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Exoskeleton Robots for Rehabilitation and Healthcare Devices (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Vijender Kumar Solanki Manuel Cardona Cecilia E. García CenaThis book addresses cutting-edge topics in robotics and related technologies for rehabilitation, covering basic concepts and providing the reader with the information they need to solve various practical problems. Intended as a reference guide to the application of robotics in rehabilitation, it covers e.g. musculoskeletal modelling, gait analysis, biomechanics, robotics modelling and simulation, sensors, wearable devices, and the Internet of Medical Things.
Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals: Magnetic Ions in a Crystalline Electric Field and Tunelling Centres
by D L Cox A ZawadowskiThis provides a major review of the two-level system Kondo model, as applied to metallic glasses, nanoscale devices and some doped semiconductors; and the quadripolar and magnetic two-channel Kondo models developed for rare-earth and actinide ions with crystal splitting metals. These contrast with the simple single-channel model, and allow the study of non-Fermi liquid physics. This book forms a valuable and unique source of information for statistical and condensed matter physicists and graduate students.Key Features: * An invaluable and unique source of information on this highly popular area of condensed matter physics* Based upon a special edition of the Advances in Physics journal* Magnetic impurities in metals present a major challenge to condensed matter physicists, for which a strong starting point has long been the early insights of Kondo into the resistance medium
Exotic Nuclear Excitations: The Transverse Wobbling Mode in 135 Pr
by James Till MattaThe work presented in this thesis established the existence of wobbling at low spin and low deformation in the Z~60, N~76 nuclear region. This opens the region to further searches for wobbling and shows that wobbling is not confined to a particular quasiparticle orbital, spin or deformation. While deformed nuclei usually have axial shape, triaxial shapes have been predicted at low to moderate spins in certain regions of the nuclear chart (e. g. Z~60, N~76 and Z~46, N~66). Observation of one of the fingerprints of triaxiality, chirality and wobbling, guarantees that the nucleus is axially asymmetric. While chirality has been observed in numerous nuclei from many regions of the nuclear chart, wobbling, prior to this work, had only been observed at high spins in super deformed bands in five nuclei confined to the Z~70, N~90 region. Additionally, this dissertation establishes a new interpretation for the wobbling phenomenon. It shows for the first time that the nucleon aligns to the short axis, which explains the decrease in wobbling energies with angular momentum seen on this and all previous wobbling nuclei while still explaining the observed B(E2out)B(E2in) ratios. This is a new phenomenon, which is in contrast to the increase of the wobbling energies predicted by Bohr and Mottelson.
Exotic Properties of Carbon Nanomatter
by Mihai V. Putz Ottorino OriThis title reports the state-of-the-art advancements in modeling and characterization of fundamental and the recently designed carbon based nanocomposites (graphenes, fullerenes, polymers, crystals and allotropic forms). Written by leading experts in the field, the book explores the quantification, indexing, and interpretation of physical and chemical exotic properties related with space-time structure-evolution, phase transitions, chemical reactivity, and topology. Exotic Properties of Carbon Nanomatter is aimed at researchers in academia and industry.
Expand: Stretching the Future By Design
by Christian Bason Jens Martin SkibstedToday, it can seem as if the world has nothing but problems. And more than ever the boundaries of those problems are expanding in terms of the speed, scale, and impact by which they can alter business conditions, public governance, entire societies, the health of our planet, and the quality of our lives. Meeting these growing challenges requires ambitious new ways of designing solutions. With Expand: Stretching the Future By Design, authors Jens Martin Skibsted, a multiple-award winning designer, entrepreneur, and design philosopher, and Christian Bason, political scientist and CEO of the Danish Design Centre, take readers beyond &“design thinking&” to challenge current habits and carve out new space for more sustainable innovation. From transforming the ways we do business and reimagining health care, to creating planet-restoring housing and humanizing our digital lives in an age of AI, Expand explores how expansive thinking across six key areas—time, proximity, value, life, dimensions, and sectors—can provide radical, useful solutions to a whole host of current problems around the globe. With powerful real-world examples, the book challenges our freewheeling belief in technological determinism and its insensitivity toward ethics, humanity, and the environment. Expand is the first book to not just critique design thinking, but welcome it as a starting point for an ambitious, wide-ranging tale of how to expand and think beyond it. The best way to predict the future is to design it. Expand is the book that shows us how.
