)

by Nadia Nedjah, Luiza De Macedo Mourelle and Heitor Silverio Lopes

Real-world engineering problems often require concurrent optimization of several design objectives, which are conflicting in cases. This type of optimization is generally called multi-objective or multi-criterion optimization. The area of research that applies evolutionary methodologies to multi-objective optimization is of special and growing interest. It brings a viable computational solution to many real-world problems. Generally, multi-objective engineering problems do not have a straightforward optimal design. These kinds of problems usually inspire several solutions of equal efficiency, which achieve different trade-offs. Decision makers’ preferences are normally used to select the most adequate design. Such preferences may be dictated before or after the optimization takes place. They may also be introduced interactively at different levels of the optimization process. Multi-objective optimization methods can be subdivided into classical and evolutionary. The classical methods usually aim at a single solution while the evolutionary methods provide a whole set of so-called Pareto-optimal solutions. Evolutionary Multi-Objective System Design: Theory and Applications provides a representation of the state-of-the-art in evolutionary multi-objective optimization research area and related new trends. It reports many innovative designs yielded by the application of such optimization methods. It also presents the application of multi-objective optimization to the following problems: Embrittlement of stainless steel coated electrodes Learning fuzzy rules from imbalanced datasets Combining multi-objective evolutionary algorithms with collective intelligence Fuzzy gain scheduling control Smart placement of roadside units in vehicular networks Combining multi-objective evolutionary algorithms with quasi-simplex local search Design of robust substitution boxes Protein structure prediction problem Core assignment for efficient network-on-chip-based system design

Evolutionary Multi-Task Optimization: Foundations and Methodologies (Machine Learning: Foundations, Methodologies, and Applications)

by Liang Feng Abhishek Gupta Kay Chen Tan Yew Soon Ong

A remarkable facet of the human brain is its ability to manage multiple tasks with apparent simultaneity. Knowledge learned from one task can then be used to enhance problem-solving in other related tasks. In machine learning, the idea of leveraging relevant information across related tasks as inductive biases to enhance learning performance has attracted significant interest. In contrast, attempts to emulate the human brain’s ability to generalize in optimization – particularly in population-based evolutionary algorithms – have received little attention to date. Recently, a novel evolutionary search paradigm, Evolutionary Multi-Task (EMT) optimization, has been proposed in the realm of evolutionary computation. In contrast to traditional evolutionary searches, which solve a single task in a single run, evolutionary multi-tasking algorithm conducts searches concurrently on multiple search spaces corresponding to different tasks or optimization problems, each possessing a unique function landscape. By exploiting the latent synergies among distinct problems, the superior search performance of EMT optimization in terms of solution quality and convergence speed has been demonstrated in a variety of continuous, discrete, and hybrid (mixture of continuous and discrete) tasks. This book discusses the foundations and methodologies of developing evolutionary multi-tasking algorithms for complex optimization, including in domains characterized by factors such as multiple objectives of interest, high-dimensional search spaces and NP-hardness.

Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms

by Altaf Q. H. Badar

This comprehensive reference text discusses evolutionary optimization techniques, to find optimal solutions for single and multi-objective problems. The text presents each evolutionary optimization algorithm along with its history and other working equations. It also discusses variants and hybrids of optimization techniques. The text presents step-by-step solution to a problem and includes software’s like MATLAB and Python for solving optimization problems. It covers important optimization algorithms including single objective optimization, multi objective optimization, Heuristic optimization techniques, shuffled frog leaping algorithm, bacteria foraging algorithm and firefly algorithm. Aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students in the field of electrical engineering, electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science and engineering, this text: Provides step-by-step solution for each evolutionary optimization algorithm. Provides flowcharts and graphics for better understanding of optimization techniques. Discusses popular optimization techniques include particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm. Presents every optimization technique along with the history and working equations. Includes latest software like Python and MATLAB.

Evolutionary Optimization of Material Removal Processes

by Ravi Pratap Singh Narendra Kumar Ravinder Kataria Pulak Mohan Pandey

The text comprehensively focuses on the concepts, implementation, and application of evolutionary algorithms for predicting, modeling, and optimizing the various material removal processes from their origin to the current advancements. This one-of-a-kind book encapsulates all the features related to the application and implementation of evolutionary algorithms for the purpose of predicting and optimizing the process characteristics of different machining methods and their allied processes that will provide comprehensive information. It broadly explains the concepts of employing evolutionary algorithm-based optimization in a broad domain of various material removal processes. Therefore, this book will enable prospective readers to take full advantage of recent findings and advancements in the fields of traditional, advanced, micro, and hybrid machining, among others. Moreover, the simplicity of its writing will keep readers engaged throughout and make it easier for them to understand the advanced topics. The book- • Offers a step-by-step guide to implement evolutionary algorithms for the overall optimization of conventional and contemporary machining processes• Provides in-depth analysis of various material removal processes through evolutionary optimization• Details an overview of different evolutionary optimization techniques• Explores advanced processing of various engineering materials-based case studies It further discusses different nature-inspired algorithms-based modeling, prediction, and modeling of machining responses in attempting advanced machining of the latest materials and related engineering problems along with case studies and practical examples. It will be an ideal reference text for graduate students and academic researchers working in the fields of mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, industrial engineering, manufacturing engineering, and materials science.

Evolutionary Process of a Steep Rocky Reservoir Bank in a Dynamic Mechanical Environment

by Luqi Wang Wengang Zhang

To prevent the collapse of dangerous rock masses on steep rocky reservoir banks which can cause casualties and property loss, it is essential to design and conduct practical experiments to quantify the evolution processes of the reservoir banks and control such dangerous rock masses. Using the Jianchuandong Dangerous Rock Mass project as a case study, this book generalizes the mechanical model of the project to show how improved equipment can be used to measure the mechanical state transition under the continuous action of axial pressure. It details a series of experiments to study the evolution of a severely steep rocky reservoir bank, which comprehensively consider the influence of hydraulic coupling, dry-wet cycles, axial pressure, and time-dependent effects. The results support a new method for determining the stability of dangerous rock masses on reservoir banks. Combines engineering principles, real data, experimental methods and results Provides a complete research method for investigating hydrogeology failure processes The book suits practitioners in hydropower engineering, engineering geology, and disaster protection.

Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Technology Of Self-Organizing Machines

by Stefano Nolfi Dario Floreano

Evolutionary robotics is a new technique for the automatic creation of autonomous robots. Inspired by the Darwinian principle of selective reproduction of the fittest, it views robots as autonomous artificial organisms that develop their own skills in close interaction with the environment and without human intervention. Drawing heavily on biology and ethology, it uses the tools of neural networks, genetic algorithms, dynamic systems, and biomorphic engineering. The resulting robots share with simple biological systems the characteristics of robustness, simplicity, small size, flexibility, and modularity. In evolutionary robotics, an initial population of artificial chromosomes, each encoding the control system of a robot, is randomly created and put into the environment. Each robot is then free to act (move, look around, manipulate) according to its genetically specified controller while its performance on various tasks is automatically evaluated. The fittest robots then "reproduce" by swapping parts of their genetic material with small random mutations. The process is repeated until the "birth" of a robot that satisfies the performance criteria. This book describes the basic concepts and methodologies of evolutionary robotics and the results achieved so far. An important feature is the clear presentation of a set of empirical experiments of increasing complexity. Software with a graphic interface, freely available on a Web page, will allow the reader to replicate and vary (in simulation and on real robots) most of the experiments.