Expanding Global Horizons Through Technology Enhanced Language Learning (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)
by Yun Wen Yi-Ju Wu Grace Qi Siao-Cing Guo J. Michael Spector Shobhana Chelliah Kinshuk Yu-Ju LanThis book uncovers the important issues in language learning and teaching in the intelligent, digital era. “Social connectivity” is a contemporary style of learning and living. By engaging in the connectivity of physical and digital worlds, how essential parts of language learning and teaching can be achieved? How can the advanced technologies, such as virtual reality and artificial intelligent, be used to solve the problems encountered by language learners? To answer the above mentioned question, plenty of inspiring studies are included in the book. It is a platform of exchange for researchers, educators, and practitioners on the theory and/or application of state-of-the-art uses of technology to enhance language learning.
Expanding Monomers: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications
by Rajender Kumar Sadhir Mr. Russell LuckExpanding Monomers: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications provides a thorough discussion of expanding polymer systems and their potential applications. The scope of the book includes background information on conventional monomers, their polymeric systems, and associated shrinkage problems. Monomers that expand during polymerization are covered in detail, including their synthesis and characterization. Polymerization (homopolymerization and copolymerization) of expanding monomers is discussed, in addition to mechanisms and kinetics of several polymerization processes, such as cationic initiation and free radical ring-opening polymerization. The book also explores various applications in which expanding polymer systems have potential. These applications include coatings, casting and potting materials, composite adhesives, and electrical insulations. Expanding Monomers: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications will be valuable as a reference for manufacturers, researchers, teachers, and students in polymer and materials science, in addition to industry and university libraries.
Expanding Nanobiotechnology: Applications and Commercialization
by Ali Talha Khalil Arshad IslamThis book will cover recent and advanced concepts in nanobiotechnology, with deep focus on their applications and commercialization.Expanding Nanobiotechnology: Applications and Commercialization covers topics like green synthesis, microbial synthesis and their applications in medicine, imaging and nanotheranostics. It also includes success stories in food, energy and environment. The book explains the mechanistic insights in the biological synthesis of nanoparticles and includes discussion on the toxicity and interaction with the natural systems in detail. The chapters also examine synthesis and fabrication aspects in a concise manner. The book also highlights the possible therapeutic and imaging applications of biogenic nanomaterials in cancer therapies and explains the diverse mechanisms. The authors also present the hurdles, issues and concerns that hinder the large-scale commercial applications of the biogenic nanoparticles. Finally, apart from detailed discussion on the advanced futuristic applications of nanobiotechnology, specific contributions covering important topics like sustainability, ethics and dual use research concerns are included.This book is intended for researchers, biotechnologists, microbiologists and entrepreneurs spanning across diverse areas, including medicine, energy and the environment.
Expanding the Context of Weed Management
by Douglas BuhlerPresents innovative approaches to weeds and weed management. Expanding the Context of Weed Management is your key to the latest economically and environmentally friendly methods of managing weeds. You will explore the biological, cultural, mechanical, and preventive tools and techniques that are necessary to successfully manage weeds. Expanding the Context of Weed Management teaches you how to optimize your crop production and profit by integrating preventive techniques, scientific knowledge, and management skills into your current farming routine. This practical volume contains a series of review articles and original research that present innovative approaches to weeds and weed management. In its pages you will discover valuable and practical information about:how weeds can be considered a part of the cropping system instead of an isolated pest to beeliminatedwhy weeds behave as they doshort and long term approaches to changing weed managementstandard breeding methods for weed competitive cropshow to improve soil quality to manage weedshow to integrate pest management for weedshow to avoid propagule productionhow to reduce weed emergence in cropshow to minimize weed competition with the cropThe costliness of weeds and weed control is more than $15 billion a year in the United States.Expanding the Context of Weed Management will help you cut this cost with the latest methods of effective weed control. Intended for agronomists, weed scientists, crop advisors, environmentalists, students, and crop ecologists,this book provides a successful and environmentally sound perspective on weeds and their control.