The Evolutionary Void (Commonwealth: The Void Trilogy #3)

by Peter F. Hamilton

BONUS: This edition contains Peter F. Hamilton's short story, If At First...Exposed as the Second Dreamer, Araminta has become the target of a galaxywide search by others equally determined to prevent--or facilitate--the pilgrimage into the Void. An indestructible microuniverse, the Void may contain paradise, but it is also a deadly threat. For the reality that exists inside its boundaries demands energy drawn from planets, stars, galaxies--from everything that lives.Meanwhile, the story of Edeard, the Waterwalker, continues to unfold. With time running out, Inigo, the First Dreamer, must decide whether to release Edeard's dangerous final dream. And Araminta must choose whether to run from her responsibilities or face them down, with no guarantee of success or survival. But all these choices may be for naught if the leader of a rival faction enters the Void. For it is not paradise she seeks there, but dominion. axies . . . from everything that lives.Meanwhile, the parallel story of Edeard, the Waterwalker--as told through a series of addictive dreams communicated to the gaiasphere via Inigo, the First Dreamer--continues to unfold. But now the inspirational tale of this idealistic young man takes a darker and more troubling turn as he finds himself faced with powerful new enemies--and temptations more powerful still. With time running out, a repentant Inigo must decide whether to release Edeard's final dream: a dream whose message is scarcely less dangerous than the pilgrimage promises to be. And Araminta must choose whether to run from her unwanted responsibilities or face them down, with no guarantee of success or survival. But all these choices may be for naught if the monomaniacal Ilanthe, leader of the breakaway Accelerator Faction, is able to enter the Void. For it is not paradise she seeks there, but dominion. From the Hardcover edition.

Evolution's Captain: The Story of the Kidnapping That Led to Charles Darwin's Voyage Aboard the "Beagle"

by Peter Nichols

The story of a visionary but now forgotten English naval officer and the events without which the name Charles Darwin would be unknown to us today.Captain Robert FitzRoy’s first voyage aboard the HMS Beagle had concluded with the kidnapping of four “savages” from Tierra del Fuego. But when his plan to bring them back to England to civilize them as Christian gentlefolk backfired, the second and most famous voyage of the Beagle was born. In naval terms, this second voyage—with twenty-two-year-old Charles Darwin in tow—was a stunning scientific success. But FitzRoy, a fanatical Christian was horrified by the heretical theories Darwin began to develop. As these ideas came to influence the most profound levels of religious and scientific thinking in the nineteenth century, FitzRoy’s knowledge that he had provided Darwin the vehicle for his sacrilegious ideas propelled him irrevocably toward suicide.Praise for Evolution’s Captain“A powerful story played out against a beguiling landscape. . . . Nichols has a finely tuned sense of history.” —New York Times Book Review“A fascinating account. . . . A finely researched, engaging book.” —Atlanta Journal-Constitution“It’ll prove hard not to share [Nichols’s] fascination with how FitzRoy’s naval career inadvertently set off a scientific controversy still flaring to this day.” —Publishers Weekly

Evolve from Infrastructure to Innovation with SAP on AWS: Strategize Beyond Infrastructure for Extending your SAP applications, Data Management, IoT & AI/ML integration and IT Operations using AWS Services

by Bidwan Baruah Krishnakumar Ramadoss Abarajith Vivekanandha

The world of SAP is undergoing a major transformation, with many customers either planning or actively modernizing their SAP landscapes as part of the S/4HANA digital transformation. Given the extensive SAP transformation efforts adopted by nearly all SAP customers in recent years and the profound impact these digital changes have had on their business models and IT organizations, the authors decided to write this book. As customers embark on their SAP on AWS journey, they face three main challenges: deciding on the overall strategy, selecting the right business use cases and implementing them effectively. This book aims to address these challenges by guiding readers through the process of identifying and executing the appropriate use cases. It will highlight how customers can harness AWS services beyond merely hosting their SAP systems on AWS, demonstrating the potential of these services to drive innovation. This book covers the entire journey, from defining strategy and identifying business use cases to their implementation, providing practical tips, strategies, and insights. It serves as an essential guide for customers planning to migrate or those who have already migrated their SAP workloads to AWS, helping them explore beyond just the infrastructure aspects of their journey. You Will : Discover how to go beyond just hosting SAP systems on AWS, using the full range of AWS services to innovate and extend your SAP applications. Learn how to identify the right business use cases and implement them effectively, with practical examples and real-world scenarios. Develop the mindset and skills needed to architect modern, cloud-native, event-driven architectures, balancing trade-offs between simplicity, efficiency, and cost. This book is for: Business leaders, IT professionals, and SAP specialists who are looking to modernize their SAP landscapes by leveraging AWS services