Expanding the Frontiers of Design: Critical Perspectives
by Gabriela Goldschmidt Ezri TaraziDesign Thinking, a method widely used in design business and management, has changed the landscape of contemporary design. Whereas in the past non-designers were called upon to serve as external consultants ad-hoc, in an effort to promote creativity and innovation most design teams now consist of a mix of designers and other professionals. The impact of this development on the design landscape in recent years is so far without thorough investigation and analysis of its various influences. This book comprises an edited collection of selected papers from the 13th Design Thinking Research Symposium (DTRS13) which offers an exploration of Design Thinking from theoretical, practical, and pedagogical perspectives as well as critical analysis of the design process. The book is arranged in five parts as follows: Part 1: Thinking about design Part 2: Design thinking in the studio Part 3: Design thinking in practice and professional training Part 4: Design teams of diverse backgrounds, Interdisciplinary projects Part 5: Design and nature; visual representation Providing a comprehensive source for new perspectives on design and Design Thinking, Expanding the Frontiers of Design is ideal for designers and design academics of all disciplines wishing to strengthen and innovate their practice, as well as industry leaders who seek to consolidate their business strategies and evolve their work.
Expanding the Vision of Sensor Materials
by Committee On New Sensor Technologies: Materials ApplicationsAdvances in materials science and engineering have paved the way for the development of new and more capable sensors. Drawing upon case studies from manufacturing and structural monitoring and involving chemical and long wave-length infrared sensors, this book suggests an approach that frames the relevant technical issues in such a way as to expedite the consideration of new and novel sensor materials. It enables a multidisciplinary approach for identifying opportunities and making realistic assessments of technical risk and could be used to guide relevant research and development in sensor technologies.
Expanding Underground - Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World: Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2023 (WTC 2023), 12-18 May 2023, Athens, Greece
by Georgios AnagnostouExpanding Underground - Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World contains the contributions presented at the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2023 (Athens, Greece, 12 – 18 May, 2023). Tunnels and underground space are a predominant engineering practice that can provide sustainable, cost-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions to the ever-growing needs of modern societies. This underground expansion in more diverse and challenging infrastructure types or to novel underground uses can foster the changes needed. At the same time, the tunneling and underground space community needs to be better prepared and equipped with knowledge, tools and experience, to deal with the prevailing conditions, to successfully challenge and overcome adversities on this path. The papers in this book aim at contributing to the analysis of challenging conditions, the presentation and dissemination good practices, the introduction of new concepts, new tools and innovative elements that can help engineers and all stakeholders to reach their end goals. Expanding Underground - Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World covers a wide range of aspects and topics related to the whole chain of the construction and operation of underground structures: - Knowledge and Passion to Expand Underground for Sustainability and Resilience - Geological, Geotechnical Site Investigation and Ground Characterization - Planning and Designing of Tunnels and Underground Structures - Mechanised Tunnelling and Microtunnelling - Conventional Tunnelling, Drill-and-Blast Applications - Tunnelling in Challenging Conditions - Case Histories and Lessons Learned - Innovation, Robotics and Automation - BIM, Big Data and Machine Learning Applications in Tunnelling - Safety, Risk and Operation of Underground Infrastructure, and - Contractual Practices, Insurance and Project Management The book is a must-have reference for all professionals and stakeholders involved in tunneling and underground space development projects.
Expanding Underrepresented Minority Participation: America'S Science and Technology Talent at the Crossroads
by National Academy Of Sciences National Academy of Engineering Institute of Medicine of the National AcademiesIn order for the United States to maintain the global leadership and competitiveness in science and technology that are critical to achieving national goals, we must invest in research, encourage innovation, and grow a strong and talented science and technology workforce. Expanding Underrepresented Minority Participation explores the role of diversity in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce and its value in keeping America innovative and competitive. According to the book, the U.S. labor market is projected to grow faster in science and engineering than in any other sector in the coming years, making minority participation in STEM education at all levels a national priority. Expanding Underrepresented Minority Participation analyzes the rate of change and the challenges the nation currently faces in developing a strong and diverse workforce. Although minorities are the fastest growing segment of the population, they are underrepresented in the fields of science and engineering. Historically, there has been a strong connection between increasing educational attainment in the United States and the growth in and global leadership of the economy. Expanding Underrepresented Minority Participation suggests that the federal government, industry, and post-secondary institutions work collaboratively with K-12 schools and school systems to increase minority access to and demand for post-secondary STEM education and technical training. The book also identifies best practices and offers a comprehensive road map for increasing involvement of underrepresented minorities and improving the quality of their education. It offers recommendations that focus on academic and social support, institutional roles, teacher preparation, affordability and program development.