Evolved Cellular Network Planning and Optimization for UMTS and LTE

by Lingyang Song Jia Shen

Most books on network planning and optimization provide limited coverage of either GSM or WCDMA techniques. Few scrape the surface of HSPA, and even fewer deal with TD-SCDMA. Filling this void, Evolved Cellular Network Planning and Optimization for UMTS and LTE presents an accessible introduction to all stages of planning and optimizing UMTS, HSPA,

Evolving Households: The Imprint Of Technology On Life

by Jeremy Greenwood

In Evolving Households, Jeremy Greenwood argues that technological progress has had as significant an effect on households as it had on industry. Taking a macroeconomic perspective, Greenwood develops simple economic models to study such phenomena as the rise in married female labor force participation, changes in fertility rates, the decline in marriage, and increased longevity. These trends represent a dramatic transformation in everyday life, and they were made possible by advancements in technology. Greenwood also addresses how technological progress can cause social change. <p><p> Greenwood shows, for example, how electricity and labor-saving appliances freed women from full-time household drudgery and enabled them to enter the labor market. He explains that fertility dropped when higher wages increased the opportunity cost of having children; he attributes the post–World War II baby boom to a combination of labor-saving household technology and advances in obstetrics and pediatrics. Marriage rates declined when single households became more economically feasible; people could be more discriminating in their choice of a mate. Technological progress also affects social and cultural norms. Innovation in contraception ushered in a sexual revolution. Labor-saving technological progress at home, together with mechanization in industry that led to an increase in the value of brain relative to brawn for jobs, fostered the advancement of women's rights in the workplace. Finally, Greenwood attributes increased longevity to advances in medical technology and rising living standards, and he examines healthcare spending, the development of new drugs, and the growing portion of life now spent in retirement.

Evolving Households: The Imprint of Technology on Life (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Jeremy Greenwood

The transformative effect of technological change on households and culture, seen from a macroeconomic perspective through simple economic models.In Evolving Households, Jeremy Greenwood argues that technological progress has had as significant an effect on households as it had on industry. Taking a macroeconomic perspective, Greenwood develops simple economic models to study such phenomena as the rise in married female labor force participation, changes in fertility rates, the decline in marriage, and increased longevity. These trends represent a dramatic transformation in everyday life, and they were made possible by advancements in technology. Greenwood also addresses how technological progress can cause social change.Greenwood shows, for example, how electricity and labor-saving appliances freed women from full-time household drudgery and enabled them to enter the labor market. He explains that fertility dropped when higher wages increased the opportunity cost of having children; he attributes the post–World War II baby boom to a combination of labor-saving household technology and advances in obstetrics and pediatrics. Marriage rates declined when single households became more economically feasible; people could be more discriminating in their choice of a mate. Technological progress also affects social and cultural norms. Innovation in contraception ushered in a sexual revolution. Labor-saving technological progress at home, together with mechanization in industry that led to an increase in the value of brain relative to brawn for jobs, fostered the advancement of women's rights in the workplace. Finally, Greenwood attributes increased longevity to advances in medical technology and rising living standards, and he examines healthcare spending, the development of new drugs, and the growing portion of life now spent in retirement.