Expansive Soils: Recent Advances in Characterization and Treatment
by Amer Ali Al-Rawas Mattheus F.A. GoosenExpansive Soils provides the reader with easy and specific access to problems associated with expansive soils, characterisitics and treatment, and evaluation and remediation. Set up with contributions from worlwide expert, this main reference guide is intended for engineers, researchers and senior students working on soil
Expedition into the Nanoworld: An Exciting Voyage from Optical Microscopy to Nanoscopy
by Alberto DiasproThe story of microscopy over the years is one of wonder, revelation, and even love. What better words could there be to describe the amazing things that we have been able to see, learn and accomplish thanks to the progress made in this field? A love story between a pieace of glass and the rainbow with an original soundtrack mad of poetry and music. From Galilei’s initial foray into basic optical microscopy, including the Camillo Golgi and Giuliano Toraldo di Francia lessons, to such later developments as time-resolved microscopy, multi-photon microscopy and three-dimensional microscopy to innovations such as optical nanoscopy, bioimaging and super resolution imaging, the book seeks to take the reader, be they scientist or layperson, on a journey through the evolution of the microscope and its many uses, including in the field of medicine. The author uses visible light as a through-line to unite the various chapters, as well as using fluorescence as a touchpoint from which to map the changes in the science, a significant choice, as it, along with label-free approaches and the addition of artificial intelligence, form the natural environment for development of the modern multi-messenger microscope towards bioimaging at the nanoscale.
Expeditions as Experiments
by Marianne Klemun Ulrike SpringThis collection focuses on different expeditions and their role in the process of knowledge acquisition from the eighteenth century onwards. It investigates various forms of scientific practice conducted during, after and before expeditions, and it places this discussion into the scientific context of experiments. In treating expeditions as experiments in a heuristic sense, we also propose that the expedition is a variation on the laboratory in which different practices can be conducted and where the transformation of uncertain into certain knowledge is tested. The experimental positioning of the expedition brings together an ensemble of techniques, strategies, material agents and social actors, and illuminates the steps leading from observation to facts and documentation. The chapters show the variety of scientific interests that motivated expeditions with their focus on natural history, geology, ichthyology, botany, zoology, helminthology, speleology, physical anthropology, oceanography, meteorology and magnetism.
The Experience: How to Wow Your Customers and Create a Passionate Workplace
by Lior ArussyA 'must-read' for managers; this is a great guide for pulling the customer back into your management loop.' — Jerry Vass, author of Soft Selling in the Hard World 'Lior Arussy spins a cautionary tale for the transition companies m
Experience from the DARPA Urban Challenge
by Christopher Rouff and Mike HincheyExperience from the DARPA Urban Challenge provides details of the types of systems, software and processes that were used to develop the complex unmanned vehicles that participated in the DARPA Urban Challenge. The vehicle developers explain how autonomous vehicle software in this race was designed and implemented. The chapters range from system and software architecture, navigation, path planning, steering, perception, engineering autonomous systems, and testing and performance evaluation.This book is based on papers from entrants in the Urban Challenge. The content is broken into five parts:an introduction to the DARPA Urban Challenge;systems and software architectures;navigation;control and sensors; anddevelopment and test.Experience from the DARPA Urban Challenge provides graduate students in robotics and engineering professionals with an insight into multiple ways of approaching the development of autonomous vehicles.
Experience from the DARPA Urban Challenge
by Christopher Rouff Mike HincheyExperience from the DARPA Urban Challenge provides details of the types of systems, software and processes that were used to develop the complex unmanned vehicles that participated in the DARPA Urban Challenge. The vehicle developers explain how autonomous vehicle software in this race was designed and implemented. The chapters range from system and software architecture, navigation, path planning, steering, perception, engineering autonomous systems, and testing and performance evaluation. This book is based on papers from entrants in the Urban Challenge. The content is broken into five parts: an introduction to the DARPA Urban Challenge;systems and software architectures;navigation;control and sensors; anddevelopment and test.Experience from the DARPA Urban Challenge provides graduate students in robotics and engineering professionals with an insight into multiple ways of approaching the development of autonomous vehicles.