Evolving Networking Technologies: Developments and Future Directions

by Kanta Prasad Sharma Shaurya Gupta Ashish Sharma Dac-Nhuong Le

EVOLVING NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES This book discusses in a practical manner some of the critical security challenges facing the ever-evolving networking technologies of today. In an age of explosive worldwide growth of electronic data storage and communications, effective protection of information has become a critical requirement, especially when used in coordination with other tools for information security and cryptography in all of its applications, including data confidentiality, data integrity, and user authentication. While the importance of cryptographic technique, i.e., encryption, in protecting sensitive and critical information and resources cannot be overemphasized, an examination of the technical evolution within several industries reveals an approaching precipice of scientific change. The glacially paced but inevitable convergence of quantum mechanics, nanotechnology, computer science, and applied mathematics will revolutionize modern technology. The implications of such changes will be far-reaching, with one of its greatest impacts affecting information security and, more specifically, modern cryptography. The book takes the reader through these issues. As the security systems design becomes more and more complex to meet these challenges, a mistake that is committed most often by security specialists is not making a comprehensive analysis of the system to be secured before choosing which security mechanism to deploy. Often, the security mechanism chosen turns out to be either incompatible with, or inadequate for, handling the complexities of the system. In addition, the book also discusses three main points: Configuration management is a critical issue, and as networks are increasing in size, their configuration needs to be managed. Devices may conflict with each other in terms of configuration. Therefore, it becomes challenging for firewalls to be up-to-date according to network policies. Scalability of the network is another big challenge, it would be easier to address if the network stays the same, but the network is ever expanding with a constant increase in the number of devices devoted to the network. Vendor lock-in: Business decisions that are taken today are revolving around the assumptions and capabilities of the current vendor and environment scenario. Buying the best solutions from today’s vendors involves how to interoperate, integrate, and support multiple solutions. It may involve tearing out all of the longstanding kits without tearing down the entire network at the same time. Audience This book specifically appeals to industry practitioners, IT researchers, and students regarding network technological management.

Evolving Perspectives on ICTs in Global Souths: 11th International Development Informatics Association Conference, IDIA 2020, Macau, China, March 25–27, 2020, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1236)

by Don Rodney Junio Cecile Koopman

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Development Informatics Association Conference, IDIA 2020, held in Macau, China, in March 2020.*The 14 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on ICT4D: taking stock; harnessing frontier technologies for sustainable development; ICT4D discourse, methodologies, and theoretical reflections; the evolving Global Souths.*The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Evolving Role of AI and IoMT in the Healthcare Market

by Manoj Kumar Fadi Al-Turjman Akashdeep Bhardwaj Thompson Stephan

This book is a proficient guide to understanding artificial intelligence (IoT) and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) in healthcare. The book provides a comprehensive study on the applications of AI and IoT in various medical domains. The book shows how the implementation of innovative solutions in healthcare is beneficial, and IoT, together with AI, are strong drivers of the digital transformation regardless of what field the technologies are applied in. Therefore, this book provides a high level of understanding with the emerging technologies on the Internet of Things, wearable devices, and AI in IoMT, which offers the potential to acquire and process a tremendous amount of data from the physical world.

Evolving Technologies for Computing, Communication and Smart World: Proceedings of ETCCS 2020 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #694)

by Pradeep Kumar Singh Arti Noor Maheshkumar H. Kolekar Sudeep Tanwar Raj K. Bhatnagar Shaweta Khanna

This book presents best selected papers presented at the International Conference on Evolving Technologies for Computing, Communication and Smart World (ETCCS 2020) held on 31 January–1 February 2020 at C-DAC, Noida, India. It is co-organized by Southern Federal University, Russia; University of Jan Wyżykowski (UJW), Polkowice, Poland; and CSI, India. C-DAC, Noida received funding from MietY during the event. The technical services are supported through EasyChair, Turnitin, MailChimp and IAC Education. The book includes current research works in the areas of network and computing technologies, wireless networks and Internet of things (IoT), futuristic computing technologies, communication technologies, security and privacy.

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