Experience of PYNQ: Tutorials for PYNQ-Z2 (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Songlin Sun Jiaqi Zou Zixuan Zou Shaokang WangThis book introduces PYNQ, a Python-based framework from Xilinx® that makes it easier for users to build electronic systems on Xilinx platforms. The book covers the architecture of PYNQ, the design tools and methods, software and hardware design approach, as well as rich experiment cases on communications, multimedia, and deep learning. This book serves as a useful guide for those getting starting with, or working with PYNQ and enables the learners to have a thorough understanding of the hardware/software co-design approaches in the area of the communication, multimedia, and other information system components.This book is organized based on the teaching materials of “hardware comprehensive experiments” which is an experimental course in BUPT, for both undergraduate and graduate students, and domestic and international students. This course has more than ten years of teaching experience and has taught hundreds of students.
Experience on Demand: What Virtual Reality Is, How It Works, and What It Can Do
by Jeremy BailensonAn in-depth look at virtual reality and how it can be harnessed to improve our everyday lives. Virtual reality is able to effectively blur the line between reality and illusion, pushing the limits of our imagination and granting us access to any experience imaginable. With well-crafted simulations, these experiences, which are so immersive that the brain believes they’re real, are already widely available with a VR headset and will only become more accessible and commonplace. But how does this new medium affect its users, and does it have a future beyond fantasy and escapism? In Experience on Demand, Jeremy Bailenson draws on two decades spent researching the psychological effects of VR and other mass media to help readers understand this powerful new tool. He offers expert guidelines for interacting with VR and describes the profound ways this technology can be put to use—not to distance ourselves from reality, but to enrich our lives and influence us to treat others, the environment, and even ourselves better. In the world of VR, a football quarterback plays a game against a competing team hundreds of times before even stepping onto the field; members of the United Nations embody a young girl in a refugee camp going through her day-to-day life; and veterans once again walk through the streets where they had experienced trauma. There are dangers and many unknowns in using VR, but it also can help us hone our performance, recover from trauma, improve our learning and communication abilities, and enhance our empathic and imaginative capacities. Like any new technology, its most incredible uses might be waiting just around the corner. Experience on Demand is the definitive look at the risks and potential of VR—a must-read for navigating both the virtual and the physical worlds ahead.
Experiences from Ground, Coastal and Transitional Water Quality Monitoring
by Antoni Munné Antoni Ginebreda Narcís PratThis book details theexperiences gained by the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) in a Mediterraneanwatershed - the Catalan River Basin District - following the launch of the EUWater Framework Directive (WFD) in the year 2000. Groundwater and coastal waterexperts present 13 chapters defining tools for water-status assessmentspecially adapted to Mediterranean conditions. The content of this and thecompanion volume Experiences from SurfaceWater Quality Monitoring: The EU Water Framework Directive Implementation inthe Catalan River Basin District (Part I) are the result of an excellentcollaboration between the ACA and several Catalan universities and researchcenters to cope with new challenges provided by the WFD monitoring requirements. The volume serves as a useful guide for environmental managers and scientistsengaged in other European as well as Non-European river basins.
Experiences on Use of State Estimator in Power System Operations (Power Electronics and Power Systems)
by Sarma Ndr Nuthalapati Veera Raju VinnakotaThis book brings together successful case studies on the practical use of state estimators at both the transmission and distribution system levels in the power industry. Contributions are written by an international group of utility industry experts who have designed and implemented state estimators for managing their grid operations in real-time, providing readers with a solid background in the theoretical and functional aspects of running, supporting, and maintaining the operation of state estimators on an ongoing basis. Experiences on Use of State Estimator in Power System Operations provides a comprehensive picture of state estimators in a practical setting and is a valuable hands-on reference for system operators and engineers who need to enhance their understanding of the use of state estimation in utility operations.
Experiencing and Envisioning Food: Designing for Change
by Ricardo BonachoExperiencing and Envisioning Food: Designing for Change contains papers on gastronomy, food design, sustainability, and social practices research as presented at the 3rd International Food Design and Food Studies Conference (EFOOD 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, 28-30 April 2022). The contributions explore potential solutions to current problems in the food system, and outline scenarios on the future of food and nutrition. The book aims at academics and professionals that interact with the food sector.
Experiencing Food: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Food Design and Food Studies (EFOOD 2019), 28-30 November 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
by Ricardo Bonacho Maria José Pires Elsa Cristina Carona de Sousa LamyExperiencing Food: Designing Sustainable and Social Practices contains papers on food, sustainability and social practices research, presented at the 2nd International Conference on Food Design and Food Studies, held November 28-30, 2019, at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. The conference and resulting papers reflect on interdisciplinarity as not limited to the design of objects or services, but seeking awareness towards new lifestyles and innovative approaches to food sustainability.